California Happening - Chimpout Imminent


White Police man chases down nigger and beats his ass in glorious HD video. Is it the right temperature yet for chimpouts? We will see very soon.

How can you help? Spread this around! Upload to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc #BlueLivesMatter

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its gonna be in the 80s here in socal.

Get outta there lad.

That cop looks like he listens to synthwave before he goes nigger knocking.

that black man didn't even do anything.

nice joke


synthwave truly is the theme to slaughtering niggers


nice sleeve tat officer. i bet you think you look intimidating as fuck.

Finna muh nigga he just gon get sum skittles n drank smh fam


What admirable restraint.


that cop looks like a fucking thug. even the cops in CA are junkie thug looking motherfuckers. topwew. he also brandished his pistol fucking sideways. hilarious

hes probably a rookie

Why did you post a 4chan video here?

sage for traitor OP

Seriously the first thing I thought was "this guy doesn't look like a cop". He looks like he came out of a rave from the 90's.

well when your IQ is literally only a few points away from Koko, these things don't occur to you.

Fucking kike linking to youtube. You have to go back.

Fuck sake even the nigger-bashing white cops are fucking degenerates in Commiefornia

Nah, man. I love living in a bean can alongside niggers, gooks, arabs, and endless waves of cucks while being unprotected by restrictive gun and self-defense laws.

true, but at least they are beating niggers

I hope we get a good chimp out, it's been forever since we've had a good happening.

Someone needs to edit moonman rolling up in that squad car.

his draw was really professional as well. took him like 5 seconds to draw his pistol and then hes brandishing it sideways, also the random fat cop, kek. not surprising that the niggers and spics run the streets over there when thats level the PD is at.

Stop resisting then you stupid fucking nigger.

Sounds like the fucking monkey house at the zoo.



He starts fighting the cop and expects… what exactly?

Why are niggers so retarded?

That's the sound a sheboon makes when she feels threatened.

we need to spread this shit to all the BLM niggers to get the chimpout we deserve.
what the fuck

Bring back the rampart era. Make Cali Great Again!

Holy fuck that ID

How do we help this escalate? I'd rather just have the conflict over and done with.

I tweeted the video with the blacklivesmatter, we need to get this out there to get them to explode and destroy california

Tag in all of their top leaders and activists. I want those coons marching on those streets and burning their homes to the ground by nightfall.

And then please, please please niggers. Decide to attack white suburbs.



my twatter's pretty small, everyone who has an account here needs to help spread this shit like wildfire

An interesting angle of attack, user. So instead of waiting for them to chimpout on their own, we force as many chimpouts as possible. Mainly in blue states, of course.

Like the hundreds of other dindus who did actually do sumtin?

sometimes all it takes for a fire to rise is a slight breeze

The fire isn't gonna start itself.

nigger you don't belong here

Who's ready to get /comfy/?
Currently 12:45 pm here is the golden state, we won't see chimpouts until it gets dark.

Grabbing the first beer now in Europe. Let's see if we'll have riots before I'm sleeping.

I feel bad, I'm a Californian who lives in the LA area, but I'm in Europe for work right now. I did leave the raifu ready for the waifu incase shit like this happened while I am gone. Hope she doesn't need to get it to put down some negros.

Realistically it will probably take a week for things to percolate. Niggers are slow to rise, many are still probably waking up. I'm sure by the end of the week once all the community orgs have their pieces in play, they'll riot later in the week. It'll especially help if the police dept. announces no disciplinary action for their officer.

I really want to see the Koreans on top of their liquor stores defending their property against the Dindus. Hope they have more than pistols this time around.



There's no telling how long it will take for this to erupt, or if it even will. Most of the BLM shit was pushed along by Obama's race-baiting administration, with Trump who knows what will happen.


He's obviously fucked up on drugs or insane, so this might not cause a chimpout if the other chimps deem "dat nigga crazy". If they don't, however, then expect the most chimping since St. Michael Brown.

Galatians 6:7

This nigger is obviously on drugs and it wouldn't surprise me if the officer was too.

I hope this becomes a thing.

That gentleman of african american decent appeared to be in full compliance with the law enforcement officers requests.,


WTF? I hate white people nao.


Cracka u iz the 1 whose crazy nawwhaamfuhsayin

The two niggers who lived in my old neighborhood tried to protest or whatever for Trayvon and ended up being told to get the fuck out and they basically responded with "y-yes massa"

I'm a little worried about the draw actually, I work in law enforcement, there needs to be a credible threat to the safety of the officer's well-being to draw a firearm, hopefully his report can justify it.

looks like vallejo
h ttp://

Come now, user. There are people who are paid to see that doesn't happen. I got to believe most sane niggers feel that way about BLM to begin with. If this gets any press at all, BLM will jump on it.


spreading this and having another riot about muh innocent trayvon is the worst thing that can happen for us

but why, I hear you ask? because having it happen and be touted as another motivated moral outrage by the MSM will further move the en to the left, making leftist violence even more okay than it already is, and making anyone who opposes it even more of a literally hitler

Muhfugger, that cop ain't white. I bet his name is Lopez or Abdul, but he sure as hell is not a white man.


