OLD NEWS: Faggots rape 3 year old to death

Dad admits killing daughter, 3, after sexual abuse so violent she bled into nappy

Nicole MorleyNicole Morley for Metro.co.uk
Thursday 2 Mar 2017 11:00 am

>Williamson admitted using a rope to keep Kyhesha locked up but denies accusations of horrific abuse, including using a large sex toy on the girl, punching her in the stomach, posing with her while naked and pulling her ear until it bled.

>She showed her father that she was bleeding from her genitals and said she ‘didn’t want any fingers up her bum anymore’.

>When she died, Kyhesha lived in a flat with her father, Williamson, and Christopher Kent. The two men would engage in ‘unorthodox sexual conduct’ together, a court heard.

Archive: archive.fo/UlicN

Live: metro.co.uk/2017/03/02/dad-admits-killing-daughter-3-after-sexual-abuse-so-violent-she-bled-into-nappy-6483194/

/k/ommentary: weaponsman.com/?p=39422

Other urls found in this thread:

revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Communism and homosexuality&item_type=topic

Its all so tiresome.

There really should be a campaign to spread this information to normies.

Imagine a leafleting campaign with University campuses and other public areas being littered with posters stating
along with factual data to back it up.
Fuck Faggots and fuck all those god damn normie """"""""conservatives"""""""" that constantly suck their AIDS ridden cocks.

Srsly mad right now family.

Truly makes me sick. And ashamed that I'm even fucking human. Kill him, kill the boyfriend, and kill whoever the fuck said it was okay for him to raise the kid.

A civilization that no longer protects its children and gives immediate death to pedos and traitors doesn't deserve to exist.

This is why the West is dead or why as it lies dying should be left unattended. It's time for a new civilization to replace this failed monstrosity.

What a fuckin horrendous human being

I get that the law is the law. He didn't intend to kill her (just abuse the shit out of her. Although, one could argue that, anyone with a reasonably sound mind, could determine that internal bleeding had begun and that she would most likely die. Thus making it premeditated to not admit her, thus making it 1st degree murder. Even if the 'reason' for him not bringing her to the doctors is the inner conflict of fear of getting caught for his abuse versus the risk of her dying, it doesn't change the decision he made). But, at minimum, he did intend to abuse her BDSM style/psuedo-actual torture her (I say actual because she's 3, and stuffing things up her ass is effectively torture. If not by the law, then, ok, sexual abuse/assault). At minimum, while in his care, the child suffered horrible injuries and died. So, why is the judgement only manslaughter? I get how with respect to the killing that's all that can be done (as I explained above), but shouldn't they be able to get him on something to give him life/death penalty? I wish we still lived in an era where some random guy would find him and end him and his guy friend.
(I don't know much about this story, so pray tell how a man, a) gets to keep his actual daughter [i.e., not in the mother's custody], b) somehow(?) is with a man and does sexual things with him, and c) decides, hey, lets mess my daughter up even though we're pretty much gay it seems).
Also, that psychological shit pisses me off to no end. No shit, to sexually torture (rope things/alike), to sexually abuse (anal things), and to put forth his own skin before the life of a 3 year year old makes him messed up in the head. So, why should that have any effect on the sentencing? I never understand that, for, by definition, one has to be wrong with respect to society (i.e. psychologically unsound) to commit a crime deemed wrong by society in the first place.


Fucking monster.


This is a tragic loss on every level. I hope they fuck him to death with his own femur in prison.

Tried telling this to someone and she came back with "Straight parents do it, too!" The fact that the queers are FAR more inventive in their tortures doesn't seem to enter her mind, no matter what I say.

I used to become maddeningly enraged by these kind of stories. Now I feel nothing but a sound resolve to cull the herd but I know that I never will.

I'll just keep living my life hearing about atrocities but never able to do anything about it. It's the worst punishment I could ever think of, to feel so helpless. Kek help me.

is that supposed to mean faggotry?

The jews did this.

Just remember, the jews are responsible for enabling this.

'Orthodox sexual activity' in the current year includes your basic homosexual activity. Inferring from this guy's treatment of his daughter I imagine the court means things like BDSM or role-play.

Thank the jews for this.

Kill every jew.

Who are the two people with him in that picture? What kind of people would still support and help a person who did this? And of course she's wearing a god damned cross. I am so tired of a religious group that was supposed to be the bastion against degeneracy actively supporting it every chance they get.

Your other pictures disgust me. Those other two parents were going to get off with no jail time, after raping children. Our legal system, even if it convicts these filth, just gives them a few years in prison after utterly destroying peoples childhood, and lives, completely. This world is so sick and depraved I can barely handle it some days.



RIP, kiddo.

Isn't meant to be ironic though that may come off like it.

Bring back the guillotine.


Damn, it hurt just to read that. I thought I was desensitized to this shit

scum like this must be destroyed

This is in the land of aus, right? Maybe someone should take these people deep into the out back to play with the cuddly animals. There's nothing even remotely dangerous in Australia, after all.

Wait!! a faggot rapped a ==GIRL== ?

Just kill them. Seriously, if you are so psychologically broken you do this to your own child you do not deserve to belong to humanity and are irreparably damaged.

It's almost the humane thing to do. Imagine BEING this kind of wretch of a human being. Imagine walking around all day dreaming about destroying your daughter while your boyfriend tears your ass up. Imagine this being what you enjoy in life. Such a person has no drive towards life, no connection with humanity or nature. This isn't a human being at all. This is just a bundle of nerves all mismatched living within a human body. Stop pretending that letting these deranged broken husks of humanity wander around and continue to prey on others is somehow 'humane'.

Just fucking kill them, it is the most righteous, just and humane thing you can do. You don't need to torture them, although I understand the temptation. Just put them down like sick broken animals, because that's all they are. They aren't deserving of a second thought. Just fucking kill them.

Same, I felt a profound sadness crush my heart then I just got intensely angry.

53% of homos are pedos, user. They aren't in it because the are actually attracted to the same sex. They are in it for the easy sex.
Raping a kid is easy sex.


we need systematic stats on the matter with citations as well as keynote examples such as this abomination. Retribution should be served, but with our perverse and sickened society such likely will not come to pass.

I'm going to assume it's either because of past precedent or because they don't want to set precedent. This guy killed his own daughter via sexual abuse, if he were to be charged with second degree murder, it's possible that there are cases in the past where parents have been charged with murder but were acquitted because some bullshit reason. Now, because that happened, all future lawyers defending parents from murder charges get to use that case as justification for getting their client off the murder charge.

Let's say that hasn't happened yet, the second reason the courts might not seek murder charges is for fear that in prosecuting this douche for murder, if they don't have a slam dunk win, they won't play that angle for fear of preventing a parent from being charged with a more egregious form of abuse/torture in the future because of the precedent set by this case.

It's bullshit, I know. This guy should be strung up by his testicles and decapitated on live television for his crimes, but if justice were applied in response to our emotional outrage at the time (or lack thereof) it simply wouldn't be justice.

As another user said, they won't care, they'll use aggregate totals to point out "straight people do it more" then just ignore it entirely. Freedom to stick objects up their ass means more than a child's life to this abomination of a society. I hadn't had a drop of alcohol in months but I'm having to take shots right now.

