How did you treat her?
Do you like hurting people?
Other urls found in this thread:
That game might get you in jail here
Do you burgers really enforce those laws?
People post loli on Holla Forums all the time, where is the difference.
I don't like hurting cute girls. that must be one of the most degenerate fetishes, rivaling interracial cuckoldry. lolis should be loved tenderly.
I imagine a lot of ryona fetishists like to imagine they can save or protect the person in question.
It's not illegal in burgerland
Is just a pussy
What's the name of this game and what do you do in it?
Be a little more clear on that shit OP, not everyone has already played everything.
Don't do that! You should give them tickles instead!
I don't play pedo-shit. Little girls are for raising, not for raping.
But to answer your initial question: Yes. I love hurting people. Not physically, of course. For physical stuff I like it more when they hurt themselves by being stupid. Better to just kill them, I say. For the hurting part, you have to break their spirits.
If only you've waited for 10 more posts you'd have gotten maximum edgy
He's like a fucking Chinese factory.
south korean?
What kind of Eurosperg are you? America is one of the few places on the planet where this shit still isn't illegal.
Should have been a option to pimp her out.
Not at all. I love people on the whole. The thing is, for every two good people in the wold, there is that third faggot that goes around trying to ruin it for everyone else. The type of people who murder their wives over a squabble, or kidnap and sexually abuse children, or play on their smart-phone in the middle of a social gathering. We implement laws to help keep them in check, and for the most part, it works. And certain racial demographics show either much higher or much lower deviations than the one-third stated, but this is just a worldwide estimate.
The thing is, most people have a good nature. That's why they so easily accept things like allowing immigrants to flood into their countries, despite all evidence presenting that this is a terrible idea. So how do you protect them? You simply have to be one of that third.
So for me, I don't consider myself a good person. Maybe it's the Christian upbringing pushing the whole "you are a sinner" aspect so heavily. I'm certainly not smart enough to come up with the cure for some major disease, or in any position to make major changes. Believe me, I'd love to have started off with the sort of money Trump did, but that's not going to happen. So instead I content myself with helping people out, primarily by hurting those who would or have harmed them. Why not enjoy what you're doing?
TL;DR, opinion discarded
Teaching Feeling
Headpats and pancakes
And before anyone spergs out about "spoonfeeding" like has happened in the last three of these threads that I've seen, there's literally no way to find out on his own with what's already been posted.
Can you smell it user? This is the smell of bait. Smells great, doesn't it?
Tender loving only.
The feeling of spreading love and happiness to others is the best in the world!
Hurting cute masochist girls is top tier. Abusing a defenseless, mentally and physically scarred loli is nigger tier.
I just want to have fun with shit thread.
RIP Worst Korea.
Burgerland doesn't really have laws against loli.
Canada does.
Why haven't we gotten rid of both Koreas yet?
Looking at this pic made me realize I cant breath out my nose and mouth at the same time
Naturally I did everything to make ehr feel comfortable and proceeded to fuck her when she asked me to
I didn't. "Porno-games" are not games. I do enjoy to hurt people, somewhat, in a fetishistic way, but more for game. The hunt, the brawl, the rage of war, all enjoyable situations for me.
I did not have sexual relations with that woman
We're gonna need another wall.
Because Korean newspaper is pretty good for wrapping stuff
So when can the next wall be built? Treadu can kiss my ass
*not in a fetishistic way.
no, there's just no law that seperates the difference between loli and cp. you won't get in trouble for having it though.
I'm pretty sure loli is illegal in Burgerland, too, according to 18 U.S.C. ยง 1466A. The same law also states that it is not a required element that the loli depicted actually exists.
Then again, 8ch is partnered with 2ch, so burgerlaws don't apply here.
I treated her really well. Patted her head and everything.
The premise was great but more content would have been nice. It was really short, and you get all the cutscenes there's nothing to do.
Are you a woman and/or sandnigger? Otherwise he wouldn't consider it.
Save me, Donald
No, it is specifically illegal as ruled in R v Sharpe.
As stated in the ruling by the Chief Justice:
From Wikipedia regarding the consequences of the ruling:
Not unless they've wronged me without expressing any remorse or knowingly cucked someone.
Have you tried not living in a cucked country? Freedomland may have its own issues, but the day I have to fear being locked up for playing a fucking video game is the day I blow my brains out.
Depends on the state.
You had me until you said
it primarily is based upon which state you live in. For example my state, Washington, loli is legal.
This is the right one.