Serious question, why are whites(in perticular Americans) so tolerant of this deeply destructive/ choatic force in their homelands?
As a contrasting view, during the ebola crisis, a team of european medics went to africa somewhere & were killed and dumped into shit tanks. The races are just so incompatible.

Hitler dubs wasted on concern fagging muh PR post.

yelling "i am god" over and over. pcp friendo is a hell of a drug.

delet this
t. vk clark

it's like you don't even want the fire to rise

chimpouts move the O window right. gas yourself


yes, we can see a good example of this in how universities have cast out SJWs once their insanity became evident

oh wait..

its fine, we do it for free anyways.

what's the big deal here?

Cop barely hit the guy, the guy looks alright, nobody got shot or tasered or anything

or is that the joke?



Of course if he does get fired or fined, it will be his fault for living in commiefornia anyway


He didn't point it at anyone sideways, you retards have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. He kept it pointing at the ground.

the reaction to the SJWs helped keep Hillary out of the whitehouse

Thats 2 reboot memes in 1 week, I think its becoming a thing.I had a Holla Forums reboot meme from years ago, but I cant think what I saved it under. Apparently not reboot.
I miss the 90s, I didnt spend absolutely every minute of every day hating things back then.


Seriously, why do they run.
Why do they flail like that.
Why do they scream "I dindu nuffin"
Why do they fight back.

Why do they act shocked when they get their asses kicked for acting like criminals and morons?

at least obama's not president anymore, so he won't be in the press condemning this once the MSM edits it down to a muted 5 second clip of a white man casually beating a black man while another cops helps restrain him

agreed, but that'd quite different than here
this is literally a couple of faggots going
yes, watching another riot of niggers burning their own neighborhoods is fun, but it will do nothing but help the left in the end




For anyone interested,
38°8'42.13"N 122°14'6.49"W

These dank dubs will make it happen

Ok retard

Just to throw this out there, the more chimpouts occur over this spring/summer, and the more wide spread, the better. The more white people see these monkeys for what they are, and see that they will behave like this EVERYWHERE in this nation, again the better.

I doubt this one will get all that much traction though because all the hits were pussy as fuck, no nogs died, and by now that cop is already on "administrative leave" while his actions are reviewed. So its unlikely this will cause much fuss.

However, this is as good a time as any to remind all you meme warriors and shitpost aficionados that you need to be gathering and saving any and every story or video you can find of police or courts unfairly treating whites (preferably with them being as innocent looking as possible, but take what you can get). To once more remind everyone and piss every white person off about the contrast between whites response and niggers response to such things in the coming months, as well as the media bias in reporting one but not the other

I know I know, we've been doing this for years. But our memes and info dumps need to be updated for more recent events. People have seen the old ones, they wont have as strong an impact the older they are. Thus, we need fresher examples to show everyone this problem is still going on. Also remind them of the nogs that kidnapped that white guy and beat him and berated him, and how while the media covered it they completely downplayed the crime of the attackers and then immediately let it go after like 2 days, unlike martin or gray or brown which we heard about for MONTHS on end and cities were set on fire over, white people who werent even related to it in any way were attacked and beaten by nogs who didnt even know the dead nogs. And so on and so on.

Also make sure to capture ample footage of the nogs chimpouts from live streams and chopper cams to show how disproportionate they act in relation to the event that started it. Shit like them setting things on fire, smashing stores and looting them, and so on.

We're going to need to ramp up our game now that we have DC. We need white people everywhere waking up and realizing that we CANNOT live side by side with these things anymore, they arent even human, and are just using any excuse they can to attack us. Until at the very least we get a massive police crackdown on these fucks and tens of thousands locked away immediately, or preferably people calling for some sort of "back to africa" plan to send all these fucks on.

GOOD! Let these negroes riot! I hope their rampage spills into the white suburbs, may they hopefully kill many white people! WAKE THEM FROM THEIR SLUMBER! I am armed, their chimping will not effect me! PRAISE KEK, PRAY FOR MASS RAPE IN THE SUBURBS!


Where in socal did this happen? Depending on the area something like this can start some serious shit.

Why is this allowed?


Hey moly good 2 see you here, so…is it any argument?….



Trips of niggers burning down their own neighborhoods, again being checked

What is this country coming too? Well, at least they're still cracking down on niggers I suppose.

Trips of truth baby!!!


why even try anymore? who actually is paying you?

Allcal is a leftist shithole tbh, no matter nor or so.

Do you feel in charge?

Seriously, them fuckers up there are not the same sort that infest socal user.



the entire eastern portion of this state is conservative with pockets in the major cities. Our (((representatives))) want to import more spics to increase the democrat voting bloc.

If a calexit were to actually happen one of the first things to probably happen would be a civil war.

I don't fucking understand it. I have zero empathy for non whites yet I see Canadian cucks happy that Toronto is under 50% White because diversity is our strength.

Some fucking cuck on rCanada said he was happy being the only White guy on the bus.

Maybe because natural selection doesn't occur anymore? The weak thrive instead of dying.

once the pcp takes hold violence is the only solution.

you californians are going to be laying pipe in china if you keep lowering the bar.

