Rep. Steve King of Iowa is /ourguy/

Rep. Steve King of Iowa is /ourguy/

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He probably lurks here. Listen to this, or at least skip to 5:40 and listen to his response.

Steve King is 100% /ourguy/, I hope he runs for President in 2020 or 2024. He'd be Kalki's avatar for sure.

He's a good salt of the earth kind of man.


Looks like we need more of /ourguys/ to get in there and defend him.

Runs in 2020, doesn't get the nomination, becomes part of the cabinet, hopefully somewhere high-up. Runs again in 2024 and wins.

Another pretty based politician of honorable mention is Jim Webb.

He'll never make it in the democrat party, but he's an oldschool JFK americana style Democrat.

The responses to this are absolutely nuts. Liberals would rather have us all killed than to admit that their multicultural experiment has failed.

don't forget he killed gooks and then talked about it when he was running at the start of the last election season
the absolute madman

Those are just kikes and niggers, obviously they're scared.

its funny because what he says sounds reasonable and restrained compared to what it could of been and most people would agree with him. So these dems are never going to get that seat, but we can at least laugh at their delusion.

We need an official list of /ourguys/ in government

Steve King
Michael Anton
Sebastian Gorka

Downside is hes got a viet wife, although hes had white kids before that marriage.

What a fucking hero

I am virtually convinced that Bannon is receiving information either directly from Holla Forums, or directly from people who browse Holla Forums

America's Congressman. 100% woke

What does this even mean? Why not just say muslims? It's the same thing isn't it?

jesus that smarmy tone on this daft cunt

the latter

The best part is that answer in context. The moderator asked each DNC candidate which enemies they were most proud of. Hillary, O'Malley and Sanders each responded by citing other Americans as their enemies. Only Jim Webb refused to say that other Americans were his enemies.

That's why we call him Jim Spoils of War Webb.

Nice one.

Muslim, Islamist, and Mohammedan are the same thing.

I was pissed when the bitch even mentioned Greece, but he had a good grasp of the situation there and shut her up.

Imagine this guy at homeland security. I hope Trump has a place for him in the adm, sounds promising.

Fucking niggers
i really want every single one to die. Yes because frying chicken and drowning it in hot sauce that you got from the white man is culture.

When can we start removing these people?

But if that is true, then wouldn't he want to check out their sources to see for himself sometimes? No old person just believes someone when they say they got their information from the internet. I think it's hardwired in them to perceive that as bs at first. All in all I'll bet he has visited at least once. I don't even know anything much more about him tbh though.

I'm sure whoever is reporting to him he trust enough to know that the sources are good. He wouldn't just be going on something if he didn't trust the person giving him information.

They got chickens from the white man.
They got the oil for frying from the white man.
They got the equipment for deep frying from the white man.
They got the technique for using that equipment from the white man.
They got the spices they love so much from the white man.
They were even taught the recipes by whites.

But that is uniquely black culture.

This /ourguy/ meme reeks of CIA. Steve King's absolutely fucking right, but most of his other stances probably don't align with Holla Forums. Declaring somebody "/ourguy/" because he said one good thing is a way to trojan horse their other, non-Holla Forumsack opinions through the front gate.

I knew I hated that meme for a reason.

What stance is not kosher with us goys?

who you calling a goy, cuck

Ah that makes sense, no wonder I never got on board with it either.

He's not /ourguy/ idiot falls for memes like southern euros are not white, then went on a ignorant rant that was total cringe.

shitskin Greek detected.

Just read the comments under any trump tweet and you'll become a great proponent of the liberal genocide.

That's great, doesn't change the fact what he said was a total cringefest. You can't have stupid people like Steve King in power, guy reeks of redneck hillbilly white trash.

lefty pol detected.

end it

And look how well that turned out for them, I'm sure the posterity of these Native Americans are so ecstatic that they had the privilege to enjoy the wonders of diversity and multiculturalism.

Why are leftist so fucking retarded, one moment they will be going on a tirade about how evil the white man was with it's colonialism, and then they'll turn around and call conservatives idiots for being concerned about massive demographic changes.

And this meme about America being a nation of immigrants needs to die.

