Marine Le Pen’s new, Anti-Racist, vision for France has her ahead in the polls

Le Pen’s sees a “grand return” of nationalism and a new France if she is elected — one free of the euro, with far fewer immigrants and closer ties to Russia

Nonna Mayer, a leading expert on the party, said Le Pen has “gone halfway in changing the party,” ridding it of its long-time anti-Semitic image but making Islam the enemy.

Le Pen emphatically rejects the label of extremist, proudly calling herself “a patriot.” The words “democracy” and “democratic” roll off her tongue.

Vous déshumaniser et se préparer à l'effusion de sang

So we know a new faction of leaders are now re-emerging. Pen and Trump are on the same team and Pen is on her way to taking power
Will we see an era of public figures of power fighting against bureaucratic agencies?
And what role does Russia fill in all this? Why do the bureaucracies want war with Russia while public leaders want peace with Russia?


Right. The team of philosemitism and niggerization wrapped in a flag.

Say what have you, but you're missing my point regardless

They don't want war with Russia because they know the state can't survive it, but those currently in power want war with Russia because it's probably their one shot to stay in power. Trump and Le Pen are taking the pragmatic route – dirty nigger countries are only fit to be vassals to superior civilizations occupied by superior races so they'll offer up olive branches and whatever scraps of economic assistance and cooperation they can to their racial betters as they guide their nigger nations into client state status.

So then how does their Civic-Nationalist platform work with their goals of shifting into client-state status?

Isn't France already pretty much a client state as it is?

I think you're a shill


The same way it worked for the Koreans under Japanese occupation. The Japs decided to not fight it and make it work for them.
Yes and no. They no longer have the racial quality to do what would be asked of them as a client state for Gulf ragheads so they'll cut their losses and shift towards Russia.


If the Russian jews and the Western jews work together then it means nothing, no difference at all
If they are working against each other (unlikely, but still) then closer ties with Russia is great news, it means that Euros might start fighting on the side of Iran/Syria/Iraq/Yemen rebels/Lebanon/Palestine instead of Zionists/ISIS
Is there a scenario where this is a bad thing?

I imagine we'll be hearing nonsense like this for a few more years before it finally clicks for some of you.

no side is good unless you are purging the kikes in ur own country and going full blown natsoc

so you join the side of iran/syria/etc and u end up BTFOing israel; doesnt matter if you still have globalist kikes in ur country.


Every small thing matters, and this is not a small thing, it's fucking huge (if it happens of course, which is extremely unlikely).


When Israel becomes a multicultural democracy what will you say then.
Trump is positioning and it shows quite a lot

Two words: Samson option.
I hope you're prepared :^)

You're reading into things and extrapolating from there. If he's against Israel, just cancel the aid package lock, stock, and barrel and officially cut ties with Israel. Instead you're cooking up this convoluted scenario.

Says the person who fabricated a convoluted scenario that assumes Pen and Trump are using their nationalist platform to assume the role of a client state.

I assume none of these theories are of your own correct? I would like to know where you're getting these theories

Fuck off krautcuck

If Isreal nukes someone lots of people would wake up.
Like Israel nukes someone and the media says that Israel did the right thing e.t.c. All the normies would be confused and would start digging

They are. Trump literally campaigned on offering up military services and protection for money. His Transporation Secretary got on television and said they were going to do "public-private partnerships" to construct toll highways across the country with foreign investment. The US has already sold off huge food production assets to the Chinese, just like African and South American countries do. Which makes sense, given that the US is an African country.

The French defense industry cannot survive without raghead oil money, but country itself is no longer competent enough to perform like a quality hired gun, so its shifting to another sphere where less will be expected of it and a degree of mutual protection can be offered.

I'm sure they wouldn't mind nuking the whole world to ashes if it means ruling it in the end.


The US is a nigger country. It's no longer fixable. It's about managed decline, trying to sell people on "based niggers" wearing shitty multicam, selling off assets quietly, and having foreign capital come in and use the mulatto US as a source of cheap labor.



He's positioning himself to be buddies with Bibi so Bibi does what ever Trump wants him to do

Niggers are below replacement birthrate as are spics
While conservative are above replacement and on the rise

It's only a blackpill for everything West of the Rhine. There's still plenty of hope for racially superior nations.

Her makeover included sidelining him. His party membership was revoked last year after he repeated an anti-Semitic reference that had drawn a court conviction.

The US is already minority White in people 18 and under. Like I said, it's not fixable. You've basically given up all pretense of being able to fight your way out of it and are just going to hope birthrates fix it in 50 years.

Paris is the Atlanta of Europe.

