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I was redpilled by Holla Forums jokes and Rucka Rucka. I've used the same shit to redpill friends, girlfriends...

I was redpilled by Holla Forums jokes and Rucka Rucka. I've used the same shit to redpill friends, girlfriends, and family. Laughing at the holocaust is an incredibly strong meme and we shouldn't let it go to waste, especially now when white nationalism has such a strong grip on politics. Take a page from Pewdiepie.
At first I laughed, then I showed my friends.
plz dont ban mods i honestly think spreading these kinds of jokes to children is how you sow the seeds of white nationalism

kill yourself

Fair enough.
I just want jokes that I can use. It weakens the wall.

Do you really want to sow the seeds of white nationalism? Come with facts, come with math, events happen decades apart, let them see this. More importantly, realise that some people just aren't worth saving. My ex wife now has an asain baby, while my daughters are nazi's because they're white. Realism triumphs in the end, my friend.

Those are fruits. I mean stupid shit that sixteen year olds will laugh at.
I would have still been some fucking goofy liberal retard entertained by shiny things if I hadn't found Holla Forums. I would have been another Bill Maher dicksucker. Some people are very anti-PC. They just need a little comedy to tip them over the edge.

kill yourself

I like to think Bill would be fully redpilled and pushing for gassing kikes in 2017. He was a little leftist back then, but some people still had an excuse to be, and it wasnt nearly this bad.

He was a pretty huge degenerate, but I feel like he'd vote Trump.

That is not how non-autists work, you fucking sperg.

Ignore the shills OP, we are being bombarded by bots and CIA niggers atm.

Holocaust jokes are always a good thing, never let anyone tell you otherwie, be it on this board or anywhere else in the world. Keep up the good work.