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Discussion about Polish national and international politics.
Polska Holla Forums#1
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Personally I think Višegrad group ia the future of Europe
Needless to say Polish resent the re election of Donal Tusk. They are 100% right.
Bumping for based Polish.
In the wake of Dolan Tusk re-election Poland says it's "rough" play.with EU from now on
Poland will now start obstructing EU business
How do poles feel about great grand sons of Polish immigrants coming back to Poland?
I'm studying Polish, Poland litterature, history, society etc. And plan to studying philology in Poland.
Best wishes from France, don't follow the West example and be strong.
Marsz Marsz!
"One has to state it openly: EU policy turned out to be a policy of double standards and cheating," Waszczykowski told tabloid Super Express.
Warsaw has portrayed Tusk's reappointment as an issue in which Polish vital national interests had been ignored by a Brussels machine dominated by Germany.
don`t, the country is just taking a nice economic dive thanks to the retarded gov.
You are stupid and reported for d&c.
Poland is experiencing biggest rate economic growth in European Union.
Got our first pissed goy
I simply love how Poles generate so much butthurt among leftists across the continent. They are like Donald Trump:The Nation
Poland capitalizes on Ukrainian war; white immigrants for me, none for thee
Wew, a whole million and then some boys, almost double that the population of Lwów ! How about we give them a warm welcome and take the burden of governance away from these poor nomads?
Shouldn't we make a Visegard Holla Forums, would it not be more appropriate?
This is such an excellent idea
"For sure we must drastically lower our level of trust toward the EU. Also start conducting a negative policy," Waszczykowski said.
Screeching about eastern clay in 1 2 3…
How different are ucrainians from poles?
Is it like germans and dutch or more like some more far off relation like lets say serbs and tcechs?
I was just thinking about it today, so surprised to see this ! I believe we should also fuse with our beloved brothers Slovakians, as an extension.
This is such a good idea I am rmbarrasrd I didn't think about it before.
(fucking phoneposting)
V4 nations future of Europe.
Not usually post, but must say this.
Good luck from Czech.
Ukrainians and Poles are very different. Ukrainians are East Slavs, more common with Russians, we Poles are West Slavs.
Tusk, a former Polish prime minister, was re-elected on Thursday with overwhelming support to lead the council, the body that organises EU leaders’ meetings, for a second term lasting two and a half years. His reappointment until the end of 2019 means he will play a crucial role in Britain’s negotiations to leave the EU.
EU's anniversary declaration to warn of dangers of leaving
The Pole, from the pro-European centre-right Civic Platform party, overcame strong resistance from his own government, led by the Eurosceptic Law and Justice party (PiS). The outcome was never in doubt, but is a blow for the Warsaw government, which responded with fury.
I'm a most westward Pole but even to an eastern they're very different, very Asiatic in appearance, and I don't mean White steppe peoples Asiatic, I'm speaking chinky eyes and nigger like nostrils. Those who carry Polish blood have elf like pointed ears and pearly eyes, others who are de facto Russians look like typical Ivans.
Oh well, as our social programme expands to families with kids, demand for more tax payers grows.
Fueled by increased consumption due to goverment handouts. Gee, I wander where this will lead us (add to this the decrease in workforce thanks to the above-mentioned factor).
You are fo Europe of two speeds.
You are a globalist or a kike or a leftist or a shill.
I am for Europe of one speed ;)
Today I had witnessed two good ideas stolen from right infront me.
What did you expect, he had Merkel's support. This is not good for anybody.
Define "globalist". If it means I`m against handing over my hard-earned money to people who just mindlessly breed an army of retards - ok, I am.
i only have two questions for Poland
1. When will you finally remove gypsy for good from the face of the Earth?
2. when will your gopnik hordes stop flooding my country and fuck off back to Poland where they can listen to techno music and deal bad quality speed and ecstasy down the local park in their homeland
Yes indeed. He is anti Polish, anti nationalist and above all anti-European
1. Ask the czechs.
2. When we unfuck our country - with current trends - never.
I am sorry to quote myself but this pisses me off so much.
I am fed up. Fuck them
He's a fucking rat faced kike.
Why can't we have our people back?
Good luck, brothers!
Yes I saw that too. Poland is preferring offering work toUkrainians insted of "syrian engineers and rocket scientists"
Poland? You mean (((Kaczyński)))?
Honorary kike Donald Tuskenberg reelected as president of the E.U, Warsaw, furious, begins to distances itsself from the Union further
A man who's hardly seen a nigger or a paki in his life before his place in the government chosen to lead the debate on Brexit and thirld-world immigration, another brilliant move by the E.U Parliament.
Steeled Beata Szydło, president of PiS, ridicules Tusk, French president, EU fuckery aloof
None can cull our wrath for this faggots denial of splitting Ukraine with Putin.
Gee, that lack of an Oxford comma is awfully suspicious, mind sucking black cock somewhere else Austria?
Speaking on behalf on all those cooperation's who give a sole existence to your irrelevant state I assume.
All bantz boys, let's not devolve this thread into shit flinging
Fuck my bad, I meant European.
As long as bashed out amphetamines fund money to send home I doubt it'll be soon m8.
I cannot pretend that to me a Pole is practically a Mexican
the Polish gopniks bring nothing but crime and another form of misery to my homeland
if more than 10% of them could even speak proper English I could probably just lump them in with all the other working class scum but I cant
they form their own ghettos with the property they occupy by defrauding welfare just like the muslims and the niggers and the gypsies
the only decent pole ive met was a dodgy plumber
I don't know much about polish politics, which is quite sad since I live here.
Every source of news seems extremely biased, so it's hard to get educated.
Maybe you guys could answer my questions
Is PiS really as bad as people say they are?
What's the best party? Korwin always seemed alright to me but is there anyone better?
And which country are you from? Ireland?
Są tu jakieś Polskie anonki?
Are you upset over the fact I mistakenly took that Britroach plaster as an Irishman? Deepest apologies m8, I love Ireland.
Chyba wszyscy bracie. Oprucz Irlandczyka i Węgra.
Your language is so cute :-DD
First you'd have to have a country, wasn't the case since forever. Think Germany now being a US colony.
Settle down Britain, your formality is hilarious. I love you guys too but that thread yesterday rustles some major jimmies.
gib prussia back pls :3
Ireland and Britain are the same genetically
all of the d&c between Britain and Ireland was caused by other Europeans and then people literally backed by jews
noone remembers the Irish Confederacy, a self governing country of Irish lords and clan chiefs loyal to the Catholic king of England who lived in exile after jew-backed Puritans revolted against the king
Tusk knows he'll get fucked up by Kaczyński if he ever comes back.
I don't get the Polish backlash on Hungary though. Why the fuck are PIS supporters salty at Hungarians because they chose Tusk? Like they should care.
PiS is fucking retarded. Their whole campaign was based on 500 PLN monthly for every child starting from the second one (or first if your income is low enough) and it's taking our budget apart. Korwin, on the other hand, is an old, fucked up fart. In my opinion there is no party that is able to rule my country right now. Feminists are a little overreacting about the whole anti-abortion pro-life politics, but the old abortion laws were good enough, there was no need to change them, now they want to ban all abortion and it used to be allowed if the woman was raped or the pregnancy endangered the woman's life. What if some rapefugees finally come by to Poland because there is no space for them anywhere else in Europe? Seems like PIS wants to culturally enrich us.
Korwin is basically vidrel.
Someone has to do something with Poland, someone has to make it great again, we need a Trump or a Le Pen to help us.
tak anone
as long as we get Wilno and Kijów back
Can you poles stay in your own fucking country for once?
You are the fucking Mexicans of Europe and constantly shill for the EU and Globalism so you get more fucking bennies from better nations and races
We accelerate breakedown of socialism
kek, what.
Maybe the government. The redpilled citizens are sceptic as fuck. Dude, we can't stay in our country, the government makes us leave by making our lives harder than they should be. The fucking taxes are on everything. We haven't violated nor polluted anything, we are not mudslimes.
Now the government is gone and a new one is there. The old government was pro-eu and literally sucked Germany's dick.
Ireland has the best women in Europe without a doubt, and I assure you they all have innies. You know that was nothing but tomfoolery fueled by outside sources I-Ireland San. I felt awfully embarrassed having realized my mistake.
Half of the people present at Britain's nationalist rallies are Poles, as evident by the battle of Liverpool's video, and many more. Don't worry, with our effort you'll soon get yours too, more money for dem programs for us, Roach.
The new is still sucking Merkel's cock. Take the rapefugees take the rapefugees bash on Orban bash on Orban. Fuck that shit, PO and PIS are the same cucks to me.
you can dress it up as something positive like that
but it doesnt change the fact gopniks are welfare parasites bleeding wealth out of hard working people
no different from the rest of the third world scum apart from the lack of terrorism and less child prostitution
"Muh gibs", you truly are the spics of Europe
There are black sheeps in every herd. Which doesn't change the fact the black sheeps should be exterminated.
Try having to pay an income tax, a tax for buying stuff, life insurance, car insurance, taxes on water, taxes on electricity, taxes on gas, taxes on motherfucking everything. At least we don't have niggers or mudslimes here because it's so shit even they don't want to live here and go somewhere else. There were some hohols near my town who saved some cash just to leave Poland and go further west, those motherfuckers do the same yet noone bashes on them for that. Why bash on Poland then? You either hate every 'spic of Europe' or you hate none of them. Biased much?
do you think we dont?
I do hate all of the spics of Europe, Latvians, Lithuanians and Poles seem to be the main culprits of it, but there aren't Latvian or Lithuanian generals, so I can't bitch at them yet, so you'll have to do. It's not bias, just that you're the only ones here.
You are a fucking retard
They are lower at your place and the income is higher
Not a nationalist fam. I love my country, hate the government and MOST of the people.
You're the pakies of Europe mate, Germany is like Paradise in comparison. You didn't get touched one bit in the war, you fucked it all up on purpose. Muslims majority in your capital down south, and up north crumbling two-hundred year old terraced brick slums. No one but the Poles fight for that grim wasteland.
Where the fuck are you, bro?
not when you live here and you were born here and grew up here and went to school here
its lower if you sleep in a state provided house and have a subsidized state provided income because you're an immigrant
But Poles vote for the labour party, which supports mass immigration?
Sluchaliscie juz nowych CMDR?
Ukrainians stay in their own country, so they're not Mexicans of Europe. I'm not implying that Poles are the only shit people in Europe, just that they're the ones that act like spics and mass immigrate to countries like Ireland, Germany and Britain for 'muh gibs'
I'm assuming you're referring to Britain, if so, then you're wrong. Not only is Britain more British than Germany is German, but we're also not importing millions of pakis into our country while shilling that every other EU country should do the same. So yeah, incorrect on that point
Uh… Not it's not, London is 62% white, it's shit, but at least it's still whiter than America as a whole, and it's no where near 'muslim majority' like you claim, so incorrect on that one too
Wew, nice meme lad
Maybe if you posted some factual stuff instead of making up random bullshit, then it would be easier to believe you.
Also forgot to point out that that 'German paradise' still hasn't voted to leave the EU
Show me statistics comparing Poles voting labor and native Brits voting labor, I am reluctant to take your word on it.
With the inclusion of Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. England on its own, and especially all its major cities (with the exception of Cornwall, which in itsself is even hostile to the very same Britons you speak of) is shockingly black and brown all around. You'll like to bash on Americans and their native fast food places like McDonalds but in England it is rare NOT to see paki kebab shops clustered all right next to eachother, sometimes even for miles on miles on end, and I am not even exaggerating. You think those streets belong to you?
Blunt exaggeration, but in comparison it might've been nothing. Thanks to those Polish who fought in the Battle for London, only later to have our gold reserve which was protected in Canada outright deducted for all the costs of fuel and maintenance in helping you smelly, filthy, roaches.
And how many Britons and not other Europeans or gypsies who fancy themselves Romanian or Lithuanian as to avoid prosecution? 62% white, hilarious, maybe in Greater London outskirts.
Outright lies. Its no secret the condition of your dirty slums; Manchester is a shocking mess, so much so other cities around it arose on its edges as to escape such a shocking condition, Birmingham looks like a fucking nuke went off in there. I haven't seen many places, but those I have are leagues beyond even commie buildings.
Nobody I know in Britain or any other country migrated for "gibs". They migrated to work.
My uncle actually owns a big company that builds houses for you niggers. He tried to even hire some natives, but they all turned out to be fucking lazy cunts that either don't show up or time or not at all.
Stop paying taxes and get NEETbucks too.
I'm Id ice6 don't know why it keeps changing.
Witam, cześć i czołem.
I'm coming back to Poland after 2 years. I shouldn't leave in the first place, but oh well, I was stupid. Can you redpill me on PiS ? All of my family shit on them, especially Kaczyński, but I didn't see them do anything very bad, quite the opposite. Is it just the lefty brainwashing media that got them ? One example is that new tree bill. Everyone that I know acts like the gov is fucking cuting all the forests left amd right, but it seems like this bill only allows you to cut a tree on your private property without any permission (And everyone thought that it's stupid that you need one! but now it's bad cuz PIS….)
Hi cousins, may I come back ?
I live in UK since 2015. I didn't take any benefits, tax credits, any of that shit. The taxes are way fucking lower, it's easier to open a business. But I think we shouldn't just escape our country. So many prople left, including me… we should stay and fight for the change. That's what I want to do, but how ?
Jak naprawić nasz kraj ?
No it really isn't, you should come down sometime, or maybe you shouldn't it's full of all kinds of 3rd world filth and the Poles are the least of its problems.
If this is England Where are the English?
Meant in response to the posters claim that
When it patently isn't.
just gonna leave this here slavcucks
I'm in the same boat. Anyone?
Deepest sympathies, where in England are you?
Fighting the big bad evil Pole on the internet whilst this shit is happening daily over there on a much bigger magnitude, tell me your country so I can laugh at you. Cuck.
Also, we need you home.. pronto. Remember what you learned.
This kills the board.
t. Pole
Russia. Last time I checked the news a few skinheads knifed a shitskin in broad daylight. But no witnesses to be found, although the park was populated with around 2000 people at that time.
Last time I checked polcuck news, a Kebab shop keeper in Poland killed a polish dude. People only threw in his windows, but nothing happened.
l2racism cuck.
O I am laffin, you're the same cowardly faggot who says they're a burger once confronted, as no one would probably even remember your pathetic village-state. Entertain me, speak some Russian, you're definitely a forgotten Austrian.
Seems I hit the trigger.
Go and cry to Deutsch/pol/ about it like your sad country always did, you filthy crypto-slav. Maybe well see an epic trans-thread shit flinging akin to WW2. And remember to handle the bantz
Fucking this
I am not going to gratify you with a reply. I am just going to call you stupid.
If you want something done do it yourself insted of impotent rage on an imageboard.
Need I remind you here is a place of nationalists, we have pretty much similar views we are on the same boat. Reported for d&c.
Nigger don't report him, its pretty funny . Besides, with my post below detailing the degeneration of their empire, you can kinda understand their rage. Angols need a conduct, and of course, it won't be the muzzies.
Let him cry for sure it's amusing. I still can not get over how Polish are so badass they tried attacking a migrant centre in Sweden.
Respect from Slovenija!
Officers rounded up 14 people on Monday night in cars close to the asylum accommodation that is thought to have been the intended target of the plot.
Thought you were Polish, my friend ! Wouldn't want my countrymen to come off as too abrasive.. Deep love from Poland, I hope you can join us very soon in our brotherly union.
Thank you brother and all the best to your country!
Also it corrected Slovenjians to Slovakians some dozen posts up! Haven't realized my mistake until now phoneposting is hard, I keep making errors like an idiot
I actually visited Slovakia. Nice people as well. I have high regards for Višegrad group
They're already in our union so its a very stupid mistake to make! Anglo centric keyboards will be the bane of me.
Holla Forumsand has just as many problems as the west, however their nature is different.
First off the media is mostly foreign interest mostly Germany, therefore manipulated by the kikes. ( Polsat, TVN etc.) So Subversion is already happening just look at the shills from KOD.
Second problem is polish brand recognition, besides maybe Tymbark we haven´t got shit and our economy is owned and determined by mostly the west and the Banks (so naturally it´s the Kikes again)
Every party is shit, you can choose between Eurokikes, old commie kikes or autist Korwin ,not to mention all the new ones sprawling up since the last election.
While the "based" polish spirit is strong and we luckily don´t have any muslims we still don´t stop the Saudies building mosques on historical sites because muh petrodoller. At least we´ve got Ruch Narodowy burnin down Soros Strawman in Wrocław but fuck me we need to up our game even more. Godspeed Hussars retake Lwów and Wilno soon.
Višegrad group is the way of the future. A strong Slavic + Hungarian alliance. Thanks for your words, hope we can join soon
Thank you, "Bohemian"
Good luck to you too
It should be noted those who oppose a strong V4 and possibly it's expansion are either jews, globalists or dirty communists.
If you know someone who pretends to be nationalist but opposes said ideas, kick him out of your circle and spit in his traitor face
I was raised as a single parent to an absent pole father, but i have no animosity towards him and in fact want to know more about my fathers heritage. how do i go about connecting to my own ancestry and culture?
to clarify i was raised by my mother who is not polish
Criminally unchecked.
Yes I agree. The thing about Poles though is, they can be the nicest people, but don't ever shy away from a good throwdown. This is so important in these days because what some take for granted, we will have to again fight for
I embarrassed myself enough trying to flatter our brothers and wound up with a typo !
The thing is, we've been bred to be Europe's stonchest patriots, years of bloodied war, reducing our government to mere statehood, rebellion, invasion.. we are even patriotic for countries that are not our own. We are bred to stick together and help one another whilst doing so, in this cruel reality you are either with us or against us.. and when you do turn to us as friends, you'll find a friendship that'll never expire.
Bog be with you my Slavic and Magyar brothers, we are the future of Europe.
my Id best not have changed again
What's wrong the PiS policy about paying people for having kids? Hungary did the same thing, but further. Poland population is decreasing and getting old, and the major factor of a country's strength is its demography.
I wish the only problem of the West was having kids. Our politicians import thousands of rapefugees, and shut us down when we call them out. The best hope for my country is a woman. You're complaining because you gotta have kids.
Be glad to be where you are.
Bog tudi z vami. Slava Slovanom and our brothers Magyars
Večna bo Slovanov čast.
Slavic glory will be eternal
You are an ignorant idiot but that's ok. I'm here to educaTe you..
The incident I mentioned was a retaliation because sandniggers harrased a Polish girl on the train. You can see what the Polish reaction was from the article
The mayor of London is a Paki. White british people barely even exist. The new Britain is trash and you should feel bad
A millenia ago, franks, germans and even Al-Andalus mudslimes would slap you for praising Magyars and other hunnic cousins.
