"Black People Need Sanctuary Cities, Too"
Whether it’s stop-and-frisk or no-knock raids, both undocumented immigrants and U.S.-born Black folks have a vested stake in redefining what sanctuary really means.
"Black People Need Sanctuary Cities, Too"
Whether it’s stop-and-frisk or no-knock raids, both undocumented immigrants and U.S.-born Black folks have a vested stake in redefining what sanctuary really means.
I agree. Make Africa a sanctuary city. I hope the Chinese violate you.
They have a sanctuary continent for fuck sake
mfw niggers don't know that Detroit, Camden, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Flint, Balitmore, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, Jackson, Birmingham, Charlotte, Chicago, et al exist.
What's really needed is a White sanctuary city free of niggers and other assorted muds.
Africans are niggers wherever they go.
They don't even try to hide it. Why are people so brainwashed that they can't see past the thin facade of "B-but muh families"
Education system, entertainment, media. Designed by traitors, staffed by traitors.
Can we talk about giving niggers reparations so they will finally shut the fuck up about how much it sucks being a fucking nigger in the USA?
I propose for every African American adult a lump sum payment of $1 million Zimbabwe dollars and a plane ticket to Zimbabwe. Families must take all their children. Each additional child beyond the first will receive $250,000 Zimbabwe dollars. In exchange, US citizenship must be permanently revoked with no chance of citizenship in the future, either for the individual or for any of their descendants.
Citizenship must be permanently revoked at the airport prior to departure.
Payment of the $1 Million Zimbabwe dollars is due upon arrival in Africa.
how about a sanctuary country. Well call i liberia.
We've been giving them reparations since the war fucking ended. They'll just demand more.
It is slowly starting to dawn on them they are going to be completely marginalized by open borders and endless beaner immigration. Lack of impulse control and mindless theft and violence means NOBODY wants niggers anywhere near them. Especially when 'real' money is involved, either in politics or drugs. They're fucked no matter what happens.
How about sterilization in exchange for time off of sentences
I don't support animal cruelty, just get them spayed or neutered, also legalize hunting to manage their population
They already have this exact system in Detroit.
They have them. They destroy them.
Niggers all want segregation now, just build a zoo and keep them there.
Dang that's terrifying.
These people need to be killed tbh. The brainwashing is too deep.
Well now that we're all so concerned about efficacy, let's talk about welfare, section 8, affirmative action and education spending.
$1 million ZWD = $2763 US
$250000 ZWD = $690 US
if each nig family has 4 kids cost is $4833 US
which will be FAR LESS then payed out in welfare/gibs, or cost in law enforcement.
Nigs will only see $1M no the offer paperwork and jump on it, this might work…
What? From themselves?
But we already have zoos.
They're just segregating themselves again. I day let them do it if the city is willing. White folk pack your bags and see how well as city full of only niggers will work when they can not longer blame whitey.
thats detroit, and they blame whitey anyway
I hate my parent's generation for catering to these animals. And fuck all of you suggesting we give them africa. We could terra form them an entire fucking solar system for themselves and they would still bitch and screech out for more, crying obnoxious fake nigger tears while they continue to kill and rape our children.
Black Genocide is the only solution.
What does that mean? What are crimes of survival?
They'd never allow that to happen since they so desperately want to be around whites. If these idiots demanding sanctuary cities and safe spaces minorities actually wanted them, they'd move to Africa so that they'd never have to deal with white people. For soooooooome reason though, they're obsessed with coming to and staying in the US, Canada and Europe. I can't possibly understand why. :^)
So, a white community?
stealing TVs, smoking weed and raping white women are necessary for their survival you racist shitlord.
They have the whole sanctuary continent lmao
You ever see a kid in a store screaming that he'll literally die if his mom doesn't buy him a particular toy?
user, please. I seriously don't understand what they mean. Enlighten me. Is it like stealing bread when you're starving or what do they mean?
It's the hypothetical stealing of food when starving, or robbing someone to get rent money to avoid homelessness. Things that never actually happen in reality.
Niggers wouldn't need to STEAL 2 SUHVIBE if they didn't sell their EBT cards for 50% cash value
They have Gondor
They mean anything that libtards will accept if jews push it enough. These are not moral poeple, they are subhumans demanding to leech off others. Like spoilt brats they will push and keep pushing until they get their asses whooped.
If any of you are still giving money to the vidya jew, you deserve gas.
I see.
Someone post that pic comparing niggers in new orleans looting after the hurricane and japs waiting in line after a hurricane.
There's still unpozzed nip games.
They mean that usually when some one steals food to avoid starvation, or some similar petty crime for an absolute necessity, people will be more forgiving. Libtards, jews and retards try to equate murder,rape and other needlessly cruel crime done for nothing more than greed, lust and personal gain are exactly the same as the petty crimes for survival.
