Ted Cruz
Rand Paul
Marco Rubio
..of course.
Ted Cruz
Rand Paul
Marco Rubio
..of course.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fun, I don't see Jeb's name there.
Jeb isn't a senator, he never has been
It's time.
Do you think google hasnt already been doing this for the past 15 years? or did you think google made money by forcefully having their employees fart into a methane gas powered waterboiler that spun a steam turbine that sold electricity to the bay area?
I guess there's no redemption for some men.
Google is not a telecom. Telecoms are meant to be dumb carriers, they should only carry data from A to B. But while Google's reach is more limited pretty much every page includes googleanalytics or some other google script, so people who don't block it tell Google all websites they visit.
If dubs Pinochet is back from the dead
It's an anti-net neutrality law, most of them probably went along with it with the lolberg mentality against it.
your OP was low-effort and bad and you should feel bad
OP, you are a faggot for not just posting the list of names.
Also, ffs, use HTTPS where available. Like now.
You two are bitching and moaning about me posting a thread on slow 8ch where had I not have there would be little to nothing, certainly not from either of you two faggots. I suspect fucking troll posts because it happens every time. there's always a complaint; direct link, using "compromised" archive, not breaking up the link, breaking up the link, make the link this way(insert a half dozen ways to do so, fyi, how I did it this time being one of them,) cut n' paste the whole contents into the post, etc nonsense.
How about fuck you and reporting both of you to be banned for faggotry.
hasn't PIA ratted out users before?
If I was doompaul I'd be waterboarding my son in the bathroom when Easter comes around.
Is this just like the bullshit about Sessions and Trump trying to ban weed from America?
Something doesn't sound right here.
Deleting my randlet folder as we speak.
no shit
Yes, no shit, opposing complaints, multiple assertions for how to post "correctly," this very thread being one of the "solutions" which you two faggots are, drum roll, complaining about, there is no pleasing you, it's always something, it's always bullshit. may the mods find it to ban you even though that's quickly gotten around.
So, about half of the senate republicans are trying to let comkike sell our internet history to the jews. I feel validated in having Trump be the only republican I voted for in the last election.
No one bothered to post the relevant information, so here you go.
The actual text of the bill in question: congress.gov
Unlike most laws, this one is so short I can even post the full text here.
The actual text of the regulation written and put into law by the FCC last December: federalregister.gov
In short, ISPs will go back to how they were functioning in November 2016 if the bill in Congress passes. The FCC unilaterally, without Congressional approval, told ISPs what they have to do with customer information in December.
There are two issues here which should be considered when determining whether you agree or disagree with S.J.Res.34
1. Do I agree with the regulation put in place by the FCC.
2. Do I agree with the FCC putting in place such regulations without Congressional approval.
If you answered yes to both 1 and 2, then you should oppose S.J.Res.34.
If you answered no to either 1 or 2, then you should support S.J.Res.34.
vault 7 pretty much confirmed everything you do regardless of OS or device is already logged so who the fuck cares
nigger get out