Exploiting The "Gibs" Pecking Order


Throwing this at the wall to see if it sticks after mentioning here .

In other words, everyone else needs to get in line behind blacks because they were here first. This is a sentiment that is already in place.The flames only need to be fanned.

>There's a possible secondary exploitation that could be used to fuel #WeWuzHereFirst and that is making illegals appear to be using the past strugglements (actually heard a beaner use that "word" before) of blacks to compare to and assist their cause. Many blacks REALLY don't like having their fight for "equality" compared to that of illegals.
>Statistics could also add fuel to the fire if we can turn something up that proves more money was spent funding home/school/health costs for illegals than black causes. There's definitely statistics related to illegals taking the limited jobs available to blacks. I'll do some checking.

So just like #DraftOurDaughters, the best outcome is of course to watch as all the special interests groups cannibalize each other. To bring out the latent racism against immigrants that blacks have. To force illegals and their supporters to admit they think their cause is more righteous. There's so many possible outcomes here.

We would need a catchy hashtag, preferably without the "We Wuz". Artfags to create the images. And weaponized autism to create the slogans and disseminate the propaganda. Thoughts?

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this definitely has potential, the black population only align with mexican migrants out of misguided solidarity against trump

in reality their interests are directly opposed to low skill migration into the us

Bump. OP logic is sound.

The modern american left is a patchwork frankenstein's monster of various, distinct, and passive aggressively conflicting socio-political factions.

They are only acting in a united fashion at the moment because the alliance "handlers" are doing their best to keep everyone's attention on the same targets. Cause a momentary lul in those efforts, and it will begin to implode like a fragile little house of cards.

Any time we can successfully mount a PSYOP against them and drive a wedge issue between the various groups, we can create an actual existential threat to the movement. Obviously the odds of success of any one attack are paltry, but if we keep throwing stuff at the wall something will stick eventually. It will require persistence for it to work.

As someone who has dated a black woman, I can say from experience that black people secretly hate mexicans/latinos. Not just dislike. But HATE. Almost like it is the minority olympics and Mexicans are their arch rival.

Blacks vs illegals is a good place to start. But the grounds even far beyond those two groups remain highly fertile for successive operations.

We should make it a hashtag that plays on Rosa parks. Like #Backoftheline (play on back of the bus)

I see no reason whatsoever that whites shouldn't be working with blacks to get rid of beaners. That doesn't mean we should race mix or that we should forcibly integrate, but we should use out collective history together to fight against what the Kikes are doing to this country. That's why they have to kill people like GLR.

NAHH, this has potential. Great wording OP
Don't forget to resort to name calling in spic like they always do when confronted with a tough question.



Don't forget the jew-owned slave ships, jew plantation owners, and jew record label owners who keep the black man down by reinforcing thug culture in black communities.





wethoughttheywerewhite. weebly.com/

This was really good.

This is perfect, start with Mexicans though and work your way up to the Jews

In a way that's what's happening here, the blacks just might not be aware of it at the time

Bumping for potential.



He's a modest guy

We want to encourage this as much as possible. Shitlibs simply have no ability to criticize woke niggers.


webm version



Were you born redpilled, user?

I wasn't born redpilled but something's wrong with you if your natural reaction towards a sheboon isn't disgust.

Hispanics are the wokest on their chimpout potential, having to cohabit with them most often socioeconomically.

Not them, but I was born with some semblance of taste in women, and I'm sure I'm not alone. I can understand sheepshaggers more than I do oildrillers.

That is all the niggers can do is ask and then take what they want, they merely try to use our altruism against us. There is no end to it, they'll never make it, they can't, only subsist on what we give them.

At least back then they didn't let them in.

He's a modest guy.

New plan for urban development move the niggers and blacks closer together near the southern border, use gib me dats to get them there.

We spent the next 40 years spending that money on blacks instead of going to space. They're stupider and poorer and more dependent than they were in 1967. And now we have more of them.

