Gigantic redpill dropped on Italian National TV

Gigantic redpill dropped on Italian National TV

I don't think anyone else compares so far, because this is the 3rd biggest channel.

What's mass migration for and who does it serve?

Names Peter Sutherland, his work at the UN, the International Organization for Migration and his authored piece on using immigration to undermine ethnical omogeneity in Europe.

Names the economic reason for immigration: cheap wages/slavery.

Names George Soros and Open Society

Other urls found in this thread:

They say Victory is the slave of Rome. R.I.P to my Italian grandpa.

RIP in peace, Grandmama Mia :'(

Well fuck.

I don't understand spaghetti runes but if it gets the message across then i'm all for it.

What the fuck are you saying? The Eternal Roman is awakening, and awakening hard. Italy never liked this immigrant shit, they are probably one of the most racist Western countries there are.
When shit hits the fan, the Bersaglieri will clean the house.

oh shit

fucking embed and at least give a decent summary if you are going to post something in guinea.

doesn't it give you automatic translation?

I'll write it myself if necessary.


A tldr transltion would be nice

Fucking hell I can never take that word seriously ever since finding out it was the 1700s version of "effete hipster faggot."

Yankee Doodle went to town, riding on a pony
Stuck a feather in his hat and called it Mararoni

rofl no

He's saying that's the globalist message and what's really behind it.

Give me time, I'll translate it.

automatic translation are most of the time shit.

It starts with showing the globalist propaganda:

What I'm going to show you now is something that touched the world. It's a 13 years old girl from Los Angeles filming his father, an illegal Mexican immigrant living in the US for the last 25 years…. these images are a punch for everyone even for your cynical Nessuno (the masked presented)

But why do they never show images of the men who manage the big business of mass migration? Maybe because these men are well hidden in the glass palaces of the High Finance and in the offices of the big multinational corporations. Do you know what is mass migration for? To bring to the West an army of new slaves, men and women willing to work under any condition, even the least humane. First, the masked men of the finance rip the wealth of South America and Africa, then they say Europe must open borders to help the desperate, coming from there….. they are doing this in Italy right now: they forced austerity and cuts to impoverish the country…. the result? Who can, moves to Germany or the US. Those who remain (in Italy) are forced to work for extremely cheap wages and absurd conditions, like the workers of the Gig economy''

I will show you the Lords of Mass Migration: From 2006 the man who handles immigration for the UN is this man: Peter Sutherland. He's an Irish lawyer that from 93 to 95 was general director of the WTO, from 95 to 2015 he was chairman of Goldman Sachs and regular of Bilderberg meetings. Peter Sutherland doesn't lose an occasion to say that Immigration is good for Europe. In 2012 he told BBC that the European Union should undermine ethnic omogeinety of national states via immigration

Here's what immigration is for: cheap labor and undermine the societal structure of Europe. Besides the UN there's another big organization that handles world migrations, the OIM, International Organization for Migration. Guess who sits in the board of advisors? You guessed right, our friend Peter Sutherland and he's in good company. With him there are other interesting people, for example Maria Teresa Rojas: this lady represents Open Society foundation of the financer George Soros. Yes him: Soros is a great supporter of open borders and mass migration. Ask yourself a question: why do you think the most powerful people among those who handle immigration come from the High Finance? Maybe in Wall Street are all philantropists? Nah, the truth is, they gain from it: Soros, Sutherland and the others want new slaves from the Third World and day after day, they are turning into slaves even you'

kikery damage control, fuck off I posted the full translation

You aren't going to find a bigger redpill than this in mainstream media, he literally spilled the beans.

read the fucking translatior you fucking idiot


Thanks for the translation, spaghetti-user.

fuck off with your bad info nigger

kek thats a nice cap

Where is the evidence?

Italy will save Europe.

France, the UK and Spain have collapsed already under wave after wave of immigration. Germany is catching up fast and Germs have no spine anyway.

Italy has managed to remain relatively unharmed. Due to its lack of colonies, lack of WW2 guilt, mediocre labour market, racist population, toxic masculinity and antisemitic catholicism.

I shit you not, an Italian-Polish-Irish axis is Europe's best hope.

they Vatican is ultra cucked now

I'd never fucking expect this shit on TV let alone a huge channel like that.

TL:DR for non Italian-speakers:

True, but historically it hasn't been so. That's why there are only like 50K jews in all of Italy.

You think I don't know that?

