Media kikes are starting to assault alternative media press in White House briefing room

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Should've just punched the kike in the face.

inb4 Trump gets wind of this and threatens to de-invite Fox from briefings too


Do these faggots actually think Pepe is a real person. Like he's some spooky Russian hacker who is leading what they're calling the "alt-right" ?

This is Soviet-tier insanity. You can't treat people this way. These journalists are disconnected from the rest of the world and they have to be stopped.

These journos are obviously devious cunts, but that story sounds incredibly made up.

I'll definitely be watching Spicer for a subtle reaction.



Of course you can. The kike just did it. The problem comes in when he wasn't immediately floored and stomped into brain damage regardless of consequences.


If he takes the smug off, will he die?

That guy sucks dicks.

Is it really surprising that their minds have been branded by Kek's smug? They're going home and being called niggers by their families–their own small children like in Tapper's case. Anyone outside of DC, and not attending the same synagogue, must be in league with the nefarious Pepe and his clan of 400 pound hackers.

It would be extremely saddening.

for foxjews

This incident has been covered by numerous sources, left right alt etc. Looks to have happened.


Yeah… Sure


isn't the schlepper who cried assault a kike too?

If you want to have a giggle, check out the entry here:

Someone was even kind enough to update it with the assault.

This honestly kind of blows my mind.
These people have become so hysterical that they seem to believe there's some shadowy frog running around literally taking over the world with a secret society or something.
I wonder if they imagine a frog-headed man in uniform standing in a war room with a big table covered in models representing unit locations and shit.


Is mkultra defaulting to panic mode? rofl

This shit shouldn't be so fucking hilarious. You fuckers are breaking my sides.



Yeah…heh heh…what a crazy thing to believe…

Wear a camera, and wait for one of them to do something. Hook him/her in the mouth then post the video.

Fucking tinfoil kikes, man. :^)
They should take their meds.

Sounds like Fox news wants some pepe postcards in the mail

Kek, Hopefully this will haunt his career, people all to often get clean away with throwing adult tantrums.

Oh fuck I can't even get past this line.

Now where on earth would they ever get such a silly idea.

We aint dindu nuffin.

The left is losing their god damn minds. I can't wait for reality to inevitably curb stomp them for their lunacy.


We are the internet Illuminati.



He waz ah gud frog tryin two get his scrips bak on track nerror hack no body

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, we're just more adept internet people than normies and goontypes/redditors.





Holy fuck

According to the link, the one accosted is a 1) jew 2) faggot 3) spic boyfriend 4) muh holohoax card

Another shitskin loving faggot jew "our guy"..


Rising Of Pepe, has featured on Spencer, plus the whole spencer getting thumped, Expect to see more getting triggered by Pepe

(well checked)
This shit can't be real.

You think the smug is your ally. I was born in the smug, molded by it.

MK Ultra makes people weak to psychological stressors. They get broken down and reprogrammed.

I wonder if increasing the overall stress environment of society as a whole is making them start to malfunction.

The Romans used to call the Germans milk-drinkers, look what happened to them.

Like, matching the frequency of the stressors that were implented? Christ we may get some more hilarious outbursts like this if we keep focusing on notable stress points they seem to react to, as in, hijacking harry potter or some shit.

We are officially the catalyst for making the mediakikes lose their collective fucking minds.


He reminds me of this minus the GRIDS

CIAniggers will never understand.

Was thinking the same thing. Lot's of people acting up.

Off topic as fuck, but I just saw this Vidya on normalfag media and this thread is active right now. Here's a Vidya of Jeff Sessions (probably a couple decades ago) swatting away Creepy Uncle Joe Biden from touching a young girl. It's as if Jeff knew. He fucking knew. He's committed to wiping these fuckers out once and for all.

Words fail me.

you're the worst kind of faggot

Prehaps he's wondering why would you assault a gay man in an interracial relationship before whining about the holocaust

slick digits


My fucking sides

I wholeheartedly believe that our arrival from the Berenstein universe was not a cosmic accident but the first stages of a liberation of this universe from the jewish menace.

No one has figured out how to do this yet, we've been talking about it for months now.
Brainstorm thread? On another board maybe

We should convince these neurotic kikes that "Pepe" is the codename for our secret NatSoc leader, the true mastermind behind the fascist upswell.


Sean briefing veteran shitposter here,

That guy is probably the only person in the room that doesn't ask questions about the Oscars, Obama or transgender bathrooms.

Ha ha…yeah…what a weird thing to believe…..that could never happen….

Pepe le pew?

I wonder who that could be?

The author or decker?

Sounds like a breakdown. "Who is pepe? And why am I taking more antidepressants because of him?"

I have no photo skills, but does someone want to help on this ?
"Dr. Strangesmug. How I learned to stop worrying and love the frog"

(waste of dubs)
The faggot is you user, you fucking Pedo apologist kike. On the DotR you fucks will all hang.

checked, duh.

where is everyone

Rachel Maddow is actually Pepe.

Videos are moving pictures.
Vidya are video games.
Please stop triggering my autism.

Shhhh, don't give it away! :^)

That's what I thought was odd. Planned this to virtue signal for some Good Boy Points with the cucks?

I think in the original the kike being tucked was wearing a yamaka.

I like you. You get deported last.

Why? Seriously, why bother? The truth is so much better than a lie.

Imagine how smashed the dumb reporter's worldview would be if only he knew the truth.

Lord almighty I still can't stop laughing.

How is this real


Relax, he's only calling you a faggot for off-topic posting

Guys, I'm concerned that the MSM are now conspiracy theorists.


They do take after their owners after all.

At least their fear is sincere


Or it could be a false flag and Decker dindu nothing wrong. Someone needs to look into this "alternative media" guy to see if hes real before we jump to conclusions. This story seems a little too perfect at triggering our specific brand of autism.



what the fuck man

Nice trips, but it's a good opportunity to make them go at each other's throat.

