It's time for the People of Sweden to take up arms. There was a time when it was considered an invasion as foreigners flooded your streets destroying your cities waving their native flags, and now it's called 'migration'. What can be done to save these beautiful people who share our skin color? How can we stop the impending horde of shitskins from ending the heritage and culture of these white people? In the video attached, you will see what White Genocide looks like. We have to fight back. These are our people, like it or not.
The Swedes are begging us to help them. They have not the arms to fight back. Their government and media is owned by kikes. They have no means to voice out their opposition.
Leo White
For Europa!
Daniel Smith
Evan Johnson
I don't know what can be done. Swedes have to fight back. I hope things get really bad really quick over there and people start to wake up, because this gradual descent into madness isn't cutting it. People just pretend not to notice uncomfortable realities unless they're forced to.
Isaiah Sanchez
What else is new, user?
Isaac Clark
It'll be an interesting news story to report a day that goes by without cultural enrichment in the land of tolerance.
Lincoln Mitchell
Since Trump's focus was "Make America Great Again", I don't think he'd push for starting any wars until his second term (if he were to). So, sadly, no one can save Sweden except itself. Now, I'm not saying to do this, but considering white people are capable of actual holding a gun and shooting (i.e. is not black), it would only take a few people to each take a subsection of a city, and thus cleanse a city overnight. If there were multiple such groups, they could cleanse what would be their equivalent of a "state" overnight. The issue then is, the bigger a group, the more likely you have untrustworthy people/people who fail at executing their part of a mission. However, if a small group is forced to carry out the entire task, it takes longer to do and the risk of being caught increases. In particular, in order to avoid troops/foreign "help" destroying you, the quicker the "large cleansing" occurs, the better. I don't know. It's more so about the mindset than anything else. If Sweden wanted to save itself, one could easily find 100 people who would be willing to drown in blood and steel themselves inside for the sake of their kin. Destroying everything that stands in their way in a single night. Alas, even then, if they don't get rid of traitors/government people at the same time, they will just be branded as domenstic terrorists like that group from the UK. The only "reasonable" salvations I can see are: Trump's 8 year reign ends, America is much better. The next president can have a different motto (i.e. Save the West, or some variation. America invades South Africa and Sweden). Alternatively: Nationalism continues to rise around Europe. Somehow, enough factions arise such that the EUSSR which is trying to form its own superpower military fails. Europe becomes a set of countries again as opposed to one ugly stew; each country, once again, having its own identity. By social norm., this makes Sweden conform. However, one issue that bothers me is that, in some sense, Europe and alike are two far gone. There are just so many of those people (all in their 20s or so). They wont all die for a long time by natural means, and they might even procreate like rabbits. Thus, that poision will persist in the system call Europe for a long time to come, possibly hindering any/all of the above "peaceful" means of fixing them. So, somehow, Europe would have to become radical enough to at least pull an Isreal and sterilize them all.
Logan Lee
Sweden has never existed.
Joshua Johnson
Shhh just go back to sleep little girl. Nothing to see here just the "new normal". What a backwards ass culture we've allowed ourselves to become to continue accepting this as the future for their children? Evil cowardly traitors.
This is why you have to be explicit when it comes to identity.
Ayden Jenkins
First, something needs to be done to dramatically increase the testosterone in their men.
Second, at this point they're so far gone the only way I can see for them to be saved is for another white country (most likely Russia) to invade and completely subjugate the government and force them to adopt their culture. The women will throw themselves at the invaders, and the resulting children will still be white (and have higher testosterone.)
Also, feminism would have to be chased out of the country. Perhaps deportation of all who identify as feminist to Syria or some shit.
Easton Rivera
We could just call you guys "Northern Somalia" for convenience reasons. I hear you have strong alpha males like the golden one, just so happens that they're constantly on vacation in Ireland, Thailand or some other place that isn't Sweden.
Henry Phillips
As a final addendum: One "final solution" I thought America could do is: send in covert operatives to sample the DNA of as many native Swedish children. Ultimately, the goal would be to find 5 pairs (boy/girl) of Swedish kids who best represent/most "purely" are Swedes. They are taken, Sweden is absolutely destroying/leveled. At this point, those pairs of kids can be raised to repopulate Sweden. Making sure to condition them to believe in their ethnic pride, as well as to show them the very true terrors that had occurred that lead to the necessary destruction of their homeland.
Grayson Gutierrez
Stop larping faggot
You can quality post and you can shitpost but don't post cancer
Xavier Jackson
That's a great meme. Stealing for information and memetic warfare.
Lucas Bennett
Although a lot more cucked, are we looking at a new Rodisha? Been a Bong I feel just as helpless to be able to help them, just talking about wanting to help in polite conversation would land me in prison.
Unless the French election and possibly the German one kill the EU And cause a massive shift in national politics, been able to help ourselves is going to be difficult.
