Help the CIA meme Sassycat


It must be hard for the CIA these days, seeing that their powerlevel has been publicly revealed. Besides their dystopian actions regarding cars, tv's and bronyposting, The White Wizard of Leaks has also provided us with the means to make their pride sting just a little more… with SASSYCAT!


Some memes from the Vault 7 thread.

Nice try CIA.

Do you not see its potential? Take what's theirs and making it ours, as I said succeed where they failed.

Their is no potential or power in this image.

There's not much to work with in that image. No.

I'm all for trolling the CIA but I'm not sure what to do with this other than make it into a creature that Pepe rides on? Maybe whilst holding a sword? Who knows I may get on it later.

OP, I think you just gave me an aneurysm from the cringe that occurred from looking at that meme and your post

Is this the next "googles and skypes" meme?

This guy gets it.

fuck off, we aren't memeing shit for the CIA
did you think you were in control?

Implying that the CIA attempted to make this cat a widespread internet meme? Just because they posted a picture of a cat on their pony fetish board and their intranet, doesn't mean they meant the cat as some sort of psyop.

Hitler dubs have spoken
Fuck Cianiggers

double confirmed, OP kill yourself

Choke on your slide rabbi.

Only one way to shut down this shitty thread now…

This. It's just an image of a cat. There is no meme here. OP, you need to lurk a lot more. Your understanding of memetics is normalfag-tier.

forgot to sage















make anthro great again












That's all she wrote

Seemed like a shit thread, but all the CIA furry porn says there is something here. Have a bump.

I've saged other shitty threads with this before. I got cheered on for it last year. It's the only time I let loose with my degeneracy.


Thanks for killing this thread but you should probably kill yourself too just to be sure.



I keep my degeneracy hidden and will not be spreading it to my kids. Too much of a moralfag to commit sudoku.

You should at the very least chemically castrate yourself on the off chance that being a furry is something that can be passed down.

Too late there.

Then you must murder suicide.

Moralfag remember?

It's your moral obligation to end degeneracy in your bloodline.

…damn Holla Forums your pretty gud

You're still saging this thread, right?

fug. Hitler says no.

Oh, if you only knew how many closet furries are employed in the entertainment industry, making the stuff your kids and the masses watch every weekend in theaters… being more useful to society than you… the salt would be glorious.

Doesn't make you any less of a disappointment.

Gas yourself yid.

It's an abstract kind of kikery.

The fandom is fucked (and was likely since the beginning). Whoever gassed the convention a few years ago should continue in thier work (I'll never be there).

nonono I meant you should be goddamn salty that they earn way more than you fucking do thanks to their degeneracy.
And who said anything about television?
I meant fucking hollyjew, big bucks studios.
Don't worry, none of them are involved with the internet fandom. They're more like the normie furries.
And really, it's the kikes who shove kikery into the entertainment industry, not the ones who work for them.

That doesn't work, they all get the rope.

Good luck with that.
And until that day comes, I'll enjoy my piles of money



Don't compare me to that talentless hack. I'm fucking good at my job. Really fucking good. Fuk is an incompetent amateur who won the furry lottery. I don't even know why the fandom is letting him scam them out of their money like that. It's a fucking joke, really.

That sounds like jealousy. who the fuck is fek?

Furfag artist that has made (and is making an updated) sex game called "Rack"

Some furfag who makes 300k a year making an outrageously bad furry walking simulator.
Its deep gameplay consists in walking into rooms and pressing a key to play a lazy sex animation.
From a technical standpoint, it's utter garbage.
From an artistic standpoint, it's worse.

"Rack" is code for all the shekels he's raking in a month.

kill all furfags
if they want to be beasts so much, then treat them like the subhumans they are.

Their memes are evolving.
They are learning.
But they are still afraid.

Forgot to mention, that trash is #5 on plebbit.

Remember : you can filter ID's … and the thread looks waaay better.

Do you got the transparent version of the cat ?

Gas yourself.


Whoops, wrong one.

Thanks, nice trips satan !

Heh, I guess it's kind of an internal conflict I have.
I love my job and being good at it, but I also love getting paid for it.
I mean, if I had to choose between spending years to become skilled and gradually get paid more or being paid lots of money to be shit from the get go, I'd still choose the skilled path for a simple logical reason: who the fuck would pay someone to not be good at something?. Seeing someone getting praised for following the other path instead of being laughed at kinda hurts.
Oh well, I guess if I'll ever decide to make some creatures appealing to furries I think I already did a few times actually, in my spare time, they'll have to settle for no less than something like 200-250$/hr. considering the market they've created, I'd be underpaid

I hate how much the faggots get paid for their shit work. What's worse is that they can act like cunts doing it and it doesn't affect them. Pisses me right the fuck off

bump, because if I had to see this shit the rest of you fuckers have to also.

Wew did not expect furshit explosion. what happened to the standard of gore? or sagebombing with spaces? or lain? Why furshit?

Gotta change things up every once-in-a-while

That cat picture is the latest in DreamWorks Face(TM) cancer.

Shit taste confirmed.

i hate wops