Lads, white liberals are just as racist as we are. Why haven't we fully redpilled them yet?

In what fucking time line are we lad?

That can't be real.

Do they really fear and hate our god that much?

So a media Jew attacks an actual jew (who is also a gay beaner lover).
Fox Jew screams about Pepe.

This was the last Pepe I saw before "PEE PEE POO POO was unleashed on normalfags.

I haven't had a reason to post it since, but here he is in all his glory.

Praise Him.

This fag is degenerate tbh
Though let's see how this plays out


There are still some good journalists left in the media, and this story is written in such a way as to perfectly trigger us and attack them. I think this may be D&C

For one brief, shining moment, Wendy's became a white supremacist meme.



Seems fishy as fuck.

Isn't that exactly what we're doing though?

We know. Make them fight each other, whoever loses, we win.

A more simpler time.

Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and God Kek?

We're all aware. Which makes the whole scenario funnier.


I am just a humble meme wizard, tending to my memes.

Another nail in the coffin as the death throes of the kosher left and right continue ever more.

You're giving the mediakikes a lead on his current whereabouts for the next month! Stop

It's amusing, but it's suspect. It screams false flag. If it had been a white straight guy accosted, then it would just be a purely hilarious freakout from MSM retards. This faggot kike on the other hand makes me suspect of the whole narrative.

Think about it from their perspective.
Either the Russians are running a massive psyops campaign using the aparatus of a state spy agency to undermine western democracies.


A bunch of social rejects on a Phillipino ladyboy appreciation imageboard have dedicated themselves to reviving national socialism and defeated a multibillion dollar media campaign to win what could have been the easiest election in history. These revolutionaries are trying to evoke ancient spirits and revive ancient egyptian frog gods through repeating digits. It appears to be working.

Which one of these do you choose to believe ? Even if evidence points the second, which do you actually logically want to believe ?

Just imagine if we had a place free from mod abuse and auto translation between languages?

Do you want to rule the world, user?

i'll never get tired of winning

the msm was inventing bulltshit decades before any of us were born.

I saw this in another thread, it seems to be a reading in Egyptian, I hear the names Osiris and P'tah.

I love that song.


Gateway Pundit is fag own and ran.

Honestly i'm happy Milo got gassed.


Honestly, if I was a libcuck journalist, I'd want to believe the second because then that would mean I was a protagonist in a pulp-horror novel and I'd get to fight an international Egyptian Frog Cult, then again, maybe I only think that would be cool since I'm not a libshit faggot.

Real or not, this is too fucking good. Our memes are not only making the left and (((press))) look more and more insane, but there also signs of (((them))) ousting themselves and almost to the point of revealing all their lies due to said insanity.



I'm fairly certain that entire op was done by /hwndu/.

I saw Jon Decker at a grocery store in Washington DC yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


We don't need the attention, fam. We operate best in the shadows.

let them take it.

They think Pepe is a real and physical leader who is heading an Internet hate campaign against all minorities.

The left is literally retarded. They think Pepe is Negan come to life.

The font matching isn't perfect, but here you go.

They them take the normie attention. We will be sure to correct anyone who is wrong about it, but we definitely shouldn't advertise.

Here buddy

Of course.
Please forgive me.

God damn it, fucking 'e'.
I've been awake too long.

"World War MEME"

Maybe the Jews all congregate here from other universes where they are hunted like the animals they are. Then the gods found out and came to save us.

Found the jew


checkin' those dubs my man
sounds like a sperg who likes fucking with people who also has a coke/meth addiction.

Now with an 'e'.


Wonder if you can make the gloved hand do the chin rub.

Jews Jewing Jews is news is news

I am Pepe.

Check'd and kek'd.
That might be beyond my skill level, but I'll give it a go.

that's very intentional

Hey guys i already did this shit here

It was done by the edgy faggots over at, they scapegoat 4chan all the time.

In all seriousness though, this story requires believing a racemixing homoheeb, and as such should be disregarded without some evidence and non-jewish testimony to back it up. Sorry to mist shit on this meme picnic, but I'm going with my gut on this one.

Unfortunately yes.

Requesting someone make Melania smug and green..

unless he pressed charges this is just a jewish trick to play both sides.

Yeah I saw, its good but would be like 60% more gooder if was still the original dr, only doing the chin scratch.

Either a kike is to blame or a kike is to blame. That sounds about right.

I prefer trump, but each to his own.

I always want to give this girl a hug. I don't even want to know source, because it's probably even more depressing.

I'm Pepe.

What exactly is happening in that cartoon? She's eating strong chocolate?

It's being reported by everyone, including Drudge, which is linking to the IB and Politico version. These kikes are reaching their breaking point. We have a daily "hey what you doing rabbi", journalists crying on live tv that their own children are calling them fake news, the CIA leaks, the wire tapping, losing their kosher hand gestures, having their "art" projects BTFO. The list goes on. These kikes are losing everyday. We'll probably get to witness these media kikes come to blows at the WH briefing room before year's end.

Got fucked up, finds a bunch of melted Schokakola and is enjoying the little things in life. Its a wonderful thing if you can find a tin of it, it will keep you going for hours on end.

Ah, gotcha. I thought it just said "Schokolade" on the tin.


Best guess is it's some media false flag to try to get attention on 4chan again. ADL is sweating shekels over our existence though. Maybe they'll do a whole news cycle about Hatechan again.


There is no downside to us. Either a kike gets outed for being a lying kike making up click bait to smear (((Fox))) or (((Fox))) was being insufferable fagots to someone they perceived as one of us (albeit falsely).

This story has grate meme potential.



The tins do say Chocolate on bottom of them.

Its wonderful stuff, it will actually bring a smile to your face.

Did Decker get any punishment for this?


Crashing the globalists, with no survivors.

Someone needs to make an edit of the plane scene now.

Sorry CIAniggers but this little bastard is ours now

The next Hitler, obviously. I know you're reading this, mr FBI and mr Schlomo. We all know you're constantly prowling this forum for any hint or clue as to what you can do to stop your demise. There isn't though. There never was.