He didn't mean to kill her with all that rape, just a mistake! :^)

You will have difficulties finding that info because I bet most cases of heinous sexual abuse that go to court end up having publication bans submitted against them. While I don't know the exact stats, most childhood sexual abuse is committed by a family member, and families often don't like airing their dirty laundry on national newspapers.

Cut it out faggot. The next worst group of child rapists after fags is drunks.

While this is horrible, there are straight pedos too. Why the focus on homos?


not a shill, pls no ban

Your powers are growing stronk.

Also holy fuck OP, daily reminder homosexuality is a mental disorder and all faggots will hang. All the altkike people defending faggots like milo and closet faggot spencer, this is what you're defending.

Satan dubs… wtf is kek trying to tell me?

My soul is tired.

Maybe because this faggot was allowed to adopt? Straight single male pedos cant adopt and single couples rarely rape kids.

I don't get drunk user, not only am I german/celtic I just drink to get numb. Only reason I stopped drinking entirely was because it ruins gains.

if your niggerish brain ever grasps the concept of mathematics it might sink into your dense fucking skull you imbecile.

Fucking degenerate faggots.

True, but I thought the problem here was 'faggots raping children' instead of 'faggots adopting'. I mean most child rapists are family members of the victims, who in the vast majority of cases aren't gay adoptive parents.

I see you didn't even read my whole post. That whole analogy of yours is wrong because faggots aren't most of the child rapists.

By your logic we should be cracking down on non-adoptive heterosexual uncles and fathers who are most of the perpetrators.

Because they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near kids. Being a faggot should at the very least put you on a sex offenders list immediately because that's basically what they all are. They are undoubtedly mentally ill, the average homo man spreads viruses like biological warfare because he barebacks an average of 30 different men every 2 months.

It's discussing per capita, the moment they are allowed near children a staggering number of them immediately diddle them because there is something wrong with their brains. They have an insatiable sex drive.

They are undoubtedly mentally ill, the average homo man spreads viruses like biological warfare because he barebacks an average of 30 different men every 2 months.
I agree, but how that

Prove this? I mean mentally ill people on general shouldn't be allowed near kids, but mostly because of their bad influence and shock value to children. If you would insist that its because of a tendency towards raping kids I'm gonna have to ask for source.

Good, now back that up with a source and I'll shut up. Otherwise it's just a baseless claim.

What kind of fucking faggot enabling court is this? 2 years for the prolonged sexual abuse, rape and murder of a 3 year old?

This piece of shit and his faggot boyfriend should be put in front of a firing squad or given to the most violent prison niggers who are instructed to have their way with the faggots at no consequence.

Bump, I want my sources.

This is so awful, who would let something like this happen?

Kill the fucker on sight! I'm tearing up just reading this.



all you'll get is grids, faggot.
now use those knuckles you've been dragging on the ground all these years and work a keyboard for 5 seconds to find where this pic came from

So can this flaming faggot have his lower intestines slowly ripped out and force fed to him please? All I have is pure hate.


why not anti-male or anti-australian propaganda though? it's nearly always men who do this and there have been quite of a few news stories about this sort of thing happening in australia. oh, because you don't hate men or australians? right.

there's something that puts this in a larger perspective but it's just a blog and musing. archive.fo/Xqs8d

fuck off Holla Forums

Bait or not: First, being homosexual is an abnormality. Being a male is not, it is a norm., and being Austrialian is a norm. (or abstract concept if you don't tie it to ethnicity but rather citizenship). It follows that this can be further used to emphasize the faults in such an abnormality, for we live in such an age where abnormalities are tolerated despite their obvious tendencies. More importantly, comparing the percentage of male pedophiles out of all men (or percentage of Austrialian pedophiles out of all Austrialians), are highly likely to be much smaller than the percentage of male homosexual pedophiles out of male homosexuals. Thus, this particular subset is of interest with regards to being irradicated. As for evidence of the above percentages, one can't really prove negatives easily (proof by contradiction and the real world don't really mix). Hence, we can at least show that the male homosexual subset does, indeed, have a large percentage of pedophiles.

"E: Marion, where I want to start is with your statement that the presence of Elohim spirits usually indicate Freemasonic programming that is installed by sodomy. Does that ring a bell?

M: Yes, it does, and I would like to broaden that a little bit. Ron Patton once did an article on Monarch programming. Based on what you might call research or what I have discovered in maybe 500 people over a period of ten years – I’m just guessing because I don’t keep records – this is my impression: the most vulnerable age for preparing a person for mind control is between two and four years of age because of the development of the child’s mind at that age. Traumatic things can damage them worse than if they were younger or older. Also, in order to be programmable there needs to be a change in the way their mind works between two and four. That change can only be achieved by sodomy.

E: What is it about sodomy that does that?

M: It attacks the nerves at the base of the spine and causes something neurological to happen within the brain. It also has a spiritual, demonic component to it that affects the person’s mind in a way that nothing else will, as near as I can tell. In other words, I would state it this way: for a person to be able to develop multiple personalities, they would have to be sodomized between two and four.

E: For all multiple personality disorders?

M: As far as I know. It’s not commonly told this way because sodomy puts in a deaf and dumb spirit and causes memory loss so that some people may remember occult rituals but won’t remember the sodomy. But sodomy is the foundation of the whole thing. It is called “the key of David”1 by the Rothschild Illuminati.

E: When you say Rothschild Illuminati, you’re not talking about just the Rothschild family?

M: No, I’m talking about all of the occult people all over the world. This goes back to Nimrod. This is the Egyptian initiation of the child to open the third eye.

E: Are you saying that back in Egypt in 3000 B.C.E., when the priesthood was at its peak, they were using sodomy for their initiations?

M: As far as I know, sodomy is always used in the occult going clear back before the Flood. Sodomy is Satan’s sex or Satan’s new birth of the child. I don’t believe anybody can become fully illuminated unless they have been sodomized at around three years of age. If they wait to touch that person until they’re ten, twelve, fifteen years old, they will never be fully illuminated because you can’t open the third eye after about five or six years of age.

E: The third eye meaning the pineal gland between the eyes?

M: Yes. I have traced migraine headaches from anal sex. It comes up the spine, over the back of the head right into the forehead.

E: All migraines, or –

M: No, I’m not saying all migraine headaches are from sodomy because I had one once that was put on me by a retired chiropractor and he did not sodomize me. But I think he was a sodomite. Basically, Satan cannot sodomize someone on his own, but he can influence somebody to sodomize someone else and then it’s like having Satan sodomize them and put the sodomy power within them. Sodomy is spiritual. I get intense about this because it is so clear, and the Bible is the best source for discovering this.

E: Regarding Illuminati and Rothschild –

M: Let’s leave Rothschild out of this. Not everybody is Rothschild unless you are using Rothschild as a loose term like Illuminati. With Illuminati referring to the wider spectrum, there is a Rothschild element and a Masonic element, but probably as sinister as any is the Jesuit element. I cannot prove this, I wish I could, but I believe that to become a full-fledged Jesuit you would have had to have been sodomized by the time you were three years of age. I believe they’re all sodomites.

E: The entire Society of Jesus?

M: I don’t think you can become powerful in the Society of Jesus without being involved in sodomy at some point in time.

E: Marion, when you say the third eye, I think of the ability to see visions, to see things we normally can’t. Is that what you’re talking about?