I know, its bad

Kill yourself faggot. You are too weak for this world.

lol this city

i've seen plenty of cucks vlog them selfs going to yosemite and such, theres no escape for u burgers.

It seems to be a mental illness particular to whites tbh.

Non-whites can experience things like low self-esteem and self-hatred, but they don't value other races over their own. They still have self-preservation instincts.


Guess I'll just post this here.

Nigger made a gofundme to pay for Lemieux's hospital bill and of course said "imma make u mah bitch". Look how that turned out. He had no respect for Lemieux's power and paid the price.





It seems to be a combo of leftist virtue signaling/self loathing. Unfortunately in this modern era where one man one vote, the weak(mentally & physically) out number the strong, and so we have chaotic destructive policies being voted in to common law, shaping the world as we know it.

Did the nigger dead?

Was it that gay as fuck video about them faggots on their brand new dirt bikes, going camping with brand new gear and drinking gin and tonic by a campfire in a fireplace?

au fucking contraire, eventually they'll attack the wrong person on camera and white people will have someone to stand behind.

that's not how an imageboard works, go ask your supervisor

no one wants to be a cop there

tfw stupid user doesn't see the sarcasm

Reminder to save this video before it gets taken down, in case this does lead to a chimpout

Have you not been here long enough to know about white altruism? It's what helped us survive the cold winters of Europe. It's a trait that works fine and dandy when you're surrounded be people that also have the same trait, but once you introduce those that do not have it, shit goes downhill very quickly.

Sweden is a prime example. Some of the harshest cold weather climates in Europe, and they had it pretty good before the migrants. I personally didn't like it, but the Swedes were happy, all had decent income, etc. But they had white altruism the worst, and are now suffering for it.

In a way, it's natural selection. People like us have evolved to refine white altruism, so that it's focused only on those like us, whereas cucks have the primitive version of the trait that does not differentiate between different groups of people, since there weren't different groups of people interacting on this scale when the trait developed.

Well his career is over but no not dead unfortunately.

You forgot the international symbol used to indicate sarcasm. ;^)

Holy shit I read the liberal version of this a few days ago without seeing the video and they were saying he dindu nuffin. First bee runs from the cop, then resists arrest.

Cop should have just killed him and all the chimps getting hostile.

Kek certainly has a sense of humor

Niggers always yapping their baboon lips. Niggers always writing checks that cant be cashed, both figuratively and literally.

No, he looks more like he listens to a best of female vocal trance to motivate himself to protect fair maidens from the negro beast. I bet he was singing just like this video, high-pitched and all, arms with those tattoo sleeves waving around, his fohawk head bobbing.

Yes he does

Virtue Signaling
They don't truly live that life, only show off & pretend to do so.


KEK, another nog gets arrested at the end

Is this really the best you can do, CREW?

Maybe nobody has tried to program anyone else to think that way. I'll bet you could do it.

I'm aware of european altruisim, I was only trying to start a conversation and expand the point further, particularily with newer members to futher prolificate the understanding of psychological phenomenon like this.
dont care if there spelling mistakes, its sunday nite and im irish


we are already prisoners in this Jewish concentration camp of hedonism, manual labor would only make it official

Are niggers genetically incapable of EVER complying with the police and simply shutting the fuck up?



Meant that fot


Of course. Them faggots were just trying to overcompensate and show everyone you can be a faggot lefty and still be a "man".

That narrator in the video set the tone perfectly

we wuz sovereign and sheeit

What was he hoping to achieve?

So, are they chimping or what?

idk but that cop was pretty fucking badass. He grabs the window with his bare hands and rips the window out. I wish more cops were like this.


Some of them are better. They shoot niggers

It's because if he said anything else his post wouldn't exist. He's definitely outnumbered 10 to 1 but you never hear the others.

It's fairly easy to rip out a window if it's partially pulled down. But if the window is rolled up then it takes a hard sharp edge or a badass it knock it out.

Weak men create hard times, hard times create weak men. But in nature its always hard times, so accordingly, man is natural strong & in lower population. What we have today in The West, is weak men in over-populated quantities. I believe the a soft form eugenics is necessary for the continuation of the advanced human race.

*hard times create strong men

I just like how effortlessly and suddenly he just ripped out his window and pulled the nigger out the car.

We wuz Rodney KANGZ


Well, more like upper 60s to lower 70s if you live anywhere near the coast but I reckon thats going to change as we move further into the dry season. Wont belong before the Santa Ana winds start rolling in again. Luckily the drought is over and we had an unusually wet winter to compensate. Now we just need to survive "The Big One" and the ARKStorm and California is gonna make it bruh

It's not the life I choose but the life I was born into and molded by.


top fucking kek


You can't even see that guy's left hand hit him shit.

Needs audio. I can't tell if its real unless I hear the cameraman yelling in eboonics while the ape howls.

did you try clicking the youtube link? dont know fam maybe if you do that you will have sound

No matter how many times I watch that clip, the moment when the taser hits that retard and puts him in his place is always incredibly satisfying

There we go.

You're bullshitting. Everyone knows cucktube doesn't host mp4s with sound.

I kind of wish it didn't have sound now. But it explains why he brandished his firearm. Niggers are annoying. I thought I was in the jungle for a minute.