And why should I give a shit what Franks, Germans, and especially mudslimes think? They were always fighting against world jewery, beggining with the fag crypto-kike pope and later decadent Rome.
Polish people arent trash
gopniks are
and 90% of the Poles in the UK are gopniks who went there to get on welfare and commit crime
they live like gypsy's the only difference is they live in a tenement instead of a caravan
if you knew British history at all you'd know London is essentially a foreign country
its a city built by people that invaded Britain
who were?
wasnt Poland a refuge for the jews of Europe when most of Western Europe had exiled the jews from their lands?
I swear there is history where corrupt Polish lords gave jews in Poland the right to produce alcohol and build and own breweries and distilleries where the jews owned the entire alcohol production industry in Poland for centuries
Why? So you can populate it with even more sandniggers?
All you have to do is throw a pig carcass where the new construction is going to begin and they won't build a mosque over there. It's that simple.
That's rich coming from what jews call the lost tribe, honorary kikes, although always to their service
TOPKEK, now more apparent than ever, no? But seriously, I have no business arguing with a nigger who can differentiate between a separate country and an enclave.
Round two bitch
you're not denying it and if I remember it was a pole that told me about jews infesting the economy of Poland for about 800 years
you seem to be oddly proud of the Duchy of Poland being a title created by the vikings that raped and enslaved your ancestors same as mine
Aren't there millions of Poles scattered throughout Europe because there were not enough jobs in Poland? Why not just call them back home?
Fuck out of here you dumb nigger, we inter-married our nobility reguraly, even one going to the English crown, and were natural allies for hundreds of years. Slavs and vikings share a LOT of common history you hysterical sperg, especially Russia and Poland.
More like our buddies Denmark took turns raping your country.
And I ignored your beer comment because it is hilariously dumb, it was the jews in UKRAINE who taxed peasants for lease on land they owned and when they couldn't pay it they seized the lands and turned it into alcohol for QUICK profit, causing mass starvation. Eight hundred year beer monopoly, wew, you are a special kind of autist.
Yeah because like my ancestors Viking communications begins with them raiding your coastline and taking slaves to work their farms in Scandinavia as thralls
calm down sperg
your buddies?
we're related to the Danes through descent from the Saxons which is where we get the myth of Beowulf from
and the last comment?
learn your own fucking history you thick gopnik twat
So explain to me how did Danes rape and murder us to you infallible retard, all talk, pure shit
One obscure fact, never forget the crimes of the Jews, horrible
And kikes controlling your banks only fueled their take over of your country. Boo hoo, Jews owned taverns while Jews in Ukraine starved them to death and Jews in England effectively subverted the country from the inside. Which has the second most population of Jews outside of Israel now? You really are grasping for straws cuck.
America so not really relevant
look it up moron its true
this map shows Viking incursions and raiding routes through Poland
take your meds and calm down
I don't get it. We don't have too many Russians in Deutsch/pol/ and their certainly not whining about Poland kek
Also congratz on your first own thread bracia! And keep up the kebab-removal. Don't let the leftists come to power or they will turn your country around as they did in Western Europe.
Also sorry how it all went downhill after Pilsudski died. It were harsh times for both of our Nations. Let's keep going from where he and Hitler left off shall we?
How about you stop Iooking at the past and face reality, faggot? Same scenario happening in front of you, although England is still prominently jewish, more so on the inside.
Not it really isn't. Sources:
Some guys threw dead pigs on site but they built the piece of shit mosque anyway
This pisses me off so much.
It is never going to be just a "sacral" object. It is going to be a terrorist hotspot
They are at power constantly from 1918
I don't know about that. Many polacks are just as leftie as the west. Just go to any news site and read the comments sucking euro/germoney dick and screaming about russia take over if we do anything do displease our overlords.
Many compare sand niggers to polacks aboard. "if mudslims are bad it means polacks are bad too and we don't want that, right?!".
Now it could be euro defense online squad. In my circles everyone is against any kind of rapefugee.
Wilno and Lwów are useless and taking it would only cause us trouble without real benefits.
Well paid jobs you mean. Why work in Poland if I can be paid 3 times or more in the west?
He wasn't perfect, but yes. He tried to warn us about ww2 and western "allies". Nobody listened though. Our government basically pushed Hitler into temp alliance with soviets.
The leftie Poles are simply unaware of the real issues here in the West and seem to live with the illusion that Poland has a lot of catching up to do - the only catching up we need is economic, but not cultural. Frankly, I am happy to keep Polish culture as "backward" as possible, if only to avoid the idiocies that I've had my fill of while living in London.
Things that a lot of Holla Forums cries is missing in culture nowadays like chivalry, traditional family roles and cultural integrity in line with old European and Christian values is still alive in Poland, but sadly lot of folk think it is backward and embarrassing to hold on to those traditions.
I wish I could make them see how much went went wrong in the West because those things were absent.
this guy gets it.
this guy gets it as well
How? Could you tell me what is crippling the polish economy?
I can already guess that there are some people with big noses to name but I mean the specific issues where does the workpower and the money go?
Socialism and burocracy
Which is impossible for us to ever accomplish. Look around in your city. Check who owns the major shopping malls. Poland generates wealth for the west not ourselves. We don't have any options but to resort to gibs from EU.
I read last year of possibility working with China. Nothing official. Just an option. Creating new silk road and whatnot. We can't do that though. It would hurt EU, USA and potentially Russia if they refused to work with us.
Our political class is also not on the level of any other western country.
You need reductions in tax burdens which are placed mainly on small and medium enterprise, reduction in bureaucratic tape(check out the indexes for ease of doing business and friendliness of bureaucracy to small business, Poland still scores poorly there), lack of domestic capital (that is, Polish investors and millionaires who aren't tied to foreign capital), and state focus on science and technology to prevent brain drain and the continuous hemorrhaging of novelties and patents which are sold abroad, like graphen.
current Government was in power for a year and a bit now, that's not enough yet to implement all the things, and you have to remember that almost 20 years were squandered under centre-left and liberal governments in Poland ,that did little to shore up the economic base, as opposed to let it be exploited and plundered.
My father ran a variety of businesses and was capable of having a turnover in hundreds of thousands of zloty a month, but after the downturn in '98 and then the shitstorm not a decade later we had to leave the country.
I honestly wish I could come back, I am sick of the West. I'm already building a house back in the home area where we still own land.
tak kurwa
Oh, they menaged to bloat bureaucracy even more, legalized NSA like spying and introduced more gibs, so they will steal more taxes.
what a fucking cunt you have to be to try and paint that as a bad decision.
Bog našo nam deželo, Bog živi ves Slovenski Svet
Brate vse, kar nas je, sinov Sloveče Matere
Thanks for the warm welcome, you can see that were.. Up to a messy start to say the least.
Welcome to drop to Visegard/pol/ general if it ever comes to it, there's more to this thread than just Poles ! Germany as a close partner is vital for our union to prosper, jewish plutocrats stop at nothing, and history makes it known.. All for one, and one for all.
Jesus Christ.. Why is our country filled with whiners?
Lack of Polish investors is my biggest gripe, I don't want to give away a hefty percentage of my business away just to kick-start it as fast as possible, especially when the business model relies on a constant stream of "visitors".
As in give it away to some kike
Holla Forumsska, I'm a Polish national from America, and while I never lived in Poland for more than a few months, staying is always tempting.
Of course, the main reason I've been hesitant is the pay, even my cousins in the home country tell me it's better to get a job outside of it in order to build a nest egg and remit what you earn back to your family. Personally I've never done so nor have I voted from abroad, because I feel like I'll enable a government that does not affect me, so I want to know if I should start.
Who are the folk who focus on Poland's Polish businesses, what needs to be done to start removing the EU's slimy fingers from us?
Working together with China sounds smart at first but it carries a lot of weight with itself. The main problem is the disparity in prominence the chinese would never give us a fair deal, which profits our country even remotely as much as china. Additionaly the Chinese are just as bad as the jews, I remember some of the anons talking about their work with chinese and how much of a disaster it was. Additionally our country would be flooded with Chinese goods, so farewell to the dream of a polish owned economy in its own country. Personally i beliefe we should drain the Eu as much as possible before its inevitable collaps. And the only thing which could save our political class is a bunch of anons larping a Przewrót majowy and taking over those sejm whores.
You mean political parties? I guess Korwin's "lolbertarian" Wolność party is both pro business and anti-Eu, but they're of the cuckservative mindset and not nationalists. Also their leader selfsabotages and untill he finally croaks I doubt that option will ever make a difference.
I myself with time stopped being so hung up on economic policy. Sure, there's better and there's worse, but that's not the priority. There are a lot of Western countries with great economies that are on a fast track to supplant their native populations. What does wealth matter when your head's on a spike and your country's kebab'd?
Consider the following
Kiedyś już to poruszałem na innej desce: brakuje narodowego rdzenia ideologicznego kompatybilnego z współczesnymi wyzwaniami.
Wiek temu Bóg Honor Ojczyzna było jak znalazł, bo głównym problemem były czerwone gudłaje albo narody odmienne religijnie i pod tym kątem wrogie. Dzisiaj papies myje kulasy i całuje saraceńskie dupy, a na kontynent wlewa się fauna, której chrystianizacja albo spolszczenie nijak nie podwyższy IQ. W międzyczasie sporo "narodowców" to po prostu cuckserwy wersja hard, typu Amerykański pastor jak-mu-tam.
IMO w takich warunkach potencjał polityczny będzie się mocno wytracał. To jest spory problem.
I have nothing to add but always feel welcome in your ancestral homeland friend, do mention you're American, we have always been allies and you'll get treated better than others.
Picture one, monument dedicated to brave Polish-American sons who risked it all to fight off the dirty jewish boshlevik hordes during the Polish-Soviet war. God be with you.
Korwin isn't libertarian. He is conservative liberal (real one, not american "liberal"). Most right wing politician in game right know. But he know that he cannot win with current dupocracy rules now. He expect economic happening and collapse of system.
Given the state of EU's economy, that doesn't say much.
That's bullshit, he doesn't even try to build a solid base from what he can get now. He's controlled opposition-tier retarded - and old as shit, hw will never see he likely doesn't even have a plan for the future.
And still, not an option you can trust your immigration policy with, so long term what's thepoint.
najlepszy prezydent
*he likely doesn't even have a plan for the future he will never see
czy on czasem nie jest za "neutralnością" wobec Rosji?
Of course he is, as Russia isn't our enemu.
Rosja nie jest naszym wrogiem a przynajmniej nie większym niż Niemcy, USA, Ukraina itd.
Ja wiem, że ruskie to kurwy ale to jeszcze nie znaczy, że musimy z nimi walczyć przy każdej okazji, szczególnie jak to jest nie zgodne z naszymi interesami.
I really think Poland will prosper. You have such great energy. Values and heart in the right place. If you can make a transition where actually young people take the power in politics you're golden.
Much love
Slava Slovanom!
You have the ball drawn upside-down.
Moskal jak moskal, wypić z nim to wypić, nie tępić od razu, ale pleców pilnować, bo noże ostre mają.
Ogólnie panowie bracia, to potrzeba nam partii na którą głosować, albo może nawet założyć partię.
Korwin to pluskwa ośmieszająca prawicę.
Pis i PO to status quo do końca świata, albo aż im dup nie rozjadą.
Chciałbym natomiast waszą opinię na temat Kukiza. Bo ostatecznie podoba mi się po części jego partia, ale nie jestem pewny jego siły w parlamencie.inb4 jestem tępym chujem za głosowanie na niego
In this day and age when everything turns upside down Poland might actually finally turn the right way.
There you go.
Kurdebele nie wiem, niby siedzi w sejmie, czasem coś dobrze powie, poglądy nawet prawilne ale jakoś go nie lubię.
Zawsze miałem wrażenie, że partia Kukiza to zbitek losowych ludzi, którzy widzą, że coś jest nie tak, ale nie mają pojęcia co można i należy zmienić.
ok, I'll post my fav polish qt
No właśnie w tym rzecz, że on chyba stara się robić dobrze, ale jest zwyczajnie przekrzykiwany przez wszystkich.
Przydałby się nam ktoś taki jak Trump, ale my mieliśmy takich "trumpów" w Polsce. Panowie szlacheccy Polscy byli znani ze swej porywczości. Przydałoby się paru takich znowu.
Też prawda, choć wydaje mi się, że oni wiedzą co zmienić, ale nie są pewni jak.
Od razu też mówię, żebym nie wyszedł na jakiegoś shilla, że kukiz też ma swoje problemy.
Na arenie Politycznej potrzebujemy kogoś więcej niż śpiewaka.
Polish anons, my uni in South Brazil has a student exchange agreement with the Kielce University of Technology. I'm interested in applying. How is it?
Our economy cant suistain it for long.
Are you white?
Yeah. German by my father's side and Northern Italian by my mothers'.
Should be somewhat fine then i think.
Then go for it. I'm sure it'll be interesting expirience to live in 99+% white country.
I heard Kielce isn't very good among Polish tech unis. I'm not certain so don't take my words for granted.
Other thing is here you can study for free as long as you don't fuck up so a lot of people is studing here, some of them are only interested in benefits but they are usually gone after first year. So it shouldn't be a problem.
I'm going to stray a bit offtopic but hey, that shouldn't be a problem.
So my countryman, director and an all around top guy who is now in the process of making another blockbuster, Mitja Okorn (Listy do M.) fell in love with a Polish qt.314, moved there, learned the language and stayed there.
He has nothing but praise for Poland and Polish people.
He's kinda /ourguy/ so I know he's being 100% sincere. He says you accepted him and this means alot to him.
You are always welcome in my country brothers. There is overwhelming support for you.
I think it'd be only for a semester up to a year anyways. But, yes, I really want to leave this god forsaken country and I admire the current Polish nationalist revival, tbqh
Here is a video Mitja directed before he ever became famous:
Song is in Slovenian
It basically says never give up.
When you fall you come back 2000 times stronger
I'm planing to bike through a bit of east and south euro this summer, is there any place is Slovenia I should visit?
Really good places to visit (besides some generic suburbs in larger cities) Kranjska Gora, Bled, Bohinj, Ljubljana, Piran, Koper, Izola, then Celje, Bela Krajina, Prekmurje.
This is a hard question because I am inevitably going to leave some out (it really is that beautiful)
We are very much biking enthusiasts quite like Polish.
I suggest you look it up yourself for biking routes, but you are going to love it here. Safe enviroment and very nice people.
Thank you, I will.
I'm still planning route and places to visit. I'm reading about Hungary right now and I can't wait to start.
The thing you will find here in central Europe and Višegrad 4 group is that while we are not maybe as rich but we make up for that with being honest to our ancestry and being kind people. Have a great trip!
Not enough QTs tbh fam.
green eye grills are best grills
Of course Russia is our enemy. Or rival. Or a threat. However you like to portray it.
Russians want to expand and feel they NEED to expand towards the borders of the European Plain and the Danish straits. Basic geopolitics, Russians will never leave us alone, even if we ask a billion times and declare "neutrality" (self-isolation from allies who the Russians fear).
W Kukiz'15 jest skrzydło narodowe, sam Ciastuś jest zbyt zbałamucony obracaniem się w środowisku "artystycznym", żeby przejżeć na oczy. Należy się uważnie przyglądać i w razie rozłamu poprzeć narodowców.
Jeżeli mieliby zamiar wprowadzic system prezydencki jak w US tez możnaby się zastanowić, bo jesteśmy geograficznie zwartym krajem narodowym i jeden obieralny przywódca byłby całkiem efektywny.
You shouldn't fear Putin as much as his opponents. Because one day his legacy will be overthrown to return to Communism, and this is where true expansion will begin.
Shadow of Leninism is a real threat.
Ideology didn't change anything, Russia was always expansionist.
Tak, tylko rozjebali by nas jeszcze szybciej niż po konstytucji 3-majowej.
Silna Polska to problem dla Niemców, Rosjan i Brukseli, ale potrzebna przeciwwaga i punkt zborny dla reszty Europy (V4, Europa Wschodnia). Bez oparcia naszej polityki międzynarodowej na sojuszu z innymi krajami środka, nic nigdy nie wywojujemy.
A Ameryka to gówniany sojusznik, wykorzystujący nas jak pionka.
Ale co to ma do rzeczy? Jak niby system prezydencki będzie niszczył nam lokalną dyplomację?
I tak zawsze musimy dażyć do maksymalnej akumulacji siły, nie mamy wyjścia, słabość też prowokuje (swoją drogą v4 jako prawdziwy blok ekonomiczno-militarny - to dopiero by ich drażniło!). W międzyczasie Niemcy nie są narazie politycznie zdolne do militarnej agresji, a wg wielu ekspertów Rosja zbliża się do okresu niepokojów i wewnetrznej niestabilności, co również ograniczy poważnie posunięcia na zewnątrz. Nie ma się na co oglądać tylko zbroic i wzmacniac na każdy inny sposób.
USA ma zjebaną klasę polityczną i nieświadomą opinię publiczną, w z wiazku z czym nie poczuwają się do jakiejś specjalnej przyzwoitości ani spójności, ale to ich akurat nie odróżnia od innych dużych krajów. Lepiej sie zastanów kogo wolałbyś wzamian - od razu ci powiem że 9 na 10 opcji byłoby na różne sposoby gorsze. USA w roli odległego patrona dało nam 27 lat spokoju, doceń to. Ani UE ani NATO nie jest gwarancją czegokolwiek bez groźby hamburgerów robiących Putputowi wjazd na chatę.
Well, times are changing my friend
I couldn't agree more with the last sentence.
NATO wargames next to Russian border this year proved that. They don't care about Poland. The care about your strategic position
*last year
And what did multiple Russian trainings simulating using deescalating nuclear strikes against Poland before and after the NATO wargame prove?
Delusional much?
Man, don't get angry with me. I just don't think NATO is your greatest ally.
Infact NATO a shit, bro
I heard that Russia wanted to partition Ukraine with Poland, Hungary, and Romania. Is this true?
Don't know, but I like the idea. (Not Polish, -neither Russian so my opinion doesn't represent Polish people)
I think Ukraine is a bunch of whiny bitches
The media reported on it and it's about as real as russian hackers who rigged the US elections.
NATO is a mirage, there's only USA and US guarantees. Don't get caught up with imagery of shady international organizations, this ain't one.
If you keep advocating this double standard of us having to practically disarm and alienate ourselves and Russia doing whatever the fuck it likes I will call you out on it, everytime.
It was just unofficial bullshitting by some parliamentary hebe clown in Moscow, I forget his name. None of the countries mentioned are politically capable (or willing) of unprovoked aggression and ruskies know it.
Ukraine is a buffer against further Russian encroachment in the region and I doubt anyone would risk it collapsing entirely into Moscow's field of control, even if they could wrestle some ethnically Romanian/Hungarian regions in the process.