You should see France or the UK. What you see in Italy is nothing compared to that.

Plato described it as 'Suicidal Victory':
Somewhere around those terms.

you sound pretty assblasted nigger.

false, they are imported by NGOs

mafia just uses them as slaves

Now I think of it, Hungary could join as well.

Should be a banner. Cap it at 300x100 or whatever banner dimensions are.

Am I wrong to be slightly excited? European Race War soon.

Nice ID dubs, only one off from post count too.
You're wrong to be slightly excited instead of extremely excited.

eh if i were to make a banner out of a report i would prefer to use the sweating scholo.

If by 'Race War' you mean unarmed citizens fighting against a minority of military aged mudslimes trained in guerrila warfare on a society with openly available materials to be used against a dehumanized - by them for not following Islam - population of emaciated man, women and children as easy targets.
I don't see this ending well.

I meant I'm being cautious because nothing ever happens.

It's going to Happen like it has never Happened before in the history of humanity.

Why haven't Italians removed Sicilians yet, or is that just where they send all their mixed peoples to live and die?

We Europeans still have lots of weapons in rural areas. We also have conscription in many countries meaning we can use raifus as well as any cowardly mudslime can.

The difference between us and an invader is that we have our homelands to fight for. Goatfuckers would rather go home than die for their pig raping prophet.

Instead of producing a pseudo intellectual multi-clause sentence, get the word out, make pacifists arm themselves, even if you need to use ebin Putin Nazis to trigger them into going war mode, or pic related for yids.>>9478502

Not on my watch, buckaroo.

How much time does it take from you to get those weapons and organize against a swarm of shitskins raping your women and children at citizens and taking control of your government, some countries in which there are shitskins inside police departments and even military, and how can you expect that the government who caused it in the first place won't turn on national television telling them to go against YOU instead of the sandniggers?

at cities*

please do a translation and uplaod it or put it here and we will add it

Thanks for the translation italanon.

That's a pretty big truth bomb if that's actually the 3rd biggest channel in Italy. I knew Sutherland btw, pretty sure he's crypto.

You knew Sutherland? What, you met at a fetus blood drinking party 500 meters underneath an abandoned castle in Romania?

Did it and posted it here,

The shills keep spamming the thread.


Can you add some time stamps in there, so we can subtitle it, just a general idea

how many do you need?

One every 1 minute or one every 30 seconds?


just try and space it for text that would fit on the screen, and maybe where there is a pause,

I've done it before on German videos, and I don't speak German, but its difficult

so like 10-15 sec

that's going to take some time

I'll do it tomorrow morning probably, in 8-9 hours

You have no idea just how utterly cucked Ireland is, they're already worse than the UK.

Lasagna user, if you can get some subs on this we can start spreading it in the normiesphere.

Sad but true

I'm starting to miss Berlusca
Is that a bad thing?

Obviously, we're not letting whites die out without a fight, but, in my weaker moments, I sometime wish we could look into a universe where that's happened so we can laugh at the remaining retards when they realize their beige utopia is utter shit.

I thought Spain was the one hiring Moroccan police to literally break migrants' wrists to prevent them from trying to climb the border fence at Melilla.

What is it a commercial or something?

Yep. We have a feminist minister who is making us take in rapefugees (all male and all claim to be in their late teens but have no proof to back it up) while we have serious problems with homelessness.

Norn Iron isn't putting up with that shit maybe you could take some notes.

to the extent that 'anonymous' moves against immigrants, i'm all for it. but it did use the icons of anonymous, no mistake.

perhaps italian anonymous will prove less poz'ed than anglosphere anonymous…

And that boys and girls is why everyone laughs.

I am in Italy right now and the amount of Mudslimes I've seen disgusts me. Fucking faggot pope needs to be executed and a real man needs to take that seat. I'd gladly help purge this country of its shitskins.

Alright I'm awake. Going to start working on it in a bit.

The shitskins don't work 80 years per week for minimum wage though. They work part-time at McDonald's when they first get to the host country, then drug dealing and prostitution after getting fired for being late, not showing up, fucking up, threatening customers. The real reason is white/Christian genocide.

In Italy and with the refugee crisis it has been different though.

Refugees are put in agriculture to work for 1€ a hour.

It's the same with Merkel in Germany.