Any type of European rallying call is going to be shutdown, imprisoned, killed. Like how soros puts in foreign agents with backing and connections to start uprisings. We may need something of the same.
Jordan Kelly
>"haha wtf is Trump talking about? We need to be more like Sweden!"
t. cuck drones on iPhones
Lucas Myers
This is very needed. Or some variant.
Else the Swedish folk will be lost forever. But then, that's what the Jews want, and the Swedes are eager to please. Maybe we can convince Swedes that it's their moral duty to survive instead of commit mass societal suicide.
Josiah White
Christopher Scott
conversion to 3rd world shit hole is complete all is lost.
Jaxon Reed
I couldnt care less. Until I see Swedes hunting down arabs and butchering them and driving them out, I dont care. They asked for this.
Ian Howard
No matter how shit Sweden will get, they will never go after the shitposters in the cucksheds that pretend how everything is fine.
Josiah Hughes
You underestimate jewish propaganda when they control every station on TV. All of us were bluepilled once and believed in the Holohoax. It's our moral duty to open the eyes of our white brethren and explain how jews are trying to turn us into a minority in every country we inhabit. Four years ago a candidate like Trump would have been impossible but a bunch of white people woke up – you'd be surprised how fast things can change if we can just spread our message to enough normalfags.
Matthew Anderson
how about annexing Sweden?
Lincoln Collins
Fuck Sweden, let them fall and use them as an example.
Gavin Mitchell
hear fuckin' hear.
We got our own problems to deal with, either they sink or swim, and i don't see them swimming to be honest.
No, behold my ultimate plan: turn Sweden into a safari hunting park. Fence off the (sand)niggers with an electrified fence, only 1 entrance. At said entrance you set up shop where people can rent rifles, armor and vehicles and buy ammo. Then they may go into the Safari Zone and shoot (sand)niggers.
Watch Americans jump on that shit. Sweden will become filthy rich from tourism and when the safari fun is over Sven will have his country back.
You may steal this idea, no need to thank me.
Samuel Price
Is this the new shill tactic? "Fuck other white people, we should only care about ourselves!"
Jews don't think like this regarding other jews and that's why they're so successful. To wish harm upon other Europeans is to betray your race.
Kayden Harris
I don't hear any swedes begging for anything. This was the future they chose. Now they can fuckin die in the future they chose.
Elijah Johnson
"White genocide" isn't real. No one is systematically killing people for being white. Yes, terror attacks happen, but they're also committed by the native population.
No, it really isn't. The largest parts of modern Sweden are as peaceful as always. This isn't changed by the fact the Swedes decided to open up their country.
What a stupid, homophobic image. What kind of fun is it to post pictures like that?
Kayden Ward
Just for the sake of argument, note that, by the 'people pushing this kind of crap's definition, i.e. the U.N. definition, by mass displacing of the native population, they're effectively committing genocide.
Bentley Myers
I thought you people hated the UN?
Which is it now?
Liam Gonzalez
What folks on the right should really be concerned about is protecting Western values such as democracy, individualism and liberalism, not their arbitrary racial classifications.
Owen Sanders
That is not an argument.
Landon Cooper
I wont respond after this for fear of this derailing the thread, however: It doesn't matter who I like or what I like. The very proponents of this kind of thing claim it is not genocide, yet by their own definition it is so. Thus the hypocrisy which is hated here. In addition, even if I dislike someone, it doesn't change that they are the ones who construct the formal/legal definition of genocide, so, by definition, it is genocide. Definitions and legal-speak are independent of the players involved.
In term of causality, there is no point in preserving the values without first preserving the people. As has been shown empircally, once the people representing a system of thought disappear, so does the system, for another group has no reason to have the same belief structure. Thus, protecting the people takes precedent as it is a necessary condition to preserve the latter. Now, we could argue our particular views, but, I do not see a point in protecting democracy. It lends itself to mob rule and people becoming complacent. I.e., no one is going to stage a revolution in a democracy because they'll always believe there is a peaceful way out. However, the likelyhood of a coup becomes much greater under something like a monachy where the power is defined as a singular entity. Thus, should the biggest power become currupt, it is simple to get everyone to point to what is wicked and destroy it. It is no hydra, as it were. Note also, on what basis does protecting these things have to be mutally exclusive? One could speak of urgency, but, as shown above, this takes precedence.
Carter Harris
Blow it out your fucking ass you cunt eating bull dike
Jayden Perez
Are you fags waiting for permission to finally DO SOMETHING? They're never going to give you permission.
The ultimate goal is what? Boil it down to the simplest, attainable goal. I am not going to say it aloud, for obvious reasons. But what is the official Holla Forums position regarding these dusky invaders?
There's only one solution left, but nobody will say it. The other option isn't even an option really. It's suicide. Our two choices are victory or suicide. I have made my choice.