If you're a white guy and you don't look all that great black girls will still fawn all over you. A small number of them are very attractive. If you're young and naive it can be very tempting. Especially if the girl is persistent.

and it's pink inside

Don't get me wrong they're still disgusting.

Trying to teach them the Jew/Gentile difference is a waste of time, they're not smart enough and they have a deeply ingrained hate for white people. It's better to just convince them that "Jews are the worst white people, white people have always lied and stolen to us and Jews did it the most. They pretended to be our friends but they run the whole system that keeps us down and takes our money, look what they did to Tupac, Michael Jackson, etc., etc."

They're obsessed with fighting the system, so show them who runs the system. And to turn them against Hispanics, bring up the influence that Jews have had on immigration. You could say that Jews are pissed at blacks because of people like Cynthia McKinney calling them out, so they're bringing in Mexicans and others to replace black people.

OP here. I'm pleased to see some of you see potential. I had to drop this and run this morning so I'm just checking in now.

That's the idea. Fragment them into even smaller identity groups and fuel the natural division and victim hood they crave and live on. There are blacks on youtube already talking about not wanting to share with other, newer groups.

That could work..

This is, I feel, a harder one to pin down. There are definitely blacks out there who already know this, but it's not seen as an immediate threat to most. The actual beaners in their communities that they see and compete for gibs with are easier to put a finger on. Long term goal is of course to have them recognize that Jews aren't whites and everything that entails.

Also, we see it as comical but reparations are a serious matter to these people. Give them a whiff of a possible gibs-get and they'll be on board with practically tossing beaners over the fence themselves.

What do we need to get started, some good infro-graphics worthy pics? I gotta check out some statistics too. Didn't Moly have a guy on recently talking about the economic threat illegals pose to the black community? I'll see what I can find.

Good ideas. This is something that's been sort of alluded to here and there. But it's really a brilliant divide and conquer tactic.

the left is made up of a coalition of shitskins and degenerates who truly want nothing to do with each other. The only thing that keeps them all "united" is their hatred towards white men. There are so many logical inconsistencies within the coalition. The one people most often like to point out is the contradictory stance of being feminist and pro-muslim.

This would be a great way to break up the coalition. The cucky liberal whites can't be reasoned with, because they're self-flagellating masochists who will literally do anything out of feelings of guilt. But the others in the coalition, like spics and niggers, fucking HATE each other. And for fairly valid reasons. This stuff just needs to be brought to light.

This guy on Tucker Carlson claims that they have been trying to get the Black Cock-us to acknowledge the statistics on blacks losing wages and jobs to illegals and they basically ignore him. Says he's from the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Could get some leads on the newer statistics here perhaps and maybe some related & sympathetic Twitter accounts with a semi-pilled black following?



I think the trees were here first. I'm sure niggers cut some trees down to build their huts. That was a mistake. More trees, less niggers. After all the niggers have been replaced by trees, we can say that they really did believe in their firstness principle, the greatest invention of the niggers.

now there's where he's going wrong


Agreed. They can't even conceptualize this. They want a single white enemy to pin their problems on.

#WeWereHereFirst like OP suggests is brilliant. Blacks might not understand who's pulling strings at the top, but they can understand an unwanted third party stealing their gibs. This is a perfect fracture point. The best way to play it is to make illegals look like Scarface, living large on welfare with fancy luxury cars and jacuzzies. Blacks will lose their shit if they think their gibs are being wasted on Los Zetas.

Yeah, some anons are missing my point. The idea isn't to redpill nogs. It's to use a crowbar on already existing cracks. Jew control is still considered a conspiracy theory to many and would dilute the simple, easy to exploit message, which is, "These beaners is takin our sheeeeiiiit. We wuz kangzzzz…"
This is about turning illegals' home team against them and taking a bat to the Democrats' seemingly anti-racist, inclusive facade. Which we all know is barely held together with scotch tape.
I'm finally home and can spend some time on this. Can we get a consensus on a hashtag? I threw the idea on here mostly to get some more ideas from you diabolically creative shitlords. I'm gonna poke around for some good stats..

