Tired: going to war, with NATO allies
Wired: going to war with NATO allies

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Jesus they are butthurt. kek

the real Happening is in september 23rd
2017. Nibiru and our binary star nemesis are close. we can see them naked eyes now if you know when to look for them.

Watch fucking germany of all places actually does it

New media/political buzzword? I kept hearing it more and more.

jesus christ

Honestly, who fucking cares?

That's fucking funny. Coming from the banana republic of Turkey.
Hell every country is becoming a banana republic.

You can thank Globalism for that. They rely on specification for each country - then they import and export to each country.
Well done, now we have banana republics everywhere.

This is some supreme asshurt

Frankly I would welcome alien overlords than any of the pieces of shit running the NWO and international legal organizations.

Trump should invite the guy & his son to the WH. Then Execute the son on TV & say that he was making money off ISIS black market oil, and kill Erdogan & say that he was arming ISIS the way Obama's admin was.

Then we watch Turkey implode, and watch the Democrats & Neo-Cons go into dcon 1 over the truth over ISIS coming out.

alright I've been fapping all weekend
wth happened for the roaches to become this asshurt?

Here's a decent summary of events.

How's that Shemitah going, tinfoil user?

Turks are spamming this picture on Twitter with the hashtag #FascistNetherlands

This Turkroach has some serious fucking delusions of grandeur

thanks m8
this shit is beautifull

Wait a minute.
Mark Rutte did all of that?

So is VVD nationalist?


Thanks Blondi

just watch your skies during sunset and sunrise. then compare them with what other people are seeing the same day, on different places on earth. i dare you to do it.

Nah, it's an election stunt.


They'll be anything to get more votes. VVD is stil neocon central in the Netherlands though.

a true kek

Libshits are having a meltdown over this tweet.

Fuck turkroaches, they are way worse then arabs.

Daily reminder that Wilders is controlled op, and only exists to siphon votes from legitimate right wing parties.



How accurate are the first 4 feet?

Not surprising. Only reason Erdogan gets elected is that every Turk anywhere but Turkey votes for him.
Any opposition to that is quite literally a threat on his life.

Retake Constantinople.

Restore Byzantium

Not particularly. It's a meme-tier guide at best.

I fit the Roman profile the most, which I guess is accurate since my grandparents were Swiss and Austrian. Not sure about others though.



yeah i know right
the chan hivemind was sucessfully subverted away from the real happening in 2015 with the jewish memes.

remember september 23rd 2017. research it. watch your skies and pay attention.

I'm in Greek and I've got fuck all Medi ancestry.

wuz i kangz?




nice meme lad :)

And yet more believable than your /x/ shit.

Thanks, mate.


The doggo is a man's best friend.

Remember it is purim. Erdogan is kike-controlled, we all know that.

We need to kill all the UN agents after we purge the CIA/MOSSAD.

Hey that's my birthday. Am I gonna get a good happening present? I will be eternally grateful.

when you hear the sound of trumpets from an unknown source in the sky, get to a church as soon as you can. you will have your gift.

That's not a new term at all. I believe it refers to sham, puppet governments set up in South American and Caribbean countries by literally huge fruit companies. I think this shit happened like a hundred years ago. I could be inaccurate though, but it is definitely not new. I do remember someone telling me that Chiquita banana funds terror groups down there, so fruit companies do have influence.

daily reminder that the passing of the shemitah marked the rise in Holla Forums's collective ascendance into estoerism and ritualistic theology and the awakening of kek.

Oh no dont tell me they will call out a travel ban so that dutch cant go to Turkey but Turks neither to the Netherland.

That's right, it comes from the United Fruit Companies takeover of Central American governments to get good deals on land and labor. The term used to be overused, but honestly most nations now qualify to be called banana republics lol

No user, that's just cognitive dissonance. :^)

I thought it was only meant for nations that rely on a single export.
I've heard Venuzuela being called a Banana Republic because of it's oil reserves and nothing else.


Is Estrogan acting up again?

I wonder if these roaches are immune to nuclear radiation?

