Trump busts 1500 pedos, MSM Jews scramble to shut it down

Other urls found in this thread:;-752-arrested-across-us/1746351/#gallery-5

Can't wait until every pedo busted starts squealing about their superiors and this snowballs all the way into Clinton Foundation, paving the way for having the entirety of it executed on live television

And thus it happened.

The memes right themselves these days

The media silence is very telling.

Perfectly sums up my hopes regarding this.

Trump needs to bring back public execution for pedophiles. Disgusting bastards. These uber fags should be swinging from every telephone pole

fug off mason shill, normalfags don't want to/don't need to watch it happen

President Donald Trump in his first two months of office has overseen the arrests of more than >1,500 pedophiles, almost four times more than the 400 pedophiles arrested under President Obama in all of 2014.



Normalfags don't think enough. A little memeto mori would be good for all of us.

look at that, i agree with them for once

hang yourself anytime luddite

kill yourself

don't you want to see hillary clinton fighting podesta with a halberd



We've been doing what normalfags want for the last 50 years and look where it got us.

Mfw they hire that Russian skinhead that hunts down pedos as the host

Thank you. I really want to spread this with my normie friends & family, but I'm not going to risk my credibility unless I have concrete data I can back it up with if I'm accused of shilling for our lord and savior.

As you noticed, this doesn't even pass the "glance at the numbers test". I want to believe, but…



I bet most of them are Whites with some nonwhites whose stats will be extrapolated while
the white pedos serve a much lesser sentences.The sexpats even make trips to asian countries and brag about how non-white women love them but most are underage kids.

Seriously why are there so many white pedos anyways is that IQs with creativity that makes them have
such thoughts,they do have some fucked up kinks fetishes too and they don't even get caught.

The only reason the Clinton's and the higher functioning of pizzagate have not been revealed through busts is the fact that the penalties to pedos really aren't that much.
You get jail time or put on a list, sometimes basically only the list.
If this is a big enough serious network then the pedos in the know have hush money or have been conditioned to not fear the tame punishments that are lined up.

Or they get "in-network" representation along with threats to shut the fuck up.
Really the threat of punishment has to outweigh the other shit.

OP didn't mention pizzagate, kill yourself D&C kike

Pedos get paddled.


Dollars to donuts that it is mostly Semites and those resulting from miscegenation with Semites.

Nigger, I joke about pitting corrupt politicians and CEOs against each other in colosseum battles and putting it on Pay-Per-View, and that never fails to get laughter and agreement from even the most squeamish normalfags.


Don't other prisoners hate pedos with a passion? They'll die in prison for sure.

One of my biggest worries with Trump was that he was compromised by the same pedarist kikes, pedos and moloch worshippers that run DC.
Feels good to see him cracking down on this shit.

Is it possible they're only showing notable cases? I haven't looked at the article linked yet, does the article itself have links where we can find additional numbers?

i want this more than anything

i would give my left arm

lel, Corrupt-Banker-Kikes vs Sellout-Politician-Kikes would be hilarious on CTF-November.

I've heard that's just a meme. I don't want to rely on a movie meme regarding "based prisoners killing pedos" in order to achieve final justice on these degenerates.

No. As typical, this article links as a "source" another site that this article essentially plagiarized in entirety. That article just restates the same info.

checking for a kekking


what the hell are you sperging out about you kike?

I've never heard of the publication in the archive link in the OP so I jewgled it.
Of course the only ones reporting on this are local news… and yes they corroborate with the pedo numbers and locations.;-752-arrested-across-us/1746351/#gallery-5


Pics related: It's some of the pedos that were busted in Illinois.


Is this Sargon of Akkad's brother in first pic?

If he could do this in one month it means they were already on these cases and obongo could have done this as well. Why didn't he? These aren't influential kike pedos.

Is it because pedos target white kids more than others (white people are more attractive even for pedos)?

Rainbow Coalition

Probably, but pedos and faggots are sent to ad-seg anyway.

Spitting image

Soon user

Nothing to see here. Move along goyim.