The fact that trump is President is effecting birthrates in the positive direction for the burgers
You say its useless but if we just say everything is impossible then whites never would of conquered the land, the seven seas and land on the moon
The story of the white man is doing crazy impossible things that paid off well and you want to act like it's pointless for the Americans when there is shit tonnes of memetic momentum going on.

Sadly the article is old, 100% good goy and globalist puppet Macron is now second in the race (and poised to win the run-off)… Far worse than cuckservative Fillon.

It's too little, too late and Trump is a nigger lover.
And Whites will surely do all of that again and rise to even greater heights. They just won't be doing it in America because America is a dirty nigger country that will toil for racially superior nations.

your tactics are pinned right on the front page and you still persist. sad!

Maybe don't take it negatively. Look at it like helpful advice to maybe relocate your family if you're not a filthy nigger.

So Australia then as Europe doesn't have quite the same momentum and countries like France and Germany will get less white than America even if Le Pen and AfD sweep up as the non white birthrate is much higher than America's where if I need to reiterate have a falling number of negros and spics and an increasing number of right wing whites

All throughout Eastern Europe and Russia. It's unfortunate you're so attached to Nigmerica, like that bacterial cat parasite or something, but no amount of massaged numbers or hopeful projections [that you get from your trustworthy jewish government] are going to take root fast enough. The damage is already done. Look at Brazil.

Your not addressing points of decreasing spic and negro populations.
And keep in mind that while eastern Europe is devolping very fast, the fact that at the moment its a 2nd world nation means most people don't care
When Hungary becomes as powerful of an industrial powerhouse as say Germany then things will change

This is complete bullshit unless you can prove it.

With the spics you have mass numbers of deportations, even if most are self deportations
And the nigs have been holding steady at 13% for a long while and seeing as its going to be harder for then to get gibs

that's an optimistic view but I don't see it happening user, normies are fucking stupid and prefer to live their lives isolated from the truth - digging requires engagement, they would just fall back on "meh it doesn't really affect me, plus it was just some roaches that got nuked that the MSM told me to hate more than :^) so it's all okay

The majority of those under 18 are not White. The birthrates don't matter even if they are true because it won't show up for decades and it won't be enough of a shift and miscegenation has already nearly hit civilization-ending levels in the US. Brazil is the relevant example. I'm sure plenty of "conservative Whites" have healthy birthrates there, too.

Yeah great plan Marie

Soros shill get out

Your image macro isn't enough when it comes to make an articulated argument for or against someone or something.
3/10 See me after class.

merkel sucks lenin dry penis and get fuck by marx's mummified body

Germany invadez France again to restore multiculturalism and diversity when?

If anything, she will turn a blind eye to it, while pandering to some shit for the sake of PR.
I still think her breakdown with her father was an act and she's pretending to be moderate.
Well, one at least can dream.

Remember that when she wins, they won't care if they don't find proof that Russians hacked their election. They'll blame them anyways.

It's fixable, just not immediately. It will take drastic measures that America is just not ready for yet. Fixing this mess is a long game. It will take time for the de-jewing that is currently under way to get far enough, then much bigger steps can be taken.


How far ahead is she? She needs to win in the first round. If she doesn't get 50% then it will go to second round and her opposition will all team up to stop her.

Sounds like a political play to get her ahead in the polls. And it sounds like it's working. I still stand firm by:

Fuck off back to endchan with this blackpill shit. You yids have no power here.

To be honest lads, Le Pen is not a good sign.
Why are you looking to a woman to save you? No, really, why?

Across the world, I see the right aligning behind female candidates who are, generally speaking, nothing but cuckservative trash. Le Pen is in bed with myriad heebs, spews about anti-racism, etc etc.
Just this shit
Should tell you all you need to know.

This isn't 'nationalism', this Zionist puppetry - and the Right is falling for it in droves… Well, the European Right, at least. Seems the Aussies have been sniffing around that area as well.

Stop trying to give women leadership, this will only come back to bite you in the ass.

Five years ago if you had suggested France would be teaming up with Russia and USA, you'd probably be thrown in a mental asylum. What a time to be alive.

careful with those digits lad

Has this image ever been used for anything but d&c?


Who should frenchies vote for instead?

Very true, the french voters have no choice but to accept her. But we should be much more sober about her.

Counter-signal memes for fashy frogs


I never knew that I could read French.

What are you even blathering about? If either of those things are true, they're fucking insignificant compared to the mountains our nations must climb.

The big problem with your "Trump/Le Pen/Putin/Wilders" is a zionist shill is this - why does the media kvetch so much about them, goy?

There are no mass deportations. They don't exist now, and never will unless whites launch some kind of Turner Diaries coup. The (((democratic system))) will not allow such egregious breaches of human rights.