00:00: What I'm going to show you now is something that touched the world. It's a 13 years old girl from Los Angeles filming her father,
00:10: an illegal Mexican immigrant living in the US for the last 25 years….
00:20: (girl crying)
00:35: these images are a punch in the stomach for everyone, even for your cynical Nessuno (the masked presenter)
00:45: But why do they never show images of the men who manage the big business of mass migration? Maybe because these men are well hidden in the glass palaces of the High Finance and in the offices of the big multinational corporations.
1:00: Do you know what is mass migration for? To bring to the West an army of new slaves, men and women willing to work under any condition, even the least humane.
1:10: First, the masked men of the finance rip the wealth of South America and Africa, then they say Europe must open borders to help the desperate, coming from there…..
1:25: they are doing this in Italy right now: they forced austerity and cuts to impoverish the country…. the result? Who can, moves to Germany or the US.
1:35: Those who remain (in Italy) are forced to work for extremely cheap wages and absurd conditions, like the workers of the Gig economy

There are occasional news stories in America too about some farm getting caught for slavery. Many more immigrants end up wasting tax dollars in prison and welfare. They keep rent, taxes, and debt for whites high and quality of life low. With every market crash, whites lose their homes and jews give shitskins government backed loans for those houses. Meanwhile, citizens do nothing because msm keeps telling them its an economic issue.

1:45: I will show you the Lords of Mass Migration: From 2006 the man who handles immigration for the UN is this man: Peter Sutherland. He's an Irish lawyer
2:00: from 93 to 95 he was general director of the WTO, from 95 to 2015 he was chairman of Goldman Sachs and regular of Bilderberg meetings.
2:15:Peter Sutherland doesn't lose an occasion to say that Immigration is good for Europe.
2:25:''In 2012 he told BBC that the European Union should undermine ethnic omogeinety of national states via

2:35:Here's what immigration is for: cheap labor and undermine the societal structure of Europe. immigration.

With the refugees it's different; first of all, they are housed in what are basically warehouses, then hostels and hotels, paid by the state and managed by NGOs.

Second, since they have nothing to do all day and little qualifications, they are sent to farms.

Besides, do you really think they wouldn't try to make a shekel out of refugees as well?

The undermining of European omogeinity is a clear goal, but if they can profit from it as well, it's even better for them.

2:40:Besides the UN there's another big organization that handles world migrations, the OIM, International Organization for Migration.
2:53:Guess who sits in the board of advisors? You guessed right, our friend Peter Sutherland and he's in good company.
3:03:With him there are other interesting people, for example Maria Teresa Rojas
3:10: this lady represents Open Society foundation of the financer George Soros. Yes him: Soros is a great supporter of open borders and mass migration.
3:21: Ask yourself a question: why do you think the most powerful people among those who handle immigration come from the High Finance?
3:30:Maybe in Wall Street are all philantropists? Nah, the truth is, they gain from it: Soros, Sutherland
3:40: and the others want new slaves from the Third World and day after day, they are turning into slaves even you'
3:50:Trust Nobody (=Nessuno, the masked presenter)

I'm from Brooklyn where the latest excuse for niggers being niggers is that their fathers never worked, so the new generation can't get advice on writing a resume and doing well on job interviews. This means more programs are needed. Wherever you are now, Brooklyn/Chicago is where you're headed.


I don't know. Maybe we can stop it before it's too late. With the current government there's no hope. But this one is the 3rd biggest channel in Italy; I never watch tv and I casually ended up on that video on youtube, then watched others. The level of redpills these people are dropping, for a mainstream media, is astonishing. I haven't seen this in any other country and certainly not in the Anglosphere.

Are you 'in Italy' on some VR game perhaps?
Most of the immigrants are Africans of non-specific religion, every video you can find of Italy's invasion will confirm this, which is why you don;t see the usual campaigning for Italian politics because they have proper nationalists organisations.

The organised teams of neo-con zog politics cheerleaders you see here and on every nationalist board are jews who dominate every discussion astroturfing it praising every jew involved in fake kosher nationalism.

On another show on the same channel, they opened a debate on immigration, presented the guests, one of them was a journalist.

Presented profile, sworn enemy: George Soros because he's trying to flood Europe with immigrants.

And he dropped some redpills on McMullin and McCain conspiring against Trump.

just say CIA for short

Good luck. I'm not sure what could've been done to stop what happened here. Killing the people controlling the food supply who didn't want to give livable wages to white people is the only think I can think of.

