French state being subverted by the FN

So it turns out that the French military and police are turning over massively to supporting the FN.

Do you think this could be a game changer?

Over 50% of the army and police now intend to back Marine Le Pen and the FN at the election, with that number only expected to grow.

I'am surprised its not above 70%

French are weird in that they will kill and overthrow goverments for political ties. This 50% figure is more promising then you would think

It's not more than 50% because :
1. The HQ are almost completely pozzed
2. Diversity yeah ! pic related, Valentine's day comm from the Army's official FB account.
FN scores among your white local police officers and prison guards. But you won't find a Mad Dog Mattis in the Etat-Major.

So can we just coup the country if she loses the election?

If she loses, we will have our civil war.
But not the way you said it. There won't be a coup, because the Army won't move by itself (the FN only scores among the non-officers).
There won't be a revolution, because the French are cucked to the point of no return.
The civil war will be the consequence of a major crisis. Be it economic (the next bubble burst) or politico-social (balkanisation of the country), it will oppose the whites (Français de souche) to the nègres, the arabs (bougnoules) and the leftists. And perhaps external "allies" to either side.

IMO if Macron is elected, France will follow the path of Yugoslavia. If it's Fillon, well, we will keep the status quo.

Bumpin this all day long

That's 50% knowing that the FN expressly tell people to NOT tell who they vote when polled…
(that way they always score higher than what was poll).

So 70% is probably a correct ballpark estimate.

And the french military is a family business, a shitload of officers have been officers forever (as in they descend from actual crusaders. Napoleonic nobility being basically the newest type of military officers families), but it's true for regular soldiers too.
Including a lot of niggers and Arabs in the french military (and police) that are actually descendent of soldiers/cops for several generations too, countless even in the case of islands niggers, including all the educated Arabs that had to fled Algeria after the war because of the massacres perpetrated by alliance of Islamists and leftists…

The problem is the officers will NEVER go against political orders, military coups aren't a thing in France (despite coup being a french term for a reason, pure military coups are unheard of. There was a couple but they all ended badly for the military).
Basically the loyalty to the king mutated in loyalty to the State, it's the worst thing any officer can commit and shame to his ancestors. Even if the politicians are retarded it's their duty to serve them to the best of their abilities as did their ancestors for hundreds of years. In case of coup the army is a faction that will support or oppose, but not initiate it.
That's the actual reason it's nicknamed "the great mute". The army has no voice in how the country is managed.

Works both ways, if Le Pen is elected they will comply to whatever she ask…

Foreign Legion is badass to this day

It's never going to click for most of you that the military is a major part of the problem, is it?

Enlighten us

how can france balkanize
where are the sandnigs is such numbers that they can realisticly secede
maybe marseille as a coastal pirate town for a couple of years but for the rest it is all urban sandnig ghettos surround and supplied but real rural france, shit starts to get real and what are all the ghetto monkies going to do when the taxpayer no longer pays for their appartments heating

The current state does not exist and does not flourish without the explicit approval and support of the military. They have overseen and accommodated our near-total destruction.

Sure, the military is a glorified mercenary caste, loyal to those who prop up their lifestyles, families and status. They are ultimately who run the territory in case of SHTF, and in this case, they see a threat on the horizon with the EU reducing them to mere peons and DMV-tier state employees to be shuffled around and abused.

They will be loyal to their own people once more, since they know they would not betray their livelihood and status like the EU inevitably will.

The fact that they've sat back and watched society get pozzed is another question entirely, and it's more about cultural authority and leverage.

Their own people being shitskins and race mixers.
Is not forgivable and will be remembered.

Does Front National intentionally have the same acronym as Fabrique Nationale?

Hmm, sounds like the military could be useful in initial stages of Reconquista, but would ultimately need to be purged Night of the Long Knives style.

Considering one is Belgian and the other French, probably not.

Belgium is just a degenerate confusion between France and Germany.

Belgium is french clay, taken out to make a buffer zone after the Napoleonic wars.
French/German real frontier is the Rhine (obviously), all changes have been made by (((UK))) meddling.

FN was actually french owned until it was nationalized by Wallonia (one of the Belgium federate state) in the end of the 90's.

It can turrn either way. But yeah so far they are traitors selling their soul for comfy lifestyle and what not

Fucking chest pounding yourself screaming patriot.
Bitch please. You are a part of the problem not the solution. Say hi to nato

Not familiar with France at all but a rough estimate is if your army is nato they are faggots. Maybe 10% are real patriots


Spoiler that shit you fag.

I think it's all about just how Trump handled it, straight up buy off the entire Military, being a strong leader and getting the ideological loyalty of the normal troops at the same time.


the real figure is probably 80%, 50% is the polls