why has no one watched this show?
it has all the trademarks of being a Holla Forums flavor of the month obsession
even has good, popular voice actresses.
Lego elves
You're thinking about half/co/ plus we already did talk about it, ya filthy refugee.
also, you talked about it when? and what came of it?
but they are cute elves?
is it bad that my favorite characters is the DFC?
but then the show would be shit
the brand.
There is no such thing as a cute elf. There is Killable elves, and Rapable elves.
well, they are definitely rapeable
there is only one hebe, though. all the other girls are likeā¦ legal, i guess? the main girl is 16-18, and the elves are like super old i think, but despite that they still look 18+
Shit Taste.
you could have just said it.
user, are you gay? Are you a degenerate looking for a man to Hold hands in public with at a strip mall in Utah so as to piss off Mormon mothers?
elves are for raping, right in their little (boi)pussies
not wanting to crush elf puss is ultra gay
>Of Elvendale
I am a human from humansville with my traveling companion gnoll from gnollistan. Hello.
This shit again?
Human comes from humus and man.
Humus means soil.
Earth means soil.
Where's the Lego?
yes, the girls are just too cute!!!!
especially the hebe, she is my favorite :^)
Why not both? Nothing stopping you from doing both options. You could even do both options simultaneously, might be tricky though.
In the toy aisle. Does an animated adaption of a LEGO theme even need the bricks to appear when they are just being used to construct the set pieces of toys? Can there be a story without them, how often are the Ninjago/Chima/Nexo Knights shows even constructing stuff with the actual bricks?
Well this thread is marked for death.
every thread on this dead board is marked for death.
besides, its not like anyone who posts any thread about any show with 'underage' characters in it isn't doing the same shit.
have you fucking seen star vs. threads?
Why would I, im not a faggot that failed second grade grammar.
star vs. is a good show, but threads are just filled with people waifuing 14 year olds and jerking off to loli/shota porn.
Of course a shitposter like you would know the inner workings of that thread.
Of course this is a troll thread.
im a shitposter because i watch a show you dont like now?
no, not really, this cartoon gets no discussion, and its cute and well animated enough.
and the hebe is my favorite
are you going to call me Holla Forums next?
also i dont like this