"What's the point in spending taxes for something like transport if I don't even use it...

Well Holla Forums, aren't you going to answer that?

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what a story, mark


Respect for the needs of your fellow human beings and citizens.

The maximization of prosperity, happiness, and freedom.

But all thoses things are affecting you, wheter you like it or not.
More people in transports, less people in cars, less traffic jams for you, or should your car have a problem, relatively cheap alternative is available.
Also muh roads.

Keeping the poor on welfare is absolutely necessary for preventing riots which are bad for you. Or you need a strong police, which also involves taxes.

You might want to rephrase that.

Socialism is nothing to do with taxes you dope

what if we just let people decide where their taxes are going to be spent?

dude markets lmao

enjoy 50% of the budget going to the military's death satellites and the other half to gold plated hospitals for sick kids


But it does. If you don't pay the poor they will come to your house and possibly kill you.

that would give us a big advantage over the capitalists though

I REFUSE to belive people would be that dumb

an educated society would not decide to spend their taxes on that right? I mean I assume they would spend most on education so that they will understand why such thing is a retarded concept

democracy can't be that flawed

Okay, let's say 25% taken off healthcare and put into personal education robots for every child

The reason why 'choose where your taxes go' won't work it everyone will pick the flashiest most black and white socially endorsed cause, like for boot-lickers the military, for hand-wringing liberals healthcare and education, but will anyone fund traffic/parking policing? Somehow I doubt it, so the roads will become impassable. Will anyone fund the health and safety executive? Yeah right, so workers will die left and right. Will anyone fund the food standards agency? Not gunna happen, so the food will be tainted and the water poisoned. Will anyone fund the tax collectors? Let's be honest on that one, so this whole system will collapse anyway.

Except you're missing the point. If I take 50 dollars from your wallet and hand you a book, it's still theft, even if it's a book you might have wanted, because I'm taking your money without your consent. It's the same thing with taxes. Also, shit like roads are mostly built by private contractors as it is, so taxes hardly affect them.

you sweet summer child

HAHAHA I was wondering why he was posting here, I'm surprised by how many newfags still refuse to fucking lurk.

If I had to guess how it would work practically, how we would do it would certainly not be the average of the pie charts everyone else comes up with. Different parties would probably come up with different budgets and then the people would vote on these- this way parties get a chance to publicly support their proposed budget and attack others, filtering down the advantages and disadvantages of each to a common discourse level where they can be properly evaluated in the court of public opinion.

Erm, isn't that exactly how things work now?

Where does the money to pay contractors to build roads come from oh enlightened one?

No, I mean referendum.

I guesssss. But it's hardly keeping the spirit of the (admittedly stupid) idea of 'choose where your taxes go!', libertarians would still whine about their money being stolen due to the decisions of the majority and not themselves. These people are never happy.

Anyway, I'm a statist so there's no worrying about taxes or markets at all. Joy!

Bourgeoisie do exploit workers for their surplus - what makes the most sense is a flat tax on proles and a progressive tax on bourgeoisie.

That might spook them into using the expensive process of hiring lawyer firms and hiding their money in tax havens and shell companies. Wouldn't it make more sense to apply the flat tax to them as well, providing a less expensive (and more tantalizing) alternative to wasting money on hiding their taxes?

nigga is u serious

This argument always makes me laugh. Even if tax was flat they wouldn't want to pay it, and if the rich play hardball, it's a novel concept I know, but maybe we should play hardball back and not just give up immediately and kiss their feet. Obviously this won't happen since the rich control the political process but that doesn't mean a flat tax is a good policy.

If you're rich, the only reason you wouldn't try to hide your money would be if it were cheaper to pay taxes. This is going to mean having a very low tax rate for the rich.

