Jewish Record Companies Strike Again - Daft Punk Continues to Sink

Fucking niggers and jews trying to steal and nigger-ize the vape aesthetic/sound in latest Weeknd music video, featuring Daft Punk. Fucking niggers man, jews dress them (physically and metaphorically) up to look like real human beings, for instance this song isn't of the aggressive nigger variety, it's the sensitive, more emotional, non-threatening variety to appeal to people who don't buy rap nigger records. Despite all the sensitivity and emotionality, the song is all about muh-dick and "love-making". "I feel it coming =cumming duh" is literally the most paper thin attempt at sexual inuendo I've ever heard. It's one thing not to try at all, but what the fuck man. And of course it's being pumped into the heads of all young normies.

Daft Punk never made anything as good as Discovery and has been surviving on their image for the past 10 years And also, what's up with all the nigger shit Daft Punk's been featuring? Obviously I know the answer, but it just hurts seeing what Daft Punk has become.

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Nobody cares

Being this fucking bad at your job. Holy shit.

Daft Punk was never good.

Love and lust are vastly different things.

Hey maybe if you post some more random unrelated memes people will think you're from here, you nigger. Wanna know how I know you're not from here? your plebbit-tier second image either shill or cuckchanner not sure which is worse. Also > randomizing smugs and not making a wall of smug anime girls Go listen to some Fetty Wap, faggot.

In other news, water is wet.

I feel for you, user. It's a damn shame what happened to Daft Punk. Considering pop culture history, are you really surprised?

I'm probably going to get downvoted pretty hard ;v) for this but the first Weeknd album House of Balloons was amazing.

The entire thing sounds like a muh dick sad pop R&B album but the lyrics are all a double play on words. On the surface it sounds like he is singing about women but he is really singing about his horrible coke addiction. It's sad and desperate. So many normalfags just didn't get it. He was singing about bad comedowns half the time.

After the Weeknd became popular he turned to shit. So fuck this video. I'm not watching it. But he could just be talking about drugs again.

I dont understand how you could fail at wave this hard, they have millions of dollars to recreate an A E S T H I T E C sound that was made by NEETs locked in a bedroom with some old RnB recordings and protools in their parents house

hell, actual niggers could do better, thats technically what all their rap music is, sampled songs slowed down with crap thrown over it

That's one of the Daft Punk members early work…you're telling me "Spark Da Meth" isn't degenerate? Just because they had a couple cheesy anime videos for that one album doesn't make them good. I swear, the Japs have you dudes so cucked. Somebody out a couple videos with anime in it and suddenly a legion of neets are loyal customers.

They have money, we have souls.

looks like another one of the pope's cucked followers, yes, yes, my friend, poverty is virtue! keep cranking out kids you can't afford! keep supporting the church!

plot twist: the reason the new Weeknd album sucks so bad is because he worked with cheesy pop shitheads like daft punk, instead of sticking with the original producers who he came up with…i put the blame for that song being wack entirely on daft punk.

who let these fucking kike record company shills in her

Yes we here at Pol are enlightened atheists, if you believe in souls you are catholic obviously!

Are you really trying to convince Holla Forums souls don't exist? We worship a motherfucking Frog God PBUH you stupid fuck. You'll never win.

Fuck you kike foreigner
Armand Van Helden has nothing to do with Daft Punk.

OP is a shill alt-advertiser; ignore this thread.
Bullshit- but I'm not here to shill millionaire musicians so I'm not even going to entertain this discussion. Fuck this thread and I like Daft Punk too, keep this shit in the synthwave threads if you think it's so important.

Also they perform in the 'eye' of a fucking pyramid, I might like them but they need to watch it.


If being poor is good then being a nigger must be great!

So then, why bother fighting for anything since after you die you will go to heaven and the jews will go to hell for denying christ. Why not just fap all day to cartoons? Oh right, that's what you do already. Carry on.

Having a soul is a reason to live - life itself is being a spirit inside of a physical form something you wouldn't know about, Also nice shifting the goalposts there, associating having a soul with being poor. How does it feel to resort to shitty girl techniques like goalpost shifting instead of being able to confront the truth? Obviously you're no longer a cuckchanner at this point, shill.

lol people on this site are fucking retarded, no wonder whites are losing

Yet you'll keep coming back because you're paid to and then you'll become one of us

Enlightenment athiesm topkej

sex= love lie at the beginning of the song is a dead lie.

The whole song is about a guy about to blow a load and how awesome it is. I thought no they didn't mean that but they did.

They are stealing sexual energy, the elite are sexual vampires. The Daft Punk and The Weeknd song is all about male ejaculation

Ed Sheerhan's new song is all about female ejaculation or squirting (which they banned in porn in the uk at the behest of the elite anyway).

its about stealing the sexual energy of the listener by getting them to associate that song with sex.

saging this shit thread.

daft punk were always shit tier and at least one is a kike, hence the hype
anytime there's hype, suspect a kike
your thread is bad and you should feel bad

so angry I forgot to sage

This. Even shitskins succumb.

could you sound any more jewish?