You understand the guy is out of his tits crazy? He even claimed to be latino and it was proven otherwise. The moron uses spray tan, guess you thought time to grab some latino votes.

I think he browses here





Answer the fucking question kike

Have fun following someone who falls for memes.

True, but the guy is from Iowa and flies a confederate flag, he's all fucked up in the head. I don't like the guy one bit, comes off as an easily influenced tard.

nigger what are you talking about, I'm calling you out as some cuckolded faggot who uses the term goy to refer to non kikes

It's so obvious you're a shitskin it hurts. Post a picture of your hand Tyrone.

so what are you being paid or are you actually this stupid
what is wrong with flying a flag or being from a state

"white and red"
I think he's referring to gingers, or exclusively ruddy complexioned people as "white people. Though perhaps when he thought of swedes he thought of the Asian-esque saami peoples.

SO OBVIOUS, try harder faggot. Notice how Trump distanced himself from your precious Steve, but keep following Steve the cringefest hick King.

It's not that one action retard, it's the big picture, there's a whole list that makes Steve King the biggest cringefest out there, never mind Trump distanced himself from him, even though the cringefest praises Trump left and right. Get real already, look at the big picture.


why do they pay you fucking retards?

Have you ever been to Iowa? Many, many people fly the confederate flag here. Not entirely sure why that is, but it simply is. My guess is that there is some solidarity of rural people, or its seen as a racist flag so the rednecks love it, or its seen as a rebel flag for ones who fancy themselves outlaw libertarian types.

He talks big, says a lot of stupid things, and he gets nothing done in the end. In other words, he talks a lot of shit. Look at the big picture with this guy.

Post a hand picture you shitskin

You do realize you stand out like a nigger at a klan rally, right?

Fried Chicken was invented by white men.

Im going to request what is requesting as well, Mordecai Gonzalezberg


Fucking hell, user. I just started trying to cut today.


Clearly you have never been to a red country of Iowa (almost all of it). You have no idea what you are talking about.

Maybe to an ignorant hick I do who can't see the whole picture, stay ignorant though, it'll work out for you in the end.
Can't look at the big picture of your precious Steve King. I get it guys, you thought he was one of /ourguys/

You guys are resorting to idiocy, this isn't cuck chan Holla Forums

I wish these shitlib whites would just admit and say their want their kind to be extinct. Well anyways, how do we make them say that? Any ideas?

I wish these shitlib whites would just admit and say they want their kind to be extinct. Well anyways, how do we make them say that? Any ideas?

Tell your boss to fire you, you're incompetent. Then, gas yourself yid.

kys, waaaaah, all I got was post your hands and calling you an idiot, waaaaah.

Not his fault that people keep voting cucks in.

Positive feedback loop is the reasoning.

A lot of people think like us, the problem is that negative responses are expected meaning that people just don't say things. Speech and thought are intertwined so if there is a positive response people are more likely to continue saying things and therefore thinking things that they would've anyways before negative repercussions became the norm.

Meme or no, leftists are great at that sort of thing. Maintaining a resistance is imperative.

That's actually interesting. I've never tried marinating chicken before frying it and always let the breading give it flavor. I'll try a variation on this sometime.

You have to go back, shitskin

Notice the kike as he projects extra hard in his failed shill attempt. This is common practice for kikes and their good goyim leftists to employ. For the newfags reading this

go cry some more somewhere else you fucking retard

It is not stormfront either, and we will keep mocking you until you get this trough your fucking head.


Cringe. inb4 post pic yah hand man shitskin man.

I'm not crying, just trying to point something out about Steve King really, not my fault you guys got all butthurt and bent out of shape about it.

I've been here for a long long time my friend. Try harder.

sure you aren't, thats why you bothered to tell me how you are totally not crying.

Give it up yid, nobody here is falling for your typical tricks.

Check this one, too. White people contributed more to civilization than any other subgroup.

The dragon of the west of rising

Like Steve King's tricks, he's part latino with the bit irish, don't you know?

and it's a kike!

typical tricks, here. nothing to see.

Still no hand picture from the resident shitskin. That confirms my suspicion.

wewlad, its like you suck at this or something

I think he's getting Romney's univision stunt confused with Steve King.

probably this

its like they don't send their best or something. Why don't they send their best?