That's the narrative they are trying to spin
It's called Detroit.
They honestly do not view theft of any kind as a crime. Their brains literally tell them they didnu nuffin because they don't understand abstract concepts such as property or theft, rape (pair bonding), murder, etc.,. He's being totally honest and that is why it seems like a different language, because they are a different species.
You can take the nigger out of the jungle but you cant take the jungle out of the nigger.
This is a great plan. We don't even need to enact forced segregation laws if we mandate L.A., San Francisco, New York City, Atlanta, and possibly Philadelphia as sanctuary cities. Worth it to push this concept to every nigger you can.
The issue with that is that the infection that is already in those places would only flee to greener pastures and spread the infection further. There is only one solution.
Tolkien never deserved any of this.
Yes but best to herd them into the cities in hopes of alienating whites which will result in migration to the countryside. I know the stats indicate that shitskins will still follow them but as of right now I still think relegating them to the cities, which they're naturally doing thanks to propaganda from birth from hollyjewd, is our only hope until a flashpoint event.
FFS user be a little more generous than a million bucks.
Those particular whites are the infection I am talking about, they are roving tribals that paint their hair and tattoo their bodies and do everything in their power to destroy the great lands they choose to settle in and then resettle to other lands that they have not yet destroye.
They are locusts and the only way to deal with locusts is already known.
They simply can not be contained, they are a symptom of a bigger problem but you still must treat the symptoms while administering a cure.
Are you of the opinion then that these people will never be deprogrammed? I'd advocate unethical methods of behavioral conditioning augmented by psychotropic drug regimentation that would at least force their desires back to the private realm but can understand the viewpoint that these people are beyond saving.
They can have a whole sanctuary continent africa
but apparently they don't like their own safe places.
Alright so you are against any attempts at deprogramming . I suppose the numbers aren't needed unless the state was seized by shitskins, but there's little to do until ethnic and racial conflict hits the streets.
I believe deprogramming is within the realm of possibility, I myself am such a case, I also understand that it's safer to deal with an enemy you know than to invite an enemy behind your lines in good faith that they are no longer your enemy.
They must have realized that LotR trilogy didn't have any shoehorned in niggers in it. Fuck that's part of the reason why those movies were so great.
The Jews did this.
Agreed lad, I'm sure any operational capacity would be rendered useless by agent provocateurs and other subversives. Processing of white migrants in sanitariums for a set duration may be a way to diminish the power of such agents.
tbh if they were in Africa, and we stopped giving Africa aid, they would probably become China's problem.
They were the orcs.
Seriously what the fuck? Oh who am I kidding, it was only a matter of time before they pulled shit like this
I doubt China would see it as a problem.
They would take whatever resources they need for manufacturing and leave Africa with nothing. Also, refuse any niggers coming into China.
The slopes know that Europe and America will feed these animals and then sit back and laugh at how stupid we were.
They have some of the worst human rights records on par with the (((Saudis)))
When gangs like the Latin Kings move into a neighborhood they drive out the niggers. Even their criminals can't compete without affirmative action.
From BBC's series about the Knights of the Round Table.
haha, you complain about THAT? Didn't you know that niggers fought for Germans in WW1?
The Bedouin is a woman too.
Lucky bastards.
At this point let's just break off into city states and state confederations. We'll all run our societies until one of them becomes the strongest and reconquers the country again.
That's why I couldn't find that picture; I was looking for British shows.
It's all fucking disgusting, blackwashing our culture.
I fear that you can't deprogram the unwilling.
Fucking REEE
It's only because they haven't released the French and Russian DLC yet.
I can't imagine how ridiculous it would be if Russia has black soldiers. I mean having black German soldiers is silly enough.
Even giving the French some black soldiers kind of makes sense because of their colonial regiments and the foreign legion…. but seriously this shit is dumb.
You're just fragile, goy.
Give them their sanctuary cities. When they inevitably run them into the ground, refuse aid. When they have crime running rampant, refuse aid. When they burn half the place down, refuse aid.
Let them suffer and die for their deeds.
Force blacks to live in shit ghettos with other blacks devoid of police protection? Sounds great.
We need to retake the cities, not give them more.
You don't understand. They want their sanctuary cities. Let's give them one. Make it with everything they'd want. They would leave our cities, leave our land, and go to their new, shining home. No cops, food for them to grow, and all the materials they'd need for repairs.
Within days, fires would break out. Weeks, food would run out, as they would not care to farm for themselves. Months, crime would run rampant, murders in the streets. They'd focus into tribes, starting miniature wars within.
And the walls around the city, armed with men with weapons, would protect the walls, to assure that they would not break out to cause the same chaos elsewhere. It would be the ultimate redpill.