I think it's fair to say it was the CIA fags not the FBI shitting things up

Honestly, that's pretty fucking stupid that they'd believe Pepe is real. I'm just a meme, dammit.

I've never seen consecutive posts on this board before. Are the shills sleeping?

If real this just confirms that the MSM have no idea how this world works anymore. They've lost the plot.


Also Jon Decker looks awfully like Agent Smith.

this story sounds ridiculously autistic, but the counter-argument isn't helped by the Fauxfag looking as cocaine-addled and AIDS-ridden as Charlie Sheen so I can't discount it.

If true, it's fucking infantile. Who else besides middle school kids corner people near the restrooms?

he jussa tad pole, tryna ged his duhgree n shit

Histrionic kikes losing it, when you take their victim status away they turn into very nasty people.


buncha bad hombres


you do know ian hates "those ebil nazis". i have also reason to believe he participates with the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona from some theories. Watch out and don't be cuc/k/ed.

checked and nice story even though it's not believable

I like where this timeline is going. Do you have any idea how unstoppable that little bastard would be if he wasn't retarded? Go ahead, keep on meming! I WELCOME IT!
Let's just keep on weaponising, baby!
I can't wait to see where this ends up.

Dubs confirm correct course of action

This guy needs to go. Fox has too many anti-white race traitors and half kikes pushing leftism secretly. Just look at O'reilly anywhere between the start of the campaign and today. Alan Colmes, who just died, was regularly on there pushing leftist garbage, a friend of the network.Chris Wallace, a man who attacked David Duke when he said he wanted a border wall by suggesting that hes saying "only white people should be allowed to be Citizens" - implying current blacks who have citizenship would be stripped of it. He never said anything of the sort, he just said we have a right to protect our borders. Its just controlled opposition, the only shows worth even watching are Hannity (and hes half kike) and Carlson.


Maybe they think its like John Galt.

Hitler dubs says this is the only course of action.

Unless you had clear proof he instigated the fight he would just play the victim whining about the gay guy being an anti semite nazi.

Physical contact unconfirmed, Fox radical leftist subvert confirmed. Regardless, he needs to GO

He instigated the fight, multiple witnesses confirmed. The only thing that is unconfirmed is the violent attack.

More like unless there's documentation that charges were pressed assume it's bullshit

Charges will never be pressed, and as far as the factual record is concerned, multiple witnesses confirmed the guy went up and started calling him a Nazi and a white supremacist etc. That happened.

One day, we shall have the promised chan.
Red anons shall wear robes of blue and gold, and rule as philosopherNEETkings. As was promised when Kek was revealed to us.
It shall be the most just and glorious of empires. And it's passing mourned by all.

Remember, this is from Fox. Fox isnt supposed to be calling random gay pro Trump reporters Nazis and starting radical leftist rhetoric based incidents.This looks bad on all of Fox, either he gets tossed out for the initial verbal confrontation which we know happened, or Fox is in support of him, and its just one more nail in their coffin as controlled opposition.

He's the reincarnation of Hitler in a secret bunker hidden in Antarctica, but shhh don't tell them.

WHO IS PEPE???!?!?!?

Found the original.

s s sorry nnn nothing

We need strong alphas representing us..
Every single one of you faggots better lift. If you are not a top crossfitter/powerlifter or athlete you have not trained your spirit and will power to lead us.

You subtle fucker.


Narcissists never lose pretty, either they double down and feign retardation like goons or they lash out like this reporter did. Positions of power, whether perceived or not, attract the weakest souls. The president is a KING snake in this regard, on his journey to becoming something even greater via destruction of the weak. There will be no show nor vidya greater than the thrill of the next 8 years.

The current age has made men weak. In the past, men were like winded up springs. If someone came with trouble, the tension unleashes. Today you have people who panic over a person not acting politely.

Heiled. Ian's obviously a raging faggot.

Do you think this kike would have even dared to look at the guy if he would have been jacked ? The only reason he did something other than badmouthing him is because he knew he wasn't going to fight back.

How new are you people? It's a pasta you damn newfags.
The idiot who keeps calling videos "vidya" needs to leave as well.

Making baseless accusations. Sounds like Fox alright

Aaaaaaand that's all his parents got for spending 200k+

I can't believe no one posted this Jew faggots dox so we could flood him with rares.

Christ, is there a single reporter who's not either a kike, cuck, negro, sandnigger or a raging, pillow-biting faggot?

Shows you how clueless he is. The question he should have asked is "When is Pepe?"

no that about covers it

How does wojak never get called into question?


OF COURSE not :^)

These kikes truly have brain damage

I forgot to mention thoroughly pozzed stronk womyn

Millo returns. It's a false flag.
Merchants already found a replacement for Milo and are inserting their new subverter with the ol' "How can he be the enemy when he's under attack by the enemy?" trick.

Can we fuck with him? If he thinks Pepe is a shadowy figure or secret society we should drop hints that he is now watched by the mighty Pepe.

Send him Pepes with "Pepe is watchiing you or some shit"

He might get so fucking nervous that he is going to attack someone

Possible, but hard to picture them choosing a fox guy to instigate it. Time will tell.

who ever gave a fuck about Milo though?

They've melded "coming out" to mean "being publicly exposed as not wanting to have your country flooded into a third world shit-hole in 1 generation".

Oh look they just tricked us into another war front, and not a word from the berg.

better question,
Why are mods pinning some story pushed by some fucking kike, which the only proof is that other kikes claimed it happened?


it's important to know who our enemy is using as a scapegoat.

other than big stuff like pizzagate, stickies come and go all the time, chill the fuck out

I'm just worried about people getting hyped over nothing.


checked, I got a good laugh from it, probably that'll be it though.


here is your smug melania

I'm very surprised at all the Current Year-ism that I still see going on all over the place. Have these fuckers not gotten the message that their little social experiment is over?