We wouldn't get as far as we did without it

It's really a combination of genetics and culture. Kikes have been feeding niggers a ton of nonsense througout the years about how white cops are going to kill them. They've taken this and ran with it so now it's part of dey cultya

Just brutal.


I think I'm hearing the niggers screaming "Kill them!" and "Burn them!" After the point the other cops show up. But, I can barely fucking understand them and have shit headphones, can anyone else confirm?

how many of us are out there?


oh shit nigga thats great.

trust me, we are winning

Nice touch, user

www.cbsnews .com/news/violent-police-encounter-in-vallejo-california-caught-on-tape/

latimes .com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-whittier-police-shooting-20170220-story.html

“We need to wake up. Enough is enough,” he said.

what did he mean Holla Forums? Is he the ultimate kang?


I wonder if this ever worked in this niggers past?

Next they'll claim he had his hands behind his head and was on his knees.

"get burners on yo ass"
"put burners on yo ass"
-we will shoot you later

"look at him (in a fucking unintelligible 'luuuuoook at heeeiiim')" and "get him"???

Thanks user. Between this and Micheal Brown coming back into the spot light over some shit in the Ferguson thread we might actually have a chimp out or two.

Thanks Soros!

who cares?
the only thing to do in North California is grow pot or put money in a shitty overvalued tech startup

Kek one of the niggers is asking to be shot.

I can't wait for the big earthquake, fam. LA or SF will be destroyed, and California's fate will finally be brought to light

Some people here will deride this video for being too pro-cop, or for painting some niggers in a sympathetic light. I understand these objections, but I ask you to try showing this video to normalfags you know. Trust me, it resonated with them.


top jej

No, no. Watch him.

He went for the gun before the baton.

So, he considered it then thought better of it. Yeah, admirable restraint and then some.

This is fake as fuck, Hollywood bullshit for Soros. 3/11 apparently go code for American Spring 2017

I believe he went for the gun because the chimps had started to surround him, then they backed off when they saw him reach for the gun.

Fuck off.

I was checking gang maps in California and who had beef with whom and I wonder if we could foment beaner on nigger violence during this type chaos.
A few fake twitter posts explaining something like:
"White popo gonna beat a nigga that fine I nuffin?! Maayne fuck dat shit. The G26mafia going ta use this bullshit to take out while cliques of fuggin kcrabs! Bes believe when the 5- 0 is busy and the fires are going my crew gonna hit every one of the Lil Nuk Nuks annnd the 15st prankstas! Consider dis a threat you punk ass bitches."

Now dropping actual names of fangs with known beef with others WILL get back to them and they will being scum become violent and they will all kill each other in a giant chimpout.

I'm kidding of course this is merely a fantasy. I honestly wish for peace.

Fuck you, this is a pretty fucking ridiculous video. If you want to let some Califags take you on Soros's ride have fun

The Ferguson video has nothing to do with this.

good for normalfaggits

Yeah, just happens to be released when spring starts (spring forward) along with this. Enjoy the managed riots

Fuck off moron.


It's the behavior of the cop that is not believable you fucktard.

The way the cop is easily mounting the nig and how gently and gingerly he's tapping him with the flashlight screams fake.

You're using nog dialects from like 1990-2000. Here's a little update that could work better.

Fuck off moron.

I don't take no crap - unless I'm wearing my diaper nigga, den I might jus be ridin dirty.
- - lil BooBoo

Niggers are pushovers, and this one was either high or crazy. Have you never seen Cops? Police do this sort of shit with niggers all the time.

I should "gently" elbow you in the face and "gingerly" knock you with a flash light and see how you fair

I'm not going to continue in this thread (yeah, bye) but just watch, a new round of Soros protest shit is being seeded. If you want to think it's organic, then believe what you want.

That's not all that the cop did you shit

garbage quality shilling you should be ashamed at how bad you are at your job


The cop beating the nigger is probably a beaner, though the nose looks more arab. He's definitely not white.

That's a standard LE technique when a suspect is resisting arrest.

you speak nigger well, user

Niggers on twitter also like to make multiple successive tweets one after the other, so you could follow up with it several times with shit like:

You are right my niggerese is not so great.

someone please do this.

I don't know if I should take this as a compliment or not, haha but I've had the misfortune of dealing with these most unsavory characters for a long time. I've pretty much cracked their language and slang.

I get just a bit hard every time.

Nah, nothing wrong with it. if anything it gives you a much greater capacity to shill to niggers.

I hope people dont contact local fangs and their rivals with threats of violence during any chimpout.
I mean if you were a nigger or spic gangbanger wouldn't a citywide riot be the perfect time to clear out your rivals? Police would be busy. I mean a few threats here and there would be enough to make these impulsive fools go crazy.

Maybe we will get lucky and the sun will remove themselves.

they update it every few years
gotta reformat

Nigger 3.0, Nigger 98, Nigger millenium edition, Nigger Vista, Nigger Botnet 10

Scum* not sun

Those cops did nothing cops don't do every day. Everything in that video was standard cop behavior, other than being tattooed (I hope).

You're just paranoid schizo who thinks that nothing happens, that everything is orchestrated by jews. Fuck off.

this implies that there are good versions of niggers

Get out.