M: To make a mystic with those capabilities requires sodomy because sodomy changes the way the mind works; it opens the mind up to the spirit world.

E: So it’s the same effect on male or female children?

M: Absolutely, and you never know what the effect is going to be. One might be one way and one another, but to be able to become a mystic, whether it’s a Catholic mystic or any other kind of mystic, that is the route to go. I call that the Legion mindset."


I hope this was a typo, user.

Do you have any evidence that Australia has a greater rate of paedophilia offences than other European countries?

Are these offenders you speak of actually Australians meaning British descent or paper 'Australians'?

Saying this is an Australian thing is pretty arse backwards mate, there is no reason genetically that Australians would be prone to this sort of shit otherwise the higher rates would also be observed in the British and New Zealanders. Genetically and culturally the three are pretty close.

One last question, to the nearest nautical mile, how much nigger cock have you inhaled today?

Thank you user and Kek bless you.

The study is not entirely conclusive on whether fags rape more children per capita. I say this because most children raped by heteros are raped by their uncles, while the study only compares between parents. Still this will be extremely useful for redpilling normies.

I ask here precisely because google had failed me in the past.

Kill yourself kike, all degenerates must be forcefully reeducated or purged. Faggotry has no purpose, you disgusting shitpusher.

there was an old study that would shed some light on it but it got memoryholed. You can still see the references but I never could get a copy of the journal it was in, while other things in it are still available. I'll see what I can find there.


What does this even mean? That it isn't as common as heterosexuality? Just because something is uncommon doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it.

[citation needed]



Do you have any evidence pedophiles are more likely to be gay? Even if you did, it doesn't make any sense to punish people who did nothing wrong because they share a demographic with people who did. If straight men were more likely to be murderers than gay ones you wouldn't seek to arrest all of them.

Australian isn't an ethnicity, it's a nationality. Dumbass.

That's exactly what you're saying about gay people. And it holds the exact same amount of water.


According to females are actually 10 times more likely to do this as far as parents are concerned.

"'Frater 616' says that 'babies were bred for their various purposes by "Broodmares" - young unemployed girls who were paid to hand over their "produce".' He says that babies were also 'taken from single girls by promises, for a fee or occasionally, simply stolen', and he describes some of the other 'sources' for procuring children and young people:

'Often Satanists advertise in free youth culture Street newspapers. This provides them with a constant supply of young teenage hopefuls to recruit or exploit (or both). Often Street-kids are taken in, used and discarded. It is only another missing teenager! Coffee shops, city entertainment complexes and even evangelical youth based churches are still used to this day to lure the innocent and not so innocent, their hearts full of broken dreams from broken homes.'

This is happening on a mass scale - a Black Mass scale - worldwide. Amazing numbers of children, many millions, go missing every year throughout the world never to be seen again. People don't realise this. They judge the number of child disappearances by the number of such stories that they see on the television news. These represent only a tiny, tiny fraction of children that go missing. Often the police show little interest in investigating, as 'Frater 616' notes in the document:

'The most disturbing aspect of the Black Masses held in Sydney was and remains the ease with which victims were and continue to be obtained and the lack of any effective interest by the police (although a number of Police Commissioners from various States were members of the Order).'

Well, yes, it does help if you control the police while you are stealing and killing children, and this is how they get away with it. Satanists are placed in positions of power in law enforcement, government and local authorities, coroners' offices and 'healthcare' and together they hide the evidence and protect the guilty - which include themselves. Politicians are secured either by direct initiation into Satanism or through blackmail. 'Frater' says:

'Unknown - if not always unsuspected - Infernal Temples exist in every major city throughout the world - Vatican City included! Every hour of every day and every night people are knowingly engaged in Satan's service. Human sacrifice - whether ritually and quicker or slowly and degradingly over time - is all harnessed to specific ends.

Politicians are introduced by a carefully graded set of criteria and situations that enable them to accept that their victims will be, "Our little secret". Young children sexually molested and physically abused by politicians worldwide are quickly used as sacrifices. In Australia the bodies are hardly ever discovered, for Australia is still a wilderness.'"


I will check back tomorrow, so don't hesitate to post here if you find anything.




Holla Forums, we need to bring back public hanging. Please Holla Forums, we need to.

That's a fallacy if there is one. Neutrality of the source does not determine the veracity of a study, methodology does.

Feel free to point any flaws in methodology you believe discredit the article and maybe I won't filter you like the shill you are.

I can't wait for you to give up like every other organization before you


You know what would be a lot easier than building a big and expensive jail?

Just revoking all legal rights for those found guilty and letting vigilantes do the work.

It's good fun, and it doesn't cost the taxpayer anything!

I simply call out faggots that deserve death as I see em user. You are a pathetic abomination.

Does someone want to compile some UK statistics and post them in this format? I have no problem with distributing something like that.

No, if it's not impartial and the source has a specific bias that pertains to the study then it's untrustworthy.

Fucking corpses is uncommon. Doesn't mean there is anything wrong with it. Nothing wrong with scat or bestiality by your logic. Nothing wrong with anything except decency according to you.

That is what this thread is about mate.

Despite being significantly more likely to abuse children, they shouldn't be discriminated against? What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you get off on this shit?

There are healthy men and there are are fucked in-the-head freaks.


I can tell you aren't from around here you nigger loving faggot.




how the FUCK was a faggot couple able to adopt 9 kids????

That's precisely why I said "or not". To imply that I do not know if you're being serious or not. Not to imply that you are.
It means precisely what it means by definition and what you seem to realize it means. To deviate from normalcy. You state then that although something is uncommon that it need not be wrong, however, what do you define 'wrong' to be? With respect to this actual article/issue, wrong is that which has a higher than average likelyhood to hurt things I care about (in this case, children. I have a paternal instinct afterall).
That's precisely why I then say "as for evidence". Like most things, one only has their relative "sample analysis", i.e. what they've seen in their lifetime which dictates there beliefs. Conceding that, I know I can't show that "others aren't just as bad", however, I can hope/believe someone can present facts/statistics to at least show this particular group is bad.
I presume that's merely because the statement seems outlandish, however, the flow of what I was saying was meant to show how said group is a threat and that, instinctually, one destroys all threats to their self and their kin.
I can't really respond to this. It is merely what is stated. My concession that I can't show straight males aren't an issue nor that Austrialians are an issue. Thus, I make the point that one could at least show homosexual males have a higher likelyhood of being pedophiles (I.e., since it's a positive, it can be proven to true).

Not really, if I am an anti-rape organization for example, and publish a study about the harmful effects of rape on a victim that supports my position, would the fact that I am not neutral make the whole study instantly false, even if the study itself was done according to due methodology?

I don't think so. Unless you can prove the study itself is false you have no arguments here.

Kill yourself faggot.

I didn't say that because something is uncommon it's good. I said that commonality has no bearing on whether something is beneficial or not. Are you dumb or what?

So? Where's your proof?


Of course not. As I already said (apparently you were too dumb to take this on board) it doesn't make any sense to punish innocent people because they happen to be part of a demographic that's more likely to commit a crime. That's retarded.

So again you're operating on the bigoted insistence that homosexuality is a mental illness, despite it being declassified decades ago.