Start stocking up; each tin has 200mg of caffeine for every 100g of the chocolate, which is way higher than the recommended dosage of 84mg to every 100g of chocolate. Way better than smoking, and probably cheaper too.

I personally have three cans stocked with one to eat and buy a new one every time I finish one can.


Violence shows you're losing frame. This is good. We want more of it.



This song is pretty good, what is it from?

I don't get that impression from him. He just seems distant from the events around him, like they don't matter, and a bit of a goof when he does engage.

Does the Trump family acknowledge that there's something wrong with him?



Jonestein let slip sometime after the election that Baron suffered issues due to some vaccine, which is the reason Trump seems to be redpilled on vaccines and why he's setting up that group to investigate vaccines.

>Jon Decker is a thin-liped, homophobic, deranged man. He has no business reporting from the WH. Fire him @Foxnews

the MSM feelings when…

Why do these faggot Jews keep leaving the corn nut plantation?!


Thanks! Not only did those pictures touch my heart, I'm buying some of that chocolate!

Thank you very kindly.

No, I am pepe


Only idiots and weak minded faggots fall for these shitty shillposts



We entered the "Mental Asylsum" stage of the jew matrix bwahaha

Seriously, If someone told me this shit 10 years ago I would have driven him to the clinic myself.

It's good the jews get gassed this fall, I had enough of them.



It's a great feeling knowing that we'll finally get justice over the damned Jews over what they've done to all of us. The greatest irony is that we turned their sabotage into our greatest weapon. Trump having a personal mission to crush them for hurting the next leader of the free world will finally close down this chapter.



Thanks for stickying this mods.

I hope anons make this guy feel so much heat he crawls back into a social-media cave, begins self-censoring from fear of US, and regrets he ever did this.

Godspeed to all anons who, within legal bounds of course, make this man feel the heat.

Ok, good side: they're losing their minds.
Now, bad side: Look what the guy attacked, Lucian Wintrich, wrote:

So, yeah, he's a Gay Jew who lets a Spic fucks him.

literally less than 10 seconds user
calm down

Makes it all the dumber that the Fox guy did this when he could have tried attacking the other Gatewaypundit guy that is straight.

Sounds like an assault charge & a defamation lawsuit, to me.
Is he taking action against these turds?


Praise Kek!
And Glory to His Prophet and Avatar on Earth, Pepe, our Leader!

Nigger it's not a psyop, you're a schizoid retard if you think that was a psyop. I've seen it everywhere for like half a decade at least.

It's ok, user, I still remember.
That's some 9/10 laughs.

Am I one of the only fuckers here long enough (read: who has wasted enough of his life) to remember when fucking Cuntie Perry and other Juden Media "pop stars" were twitting out Pepe and we thought he was lost for good? We used to fantasize about this kind of thing. The kikes at the ADL did us the biggest favor they could imagine by naming Pepe a "hate symbol," and drawing all these connections that must have made the lemmings think the Jews had lost their minds.

Next step: need to get a Pepe statue on the desk in the Oval Office. Then I'd say the takeover is complete.

Who does this comic? Does it have a site? Can you link?

I saw Jon Decker at a press briefing at the White house yesterday. I asked him if this was the line for the restroom, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now you Nazi?

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “Who's Pepe? huh? huh?” and physically blocking me from the bathroom. I tired to walked away and continued with my journalism, and I heard him say i was an anti-Jew as I walked off.

Ben Garrison should be replaced by Chris Christy

I loce how Switzerland is just alwaysnleft out, are we that miniscule?

Dear Holla Forums, thank you for making me laugh.
Get yourself in order, and then focus on your community.
Lift some weights like yesterday. Stop drinking.
Information is infectious and laughter is a great conduit. Sign up for an open mic thing. Spread conciousness about jewish power and latent commies. Remember to keep reading things you hate. Is that not how some of us ended up here.

This turned into such a diary post. But we have to 'know' each other before the tactical advantages switch to a non-anonymous approach. or maybe that is what we are meant to think? I don't know, but thanks for giving me joy in a nihilistic society, otherwise I would be getting high right now. ÆØÅ


Glory to the Frog God


What the fuck sense does that make? you really don't know fuck all about Garrison or how the meme got started, do you? If you're going to pretend to fit in, at this point the Jews have written articles on it, not like it's hard to find out.

Nvm, found it myself. The artist's handle is naze1940.

That's Stormfront. Has been around for 20 years now. The Jews and newfags can demonize that place all they want, but that place and then VNN kept the memes and all the history alive long before this place or cuck ever existed. And I have to give them credit that they've never been doxxed, must have good opsec.

If this place ceased being anonymous and random, it would lose its power. The smarter people who do a lot of the work have jobs and can't afford to lose jobs, plus in Europe the Jews will outright put you in jail.

That was only 3 or 4 years ago, newfag.

Decker has gayface

Well, I've almost run out of breakfast beer and it's too early for wine.


user, we ARE the new secret society, in a very real sense. Make no mistake, what we do here is exactly what a secret society does, we are just one born on the internet. You can judge a man by his enemies, and our rivals include the United States Central Intelligence Agency, the NSA, FBI, etc. A presidential candidate hired a whole team of people to combat our efforts online, and they lost to us.

I mean not to toot our own horn or anything, but TOOT

He represents complacency in despair; they have no problem with that.

Something like this, maybe an attempt to neuter us. 4/8 have been in the news too often lately, what with the HWNDU shit for example

Nah, pretty sure the entire greater role of Fox is to neuter the right.


(checked and kek'd)

Thanks for reminding me I'm down to my last 3 pieces. ;_;

You sully those images.

Radcliffe could totally play the young Fuhrer in the new box office hit about The Real Life of Hitler, once we take over hollywood.


You guys ever read The Space Willies? We need a plan like that for capture.

Damn, that Sessions stare at Biden is pretty chilling. Fuck those pedo Satanists.