Completing missing Negro 7, dude.


I want to see the lead-up, because the first 5 seconds look like a great spot to put into a police-reform commercial.

what's wrong with it

compartmentalize your others.



working for (YOU)


end of line


I was grateful for the sound until I heard the jungle screeching.

What did the perp do? Because, without context, this really does appear to be excessive force in places. I'm not exactly broken up about it, but it's not going to go well for the cops.


A nigger had been acting strangely, ran out into the road and sat down. A cop tried to take him into custody, because he was obviously fucked up and engaging in illegal activity, and the nigger responded by struggling while shouting that he was god.

No context needed for the treatment presented.




If dindus uploaded video of them killing eachother to WSHH they would have 24/7 programming.

The cops got called because the nigger was acting crazy (by nigger standards). The cops roughed him up because he resisted.

Completely standard. Shit like this happens in American cities every day. The only unusual thing about this whole event is that one of the niggers thought to video it and upload it.


fuck off


One reason for some is the looser moral standards. Ie: if you live in a nigger neighborhood then they won't give you dirty looks for wearing tats and sweatpants while nursing a hangover. If you live in a multicultural neighborhood without many widely held standards, it's easier to comfortably "fall through the cracks". If you have casual sex with a person from a different ethnic group it's harder to envision them as your sibling or parent, and so there is less of a feeling that you are breaking a sexual norm.

If you want to see an example of people using diversity as a positive measure for comparison, look to the citydata forums. Its one of the best places I've found, along with the halfchan archives, for on-the-ground accounts of places in the US, and whenever there is a comparison of cities, "diversity" is usually one of the criteria compared, with people talking about the ethnic groups in each place, taking for granted that more is better.

They really need to teach small joint manipulation to LAPD.


Imagine a country of cucks so cancerous that they want their country to be flooded with shitskins and niggers. Would you want to hang out with them?


What did he do? Pay his rent?

"I'm going to get a job"

I was referring to the bits where they have him down and the original cop keeps tuning his nightstick on the perp's noggin. If you don't think the lugenpresse is going to have a field day with that, you haven't been paying attention.




They do, but most LE only use it when making the arrest on someone who's resisting. It's difficult with only one LE and a gang of nogs around him.

I have confidence nature is in the process, right now, of weeding out that weakness. (((They))) have been trying to play God for a long time now, and by doing this they have disturbed that natural order of things. Nature always wins on a long enough timeline.

let the lugenpresse have a field day with it. Nothing they do can do anything but backfire in the year of the Fire Cock

To be fair, at least some niggers get this idea. Turns out that there's even a nigger's nigger, which is a nigger too dumb to get basic niggerology.


Now read it backwards

Fair enough. I just IA doesn't rape him.

And by that I mean Internal Affairs, not Internet Aristocrat.

That was some DBZ/Fist of the North Star level speed there. First few times I just took it as the coon had a delayed reaction to the brutal right lander on his face.

I think it's due to self-hatred, and leftists who think that constantly telling themselves that they're worthless is somehow "progress." I wouldn't be surprised if there is a heavy dose of CIA psyops and entrainment thrown in the mix as well. At this point, nothing's really out of the question if only 1% of Vault 7 has been released.

Honestly, though, I've known people from Toronto for about 2 decades, and they all shill the same shit. Every last one of them. Even right-leaning or self-proclaimed "center-right-wingers" push the diversity narrative, environmental "justice", and tons of other Jew buzzwords.

That being said, 4 of them are crypto-kikes.
1 married a black woman, creating a mentally ill (neurotic) nigglet. His psychotic wife likes to judge the worth of her kid based on how many "diverse" friends he has.
1 woman married a kike, but never changed her last name, despite participating in the most Jew-infested events you can think of. She will never be accepted as a Jew, no matter how much money she funnels to Planned Parenthood.
1 dude is a shut-in with Asperger's. Anons joke about autism, but this guy has done nothing productive, unless he's running some underground bed of internet-based degeneracy under a fake name.
His brother sold his soul to mainstream media, yet fails to truly fit in because of a lack of a Jewish surname.

I've been on a mission for the past decade to finally put a name to this bullshit, but it always circles back to Jews, being heavily influenced by Jews, or being part-Jewish by DNA. The best I've seen so far was the old JSOC thread about how the CIA would get people into a "dissociative state" starting at childhood - via abuse. Maybe it's genetic. Maybe something happened to Brits, Frenchies, which bled over to Canada. I don't really know, but the pattern is getting disturbing.

I love this clip. You can tell the guy spent about 5 nights in a row watching every single "Am I being detained?" sovereign citizen video on youtube while completely failing to understand which circumstances you're allowed to pull that shit. It's like watching a five-year-old who loves Superman cartoons put on a cape and try to run through a wall.

These are also people who currently live in the US, specifically Commifornia.


WTF user



Fuckin niggers

Niggers are completely unaware that they bring that upon themselves from their jaboonery.

You can tell that cop has had more than enough of niggers being niggers. No fucks given by officer window smasher.



For those of us in Cali (LA here) we will be on the true front lines. I just hope the rest of you get here before we have all the fun.