It's a basic fact that Australian is not an ethnicity. If you're disputing that then why am I bothering to take you seriously?


is this the new shill tactic? one on the fence moderate, one pants on head retarded extreme, duke it out in the same thread? it's cute, but the old good cop bad cop routine is pretty old at this point, and anyone with brain has figured out fags fuck kids at an alarming rate by now.

don't feel bad that you feel sadness or despair at reading of such crimes. let it be fuel for you in the future to enact justice when the opportunity arises. your feelings show that you haven't lost all hope of a better tomorrow, that this hasn't become normalized yet. pray that your children grow up to feel the same way when faced with such evil.

What the fuck are you on about, faggot? Quote me where I supossedly shilled for faggotry. You're the one posting gay shit here.

Or are you just trying to derail?

you're mentally ill

Inherently harmful, obviously

What position? That rape is harmful? That's a self-evident, commonly held belief.

cute pic


if you kill a lot of faggots you'll save your future waifu from one eventually?

Hikari-genji a go!

reminder that leftypol is also wrong to coddle faggotry
I wouldn't doubt this kind of shit is part of what drove Stalin's pogroms.

It ain't that bad, shill or not, it's fun to see what type of response can be constructed. I was hoping for more than an uh or other generics (especially when I saw that he actually put some thought to the other person he responded to).

Just to respond in place of the other guy:
The most that can be posted here is articles showing how they did abuse. If someone would post some actual research regarding it, then that should suffice (i.e., I agree there is no "evidence", in the formal sense of a research paper present here in this thread).

You state it's retarded, but on what basis? As a person I can feel why, i.e. "They haven't done anything wrong, to punish them seems counter what I've known to be defined as punishment or wrong, i.e. when punishment is defined as a consequence it is defined as an act that happens onto you when you do something wrong, and wrong is (generally) defined as some "malicious" action. Malicious here would be defined from the collective events/actions you have gathered into the set called "malicious" in your mind over the course of your life. Ergo, that's where the descrepency lies, what we define as malicious is what differs and can differ between people as well as what defines wrong (i.e. it can be more than just things that are malicious).
The notion of punishing the "innocent" stems from pragmaticism. We are not god, we can't see everyone's heart/past/present/future. Thus, we have no way of picking out the bad seeds until after the true crime (which I think you'll agree is a true crime, meaning, those crimes like in this article) has occurred. Thus, the 'best'/most pragmatic approach is to remove those who have a high probability of committing the crime.

Consider the following notion, a formal definition and a social definition. At one point, mental illness was a social definition, someone with whom something abnormal existed. This led to a field of study existing and, with the advent of dictionaries and a like, we get a cemented formal definition of what a mental illness is. Thus, at a time, homosexuality was added there because it was deemed abnormal. It was then removed (for whatever reason). Thus, yes, formally, it no longer is a mental illness (with respect to 'the list of mental illnesses as defined by doctors'). However, with respect to the social definition (from which the original formal definition was derived) it would be because it remains abnormal.

And I would guess that where we differ (and probably he majority of us differ with you). People here do not care about inherently in your sense. Your sense probably means, 'with 100% certainty, this thing is harmful'. However, I believe I can speak as the collective of here and state, for us, we care not for 100% certainty. We care about averages and probabilities. Why prefer this over 100% certainty?
Simple, the best one can do to identify the inherently harmful is to wait until after a person has committed said harmful act. However, we do not wish for the act to even take place, so, we wish to mitigate the damage and eliminate things which have a high likelyhood of committing the act. (This would lead us back to your 'evidence claim' which, as I said, yes, hopefully there is some formal research regarding this).

what the fuck am i reading? you can't just drop this here without some kind of explanation or context.

this whole link is dropping into the "it's bullshit, but i believe it," category, but could you expand on this a little?

reported :^)

Your post is lacking a bit of context, user.

he was talking about people like you, I'm unsurprised they didn't tell you about the context of that image

Did they gave evil kent the free jail card? He is going to do again. I am MAD MAAAAAD…..

(((how else?)))

revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Communism and homosexuality&item_type=topic moar
best line
so tl;dr why did they promote it to the west? To sink them. Because they knew where even allowing a little bit open led. It's a weapon against capitalism
So after Lenin 'frees' the gays, gets shot, Stalin takes a butter churn handle and stuffs them back in the closet. And so they remain for the next 60 years. Thanks, Khrushchevana.

I don't care to police bestiality because I want them to ramp it up and all get eaten trying to fuck gators. florida, where the fuck else would that happen
Only wrong with dogs cuz that's like paedophilia (easy lay with stupidly loyal unintelligent animal) and dolphins (because now the both of you are degenerate cornholers)
Practically everything else will kill you in some way if it doesn't want to deal with your shit, or blast the mess outta you with whatever constitutes its defenses. furries that loooove skunks are hilarious, lemme tell you.
You wanna go fuck a rhino? A big cat? An elephant? A shark? A wildebeast? but never a hildebeast ewww sure, tell me where so I can record it and get your grave ready.
Unlike most other -philias, you push them higher up the ladder, the problem solves itself.
and we all know what happens to the ponyfaggots. I'm sure we all saw that video at least once. Looks like someone forgot to roll high on anal circumference!

I hope it wasn't
*readies quiver of pilum for faghunting*

i have the same feel

I guess it's that time again
Please redirect any complaints about a lack of research sources to >>>/bog/





i was just sitting here, visiting pol for some dank memes and then i saw your post and i had to respond.

if thats not extreme misrepresentation i dont know what is. i know you extremists hate anything not white, male, or hetero, but come on, he stated that because something is uncommon doesnt make it bad, this doesnt imply nor infer that uncommon things are 100% of the time guaranteed to be good, its quite clear that he is stating that population variance does not guarantee that something is bad. please if you're going to argue about something dont use cheap misrepresentation and ad absurdum shill tactics.

again with the insults, i understand you're passionate about these topics but it doesnt come across as superior when you're using the same method an enraged teenager would use.

and also his argument holds water, because you as an american are magnitudes more likely to murder someone than a person living in iceland, therefore using your logic we can come to the conclusion that we should make illegal / purge / whatever all americans because they might just murder the world.

so you're agreeing that it would be absurd to punish all gay people for being gay because a sub-demographic commits crimes?

oh, you're an instigator shill.



That feel when want daughter to love and cherish but can't because forever alone and can't adopt because single white male
Then there are people like this just doing this kind of shit

God needs to purge the world again

Wew lad you couldn't out yourself harder if you tried. Please see yourself to >>>/bog/
I think you'll find it more to your liking

Fuggd up the last one

the supreme amount of cherry picking here is unreal.

if i gave two shits about this apparent hell hole echo chamber of a board i'd go cherry pick some depraved shit about heterosexual people but honestly i've realized that no only is this place full to the fucking brim with unjustifiably enraged people who claim that "X is gon take muh freedumbs away!", but those same people cant even communicate in a coherent manner that includes no fallacies or general stupidity

you guys have a whole fucking guide that goes into extreme detail about how to detect a shill and according to that guide all i can see here are fucking shills! this is insane i am honestly shocked.


Where the fuck are all these faggot lovers coming from? Can't you fuck off back to /logcabin/ or /lfbt/ cuteboys or some shit.