Top Kek.

That's a giant isopod user.


if i'm egyptian, then apparently all bulgarians were kangs n shit


there are no legitimate right wing parties. sadly.

Is Erdogan trying to intentionally break up EU at this point?

All euros are cucks. Still, you should know better than to give presidential powers to a fucking Jews.

Im not saying wait for hitler, but wait for Trump at least.

ErdoTurk is so butthurt

He is an SJW-tier president / crybaby
ErdoTroll made a 3/10 would giggle joke
where anyone with even a speck of shit for brains can see clearly that this provocation - to the Dutch - will not go unnoticed.

The turks tried to start a project X party and were shut down before the flamethrower guy torched the entire neighborhood


Poland, Hungary are more based then the US or UK ever will be.
Even libtard western europe has some extreme nationalist groups.

At least we found out who the kike is here with your divide and conqueror shilling trying to prop us against each other. That welfare jewistan state will fail.


I hope you meant confirmation bias.

Is that from the protest in Ankara that got bug bombed? One of my favorites, along with the ancient Istanbul tradition of the Running of the Tanks.

Dead Turkroaches: feels good man.


Can we just glass them already?


t. european descendant
or are you a slimy jew, gook or nigger?

Just fuck off again please. Always the same shit with you.

I agree with Hungary but not with Poland, because the last one is basically a NATO outpost that only exists to be cannon fodder in a war with Russia. They'd be the first ones to get nuked to ashes by Topol-Ms.

I'm not trying to put anyone against each other. Trusting Jews is a terrible idea, that's all I said.

Top kek, at least try to be subtle with your projections user.

Triggering Erdogan always reaps huge rewards. Keep up the pressure, Netherlands!

baader-meinhof phenomenon

You sure are one dumb goy

I never said it was a genetic trait. It is a product of your degenerate, pozzed society and culture, courtesy of Mr. Steinberg.

It's up to you to reclaim your country. And expecting a Jew to do it for you is beyond foolish.

What? I'm just saying that your shitfligging about religion is always the same shit, from both sides.

Again, I'm not who you think I am
Except in this case, you are LITERALLY using a concept straight from Judaism. If you're trying to tell me that Judaism isn't Jewish, well…

Ok Goldberg, ok. Derail some other threads.


will do, user. since it's just days before the election, every ruling party doesn't want to look weak and cause Wilders to get a massive influx of votes, with them working so hard to make a PVV vote worthless. We'll still be cuck central, but at least we can have the privilege of fueling the fire to roast the roaches on. deus vult!

For what purpose?
I haven't been keeping up.

WE 1933 NOW

Kek you are mad, cry more faggot your tears are delicious.

sage for derail


omfg that tank did some carnage

What breed of dunecoon is that?

No I definitely meant cognitive dissonance. That's another one that's been thrown around recently and is often misused hence the :^)

erdogan has a tiny penis and he wants to control what happens in the legal capital of the EU



That's one day before the German elections
or rather, "elections"


Don't worry about it. They're going to be fine.

They're both in fucking NATO, what is that Turkroach bastard thinking?

Erdogan : "you have to listen to me"
Dutch State : "LOL IDGAF"

he wasn't allow to have ministers spout propaganda to turks in the netherlands, to have erdogan get his votes on making him the roach führer
first, they politely asked them not to do so. when they wouldn't listen, th dutch barred one from flying to here. another minister in germany then went, without asking the dutch government, in an escort to arrive at the consulate and hold a speech there. they were blocked, and forcefully removed, to the point that they wanted to tow the car of the minister, with her still in it.

Kek, good meme



Go back to your safe space lmao

Merkel will probably support Erdogan in this, she was horrified when he was throwing around the term Nazi.


They politely asked them not to do so.
when they wouldn't listen, Dutch barred one turk minister from flying to here.
Other minister in germany then went, without asking the dutch government, in an escort to arrive at the consulate to hold a speech -they were blocked, and forcefully removed, to the point that they wanted to tow the car of the minister, with her still in it.



