== BASED ==



http:// www.nbcnews.com/storyline/europes-border-crisis/bulgarian-vigilantes-patrol-turkey-border-keep-migrants-out-n723481

NEAR MALKO TARNOVO, Bulgaria — Figures in camouflage and ski masks gather at a fishing lodge. Many are armed with long knives, bayonets and hatchets.

The 35 men and women are on the hunt in Strandzha Massif, a forested mountain range on Bulgaria's border with Turkey. Migrants trying to cross into Europe are their prey.

Patches on their irregular uniforms — a coat of arms bearing a snarling wolf's head framed by Cyrillic text — proclaim them to be members of the Bulgarian National Movement Shipka, abbreviated in Bulgarian as "BNO Shipka."

Members of the paramilitary organization form into ranks as their leader, Vladimir Rusev, speaks. A former colonel who says he fought in Chechnya as a volunteer alongside Russians, Rusev declares his support for a man they admire: President Donald Trump.

"The CIA is trying to undermine Trump," said Rusev, a compact 58-year-old with a neat mustache and short-cropped hair. "They want to destroy him. We offer our support to him."

Trump's hard-line stance on immigration and vocal criticism of Islam finds an appreciative audience here."


Other urls found in this thread:


CHEEKI BREEKIest mothefucker I've ever seen.

>we all join hands to gas the kikes then live in our separate countries

Kek. CIAniggers and their nigger cattle coming through Roachlandia on suicide watch.

Has anyone told /k/ yet? They might like this guy

Good luck based Bulgarians



Don't they have firearms? When you think 'Bulgarian Militia' you think of AK pattern rifles with that sexy wooden furniture with the front grips.


Or perhaps they were wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of your country.

because it is the only effective solution, that's why

Also, that guy in the front: has meme magic gone too far? Pic related.

Stupid slavs. You don't bring women to the hunt.

Who will carry the light refreshments for half time?

Feeling good lad.

wtf I love bulgaria now

You think?


I'm confused.
Aren't those white overall camo suits pretty cheap?

As a spic this is my dream. Make my country great again and live here a pretty comfy life, without jews, cartels and corrupt politicians.

Would rather be wearing green in winter than white during spring.. which is tomorrow

Thems some heavy implications. America is going to push its southern border at least 500 miles south as punishment for the crimes of mexico.

This is a big part of what the lying press misinterprets about this.
Different groups of people can be nationalistic, with their own internal political structures, and still cooperate for the benefits of all nations, without invading each other militarily or demographically.


The American Empire should ideally cover America, Canada, and Greenland. None of this spic conquest shit. lrn2conquer



Modern day Haiduks or ajduks or whatever. "bandits" that killed turks in slavland back in the day. Bless them


This is Knights Templar International.
They're funding the Bulgarians, and just settled an office in Hungary. Good news? They're anti-muslim. Bad news? They're anti-racist. Ironically enough they support the Betyársereg as well.

ktorder .com

Hopefully Kek will see it fit to strengthen them further and lighten their burdens.


Are they actually anti-racist, or are just officially anti-racist so they don't get shoa'd?

What a coincidence I just sent these guys a few hundred euros today. Anyone with some cash to spare should do the same. check their website: bnoshipka.org/

They're Pro-Christian. Race doesn't matter, only religion. Run by some Irish guy that used to be politician or something.



Are they anti-racist or "anti-racist"? And will look into more now that I know of them

Haidutin (Хайдутин) is the singular, Haiduti (Хайдути) is the plural

I hate this webm, half of it is footage of Kurds and ISIS.

Based slavs.
Eastern euro countries are redpilled due to the USSR leadership they suffered from for decades.

I am starting to believe Europe would eventually be better off if the USSR actually captured all of it and then collapsed.
It can't be ignored that it is exactly the countries that have been under USSR control that are redpilled nowadays and exactly the ones that were not that are bluepilled.

Especially Germany is a great piece of evidence for that. The eastern part of Germany, which was under Soviet control, is redpilled as hell today while the western part is bluepilled as hell.

These guys have seen what an ultra-leftist government leads to and now do everything to prevent it.


If war broke out and all the slavbros showed up to breeki.. I'm so moved just thinking of it


pic related.

Funny that all the leftists and commies from the Communist Eastern Germany are now occupying all important positions, isn't it… They began their subversion of Western Germany decades before the SU collpased, namely with the help of the KGB and the leftsit intelligentsia. After the fall of the SU they seized power of the whole of Germany.

Eastern Europe appears more based because globalists didn't focus on them as much as on Western Europe, they simply don't care. Why should they? The most important countries are Germany, France and Britain. If Germany falls as the central chess piece, it's over for Europe. Intermarium is a pipe-dream. Russia will flood them with Central Asians.

Shit, I'm temptated to learn either Bulgarian or Ukrainian so I can support their based countries. Is this a good idea as a burger?

Learning new languages is never a bad idea.


tfw no slav cuties serving you hot cocoa after removing kebab.





My support goes to WHITE

So Finns are the whitest race?

I'm certainly no Aryan, brown hair and green eyes, but don't tell I don't have European genetics with my white ass skin and white face.


Bulgaria should advertise this as a tourist activity, while it lasts. I know I'd pay the airfare to see the sights of Sofia and hunt down some feral animals. Who wouldn't?

He looks about a quarter of a second from breaking into zergface. The confidence and joy are there, he just needs the spark to catalyze them into pleasured smug.

the whitest in Europe.

That's because they haven't killed any kebab yet.

Also the mongolians merchants used to sell those exact balaclavas, which makes everyone look smug/happy (it's the shape of the holes)…

You serious nigga?

The Pinko fears the Dinko

It's always the fucking CIA. JFK knew what a criminal organization it was and they lined up twelve guys on the final turn and blew his head off.

This has been such a weird year for my country so far. Have some music from when we removed kebab.

The issue with Bulgarian is the overly complicated grammar although I don't know how much of it you'd need to learn as a foreigner.

Oh and this isn't an argument user. There are Bulgarians close to Thracian blood. There are ones close to Bulgar blood. Ones close to Slavs. Ones close to Cubans (recent thing, during gommunism a bunch of Cubans moved here). Brown is a common color for eyes here. Although that depends on who mingled with who. Not only that but if you mingled with someone with blue eyes, their kid can still have blue eyes. Basically, you're full of shit, user.



The eternal Cucktholic is the worst.

Men protecting their angels from invaders.

Anyone who chooses duty over "getting shamed" will ultimately persevere.

I don't know much about Bulgaria.
I don't know about any drama. About any international fights or bad blood.
I only know the choir music, and I love it.
Other than that, I am ignorant.

These men are protecting their greatest treasure. Their people.
This elevates them above the rest.
I have nothing but respect for that.

Objectively wrong.

No thanks.

Well that's a first. I never expected to see some schlomo.

Now I can't help but to picture him doing this to any rapefugee they find.

Did someone say