Are there many Jews in Italy? I'm surprised they haven't talked about these anti semitic Italian conspiracies on twitter or something. I don't speak that language, but I'm sure what they meant to put the most emphasis on was that they want the refugees to build up armies full of refugees. Brussels bureaucrats do intend on creating an EU based (((NWO))) army.

Good job for naming not one, but three or more Jews on national TV.

We aren't stupid.

They know that if in an article you say Sutherland the Jew and Soros the Jew, they shut you down within minutes.

However if you just say Sutherland said this and Soros said this nobody can accuse you of anything. You are merely reporting facts. Then people look up who they are and draw their conclusions.

"Victory has defeated you, peace has cost you your strength"

Removing Kebab will take time, so the anti-whites will be forced to take care their mud-minions for a time before they get to pay for sending them home.

it's gonna be ok
we'll get em
and no we're not giving details on the internet
some of us have been looking forward to this for years

How new are you

That's simply not true, Belfast, Moria, Lurgan, Portadown and Armagh are crawling with non whites, Belfast of course being by far the worst. I'm sure they're elsewhere too but I don't travel other parts of the country that much.

Based trips of Italian nationalism. I've always respected Italians. Thanks OP for bringing this info here, cheered up my day immensely.

Don't you all technically use spaghetti runes, πληβείοι?

Where's the complexity of phyllo-muncher tongue gotten Ellada in the past 2000 years?
And yet fused eyebrow people wrecked it. Continuing the wars with the
Sassanids begged for more than what we could wish. There was probably more glee filled hand rubbing which could warm the earth for another billion years.

Still, I agree that oriental alphabets are pretty cucky


How stupid are you? That video is bringing up that quote from Sutherland in the context of the refugee crisis.

Oh shit, Rome should rise again riding the rightwing wave.

Who /italo/ here?

just the facts

Based Italy

1770's macaronis (hipster faggots)
(6 years later)
1776 revolutionary war.

2010's hipsters and faggots
(6 years later)
2016 -7 revolutionary war?

You're the retard, idiot. You just can't see the bigger picture.

…..silence. The answer is simple, the nationalists get slaughtered.

I don't really get the problem. Playing instruments while running is tough as fuck and so is running in formation in general.

The same person who finds this "silly" also finds being in a monogamous relationship to be a thing of the past.

No one's gonna act on this?

I'm on it.

I've made some changes, correcting punctuation, grammar, spelling and I lined up the crying segment. I also added
to the end of

I don't speak a lick of Italian so I don't know if that gap between 2:25 and 2:35 is missing something. If anyone has any corrections, please offer them and I'll make an updated version.

MKV file with embedded subs is here, if anyone wants it. I can't make a webm because xmedia recodes keeps crashing when I try to re-encode it with rendered subtitles. Have a disco pepe as a consolation prize.

100:00:00,000 --> 00:00:10,000What I'm going to show you now is something that touched the world. It's a 13 years old girl from Los Angeles filming her father,200:00:10,000 --> 00:00:14,000an illegal Mexican immigrant living in the US for the last 25 years.300:00:14,000 --> 00:00:37,875(girl crying)400:00:38,000 --> 00:00:45,000These images are a punch in the stomach for everyone, even for your cynical Nessuno (the masked presenter)500:00:45,000 --> 00:01:00,000But why do they never show images of the men who manage the big business of mass migration? Maybe because these men are well hidden in the glass palaces of the High Finance and in the offices of the big multinational corporations.600:01:00,000 --> 00:01:10,000Do you know what is mass migration for? To bring to the West an army of new slaves, men and women willing to work under any condition, even the least humane.700:01:10,000 --> 00:01:25,000First, the masked men of the finance rip the wealth of South America and Africa, then they say Europe must open borders to help the desperate, coming from there...800:01:25,000 --> 00:01:35,000they are doing this in Italy right now: they forced austerity and cuts to impoverish the country. The result? Who can, moves to Germany or the US.800:01:35,000 --> 00:01:45,000Those who remain (in Italy) are forced to work for extremely cheap wages and absurd conditions, like the workers of the Gig economy900:01:45,000 --> 00:02:00,000I will show you the Lords of Mass Migration: From 2006 the man who handles immigration for the UN is this man: Peter Sutherland. He's an Irish lawyer1000:02:00,000 --> 00:02:15,000from 93 to 95 he was general director of the WTO, from 95 to 2015 he was chairman of Goldman Sachs and regular of Bilderberg meetings.1100:02:15,000 --> 00:02:25,000Peter Sutherland doesn't lose an occasion to say that Immigration is good for Europe.1200:02:25,000 --> 00:02:35,000"In 2012 he told BBC that the European Union should undermine ethnic homogeinety of national states via immigration."1300:02:35,000 --> 00:02:40,000Here's what immigration is for: cheap labor and undermine the societal structure of Europe. immigration.1400:02:40,000 --> 00:02:53,000Besides the UN there's another big organization that handles world migrations, the OIM, International Organization for Migration.1500:02:53,000 --> 00:03:03,00Guess who sits in the board of advisors? You guessed right, our friend Peter Sutherland and he's in good company.1600:03:03,000 --> 00:03:10,000With him there are other interesting people, for example Maria Teresa Rojas1700:03:10,000 --> 00:03:21,000this lady represents Open Society foundation of the financer George Soros. Yes him: Soros is a great supporter of open borders and mass migration.1800:03:21,000 --> 00:03:30,000Ask yourself a question: why do you think the most powerful people among those who handle immigration come from the High Finance?1900:03:30,000 --> 00:03:40,000Maybe in Wall Street are all philantropists? Nah, the truth is, they gain from it: Soros, Sutherland2000:03:40,000 --> 00:03:50,000and the others want new slaves from the Third World and day after day, they are turning into slaves even you!2100:03:50,000 --> 00:03:53,000Trust Nobody (=Nessuno, the masked presenter)