Denk het niet vuile flikker, kom dan een geef ons een reden om WWIII te beginnen



People keep saying Geert is a kike but fuck he's the best person they've got right now.

merkel can't do anything.
europe is in a really tight spot right now, and imposing sanctions on one of it's founding members will basically cause a breakup of the EU. on the other hand, she can't side with the Netherlands, since he holds the EU hostage with an unending stream of "harmless refugees".
the entirety of the EU will do nothing. so much for the unity of the European union.

look up the Forum voor Democratie or the FvD. they are what the PVV should be.

Roflmao at this rate you'll have a heart attack

Poor you.


Constantinople. Smyrna. Dorylaeum.
3 reasons.
t. Turk

If Erdogan is appointed as supreme leader, will Turkey then be disqualified from remaining in NATO?

you weak turktroll

she clung onto me first and started calling me big bro.

She's never going to fuck you, user.

Kek willing. Turkroaches must burn.


Sup /r9k/?


And I'm sure you're going to name those legitimate right wing parties, right? Right?


why haven't we started a crusade yet to reclaim constantinople

True, she orbits me a bit but I don't mind.

you're not dutch then
In that case : FUCK YOU FAGGOT

She obviously wants the cock
Stop being a beta faggot go full 1488


Geen neuken in de keuken voor jou, vrind.




delete this


Suddenly Dutch mainstream politicians realize large parts of their country is now part of a foreign power.

Latvians have six toes.

They are not:
neither de facto nor de jure
As you can SEE if you looked : The dutch police swooped the turks in the streets of a city bombed by [actual nazis]

Citizens of one state, dogfood of the other

roaches are virtually indestructible
they would survive a nuclear war you know

let loose the dogs of war



turkroaches always lies
turkroaches always projects

turkroaches confirmed the SJWs of the insect kingdom. Burn them to hell.

I have to say lying comes easy to me


Roaches are our second worst ally, trailing you know who.

and I cant really remember the last time I made a person geniunely happy. I gave only sadness or just shitty disappointments to the people who look up to me. I cant compliment. not funny used to be smart got lazy got fat. I'm no good tbh.
nuked inquisioned or whatver i dont want to live like this.

Just smile, its all I say when I get that call from a good friend when I'm feeling like complete shit.

what are they saying though? cant tell if they're cheering or crying,

he's dead nigga


Its a commie protest. Good riddance. High energy snackbar. Still needs to die though.

she got her free trim and shave?

Those are pretty nice windmills.

t. Watergerman

D… Doggerland?

German, Chinese, English, and French
I have Greek Feet #3

They'z be hidin' mah troo his'try man!

pick one and only one.

New album fucking never.

I love the Sarah edits.


lol wut


Why do Dutch police dogs lick their ass so much? [spoiler]To get the taste of shitskin out of their mouth.[spoiler]

Aren't the netherlands the 3rd biggest investor in roachland?



Turks are sub nigger tier, we call the Netherland "Hollande" in French btw…

yes, we will lead them to financial ruin if they decide to bark harder.

For non Dutch speakers, what is going on here?

What's that ? any translation ?

Because it sounds like Holland? Fucking kek, mudshits are dumb.

Based swampgermans.

Okay from what I can tell Erdogan is bullying the Dutch and Rutte is trying to not seem like a bitch because elections.

Will this help Geert or Rutte?

Erdogan actually met with Putin very recently.

This could easily be a master ploy by Putin to get Geert elected and fuck up the EU. And of course Trump isn't going to help the EU now.

Translation Watercannon stands on Tram rails with honking cars surrounding it.

Yeah he's basically saying
Just fuck them off Holland so we can build a wall along their border

Police units equiped with water cannons are located on the tram rails.
Toeterende auto's eromheen.

It will help Bosma to my vote - he is an excellent speaker of the house of representatives (second chamber) as well as a humoring personality, with sharpness,wit and conversational flexibility.

Just dick her to sanity user.

who's protesting that needs the police to dispatch water cannons ? is there a large turkish community in Rotterdam ?