Like they do now? This would also be coupled with a progressive corporate tax that encourages small business while emasculating large corporations.
yes I know this is all reformist socdem bullshit and I shouldn't be encouraging "muh small businesses" but the idea that there's going to be some big proletarian revolution(anytime now - you just wait!) is a pipe dream. The left needs to start thinking about more practical solutions and that includes not ruling out reformism and keynesian economics as an intermediary to reach socialism)

Here's one thing I agree with libertarians on. Why should a prole pay more tax just because he went into a field that more intrinsic use value to society than other fields? This would of course, be coupled with a welfare state.

Also I should mention that progressive tax on corporations that are traded in public stock, as well as a progressive tax on land owners would encourage collectivizing the work place, as you will reach a point(and by this I mean your business will reach a certain) where if you are in some sort of managerial position, you'll probably make more money with a co-op of the same size than a corporation traded on the stock market(or one who's stock is privately owned).

business will reach a certain size*

Remember, sage goes in all fields!

That's why I favor municipalism. There's some things that are too big (or sometimes even too small) for municipalities, but that's what we have wards, counties and states are for. Since tax paperwork is hard for just any old county or municipality to do, revenue should be the responsibility of states, who redistribute said revenue, which wards, cities, counties and the state itself then decide how to use.
Not sure what you mean with that second paragraph.

The people, who deserve to choose who builds the best roads and thus let the market allow a higher quality of road to be built, rather than a government monopoly

That isn't what he asked. He asked where you think money for building roads comes from?

Like I said, the people. They're extorted by the government so that the government can blow it on hookers and roads that crack every few days

I don't think taxes are spent on public transport considering the fact that I have to pay $2.25 each time I use it.

So do you have an actual argument? If you don't like the state, why don't you just move to another country with lower taxes or start your own :).

Now that I think of it, is there any place in the country that allows people to ride public transportation for free? I can't think up of a single city that does this. I bet that taxes are spent on the metro even though I pay to get on it.

I can tell by only reading the first line the whoever said that was American. Only they are so selfish and short sighted.

thread is braindeddit level
narrow egoism is idiotic
don't pay taxes if you have some kind of issue
it's simple pal

That was my argument. I'm waiting for you to give a rebuttle.

You put fourth two unsubstantiated claims, so I replied with a snarky response. A market is not inherently efficient when left unchecked: pbs.org/newshour/making-sense/column-this-is-what-happens-when-you-take-ayn-rand-seriously/

i've been hearing this sentiment alot recently. The thought occcured to me as well a few years ago

-transport unions, taxi drivers and, people who usually drive a would like better roads
-worker unions can all decide to spend 10% of everyone tax on health and safety standars in their industry
-people who live in dangerous neighbourhoods would pay taxes on policing their neighbourhoods

I can see a conflict of interest between let's say the food industry and the food standard agency HOWEVER I can see it being a benefit since, a workers co-op can easily come up with tens of food certifications, and then markets nigga, I ain't gotta explain shit

as for the tax collectors, well perhaps %.01 of everyone's tax has to be spent by law on tax collectors?

What's the point in working extra hours to make products I won't even use? Why should my labour go to my boss's profit? Shouldn't I be responsible for my wage and my wage alone?

This reminds me of the Louis Theroux documentary on Area Boys (Transit Union workers who devolved into a gang) and he's with the police talking about how one of them took over a huge apartment block and starting using the moniker 'Hitler'.

Unless they start charging people for use of the roads, or fees for breaking down on the roads. If the fees for breakdowns become too hire they will outright sabotage the roads with nails like the area boys in

You can chose to stop paying taxes by leaving. :^)

People who think non-systemically should be systematically exterminated because they threaten not only the rest of us, but every other living thing on the planet.

god, I'm an anarchist and I support this

Usually I'm a non authoritarian… but I feel the same about people who say 'well climate change won't affect me so I don't care'. I honestly think they should be shot

Stop thinking and just let the feeling take you where ever it wants you to go! :^)

I tend toward anarchism too at least, but I felt like I needed to pretend I was a tankie to say that.