This is their best lad. How does that make you feel?

like I can't stop winning.

you are a massive piece of shit and i hope you get killed in the next week. maybe an accident and you fall and break your neck. maybe you get shot stabbed or killed. what a waste of space you are why the fuck are you even here. gas yourself moshe you retarded faggot

Steve King, sits there talking about Trump nonstop, you never hear much from Trump's team about Steve King, it's like he's being ignored. I wonder why they'd distance themselves from him. I'd be shocked to see Trump and crew even realizing Steve King still exists.

Oh yea, maybe I'm Sharia Blue now or some rogue CTR who stopped getting paid months ago but stuck on auto pilot shitposting. Right.

Feels good man

Their best is equal to our drooling retards. Why isnt the white man ruling over the earth yet?

Once this kike scourge is dealt with, it will be white planet. Well, I declare Africa is the first to completely take over, America's style. Niggers had long enough to get their shit together, the clock is buzzing.

Hello CIA :'^)

I'm honestly embarrassed for you.

Thats officially the first time Ive heard a politician even come close to addressing white genocide, except for Trumps retweet of that Jeb meme by a guy with whitegenocidetm as his name.

well, nobody claimed that, but thanks for telling me what agency you used to work for.

Youre just the punchline of our jokes L'Mordecai Gonzalezberg

You know goddamn well who are children are and what our civilization should be you rat faced kikes, it's the things you've spent the past 2000 fucking years trying to exterminate.

I am unsure of how he came to this conclusion from Steve's comment.

psst those arent actually whites look at the (((names)))



I really do hate these people. It isn't a fleeting feeling of annoyance, no. This is a cold, consuming hatred for these anti-White cunts

God bless and Kek guide the God Emperor!

Damn son, there is a man with no fear. Steve King 2024.

Journos will hang too

This yid is getting flustered!

Normalizing this is the only key to our country's survival. I'm glad to see this. PC is killing us.

Seriously though, that guy was a total sperglord faggot.

Trump was offended by that guys faggotry.

we've hit peak retardation

the plan is to kill us, that's why every Holla Forumslack should be armed and trained and ready to defend himself and his family
maoist youth brigades vs. rwds
it should be easy tbh the dyed hair is like a giant bullseye (same with the UN blue hats)

Iowa bro here. King has been based for decades, and his constituents love him. He'll never lose his seat.

He's also a holocaust revisionist and has said it's bullshit on the House floor.

LOL this guy just went full-blown Alfred Rosenberg-tier nordicist.

Too bad we don't have more like him.

Wew, source?

sometimes its your job to kinda be that guy that trial baloons stuff to the public without burning the whole party.

Steve King must have a safe seat.

I've been looking but I can't find an article. I remember when he said it there was a huge hullabaloo. Everyone in the state was talking about it. It was around ten years ago. Any Iowan clued into state politics will confirm it for you.

The hysterical replies this tweet is receiving will red pill mainstream conservatives. Spread this.

If it matters to anyone, he's getting assblasted on twitter right now. If anyone has some meme war accounts they want to put into use, this is a good cause. Ripe for redpilling.

That doesn't mean what you think it means.

This. Establishment liberals never openly support Antifa or the Weathermen etc but they never, ever denounce them either. It's one of the reasons they've been so successful in shifting the culture. They understand the necessity of a vanguard.

You're right. You see this during protests in which mainstream liberals act as human walls to protect antifa.

Not to mention aside from Soros they get their money and support on the ground from normie liberals. Who do you think raises an ANTIFA junkie? A weak shitlib father/mother.

What did the retard in the first gif thought was gonna happen after he swung the chair at the cops?

That's a high energy post from a representative.

This. Kike shills will always try to exploit a wedge issue to convince Holla Forums to hate an explicitly pro-white congressman because there's some trivial issue he differs with Holla Forums on.

/ourguy/ isn't even a rigorous, 100% designation of purity but moreso a joke meant to positively reinforce normalfags who say right-wing, pro-white things to continue to say them. Pewdiepie's another example of whom our positive reinforcement has made more and more radical. If people think they're getting Holla Forums's approval for saying good things about white people, it might inspire them to continue to research and endorse white nationalism instead of getting vilified by everyone on the left as ebil fascists.