I'd put it at a rough estimate of fifteen years before we actually take over enough for something like that to be socially acceptable.

That would put us at 2032, nearly one hundred years after Hitler was voted Chancellor. Coincidentally, Radcliffe appears to have been born a little over one hundred years after Hitler himself.

Makes you think.

I don't watch Walking Goyim, explain the reference.

Negan's follower's mantra is "We are Negan."

I guess I agree with your estimate, so maybe he could play the adult Fuhrer. I would also caution you against such strict estimation. I have learned to always allow for the element of chaos. Anything could happen between now and then. Praise Kek.

What are you doing? You're embarrassing yourself.

huum, thats actualy an interesting point

Only casual faggots, who need to lurk more, would drop so much spaghetti over that pasta

Sure it is. And the Holohoax totally happened too :^)

That was literally only a few years ago. Some of us have been here for over a decade. Remember, you're here forever :^)



Who would want to leave? This place is great.

Checked. We should bust out old copypasta like this more often so the newfags expose themselves.

Don't you mean HONK?
I'm sorry for the shitty .mp4 I can't find my .webm pls no bully

lost it

free kevin mitnick

And here I thought I was stuck in this hurtbox with newfags. You brightened my day, user.

Maybe that's what I meant and you just said it better. Glory to the hivemind, praise be to Kek.




ID heil.

Just Kek giving his heads-up for the proper solution to media kikes

Jeez that's subtle. Had to put them side by side to compare.

blind you are. yes it is actually possible for other reporters to hate folks from non MSM corporations. they are dying off and they know it, the litle guys are moving in (alt media) and they can't stand it

is he not the VP now

We Tyranids now

it felt rike pasta to me
i sage my post in shame

i like it

so, "je suis Pepe" memes when?

I've had similar things happen to me IRL. I've had black guys at school and work ask me "Has anyone ever told you that you look like a nazi? because you look like a nazi."
I responded with "Yes, all the time." calmly and cooly. Its natural for me. I've been told I look like a nazi since I was a child. He understood that since I didn't say "No" or give some long winded cuckold explanation that I didn't think being a "nazi" was bad.
We go back into the room after lunch and he and his mexican friend get up right before class starts when everyone is in there and yell super loudly "user is a nazi! He wants to gas all the jews! Lee, user wants to kill you because you're jewish! Everyone look at him he is a nazi!" I just played it off with a smile. In a sarcastic tone and sarcastic body language I responded "Yeah Lee better watch out I don't gas you haha." The whole class laughed. I'm well liked despite not engaging with the normies much. It helps when you're really attractive and friendly and smart. People associate some evil, disliked stupid person with "da NOT-SEEs" so they couldn't possibly believe I was one. Even if I were to tell them straight to their face. "I'm a nazi" they wouldn't believe me. This has happened a few times from normies to me personally and others I know so this story is believable to me. That black and mexican guy did that 3 more times on 3 different days because no one gave a shit about their accusing me of being a "nazi" It never worked. The look of disappointment and embarrassment on their faces when everyone laughs it off with me makes me feel 200% smug. Pic related
polite sage for blog post

t. SoCal user

man this is awesome in a way, well not so awesome that the jew was aggressive towards him but the whole idea of "MSM being dismantled" is quite realistic. Which is really neat.

But srsly, are there any of us who like sam hyde could get there who are big and kinda mean? That would be a better representative than some scrawny suit guy.

What the hell is the deal with this? People have been telling me that I look like a Nazi too, my entire life. Since before I even knew what Nazis were, let alone sympathized with them.

I half suspect that the only reason I'm NatSoc today is because people kept on calling me a Nazi and I internalized that in some way and became sympathetic to them.

Kek. I await the day this becomes reality and he's locked away in the funny farm forever for doing this.

Also I've got brown hair and brown eyes. I can't figure out why so many different people have said that I "look like a Nazi".

Glad to hear it, user. I think it's as simple as this: newfags post more often than oldfags because newfriends still don't understand that they're only shitting up threads/boards by spewing spaghetti everywhere; while oldfags tend to only post when they have something to contribute and/or want to fuck with someone.


Just lie back and let them meme it.

Borrowing this sticky

What's currently being slid?
The front pages are full of bumped threads from a long time ago…

Just bought a case of ten which should last me quite a while. Thanks for reminding me about the chocolates.

It must be that you exude strength and beauty and perhaps are slightly reserved, exhibiting self control. Everything the 3rd Reich did exemplified strength and beauty

Remember, leftists and cucks are ugly and weak

My old pedo teacher used to do that same behind the back, shoulder rub maneuver.

Possibly. I've always been moderately athletic.
Probably not so much.
Shit, that's me to a tee. Is that really it?

In this case Hitler, publishing the info first is important. Now we know how the press is acting, we can get video, shame them more..

THEN punch the motherfuckers who are known for this shit.

Naw, Switzerland is just perpetually neutral.

Does he feel in charge?

I'm glad the mods banned /hwndu/ threads from here, if they hadn't 8/pol/ would have gained the attention and we would see a huge influx of newfags, especially easily impressed wannabe trolls teenage kids and shitskins.

This shit literally reads like a spaghetti greentext. I can't believe the media kikes are so demented.

whats up with these race mixing jewish actual faggots getting labeled as hardcore white nationalists?? Do these MSM nigger lovers have a clue as to how foolish they look?? This guy shouted all this at an obvious faggot in public at the fucking WHITE HOUSE and he was sober??? This is angry drunk behavior.
So whats the next step in Deckers master plan?

Yes, self control is either from shyness and lack of confidence or, strong willpower to actually control your impulses. 99% of society live solely to fulfill their base impulse desires. We stick out like a sore thumb when you have self control while being confident and acting with charisma when needed and not smoking pot and tobacco, drinking alcohol, watching TV and other modern vices.



Call me when any of these cucks can actually defend himself. It's becoming quite an embarassment, to be associated with walking punchballs.