The thing is that they are not driving, they are traveling. They think traveling is the same as your 'freedom to travel' as on of your god given rights. That is the government can't force you, without due process of the law, to spend your life on a single plot of land like a medieval serf.

Picked up some decent gear specifically for SHTF scenarios. Commies always end up causing problems.

Am I missing something? Does the perp just… nonchalantly sit on the sidewalk while being chased?

So is anything actually happening yet? I don't want to get my hopes up for nothing.

Yep it's rather fun gearing up for the inevitable.

Niggers just aren't human.

no, this is just a nigger thread, not a happening thread. Sensationalist OP is a fag, this sort of thing happens all the time. It's why cops are called chimp wranglers

They really need to be exterminated from the earth.

2 World Wars. A guilt that must be partially projected outward onto all European peoples, and onto oneself.

In my youth I may or may have not broken many windows and windshields using small pieces of broken ceramic from old spark-plugs.

Ideally, but instead our resources are spent on maintaining them at all costs, including the loss of our civilization.




California will go the way of the Balkans sooner or later

Keep trying cianigger

Am i the only one who thouht about forking big dogles when I saw hexidecimal?

I still dont understand how white people dont see how niggers literally ruin everything they touch. The things these traitor good goyim say niggers improve is just them forcing themselves to believe it. Niggers ruined music, sports, politics, cities, earth, existence, etc…

oh my bad.. /s

Because most white people only interact with niggers that have jobs.

On top of your initial idiocy, you're blaming niggers when you're not blaming the jews who brought them here, gave them special privileges, gibs and rights, then prevented us from training the most retarded ones to not shit on the rug.


Tfw when you have all the seasons on record. It's time to watch some reboot.

I hereby cordially invite you to come to CA and say that to the cops here. See what happens.

When do the riots start? I'm /comfy/ and ready for nigger based entertainment. Here's some /comfy/ OC in hopes that we see chimpouts soon.

This pic reminds me of when I worked at a photo lab. Beaners who were mostly busboys and waiters making no more that $8/hr. would develop rolls of film filled with pics of them holding fans of cash (basically they had their paychecks cashed in all $1's) in front of a new stereo or tv. Rest of the apt would be empty. Just the electronics and a cash strewn floor with a shirtless manlet pretending $100 was a windfall. Then they'd mail the pics back to whatever central american shithole they came from to show their familia how successful they were in the US. Maybe they'd wire them $50 while they were there. All of them did this. No exceptions.


remove the viruses and marry your vr waifu is what I took away as the theme of Reboot.

She always looked like a man to me.

I never said kikes weren't the core reason behind the spread of niggerdom. You just assumed that because you're a faggot nigger yourself who doesn't want to accept your subhuman race is worthless on every level.

is this you?


Because they shamed the self-preservation out of us. On some fundamental level, I think people DO know that niggers are inferior in every single way, but the "don't be a racist" conditioning really fucked us over.
I miss my grandparents who would reach over and lock the car doors every time they saw a nigger, which wasn't often, because back then niggers stayed in their place.

Is there a happening currently or just the possibility of such?

Any streams?



One is the tool, one is the wielder. Everyone knows this of course, but no reason why you can't hate both. Niggers are probably going to outlast the Jews anyways.


You dont even belong on this continent Jamarcus

Go back to the mudduh land Jamarcus


What did you honestly expect from a nigger weeb?


Check em all Jaboon

Even your waifu think you niggers are disgusting

The way he cries out is like when Charlie Brown misses the football.

But user, we cant protect ourselves from niggers, only the kikes and thats it.

How many times did you fail your "Intro to Shilling" class?

Not an argument.
What the fuck are you doing?

I don't know, how many times did you fail "inflammatory shitposting class"?

tbh you just look like faggot.


speak English you retarded chink faggot

Back to freech, faggot.

You dont belong here Jamarcus

/cuckchan/ is where you and your dirty genetics belong


Or he just liked tats. Stop projecting

This is what nigger weebs actually act like. The low T forces them to watch little girls in Mongolian cave etching plays instead of just raping them like their bruduhs


But niggers being stupid is the fault of kikes, not genetics



Is this some sort of new shill tatic to get people to hate anime posters? it seems lately there is a lot of retarded smug posters derailing threads for no reason.
If you see a kike posting retarded shit about "muh dindus did nothing wrong we should only hate kikes" just report him and move on.

sage for off topic


You are a certifiable moron. You don't fucking belong here.



Mouse is a cute

I would say thread derailed but there wasn't much going on here in the first place.

KYS L'Shawn

Nigger weebs are literally the most pathetic of niggers.

Back to Freech, faggot.

Nice Hitler dubs in the ID though. Kek has a sense of humor.

No, I hate faggots, niggers and nigger weebs. If youre gonna watch animu, watch some shit with balls. Youre just a low T nigger who watch little girl pedo art stories.

I live in northern LA County in the desert, and I'd be fine with everything south of Acton burning. The roof Koreans and their children have probably been waiting for another chance to shoot nogs anyways.

Are we or are we not spamming social media with this shit? Do we or do we want chimpouts? Lets get back on the rails


Thanks for proving my point.


Use freech "memes," get freech prizes, retard.
Back to Freech, faggot.