Twitter says there are riots in both Amsterdam and Rotterdam now. Is there a comfy stream, dutch bros?

This was found posted on twitter 37 min ago.
breaking-news‏ @UrgentNews5

BREAKING Turkish flag in a building at #Dam square in central #Amsterdam. "It looks like they take over the square"

Address: Dam 20, 1012 NP Amsterdam

This is one of our famous national museums.

Erdoroach is such a cretin. Shame that coup wasn't successful.

Just think that the EU want Turkroachistan to join.

idk but let's find one

So will this help Geert or Rutte?

Amsterdam WWI memorial square now sealed off by Dutch riot police.

Police is broadcasting via speaker to the people present to get off the square - or action will be taken.

wow those belgians are very racist, she just wanted to experience some prime germanic dicking.

I wasn't able to see anything good yet. Also can'T the cops just kick everyone with a turkish flag in the ass?

that's why there are not journalists.
What we see here is not supposed to be Dutch news.
For political reasons (election in T-: 3D) we have to maintain order - the turkish / islamoterrorists have taken over a famous monumental building which houses national art museum (exhibits wax statues of famous persons).


around 23.30 :
A car has nearly hit a police officer in Amsterdam.

A lot of shit happened and we said a few this that this is the end for turkey, but they are still not down. I really hope this is the last mistake they make and the EU will finally fuck them up, but I am pretty sure that they are to pussy to act. If only Trump was in charge of Europe.





I also have egyptian feet Irish/german


checking time dubs

What this fag fails to comprehend is that that's what they should be doing in that circumstance, and it wasn't fucking fascists that took the guns from Europeans.

Its basically, "What should you do if a foreign group are invading your capital and putting up their nation's flag?", and the answer he gives is accurate in part:
That step, at least, he got right.

Seriously though, that is the most Jewish recollection of the institution of an authoritarian regime I can possibly imagine.

Actually, that's an interesting metric: If they descend down from the sky and anihilate all the faggots in power and promote segregation… they're all right. If they promote diversity, they're a jew skeme.

"Non-western migrants" (i.e., Muslims) make up MORE THAN 50% of the people receiving government benefits in the Netherlands. DUTCH MEN AND WOMEN, UNCUCK YOUR COUNTRY! VOTE GEERS WILDER!


What if your feet look like this?

this tbh

I'd bet you'd vote for Goldwater, faggot.

That image he posted wasn't originally depicting what your feet look like based on your genetics despite the click bait title, it's meant to show how feet are represented in art in different cultures and statues.

but why do my feet look this way.

Ask God, user, not me.

Roach protest

American protest

We've taken back the crescent moon (Moonman), the 666 hand sign (Uncle Mel's rayciss gesture) and even the kike's astrological events.

What's left now lads?

You're an ayy.

Flemish or Walloonigger?

Our allies in the east are engaged in bullying Satan to death.

Come on Holla Forums help a man.
Shop this event into fullblown revelations of 2017 (MODERATE) turks

wolves represent turkey now? What in the fuck, why? As a dog person this is very insulting.

latin genes, lad
I'm ethnic portuguese and my feet are like that too


grey wolves (radical turkish nationalist/maffia)

Do mudslimes just do that whenever anything happens? I mean weren't both the people it ran over and the tank itself on their side?

I've never really seen mudlsimes doing anything other than something they'd snackbar over, so I don't if that's just their kneejerk response or what.

Don't forget that Erdogan is angry at US for planning the coup that Putin warned him about and allowed him to stop.
The Obama administration was trying to get rid of their partners in creating/supporting ISIS to cover the evidence since the US had to lessen their support and even bomb ISIS once the public found out what they were.
They tried to get rid of Netanyahu too through some scandal.


yeah but it was fun watching it all burn, that CNN roach was pretty funny.

#siktirlanErdogan [fuck off erdogan] :D voor de nederlanders die dat ongetwijfeld op school te horen hebben gehad.

Youtube link

thanks m8

Greek toes reporting in



Just a reminder to show what these Turkroaches are doing in Germany.

