The truth about John McCain

Now, I know most of you already know better than to trust this old fuck, but you may not know why. I'm here to tell you.

Forget what you read about McCain on Wikipedia and other state-sponsored sites. His history has been sanitized and covered up by the globalists.

Here we have a man whose powerful, 4-star admiral father made sure he got many undeserved breaks in life. He grew up as a smart assed, entitled brat. McCain finished 894th out of 899 at the Naval Academy. He said he enjoyed being off-duty more than flying. He drove a fast car, chased women and gambled. He fancied himself as a ‘maverick.'

He recklessly crashed several planes because he enjoyed being a daredevil. His flying record should have gotten him tossed out of the military, but he knew he was immune due to his powerful connections. He wet-started his jet engine as a jape and it caused the plane behind him to fire a missile. McCain quickly dropped his bombs and ran below decks—never bothering to help in the fire-fighting effort. His bombs exploded and almost sunk the Forrestal. 134 sailors were killed and a helicopter whisked McCain away because many in the crew wanted his scalp.

He sang like a bird while being a POW in Vietnam and disclosed highly classified information to his captors. To be sure, he did suffer broken bones and was bayonetted upon his capture, but when the North Vietnamese realized they had an Admiral’s son, he received special treatment. When he returned to America, he cruelly divorced his wife, who was hospitalized for a long while after a car accident. He then married a rich woman who could fund his political ambitions. Once in power, he then systematically voted against veterans and MIAs.

Trump was right to speak out against McCain, and now the senator harbors a grudge. The anti-vet, warmongering McCain needs to retire before he causes more grief.

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Good info OP. Wasn't there also some proof he was directly funded by George Soros?

Not OP but yes, though I don't have it saved. He also directly shills against U.S. interests, working with the FSA and Al-Nusra, and working with the Turks to shut off water supplies in Syria.

There is a utube video of his broadcasting while being a pow it was discovered about a year ago in some archive. If I don't find it I hope some other user can post it.

Here it is

This is a really good infotext, but to use this we need sauce on pretty much everything so liberals don't make like a monkey see monkey hear statuette and start screaming "I can't hear you"
Need saucer on
I'm too lazy to dig this up, and it's probably censored by jewgle© and the gang™ anyways

Bumpity bump bump bump!

Thanks for posting, OP, but do you have any trustworthy sources for those claims?

Also, this may be of some interest for you all:

any more info on the event op? curious to read up on it more.

some people also may not now about McCain as a part of the Keating Five. He is the only one who somehow made it out of the scandal with a job in politics still.

Why haven't we heard of this until now? Gonna need a source.

Oh, don't forget McCain's role in the Savings And Loan Scandal in the 80s, not only was he an embarresment to the military, but he was a corrupt scumbag as soon as he got to office. Millenials are too young to remember that, but it never ceases to amaze me that this dude somehow still has a career in politics after that.
USS Forrestal incident.

Worst vote I ever had to cast was for McCain in the 2008 general election.

I don't care if he got some zogbots killed. He's bad because he is a kike puppet who wants to destroy the white race, not because he killed some military good goys.

yes, i find it very disturbing how this geriatric prick is so eager for war with russia, i thought veterans were all supposed to be so very careful about starting wars, i don't get how a guy who was in vietnam could be so damn eager for a nuclear showdown, the dude is fucking retarded, can't wait till he dies tbh, i mean how much longer can that fuck live

Wow, that's really something.

So McCain was an inept, loose cannon who got pushed up the ranks because of who his father was, and got a lot of people killed.

I'm completely dumbfounded that I'm just now hearing about this Forrestal incident. I don't recall it being mentioned during the 2000 or 2008 campaigns.

This puts the Trump comment in a new context. It wasn't a gaffe at all; Trump must have known about the Forrestal.

Same. I just chalk it up to him not dying and the fact that there's no term limits.

To me it's more evidence of corruption and more ammunition against the CIA. Don't forget the audio of him making commie propaganda, the CIA "filed it wrong."

This is a perfect example of memory holes. If you can lie big enough, and keep it up for decades, you can distort the truth for generations of people. Those generations have separate degrees of the lie, details changing between them. But rarely is the false narrative destroyed.

Great thread. This spoiled traitor is one of the biggest obstructions to the new American nationalist movement. He must be destroyed.


I wonder why the libs never brought this up in 2008.

Webm'd for easier distribution.

I've seen this pasta before.

Of course, that's what I found when I googled this incident. I don't have a navy man from the Forrestal here to verify it personally, and John McCain stopped returning my calls.

Probably because just calling him a racist nazi is a better strategy than even bringing up his military career.

What about McCain covering up POWs and MIAs still in Vietnam?

I think it is the 2 sides of the same coin phenom, they won't dredge up obvious crushing dirt on him lest they get smeared with the same mud they are slinging.

Thanks for converting the Nam recording he made that I posted. That is the only new thing that I can offer on this subject everything else on him and pops i had read years ago.

There are two pictures of McCain out there when he just returned home taken the same week. One is him walking upright no problem, the other is him meeting Nixon the next day slumped over crutches looking as pathetic as possible. Guy has been a fraud his whole life.


- Israel declared war on the U.S. in 1967 by intentionally attacking the USS Liberty in international waters and killing 34 Americans.

- They were trying to sink the whole ship and kill everyone on board (they even were machine-gunning the life rafts) so it could be blamed on Egypt. Exactly like 9-11.

- When the attack failed (the ship didn't sink, and got a distress call out) Admiral McCain himself landed on the ship and personally threatened all the survivors into not telling their story.

- The kike media covered up the attack and our cucked politicians rolled over and everyone concluded it was an accidental attack in spite of overwhelming evidence.

- The U.S. and Israel are still in an active state of war because of this incident.

Please watch this based documentary "USS Liberty- Dead in the Water" by the BBC. Also there are many shorter great videos on youtube.

The USS Liberty attack is one of the greatest ways to stick it to the kikes, and to call out alt-light faggots on being blatant traitors/shills.

Fun fact: the USS Liberty intercepted the communication between the Israeli pilots and Israeli ground control. The recordings have been released and they openly show the Israelis knew it was an American ship before attacking.

This was right when shit started to get serious in Syria. What could a sitting US Senator be doing in the middle of a warzone? Possibly setting up arms deals with the "moderate" Moslems trying to topple their legitimate government?

Didn't McCain's father cover up the USA liberty?

It still warms my heart seeing this picture of him during Trump's first address.
This is a face of a broken man that knows that he will be remembered as one of many who got sent to Guantanamo for his treason.

Combining those clips with that recording would create a powerful piece of propaganda, unfortunately my knowledge begins and ends at paint.

Bumping in the hopes that someone with video skills does this.

USS Liberty
yes along with LBJ "I want that ship on the bottom of the ocean"

My father was back seat in an F-4 stationed on the Forrestal in Vietnam.
Although republican-ish he had a visible dislike of McCain but never said why.
this explains a lot.thank you OP

OP here. I learned about the Forrestal from being in the Navy myself. All they tell you in the training video is that 'someone' fucked up. I had the fortune to meet someone who knew the real story, though. Else I would've swallowed it without questioning it.

I read somewhere that McCain was instrumental in restoring relations with Vietnam. Of course, he then cleaned up by getting a Budweiser contract there, too. (He owns a beer distributorship). I can't find a link to this anymore, though.