In the very least, let it be known universally on the twatter of these people, that whoever sits with the right is either to be armed or fit.

Deliver US

hes a cuck though

good thing other anons feel the same way. And we even have these kinds of people out there who are big, brutal, bold and also clever. Like sam hyde

these cucks who get pushed around by kikes are not approved by us. Spencer getting suckerpunched doesnt make his a cuck, but he is bad for (((other))) reasons lol.

There are bound to be other bold, angry and clever anons among us who are already kinda part of some faggy e-celeb thing surely.


Jonestein lies for a living.

kill them all


Old media has finally gone suicidal
It'd be the PewDiePie shitsotrm all over again

Soon enough we'll be hearing them asking for spots in the alternative media's plataforms so that they can deffend demselves becuase nobody watches theirs…
And it'll be so pleasant to wishper NO in their ears


I'm Pepe

Is it just me or is there something awfully poetic about our enemy the kike being driven insane by a preposterous cartoon frog who is rumored to be the avatar of ancient Egyptian god? There is no way they can win, ever again.

I am Pepe.

He's been waiting a long time for this smug. I can't even imagine how confused and terrified the yids are right now. If they ignore him, he gains ground, and when they fight him, he gains ground faster. I guess the lesson here is don't fuck with white people.

It's ok. I just informed Decker for crimes against America he has been added to - The List.

Operation: hit the Decker.

Looks like the president needs to revoke the press pass of any violent media company.


who, indeed



I sometimes make Holla Forumsesque jewtube videos but make sure the holohoax/kike jokes come off as "edgy humor" so that I can go full 1488 without worrying about censorship and help normalize normalfags laughing about gassing the kikes :^)

If we saturate mediums like jewtube/kikebook/twatter/etc with enough evidence of the mainstream media manufacturing fake new - they'll start to doubt the whole kike-manufactured narrative. Then we establish our own 1488 News Network that exposes kikery, battles degeneracy and brings Uncle Adolf to the normalfags. If we can kill the narrative Jewish mind control - we can meme the 4th Reich into reality! Sieg heil, mein führer!


well we are already doing exactly this, the overton window is ours and we are still pushing it further to the right. More jews get displaced from their positions, and more of us are getting into positions of power of the namefag sphere.

We obviously hold tremendous power on the internet, but it is somewhat of an impersonal nature as we are used to anonymous culture, and wouldnt even betray it for money.

So we have the option of trying to find an e-celeb that fits the bill better of our ideology. Obviously if you wanted to you could also try to step ahead into the namefag sphere. But at some point, we will have removed so many kikes, and put in enough people who are secretly sympathetic to us, that someone who is 100% like us could exist in the namefag sphere without repercussions.

Not sure when that moment arrives, but we are still getting closer to that.

This is great news. When (((they))) feel someone is persecuting them, they lose all rationality and lash out instinctively. If they can be baited into attacking their allies, they'll spiral into self-destruction.

Some of us have been working on infiltrating Jewish online communities and running some Jewish false flag trolls. If they start suspecting and accusing -each other- of anti-Semitism, they'll come completely unglued. It appears that sometimes, their in-group preference can actually be defeated by their own fear of enemies.


kikes are beyond neurotic, they're basically schizophrenic
a very visible and easy to access window into the mind of a kike is their religious habits
shit like the talmud and their rules for the sabbath are good starters for any newfriends lurking

He should have stabbed the twink

Don't trust this image. The narrative around it has an erie, unnatural consistency.

Dox when?

Eternally neutral country

Cool, I will do the same.

That's bullshit, the entire "Barron has autism" meme is based on him looking sleepy at 2 am on a school night during the election.

sorry moshe, filterman has been proven right time and time again. at this point.. brace for the heresy: he is a prophet like orwell

This is perhaps the best. Any OP with the potential to draw back a lot of normie attention should have its own board to coordinate. This doesn't mean we don't support the idea, we probably do, it's just good operational common sense.

Don't tell them the original, we don't need to educate the shills, or newfags. The answer should always be lurk more.

Yep. Its about time we stopped fearing prison or worse. Timr to get violent, and stay violent.

It sounds hilarious when you put it that way, but it isn't an unreasonable assumption from the media kikes' perspective. Their job is to craft narratives within a top-down, hierarchical structure, and they think that's the way the whole world works. They have no experience with anonymous culture at all, they can't even conceptualize it, so they see alt-right memes spreading fast and they assume it's all being directed by a specific guy.

Anyway, I think we can use this fact to convince them that Pepe has set his sights on them personally and drive them insane. Decker sounds like he's on the verge of a massive psychotic break. I'm betting that if we mail physical copies of Pepe to his home, it won't be long before he's running naked through traffic screaming about Nazi frogs.

this guy right here captain crunch did nothing wrong






That's a good point. It's probably easier for them to imagine that there's some kind of actual Führer running the show than a leaderless hive-mind.


It's the same reason why they keep latching on to e-celebs like Milo and Spencer and trying to portray them as the "leader" of the alt-right. They have to have a face to go with the movement.

Wait , isn't there? Kek

Of course not.:^)

Yeah, which is why we can't ever let them know about you know who

We've done a great job hiding the true identity of Pepe, I'm a little surprised at this point. Really hope some nigger newfag doesn't spill the beans

Pfsh, you know who is just an urban legend.



Guys, chill. (((They))) might be here

They sell it on a finish Surplus store I buy stuff from. Or the modern one.

They're probably watching us 24/7 now, horror-stricken, gathering heaps and heaps of completely useless personal data.

Rats eat scarps!


scraps. Opps, add that typo to my IPs language habits!

I was trying to figure out why rats would eat the steep side of an embankment, hill, or mountain.

who else is has been adjunct professor and is now summer faculty at Georgetown?