PS The real reason for the declaration (besides garnering presonal popularity) was for internal politics purposes only. Basically saying "See? nobody likes Ukrainians! Its not a real country anyway."
I want a ukrainian gf
hot Polish girl slams islam in front of her own goverment run media building
didi I mention she is Smart and Hot
Polish nationalist girls are so hot. Now I am Slavic so I know beautiful girls, but yes, I'm jealous a bit
Nie do końca mnie zrozumiałeś, sam jestem zwolennikiem systemu prezydenckiego i podzielam twoje zdanie, ale musimy być świadomi ze będziemy mieli do czynienia z wielkimi silami, które będą dążyć do tego aby Polska nie miała silnej pozycji. Plan jest potrzebny jak to obejść i czego się można spodziewać. dlatego w grze międzynarodowej o silna polske potrzebny jest blok poparcia, a V4 ma szanse tym blokiem być, zwłaszcza ze tym krajom zależny na silnym sojuszniku który jest blisko, jest kulturowo przychylny i podobny oraz ma podobna sytuacje względem wschodu i zachodu. UE chwieje się na glinianych nogach, wiec mamy okazje aby zbudować przeciwwagę na osi Warszawa-Budapeszt.
USA dało nam pokój, zgadza się, ale opiera się ona na patronacie kraju który traktuje nas jak psa - polskim priorytetem powinna być sensowna strategia i uzbrojenie, a pomoc USA jako dodatkowego gwaranta, a nie odwrotnie.
Michael Karkoc did nothing wrong.
Thank You for the pictures !!
You are most welcome
Jest ktoś z ONRu/w kontakcie z ONRem? Jaki poziom intelektualny reprezentują lokalni liderzy?
Mimo wszystko jako polityk Kukiz > naspeedowany pelikan w worku > Korwin.
Sam głosowałem na ozjasza, więc to nie jest tak że mówię to z jakiejś złośliwości.
mam nadzeje że po 10 stronie thrady nie dostaja bumplocka
Alright Holla Forumsacks.
So what's the story with PiS? Are they subverted or what?
t. Canadian Pole living in pajeet muhammad Jung city
When I was in Poland, I heard how basically Poland was giving out welfare like crazy to all the Ukranians and that Poland were basically giving away all its money. There was a general hate how Poles were paying their welfare tax money all to the Ukranians, any update on that?
They're cuckservatives who realized they'd get eaten if they do what the West allowed to happen to it. They're good enough to carry us for 3-7 years or until something better comes up, but they're not nationalists and basically profess color blindness. They're not so much subverted as crooked from the beginning, since most people in position to do politics decades ago had to be crooked one way or another.
Their main characteristic is wanting to capitalize on exposing filthy post-communist backroom deals and corruption as well as discrediting the "success story" of transitioning from gommunizm to democracy, which makes them look like the devil to all the quivering leftards and german-owned media.
Its posturing, like Poland having its military exercise on the border of Ukraine after Russian intervention, or whatever you wanna call it.
They're set to be sucked dry by taxes sooner or later too, so I assume its a strategic "welcoming" gesture as to funnel as many white refugees into the country as quickly as possible before the conflict ends, as the money would go back into the economy too. They're playing the long game, although I don't know what their strategy overall is, maybe funnel Ukrainians to do manual work as many Poles leave the country in hopes of a specialized degree, thus a bigger wage.
Yeah, no shit. That's why I point it out.
However the substandard offensive nuclear option is part of their actual military doctrine and they make threats towards us every now and then. Then cry about the Americans "surrounding" them and whatnot. Mental Mongolia.
I'm not familiar with any welfare programs targeting ukrs, specify.
As a white American that spent almost 1 year living in Poland, I have to say they treated me like someone coming home. I did not get a better reception across ALL of Europe (I went to most countries)
I fear that there isn't enough Nationalism and that the Poles are going to let the Niggers/Mexicans come into the country with the American troops they are letting in.
The Jews are trying to stir up fear of Russia and it has worked.
I really hope you realize that the EU and US are not your friends. Russia is not really either, but they are not the International Jew who want to destroy you completely.
Think of things this way. Under the many years of occupation by Russia, you are still Polish. If you stay with the US or EU, you will be replaced and they will do whatever they can to destroy your people and culture….
Please save Poland and spread the word.
Checked nigger
Maybe he meant the welfare programme as a whole, the sooner we polonize them the sooner we can move onwards with reclaiming Eastern territories under the guise of a "developed, Western country" or let them fall to Russian influence.
Shit, son. that's a lot of traveling. Should've invested all that money into Eastern Poland.
In this case jews don't need to do anything.
Oh we know.
America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests.
-t. Jewba the Hutt
However it so happens that keeping a perimeter against Russian influence in Europe is an American influence. Has been for a long ass time. And there's nobody else to lean on. Closest country that hasn't gone decadent and defeatist is the roach caliphate and that's because they're too daft for it. Otherwise we have no alliance options.
Its an existential threat to our state. that's more than you can claim about the US military alliance. Dropping the alliance won't lessen Kosherwood propaganda either.
If you'd pay attention you'd know Russia might dump its primary ethnic core as well as the mudslime tide rises. Dugin and his ilk are already prepping the Abdul. You can take your delusion of h'white nationalist Russia and blow them out your ass. They don't oppose US because of ideology, you're just in their way to more power.
Through the ages ruskies used mass displacement and we lost millions of potential countrymen that way. They used artificial migration to implant homo sovieticuses all over Eastern Europe, in Crimea, the Baltic states, Romania. As human mobility grows they will only do it more, not less. And this will likely mean funneling chechens, dagestanis etc. Mark my words, when the ethnic Russians are few enough they'll start bringing in Africans in swarms.
Przy obecnych standardach politycznych byłbym zdziwiony gdyby udało nam się spolonizować 5% tych jełopów. Ukraińcy sa zjebani, zawsze sie im dzieje kriuda, jak hamburgerskim murzynom. Jak nadamy im obywatelstwa to sie zacznie cyrk. Szopka za szopką jakie to Poljaki złe i jak się bidnym hahłom kriuda dzieje. Ale wypierdalać spowrotem nigdy, może conajwyżej na Zachód.
Oni są potencjalną kulą u nogi i zażewiem konfliktu z UPAiną, nie okazją. Chyba że mówimy o wyniesieniu prawilnej partii na hasłach ukrócenia dzikiej imigracji. Sprowadzenie 1mln+ ludzi do 36 mln kraju bez pytania to patologia która trzeba ukrócić zanim się osmiela i zaczna ubogacać nas również ekskrementoskórymi.
If we had foreign lands as to concentrate them in place a federation like Pilsudski imagined with a central power dominating over other Ukrainians could work.
What's the point of forcefully entangling with less civicly developed, somewhat hostile civilizational turanians in a forced conglomerate? Barring military strength they'd be just a huge drain on our coffers and our politics as we'd struggle to right all of the many kriudas the ukr population could conjure up from their asses. We can have a defensive military alliance+military industrial cooperation and skip all the nonsense.
Piłsudsky only got to play Napoleon thanks to Kraut gold, much like Lenin. His main achievement was that he didn't turn out to be a psychotic commie retard.
Forcefully; I'm hoping you're not implying we invade them outright, that's not how modern day war works. We use a military strategy proven most effective, a strategy devised by Pilsudski himself; we brake up western Ukraine by stirring up revolutionary tendencies in what remains of native Polish-Ukrainians and those who choose to help us (as Ukrainians have proven not to object to the idea of a Western - Eastern federation or some sort of formal allience by sporting the Intermarium logo all over nationalistic rallies) and integrate lost Polish territory formally.
So, like i said, force them, coerce them into it… and then pay for it day after day till it finally falls apart through foreign meddling. Waste of resources. If you want more grunts lobby for a 1000+ social program. lel
Land is not what we need, we suffer a demographic decline. Acquiring territory through busting up of neighbor states, clearing the path for a Russian surge is German-tier, nostalgia-fueled idiocy. Leave that to the idiots, we, on the other hand, need to focus on building real strength, not overreaching and paying for it a dozen times over.
And forget UPAinian nationalists, their whole mythology is anti-Polish and would turn them against us in any configuration that brings both nations into direct political coexistence.
PS I can assure you nobody is actually expecting Intermarium to be a federalized state. Nobody. Especially not fucking nationalists.
Land is a benefit of the demographic increase, highest (Polish, because do you really trust the Ukies) estimate puts Polish-Ukrainians at 800,000, 1,000,000 Ukrainians came into our country, and the population of Lwow is 750,000. Why the fuck did we take them all in then, we could've eaisly annexed our rightful clay, even if by force, and had less of a problem than letting them immigrate formally. I agree we should work on our country first, I'm not saying rush it all, but we best start doing shit fast, our constitution states that our government has to protect all Poles abroad, I'd rather have those who are connected to our homeland arrive than a full-blood Ukie, unless they're helping our interests.
I know it is, where's your military strategy? Subvert, and divide. Just like Azov is jew owned, and those who fight for it follow jewish interests blindly, we could do the same thing for us on a smaller scale, hell, Russia would most definitely back us both diplomatically and militarily if it gets to it, as it'd be within their interest too, as proven with Kremlins meddling with the Polish minorities in Lithuania, which sought out to incooperate lower Lithuania into Poland. What would stop us demanding a vote for "rights of self determination" for native Poles? Or arranging a "peace treaty" for Ukraine and displaced ethnicities, like Poland and Russia exchanged peoples some dozen years ago, citing African ethnic conflicts as one evil of crudely drawn and recognized borders. Think in 4D chess, mein nigger.
You must think too low of me, I never said that, I meant that it shows those who fight for such battalions hardly have a vision of their own.
Weird that. Then again, as a Pole, the only Ukrainians I know are Plutocrats, and the only ones that were shown on Russian sympathetic news sources were middle and upper-middle class types. I assumed, "Like us, but not us. In fact, a bit more distant than us. On a scale of Pole to Czech, they are past Lithuanian and right next to being Russian."
Is this even a thing? I refuse to let Holla Forumsland get the blunt of the blame for this. I demand that there is shared responsibility with the Ruskies. :^)
You are so right! It seems like people only act proper in their own fucking countries and then sour the moment they hit foreign shores – the UK/Ireland in this case with their insular communities. You never see it anywhere else. I want the Poles to fuck off out of Ireland. (And I mean that in a nice way, I love pierogi, honest. And by "fuck off", I really mean that I want solutions.) The real-estate and housing market in Ireland is fucked, as it is in Scotland and the rest of the UK! Heck, all the foreign hordes should just "fuck off". And I mean that in the nicest way possible. Clearly there are unaddressed issues with obvious undercurrents.
Poles always make up the largest number of immigrants in a lot of countries (the numbers can make you blush) yet the so-called "Syrian engineers and rocket scientists" make up a disproportionate number of the criminals, the rapists, thieves and murderers. The colloquial rapefugees.
They are neocohen controlled leftist party with jew as leader
Exactly. It had led to the deployment of NATO missiles. For Poland, the most important values are: freedom, individualism, right of choice, and national independence. Because not having a country for long lulls of time, again, and again, and again, makes a people ist vielleicht nicht so eine polnische Bauern-Katschinskifresse.
As a member of the European Union and NATO, Poland has by its own choice limited its sovereignty, in exchange for the benefits offered by membership of one of the world's most influential alliances. Russia, conversely, does not give away even an inch of sovereignty, and is very touchy about the slightest hint of such self-limitation.
A large portion of the Russians dismiss all countries in other alliances, except for these alliances' hegemons, as unimportant satellites or as potential enemies. That is why the attitude towards them is often one of haughtiness or hostility.
The processes two countries have gone through over the past half-century are the subject of diametrically different appraisals by their societies.
In Poland, it is de rigueur to rejoice at the downfall of a pro-Soviet communist regime and unification with Europe, and to extol the advantages of the market economy and the democratic system. In Russia, there is a nostalgia for the Brezhnev era, when the Soviet Union was one of the two world superpowers; the 1991 events are mostly seen as a catastrophe and the country's historic defeat to the US; and the subsequent reforms are viewed as a scourge and a road to nowhere.
With the emergence of a new post-Soviet generation, the intensity of nostalgia and resentment has lessened a bit, but this is only a nuanced change, with all the mainstream assessments remaining unchanged: Russia is said to have taken a wrong direction after the fall of communism; what is needed is a radical and quick change towards a Soviet-like socially-oriented state which would again play a world role. The idea of returning to the European family of nations, as one of many equal-rights members, has receded into history with perestroika, and it today survives only on the fringes.
Poland has historically warranted and understandable fears of Russia, which is not only many times bigger is terms of area and military potential, but which also many times in the past either ruled over large parts of Poland and or otherwise restricted Polish sovereignty.
These concerns are capitalised by career politicians to great effect, which is why it is difficult to counter these tendencies towards discord, discrepancy, mutual fear, old and new traumas, and apprehension. The powers that be would not want healthy Russian-Polish relations, despite a thousand years' long neighbourhood, mutual familiarity and closeness of the peoples, languages, cultures and habits.
And then the foreign media goes on with stories like:
That would be the Irish that make up the single largest number of immigrants the world over.
It's 'lefty' for being generous on welfare through its family first programs, despite being smeared as as a populist right-wing xenophobic and authoritarian regime. The fact that the party promotes itself through unashamedly xenophobic rhetoric and is supported by people who share those views, seeking traditional family values is something that is lost on outsiders. But then again, liberals were never relied on being very introspective.
So it's a paty claiming commitment to a real social welfare state (including, e.g., cash payments to families with children); and second, conservative Catholic social views. And the Poles are not happy with the Pope.
But the Jews work everywhere in Poland, and so nowhere is safe. And so, no doubt, this party may very well be a front as you say.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh… I forgot about Australia… And literally everywhere else. Well I can see that if it were a competition, then you would have won and have all the bragging rights.
No, the Irish have won.
I mean, when you really get down to it, isn't there some kind of abstract competition that life follows to self-propagate and outcompete everything else? If so, then the Irish have pretty much won on that front. Now that think about it, I can't recall of a place where I haven't heard of an Irish surname. If I look and see a pretty lass, like a really fine lass. She's bound to be Irish. And if you spot an unquestionably fine specimen of the same sex, no doubt about it, a fine Irishman.
The world is Irish. They live in it. The rest of us are simply occupying it. We were too blind to see it.
Your boss is Irish.
Your co-workers are Irish.
The pub serves, you guessed it, Irish patrons.
And when you look in the mirror… Irish.
This explains why lunch is seven beers and a potato.
Yeah, because US would invade Russia through those bases outside of Europe, so they can have a nice trek through 3000+ km of fucking nothing while getting shit on by rockets (nukes included) and aircraft. lrn2supply lines and sanctuaries.
America's whole plan is pulling Russia over to their side. They suppress their expansion to keep them from snowballing into an unmanageable size. USA's real rival is CHYNA. Nobody cares about Russia in Washington - in fact that's a potential problem for us, since Russians could get concessions in the region from the Burgers in exchange for help with the Chinks.
What is that supposed to mean? I could interpret that either way.
Because the political class is a bunch of retarded bean counters shortsightedly focusing on tiny ticks of economic growth and nothing else. Same as everywhere.
Not really. In fact out of necessity Ukr military balooned into being less flabby than ours'.
Also our society would never agree to kicking them in the ass just because there's a gain to be had.
Do you really think redrawing borders in EUROPE would be less of a problem than letting people immigrate out of their own volition??? Then you're simply nuts. Besides, migration happened to allocate work force. This workforce has to travel. Ukrainian economy is garbage and we'd likewise acquire a chunk of garbage. it wouldn't be a net gain for a long ass time as we'd have to subsidizer it's growth.
Take it up with the politicians, if it was up to me only Poles could migrate here at all, regardless of workforce shortages.
That's just words, not an actual plan.
So, coming back to where we were last post: bust up a state, wreck it politically, let Russia take 4 times the amount you took and wait for Ruskies to believe they're a super power again, then war.
I can already tell you Russia would never actually let you get that land. They'd intervene. just like they'd intervene on behalf of any group just to take control of the Baltic states.
>What would stop us demanding a vote for "rights of self determination" for native Poles?
Lemme see, Russians, Americans, Germans, Brits, maybe even Frogs…
To do all this shit you need a setting in which you dominate, pretexts won't dissuade other players from fighting to preserve stability in Europe. For any of those rogue actions you'd have to pretty much wait for a major, devastating war happening elsewhere for the major powers to be occupied with.
Lithuania and Ukraine are buffers, you undermine our security with your krauttastic ideas. I also bet there's at least a couple people from those countries reading this and thinking less of us for it. Meanwhile, as I mentioned earlier, our own society wouldn't accept these actions.
I'd gladly take all of them back, but this isn't exactly something within the capabilities of the Polish state, as we can't SWAT Ireland and drag the legal fucking immigrants approved by the sovereign Irish state away, kicking and screaming. We can only focus on development so they return on their own.
While you can work on closing your borders. In fact if you don't even if all poles stud up and walked away today it would still to save you fro the eventual nigging.
I love this euphemism.
Question. Does TV back in PL still air shows like Reksio and other programming from the 1970's?
Guess that explains the screening Liberals been literally everywhere.
…And the are the traumatic, harsh and often bloody experiences of mutual relations, which cannot be forgoten from history, and without which it will not be possible to build national identities.
If a Polish soldier was in a positon to shoot a German and a Russian, which would he shoot first? Naturally, the German, because 'najpierw obowiązek, a dopiero potem przyjemność!' (duty before pleasure)
I'm wise to your tricks Shlomo. You cannot divide us.
At a Polish-Soviet border crossing one dark, cold night the Soviet border guard saw that his Polish counterpart had dozed off (probably nursing a hangover), slumped over the border post and his had rolled over to the Soviet side. The Russky’s duty was ending so he decided to play a trick on the Pole and crapped into his hat. Several weeks passed before the same two soldiers were on guard duty at the same time again, but neither said a word. It so happened, that this time it was the Soviet soldier that dozed off. When he woke up in his cap was a bottle of Winiak and Starka, a box of Wedel chocolates, a Krakus tinned ham and a carton of high-class Carmen cigarettes. Next time the two duties coincided, the Russian was greatly embarrassed and profusely apologized that he had played such a nasty trick and the Pole had given him such luxury delicacies. To which the Pole replied: “Co kto ma to daje!” (You can only give what you’ve got).
Someone is being given a grand tour of hell. In huge cauldrons different nationalties – Frenchmen, Swedes, Russians, Brits, Italians, Czechs, Scots, etc. – are being boiled in oil, guarded by a cordon of fork-wiedling devils. The visitor asks the guide: "Why has that cauldron been left ungaurded?" "Oh," replied the guide. "Those are Poles. When one of them tries to get out, the others pull him back in!" :^)
A Góral (a Polish highlander) was in court on charges of killing a tourist who was found with multiple stab wounds. Asked to explain, the Góral said: "Well, you see, it was like this, Your Worship.