I might well take this guy over Trump tbh fam.

… But then I looked into him and it turns out he's a Zionist stooge too. Go figure.

An attempt was made.

They tried to do the same thing with the shield and stick guy last week after it was discovered that he is a race mixer despite bashing commie heads and getting away with it.


Yeah. People in the thread said it well. Now is the time to give him a stern talking-to and a reinforced stick.

Someone tweet this at that fucking Jew.

The only reason they disagree is because he is white. If some nigger said it they'd be paraded around and praised


Was wondering if this was the same guy, he's a madman.
The best part is the host and guests reaction because they know he's right about minority contributions.

King also introduced this bill about a month ago, which would make English the national language and require all immigrants to understand English to go through naturalization


I hate these retards.

Technically, "Islamist" is used for Muslims who want to institute Islamic law. But since that is 100% of Muslims, it is really a false distinction. Liberals just like to pretend that Islam as a religion can be separated from Islamic law. This is because they are ignorant and uneducated and do not realize that Islamic law is the religion.

90% of what is considered "black culture" is actually just southern culture. Fried chicken, watermelon, crazy Baptist churches, etc.

You need to take your shitty memes back to cuckchan.

You too, OP. Get out.



That made me laugh too.

you are fucking retarded, kill yourself

What a bunch of Nordicist crap. Ancient and modern Greeks are essentially identical genetically speaking.

this is the same m.o. of muslims
they never criticize the extremists
now if we could just get normies, alt right and cuckservatives to do the same


What a giant fucking waste of trips.

That's not even a Greek statue you autistic shitposting mongrel. Take that shit to cuckchan you kike

That's a statue of Augustus Caesar dumbass

Go ice skate in hell, retard.


Haha, no. Old people are generally completely technologically illiterate. However it doesn't take a genius to understand truth and reality. He just happens to be sane.

gb2 Israel, Yid.

Reported autistic underage subhuman cuckchanner

you're unbearably new

Kill yourself.

NONE of them are our guy
some are better than others and we should be aware so we can vote next cycle

Rep Louie Gohmert said in congress on March 10
and proceeded to give a redpill filled speech for the next ~50 minutes
eliminated the verses that support terrorism and the killing of Jews and Christians. So if you read from cover to cover this Koran, you don’t see any of the verses that the most radical Islamists rely on for their killing, their
beheading, their betraying, their lies. And it is okay, they believe, to lie if it ends up supporting the cause of their radical beliefs about Islam.

You're a cunt

I did it, where is my prize
I know it's jewish kvetching

Though perhaps when he thought of swedes he thought of the Asian-esque saami peoples.

Hard to believe, sounds insane. The Swedish king 1755.

niggers act like a white person even thinking about collard greens is the same as a white person using the n word. and them acting like they invented cotton is the same as a shovel claiming ownership of all dirt

Them dubs confirm. Nothing pisses me off more than fuckers coming over and refusing to learn English. It aint only spics pulling that shit either. Looking at you Slavs

Leftists are blissfully unaware of how reality works. They assume that everyone outside of western civilization adheres to their foolish altruism, which subhumans do not. They only take advantage of it.



Why is this anchored?

Of course this dumb cunt is spewing off at the lips

Found the source. It's Ben Franklin's book.

Because calling your opponents xenophobic has worked out so well recently

why is this anchored and is pol backing up mr king on twitter?

Is this some leftist code or something? I see this a lot when someone says something un-PC. Some commie spic from uni messaged me something similar asking me "to clarify" what it meant when I posted some anti-Islam image on kikebook and I just said "exactly what you think it means" and she blocked me and my then gf without saying anything and quit our project team without telling any of us. I reported her to ICE

All of the people criticizing him are nogs or kikes.

member of congress acknowledged what is going on racially and thread gets anchored? really?

Hey look, it's a retard trying to divide whites, nice try, take the ignorant Steve King who claimed ancient greeks were all blonde blue eyed and shove him up your ass where he belongs.

Try harder and take this amateur dividing whites technique shit back to cuckchan pol where you belong.