German documentary about Motorcycle gang Osmanen Germania. /watch?v=IU5kEukPdXI

I truly believe that one of the major factors responsible for how white people turned out was our early and extensive symbiotic relationship with canines.

yes - I have experienced it this week when walking my dog.
I grabbed a stick and observed the dog more carefully : a stick is an extension of your arm, giving you more reach and power. Leading to better doggy obedience

I always laugh at how funny that drawing is.

If the West is ever going to truly rise to the greatness it might achieve, there is one symbol above all others we absolutely must conquer and work towards our own ends. It is the crown jewel of the western meme gestalt. If we take it, make it ours, and make it strong, we will have the will and the justification to cleanse the whole earth.

is this whole fucking thing a puppet show?

why the fuck would he get mad because NL doesnt want him having rallies about turkish politics?

i really dont know wtf is going on, how could someone act with such arrogance, even though it is a muslim doesnt he have brains?

religion is not the answer.

this is the exact point
They are now talking about OTTOMAN EMPIRE

We'll get right on it Saturn, I mean you are a blood god after all. More blood for the blood god Kronos.

Watcher of the skies is a helluvah song user, you have good taste.

The Turkroaches are now confident they can claim all of Europe without a fight as part of the Ottoman Empire and he's surprised that there's finally some pushback. Wonder how much President Trump is pulling behind the scenes to deal against Erdogan.

what is that video from?

come on man you should know this one

Perhaps the needed boost to see a Nexit.

Turkey is only good at killing an unarmed military who surrenders.

The dog biting in the first pic is actually a Belgian Malinois. Unfortunately, German Shepherds got cucked after WWII.


Fuck off, professor X

FvD is a good alternative

Well, Crimea has already been invaded and is in locked in conflict. that is the single most accurate predictor of world war and of conflict in Europe in general.

kys my man

If we annex the cross we must transform its symbology. It would become a symbol of wrath and cruelty, not of suffering and salvation, but representing what it actually is, a tool to administer justice and to hang the guilty and watch them die.

What the fuck is with you guys predicting cataclysmic events in September.
I honestly doubt many anons will remember last time

fucking love that last image, that is inspiration right there



now I understand how retards fall for election stunts still
thanks, user

Every fucking September. Maybe it's so that when the real September happenings happen, no one will expect it.

Roaches getting roasted durring the coup. Though it was probably a false flag by Kang Roach himself to get media sypmathizers.

Didn't you talk about her here before? I remember someone like that very vaguely.

Jesus Christ. Someone just reclaim Constantinople already.

Will these uppity roaches just shut the fuck up already?
Does Roach sultan has legit autism and is divorced from reality?

100% Pure White
Got Egyptian.


Still how can you fuck this up.

Ok I admit research the Dutch prez gets a little difficult for sub animals when a fag named Hollande is a president in a country right around the corner.


lol. Nazi is truly the catch all insult for white people doing something another doesn't like.



We need to meme more roaches being bitten by Malinois.

It always reminds me of the song 'Genocide' by Hammerfall, which would be good for a propaganda video with some minor lyrical edits and a suitable video It's not on YouTube (except some weird sped-up nightcore version)

my nigger

What are you smoking on, my man?
'Cause I want some

mate, APOLLO will rise again and abrahamic religions will fall into darkness again

Roman mutant.

Nobody would do this for a false flag, that level of violence is proof it wasn't. The MSM are the ones slightly pushing the angle "Erdogan did it to himself", no one else.

Everyone else is pretty sure that yeah king nigger tried to pull the plug on him because he made a 180° turkish, and was negotiating with Russia, Iran and Syria to fuck up the kurds that the US is heavily backing (which is exactly what has happened on the ground in those last few weeks).

His hotel took a fucking airstrike (rumor is it's a fucking spetznaz CSAR team from Syria that got him out moments before the attack), the parliament was in session (which he completely dominate) took some fucking airstrike, the police HQ and Secret service HQ (which he completely dominate) too…

All the planes came from the fucking NATO base hosting the US 3rd SF… Many pilots disappeared some with their planes to Greece, some of them where extracted to the US via USAF flights.
The Turkish military made a fucking siege of that place (which host nukes) in the following weeks.