Brayden Collins
The entire Western world needs to form Freikorps.
Blake Howard
Austin Butler
Aaron Lopez
How do you beg for help when the act of begging for help is enough to get up put in prison? You do a white white mutiny.
Wyatt Lopez
fuck off to leddit, shill
Noah Foster
Jews have a bunch of events in their history where they can say "Oh look what happened in the past guys, we gotta stick together". Sweden can be that for us, they can be an example of what multiculturalism does. Maybe there is hope for them, but if they don't start fighting soon then they are barely worth saving.
Logan Hall
Jonathan Scott
Chase Morales
I'm confident that, if we pull all of our energy together, like with Trump, we can save Sweden and have a strong Nationalist leader take power there.
Frankly I'm surprised there's not as much visible (keyword) effort being put in the Dutch and French political arena in comparison.
We either hang together or we hang seperate.
Leo Cox
this kike gets it, we can have our own SlX G0RILLl0NS if we keep pushing the sweden mememememe
Adrian Brown
I dunno dude, we haven't saved America yet. Trump is just a step in the right direction. There's 100+ million people that have to go back die still.
Elijah Rogers
Gosh I wonder why.
Jose Davis
Faulty logic. This implies the 6 million matters due to an actual 6 million/massacre occurring. However, that is not the case. It is the mindset of the Jewish people that makes the "6 million" work so well. I.e., they have a persecution complex that solidifies them together against all who oppose their narrative as well as are willing to shame those who oppose. We are not like that as a collective, thus, even if a real massacre occurred to us, due to us lacking a persecution complex, we wouldn't be able to do what the Jews did.
Lincoln Hill
We have to sacrifice Sweden so we can kvetch about having lost Sweden in the future.
Leo Murphy
English please?
Brody James
Colton Perry
your logic doesn't apply in this world, you are here after all, either you are a kike or not, been here is enough proof that we can have a conversation on our demise, and try to prevent it
kike away tor/cia/nsa/pedofag
Isaiah Robinson
eat shit and die.
Eli Reyes
So why don't you autistic shitlords meme this into existence? Many folks on here seem to think that this place facilitated the political shift in the US that got Trump elected. Why aren't you all getting behind European nationalist parties to try to garner more support for them like you did with Trump and boost their chances of being elected?
Elijah Campbell
Holla Forums by and large supports the right-wing parties, but there's the usual controversy given that many of them are tied to zionists. Besides, the burgers of us can learn about European politics, but since we aren't on the ground and really immersed in the culture, it can make meme manufacturing difficult. This is especially true of places like France or Sweden.
Xavier Rodriguez
Not enough genetic diversity, their descendants would be more inbred than sandniggers are. You'd need far more than five males and five females.
Juan Mitchell
It also helps that many (if not most) are here from burgerland. It's not a burgers job to save Europe a 4th time.
the berber pirates
Ryder Johnson
While I tend to agree with that, history shows that they will breed with the natives which would be catastrophic for European culture as well as IQ among other things. Are you suggesting this should be allowed? How will this new bloodline be contained? We have to help these people and have no choice in the matter. However, we must help them in a way that they'll still learn from this without having to bear the full lesson. It's for our own good too, right?
Leo Martinez
Please speak more clearly. What I gather from what you've said is "because we're here it is possible". I'd say "ok" to that. I consider those here to be exceptions to the rule with regards to their willingness to see things for what they are. I.e., people here call a spade a spade. Based off of what has been seen (in Europe, but the West in general), even when a spade rapes your kid, you don't call it a spade if you're of the majority. Therefore, I'm merely stating that the present Westerner (by in large) are too apathetic (see the "oh, just another car bomb going off" Sweden thing. Go from, "they're not terrorists/evil" to "Yeah there's terrorism, what's wrong with that?". Entirely skipping the "They're terrorizing us, stand together and fight").
I don't think pointing out that what worked for the Jews wont work for us (since we aren't like them in mindset) is kiking away. As for the rest, look, I'm not giving my real IP on here (even if moot due to the CIA stuff, might as well do something).
Jackson Edwards
Of course. The issue is doing it in such a way as to help them help themselves. Instead of doing all the heavy lifting ourselves.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish… and he will gas all kikes 1488 race war now! Get it?
Cameron Rivera
The situation is Sweden is depressing, i feel like the only mean to save them would be a military intervention from the US.
This may very well be a solution, but you need more than 5 pair to go with it.
Adam Barnes
There is a swedish nationalist party. We must try to prop them up during this turkroach upheaval. We must do our part to aid those that are still sane in that hellish nation.
Do not condemn the swedish men. For there are those who face being ostracize or even jailed for speaking the truth.
They are still the sons of odin at heart. They need support and a hard shove to make the face the truth of the ails of multiculturalism and racial suicide.