You aidsridden grids-holes always say that. Doesn't change the fact that you're fucked up rejects that need a good gassing

The last time this happened was due to TRS and reddit bullshit
An user pointed out earlier today that some dumbshit crossposted the Right Wing Vice Squads thread to voat which is where I assume all these pozreceptacles are coming from.

It was. Getting harder to control the aspergers these days. So sick of this shit. Can only take so much mentally.

The issue you'd find there is that Holla Forums would agree with you because we champion traditional families and proper, conservative, reserved behavior in both men and women.

That said, you will find that there is far more promiscuity in the homosexual lifestyle than there is anywhere else. Precisely because of that. It's a lifestyle. Homosexuals define themselves solely by their sexuality and thus their entire life is a non ending train of degenerate materialism and depravity.

It's a fetish. That's literally all it is. It is a deviancy. Nothing else. It's not your identity, it's not even a sexual orientation, as such a thing does not exist. It's just a fetish.

im in shock, i cant believe this.

i was lied to, i thought pol would be a place to discuss politics and instead im given unbridled insanity and shilling


If you don't like it here fuck off back to the shithole you came from faggot

I'm never going to be bored if society ever collapses. I swear, between gardening and hunting degenerates, my time is going to be absolutely full.

well, as an expat living in Indonesia after a job transfer, where they supported and financed a coup that killed 33 million people(or about a million a year) starting from Kissinger's tenure, I can't see much wrong with that logic.
Oh and hey, guess who we've got to thank for disrupting the counter-coup that might've gotten rid of the 'Slimy dictator after 30 years?

Here we have a prime example of a degenerate cock-gobbler wandering into the unknown and dangerous territory of the Holla Forumsack. See how he reacts with denial, then tired rhetoric, and finally aping the vocabulary of the locals to avoid violence. Having no understanding of the local wildlife and, in fact, completely unable to grasp the reasons behind the behaviors of the predators he finds himself surrounded by, we will soon see him fall victim to the Holla Forumsack's retaliation. Perhaps a barrage of smug animu grills, knife-edged rhetoric, or–their favorite method of all–gassing?
Join us after the break to witness nature's law and raw beauty at work!

In a sane society we'd kill anyone who sexualizes children.

I think it's best for the time being to refrain from spoilering any gore user. The current influx of outsiders can't even stomach a standard execution webm.
The cancer must be culled


No one is keeping you here, faggot
>>>Holla Forums

I was thinking about this today too. The word bored was only coined in 1823 some time in the industrial revolution when things became so easy that minimal work was needed to survive. Jaded was coined in the 1630s and refers specifically to being bored of constant indulgence. I get the feeling that indulgences are the only things that people can get bored of and with such an easy life granted by machinery boredom has become so commonplace that it is considered a part of life now. If your day is full of hunting, gardening, building, carpentry, cooking, cleaning, teaching your kids, and impregnating your wife, there wouldn't be any time to be bored. Your body adapts to the strain by building muscle and endurance but there doesn't seem to be any changes, physical, mental, or otherwise, that adapts to a life of leisure. Is it really so bad for us to live without struggle?

Interesting side note, I thought up this by myself while daydreaming but now that I've typed it I remember reading something about fascism being an embracing of the struggle to survive. I can't tell if reading that set in motion the thoughts to come to that same conclusion or if whoever wrote it in the first place had the same thoughts I just did and by the same logic came to the same conclusion.

I want this meme that, "Holla Forums is the politics board" to die.

I am fifty shades of gas the fags

Can we hang draw and quarter these fuckers?

Get the fuck out, cancer.

I'll have to look into that. I learned how to entertain myself as a kid doing those kinds of things in the country, and it's always baffled me when adults tell me they are bored. Not that I never do, but it's mostly when I don't have a book and have used the computer too much. Or school back when.

In a relatively natural environment (I don't mean hippies or mudhuts) you shouldn't ever get bored really.

yeah but 100% of homos are fucking disgusting degenerates
everyone is under an illusion that they have a partner and engage in normal sex….nothing could be further from the truth
having up to a 1000 different partners in a year, scat/urine consumption, extreme fisting, aids sharing parties, rape of young males is the norm in their culture

Never allow yourself to be desensitized. Feeling rage is healthy.

Have you been paying attention to the last few decades?
But honestly as a former neet I personally believe boredom stems form the constant mindless shit heaved on us by a sickly and dying society. At the same time just because a word did not exist before a certain time doesn't necessarily mean there was no use or need for the word.
Also perhaps I'm just misunderstanding you but the physical and mental changes of a life of leisure would be the softening of a man making him more effeminate.
And remember user
Those who want to live let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live

This is why we can't have faggotry.

Honestly that's one of my personal fears. That one day, especially if we are called on to physically face to bloodshed, I won't feel rage at the atrocities that drove me to become a better man.

And people don't believe demonic forces exist.

its not that surprising its rural australia
there was a multi generational incest/pedophila farm in rural NSW started by two kiwis who were brother and sister about 80 years ago
they found multiple kids who were pregnant because their uncles, grandads, brothers or own dads had fucked them
third generation inbred and the kids couldnt read or write
only three boys went to school and they were the most functional and none of them could read and write
its fucked up shit happens in the middle of nowhere
rural Australia's interior is still a harsh land and a sort of frontier
there are ghosttowns out in those deserts

Manslaughter? Only manslaughter?
I envy the clapburgers. Their prosecutors would stack charges up so high this piece of shit would be crushed by the paper alone.

Btw, i don't think i'm better off knowing this, but what's a 'nappy'?

Australia is in control of a jew puppet at the moment
this isnt even reported on the news in Aus

a diaper

Fucking hell.

Seriously Australia. Get your shit together Roofuckers.

"Psychological abnormality"…
How about you're just fucking evil. These fucking lawyer snakes refuse to use that word anymore. You're a psycho. A sociopath. You exist to inflict pain and suffering on the weak and vulnerable in your circle because is pleases you. It's not difficult to comprehend.
Always with the 'crazy' or the 'disturbed' or 'mentally unbalanced'.
A bullet to the back of the head is way, wayyy to good for monster scum.

"You know why man sins? Because he wants to." - Frank Castle

The only fitting punishment would be life-long torture.

But even then that won't bring us that little girl back.

the persians invented a fitting punishment for the rotten soul

Australia: Where possessing cartoons of Lisa Simpson fucking Bart is punished more severely than raping your 3 year old child to death.

was she white?

they didn't stop calling it the justice system for no reason

it's all becoming tainted with psychology and hard determinism, which ultimately absolves all violators of responsibility

someone meme.jpg this

its tainted with humanism that uses psychology to depict them as an afflicted, suffering individual
nevermind the fact psychology depicts these individuals as fundamentally mentally defective for whatever reason
in a fascist society drains on society will be removed
in our humanitarian democratic nightmare you have to care for the defective and try to save them for Christ or whatever


Was he off his meds? Disappearance.

if true, that vid would explain why I'm bored at games I don't care about but in games that involve outsmarting people I get a huge rush.

is this a common thing among gays?

I know many of them were molested themselves as children and also have a preference for younger kids, But is it common for married gays/couples to molest adopted kids even of the opposite sex?

same, my eyes are watering and im nauseous, and also ENRAGED.


yes thats why they do it

Gays are monstrous user.

To a 3 year old. Let that sink in.

