AuitsmCraft raiding

Lads, you can log in and look my masterpiece by yourselves. Spoiler: I burned everything.

Other urls found in this thread:

Me and my mates hit two just today, here are the links. These people are retarded - Reddit socialism server. Extremely faggy and easy to trigger. - Antifa server. Have some faggy vetting process, but they allow you to shitpost in one channel.

This ain'0t about raiding discord, but about raiding a minecraft serb.

So why did you post a screenshot of discord instead of a screenshot of this autismcraft server?

I gave the link for you peeps to see for yourselves

Is that their mineman serb? I wanna go nigger them.

How about no. Why are you so resistant to posting a screenshot? That just makes me even more suspicious of you. Somebody without bad intentions who was proud of what they did would post screenshots.

I support the idea, but third party means of protecting shit/unfucking shit kind of ruined it.

Minecraft was the purest essence of ravaged ass and autism. F.

Nigger, this is a pirate enabling server, you dumbass.

Oh, I'm sorry I don't know the ins and outs of autism craft. Please excuse me!

It's full vanilla, you can wreck people's shit if you want. Thing is, I already did.

Post screencaps nigger goddamn

A perfectly good thread was pushed off the catalog for this dumb shit.
Unironically kill yourself OP.

I remember a few years back, my friend and I would say we worked for Notch and wanted to see how good a server was for his visit. We were given mod status and that night we would fuck their shit up. I have found memories of that game all the way back to the alpha version

He's not going to, because he's from leftypol and is fishing for our IPs using this autismcraft thing as bait. He desperately wants us to connect to this server, that's why he won't post screenshots.

You fags need to take the stick out of your ass

this is Holla Forums trying to steal Holla Forums member's IP's using minecraft. its a trap, sage.

I wrecked the entire town and killed tons of commies. Several commies ragequit.


So what are they gonna do? Lol if a lefty knocks on my door he will die

Post a fucking screenshot then, you fucking kike shill. Why won't you? Oh, right, because you're Holla Forums.

Nigger do you even ZOG

The lefties wont come theyll just tell their (((friends))) (read the jidf read mossad)

Bullshit, user. A lefty would only break his pencil wrist knocking on your door. He'd probably die when you came out and shot him or something.

You guys are the source of the Herobrine legend, aren't you?

CIA/mossad slide thread. sage.

The admin logged on and took the serb down after seeing the damage. I'm not OP by the way you stupid faggot

fuck off Holla Forums


You're his leftycuck fuckbuddy, then, aren't you?
Fuck off kike nigger.

If you play meinkraft then you're just an autistic low life that should be thrown in a camp


fuck off shill


In the unlikely case that you're not a leftycuck, you're still an autistic degenerate who should be thrown in a camp like said.


Try again.

Leftypol confirmed. Fuck off jew loving faggot.

Try again.

How fucking convenient. How's Jamal's dick, libcuck?

How fucking stupid do you think we are?

Make another attempt.

Fuck off kike faggot.

Can't tell if legit Jew or just shillcuck


Is that your wife's boyfriend, leftycuck?


You're awfully butthurt, I think you need to calm down a little bit

Yep, you're an edgy antifa cuck.

You've just outed yourself, Holla Forums



pls connect to my server guys
i need ur ips

you can have mine for free

YPJ are allies of based Assad and Christians you fucking leftyshit

Literally not even true. Stop trying to justify your commie militia to me, Holla Forums.

Who's the fucking Jew here, uh?

lmao'ing at ur life

lmao'ing at your sages

whoa! cosmic! you totally griefed those newbies! top kick fellow caucasian!

bumplocked lmao


Oy vey, just look at the high quality threads a new thread would be killing. This is a shit thread that's proven to be cancer/a false flag datamining attempt, but get a better argument against new threads being made.

A thread better than this one died for this.

Kek, haven't heard that word in years. I remember when that started and everyone was trying to find him