I'm not giving up on Sweden or anyother part of Europe. As a burger, Europeans are my cousins. My retarded cousins, but cousins nevertheless and I refuse to give up on family. The question is where do we go from here?
Landon Anderson
I don't think many here would agree with you. I'm Italian and many of you guys would call me a pastanigger, probably say I'm not white because I got brown hair and brown eyes.
"We desire to stop talking about brotherhood, sisterhood, cousinhood and other similar bastard forms of relations, as relationships between Countries are power struggles and these relations are defining elements of their politics." Benito Mussolini, March 26 1939
Kevin Taylor
My reaction to all news from Sweden
Leo Bailey
How about importing them all into America and turning America into something like that? I'm sure this is what CIAniggers want.
Hudson Nelson
Do we have any Swede-fags who have ever seen one of these? Are these fuckers literally running around with military-grade frag grenades or are they just powerful fireworks with shrapnel stuffed around them?
either way, in the ZOG you'd be going 20-25 for even possessing–never mind throwing such a thing.
David Fisher
Sorry, I'm not a Holla Forumslack. I just drop in to catch the news when /n/ is slow or being raided. I'm just not down with the siren song of multiculturalism. I recognize white people are the reason for civilization and I'd like to hang on to that civilization as long as possible so in that sense we're kindred spirits. As far as you being Italian, I'd gladly take a bunch of greasy wops over Somalians any day of the week. So Mussolini basically felt we were all enemies to a certain degree? Meh, that's fine. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and right now my enemy is the lesser civilized people of the world who seek to destroy anything nice, beautiful, or fun which makes Europeans my friends. Right now they need another crusade. Preferably a crusade of thought and political action atm
Ryan Bennett
Legit hardware. A couple of years ago some retard fired an rpg-7 into an old folks home. And they think we in burger land live in the wild west…
Elijah Young
They look military-grade though not ZOG-issue. Any /k/ fags can tell where these come from and what sort of blast radius they have? How is it so hard to get guns there but so easy to get these? Also, how long before the Mexicans and niggers start using them in their gang wars in the ZOG?
Zachary Bailey
I went hunting for cucks on cuckcentral and found this thread and post
So yeah, they do. And it's entirely all due to some ridiculous loophole about military gear.
Luis Cruz
fucking weird. I'll never understand Swedes as long as I live. Laws against normal Swedes saving mace, but niggers with grenades is just fine.
Charles Moore
Cartels have that stuff already. What they don't get from our alphabet agencies they get from the Mexican military or from other central/SA countries we've been arming for decades
Henry Turner
Of course they do in Mexico, but the question is why they haven't used them inside the ZOG? Are they worried it would bring too much national attention and they'd send in the military? I know they do in Mexico. We know we'll have crossed a line when they start using them regularly in the ZOG and it's even a story.
Aaron Gomez
Their alphabet handlers probably don't want the negative publicity for their black project would be my guess
Brody Russell
Is there anything we can do to help swedish bros? something to spread awareness at least, like have an hashtag trending or something like that? #swedishgenocide
Xavier Thomas
I think #swedishgenocide would be too big of a redpill to swallow. You'd have to be more covert than that. I was thinking of harnessing the autism here and compile as much research as possible of what's being done in Europe by these invaders as well as politicians statements (video preferred) and any evidence of coverup. We would then hand that over to an user that has the skill to make a seemingly legit news site if it can be done for free then post the articles uncensored. Then raid anyplace online Europeans congregate to drive traffic to the site. Let these folks redpill themselves since you know they're all thinking what we're thinking but can't say it in public. Then lay out their respective political options but clean it up so the right parties dont seem so scary. Call it OP Northern Freedom or something but somebody probably has a better idea than that. Sadly I lack the autism necessary for this level of stuff. Also no experience in journalism etc. Whatever you do the key is to make it seem as legit as possible with verifiable facts. You're just bypassing any censorship. You'll have to leave uncle Adolph at home for this one though if you want any measure of success
Noah Foster
I'm so fucking sick of this. I made my first account on VNN when I was 14, back when neither cuck nor this place even existed. Spent my later years making Dr. Pierce video propaganda. Then watching as everything he predicted come true. In 2005 or so, if you mentioned "White genocide" you'd have been laughed at, and some of the biggest enemies were the fuckers on cuck chan and even assange, who was leaking david irving meetings.
Now, everything I knew from when I was 14 and feared would come true HAS, and then some. Who the fuck could ever have imagined Europe would allow millions of fucking muslims in? Especially after Merkel open said "multiculturalism has failed" and I thought something had turned. Yes, some shitty has seemingly turned this year (although the Jews aren't letting the Brits get Brexit) but I think it's going to be too little too late. Terrorist attacks in Paris used to be the shit of video games. Now barely raise our heads. Was merciful Dr. Pierce died before he had to watch all he warned about come true one-by-one.