You are unfortunately correct. Although many whites here in Burgerland are hitting almost unprecedented levels of redpill, it's not enough. Far too many young whites are miscegenating themselves away, because they're mindless consumerist drones. The conservative ones are growing ever more fearful and turning towards the redpill, but that won't stop the Brazilification. Whites will survive here, but the nation will not.

Someone with a penis? Are there no people in France who have penises and who say legitimate things?

Its just weird, you know? Even on Holla Forums, where people should know better than to accept female leadership, knowing how women are at their core, I see people promoting a female leader, and specifically in Europe.

I'm legitimately wondering, even asking Yuropoors, what's up with that? I mean, amongst libshits, I get it, but right-wingers? You should know better than to trust a female leader. And the whole "there's no other choice!" just makes me wonder what the fuck is going on in Europe such that there are no men who can fill that role.
I'm not trying to be insultory or accusatory, merely stating I find it strange, and those euro Anons should take consideration of the fact that female leadership is bad ju-ju, and when they've got connections to Zionists and have demonstrated an aim away from opposing Jews and towards opposing Muslims, its even worse Jew-Jew.

Why the fuck would I want to fight on the side of Iran or Syria or Palestine? Kikes and muzzies can have their wars down there, all I want is to be out of that shit.

I want Jews out of my politics but if your Jew hatred has reached the point of where you're sacrificing the interests your own country just for the sake of hurting Israel you're as much of an enemy as the far left (who, funnily enough, also want to be friends with mudslimes against Israel).

This is the biggest pitfall we must beware for nationalist, right-wing movements in Europe. Kikes know they cannot stop this nationalist sentiment since they've flooded us with muslims, so they want to co-opt these nationalists to take socially acceptable anti-muslim positions so long as they never blame jews for opening up the border.

Any self-respecting French patriot should vote Le Pen in both rounds of the election. Trump had many undesirable jewish ties but he's been better than expected in office. So vote Le Pen and hope for the best, but never forget jews are the real problem and nigger immigrants are only a symptom of the jewish cancer.

I bet the Amis are behind this, right Hans?

France already has a national myth concerning unification of the French people behind a female figurehead. This simply works well memetically for the French, and it's not impossible that Le Pen will be a decent leader. She's saying a good number of the right things, at least.

I thought Le Pen was against dual-citizenship, which is an interesting signal. Not certain about that though, any anons have any articles?

If you own a chicken coop and someone lets in wolves to eat your chickens, who do you blame? The wolves or the asshole who opened the gates in the first place.

Muslims and niggers are not our real enemies because they are simply third-world savages. Of course they commit mass rape and murder when you import them to successful white countries because that's what savages do. But who let in these savages, and vehemently pushed for open borders and miscegenation with niggers? If we don't address the jewish question we'll always be fighting the symptoms of jewish subversion – open borders, multiculturalism, degeneracy, etc. Never lose sight of who the true enemy is.

Something to watch out for, is every time someone questions the redpilled nature of Trump or Le Pen or any other such politician, some idiot will start spouting off nonsense about how they're "opposing israel". as if that fucking matters. As if the fate of western nations is tied inextricably to israels destruction. These idiots have a simplistic understanding of world jewry, and they see israel as the final boss in a video game, or the death star in star wars, where if you can just blow that concrete object up, you win! The reality is so much more complex, because most of the kikes who are REALLY in charge of things, i.e. the banks, the Fed, the world bank, the IMF, they don't give two fucking shits about pissrael. They're globalists in search of ever-increasing wealth, they're tied to no land or people, not even their fellow kikes beyond the utility of tribal networking. The sooner these dipshit anons realize that, the better.

"signals" are not enough anymore. Ronald Reagan was "signalling" when he gave his famous state's rights speech in Philadelphia Mississippi, but the cuckservative cocksucker still legalized millions of beaners, and shifted the US demographics significantly towards non-white. Signalling will get you nowhere.

I'm a YUGE fan of God-Emporium (hail!) Trump, guys, but LePennie is a woman and possible Muslim-sympathizer! White men cannot and should not support a woman as a leader. We should just all wait for a man to hold her positions instead.

Bullshit. Israel is basically the main HQ of international jews. Did you not watch the AIPAC conference, where US politicians from both parties who agree on nothing else all got on stage to pledge their eternal allegiance to Greatest Ally Israel? Zionist bankers instigated two World Wars, killing tens of millions of white Europeans, to crush Europe and create a Zionist state (Israel) which Europe and America would be paying reparations to forever. Virtually every Wall St jew has dual-citizenship to Israel and funnels billions of dollars every year to their jewish nation. You have your head up your ass if you think jews "don't give two fucking shits about pissrael". Wiping Israel off the face of the earth won't completely solve the jewish problem, but it's an crucial first step.