All the shit your nigger ass watches probably is

You'll never get that 10bux back

yeah, but he was refusing arrest anyway.


Ultimately, the term "driving" is a false premise in this context. He was operating a Class C vehicle on public roads within the boundaries of the United States. There are unambiguous laws that state you need a class c or equivalent license to operate a vehicle on public roads, even if you're not a US citizen. "Travelling: is different, and can mean walking down the street - in which case, he woudln't need a license to do so.

No one likes your kind. Even God took a giant shit on you Jamarcus.

You know we have IDs here, right?

We should trend #nuffin


These are the lowest-energy shills yet.

Yes I do know we have ids. Do you?

I just have to say, one of the most frustrating things in the world is hating niggers and having no fellow whites around you that feel the same way. Thank God for the internet because I feel like there would be no bastion for deep nigger-hate.


Jamarcus belongs back home on cuckchan.

By blocking 3 IDs, I removed literally all of the anime slide garbge. Love how kikes try to slide every great opportunity.

This is a good opporunity for promoting massive chimpouts. I am completely removed from spy social media and am a barely functional retard with graphic design stuff but I have a few good ideas.
- Selectively edit the video to only show things that look bad out of context. The cop beating the dude in the head. The people asking him to stop. The guy pulling his gun out. etc. This will not only shorten the video (re: retard attention span), the lack of context will make it very emotionally disturbing for normies, even if they later learn he was resisting.
- Promote some sort of #DoingNothing hashtag.
Get as close to openly promoting a dindu nuffin movement as possible. Once it catches on, their natural inclinations towards retardation will filll in the gaps - and the memes will be fulfilled.
- Spam ALCU, SPLC, etc. about it. Try to get petitions passed around. Send a bunch of show tips to TYT under different email addresses. Get as many people playing this as possible.

Finally, just remember these people are stupid enough to take our seeds and turn them into meme magic. Be subtle and be believable. They'll make the jokes happen.

Go show it to your freech circlejerk and tell them how we're being mean to you, sh/int*/skin.


Is it just me or are niggers acting more niggerish now? Did Trump winning trigger them that much?

just you. Nigs have been nigging just like they always have

Tats of any kind are degenerate as fuck. Let's be honest, Holla Forums. Most of our boys in blue didn't become cops to "protect and serve", but to legally be allowed to bully fuck people up with no consequences. They're tiny dick thugs with guns.



Does that pig work in VICE or something?

Arm full of tats….



They've always been acting niggerish but (((college))) and the (((media))) has just mind controlled more whites into putting up with it / siding with them.

You need to manipulate my joint.

A lot of cops are ex-military and some of those guys like to get tattoos. I don't think this cop was military, however.

The devolution of language to its most primitive, obnoxious root. Like a veritable Mini-Tru of Niggeristics.

This one's broken.

No, I won't do Soros' work.

Other whites around you feel the same, yet we all feel isolated because we never say anything irl.

He went for the maglite instead of wristlocking the nig into the cuffs. He had him in full fucking mount, nig was done if the cop knew anything about anything he could have cuffed the nig in 5 seconds. Most cops are just bullshit at their jobs because they're forced to work doubles instead of getting enough down time for training. PD forces are a joke because they don't realize the need for ongoing training and quals. They show up every now and then to a bullshit class run by some faggot and they don't cement the shit that's needed.

Most police selection is meant to weed out people from the higher end of the intelligence spectrum. Pizzagate should be explanatory enough for the "why?" There are good cops and shitty cops. You can interact with good cops hundreds of times and be fine but you only have to interact with a shitty cop once for them to ruin your life entirely. Once you get sucked into the (((justice))) system in almost any western country, you're utterly fucked unless you're connected. Even being wealthy usually doesn't cut it.


He is a fine young man guilty of no wrongdoing. He enjoys attending church with his grandmother. While he had a few youthful misadventures in the part, he redirected himself in a wholesome way, and is planning to attend university this autumn. If more funds are allocated for social programs for vulnerable populations, atrocities like this can be prevented in the future.

Are we sure he's white and not spic?


Why does the police officer remind me of a crying woman hitting a man who isn't even bothering to stop her because she's so weak?

That's a pretty dank picture, you mind if I save it? I'll make sure to give you credit.



I suspect this is the case.



It is good to remind normies that in a race war, your skin is your uniform.


Kek is kind.

Thank you, user. Converted to mp4.

Was that a male or female getting arrested at the end? I can't tell because numales look like women.



Every time. Every fucking time. If he actually dindu nuffin he could have let himself be arrested, and he'd be released in no time. Now he just added another crime on top of whatever he did in the first place. Also those baton hits looked weak, probably just warning the nog to stop chimping.

He's probably fucking 9478039's whore mother.

I swear that as long as I live this kind of immediately combative behavior will never make sense to me. Just think how differently this scenario would have played out had he simply said "Good evening officer. Here is my license and registration. I apologize if I was speeding, I'll drive more carefully."

it is a good day when you know it's happening

The officer couldn't prove that he was driving though

==Poe leece brew tal itty=
He dindu nuffin

Sooooo… the moral is… find some disease ridden whore, try to cure her many STDs and make her your waifu.

sounds like the car muffler is enhanced but this is still a classic. just goes to show you how thick the skull of a nigger is because in the long version the nigger gets up and walks off.