This is how the madman is doing it:

>The operation was part of what's called the National Johns Suppression Initiative – an annual initiative now in its 13th year. In Harris County, it ran from Jan. 4 through Super Bowl Sunday and netted the most arrests of any agency.

I was fucking with one of the "Court a fertile female" fags on Holla Forums today. They seriously believe they're not fucking pedophiles. God I wish I could kill them all.

Should probably report the writer of the articles, it's a very nice bet they're pedos too.

here's a few I found in a quick search

>AG Jeff Sessions to Pelosi: Expect Pedophile Investigations to Begin — March 4, 2017


>41 arrested in Nashville during "most significant human trafficking operation to date


Okay, but the issue is that 752 isn't "more than 1,500". Nor is "about 900". This is about finding a normie-credible source to share that also mentions the god emperor's hand at work.

I want to give victims the right to pull the trigger themselves.

Deal with it.

The question becomes: how do we spread awareness of this? Is there any publicly available data we can look at to find patterns connecting these people?

Marrying a 16 year old and starting a family isn't pedophilia.

However, 7 year old girls aren't fertile. The general rule is if she is old enough to bleed… wanting to fuck a prepubescent androgynous looking child is sick and as unnatural as homosexuality. There is no excuse for it.

Yes goyim, forget about Laura Silsby trying to smuggle 30 kids out of Haiti, Elefantis' bizarre instagram account, and Hillary Clinton's ties to both these weirdos.

Just trust us that being a pedo is just a medical condition, like the common cold or flu.

so they're catching innocent people to fill up jails and boost their ratings with the antipedo retards who are hardcore political activists?

one by one, brick by brick.

bless TRUMP, for he delivers

Reported and called the cops

Found the pedo

Man, if I find one of you 20-30+ faggots trying to court one of my kids, I WILL put a bullet in your brain. White nationalist or not, find a slut your own age to have kids with.

You are a major problem with society, and you deserve to die. PS. If you are CIA or can doxx me, come and get me. I will put you in the ground before you put me in the ground. That is a guarentee you fucking pedofag.

White pedos are more likely to be caught because the white parents/neighborhoods are more likely to notice/do something about children reporting abuse or going missing. Coyld you imagine being a black or hispanic boy and trying to tell your parents (if thet're around) some man from the neighborhood molested you. Their cultures are so anti-gay they wouldn't even believe that the guy was capable of homosexual acts, must less against a child. With nigs it is even worse because generally you have single moms who bring a new buck into the home every other month. I've heard stories a kids tryng to tell their moms their new buck is sexually molesting them and the moms take the buck's side.

Fyi, this shill >> 9471701 is just copying the (actually insightful if somewhat crazy) user here but failed to grasp the distinction between executions in general and guillotine specifically.

I've said this before, but a new shill tactic is to find use other anons' comments from other posts and repurpose them (always out of context) in other threads. It's obvious and pathetic.

pic related

literally hardcore communism painted as capitalism because the leader has a nice suit instead of a beard.

Fuck, I of course meant his shill here
sage for my mistake

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


Did not claim to be jacked, but come near my daughters and you will die. Come on, doxx me, lets go. This pedophilic shit has to end.

You are right goy. Don't encourage marriage. Send your daughters to get educated and find a great paying job before she settles down at 32 years old in a one bedroom apartment and her cat. She has plenty of time for marriage, motherhood and all that well into her 40's. What man wouldn't want a woman with shriveled up ovaries?

This is what you believe.

P.S. I never advocated touching a child. But 16+ isn't a child you moron. "Teenager" was a phrase invented by a jew to sell you shit.

Kek take a brake m8

https ://

16 IS a child, go ahead and try it.

feels bad man

come on, churches don't really need that status do they?

We did public executions for centuries and centuries.

Before the whole prison thing showed up, crime was handled in one of two ways: fines, and execution. We executed violent criminals, and that combined with the lack of a welfare system, and the rate of execution in medieval Europe (about 1% of the men in every generation) meant that we culled niggershines right out of our gene pool and cut the rate of violent crime down tenfold. Which is why white people are so peaceful. Similar process in northeast asia. Execute all the violent criminals and let their kids starve and you remove their shitty genes from your race.