I was sitting on a stump whittling away when this ceper* came round and tripped so unfortunately that he impaled himself on my whittling knife. And he did so a total of seventeen times."
*Ceper (pronounced tsepper rhyming with the American pronunciation of pepper) is Góralese for an outsider, tourist, holidaymaker, cityslicker, etc.
It's worst case scenario if (((USA))) pulls Russia on it's side against China. It will be final victory to kikes.
You need staging ground for attack on Russia (and China and Iran) - ZOG is closing in constantly.
Kikes and brainwashed Poles are pushing muh 6 billions murdered by Germans narrative, kvetching when Germans or king nigger uses "polish death camps". Most Poles are bluepilled on jews and Holacaust (TM). Muh poor jews, we are not antisemites! Particulary visible in controlled opposition christcuck organisations.
Sad but true. But I love it when they redpill.
If you go to Jerusalem Post, every mention of Poland in the comment section consists of Jews kvetching on about how wicked the Poles were and are to this day, and on how Poland needs to be nuked.
To provide some context, the Burned Jew effigy was 'indented to represent Soros', but the defendant on trial for torching the mock-up of an Hasidic man says he wasn't sure what the Jewish (((philanthropist))) looked like. This is a case of a tautology.
Maybe someday, Gleichgewicht. Maybe someday.
Yes, but unfortunatly it's minority. And (((state))) is coming down on every antikike movement.
Aye. Such is alway the case. But enough frowns, it's time for smiles.
Let me tell you of a priest, a Polish priest who has been linked to far right groups and football hooligans that has made an 'antisemitic rant' in Poland. Jacek Miedlar reportedly told his congregation during a Mass: "Passive Jewish mob will try to throw you on your knees, then crawling, will try to grind faeces on you. Jews want to swallow you, to digest you – for only reason – to spit you out because of your further uselessness."
A banner at a march of the Polish Law and Justice Party, which enjoys a majority in both houses of the Polish parliament, read: “We demand the immediate liquidation of masonic Jewish life in Poland. It threatens Poles.”
Thats funny, considering that first PiS goverment allowed back in Poland a jewish B'nai B'rith lounge.
"By their fruits ye shall know them."
I normally don;t do this because it's usually a method of jews who ask this after someone presents reels and reels of evidence and details of obvious jewish subversion, but becaase what you say is so serious and a cursory search I made didn;t find anything to confirm what you say.
Could you please provide some kind of sound evidence for this claim.
I know PIS aren't the full NatSoc government that Poland and Europe desperately needs right now, but them permitting a judeo-Masonic B'nai B'rith lodge to return to a land they were once expelled from seems hard to digest. Especially as they [PIS] claim are against freemasonry, which should be outlawed in every nation in the world, not just Europe.
Memories fam. Is there possibly a Goral/ultra group?
They got kicked here but I have to applaud the warrior mentality. Here is Goral + Ilina.
They maybe bit of more that they can chew, app 35 v 50
Anyways respect for ultra mentality
Big love for Olimpia Warszawa crew
mentality ultra-brothers for life
Yeah no, me and my family and Polish 'acquitances' all intermingled and barely are recognizable as a distinct group were it not for some of their names. Post 2004 this status did change unfortunately.
Yup, most often on TV Puls which is aired through radio/DVB-T, very rarely on TVP1/2, as with Bolek & Lolek, Koziołek Matołek, Miś Uszatek and the rest. Sometimes they'll even air Sąsiedzi/A Je To!, a sweet Czech show.
The guys' shirts were originally red and yellow, but censor fucks from USSR made up some bullshit they were meant to symbolize USSR-China relations and they were forced to change them.
Looking at the Dutch elections I'm really glad my parents didn't apply for citzienship when I came here. Brothers, I might not have seen you since I was a child, but I might return in the years to come.
PiS has a tendency to do the exact opposite of what they are stating - they proclaim to be pro-gibs and pro-nation, but they also fuck the small-medium business sectors to provide those gibs without touching the conglomerates, in fact - aiding the globalists in setting up shop here, most recently chinese factories near Radom. It may have something to do with the fact that Jarosław Kaczyński, the party's leader, is a kike. Just a hunch :^) .
Speaking of China, their growing share of the global GDP will be conducive to improvement in Russia's relations with Poland, because then Poland will cease looking up to America and will increasingly be looking to the East. And in the East, there is Russia and there is China.
The sad thing is, Poland as a state is in no clear position of its own on international issues and is one which takes the side of the stronger party. (Who wouldn't?) Like post-WW1 Germany its pretty much concerned with it own survival and without any clear way of doing it, all the while being too Jewed up to get anywhere to fix it problems, just like post-WW1 Germany.
There is a plant called bindweed, right? It will creep and cling to anything, for example to the European Union. Either that or it will eventually be absorbed into the pan-Slavic Federation called Russia, which has once tempted it by offering it Ukraine.
Well anyway, so Poland is stuck, afraid of looming threats, whatever shape that might take, and so currently remains at the beck and call of the (((Americans))).
Poland has been a small country, compared to it bigger brother Russia, and that, they believed, posed a threat to them. Especially when they became the Soviet Union. Russia kept growing and increasing its territory. Poles, it seems, suffer from intense trauma: they cannot forgive us the Russian-Polish war of 1920, and the presence of Soviet troops in Poland after World War II. A stereotype has developed, and they see them a devil who wants to crash Poland, the way things were in the past.
And there is the burden of shared history, when Poland was part of the Russian state at one point and then at another. There were death sentences, exiles to Siberia, etc. Suppression, failure to come to the help of the Polish uprising. When the Warsaw Uprising broke out, Russian did not back them. The Red Army didn't go there. They let them be shot and dead -– and so they were. Plus Katyn, where they seemingly have no end in sight. And the air crash capped it off. The governments got stuck up, and Poles are unable to move to a level of warmer, more realistic relations without evoking history.
That's not entirely true across the board. A lot of Poles have, for one reason or another keep Soviet memorabilia, do business with Russia and Russians, speak a bit of Russian or fluently, and otherwise have no personal stakes in prior conflicts or perceived ongoing political events.
Despite our very tortuous history, the people-to-people relations are amazingly good. People there are nice and helpful; they wear their hearts on their sleeves.
I believe, it's better to go to a country, talk with people there, and listen to what they say.
Opinions must be developed not on the basis on what they say in the media, but on what people say, and what people have seen… When you gather those titbits together, you will get a more or less true picture.
It is the mass media which mould public opinion; actually that's what the mass media are for. Elements of propaganda are quite obvious in Poland and Russia (as everywhere else). Every story is done at someone's behest, someone pays for it and someone wants to watch it.
Remember, it's always the work of the Jews.
As in, we don't take 1/30 of foreigners into our country just to create a workforce vaccum later on if they are to leave, as five MILLION more are needed to sustain our current model; if we are also to incooperate some of those who WISH (that's why I said VOTE) to join us, we don't do either of those WHILST getting our city back and create a haven within Poland as to prevent such a vaccum in the future, which would without a doubt lead to more mass immigration to other countries if we go up then down again like in 2007. We're the most homogenous country in Europe, it can work, what'll happen, Ukrainians invade us to protect ethnic Ukrainized Poles? Ukrainian coup was such a failure globalist long abandoned it.
No, it's because we simply adopted the Western economic model promptly after the fall of communism, just like Japan, without realizing it is built on continuous and massive population growth as to make it viable. If we were to improve our country aswell what makes you think all those abroad wouldn't come back either, as many already did with trivial shit like Brexit. Two birds, one stone.
Are you stupid? That doesn't mean anything. We were the ones to stir up their "nationalism" (and I'm using that world loosely) by building their embassies and acting as their agents, Clinton's and the gang did this far easier by simply waving the promise of a bigger wage in their face and they betrayed their long-lasting ally in seconds. Instead of just taking them all in give conditions, one that could focus on assimilation as to specifically target native Poles in Ukraine or only those who have relations to Poland as a whole. You seem to forget Russians held the Crimean vote, but did not interfere with the outcome; the one in Lithuania came out of nowhere before being surprsessed by the government, even when ours didn't support it, if we were to be vocal about our conditions what makes you think it wouldn't appear there too? I know big money is a problem but that's where Russia comes in *diplomatically*. Evidently most Ukrainians priority is trying to sway westwards as fast as possible, although I am mostly speaking about those who have stayed through the same crude redrawing I speak of.
Are you blind to the past couple of years? Its a literal proxy of American kikes
Again, are you blind?
Never said that, what I meant was the fighters already present would play into our hands too, the ethnic Russians wishing to join Russia formally under cultural threat as the previous government had outlandish silly shit like slowly creeping in laws that ban the Russian language. This is some sort of ethnic cleansing, without exaggeration for what you imply is my justification of "imperialism".
Prove to me. Kremlin might've fiddled with Lithuania for their own benefit too, but to pretend it wasn't giving us lip service either is stupid. They're surrounded by a hostile Europe, and need a passage for their gas-pipe into Germany. Even their long allies like Belarus are starting to sway in our favor, Russia realized it needs to remain absolutely neutral with us at the very least under our long-age hate of them if they wish to make business with others in Europe now that Ukraine is compromised, obviously they won't swallow it whole, and what better way than to strike us where we like it most, our nationalism? This is geopolitics, Russia cannot remain the big bad bear for life, nor does it want to, its reached out to us multiple times as they really have no one but Serbia and Germany - and we are the ones blocking something that could be expand further. We broke up the Russian - Polish friendship day once retarded Ukrainian rebels hit a civilian airliner with a SAM missile for crying outloud. We either dickride America or take Visegard to the next level as Trump has already said he's trying to disband NATO, this would also accelerate the decline of the E.U without sucking them dry like leeches and maintain our big boy act of "Based Poland', so you can't scream about " MUH PEEAR" to people lurking under the basis of "its mean to Ukrainians Boohoo"; do you think they ever even pretended to give a shit about us before their war? They're opportunitists, I don't see why we shouldn't be either, its not like I'm saying swallow up Czechs.
How old are you? I'm not trying to be patronizing but the opinion of Russia is in two extremes between the old and the young; we see the folly of the West, we recognize that communism was a foreign evil inflicted on both of us, hell, when Russia banned gay propaganda there was a wide spread Polish campaign to put the Russian flag over your profile picture on social media account akin to Frances in show of support. We realize Slavs (and bothers Magyars) need to stick together and that included Western, Eastern and Southern, don't be so out of touch. Babuszki can whine all they want and it'll simply be dismissed as more anti-Russian drivel, as they don't really understand not everything is so and was black and white.
Again for Europe, brothers in arms, side by side.
No more bullshit brotherly wars, its what the jews want.
Poland has been a Jewish Paradise (Paradisus Judaorum) since about the 1600s. By 1795, 80% of the world's Jews would be living in Poland, and a lot of them had never spoken a word of Polish. They do not intermingle, mix with the people. Dzięki Bogu! (Thank god!)
The problem with their spread throughout Europe and the rest of the world is that they formed–-and continue to form-–small minority populations within the cities and towns of host countries, and form a sort of "parasite-host" relationship with the majority Christian populations. They tended to establish themselves in "parasitic" occupations such as merchant, middleman, trader, and money lender, and avoided agriculture and labour intensive occupations. They also tended to isolate themselves in closed communities which became known as "ghettos," and they o naturally they did not marry outside their race. These Ashkenazi Jews were characterized by high intelligence and highly cohesive social organizations with close cooperation and mutual support between themselves, usually at the expense of their non-Jewish "host" populations.
The Jews also had their own laws and code of ethics to govern their lives. The Talmud permits Jews to treat non-Jews differently than they treat fellow Jews. They are instructed to be fair and honest with each other, but are not required to be so with Gentiles. Consequently, they developed a reputation for sharp practice and for taking advantage of well meaning, unassuming Gentiles. Wherever Jews lived, they were invariably accused of being a "parasitic" people who created nothing of their own, but lived off the industry of their host populations.
In Poland particular, those kikies had their claws in everything–and they still do today! The way they treated the Poles was guaranteed to cause upset and the Polish oligarchs were no help at all, giving exclusive rights to sell liquor to the Jews and sometimes even giving them leases on Churches. The upper classes used the Jews as tax farmers, even going so far as to tender out licenses for the lucrative opportunity to fleece the peasants of their hard earned money. Before long, everything had a tax on it that had to be paid to the Jews, even getting married or baptised. This caused much resentment of the Jews as well as of the aristocracy that were employing them, but it would not be until 1648 that the pogroms really started in earnest, with the Cossacks holding the Poles responsible for their treatment at the hands of the Kikes.
The Jews would eventually become so powerful in Poland that they were allegedly able to name the successor to Sigismund II in 1572, but through their mistreatment of the Poles and the uproar that it eventually caused, they were also responsible for Poland losing large chunks of its territory when it’s neighbours exploited the situation and started annexing parts of the country, leading to Poland’s partition in the 18th century.
Native Polish antisemtism–as is the god-given power bestowed upon all people to percieve the devil in all his guises, only with enraged Slavic slurring–which is powerful force to be reckoned with, remains diminished by the Holohoaxers controlling the nation.
Did anyone hear about the segway-driving Nazi who dresses as a druid and carries a tribal spear who was arrested on suspicion of plotting attacks on Jews and Muslims?
Sometimes I think the media makes it all up.
What makes the 20th century so beautiful for a united Europe is that everyone had their big empire at one point or another, don't forget we also occupied Moskow earlier than they occupied us. I don't want it to come off as if I'm sucking Putin's cock but they are also clearly instrumental in our future development, before the sanctions a nice chunk of our economy relies on exports to Russia and for what the E.U gives us and bribes us politically with the Russians gave away freely to Ukrainians for using the port they built, the port that was transferred to them illegaly. I'd rather have Russia invest in Eastern Poland than a Chink or an E.U plutocrat. Jews fear united, but independent Slavs, we are the biggest ethnicity in Europe yet the poorest, we would surely dominate in one way or another.
We don't have to now, the Jews said it themselves they made that number up, soon they will have to say the same of the 6 million.
To a bird on the wing that heard nothing but could see everything.
Dominant among these products are articles of clothing and cosmetics; less frequently seen are household appliances, perfumes, food articles, etc. Especially during the market shortage in the 1990's. Back when they had flea markets, bazaars – when Russia had shortages, everybody was buying Polish goods in the belief that these goods were of higher quality. Nowadays it's mainly cosmetics, perfumes and clothing.
There is actually this town along the border which Russians cross to go on shopping excursions, and the whole place is set up to cater to them, with all the venues set up with the signs as bilingual, and with pricing set-up favourably, with goods tailored to them. Clothing stores, cosmetic stores, cafés, etc.
Russians enjoy Pollena cosmetics, Hortex products. As for culture, older Russians are familiar with the likes of Anna German, Barbara Brylska and Stanisław Lem. Also, both Poles and Russians had and watched Czterej pancerni i pies (Four tank-men and a dog). The book and the TV series contain elements of pro-Sovietness.
He's breedy good lookin' though.
I assume you're speaking about Kaliningrad? We both enjoyed Russia's take on the fact by writng a hit song that would become a widely appreciated, breaching gesture, and for what is a joke song it is surprisingly very well composed! I love Slavic sense of humor, we aren't afraid of spreading "Slav squats" or "byliat" memes amongst ourselves.
Putin memes are everyone's weakness, no wonder he's popular with the youth and even Americans. I specifically mentioned "not wanting to dickride" because of the many "HURR HES NOT THE SAVIOR OF THE WHITE RACE" shills we get around here that automatically dismiss a post without second thought.
Sage for pooland
I love how Poland was warned about 'evils of capitalism and the Wet' by the politicians. But then the very moment the nation switched over to capitalism, those very same, the very same politicians dismantled the country's public sector and assets and sold them off to foreigners, leaving the common volk with nothing! The dirty bastards!
When you look at the privatization that had taken place, you will see that 92% of Polish enterprises designed for sale, were priced by foreign subjects. Some factories were sold for a lower price, than their costs were. Poles were simply robbed.
This is very similar to the American policy, starting by Roosevelt, who had planned to liquidate the British empire after the Second World War, with the agreement of the Soviet Union. Finally, independent countries were established, which, in a big percent, accepted the structure of the pro-socialist planning economy. Some of them became capitalist countries, but with very strong oviet proceeds (present in most countries), whose expression was mainly the military help: arming, military instructors, etc. The 70s of the XX century are a new concept of neo-colonization, based on assumptions of liberal economy: open borders, privatization.
As was with Poland, when the government is changing, directors of state enterprises are changing. Whereas the most profitable enterprise are getting into hands of the foreign capital – the robbery of the national property. Do you know how countries, which – in order to modernize economy in the age of globalization – get themselves secured against the robbery in the situation of lack of one's capital and expansion of the foreign one? They don't!
And, what is worse, liquidation of State Agricultural Farms! 35% of food production was lot, followed by immediate unemployment, a complete defeat, destruction of the whole technical infrastructure. In fact, a complete liquidation of the Polish industry took place.
Certainly, the structure of the industry, especially the heavy one (for example, metallurgy), was old-fashioned but all this was powerful and it was possible to be transformed onto more modern tracks.
With the introduction of supermarkets, 70% of commodities came from abroad. Even before then, in communist era stores, products like French milk were sold in shops, similarly as German mineral water while Polish mineral water 'Mazowszanka' had disappeared off the shelves. (Poland does make a lot of dairy products though.)
Where was money actually being earned from if the country was stuffed up? ~3 million Poles working abroad sending their families in Poland some hard earned money because of a favourable exchange rate? Yes. The data of the National Polish Bank show that they transfer 16-18 milliard zlotys through banks. At least another sum like that goes from hand-to-hand, because somebody directly transfers the money. And the national income is growing, because sales are growing. People buy, some invest, hoping that when they return, they may buy a flat or other things.
But the money transferred to Poland from families has been diminishing for years, because those who have been working physically have already got a more stable but better-paid work and are taking their families and children from Poland to them. They apply for the foreign citizenship. There is also a group of about 500 thousand people who go to work for three months every year, for example, to Germany – to pick up asparaguses. They work hard and after three months they bring about 6 to 10 thousand euro, that is, 40 thousand zlotys. They spend this money on the rest of the year in Poland. The national income is growing because of sale. But the situation is tragic. And it is said that now they have only debts – 57% of the national income. Considering only budget debt. The pension debt is not considered. How can there be enough money for paying pensions from pension fees if 3 million people work abroad and over 2 million of them are unemployed? 5 million people do not pay pension fees! They do not pay for the health fund!
But things have been improving in recent years, and they've even been starting to call people back home. But then thing are taking a downturn and getting turbulent.