Then realize that these pieces of shit will be on the streets the next day to march for some 'human rights' bullshit.

That's actually a good idea.

find a funnel web spider nest and throw him in it.

Drain the swamp? I say plug it with fag corpses instead.

Dubs of truth.
Homosexuality is nothing more than easy sex pass.

Just like the good old days.

Definitely kill him. Public execution. Make it slow.


Poor little girl had two baby raping faggots instead of an actual father. Holy shit why am I up at 5 am reading this bullshit, we need to start killing people soon

This right here needs more attention than the faggots themselves.

Their enablers are even worse.

That and we need to start working towards prevention. Kids need to be protected from this madness and it starts by culling the Left.

Ive seen too much of this shit all I feel is tears and a desire to put a bullet through every person I know that remotely enables the cancer the left has become. They have to be stopped

I knew it would be something abhorrent before looking it up.

scaphism, it is then.

God damn it hurts.

just reading that shit makes me feel sick

these cunts needs to get lynched


Oops, hanged the guy from the tallest tree, just a mistake.

Why is he mystifying this?

And for context I have a MS in geology and am extremely religious. I don't get this strange "awe" rhetoric and it always bothered me when I heard it in school even back in 2008 when I was finishing my degree.

to be eaten alive by insects and bacteria in a pool of your own shit, blood and piss
can take weeks to die with care
you get to feel the worms burrow into your lungs and the maggots crawling in what used to be your eyes
its the cruelest one ive seen by far and no wonder why the Greeks referred to the Persians as the Barbaroi or the Barbarians

its generally purported by liberals
which I see as an extension of semitic ideology
to live in awe and fear of something you dont understand
sounds similar no?

Death Penalty for Pedos and no fucking gays "taking care" of children


Wait, I'm confused.
Where does it say the father was a faggot?
Why would a fag rape a little girl? Wouldn't he be raping little boys?

Someone, plz expln

pedos are more often than not also more prone to bisexuality, bestiality and necrophilia

The mum of tragic Liam Fee and her lesbian partner have been found guilty of murdering the toddler and falsely blaming his death on another child.

Rachel Fee, 31, and Nyomi Fee, 29, were convicted today of killing two-year-old Liam by inflicting severe blunt force trauma to his body at a house in Fife, Scotland.

The youngster, who had been subjected to a life of pain and neglect, suffered a ruptured heart after sustaining injuries similar to those seen in car crash victims.


Gays are fucked in the head.

More news at eleven.

This abuse involved being imprisoned in a home-made cage, given cold showers, tied up in a dark room where snakes and rats were kept, and forced to eat dog excrement, a court heard.

In the U.S., after the Lindburgh baby was kidnapped & murdered, we enacted a federal death penalty for kidnapping.
Somewhere, we lost our way, and got rid of this necessary punishment (I suspect Jew intervention).
We need to demand it be reinstated, and this time we expand it for all types of child torture & rape, so it would apply to this sort of filth, as well.

When did people become indoctrinated into the idiotic idea that nobody deserves to die for their crimes? WTF happened to us?

Sodomites are very mean spirited, paranoid and target those that are weaker. Pedos are the extreme cases but they all exhibit predatory behavior.

Tbh death is too kind for them.

Forced labor for the rest of their lives sounds better, that way they can repay society for their sin.

Faggot here. Anons, you are largely right. It's why I despise the gay community. Give me this fuck's location, and I'll mete out justice as I see fit.

when ur done kys

the best punishment would be to keep them alive in prison

Not yet, user, I have wrongs to right first. Iron bar to a fat pedo fuck in my hometown first.

A cock up his ass? That actually would be quite terrible.

Well, if you've gone around slaying the demons that walk the Earth, i guess by that point you've redeemed yourself and can forget about suicide and just live a happy life.

Matthew Lee Williamson, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
you could drug the fucker and have them wake up tied to a bedframe ready to be impaled with a log of gum tree

I was thinking a fisting with a knife.

Also, user's views on paralysing a child rapist?

ideally you want to do it from neck down but then it requires life support
id say seperate the 1st and 2nd Lumbar vertabrae with a hammer
then apply a tourniquet around the upper arms and saw them off

I want them suffering in hell.
Your way allows them a chance at redemption, and they don't deserve it.
God might let them off the hook, so we need to make sure they go to hell before that can happen.

people do longer jail time for looking at drawings

He could just bust their legs and cripple them for life.

I was pondering if it would be a drain on society because the crippled/paralyzed child rapist would need to be nursed, but i wouldn't mind paying tax money for that. It's quite a horrific fate indeed, and one that they fully deserve.

a pedo with broken legs and and a functional penis and hands can still molest another kid
break their legs if you want
but if you want to protect other children from sharing this ones fate
you use a wooden splint inserted into the urethra and then you can blowtorch their genitals off
after that you have to remove their arms, eyes and tongue
all of which can also be done with a blowtorch as long as you dont burn too deep

stop fantacizing about violence. this is how you become one of these people.

listen faggot, ain't no fear involved here outside of fear for the safety of white children being sexually assaulted by pozzed up faggots who for some unholy reason have been allowed to have custody over children.

Every last one of you pillow biting fairies goes in the fucking bog

no its not. we don't need to punish them.. what user is say is that if you feel the need to punish you are treating them as human which they are not… you dont punish a diseased animal… its a waste of time and energy. we need to exterminate them, and/or subject them to experimentation to figure out what the genetic markers of the disease are so we can eliminate it from society. we need fucking eugenics, not endless rehabilitation or torture for no scientific purpose.

oh im not fantasizing im rationally and logically detailing how anons should go about this if they want to be successful in their endeavour
the 'right way' to go about this business if they decide to
violence and sexual predation of children are not one and the same
thats semitic thinking you got there, abandon it

around the same line where they stated the fagot had a live in homo who engaged in unorthodox sexual activities. the real question here is what the label unorthodox is qualifying considering shoving anything up the anus is already an aberrant thought

Except i don't want to subject innocent little children or even innocent good people to violence.

How do you think punishments were thought up in the past?

honestly waxing upon methods of doling out justice/punishment based upon the severity of the crime involved when regarding pedos is a waste of neural activity. The only thing required is a rope or a single bullet.

Women are much more likely to abuse children, but you don't read this in your Leftist news so that means it doesn't exist for you.

opinion discarded

yes i would agree. execution should be this simple. however kind of concerned as to the waste of good material for experimentation… i really fail to see why people think its unethical to do medical testing and/ or organ harvesting on prisoners.

A little late.
Holla Forums has become the abyss, and it was meant to be, all along.

Facts and statistics don't lie.

If you came here to defend womynz and faggots you can stop.

He's wrong though.

no im not

i'd posit that it's highly unethical to do any medical testing or organ collection from corrupted individuals infected with the mental virus/lack of willpower that is faggotry. just put them in the bog or throw them in the ditch.

nigger i specified WHITE CHILDREN
it's like you faggots don't even understand the concept of the 14 words, go back to whatever cesspit you came from.

well men are more likely to penetratingly sexually assault children with their penis
women are more likely to do that with inanimate objects and women are more likely to physically and violently abuse children with forms of torture
for men its sex
for women its sadism

organ harvesting pedos is 100% a good idea tbh

Yep you are.