I agree with you, more or less. I just think we have to play the hand we're dealt. At present, Le Pen's a pair of jacks. We can either play the jacks or wish we had a full house.

I am not French. You avoided my question.

Who should the French vote for?

Le Penis is the new hope for France. If you watch the start of her rallies the frogs absolutely love her. Its like anudda Trump rally.

Too bad I can't understand French.

She should be used as Trump is to further our own interests and beliefs. There is no point to cheerlead either nor is there any point in pointless blackpills. We must always seek the truth and keep our eyes open.

whites are the nation

"Hohn-hohn-hohn-hohn" means "lel".

Making compromises to destroy the EU doesn't seem unreasonable at all. If your take on this is "she doesn't have penis, can't vote for her" that's just counterproductive at this point. French will get to choose between globalist cucks or Le Pen. It's not a difficult choice at all considering what's at stake.

He did that because he has no response. Just like in every other Le Pen threads.

Always a german, I wish to say more but Imkuckfy may ban me again because I talked shit about krautcucks because of muh d&c.

While I agree that women in politics or positions of power are a bad idea we need to start somewhere, and that somewhere is Le Pen in this case.

Euros lack the spine to be truly independent anymore so they go back and forth between being Russia and americas bitch

So take away their citizenship, appropriate their possessions in your country and kick them to Israel.

"Muslims and niggers are not our real enemies"

You need to die, traitor.

I had to use a clipart star of moloch because I can't draw one worth shit. Are we unable to draw the kike symbol just like kikes can't draw swastikas? lel

missing jew nose

I'm the previous poster on a different IP

They're not, just as the wolves in my analogy weren't the true enemy. You can't blame animals for behaving like animals, and niggers are third-world savages so of course they'll commit rape and murder.

To ask you a question, who is our #1 enemy then? Is it niggers/spics/mudshits/etc or is it jews? Your answer will reveal a lot about you.

You sure have a suspicious amount of sympathy for jews. Why be so friendly, consider the Holohoax lies they've created and destruction they've wrecked on white countries for the past 70 years. It seems like it'd save a lot of time and headache to just nuke Israel and be done with it, but for some reason you're trying to distract us that "niggers or spics are the enemy, just don't say anything bad about jews!"

She excluded her own frickin' father, the main reason the party even is this big, for anti-semitism.

That should tell you something about these new type of "nationalists". They are a bunch of opportunitists, subverting the real emotions and reasons people want to fend for themselves and their countries. But no, better be slave to the kike-media while slowly seeing your country go to the shitter due to them cucking out their own policies…

Swedish national democrats are exactly the same and those who PR-cuck are to be watched closely. They have their own agenda.

I want to kick out Jews from my country instead of wasting more white blood in pointless Middle Eastern wars and that's "sympathy for the Jews".

You want to let Muslims mass rape European countries so that you can ally with them to pursue your war projects in the Middle East.

What the fuck are you doing on a nationalist forum? If actual nationalists take over you will be among the first to go to the firing squad, traitor.

I've suggested none of these words that you're putting in my mouth. I want 100% white ethnostates where we can live among our own in peace, and I don't give a shit about niggers in Africa or mudshits in the Middle East unless one day our countries reach max capacity and we need to expand.

None of this peace will be possible, however, as long as the jewish cancer exists in this world using his instruments of the EU and UN to push for open borders and mass shitskin importation. There will be no more wars once we solve the jewish problem. If Israel is wiped off the face of the earth, we will no longer need to stay involved in never-ending warfare in the Middle East.

Get out, traitor.

You can die or you can go to the Middle East to live among the mudslimes who "aren't the true enemy" to you. Either way you don't belong in Europe and you don't belong in an ethnostate,

For hundreds of years we were wise on the Jewish question even when millions of Jews existed in our countries. We can certainly get there again and it should be even easier when so many Jews have gone back to Israel instead of living in our countries, learning our languages and making direct personal contacts with our traitors.

We can be strong again. We do not need Muslim allies against a shitty few million Jews and we sure as hell don't need any traitor who advocates handing European women as sacrifices to Muslim mass rape just to get Muslim allies against Israel.

You just won't stop with your make-believe strawmen. Nowhere did I advocate for muslim allies or muslims in white counties.