There's literally worse shit on WSHH all the time. Millions of it.


we wuz sovereign n shit

the viruses are in the computer, not the waifu

That's a spic, probably an illegal too.
Take a closer look at the face profile.

That's not to say that spics and niggers are relatively the same but do a better job at identifying one another.


Actually I'm not entirely sure, but that definitely looks like a dirty spic to me.
Or probably one of those nigger-wannabe spics.
Either or they both need to be eradicated.

considering the mainstream narrative is still "traytray dindu nuffin", anyone who wants to actively create another narrative like that is playing into their hands

hey guyz.. where can I find this mix tape that he referenced… he is fresh doe.

Niggers believe they have a right to trial by combat with the police. If they lose they shout 'racism'.

while they're winning, it's "ooh he's gettin' it naow" and "wyrrlstarr"
when he's losing it becomes "oh hell nawww", "you can't do that"

any police confrontation ever caught on video

In today's world the red pill almost always follows the blue pill.
So tats aren't an issue for me unless they are on the face or neck or hands. Or if the subject matter is gross

The stupid fuckin police are on the bad end of both sides.

The niggers hate em well because niggers gonna nig and nigz can't help but nig and dah polizz gonna stop dem nigs from niggin.
WN hate cops because the law enforcement structure is keeping the us from cleaning up our streets. The second you do anything positive you are arrested for offing the trash.

The police are the very force that is Keeping us right where we are and right where we are going to continue to stay.

out of chaos comes peace and true order.
Out of false and phony order comes chaos and true upheaval.

Need german laws in the US, insult a Police Officer? To jail you go.

a good start…

Why don't the dumb ass cops just say..if he puts his hands up or behind his back..this would be done with. Not only will it explain to the nogs why he is continuing to fight the suspect, but also will explain to normies who watch the video and don't only go by what the nogs are saying

The nigger that posted this is afraid of mean comments. Someone needs to re-upload it to another channel.

looks pretty fake

Because if niggers were capable of understanding why you don't get aggressive with a cop trying to arrest they wouldn't be shoot by police so often. They're too stupid to grasp that the time to complain about the cops is when they have their lawyer with them.

As for Holla Forums, Marxism has fried their brains and all they are capable of doing is chanting "Death to whitey".


Those bitches get up like nothing and the car hood gets destroyed!!!

are there made of negronium of fucking something i mean damn!!!

It's all the testosterone in the sow's body. They're built like silverbacks.

Adipose tissue a foot thick can easily cushion blows like that, while exerting force with its sheer weight alone.

These videos are always the best redpills, how random other blacks just appear and berate the police just because the guy is the same race as them. shows extreme groupthink and collective mindset.

The video ends too soon though

if anything that just proves my point

They live a highly principled anarcho-primitivist world view.

What's this dab nigger meme about? Can't say I'm up to date as yuropoor

that was his flashlight. F=ma, so he wouldn't have to hit as hard as with a baton for it to generate equal damage to a faster strike with a less massive weapon.

Should have hit the coon on the head to pacify him. Seems that inducing brain damage is the only way you can stop a nigger from chimping.

You either fight or you give up, not squirm like a worm
They don't understand this, here you either fight or you give up, easy as that. When all hope is lost, you cooperate.

==oogga booggga

I wish people were more like this


What am I supposed to be expecting? There's practically no sound and almost nobody in the frame for about 6 minutes put of the 8 that you linked. Is there a story to this??

they always cause situations they could have avoided
Because they are niggers…..
When I or anyone here get stop, carrying shitloads of whatever, doesn't matter, you behave
Chance is if you just laugh with the quisling and kek with him, do what he says, he will likely just let you go…. worst case with a fine….

Well alright then, I guess everyone is too enveloped with nigger jokes to notice

He did the one universal mistakes, niggers or not, he turned his back on the on sitting there…….
never turn your back, have back and side sight
Train it

To watch, without watching, you should train this, it's very trainable

All gates
before you enter
watch you should
sidewatch you should
because uncertain is to know
where enemies
sit before your feet

Is that what it was? I always thought it was because F is one space left of G on the keyboard and I is likewise one space to O.

I assumed some dyslexic idiot was spelling "gonna" and made a typo and it caught on among retards.

I went to school with niggers. This is correct. They use "I finna" to mean "I am going to." As in, "I finna be eatin' flamin' hots later."

What the fuck is it about heat? It gets 120+ in my hometown and I'm not out there smashing windows and setting fire to public parks. Then I turn around and hear people saying THIS HEAT WAVE GON BE 100!!!! Wtf is wrong with people?


It's been long enough that anyone around for the Baltimore and Ferguson riots either forgot or died so the foolish bravado has reignited.

I think under the circumstances he was justified in using force. More so in drawing on a hostile mob. What I cannot forgive is him wearing his sunglasses on the back of his head, that is a douche move right there.

Shit looks staged as fuck.

dabs is a weed thing, its like concentrated purified hashish

vallejo isnt socal bro, although im sure filthy socal nigs and beanbags will find any excuse to chimp out….