History knows plenty righteous men contemplating and exacting cruel punishment on the wicked. You can take your feminized attitute towards violence and shove it up your axe wound.

Fuck no, don't put their genetically defective parts in other people!

waah waah im having too much fun masturbating thinking about hurting people.

ok kid

still muh chillunz
argument from emotion a.k.a no argument

this isnt an episode of the simpsons
a pedo kidney isnt gonna turn you into a child molestor

your grandmother isnt going to become a pedo because she gets a pedos heart transplant you unscientific fuck… also testing and experimentation could prevent future outbreaks of "the gay"… but sure throw it all in the bog

I was gonna say "Start arguing anytime." but:

Only teens do this, so there goes my hope for an argument. On another note, since you're so concerned with defending child-raping faggots; perhaps we can start brainstorming for a fitting punishment for you as well.

I'm sure knive-fisting faggot user won't mind dropping by another address.

Think i found the jew.

alright fag
I."Homophobic" is an incorrect label because there is no fear of faggotry involved, only disgust and disdain.
II. If there is any "fear" involved at all, it is less fear and more ethical and logically concluded concern for the individuals who are victimized by the pedophile faggots engaging in torture, abuse, sodomy, and more upon said individuals.
III.In addendum, if such sadistic, ill individuals have access to custodianship over individuals they in turn have been shown to induce these methods of abuse upon ubiquitously, we must therefore have a moral obligation to dissolve the concept of custodianship for previously mentioned faggots.
IV. In conclusion, faggots should never be allowed to have stewardship over children when they have been proven time and time again to have a higher risk of pedophilia and sadistic tendencies, and should ultimately be evaluated for banishment, isolation, or eradication based upon the risk assessment of their ilk and the devastating effects they can have upon a civilized community and it's future.
V.go fellate a gun

are cloned organs available down at your wal mart…or even at all? oh ya no? then yes use the pedo organs until such time as i can go clone myself a liver.

also i see organ harvesting as second best option… i want to use the fuckers to test explosives, poisons, new drugs, cosmetics, ect.., much better than fucking chimpanzees

nice job getting hostile because of a dissenting, but not combative opinion. You are assuming that I refuse to engage in medical testing upon these pedos and fags because of some concern for conversion, but that is very much an assumption. On the contrary, I very much understand the benefits that come with organ harvesting and medical testing, especially upon undesirables. I just think these people are a waste of air and I would rather not spare any resources or time other than methods of "containment" on them.


you did well until you elevated yourself to dictatorial-levels of sociopathic insanity because why would nobody think of muh chillunz

don't be disingenuous, just admit you want the testing to be of various methods of lethality.

and that's an actual, bonafide, not an argument of a rebuttal.

I know that I am broken, because I feel nothing from this, or anything else for that matter.

The only thing that would make me feel again is seeing some of these bipedal monsters we call "people" killed. They truly deserve it, and I say this not as an expression of rage but as a statement of fact.

should we kill white people because they have a higher risk of pedophilic tendencies than niggers?

Faggots, evidently, aren't people.

How much are you being paid to pretend you belong here? Because you don't deserve the money for such a shit job.

< admit you want testing methods of lethality

ya of course… what did you think i would want to inject them with a cure for baldness and testicle cancer?

you are currently committing: ad hominem, tone policing, moralistic fallacy, false equivalence, appeal to the stone, argument from incredulity, argument from fallacy, and the list goes fucking on.

why don't you back up that assertion with some proof, because there is not a chance on this planet that niggers don't commit pedophilia at rates exceedingly above whites.

Don't bust out a molyneux when you yourself have no arguments.

There are NO "decent" gays
They ALL get the rope

cool so now we've found equal standing. Your methods of testing would be used to further methods of ending these faggots, while I abide by using the ole standards of lead and hemp.
At the end of the day, our goals are the same.

In order to feel alive you need to live. You know what you need to do, but do you have the will to do it?

Oh, you're referring when I called you a sociopathic dictator.
But that's true. I mean, what the fuck.
You didn't say that, but I dare you fucking deny it.
almost, but no.
Your whole argument consisted of a single fucking fallacy, nigger.
yeah, a list of which you bothered reading only two of its elements, apparently.

ucr.fbi. gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/tables/table-43


you're wrong, I'd order every faggot killed for being a faggot. Pedos get killed for the safety of children.

Misinterpretation =/= fallacy on the part of the original argument. Your non comprehension of the easily laid out argument continues to fuel your responses, and that is on you.

not even bothering with the rest because it took you that long to come up with this pathetic list of "refutations".

Are you a faggot? Why would you ever decree moral outrage at eradicating those without the willpower to exist above their fetish?

You just talked about chillunz all the fucking time.
Now it's not about chillunz anymore but just muh faggotry?
Whatever, I'm too tired for this shit.

no, you're just an idiot. who exactly do you think is victimized by pedophiles?




It's sadly relevant to what happened to the toddler considering the scope of the infection it got

It's more of a homorevulsion if I was to relabel it.

Why the fuck did the father's gay partner get a plea deal? If I kill someone in a closed room, and you're there with me and watch, and neither of us report the crime, we're both equally guilty of murder.

Kill them, kill them all.

Because they have to do that to get a lock on convicting the main guy, who may now walk anyway depending on the psychological evaluation, and subsequent defense. Our legal system is a travesty.

The legal system is tied to the Fag Mafia. They don't want negative press for Fag Adoption, so they want this to be excused away for other reasons. It's all meant to prevent statistics saying how many fag parents were convicted of murdering their kids.

Homosexuality and pedophilia go hand in hand. Both fags and pedos commonly have a history of being sexually abused as a child, and are in turn far more likely to sexually abuse children as an adult.

A vicious cycle.

What kind of name is that?

It's the UK dude. The only thing they get long sentences for is posting antisemitic memes on the internet. Raping kids is basically a British institution and has been for centuries (since it is a kiked out hellhole for that long). So they get a slap on the wrist. Josh Bonehill got more time for posting a Jew meme on Twitter than this Kent guy got for raping a three year old girl to death. Think about that. The UK needs to be annihilated.

read, nigger

ABSOFUCKINGLUTLY this should happen. Every time there's a nig on white girl rape there should be crews putting flyers up in the victims neighborhood too.

If a Bong journalist felt confident that he could described their consensual sex as "unorthodox" without fear of being executed for insulting gays it probably involved rotting animal carcasses, bladed weapons and jenkem.

When you understand that a homosexual is simply someone with a diseased mind that glorifies hedonistic sexual pleasure above all, they fall right into the bucket with bisexuals and pedophiles and all the rest of the debased reprobates. You're either a well adjusted heterosexual or you have a hypersexual disorder where you look for any form of easy or shocking sex acts.

I don't think that's a white girl

Forgot to add: this is why Jews push pornography, they want us to halt all progress towards a higher state of being and fall into the depths of rudimentary vices. Because when you're so low as to base your life around a simplistic biological function you are effectively easier to control or at the very least easier to destroy for your enemy.

The faggots named her, remember that.

Evidently, no. I am waiting for death.

Good. I'd be worried if they didn't.

Well, i know what im doing to degenerates when shit goes tits up. ONE MAN DEGENERATE GENOCIDE SQUAD

A thousand times this. All faggots are bisexuals. It's just an extreme fetish for reprobates who have to push the boundaries. At one point, being a faggot seems like the edgy thing to do.