The land of their dreams would become their grave, while we work to recover the cities they left behind when heading for their final destination.
user you're just describing Detroit.
He ~is~ evil though, it's just listed in all traits too.
Detroit, is a ' Multicultural ' wasteland. You want to prove to the general populus with undeniable proof, that these people are just going to keep taking, and taking, and taking? Give them their own city. Let people watch as they wreck it, and refuse to do anything. Put it up for free, on public television.
Again. The ultimate redpill. Strange. It's almost like you are pushing against this brilliant idea.
What'cha doing there, rabbi?
They already have those, and they are crime ridden shit holes.
Whites if anything need sanctuary cities.
>cleverly hide an addendum in the sanctuary contracts in cursive that sanctuary cities are hereby declared enemies of the state
Dipped her in shit, apparently.
I'm fine with this as long as they can't ever leave them. Ever.
best I can do, senpai
They have it, it's called prison.
They do as they please..
Disgusting. Absolutely foul.
They goofed. Should have had Guinevere stay white and have her cuck Arthur with a black Lancelot that has a huge dingus.
first song is best kangz song
The closet thing to a city that fits this description, that I have seen, is Salt Lake City. I would say Portland but the leftyfags pozzed that place up good.
Detroit is 90% black.
If you have any principles at all, you would refrain from giving a single cent to (((Hollywood)))
SLC is full of drunk Utes huffing paint and when they can't afford firewater. And beaners. You're thinking of Provo, possibly?
Possibly. Heres the thing, compared to cities like Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit, LA, NYC, Boston etc.. SLC is clean as fuck.
Of course the further north or south from SLC you get, the more white it becomes.
I don't. I don't own cable/satellite tv either. I still get mad at the ruining of our culture.
Agreed. I didn't intend to imply that you shouldn't be mad about pozzing, only that a small measure we can control and easily exercise is our wallets.
now don't be hasty, a "Hundred Trillion Dollars" may sound nicer, but it sounds way too nice, some street-wise nigger may find it dubious and inquire about it
"a Million" is more within the wet dreams of welfare leeches without sounding in any way cheap
it's not as if niggers could conceptualize any of these two amounts anyway, they lack quite a lot of fingers
That was from before they tried to unfuck their currency
It's still shit
Is that a mole or a nipple?
They're already getting gibs you fucking faggot.
I visited Portland last week from San Diego and it was really a nice change. Air was really clean, it was nice and cool rather than hot and sunny, and there were white people everywhere. People I traveled with kept remarking how friendly everyone was there and I was thinking it's because it's mostly white people. Only downside as you said is that many people were mega-hipsters with tattoos and those ear hole insert things. Found a couple safe space signs on buildings that we thought were funny.
Proving further that niggers are, in fact, a bitch race.
It's sad that people on Holla Forums don't even get your post. That means 99.9% of niggers won't get it either.
Because when the place becomes a crime ridden pozzed shithole, we'll just move somewhere else and remark on how 'crowded' Portland had become.
That's another thing, it was very uncrowded compared to CA which was really nice. If it wasn't for the leftists everywhere I would move to Oregon because it was so nice. Too bad it seems like they want to become California.
You see, usually the "anti-racists" are like that because they live in White neighborhoods and don't have to deal with niggers and their TNB, and they blame people who do because they don't even know what is like.
first pic related.
Did kikes do Zimbabwe or was it simply the negro IQ
Capital idea, chaps! May I suggest Monrovia, as the first sanctuary city for blacks?
Is anyone else aware of this vulnerability? This isn't the first time I've seen it happen.
They have morrowind
smacks lips profusely
gets jiggy wit it
eats a skittle
checks for nearest KFC
collects welfare
licks teeth then smacks lips
does the crip walk
opens up a 40 and pours some for his homies trayvon and michael brown
tweets about dis and goes to check in with his parole officer
dindu nuffins
sucks air through teeth
pulls up sagging pants
instinctively looks around for the police
faints and then gets up repeatedly
scopes dem titties
shouts at movie theater screen
chucks spear
sets down cotton bale
strokes welfare check pensively
throws up gang sign
swings from basket ball hoop
grabs dick and shuffles left and right
participates in drive by shooting
converts to islam
repeated world star yelling in background
sells crack
This is driving me insane. White men, please end this. Take back the civilizations you built and destroy the Jews and their savage African pets, reconquer the Earth and guide us into a new era of human progress.
t. Worthless gook who knows her place
You know the rules
Shit's hard.
This might be worth discussing. I bet it's just giving an id to the exit node but do we have any Holla Forums in here that can elaborate?
Funny the already have Washington D.C., Baltimore Maryland, Detroit Michigan. Jackson Mississippi, Oakland CA, etc?