He is a hard man to read. I don't think he's a saviour type, perhaps the ultimate opportunist. Who can say? Perhaps he is a man who lives for the sake of his success, whereas other people serve only as either an aid or a hindrance. If so, then he is a true ruthless type, in the pragmatic sense when dealing with obstacles. Then again, who knows what he is really like; he only ever shows us what he wants us to see. He is a complete enigma.
No ideological glue binds the Putin fan club together, while the man himself is made up of mysteries and Judo. What secrets could he be hiding? Does he meme? Can he communicate with the creatures of the sea? Do they share their own secrets with him?
Well he's not a "savior of the White race" because Russia is one of the only countries that could be rightly said is "multicultural", even if he wanted to the current state doesn't allow him to; he doesn't want to risk encroachments of China supporting Siberian and other Asiatic independence while White birthrates are in steady decline, other one being White Russians are his priority, he has no business protecting those who fall Hillarys narrative for example. To paraquote, he isn't easy to predict thus harder to defeat, although keeping Russia intact is his primary motive, that's why globalist shill for war so hard.
How the hell will he manage that? When he travels around his empire he crosses about a gorillion time zones! It's too big!
He comes off as the type of man who wants to help his people and is willing to do horrific things to that end if that's what it takes. Or maybe that's just what he wants people to think.
Ask any Russians online and they'll generally say the latter, and then promptly tell you that you're a dumb Westerner for falling for the Putin memes.
What would they say he's really like?
Who likes their local politician outside Trump?
"I actually don't bother with Russian politics, they're terribly depressing," said the Russian; " Like, you go on discussion board and it's all pidorashkas that, pidorashkas this, hey check this out you're poor as fuck. Hey this is banned. Hey this guy got arrested for ordering GPS off ali-express. And I'm like, Jesus Christ!
FYI, when it comes to politician and government ministers, Russia has rock bottom 'not guilty' rulings in courts and are often seen making pro-government rulings due to the fact that they all inevitably report to Putin himself. A huge part of Russian government apparatus is run by ex-convicts. The fact that he allowed these people to go on already makes him look like a retard."
Once KGB Agent, Always a KGB Agent.
"Point is, these people gladly display their prison tattoos on their hands while being dressed in suits, speaking from government offices. It might've been just a publicity stunt, but I still can't believe Putin didn't know who he was introducing into government machine. The issue with Putin is that he started out as a criminal, joined KGB, broke into power through bloody conspiracy, spent about 15 years doing nothing to develop Russia beyond filling pockets of his cronies and banking all of our lives on oil prices. That policy ALREADY managed to gut USSR barely half a century ago and now it's happening to us. If only his external policy is good, he should be Minister of International Relations or Minister of Defence, but not a president. I don't think Putin is actually against any wrongdoings taking place in Russia.
Our ministry of finance suggests to stop providing pensions to pensioners who earn more than 40k roubles (600-700 dollars) a month. People spent their lives paying a good percent of their salary into pensions and now they suggest this. It's expected, it comes after a few years of the saving part of pensions being frozen. (AKA The pension tax is still collected, but is not transfered into your future pension but for government needs.) It comes at an odd time, merely a week after I demonstrated my position on pensions (Let people make savings themselves) to my friend. 600-700 dollars monthly is considered poverty in US, well beyond minimum wage."
"People who get paid 40k for their work don't really need 10k of pensions" Said Finance representative exiting his BMW SUV
"…I think we're fucked, there's apparently a plan to release obligations by the end of 2016. You know, like the ones government used to scam people in the 90s. This is why I stay away from local politics. They make you… act like a proper citizen and then your entire apartment complex explodes because of 'Chechens' (read: FSB agents), depends on who wants the place blown up."
He plants his superior h'wite seed into millions of willing Slavic girls to prepare Russia for the Royal House of Putin, whist culling white birthrate decline at the same time. Truly a visionary.
This. Putin sucks ass. Putin is basically our Obama.
Not really. He's promoting a multicultural Russia, he's been letting in some shitskins, granted not as much as Merkel. See his response on "Russia is for Russians." is pretty accurate.
I'm having a laugh user also, this thread is /slav/ now.
That really made me laugh for some reason, would you go as far as saying he's King Caucasian to their King Nigger? ;^)
I want to believe this. I want to believe your facetious remark that he is playing the long-game and trying to, quite literally, father a nation. He is only a jolly fun guy in his private life. You know, he tells great jokes and can handle his drinks, but when on the job he's just another carrier politician. Not just that, he's a downright Mafioso-type criminal. Woops, redundancy!
Yeah it's rather easy to fall in love with a villain, as long as he doesn't have a bucket on his head.
He always says some of the funniest things. Like his remark on Brexit: "Anything I say will be manipulated".
Putin is a masterful propagandist, but most people see right through his tricks:
In his administration, people have to buy their seats/occupation, and then they in turn provide other people the opportunity to purchase positions below them. The whole government is filled with and run by crooks… like in every other government.
The more I think about it, I've just about convinced myself that he's just playing the game better than others. He's winning. And then they will establish a dynasty of body doubles to rule for centuries. Imagine it, Putin's rule. The memes living on forever; life in Russia remaining generally disappointing for mot. The status quo maintained.
Just to shift focus for a moment, countries like Australia are actually being controlled from within boardrooms in NYC.
Likewise when the USSR was dismantled by the West (a period followed by mass famine and job losses, along with a complete loss of the industrial sector), the Americans continued with the tactics of the Cold war and continued to treat Russia as an adversary despite the end of the defining ideological difference.
From their point of view the acquiescence of Russia to the West's demands in terms of economic policy were met with encirclement, missile shields aimed at achieving Nuclear first strike capability and colour revolutions on their borders to replace their allies with the stooges of the West.
The Russian narrative has two central virtues, it is simple and it is largely true although some less "helpful" facts tend to be edited from the narrative as you would expect.
It's weird how the (((Western))) world likes to reverse the development of other countries and force them into subservience, all the while claiming to be offering "democracy" and "free trade", and other blatant lies.
The idea is that there are some middle eastern states which don't look as shitty, relatively speaking, which is depending on which direction you travel in. Like in parts of Turkey if I recall where there is something of a Mediterranean influence in architecture and other features, depending on the local history.
If I recall, a country like Syria was once rather modernised since the early-to-mid 2000's, before it was demolished under artillery strikes. It looked like your standard metropolis, only you had to clear out sand and dust out of your home every morning and evening, so there was more vacuuming that was needed. But the milieu was a tad bit different from your typical mud brick'o-polis, sword n' sandals fantasy film set you might have expected.
So the country is run with your average extended families, feuding clans and gang affiliation. Now while the President was busy looking as white and civilised as possible, what with being Oxford or Harvard, and being rather based; doing good deeds like transferring technology, introducing cellular infrastructure to the people. He was also busy ordering hits and keeping the tenuous balance of power in check, which is the way places like this have been run for centuries. That's just the way things are done. None of this kikery about "human rights" and "democracy™". And then kikes start a war by throwing the old "you're a dictator, so we'll sponsor some of your enemies on your home turf to start a revolt, and then send the American dogs after you by claiming that your country is in turmoil over the civil war that we enflamed." And that is how you get a country which a great economic growth index and with no debt to any other nation reduced to utter poverty over a weekend.
Crab buckets, short-sightedness, and the ease of relying on kikes in the alchoves to jump out and stab you.
KEK, Slavic politicians sure have a way with words
Already here
No to ładnie się przedstawiliście, anony.
Co, a.b. aktion, intelligenzaktion, praca niewolnicza, terror i legalizacja aborcji - tak jak żydom - to już tylko wroga propaganda, co?
Liżcie dalej wała, muh white brothuhs. Szwabki w taką solidarność nie wierzą i winią nas za swój własny kretynizm. I jeszcze ofc my ich zabijaliśmy przed wojną. :^)
Jak chcecie być murzynami spierdalajcie do Afryki.
No, they aren't needed to sustain anything. That's a political lie. No modern economy needs menial labor to sustain it's vital branches of industry, as simply none rely on uneducated grunts.
Quantity, not quality, is augmented, while the working wages are cut down.
There is no such territory.
That's just a load of nonsense. if you struggle with English drop it.
Nope. that's another jew lie you just regurgitate:
Japan's problems are due to Plaza Accords, not demography. They were on the fast track to greatness before signing away their fortunes for America's convenience and killing the yen.
What does that have to do with ANYTHING you talk about? I'm losing patience with you, rambler. Do you actually think a heap of rubble that is left of Podolia or some other chunk of Ukraine will attract economic migrants? You fail to present an argument.
You are really not in a position to call other peoples' intellect into question, considering you failed to present any expertise or insight as of yet.
Our role was nonexistent. A bunch of deputys went to the maidan when it ws in full swing to catch some face time with the cameras and simulate help. To suggest that we were the shady spooky agents orchestrating the maidan is so ludicrous it boggles the mind how you can even repeat that claim. Why between the CIA and the oligarchs would Poels be even needed for anything?
"Ally"? Russia is nobody's ally. They're a hegemon that has no problem undermining statehoods of it's satellites. Russia's end game in Ukraine was always reabsorbing it. Second thing: Russia is not entitled to Ukrainian or our servitude. If the Russians failed to keep an ally that's not getting betrayed. That's losing diplomatically.
What's the point? Why do you have to take a collision course against the Ukrainian state and no doubt its nationalists and patriots? Why do you need that land when you can just take in Poles and don't bother giving everyone and their mom a cassus belli against us?
As far as you'd like to believe. You however have nothing to back it up with.
Russia will give us NOTHING. Only capitalize on the instability and invade to "brign back peace". Moscow wants all of the region for itself. All of it.
Another handful of gibberish.
Oh, so I guess Ukrainians are cardboard props too, huh? We'll just fucking waltz in, take what we want and they'll shrug it off then won't they?!
The condition of their state doesn't matter, they're a separate people with a territory to their name. you want us to be an aggressor - in fucking Europe - in a setup where we represent no real military power.
Oh sure, specnaz will play into your hands, alright.
Over 80% of Ukrainian soldiers die from artillery fire. Oh, but of course! It's the freedom fighters. Its totally not a proxy war fought with Russian army's fucking hands.
Which is blatant Russian propaganda. What Ukrainians did was some innocuous bullshit like requiring state workers to know both languages. Seeing how Ukrainian is a core majority language and how russification is a thing both now and in the past, through Russian direct power, the media or other means, I'm not exactly terrified of Russians having to learn some fucking Ukrainian.
You know what actual ethnic cleansing is? Killing or forcefully removing a people from a land. And you want to acquire Ukrainian majority land and when asked outright why and how you just do some retarded hand waving.
Nooo, they obviously did it for us.
Yeqah, hwo did it improve the position of Polsih minority? Or our state? Well? Come on now, spit it out.
EU alone has over 500.000.000 people and economies that do circles around the Russian one. If it was hostile Russia would be dismantled.
To look at western Europe see the deals they make wirth Russia, from relying on them for energy to selling them weapions, and claim they're hostile to Moscow just shows the level of your delusion.
Yeah, throw this irrelevant outmoded bullshit into it. I bet this snippet an important detail that ties in with the rest, don't you? Goddammit, you're so bad at this. Russians don't need a land route anymore and Germans have fuckhuge reserves, which means even if the sea pipeline was wreck any blockade by the transit countries would hurt them the most, not Germany or Russia.
no they don't. Belarus is at its height of subjugation to Russia. Russian corporations own everything in Belarus. If Belorussian state ever starts to struggle against Russia its going to be its death throes as they get annexed.
You're crazy. Russia is neutral and cautious towards us when they train nuking our troops?
No… that is gibberish. there is no logical continuity in that torrent of nonsense.
Yes it can and yes it wants to. The main appeal of the current regime there is rebuilding the Russian power. Whole Russian history is comprised of willfully overextending and sacrificing prosperity for imperial growth. If allowed they'd only stop at the Atlantic.
Name one.
Oh wow, only Germany. And France. And Italy. and every other Western country Russia doesn't threaten so they feel free to make deals with them, sell them arms and any other shit without a care in the world. So basically the vast majority of Europe is in favor of them with the exception of UK and only embargoes them because they'd look like assholes if they didn't.
Before Maidan our relations were worst in 10 years - Putin's own words. We had no friendship, you're insane. There's nothing else I can say, you're mentally ill if you believe we had an understanding with the Russians post Warsaw Pact. you might as well claim we have an age old friendship with the Arabs and that they bless us in their every prayer. In fact that's less ludicrous, since at least we don't get hostile declarations from those assholes at a semi-regular basis.
NATO is nothign but a vehicle for American influence, meaning nothing would change.
You're not proposing anything, that's the problem. you fail to outline any course of action, just express the desire for the lands of others. And YOU can pretend all you want Poles would support your insanity, but they won't.
Much older than you, apparently, considering how you think we had a Polish-Russian friendship.
Ruskis gud boi, dey din du nuffin. They just happened to be the dumbest, most manipulable oafs, who embraced the kike and still nurse on the memory like on a tit, because all they care for is have a big stronk Russia that shoves a stiff dick up their ass.
And this somehow conveys more than approval of the policy and general solidarity against the gay cultural construct. According to you.
Except Ukrainians who are to become pig feed. And when Russians are done with that they'll carry on to the next state, as practice showed in the past.
Nobody killed as many Slavs as those turanic mongs. "Big brother Russia", how fucking pathetic.
Look who's talking. Mr churka lover. Muh slav borthuhs, comrade, please disregard the rising tide of central asians muh based Duginists already embraced as a pillar of the empire.
We were protecting "ethnic Poles" ;^). Hypocrisy of krautshills never fails to impress. I Liżcie dalej wała, muh white brothuhs.
How unreasonable of them to harbour hostile feelings for a people who had wiped out their country and tried to exterminate their culture. :^)
Then again, Russia (Catherine the Great was a German) and Austria (Germans) were just as guilty of this, and yet I never see such feelings there. A German will argue that before the Commonwealth's decline in the 18th century, it had long been a place on the German areas, especially Brandenburg. But that's jut a German up to his tricks again, pointing out the annexations of Pomerania and Silesia as unjust. What I mean is, we already have too many reasons to be angry about Germans.
And nowadays Poles dislike Germans in a whole new way! We have to deal with them as, eeugh, tourists! Those walking wallets that just throw money at them to stay in their hotels, eat their dairy and buy their cosmetics. Germany is a great trade partner that way. (Yes, Poland has Hungarian and Serbian werewolves that prey on the populace. This isn't some kind of metaphor about ethnicities, this is just the migration patterns of the monsters. Basic firearm training has risen in light of the recent string of attacks.)
I guess these days there's a lot of political tension in Poland, what with the unspoken werewolf problem that the government refuses to address with any long-term solution, aside from putting the country in lockdown. They typically eat about 25-lbs. of uncooked, preferably fresh, human flesh each day. We don't talk about it much so as not to frighten off the German tourists. We need that GerMoney real bad.
The most general, basic attitudes to the neighbouring country and its inhabitants varies disturbingly drastically. Some are convinced that everything is good with their neighbours and that there is nothing to worry about while others think war with Russia could break out at any moment, so stocking up on tinned food, toilet paper and ammunition is the best way to prepare. And in the opposite corner, there are Russians who believe that they are getting along just fine with their Polish neighbours while there are others who believe that Poland is being paranoid and puppeteered by NATO.
There is no uniform opinion about the most credible sources of information. Those who value TV most, usually explain their trust in this medium by arguing that the information on TV is carefully checked for credibility. On the other hand, those preferring the internet tend to criticise TV for excessive partiality and irresponsibility.
Do you really think that someone would just go on the internet and tell lies? :^)
Good, goy. TV can always be trusted. :^)
And this keeps on fucking happening - after everything was sold out, the land was ravaged by foreign investors - true, some people got jobs out of it, but the net trade balance was negative, ownership of production and of capital was foreign and only through crawling though the rubble were Poles able to start up their own initiatives and we are still enthralled by foreign capital.
I've wanted nothing more than to take my money go back to Poland for years now, I am close to doing it now, but fuck me if it isn't difficult to get started, with all the overheads and bureaucracy back in the fatherland, whereas the "ebil west" has better tax practices and ease of doing business for small and medium enterprises.
I misread that as: "only through crawling though the ruble." коп. / к
You're quoting multiple people in no chronological order, but linking my posts only. That's a great way of wasting your time and getting ignored.
First of all, we can tell that's not true going to any /int/ board. Secondly, they had much better relations with ukrs, before Putin decided its time to cash in and butcher the pig. Oh, they were brothers then. Until they weren't.
Then it took weeks fro Russians to change their minds about ukrs by kremlin inspired mass media. Not that they really cared for the actual state of affairs, they had no problem when the supposedly nonexistent Russian soldiers in Ukraine went back to get their medals in Moscow. What they instead understood from the media feeds is that there was something to be gained for matushka rasyia - and that's all they'll ever need. They have no friends like we do with Hungarians, there's no room for that next to their narcissistic imperial ambitions.
Trying to ally with them when they have geopolitical interests in taking the region over is about as possible as befriending an alligator. There is no limit the Russian public opinion will put on expansion of Russian power and so Russia will push for any advantage it can get over anyone within their range of influence until their relations are completely pathological and threaten state integrity of the other party.
Poland is next. Poland is next!
I loved the interview with the Russian soldier. He was explaining how Putin was saying, "We're just doing military exercise." Meanwhile Putin is giving his soldiers them this hand signal and telling them "Go! Go! Go! Get in there!" And he hires mercs to aid them.
Everyone is just there to be absorbed into the superstate that is the Russian Feration / USSR 2.0
The bear has been the widespread symbol for Russia as early as the 16th century.
Nah, next are the Baltic states. They're extremely close to Moscow and if enemy air superiority over the Baltic Sea is achieved can even become a landing site for the hypothetical invader. Russia will never give up on that land because of strategic reasons, much like Chinese will never leave Tibet.
Were like 5th or 6th on the list, behind Moldova.
Sure, they'd love that analogy. However bears, being cub rearing mammals, can form bonds with other creatures easily so the ursine analogy falls short.
Russia should be a dinosaur, a stegosaurus. lel
And then if/when it happens, wages go down even further and Poland goes back by several decades in terms of developments and living standards. You walk into a store, look around, and then walk back out again. With commie living standards there is no longer the burden of choice or ever having to actually buy the thing you can't afford.
I can't unsee it now. I look at the map, and all I see is a stegosaurus.
Of course. Russia is crippled by its expenditures, having to control all this land, and infrastructural problems, having to traverse all that land. Not to mention being distant from any significant trade routes.
Therefore historically it subsidized its economy by siphoning resources from its vassals and satellites (Warsaw Pact countries included, with the exception of representative East Germany). That's why nobody considers them as an attractive option as a senior partner, aside from their lack of inhibitions - they'll rob you.