I'll keep it behind premium wall from now on, sorry

I'm always asked if I'm in "the mafia." gets old quick but, playing it off that you are what they say gets more respect no matter their opinion for some reason. I'd rather be called a nazi

Fox and CNN are probably getting mad that they're likely about to get their press passes revoked for being entertainment rather than journalism. They've made themselves irrelevant and now all they can do is create spectacle to maintain viewership. It's like how the Discovery channel went from science and technology and nature to reality TV hell. Fuck integrity, get ratings.

to be honest that's probably close to what they think of us too

I wonder if they imagine a Rothschild in uniform standing in a war room with a big table covered in models representing unit locations and shit.

they seem to think that conspiracies themselves are conspiracy theories

fucked the greentext up

insult to horses

Pepe was actually created in Argentina. Seriously, he was created by Analia Garcia (AKA Candela) back in 1988 and her daughters perform with Pepe now as Las Pepas.

Nothing to see here.

Tell me about the frog! Why does he poo poo pee pee?!

Lucian is gay and Jim Hoft is gay

They are gatekeepers and is a limited hangout, do not trust the organization

>"But this one's never kissed a girl! And THIS one IS a girl who's never kissed a boy!"
>"THIS one is a homosexual! He calls all the straight ones 'faggots' and has repeatedly said 'Hitler did nothing wrong!'"

Relax. If they haven't found him by now, they never will.

They haven't found him due to diligence on our part. We can't slack even for a second.

Can it still be called a "front" when we're surrounded on all sides?

Dubs confirm. I'll shut up.

Gentlemen, behold our Nazi slogan.

These digits are out of control.

I'm so proud of all of you.



The same reason why we do everything.
Because it's funny.


No, I imagine them sneaking off one private plane and walking across the tarmac to another private plane to have a "discussion" with a side of child rape.


Jesus Christ, how long until somebody's house gets raided under suspicion of harboring Pepe images? These fucks have no concept of fun, shitposting, or even cultural undercurrents outside of their own dystopian pipe dreams. Weaponized autism is truly going to be the thing that takes down modern US media and intelligence programs.


No more brother wars


Hitler died in the bunker


adolph dubs for everyone


He got character assassinated because his services were no longer required.

I read that in Brain's voice.

post yfw you when you realize that we're actually trying to take over the world

Son I am disappoint

The only thing this does is make the left (including fox jews) look completely neurotic. Normalfags don't but that this spic loving faggot jew is a nazi, and anybody who claims he is discredits themselves.


He was stirring up too much shit, if your theory of controlled OP is right, and it isn't, then he was shut down because he was gaining too much power and going astray and refused their ultimatum about releasing hit pieces, eg he couldn't be controlled anymore.


You weren't the only one.

Taking over the world is for jews. I just want to be free to live my life without fear of me or my family being nogged to death because Hilter dropped the ball at the ten-yard line. The only reason I'm in here kicking with the rest of you guys is (((they))) won't leave us alone and need to be taught a lesson.

Post your face when you realize that it is inevitable that will succeed.

Are you saying you were pondering what I was pondering?

CIA, NSA and FBI faggots have been watching me for years. Bet its been the fact that I was in the original dragon dildo ambush house /k/ thread that has held them off from visiting. They likely have nightmares imagining trying to blackbag me and being raped to death in an dark oily lair filled with dildo traps positioned just right to sodomize anyone whom enters my wonderful domicile. Survivors having to be transported out thru a maze of dildo and penis pumps suspended from the ceiling slapping them in the face, constantly threatened with slipping and sliding across the room into another anal raping by horse sized dragon cocks in the wall. Hearing the screams of their brothers trapped in punji pits of the same, covered by the very floors that rotated under their weight to capture them and now hiding them from salvation. All to the orgasmic beat of euro techno music and the undulating moans of trannies rutting, while the sickly sweet smell of semen and human excrement hands in the air. Gimp suited maniquins and dark halls filled with strobing black lights and reflective balls will haunt the nightmares of my wonderful guests for ever.

And I'm an ancap and I've faced that we are basically trying to take over the world. It's our only hope for our future, the kikes won't leave us alone. Wants vs. needs.

What has he done besides be a faggot and write some articles on breitbart? He's a narcissistic attention whore and was designed to fail from the very beginning, just like dicky spencer and everyone else in the alt-kike.


Who is Pepe?

Taking over the world not so much for power, but to destroy the jewish stranglehold over the world. We're going to need a global purge of the kikes before we can all go back to minding our own business.

Wake up shill, he appeared on Bill Maher's show, he was about to make a ton of money through a book, he gained a massive following through his tour of Universities and also gained fame through the Berkeley riots, he kept on rising and at every step he took he kept on disturbing the (((narrative))).

If you get past my militia good luck trying to shoot down my surplus A-10

What you build up, you can tear down. Go back to reddit

And where would you stop? What point would you say "Okay, we're finally judenfrei so now it's time for free elections, again!"?

Then I wish you well, but all I want is a quiet cabin somewhere.

Check out those quads!

tuvan singing = DTMF

no tolerance for democrats

Then go buy cheap land and build something, that's the easy way out. It pretty well takes you out of the genepool unless you luck out in the wimmin department.

Dr. Mengele, I'm NSDAP

I take it you're here to disrupt things as well?

are you admitting you're just here to shill for your e-celeb?

Pic related.


Anyone who wants to be a reporter is usually a pussy ass faggot or stronk independent womyn who don't need no man.

Im glad that the reporter scene is being ruined and discredited at an exponential rate. All these people who do this sort of work are ultimately people without real skills.

It wasn't always like this.

We would need to establish proper monarchs again. I think it is pretty clear democracy, in any of its retarded forms, failed and failed miserably.

t. Washington's kin

I assume the further we invade and colonize their territories while converting their normalfags to the ways of Kek; the sooner the inevitable Kekularity will be upon us.

This is the video that got the "you don't know nothin' goy" tl;dr comment, that just references me saying "kike". The kike cannot stop kvetching about the intolerant National Socialist; even long enough to shill "ur da real fake news".

Steve just made a video on this Nazi fuel.