So now, the United States and eastern Europe are uncucked and now Italy is getting it's shit together?

Do you guys think that we might just be able to save western civilization? Or are only the Germanic countries fucked?

hipsters started gentrifying in the 2000's

Don't count your chickens before they've hatched, user. None of these countries are uncucked. You haven't even glimpsed the gates of hell yet.

So here's the concept. Recruit pol-tard shit-skins & dindus who value western civilization. Infiltrate rapefugee camps with hidden cameras. Create a "To Catch a Predator" style webseries where rapefugees are solicited for fake pedo-pimp service. Offer to provide sex with 7-12 year old boys or girls. Ask if they'd be interested in a card with a number where they can contact you. Get weapons-grade footage of countless shitskins eager to take your contact info to fulfill their child-fucking cultural values. When people call the number, record that sh*t too. Arrange a meet up, and inform police that the individual is attempting to purchase sex with children. Cucked police may not take action, but weapons-grade statistics & memes will be generated.

Godspeed my beloved spaghetti niggers. This calls for celebration.

this is an insanely good idea.
doing it for the lulz alone would be worth it.

Is this shadilay's Lyrics,

confirmed pic related is the mass redpilling weapon we need.

Up to the point where they think about how strong and fit they have to be to do such silly stuff.

They probably are even drunk while doing this, because otherwise why would you.

We will never make it that far. Science is going to destroy the world before Jews and or nuclear war. With scientific innovations on the horizon ie. brain chips to enhance the human brain, genetic manipulation (designer babies), etc. Do you really think we are going to make it that far? A wise person has to only ponder these two ideas for several minutes to see the ramifications. The world will cease to exist soon. I am not sure Trump can do anything about it.

but it doesnt really have such a large effect as you might think

Fuck off with your blackpill shit you retarded cretin, nothing is impossible for us.

This is kike D&C propaganda, it's not true.

Italian here.
The vast majority of us know it's "the bankers" who are behind everything, seriously almost everyone knows.
When you point out that those "bankers" are jews you get perplexed looks because most people have has never seen a jew.
Jews are like 0.001% of the population, I myself have never seen one despite the fact I scan noses almost involuntarily.
But still, we freely name the jew.
I mean a major political leader has openly named the jew just last week inside the fucking EU talk building whatever it is called.

The problem is YOU, fellow western goyim.
We casually name the jew internally, BUT whenever we do it outside Italy we get pearl-clutching-maximus reactions to the point we don't even know anymore.
Many are starting to consider a Russian alliance because you westies are a fucking lost cause when it comes to the kikes.

Why this worship of jews, what did they even do for you to be so enamored with them?
Is it like a fucking stockholm syndrome kind of thing?


Checking these trips. Pic related, when the Eternal Roman is fully awake we're gonna see some shit.

The Holocaust being shoved down our throats in public education, as early as elementary school. It's traumatizing to a young mind, being shown pictures of starvation and corpses, and because of that most people have been conditioned to fear ever being called "racist" or "antisemitic" because of the association with The Holocaust.