And the cycle of Russia the rapist goes on! He can't help himself but turn up at the bar without his wallet, get drunk and claim your ass, and then everyone else's.
Or the old classic: A waitress comes through with a plate of pierogi, "Who ordered the Russians?" The reply, "Nobody, they came by themselves!"
Because of course we're taking in rocket scientists, right? You're just like everyone else here, "lead guitarist, lead singer" syndrome, exactly WHY they're taken in as menial labor; everyone thinks they're too good for it and searches for a specialized degree or leaves the country, just to do menial labor there. Like the article states above they're almost exclusively looking for those fit for construction work.
That must already be into effect now because immigration to our country is no fantasy. Its stupid pretending anythings going to change, its not secret immigrants get paid less due to over saturation yes but we don't have Paco and his family working at McDonalds all their life times a million, immigrants are a new. This isn't America where job creation is celebrated, we need workers.
Yes, and? Because everyone expected an old long Serbian territory like Kosovo to become Albanian within half a decade, and a next half decade a Clinton state. Same with Moldova, although this time conjured up from Russian interests. It isnt so outlandish to imagine combat with mercenary forces in Warsaw if NATO is to expand, and if NATO is to collapse like Trump wishes, if we aren't on Russias good side we are still in the same situation. We can't keep barking on like this unless we follow America directly, and a large chunk of their population isnt straying far from war, it's AMERICAN interests that infect Europe. We can't we ignore a superstate at our Baltic border, NATO isn't made to last while Europe is riddled with foreign puppet, and whether you like it or not, that includes Ukraine; does your idea of future include lashing back at the jew or not?Marrying (western states, the rest can be Greater Khazaria for all I care) will be the next "joining the E.U" as a protectorate as states scramble for security, Ukraine being no longer protected by her old ally, with a central European union on her border. Before you say "why not ally formally", like I said nothing would stop us from dictating conditions when shit hits the fan, Ukraine did jack shit to help us, yes we are friendly but not *weak*, Ukraine, her army, and "her" battalions actively fight for jewish interests, if we are to risk loosing and risk getting in war debt it best not risk another massacre at the hands of Ukrainians either.
Tell me your future idea of Poland, EU cock sucker, another Clinton proxy state, or more formal, Americas lap dog? Nah in reality go ahead propose what we should do. I propose a more expansive Visegard, Southern Slavs coming to terms (which also includes crudely drawn borders on behalf of Americans, Bosnia is a mess) and Eastern Slavs; independent but in unity.
Got me there i was wrong to parrot since i hardly know anything of Japan but didn't address my point about our model.
The fuck you on about.
I'm speaking Soviet-Russio war nigger, what was originally called the Ukrainian war for independence but failed so miserably the initial name stayed. I'm speaking in relation to how they betrayed us after too, when we fought with Russia we didn't have a rat amidst our "commadres", when we lost it was simply due to inferior technology and lesser manpower or our rivals military prowess. Russia was always honorable in that regard, but they're the bad invaders and Ukrainians aren't opportunistic kikes? They proved it yet again since you wanna mention maiden.
Yes, Russia loosing to Clinton handing out cookies at maiden, in their best interests I see.
Because if it doesn't benefit us I have no business helping them. Is this not clear enough? Poles can still come back.
Less " imperialistic" than overthrowing a democratically elected leader.
I gave you proof that it tried to, where is proof stating otherwise then? Never mentioned Russian army intervention there, I'll repeat myself, simply empowering a movement that sought to in cooperate southern Lithuania back into Poland.
No shit, did anyone force them to repeat the same fucking mistake of the past for the third time? Really, what did they think would happen. And they're STILL joining jew owned squads because "they represent muh country". I wouldn't have a problem shooting a German or Swedish commie because they're too stupid to realize they're fighting for foreign interests, it'd be all altruism. I don't want Soros and the gang as our neighbors, this isn't like Germany where they got fucked up in war, they chose this - violently. Its not like burning down Kiev square will grant them a special key to the European Union, its retarded, you're retarded for suggesting it is. Representing the European Union is representing all its wrongs and all of the assorted subhumans that flood our gates.
Then fuck off crying about Russia, the USSR fell afterall.
More like proposing shit that removed Russian as a next official language, but then bitching away, right?
Implying. Even if I were to say steal it outright it'd be outright merciful compared, and I repeat, subverted by kikes.
They did it for us too. What makes you think they DON'T want us as an ally? What grudges does Poland hold against Russia? Don't pretend its not the dissolution of our country, and that includes Greater Poland where a lot of our people came from, cities like Wilnus (although I don't advocate for taking it), whole of Kresy, and Lwow. Which one would have been more realistic since both Belorussia and Ukraine were close allies then, and Lithuania pretty much kickstarted the independence of all other Eastern Block countries?
Obviously didn't because it was never implemented mong, I'm sure it gave validity to natives there more than our government did.
Europe is hostile, especially the media. Decide if its deserved or not for yourself, but hostile none the less; especially on major topics like the Syrian war or Trumps election. They're cleaning up Americas and Britain's mess and are painted as the aggressors, they're blamed for inane shit like "hacking the election".
Bullshit. The very reason Russia is in Syria is to get the pipeline going even further, more efficiently.
That's my point genius. It's why the pipeline going through Israel to the Mediterranean and into Southern Europe that the Americans wanted to build in competition got scrapped. They need landroutes, who would maintain shit in the sea, especially since we'd get uppitt about it too, they have Kaliningrad but hardly anything of the Baltic.
And is their biggest importer, they aren't doing on the basis of economics alone, its a diplomatic gesture too. This is why we don't start refining our own oil again for example, it'd sour American relationships.
I was speaking in relation to us, and they are to remain as such because of our paranoia. Its not like EVERYTHING Russia does is a mystery, let them keep to their own and they won't fuck you over, simple. We only complex it for ourselves having everyone in our region support them but us, like I said, I see Russia instrumental in our development and even borderly revival more so than anyone else on earth, whether you like it or not they can dictate things like whether we can get too close with Belarus or not. You can keep on crying about Russia while the rest of Europe moves forwards, America does exactly the same shit and use us for their kiked wars yet I don't see them EVER having a meaningful impact on us, with Russia there is a chance, if one were to be given. Its like England refusing to speak to America under any condition. Flexing nuts by putting rockets on their own border will continue to work as a bogeyman while there's still people like you who give it credibility, and probably continues today as some sort of sick joke that can trigger our autism instantaneously, and taking from your own words they can hardly fight off a Chechen insurgency. Say what you want, but you are an idiot choosing Ukrainians on the basis that "hurr they have a less of a chance of invading us" in comparison to Russia.
kek. And globalist would stop at nothing, we deserve a buffer state from that mess Ukraine just as much as they deserve one away from NATO who too threatens to devolve this world into nuclear warfare, i.e Georgia.
Do I really have to explain everything twice? Surplus menial labor does not contribute anything to the economy but quantity. it in fact relies on the high yield branches of economy to carry it. that's why a Swiss shit shoveler can get 2k Euros and an African gets 2 for the same work.
What immigration is about is stiffling low end wages. We still have a shit tonne of people worked like animals and uninnovatve shitty business owners want to keep that labor-intensive model going. And its for them - not for you - immigration happens.
You vaguely skirt the subject and simulate an argument. Again. You really suck.
Seeing how you just misinterpreted what I fucking wrote, this is a valid complaint. You can't communicate. you just proceed to counter what you think I said.
What is that supposed to mean? So expansion of NATO endangers us according to you? Us, not the countries admitted? You've got nothing.
We always did. NATO=USA. NATO isn't a fucking charity diner that's about to close down. American political class has interests in keeping Russian dominance out of Europe.
Their population has fuckall to say about anything, its mostly a facade democracy. Dems ae as hawkish as the neokohens. They actually both resemble Putin in their view of the state.
Oh gee wiz, strong empires have intersts, what a fucking shocker! We better align with the Russian carebear instead. now that's a country that would never fuck Eastern Europe up.
Russia is on a fast track to becoming a brazilified shitpile vassal to the Chinese. We can shift to the Ants when they eclipse the burgers for they too have no interest in russia snowballingin Europe and impoverishing it in the process
NATO=USA. And USA is projected to be a 500+ million strong oligarchic dystopia that isn't going anywhere.
I don't fucking care.
It includes surviving.
You can't even physically take the land without getting rekt by papa bear Russia itself, you naive russophilic moron.
And that's why you need to give everyone cassus belli on us. For fucking nothing. Great.
You're scum of the lowest order.
yeah? Oh, I thoguht trump was about to leave us, cunt?
Nieee. być ruskim rabem to jest to!
Bravo! Fantastic argumentation.
Nigger to cię zapiał w dupę, pedale
This is juust pure bix nood tier cluttered up nonsense. YOU CANT GET APOINT ACROSS. And you think you can build a grand strategy for the future? What a joke.
wwo, another great argument there.
I believe I was asking - since you snip the text, you dumbass - about why you need the land. Again you fail to answer.
You don't know what the word even means. Besides, I'm not tallying other countries' morality.
You have nothing. they had nothing to give and gave nothing. And likewise you've got nothing.
How the fuck is stirring up d&c bullshit in Lithuania, a NATO country, helping us? Russians knew they wouldn't provide any real help and they didn't. But you're all over their cock for it, idiot.
Which had no power and no legal precedent to achieve anything. And it didn't. Meanwhile instead of trying to communicate with us russians schemed behind our backs to fan lithuanian paranoia. wow, such success, many gains.
This is old and tired Russian strategy especially evident in the caucasus area. You only fall for it because you want to.
Oh yes I did. It's in the pdf I linked you. Which you didn't read, of course. MUH MODEL, bluepill retard.
You're so obnoxious and Idiotic, I swear. You diminish the discussion by snipping the text, moron, just section it into more posts. Nobody looking at the thread will know what the fuck its about.
Yeah! What did they think woudl happen?! That brother russia would just let them go???
Ahahaha, ohhh man. Yeah, poor Germany. Completely unlike Ukrianians stewing in their own shit ever since Rusia hurled the region into poverty.
Again, nonsense. Muh EU! Muh EU! U r EU!!!/ape noises
If you do any more reaching your arm reach will exceed a real orangutan. UE is already dead and you're the only one mentioning it.
Why would i fuck of, cretin?
Pretty sure you're wrong.
Because they don't communicate with us in effort to strike up an alliance. Because they don't make any moves that are even remotely useful to us. Because they don't build a security infrastructure that could accommodate us.
You're actually going so far as doing tarot card
Am I supposed to write a War&Peace-length book?
What is the dissolution of our country? What? You just start a trail of thought in the middle. Unfuck yourself.
Yeah, we lost all that to the Russian golem, what of it?
Which one what?
So the Russians did nothing and they knew nothing would happen because its not doable through legal channels and they wouldn't start a war with a NATO member. Only real result is Lituanian-Polish animosity.
Oh boobooboo, I care so much about the fucking arabs and pipeline fencing between those two.
The media is liberal, Russia is illiberal, hence ideological clashes, fanned and steered by USA. Meanwhile European states love Russia on a much more real level, economics.
You actually so stupid its funny. You never said what pipeline. Or even hinted at it, just rambled about it in context of Poland.
So again, jumping around multiple topics like an idiot. No structure, no sequence.
NOTHING they do is a mystery. Its you who tries to use tasseography to detect nonexistent russian benevolence
Just like America, right? America is all about democracy and freedom. lol Just come out of the closet already, you fag, and go suck some churka dick.
You just advocate compelte submission like a total faggot with no upsiode for us, besides "oh russia will be a good master!" how pathetic is that?
You'd see the difference the moment they'd leave us. In Russia's behavior.
Yeah, a chance for another 50 years of slavery culmkinatingin an economic region-wide collapse.
We talk to them all the time. nothing happens. tusk licked their asshole clean, shook hands, what did we gain? Earlier Miller shook hands, licked rectums, what did we gain? Can anyone gain any declaration from Moscow that's worth a damn?
Russia never propositioned anything but subjugation.
Nooo. What I AM saying, you pityful mongoloid, is they ARE the Chechens. They WILL be majority Muslim Asians, ruled by a fucking Muslim Asian. And you want to suck his dick.
Oh, and poow wussians are afwaid of antirockets! Awww. Funny how they themselves stock huge amounts of rocket artillery in Kaliningrad with the range only useful against Poland.
lol YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, THERE IS NO CHOICE TO BE MADE, just your delusions. There is no configuration where you take their shit and someone doesn't come and fuck you up for it or we don't alienated and embargoed.
Actually, you want to feed another 40 million people to the multicult, altglob Russia and embolden them into further expansion. Because Russia is your big bro, huh faggot?
HAHAHA, Gruzia, kurwa. Tak, NATO rozjebało gruzję! xD
Ty kurwa żałosny śmieciu, dupowłazie. Podskakuj dalej i krzycz jak ktoś zasłużył na rozwałkowanie przez tępych rusków, bo dokonał własnego, suwerennego wyboru. Rabie jebany.
A wiesz czemu zdobyli się na taką desperację? Bo rosja to gówno które rozpieprza wewnętrzną integralność swoich słabszych sąsiadów a potem dręczy ich w nieskończoność prowokacjami i zwyczajnymi pogromami pod osłoną ruskich sołdatów żeby rozbijać ich dalej. ruscy nigdy nie wychodzą z takich miejsc jak górski karabach itdp. jątrzą w nieskończoność, wyniszczają ludność, trwonią ludzką pracę i zubażają permanentnie miejsca w których mają wpływy.
Oh and PS Visegraad will never happen or survive under established Russian domination. It can only occur in opposition to the influence of larger, external powers, mainly Germany and Russia. USA is distant and aloof enough that it actually wants to facilitate an Intermarium of sorts, as declared by the Jew G. Friedman–oh noes, Washington Jews support v4! Time to scrap the idea!
Otherwise there's no point , as these countries will simply crowd around their patron, be it Germany or Russia, and not us/each other.
PPS A co do Clintonów to do ostatniej kampanii prezydencjej właśnie oni byli największymi orendownikami dania Rosji więcej wolnej ręki w regionie, czego jako 12-tolatek nie pamiętasz.
Ta zagrywka twardej postawy już raz była urzyta, wobec Chin. Wtedy Bill zrobił z siebie Rambo i zarzekał się, że przykręci śróbę CPR i zarzucał oponentowi słabość wobec kitajców.
A co się faktycznie stało? Clinton udostępnił im rynek wew. Ameryki i co za tym szło wielu innych powiązanych rynków, co zapoczątkowało boom w tak zwanym kraju środka i jego wzrost do obecnego rozmiaru przyszłego rywala Ameryki.
Dobra, żeby nitka nie rozbijała się o pyskówki i skoro chcesz moją wizję Polski:
Jest 5 głównych zagadnień z którymi trzeba się zmierzyć w Polsce:
1. Wzrost gospodarczy, utrzymanie i rozwój sieci połączeń handlowych z maksymalnie szeroką grupą rynków zewnętrznych. Strategia energetyczna jest z tym dość mocno związana.
2. Przygotowanie gospodarki do przemian związanych z automatyzacją. Tu właśnie ostatecznie rozbija się narratyw o osranych migrantach.
3. Zapewnienie sobie bezpieczeństwa.
4. Przygotowanie kraju i narodu do ew. ekspancji, ale nie wobecnym rozdaniu in najprawdopodobniej poza Europą.
5. Najważniejsze, reformowanie społeczeństwa na poziomie światopoglądowym i maksymalizowanie wzrostu demograficznego.
1. Obecnie posiadamy bilateralne umowy handlowe ze większościowym udziałem gdp na planecie, do tego blok UE, co daje teoretycznie dostatecznie dużo okazji, natomiast jak widać niewiele nam to przynosi, a to ze względu na po pierwsze strukturę naszej własnej gospodarki (wydrenowanej montowni) a po drugie zwodniczej naturze handlu z Zachodnią Europą. Kiedy wchodziliśmy do UE wydawało się, że to będzie nasz główny rynek zbytu i do pewnego stopnia to prawda, natomiast nie jest to wymiana na którą liczyliśmy. A to dlatego że UE jest nie tyle skalibrowane żeby wspomagać handel tylko chronić interesy Zachodnich członków, szczególenie Niemiec. Wszystko, łącznie z wartością Euro, jest obliczone na eksport Niemiecki, Holenderski etc. albo, szczególnie niekończąca się lista regulacji i standardów, na okulawienie importu do tych krajów. I tak jak mieliśmy deficyt tak mamy go nadal, mimo że kosztowo jesteśmy wiele razy bardziej efektywni niż nasi partnerzy.
Drugi problem to kapitał. Długo po transformacji czekaliśmy na mitycznych inwestorów, którzy mieli zstapić z niebios i nam zrobić dobrze. Czekamy tak już ponad ćwierć wieku i IMO się nie doczekamy, zawsze będziemy cierpieć na niedobór inwestycji zewnętrznych, ponieważ Polska jest niepewna. Nie dlatego że mieszkają tu Polacy albo rządzi taka lub inna opcja, ale ze względu na nasze położenie. Każdy debil rozumie jakie ryzyko niesie inwestowanie tutaj, a ci którzy mieli wątpliwości teraz patrząc na Ukrainę już je stracili. Znam poprzez rodzinę jednego Austryjaka, który "inwestował" w Polsce (przejął tanio polskie zakłady podczas wielkie wyprzedaży po 89tym). Ostatnio zwrócił uwagę na pomarańczowiejącą Ukrianę, jako że koszty pracy z 1% spadłyby mu do 0.2%, skusił się, kupił fabrykę nad Dnieprem do renowacji, dał w łapę komu trzeba, wlał w to jeszcze trochę siana… i gówno, bo jest wojna i może się pocałować w dupę.