Sometimes the 'multiple timelines' and 'Berenstein/Berenstain' thing worries me. It feels like one of those movies where at the end it turns out the story is just the dreams of a person as they die. Like my memories are trying to tell me something.

thank you.

Jacob's Ladder comes to mind

That movie was fucked.

That's some Jurassic Park shit right there. Never trust an animal that smiles all the time.

Already have two kids and wife. Now I just need an easily defended homestead. Perhaps something on a hill.

I know this confirms our biases, but this reads VERY strongly like the "I met x celebrity at the grocery store last week" pasta or any other things that definitely didn't happen type post. Its just too perfect.

don't bother, user. the gig is up. that cat's been out of the bag for a few days now.
we don't know how they found out.
they still don't have a lastname or a country, so opsec is still technically intact.
orders are to proceed as planned.

and in anticipation of the obv question, we don't know who the leak is, we don't have any clues yet.

When the last jew is dead, duh.
It's a very clear goal. Every last jew dead? Yes? Ok, as you were.
We don't even need global control to do it, just control of the USA with Russian collaboration is enough.

Remember, they called gay jew Milo a "nadzee" as well. They keep this up, the term will have no meaning to normalfags anymore.

She looks like a fucking demon!
Well done user and I'm not even kidding.

Isn't that Lucian guy some Alt-kike faggot who was close with Cernovich? I'm gonna take this shit with a grain of salt. Might be fake altogether

In that case go for it if you think you can keep your wife from leaving. Something in a draw is less noticeable and more defensible.

Wew I like that style. It looks pretty classy and fashy.

Remember that Trump video game that had the option of picking "Pepe" as your company? Anyone have the screen cap?


Here you go user

criminally underchecked dubs that resonate with this thread

double dubs confirm Decker is an undercover faggot

Hahahahahahaha the heebs have truly lost it.

Lotta loyalty for someone who does it for free

I always thought the Trump time travel theory was pure hokum but man, do coincidences this strong actually exist independently in nature?

They might have summoned the frog god once upon a time, when (((they))) (well the real ones), were slaves….

Now they have done it again, except they are the slavers

lrn2rd T_D
I know a lot of you are secretly mexicans, but pls.

Was unrelated, but while looking for that, actually I found a random girl wearing it too.
Heh, not even on the iron throne yet and prospective queens are showing up.
How classy. Makes me think of a young Priness Di. How check'd, too.
decided to go find the sauce before I begin my nightly Holla Forums binge and never get back to it.
Also found an additional kek in one of the replies.

I love how they still think they have women on their side. They have the Rachel Maddows who don't consider themselves to be women. They also have std chasers like Madonna who had to have their uteruses removed and aren't biologically women anymore. Then there are the obese whales who can't walk using two legs like most humans. What definition of "woman" are they using now to be able to legally claim to have their support?

jews weren't slaves in egypt, just do a search for it with the word 'historicity'



Libshits, maybe not, but commies used to be able to swing to that tune too. ignore that he's in a confederate uniform, old comics are weird like that.

modern comics actually get that wrong, it was never a cape, but a giant scarf draped around his duster. The part around his shoulders isn't a cloak but similar to a late victorian era shawl.

You have to go back.

I am pepe and you kikes are going down

Has the whole world gone insane while I was sleeping?
What the fuck.

Nice fez kikeling. I bet you think your hot shit huh? Laughing at this shit. You are the essence huh kike? Think I am gonna dance on the scaffold huh? Think again kike

Orginize another hit of crack junkie and stop kiking out over order.

Looks like george clooney

this guy likes hot dogs

Have there been any consequences for this yet?


Smart motherfucker. Keeps his mouth open to normalize the look of it to the most retarded birds, then RUSH

nice one

The nug is smug



Nice work, AWM. Keep up all the great content.

…what? I was just asking for a song with a reaction image of a dog with a bucket on its head…

Bumping this. Has anyone found anything yet?

Namefag and his circlejerk Netjerk fan club strike again.
Fuck outta here.

This is gonna be the new norm, kikes will collectively assault their own and eat themselves. Meanwhile we, the nationalist guard will just sit back enjoy the show on the one hand , and on the other hand strike when they are weak as they are destroying each other. We need to fuel the fire from all sides and all kinds of media will go blackout. And with the media on blackout the kikes will lose their grab over their own (((democracy))) allowing for a nationalist regime to take control like what's happening in Europe. Let us begin.

Go home, Mark.

Where do you see a name on that post, you
utterly useless kike shill? And furthermore your "talking points" are dated to an absolutely retarded degree … the Netjerk Lounge hasn't been active for years now. Try to get some fresh material when you kvetch for shekels, Shlomo.

I'm requesting any and all "Holla Forums sings" guys to do a spoof on vid attached called "Who's Pepe?"

inb4 "nigger music." If anyone's got a better choice, post it or shut it.

I'll make this short and sweet.

When you namefags flooded in here and think that you can be anonymous. This is not a fact, you have not earned the right to be anonymous. I hope you know that until you prove yourself with epic dubs, trips, and quads, you're nothing. I EARNED my EFG mask, did you? NO, you got it from Amazon. I got mine given to me during the epic scientology protests by an offical anonymous member.

You edgy plebs are just throwing euphoria at one another and posting your gr8 b8 m8's, sometimes I even r8 8/8.

So tip your fedoras because u mad, and your jimmies are rustled, I will have my topkek and toplel's while you try to make your mark as epic trolls.

prove me wrong


Thanks user.

fresh pasta. saved.

… classic lunacy along the lines of : "If I only had enough money to join a convent".

I have no idea what this silly asswipe is so emotionally invested in… what he crapped out reads like Chinese to me. But it matters not as I'll continue casually posting occasional images here whether I've earned "the right to be anonymous" or not, and our frantic friend will have to go on spewing his goofy psychobabble in protest.

/r/ archive or screenshot of that thread.

Fuck you. We maintain radio silence until ordered otherwise.