You, however, are getting extremely triggered by anyone criticizing the jews, especially since as you say millions lived in our countries and weren't a problem right? Just look at how wonderful the Weimar Republic was? ;^)

Israel is the reason we're stuck in never-ending wars in the Middle East. Kikes manipulate our countries to destabilize their neighbors, depose unfriendly leaders (Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad), and repatriate all of those unwanted muslim neighbors to white countries. As long as Israel exists, these Middle Eastern wars will never end. If Israel is wiped off the map, we can go back to the good old days where mudshits lived in the Middle East and didn't cause any problems. White people will never achieve peace and racial homogeneity as long as their are jews on this planet, because even if we deport every last shitskin, jews will continue to brainwash our people with their multicultural and anti-white propaganda to want to take in more refugees again.

Yeah, keep being delusional, the UFOs will come rescue white people with an ayy lmao army, we dont need to care about gay things like diplomacy, logic, etc.

The UFOs are coming, any minute now, any minute.

France could beat Germany in a war pretty easily right now.

No, the reason for neverending wars in the Middle East are traitors like you who think the future of some country in the Middle East is more important than the future of our own people.

Putting the interests of Syrian Muslims ahead of the interests of your own people is no different from putting the interests of Israel over the interests of your own people. Either way you're a race traitor.

Again, you are literally advocating letting Muslims mass rape white women so that you can find allies for your pro-Syrian cause in Middle Eastern wars. It's treason and bringing back the death penalty for treason should be a high priority for any real nationalist.

Even fucking soulless gooks and chimpanzee level IQ African shitskins manage to have countries uncucked by Israel because they just refuse to get cucked by tiny Israel. We can do the same.

I'm going to quit arguing with you because it's obvious you're not even reading my posts anymore. Obviously I haven't advocated for any of these things, but you don't care because you're already created a strawman to argue against and don't feel compelled to address any of the points listed in my posts.

If anyone wants to observe what a shill looks like, 4aeac7 is a textbook example. A virulent kike defender who gets triggered by anyone suggesting we be mean to Israel or those based nationalist jews, all the while completely making up what his critics say. When people say "we need to nuke Israel off the face of the Earth" his response is "lelelelel so you want muslims to rape white woman???? ;^)"

It's JIDF, user.

It's just two triangles.

The new mob-appeal method is to get the "racists" by claiming you're "nationalist" and to get everyone else by making anti-racist statements.

Nationalism without the racism is nothing more than a microcosm of globalism, and thus ridiculous.

why is this a thing? protecting your own nation from a foreign death cult is just against the rules?

So this is it then? Europe falls? Thats it… its over?!


I'm still worried about the second round voting. Macron is still the overwhelming favorite to win there, and the Mudslimes and Dindus are all planning to vote for him in droves.


Fuck off fascist bastard. Pro-Russia is the way to go and you jew-hating faggots are going to destroy Putin's work.

Ask me how I know you're a newfag.

Gotta sell it to the normies.

Fighting Russia has never worked out well for Europe on the whole. Bismarck knew that.

Why would you let them go? Ransom them to Israel, sure, but only if Israel pays you reparations for Jewry's crimes (kidnapping, blood sacrifice, well poisoning, usury, the Holocaust slander, the Famine Genocide, etc) and hands over the surviving Communist criminals like Yitzhak Arad.

But just letting them run away for free? You sound like a kike sympathizer and deserve a bullet to the head.


I'll break your spine, you communigger swine!

This is incredibly strange.

Remember the last time a US, UK, Russia and France alliance happened? Particularly against Germany…

WW1 & WW2.

Bizarre. How the fuck does history keep repeating itself? Except this time the Anglo-Slavic-Frog Alliance are actually the good guys this time.

Who cares? It's not like France is white (northern european) anyway.

Nice wishful thinking you have going on the.
If she isn't snti-racist and pro-Kike then why does she have a Jewish boyfriend and why did she kick Jean Marie from the party he created, for "antisemitism."
It's cringeworthy there are so many Holla Forumsasks who can't recognize controlled opposition when they see it.
She is a Kosher civic nationalist, just like Wilders.

How is that any different from Trump? She's still better than her competition.

Checked and worth noting. I'm just curious as to how long the (((globalists))) will endure the deconstruction of everything they've worked so hard to build over the past 70 years until they finally draw a line in the sand. Eastern Europe is wising up their schemes along with the powers you just mentioned, it's only a matter of time until they pull some real crazy shit.

To weaken america and europe to pave the way for the supremacy of their new host, China.

To pacify your dumb ass and your dumb ass kind while you sit with your thumb up your ass and a flag in your hand during the endgame, where your people becomes a minority in your own country. Sort of a… trump card move.

I want to just write you off as a paid shill but I see your autism in every RT comments section.

If the russians want to help us squish turk roaches that's fine, but they need to get the fuck out of white countries or they're next.