Wiele osób jest zaślepionych modelem amerykańskim. Po prostu dać kapitałowi hasać i będzię git–Tyle że taki model działa w Ameryce i żadko kiedy gdziekolwiek indziej, przynajmniej dopóki nie osiągnie górnego pułapu rozwoju i stanie się atrakcyjny jako wielki importer. US to kraj obmywany przez oba oceany i wyposażony w system spławnych rzek wielkorotnie bodaj większy niż jakikolwiek inny kraj. Dotego podłaczone są Wielkie Jeziora. Największa katastrofa statku w historii dokonała się na Mississippi. To jest niemal morze wewnętrzne Ameryki łaczące ćwierć terytorium kraju. Na to nakłada się geoplityka. US jest absolutnym hegemonem w regionie, nie ma siły która mogłaby przeprowadzić inwazję na kontynentalną Amerykę, całość terytorium spaja jeden bardzo stabilny, praworządny ustrój (chociaż ostatnio zraczały). To wszystko plus petrodolar sprawia że każdy inwestor będzie patrzył na USA jako bezpieczną przystań, szukając jakichkolwiek okazji żeby alokować zyski z wygenerowane w reszcie świata. Sukces USA ma gówno wspólnego ze swobodnym współzawodnictwem na wolnym rynku. Zwyczajnie nie jest to model na któym moglibyśmy się wzorować. Natomiast model który widzimy u Niemiec, Japonii, Korei etc. nawet Chin to wynoszenie przez kapitał państwa semi-prywatnych i prywatnych konglomeratów, które na poczatku podpierając się na wew. rynku zbytu potem stawały się głównymi eksporterami i silnikami napędowymi gospodarki. Zamiast dawać się paść zewnętrznym korporacjom na naszej pracy i wysyłać zysk na reinwestycje gdzie indziej powinniśmy je zaprządz we własne mechanizmy, które wygenerują nowe, rodzime firmy. W Korei i Chinach właśnie wykorzystywano specjalnie zbudowane porozumienia, które dawały duże ulgi i przewagi firmom wchodzącym w symbiozę z rodzimymi tworami albo inkludującymi tubylców w zarządy spółek. Wszystkie wielkie marki Koreańskie zaczynały jako czebole. IMO te prestiżowe Chińskie marki które nie będą miały podobnego rodowodu są z to zasilane gigantyczną aktywnością szpiegostwa przemysłowego w wielkich Chinach mogących sobie na to pozwolić ze względu na wabik własnego rynku zbytu i kompletny bandytyzm, którego może się dopuszczać ich aparat państwowy w razie zgłaszania protestów. Poza tym model jest podobny.
Wróćmy do samego handlu, to jest zagadnienie ściśle związane z geografią. Ciążą na nas warstwy ograniczeń związanych z przestrzenią i ukształtowaniem naszego regionu. Po pierwsze dystans powoduje, że nie wszystko co sprowadzamy albo eksportujemy jest zasadniczo opłacalne. Po drugie na pewnych kierunkach stoją nam na drodze martwe pola w postaci terytoriów państwach skupionych na obronie własnego zbytu albo chcących grać dostępem do swoich konsumentów - można ich zazwyczaj przeskoczyć, ograniczając się zaledwie do przesyłu, ale handel zapewne nie będzie się organicznie rozwijał w tym kierunku tak szybko jak by mógł w innych warunkach. Po trzecie dostępem do szlaków morskich, Cieśnin Duńskich i Morza Północnego, tu ktoś z lokalną obecnością na brzegach lub projekcją floty poza Bałtykiem może nas przyblokować. Gnojenie nas z samego Bałtyku byłoby już trudniejsze a w perspektywie rozwoju militarnego raczej samobójcze, ponieważ jest to akwen wielkości kałuży, który można przeorać artylerią rakietową albo air superiority. Ostatecznie są szlaki na pełnym morzu, których obecnym gwarantem jest USA, a którego gwarantem nigdy nie będzie zachodząca, zaledwie regionalna potęga Rosyjska, w dodatku pozbawiona dobrych portów, których nie można by łatwo szachować. Zdecydowana większość handlu odbywa się na oceanach. Na indyjskim przepływa bodaj nawet 45% wartości całej wymiany światowej.Co czyni Indie z ich możliwością projekcji na ten basen w dalszej przyszłości prawdziwym "Krajem Środka, o ile nie powstanie szlak lądowy".
To wszystko wpływa na naszą pozycję: jesteśmy odizolowani od bezpośredniego dostępu do handlu morskiego przez Niemcy i Skandynawię. W razie blokady pozostaje nam tranzyt przez Południe, z morza śródziemnomorskiego, jeżeli to również utracimy zaczyna się poważne obniżenie konkurencyjności naszej wymiany, a wymieniać się musimy, chociażby ze względu na brak własnych źródeł ropy. Jest wiele modelów gdzie z czasem ta zależność znika, natomiast zerwanie wymiany nadal zniszczyłoby duże sekcje naszej gospodarki. Dlatego współpraca/neutralizowanie Zachodu jest ważniejsze niż kierunek Rosyjski, po prostu waży się Rosja vs reszta świata. To że sami Rosjanie nic na embarga nie poradzą chyba widać. Jeżeli dodać do tego blokady, do zdechliby nędznie.
I dalej: ponieważ nie mamy wpływu na same warunki geograficzne musimy się skupić na tym co da się zmienić lub zachować. Musimy zachować na tyle poprawne stosunki z Niemcami żeby nie dać asumptu do montowania jakiejś blokady, absolutnie nie możemy stać się częścią bloku ekonomicznego z np. Rosją, który byłby potem jebany w dupę za Rosyjskie ambicje i i tak ostatecznie podporządkowany Chinom z racji 20+ krotnej przewagi ekonomicznej jaką Kitajcy osiągną nad ruskimi. Przypominajka, projekcja populacji Chin, USA i Rosji za około 30-40 lat w milionach to kolejno nadal ponad 1300, nie wliczając potencjalnych znacznych fal imigracji, 545, jak najbardziej uwzględniając imigrację oraz… jakieś 100 milionów, z czego większość to nie-Słowiańscy Muzułmanie. Do 2049-tego Chiny mają zrównać zamożność z Europą. Będą mieli starszą populację niż obecnie, po drugiej stronie boomu demograficznego, ale w porównaniu do innych krajów rozwiniętych i tak nie będzie źle.
Do tego obrazka dochodzi pewna zależność: odległe potęgi nie mogą kompletnie dominować regionów, które mogłyby ze względów odległości je odrzucić. Dlatego znajdują sobie klientów, którym stosunki z nimi się opłacają. Te same potęgi we własnym zapleczu nie mają takich problemów i rozstawiają mniejsze narody po kątach. Ocean Spokojny to chyba najgorsze miejsce pod słońcem jeżeli chodzi o zachowanie suwerenności, skoro obu globalnych hegemonów-pretendentów będzie sobie rościło do niego prawa jako "morza wewnętrznego", podporządkowanego ich interesom. Z kolei u nas są tylko Niemcy i Rosjanie, a jedynym odległym hegemonem chcącym blokować ich dominację we własnym zapleczu jest, narazie, USA - robi to ponieważ kraj który osiągnie supremację "u siebie" rozpoczyna globalną grę o wtrącanie się gdzie indziej, dezintegrując fundamenty potęgi innych mocarstw i tak w koło Macieju.
Dlatego np. podoba im się Intermarium, podczas gdy Niemcy czy Rosja będą taką inicjatywę zawsze torpedować, bo dążą do podporządkowania sobie "bliskiej zagranicy".
To wszystko znaczy tyle, że musimy się obecnie orientować na Zachód. A potem zapewne na Wschod, ale nie Moskwę tylko Beijing. Zapomnij o dobrych i złych imperiach, wszystkie są złe. "Dobre" są co najwyżej państwa narodowe w czasie pokoju.
Solidny autyzm w tym threadzie, kibicuję!
But anyway, apart from the spirited discussion between a rusfag and a v4fag, Poland is in a tough position where careful balancing between NATO, UE and Russia is needed. Giving too much of our ass to either of these groups results in, at best, economic downturn, or, at worst, complete subjugation. V4 is a great solution to enforce this balance through cooperation with our neighbors and, as such, is a worthy political doctrine for Poland. The difficulty is getting a party into the Sejm that would work towards that goal - currently we're staying jewed with PiS until the next elections. A coup would be a royal invitation for everyone else to come over here and fuck us over, so I don't see it as a viable solution. The question is - who the fuck to vote for? I don't really see anyone worthy of a vote right now. Two different kinds of jews as main parties, other jews in smaller ones. Kukiz seems at least interesting, but I can't force myself to trust a former puppet of the media jew.
PS Wobec Rosji używam bardziej pesymistycznej (albo optymistycznej, zależnie od wzrostu czurków) prognozy niż dla pozostałych graczy, ale też dlatego, że:
a)Rosja obecnie wystawia się na cięgi, co będzie skutkowało w przyszłości,
b)Rozpiętość pomiędzy optymistycznymi i pesymistycznymi prognozami dla Rosjan są o wiele większe niż i innych, aż do redukcji do 70 milionów - już nawet UK będzie miało wtedy prawie 90.zapewne głównie ciapatych
O tym będzie w punkcie piątym.
W streszczeniu: ruchy, nurty myślowe, partie i think tanki trzeba budować od zera, od dołu, osiągając wpływ dopiero jako rezultat całych cyklów przemian.
Na razie na prawdę nie jest źle zewnętrznie, patron jest daleko, skupiony na Pacyfiku, wpływa tylko groźbą wpierdolu lokalnej potędze.
Świadomość współczesnego człowieka unosi się w gęstej zupie faktoidów, bajek i mitów serwowanych przez różne grupy interesów wyrażane za pośrednictwem generowania i moderowania strumienia informacji i narracji. Przeciętny pierce'owski leming może np. być święcie przekonany, że jedyny sposób żeby "uratować planetę" to obcięcie emisji (czyli pośrednio zabicie przemysłu) o połowę i nie zastanawia się czy konsumpcja nie wygeneruje tej samej, przetrąconej fabryki po drugiej stronie świata, pompując ten sam produkt uboczny jego nowego iphona czy konwersów we wspólną atmosferę. Ten sam osobnik, przekonany o zbliżającej się katastrofie ani nie pyta sam siebie o faktyczną skuteczność proponowanych zabiegów ani nie wpada w stan desperacji i wywierania presji na rządzących, żeby coś z tym galopującym armagedonem zrobili, mimo że wg. rożnych poważanych i szeroko popularyzowanych prognoz poprzedniego wieku czapy lodowe zniknęły już podobno 3-4 razy a oceany zalały wszystkich poniżej belki poprzecznej krzyża na Giewoncie. A to dlatego że są to opinie powierzchowne, asymilowane nieświadomie w procesie konformizowania do tego co zdaje się powszechną opinią ogółu społeczeństwa. "Ludowe Mądrości" ery informacyjnej.
Dokładnie takim sztucznie zaszczepionym "faktem" jest uzależnienie rozwiniętych gospodarek stojących eksportem high tech od siły mięśni analfabety targającego za łopatę. Korelacji takiej brak i mimo że jest to popularna opinia, robiąca się gwałtownie popularniejsza wraz z każdą setką tysięcy zarabianych na rok przez pytanego, a więc entuzjastycznie papugowana przez korporacyjne media, to jednak brak wśród najgłupszych, najbezsensowniejszych i najbardziej powtarzalnych badań jakie się obecnie przeprowadza jednego potwierdzającego tą akurat wielką prawdę, którą "wszyscy wiedzą" i nawet kłótliwe gadające głowy przyjmują jako oczywistość, zaledwie sprzeczając się co do środków które miano by podjąć aby zaradzić niedoborowi babć klozetowych wyniszczającemu przemysł samochodowy albo sektor IT. Co za to badania faktycznie pokazują?
Dopełnijmy ten obrazek dodając nieco kontekstu, jak wygląda praca fizyczna w Polsce poprzez kilka scenek rodzajowych, które sami w różnych wcieleniach byliście świadkami. Zamiast na samobieżnym wózku wielkie połacie trawników pracownicy komunalni strzygą… małymi kosiarkami ręcznym. Zamiast wbudowanej w pas transmisyjny automatyczną gilotyną w fabrykach pulpy, materiały itp… rąbie się pieprzoną siekierą. Budowlaniec-"specjalista" przychodzący zbudować ci taras zamiast wyspecjalizowanej gwoździarki za kilkaset złotych (powszechnie używanej do takich zadań w US, nie trzeba się nawet schylać) i równych palików do robienia przerw między układanymi deskami przynosi młotek i gwoździe… i biedzi się nad każdą deską, klęcząc zgarbiony w pół, dociskając ją kolanem. Zamiast pistoletu do jakiegoś sylikonowego gówna niewiadomego zastosowania przyniesie niemiłosiernie zaskorupiałe wiadro i ułomek listwy, będzie mieszał godzinę a potem poleje lejkiem kuchennym. Bo i czemu, cholera, miałby kupować tę gwoździarkę albo pistolet, skoro już teraz sporo jego czasu to bezczynność, kiedy czeka na telefon od klienta. U nas praca to towar wysokiej podaży, nie jej a kapitału inwestycyjnego nam brakuje. Nie ma premium za efektywność. W Polsce niewykwalifikowany pracownik jest traktowany niczym robak i masowa ucieczka tego, podobno, życiodajnego aktywu robotniczego jakoś dramatycznie nie poderwała zarobków pracowników fizycznych. Do tego luki w wykwalifikowanej sile roboczej, od hydraulika wzwyż, wytworzone poprzez emigrację, które możemy obecnie odczuwać dotkliwiej, nie są permanentne, ponieważ na szczęście nie dziedziczymy profesji genetycznie (poza aparatem administracyjnym i prawnym :^)), a w procesie kształcenia, przy czym kolejne pokolenia pchają się przeważnie tam gdzie zakładają popyt na umiejętności które zdobędą albo które promuje system oswiaty. Za to bardzo łatwo permanentne zmiany może pozostawić sprowadzanie "gości".
give back silesia west pommeren neumark and east prussia and get out of civilized countries, this should be your first political goal
poland should just annex the rest of germany and austria at this point
Funny how (((wiki))) took away Hitlers hyperlink while keeping all the others
Its true, hatred for the Russians will not go away when there is still living memory of occupation. My parents childhood has been molded by it. The hate is real.
I keep trying to explain this to my father but he is stubborn. He is red pilled on Islam but ignorant on the Jew
Help us restore the commonwealth and not stab us in the back again like kikes. Correct this and the injustices of the treaty of Versailles can be corrected as well. You also have to get rid of your shitkins for the above to happen.
ass blasted autistic kraut detected
want poland to give more land so you can house more africans that rape your women?
Go write books on being an autistic nigger to someone else, because of mongs like you we'll never have a position of our own. I have no business correcting a hysterical sperg like yourself who cannot go past a sentence without over alanization, jumping to conclusion, and general autism that prevents you from seeing the big picture. If you decided to look past one sentence and connect the dots without me having to explain for your double didigt IQ nigger brain you wouldn't complex this even more looking for even more shit to disect within an EXPLINATION. I was wrong to assume you had any knowledge of geopolitics so I EXPLAINED which pipelines are in competition, how we either decide on America and risk another Georgia or go with Russia who has a *chance* of being on our side, as we can't play both sided like Tito and remain friends with none, and also explained how in an ever changing Europe a vassal to prevent Soros being our neighbor is within our advantage, but..
If we support everyone then our support means nothing; if we directly tiptoe in Americas favor we are not our own. I might ramble but I also have to take in consideration a retard like yourself who needs a rehash of the world's events to understand a point, and even then you're fighting fifty fronts with nothing in mind but "fuck Russia". Go fuck yourself nigger, like I said, my plan is better than the exact repetition to the beginning of our invasion in WW2: NO POSITION OF OUR OWN, retard.
lol You fucking lost it hard. Look at yourself, you're a quivering mess. Sad!
Krauts should be kept within current borders. They need to uncuck themselves first, if they kick out all shitskins, turks and negroes, that will free up a lot of space. Not to mention, border and population changes in Europe among Europeans themselves at this point would open up a lot of old wounds that we've managed to seal after 2 millennia of conflict among each other.
Never since Rome did we have so much peace, that is one thing that needs to be preserved.
i am turk, germans have been living there for centuries, building infastructure and more and since you got it in 1945 what have you odne with it? just barely improving it or improving at all, you poles are the niggers claiming that they were your ancesteral lands literall we wuz kangz n sheit tier
No one disputes that Poland as a country has an inferior position on the international arena, and lower than that of Russia. But if you're going to start playing the gimmie-the-land-back game, then how after this: After you sort out the refugee problem and after we collectively deal with the Jewish Question, we can compromise and make a German-Polish-Lithuanian Common Wealth? (Russia already has a bazillion countries. Joining them would be economically disastrous.) – We could invite the Czechs in on the fun as well. And I mean a real Common Wealth for joint mutual prosperity with reciprocated benefits with equal representation. As you know in the business world as with many other kinds of relationships, we spend time with those who can or will enhance our financial or social status. If a relationship is not mutually beneficial, very little time will be spent together.
When benefits are mutual,
then cooperation will follow.
Mutual cooperation results in benefits,
and thus leads to affection.
—Tai Wong Gung
Unless joining Poorland is too much of a turn off, I'll understand. I mean, you don't have to agree to anything. It was just a suggestion.
You sure you're not Cleopatra, the queen of denial?
Get the fuck outta here, chump. This isn't a thread for your attentionwhoring and hetalia animus about muh ww2, muh only historical event that ever occurded.
i think co-operation is the best but russia fucked up poland big time but the bad thing is that germany is still riped of 1/3 of their lands
anne sikim
This. And if we are going to be all about WW2. Then PL needs its own Hitler.
When he came to power in 1930, Germany was in a deep economic slump. The German people were still carrying the heavy disgrace of their defeat in World War I. They were suffering both physically and emotionally.
Hitler's socialist Nazi party promised a better economic life and the possibility of a re-glorified Germany. (He would Make Germany Great Again!) The promise of a better life was more attractive than their harsh and hopeless reality. The German people opened their arms and embraced him.
Hitler delivered his promise. He brought Germany out of economic depression and went on to unite the German-speaking world. In 1938 he was at the top. According to some historians, if Hitler had died in 1938, he would now be known as the greatest statesman in the history of Germany.
How do we use meme magic to raise up Hitler for our team, or at least make our own Hitler?
you had one, he died in 1935
Yes, both Germany and Poland lost a lot of land from the war because the UK screwed the both of them over. They didn't let PL in the meeting for redrawing the maps.
As for the land lost to Germany, I do have the receipt! Alsace-Lorraine went to France; Eupen and Malmedy were given to Belgium; Northern Schleswig went to Denmark; Hultschin to Czechoslovakia; West Prussia, Posen, Upper Silesia and Danzig went to Poland (Danzig was placed under Polish management but was designated a "free city" under League of Nations supervision); Memel to Lithuania; and the Saar, Germany’s industrial heartland, was put under the control of the League of Nations. All of Germany’s overseas colonies were taken away.
Severe military Limitations were imposed. Germany’s army was reduced to 100,000 men, and was not allowed to have tanks or armored cars. Germany was not allowed an air force, and was allowed to have only 6 capital naval ships and no submarines. The west of the Rhineland and 50 kilometers (31 miles) east of the Rhine River was made into a demilitarized zone. No German soldier or weapon was allowed into this zone. The Allies (meaning Britain and France) were to keep an army of occupation on the west bank of the Rhine for 15 years.
Financial penalties were equally severe. The loss of vital industrial territory would impede all attempts by Germany to rebuild her economy. Coal from the Saar and Upper Silesia in particular was a vital economic loss. The coal went to France and England. Germany’s richest farmland was given to Poland. Reparations were to be paid to the Allies in an amount to be decided by the Allies at a later time. It seemed clear to Germany that the Allies intended to bankrupt the country.