Spics and niggers hate each other with a burning passion.

For decades now all southern states with a significant beaner population have been experiencing a quiet (due to MSM pretending it's not happening) ethnic cleansing campaign by the spics against the niggers. Any time the wetbacks come to a new neighborhood they will start purging it of niggers, usually by gunning down a bunch of good boys who dindunuffin and threatening their families.

Niggers, on the other hand, loathe spics because they can see themselves in them. They smell another parasite sniffing after their gibs and get defensive.

Getting them at each other's throats would not be difficult given a proper incentive. Zimmerman killing Trayvon could have been that if the MSM hadn't interceded and painted (quite literally) Zimmerman white.

Another flashpoint for the left is the hatred feminists have towards transsexuals. That is also a very easy one to exploit if the right set of circumstances arise.

If we could find someone actually providing stats about this displacement, it'd be gold. Any Commiefornians got any leads? Checking those dubs of truth, sir

Any articles I've found discussing this are either old and the sources aren't available, or they turn it around and just blame it all on whites in the end.

I imagine it would be easy to prove (or disprove, as it were) if someone could get access to census data of Los Angeles neighborhoods and track how their racial makeup changed in the past three decades.

Personally, I can't imagine niggers and spics living side by side without it erupting in violence.

They can blame whoever they like, in the end it does not change the fact that spics don't want niggers around them.


No, and I used to be a degenerate who hung around niggers but I had enough foresight not to stick my dick in one ffs.

As mentioned those hashtags are a little wordy make it simple like #UsFirst #BlackAhead #Black1st

They know their ancestors were slaves. And they know MLK was killed by da man. They act cocky and entitled because think they deserve handouts for those reasons. It's enough. We're not trying to redpill them.

Those are good.

So I'm checking out this Commission on Civil Rights mentioned here >>9480380 and found this document: "The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers - A Briefing Before The United States Commission on Civil Rights Held in Washington, DC"

There's lots of citations and sources to studies and articles inside the document itself that also lead to some interesting information. But specifically I'm trying to pinpoint some stats that can be made into really simple graphs and graphics so we can get the ball rolling, but so far it's vague on actual numbers.
Also of interest is the claim here that since mass immigration was first allowed in the 60's, American blacks have suffered the most depreciation in wages and overall job loss. Nothing to do with welfare, fam. This might be easier to find stats for, proving (for our purposes) that all 3rd world immigration to the US is bad for blacks, inclusing other blacks.
The goldmine would be to find something showing blacks are getting less welfare because the gov needs more for illegals and even Muslim immigrants.

Found this Kikebook group in a search for illegal's crimes against blacks: facebook.com/AfricanAmericansAgainstIllegalImmigration
If we can come up with something good, these people would undoubtedly spread it.

It's funny b/c back in h.s. I dated a literal Amazonian, and she fucking hated black people. In Brazil, there's tons of racism against blacks and it's more open in the society. When she came to the US, she would point out how blacks do the same thing everywhere (e.g. turn it into a crime-filled, ignorance-celebrating shithold). Hell, she even hated jews. too bad about the skin, though

You have me misquoted, I didn't date a black woman.

But you're absolutely right. In Latin countries the darker and black people are treated differently than the lighter skinned ones. And here is the US, lighter skinned blacks have it considerably easier not only in society, but among other blacks. I heard a story once from a black girl who said her sister was lighter and as a result never had to do chores, take out the trash, beg their parents for money etc. because she was favored for her light skin and "good" hair. Blacks really have no right coming at other races with screams of RAYCISS when they are so racist towards each other. They are downright brutal with each other, especially the girls.

How could you ever date something that smells so awful and has such bad hygiene?

Why waste time on niggers? Because you're a Jew, OP and you know that Jews are our target? Now that's what I call shilling. Today OP gets a yellow star for his good D&C work.


Why can't we deport them back to west Africa where they belong?