Etc, etc…

That coup was very real, it fizzled out because it was evidently made in a hurry (and apparently a junior officer just pulled out his gun and shot a bunch of senior officers leading the coup upon hearing them telling the news to the unaware officers they had assembled and though would go with it).
And it's since then that the "Gullen network" (read CIA) has been dropping Russian diplomats.

Homes, you really don't know what you're talking about.
Saturn gets a bad rap because he is misunderstood…
He has nothing to do with the Jewish war god.

Don't make me go /fringe/ on your ass




Is it happening Holla Forums? Is it over?


What the fuck is Turkey doing?


[autistic screeching]

Too bad everyone hates roaches.

They're going to flood Europe with Africans and Islams aren't they.

It's all part of their '100yr plan'

Hell of a controlled op.
Not sure if want.

Wonder if it tastes like crab or bugs?

I don't think WWIII will happen.
Because we keep pushing the boundaries and fucking nothing happens.
Somehow, Earth is coping with it's temper tantrums.

We have prevented or at least delayed WW3 by meming Trump into office. Judging by the latest programming of libshits they were ready to start a war with Putin.

The only pill she needs is the D pill.

t. mental African

So what are the (((polls))) saying now?


That's just it user. In order to initiate global chaos it takes an extrodinary amount of energy. Once you get enough people across the spectrum to a boiling point you'll have similar to economic terms as "bubbles" where it only takes one to pop before they all do in succession.

This train has no brakes. The collision is already in site. Brace for the inevitable impact.

We all know that we can't trust that shit but I'm wondering if I should fuel my degenerate gambling addiction by betting on Le Pen and Wilders.

No I mean the earth has finally globalized to a point where it is structurally impossible to resist the brain of the hive.
There will be no bloodshed. You need literal fucking aliens at this point.
Somehow, we managed to switch it right just before we reached this point.
The global brain is finally learning how to adapt to conditions in it's "body"

More like their "1600yr plan", the XXth century was just a pause…

politics in current year era
and now

I love best timeline




I don't believe Egyptians were black, but I also don't believe they were white.

The "Sea Invaders" or whatever, most likely were, or were ancient Anatolian.

They weren't, a university recently reconstructed a face from a skull. Niggers still somehow think they were black because of the braided hair but those were wigs, Egyptians would pluck out their hair all the time so they were often bald.

We don't know if they were "white" but they were certainly Caucasian.


I had it with their 5th colony bullshit.

If thats a proper reconstruction they are 100% caucasian no doubt about that. I've spent way to much time on 'Rassenlehre' to come to any other conclusion.


stop orbiting

Because that's not Kek. That's Kek's female manifestation, Kekuet.
There are other reptilian Egyptian gods as well. Heh and Hehuet were both sneks. Heh being masculine and Hehuet being feminine.
This is why Gadsden Flag memes are powerful.

Come on user.

t. swiss

by the way we banned erdogans superroach team from speaking too but nobody seems to care


I don't think Erdogan knows how politics work, he's basically isolating himself by calling for sanctions on states much bigger than his own. He already burned a lot of bridges between Russia and China as well. So who is he going to rely on to have his back? The USA? That's really unlikely with the republicans and Trump.

It`s what makes us unique.

Ottoman Germania
Fucking that newfag dutch "biker club" all over again, except more lulz

Turkroaches sure are uppity. Must be hard, always worrying whether or not you'll be the next victim of raid bug spray.



greek master-race aesthetics reporting

It's based off how sculpters would shape feet in their artifacts, whatever was preferable as a culture. Doesn't mean that all Greeks/Germans/Romans had feet like that.

Indeed, that's what is so glorious about it, they are /outing/ themselfes rapidly infront of the world without thinking of the consequences long term.
Only shows this uber-goatfuhrer and his barbaristic / tribalistic inbred-infested 'diciples' that they do not belong in this era, and should be dealth with accordingly.