Germany was also forbidden to unite with Austria to form one large German state (even though both Germany and Austria wanted it), in an attempt to keep her economic potential to a minimum.
General terms of the treaty included three vital clauses:
1. Germany had to admit full responsibility for starting the war (The War Guilt clause - Clause 231).
2. Germany was thereby responsible for all the damage caused by the war, and was therefore required to pay reparations, the bulk of which was to go to France and Belgium. The amount of reparations was not set at Versailles, but was to be determined later. In other words, Germany was to sign a blank check which the Allies would cash when it suited them in whatever amount they decided. The amount was eventually put at $33 billion (in 1919 dollars).
3. A League of Nations was set up to keep world peace, though Germany was not allowed in as a member.
After agreeing to the Armistice in November, 1918, the Germans believed that the peace treaty to follow would be based on President Wilson’s "Fourteen Points" which would have ensured a fair and just peace, and that they would participate in drawing up the peace treaty. They had, in fact, signed the Armistice and laid down their arms with that understanding. Instead, the treaty was drawn up without German participation and then handed to them as a diktat, which the Germans were required to sign without discussion. The term "armistice" is generally understood to mean, "a cessation of hostilities while a peace treaty is worked out." That is what Germany signed onto, but the Allies treated Germany as a defeated foe instead. According to the accepted meaning of an armistice, Germany should have had full participation in the peace conference.
The German delegation was astonished at the harshness of the treaty. They were particularly offended by the charge that Germany had started the war. In the minds of Germans, Germany had been fighting a defensive war imposed upon her by Russia and France, and soon afterwards by Britain. The way Germany saw it, France and Russia started the war. The officer sent to sign the Versailles Treaty refused to do so. "To say such a thing would be a lie," he said. The German Chancellor Phillip Scheidemann resigned rather than accept the treaty, saying, "May the hand wither that signs this treaty." He characterized the terms of the treaty as "unbearable, unrealizable and unacceptable," and proclaimed that the treaty would make the German people "slaves and helots."
The German people were both shocked and outraged over the terms of the treaty. As a symbolic protest against it, all forms of public entertainment throughout Germany were suspended for a week. Flags across the country were lowered to half mast. Some wanted to start the war again, but Germany’s leaders knew that that was impossible. There was nothing they could do. The German army had disintegrated and gone home after the Armistice was signed and Britain was maintaining a starvation blockade around Germany, letting nothing in and nothing out, causing the deaths of thousands of German civilians every day. Britain declared that the blockade would be maintained until the German representatives signed the treaty. Finally, Britain and France gave the Germans an ultimatum. Sign the treaty within four days or be invaded. The British and French armies were still intact. A German representative finally signed the treaty in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles on June 28, 1919. (He was later assassinated under mysterious circumstances; no doubt the result of having signed the treaty.)
The Treaty was signed, but only reluctantly, and without the slightest intention of actually cooperating in its imposition. In the words of the British historian, AJP Taylor, in his book, The History of the First World War (1963), "Though the Germans accepted the treaty in the formal sense of agreeing to sign it, none took the signature seriously. The treaty seemed to them to be wicked, unfair, dictation, a slave treaty. All Germans intended to repudiate it at some time in the future, if it did not fall to pieces of its own absurdity." In one last gesture of defiance, after the treaty was signed, the captured German naval ships held at Scapa Flow were scuttled by their crews.
The German economy was the most powerful in Europe going into the war, but like all the other combatant countries (except the United States), Germany was bankrupt by the end of it. Reconstructing her ruined economy after the war would have been a daunting task under the best of circumstances, but it was made doubly hard by the crushing impact of the Versailles treaty. Under the treaty Germany was forced to pay exorbitant reparations payments to the victorious powers at the same time that her ability to do so was drastically reduced by other terms of the treaty. Under the treaty, Germany lost 13 percent of her territory, 10 percent of her population, 25 percent of her potato and wheat production, 80 percent of iron ore, 68 percent of zinc ore, 33 percent of coal production, the entire Alsatian potash and textile industries, and the communications system built around Alsace- Lorraine and Upper Silesia. Her entire merchant fleet was confiscated along with numerous shipping facilities. Moreover, for 5 years, Germany's shipyards were required to produce ships to be given to the victorious powers. She was also required to surrender 5,000 locomotives, 150,000 railway cars and 10,000 trucks. All German property abroad was confiscated.
Because of Germany's weakened state the reparations payments demanded by the victorious powers were completely beyond her ability to pay. The confiscation of Germany's coal mines was particularly devastating because the resultant coal shortage severely limited industrial production. Her agricultural production was also drastically reduced because she had no merchant fleet with which to import the phosphates necessary to produce fertilizers. She could not import other necessary raw materials because her colonies had been taken away as well as her merchant fleet. This caused factories to shut down resulting in increased unemployment. All those who had previously worked in shipping and trade were also now unemployed.
A million Germans, mainly women, children and old people, starved to death as the result of the Royal Navy's food blockade, but millions of others were reduced to a weakened state from lack of food. A plague of malnutrition caused diseases affected Germany's children; many with permanently stunted growth, and disfiguring bone development. The war was over, but the starvation blockade continued to be imposed on an entirely helpless civilian population for seven more months, to force the unwilling Germans to sign the peace treaty. It was cruel beyond belief, yet it was imposed by the saintly British against the savage Hun. In fact, the main force behind the blockade was the much admired Winston Churchill.
The confiscation of Germany's merchant fleet exacerbated an already disastrous situation. Germany was an industrial nation with a very dense population, closely integrated into the economic system of the world. She was therefore required to import enormous quantities of food and raw materials. The loss of her merchant fleet and the restrictions on trade imposed by the Versailles Treaty produced chaos in Germany, and served to extend the famine which existed as a result of the blockade.
will you fuck off? I know Holla Forums has a hardon for Germs, but the thing burgers never understand that all Europeans always gave each other shit. There is no "good side", never was. It's always someone against you, and so it happens that this time there is an enemy that sees entire European people as enemy.
I'm glad that we can come together and decide that yes, these assholes want us gone, so why do we keep picking at these historical wounds?
What makes you think you're wanted here, turkroach? Kindly go back to cuckchan and never return with your retardedness. You have no say in European discussion, you disgusting mudblood shitskin,
Every fucking time.
And you still have the audacity to demand something from us.
The French are just as guilty of this, user.
Except French didn't hand the world over to Americans and the Russians.
keep crying aspie
So true. In the years before then (especially Victorian times) England did not want Germany to be a world Power. France desired that there should be no Power called Germany. Therefore there was a very essential difference. After WWI but during pre-WWII Germany, Hitler was not 'fighting' for their position as a World-Power but only for the existence of Germany as a country, for national unity and the daily bread of their children. Taking this point of view into consideration, only two States remained to them as possible allies in Europe – England and Italy.
The economic and military power of France retained a position of absolute hegemony and had been exercising military power against post-WWI Germany to extract debts from it by force. France had been for the whole of history and over the course of the second world war the implacable enemy of Germany. It would not have mattered what Governments have ruled or will someday rule in France, whether Bourbon or Jacobin, Napoleonic or Bourgeois-Democratic, Clerical Republican or Red Bolshevik, their foreign policy will have always been directed towards acquiring possession of the Rhine frontier and consolidating France's position on the river by disuniting and dismembering Germany.
England, who remained not at all pleased to see a France on whose military power there is no check in Europe, and who one day might undertake the support of a policy which in some way or other might come into conflict with British interests. Nor would England have been pleased to see France in possession of such enormous coal and iron mines in Western Europe as would make it possible for her to have played a role in world-commerce which might threaten danger to British interests. Moreover, England would never be pleased to see a France whose political position on the Continent, owing to the then dismemberment of the rest of Europe, which seemed so absolutely assured that she is not only able to have resumed a French world-policy on great lines but would even have found herself compelled to do so. The bombs which were once dropped by the Zeppelins might be multiplied by the thousand every night. The historic military predominance of France is a weight that pressed heavily on the hearts of the Old World Empire over which Great Britain had ruled.
Nor could Italy have desired, nor would she have desired, any further strengthening of France's power in Europe. The future of Italy would ideally be conditioned by the development of events that took place in the Mediterranean and by the political situation in the area surrounding that sea. The reason that led Italy into the War was not a desire to contribute towards the aggrandizement of France but rather to deal her hated Adriatic rival a mortal blow. Any further increase of France's power on the Continent would hamper the development of Italy's future, and Italy does not deceive herself by thinking that racial kindred between the nations will in any way eliminate rivalries.
Serious and impartial consideration proves that it is these two States, Great Britain and Italy, whose natural interests not only do not contrast with the conditions essential to the existence of the German nation of that era but are identical with them, to a certain extent.
It's another German invasion!
They took down the one with English subtitles.
TBH this is a pretty good deal for both parties. Poland should have been an ally.
You are shit
Yes you are. Quince, tomato, some cheese, salt and oil them; it's good, it's, real good. Then throw in some grapes. Then again, quince salt and lemon by itself is godly.
But anyone can cherry-pick at history.
What is causing Poland's baby boom?
Even after two centuries of successive and generally disastrous wars with Sweden, Russia, the Ukrainian Cossacks, German Brandenburg, and the Ottoman Turks which led to the loss of important Polish territories and the devastation of much of Poland–A period became known as the "DELUGE".–the Ottoman is still looking for Polish blood!
During the reign of king Jan III Sobieski, who was an excellent military commander, Polish forces had many victories over the Turks. In 1683 Polish army under king's command soundly defeated, in the battle for the relief of Vienna, a vast Turkish force – an army of Islam, thus halting a serious threat to Christendom in central Europe. But this victory could not halt Poland's decline.
On an unrelated note, Turkey is having problems with its own native Turkish birthrate.
Their breeding stock has largely moved to Europe.
The Gets don't lie. But on the topic of choosing allies. Can you form an alliance with any State whose rulers have for years long presented a spectacle of deplorable incompetence and pacifist cowardice and where the majority of the people, blinded by democratic and Marxist teachings, betray the interests of their own people and country in a manner that cries to Heaven for vengeance, which manifestly has neither the will nor the courage to move a finger even in the defence of its bare existence? – Can alliances be made with Governments which are in the hands of men who are despised by their own fellow-citizens and consequently are not respected abroad?
Answer: No. A self-respecting Power which expects something more from alliances than commissions for greedy Parliamentarians will not and cannot enter into an alliance.
Our present inability to form meaningful alliances furnishes the principle and most solid basis for the combined action of the enemies who are robbing us. Because our country does not defend itself in any other way except by the flamboyant protests of our parliamentarian elect, there is no reason why the rest of the world should take up the fight in our defence. And God does not follow the principle of granting freedom to a nation of cowards, despite all the implications of our "patriotic" associations.
A. H. miał rację co do zasad polityki.
Unlike the decadent and degenerative west, we have tradition and family values. Meanwhile countries like the US, the UK, Germany, and lots of other places are being subject to Marxist attacks from within, which are corroding the traditional family unit, while at the same time leaving their nations open to be overrun by foreign cultures which are incompatible with their own.
i'm not trying to be edgy but we had the same problem as germany, we would have lost alot of land in the treaty of sevrés but our people did not accept that and fought to the brink to take their own homeland back, same with germany only the entire world was against them
Said the subhumans who fought on the "allied" side.
gib Danzig
Germany has that kind of shit, too.
You just have to stick to the more rural regions.
To add to that.
Poland was its own thing in WW2.
They weren't strictly allied, and they weren't really comintern.
The west got fucked by the west, not a lack of piety or something else.
All "quintessential" western powers have been suffering the same since ww2, both allies (the perpetrators) and the axis (the immune system of the west).
Trump is a very, very, very recent good thing, and he's not all that good either.
But hes the best thing the US has had in a long time.
but i am european
Give back the entirety of Prussia and we might think about not going full Stefan Batory on your degenerate cuck asses once shit hits the fan.
Exactly. And while speaking in such terms, if Poland won WW2, then it would have gone on to become the biggest country in Europe–and maybe have been the one to be making good cars. Maybe. That last part just might be wishful thinking.
Then again, Poland has a Volkswagen production plant in Poznań which has been producing the German vehicles for commercial sale for over twenty years. And a new Volkswagen factory was built in Września to meet the growing demand for the vehicles in the international market.
Polen loves da Volk.
"In most cases nowadays a person acquires civic rights by being born within the frontiers of a State. The race or nationality to which he may belong plays no role whatsoever.
The child of a Negro who once lived in one of the German protectorates and now takes up his residence in Germany automatically becomes a "German Citizen" in the eyes of the world. In the same way the child of any Jew, Pole, African or Asian may automatically become a German Citizen.
Besides naturalization that is acquired through the fact of having been born within the confines of a State there exists another kind of naturalization which can be acquired later. This process is subject to various preliminary requirements. For example one condition is that, if possible, the applicant must not be a burglar or a common street thug. It is required of him that his political attitude is not such as to give cause for uneasiness; in other words he must be a harmless simpleton in politics. It is required that he shall not be a burden to the State of which he wishes to become a citizen. In this realistic epoch of ours this last condition naturally only means that he must not be a financial burden. If the affairs of the candidate are such that it appears likely he will turn out to be a good taxpayer, that is a very important consideration and will help him to obtain civic rights all the more rapidly.
The question of race plays no part at all.
The whole process of acquiring civic rights is not very different from that of being admitted to membership of an automobile club, for instance. A person files his application. It is examined. It is sanctioned. And one day the man receives a card which informs him that he has become a citizen. The information is given in an amusing way. An applicant who has hitherto been a Zulu or Kaffir is told: "By these presents you are now become a German Citizen."
The President of the State can perform this piece of magic. What God Himself could not do is achieved by some Theophrastus Paracelsus of a civil servant through a mere twirl of the hand. Nothing but a stroke of the pen, and a Mongolian slave is forthwith turned into a real German. Not only is no question asked regarding the race to which the new citizen belongs; even the matter of his physical health is not inquired into. His flesh may be corrupted with syphilis; but he will still be welcome in the State as it exists today so long as he may not become a financial burden or a political danger.
In this way, year after year, those organisms which we call States take up poisonous matter which they can hardly ever overcome.
Another point of distinction between a citizen and an alien is that the former is admitted to all public offices, that he may possibly have to do military service and that in return he is permitted to take a passive or active part at public elections. Those are his chief privileges. For in regard to personal rights and personal liberty the alien enjoys the same amount of protection as the citizen, and frequently even more. Anyhow that is how it happens in our present German Republic.
I realize fully that nobody likes to hear these things. But it would be difficult to find anything more illogical or more insane than our contemporary laws in regard to State citizenship.
At present there exists one State which manifests at least some modest attempts that show a better appreciation of how things ought to be done in this matter. It is not, however, in our model German Republic but in the U.S.A. that efforts are made to conform at least partly to the counsels of commonsense. By refusing immigrants to enter there if they are in a bad state of health, and by excluding certain races from the right to become naturalized as citizens, they have begun to introduce principles similar to those on which we wish to ground the People's State."
In The People's State the population is classified in three groups: Citizens, subjects of the State, and aliens. So it wouldn't be impossible to be a part of Hitler's Germany as an immigrant or migrant decendant.
How interesting. I made this post on another imageboard–what are the chances I'd find it posted here, too? I'm flattered.
Here's the original post if anyone is interested in reading the ensuing discussion that took place:
To be clear, I wasn't necessarily stating that any massacres did (or didn't) occur. I should have used the word "allegedly" instead of "essentially". The point was moreover to illustrate what I found to be an inconsistency in reasoning and purpose.
My post made mention of many of the points in that image. However, there were still a few questions left unanswered.
I'm here to say that I love you literal polaks and I'm might fucking
that my pure Polish parents didn't teach me Polish.
Because they feared I wouldn't be accepted in Germany. Be accepted in Germany as a Pole.
One part in me blames you people for not punishing them. My parents have friends who never heard me talk Polish with my parents, only German. I had to teach it myself.
I unironically believe not teaching the language is the worst possible thing.
Imagine Bismarck's, Friedrich II's, and Hitler's, hell every partitions' wet dream come true: parents not teaching their children their own heritage. Do you have any idea how fucking ill it feels to feel like your own people would abandon you to a people that hates you just because your parents wouldn't bother with doing their absolute obligation in giving you your birth right? I unironically believe parents not teaching their language to their children are worse than all the socialists we had, be it nazis from the west, communists from the east, and again socialists from the west.
I don'z care if children will get the stick. I just want my parents to suffer.
I learned English from chans.
Don't hate your parents kolego
Jakie organizacje są w ogóle warte zachodu w polszy?
Bo jak dla mnie to Falanga jest najlepsza
Yes yes hire more ukraininan arbaiters
It will do you good I swear
>implying that ukrawandans are white
Daily reminder that London attacks were yesterday and our media still talk about that one bomb in Wrocław. Killed 0, hurt one old lady.
Well get to them and make them teach you polish.
Next language is always a plus.
Piss off dirty Pole
Why aren't you in your homeland, you parasite?
Most likely because your politicians created Schengen zone and EU. Making migrating extremely easy.
Yes more clay for the neu deutsche
Those lands were always polish and prussia was a backstabbing cunt that betrayed its liege twice
Not even the treasonous German politicians wanted to have Poles here. Remember it were the Brits who invited you over there, just changing their mind recently.*
*Actually it were the French, Brits and USA who demanded EU eastern enlargement after 1989, to “balance” the “new” larger Germany, with second thoughts that Germany had to pay the bill.
based mods
How the fuck do you betray something as your liege that isn't even competitive anymore? How is that still your liege?
And then afterwards the poles even betrayed their Prussian liege. You really shouldn't play that card bro.
Yep. I have my own Germanyboo folder somewhere filled with pics of the German, Austrian, Bavarian and Swiss folk costumes, and I also buy Bavarian sausages and Brezel bread for frequent personal consumption. What's more, I got to visit those places nine years ago in winter. It was a snowy wonderland; Vienna simply looks magical in the winter. I missed out on a skiing holiday to Switzerland a year back owing to illness.
Don't make me find the Bible quote in which Jesus requires the fellows to hate every sinner in the world. We all know love and hate are neurologically inseperable.
They committed this most heinous crime. They can't keep promises even if their life depended on it. Do you have any idea how expensive the books are?
Ask that to my parents, krautnigger.
They made it possible for people to emigrate from their own homeland, i.e. enabled degeneracy. Emigration is degeneracy. Opening borders to anyone is opening Pandora's box to anyone.
If you wanna give me a bullet,
Come at me!
I've got nothing.
There's no one waiting for me.
Prussia was always an invader and an occupier, not a liege.
When Vasas had a chance to turn Prussia into a voivodeship in 1600s, they let you off lightly, only because Swedes and Brandenburgians were meddling with the issue.
You all will now post typical Polish stuff, like cuisine and proverbs.