ALL religions call for the execution of faggots. There are diverse punishments from religion to religion, proving what kind of intense fury those reprobates inspire. A reprobate has spiraled out of control so much he will never turn back. His only source of pleasure is to make others like himself. That is why there must be zero tolerance for it.

Cock sucker should be put to death in a most brutal way.


How the absolute fuck can the police and courts deal with this case by only going after the manslaughter charge? What fucking bullshit. Also, the fact that the (presumably) public defender is actually trying to find a sort of insanity loophole for this pedophile instead of throwing his client under the bus with little effort makes him deserve the firing squad.

Also, has anyone dug up information on the mother, or was the girl adopted? Curious.

So my wife's sister came out as "bisexual." She's obviously suffered from abuse as a kid, but the wife insists she hasn't. My wife, being a bit of a hypocrite, is suddenly now all for gays being normal and getting married and shit. I have no idea how to convince her that she can still love her trainwreck of a sister without approving of her lifestyle.

Sage for blogpost. Also, ditch your wife.

The same arguments for loving someone but not approving of their addictions applies. Alcoholism isn't a healthy way to treat your body, gay relationships aren't healthy relationships. If your wife can't see the red-pilling light, drop her.

We gotta bring back crucifixion tbh fam


You identify as an alcoholisexual.

That's funny, I don't remember seeing this side of gays on Will & Grace or Modern Faggotry.

I was near tears halfway through that and sobbing after reading that bolded text.

What the fuck.

i immediately thought it was that thing they do where they slowly cut the penis in twain to expose the urethra to the bladder
and then they fuck the urethra hole

Do you not see the logo at the bottom right hand corner of this board?
What part of "Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed" do you not fucking get? Stop being such a weepy normalfag and get with the program.

There is no cure for this faggot degeneracy. There is no reformation. The only solution to the faggot question is public execution. I feel like throwing up after reading this shit, stuff with kids just gets to me. Fuck.

Perfect way of saying it, tiresome. Saw a couple videos, you know the ones, of guys sexually and physically abusing dogs/puppies. I wish so bad someone could just find them. This world has gone insane.

Good call, was only bein' all considerate-like on account of being (>20+) in some threads.
Though this last one will be because one is also underage. (it goes with those other indo images, I lost power before posting the second batch)

in the west, the state lets the sick fucks off. Over here, they were the state. (once again democraps sided with muzzies, first with Carter and then Clinton stopped their next attempt to go Ataturk. Weird that every time they get involved in 'humanitarian intervention' everything just gets more inhumane, eh?

never been bored here m8, but that's probably because I kinda throw myself into anything so 'enjoyment' and 'leisure' is also like work (books, strat vidya, only watching "thinky" movies, setting up and showing locals how to play tin-toy wargames, bolting around different sites as soon as I finish reading something)
really, I feel like even with leisure alone there's too much to do and see out there, especially when you have a crippled society that only shovels the same BS over and over and doesn't promote anything chancey.
I guess you could say I demand a bit of 'information' or randomisation with my entertainment and this is why it doesn't get boring. (also my first games were all (((money)))sims thanks to overprotective parents so there was a lot of sameness and repetition already, Oil Baron, Capitalism, Taipan, MULE, and the like.)

I can't help but think of Courage the Cowardly Dog now. And that retarded 3-headed duck.

Well, don't forget yanks had a candidate running who literally did get one of these fuckers off because they mishandled evidence (that actually proved he did it even, but it was ruled inadmissable due to the newfag in forensics removing the entire garment from the bag and cutting the stained part off to test it)
So this has been going a good 40 years in the west at least.
I mean do note where it says "radical lawyers" after all: status451.com/2017/01/20/days-of-rage/
Castro's paid lackeys practically pioneered this method of argument and now it's usable for everything, not just blowing up CEOs' houses.

^this so much, since the 60s all statistics aside from basic robbery/murder/b&e are skewed like this.
A real judge offers you to plea for a similar crime of less severity
A fake "lenient" fag judge allows you to plea for a different crime altogether so his district still looks "relatively crime-free"
in terms of poz I'd say it goes generally UK > AUS > Scandinavia > Cannuckistan > Germany > Holland|France (they both have some shit they're harder on and some they're softer on so it's based on the crime, also no 1st A) > US
not just in terms of "greater poz" but how it moves too. Like you see PeTA and SHAC start in the UK, the Sea Shepherd comes out, Germany gets "____ rights" marriage movements, then the US catches it last, but it's also more well-funded than the EU counterparts.

You know what would also work well? rats askmen.com/top_10/entertainment/top-10-twisted-torture-techniques_9.html Just move the bucket down about 25cm

I swear the secondary plotline to 8mm is exactly this. Nic Cage's character probably went all Frank Castle after that.

yeah but rats rip and tear through veins and arteries
it will be agony but they die too quickly
scaphism takes weeks

Why did the parents bring them there? They are just as much to blame as those damn faggots.

to educate them on how best to suck Mordecais balls

These alt-right not all gays need to make this shit right. Do your fucking part and end these people.

Have to beat the parents as well.

Didn't see it was Australia. Same shit really. It's just the British disease (raping children).

but… she was so cute, so sweet… this scumbag jacked off to this tiny, innocent, perfect little thing as it writhed in the excruciating pain he inflicted on her. How is someone mentally capable of doing that?
I would happily and eagerly burn every single nigger, gas every last Jew and Execute every last fag with barely a scruple, but never in my sickest, most twisted dreams would I even think of doing what that monster did to this tiny little thing.
I would raise her as a wholesome, loving wife for a good hearted young man her age I approved of and befriended.
And I know for a fact that the overwhelming majority of Anons here, regardless of how tough and edgy they think they are, would do likewise.
And I also know for a fact that these children are being peddled exclusively to fags. I can promise you that the chances of a well meaning fatherly user getting custody of an adopted child are next to none.

I just fucking despise fags. I can't stand it much longer, Holla Forums… I can't stand it much longer.


No, the gays are monsters everywhere. White or not, their necks must be snap by the ropes.

She had beautiful blue eyes. My anger is already infinite, I can hold this too.

The first thing I noticed. This is what happens when you not only enable but promote homosexuality, while stifling opposition. People need to understand that it's not pedophiles who abuse children, but sexual deviants who belong to the same opportunistic, predatory and perverted class as homosexuals. A pedophile would not inflict such horror on a child. That goes against the whole essence of the word, meaning love of children. Whatever you think about it, whether you deem it a fixation or illness, do not mistake it for the ethos of abuse perpetrated by these monsters in the news. They are incorrectly labelled pedophiles to demonize the real ones and redirect attention away from the real villains; all the politically correct degenerates who have and always will be poison to the family.

Wait a minute… Do they even allow investigations into faggotry in UK?

read the post its in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

God fucking dammit, user, Jesus Christ! I was not prepared for that.

you ain seen nothing yet, hombre!

What dort of fucking name is that?
Everything about this makes me fucking mad.
These people do not deserve a prison sentence but something more severe.

How to get a urine infection quickest way possible?

not all fags kill kids
not all pedos kill kids
not all heteros kill kids
not all zoophiles kill kids

etc. why does this even have to be pointed out?