We should bring back routine capital punishment for violent crime. It's eugenic.


16 is considered age of consent in most of the west. Your shitty feminist country doesn't change that.

There was an adult infantilization thread not too long ago. You should go read it if it's still up.

Although I'm glad you would defend your own to no end, I really hope you aren't encouraging your daughters to play the kike game of education > cock carousel > career > get married > whoops too late to have healthy kids.

White population decline wasn't an accident. Discouraging marriage and child bearing as a woman's primary life goals is a huge tactic.

Hang all pedophiles and the kikes that support them in any capacity

what in the literal fuck is wrong with you.
I am 38. My wife is 21. That is my fucking privileged as a successful man. Has been for millennia fucktard. Now your gonna tell me suddenly if i am 30 and my wife is 16 … a full grown fucking bleeding woman …that i am suddenly some sort of creature akin to a baby fucking freak of nature who grabs a 7 yr old from the ice cream truck? obviously i should not be fucking all the girls down at the high school, because sluttery is wrong at all ages… but if I marry a woman who has breasts and can bear children that is not being a fucking pedophile you literal retard.

ps you are probably the pedophile here with your crazy projecting… like the closet fags who shout the loudest about killing all gays while giving niggers head in the airport urinal

Right, that's why AOC is 16 in 33 US states. I get you're extremely protective as a father if you aren't a larping faggot but honestly you're being a fucking retard here of all places, that's why you're getting shit on.

No fag. 50 years ago 16 y/o were understood to be young adults and females occasionally married and had children. 50 years before that, they could take apprenticeships and own property, as well as get married and have children, which was a very common occurrence. 50 years before that, 16 y/o basically had the same responsibilities modern 20-25 y/o have.

Basically, jews conditioned us to delay maturity and self-reliance. All that bullshit about brain development is pretty petty. You don't change much between 16 and 18 years old in terms of brain structure. I understand why you wouldn't like 25+ fags coming after your daughters, but I'm sure you're fine with 16-20 year old young men doing it.

Also, is right. Women marrying older, more established men is not uncommon or unnatural, provided they aren't 10+ years older that the woman is.

Some time ago there was a thread about gen z where anons were dicussing taking younger women as wives and there was a faggot getting asshurt about the notion that he'd get cucked by older anons. At this point I'd bet money he's the same nigger.

Can confirm HAPPENING. Know a guy who knows a guy who works for CPS. They just got a brand new child trafficking task force for the area and hired in people. At least one raid has taken place already. Don't know much more.

lol I remember that

Holy shit, how did we miss that one?


Holy shit this is some of the most retarded shitflinging.
Lets just be glad that satanic child-sacrificing jews are being apprehended.

im not sympathetic… i didnt get much action when i was young. Thats the way its supposed to work.. you work hard and if your lucky you get a nice female in your thirties or so. If that one dies in childbirth and your a really dirty rich old fuck maybe you can get another. If a young man is lucky maybe some unloved older chick will show him the ropes. I see no problems here. Millennial and their fucking sense of entitlement

That's weird, I was wondering why the shill thought freemasons had anything to do with it.

We should really rebrand them to Legacy Liberal Media (LLM) or simple Legacy Media.

That's what they are. They aren't mainstream anymore. They are a hangover from darker days, slowly fading into irrelevance. Along with the ideology they represent.

Watching public executions is good for normalfags. It keeps them grounded in reality and gives them a concrete example of justice to look towards.

dubs confirm best idea
making the sound outdated is key

That was pretty much the overall sentiment of that thread and I share it, but his salt was of finest quality.
Sage for off topic

White parents go to the police when they find out their kid was abused. Niggers don't.

Since most child abuse is perpetrated by friends or family, that means most abusers of white children will be white, and most abusers of black children will be black. The black abusers get away with it because black parents don't go to the police.

Also you can be sure if they are found out in the hood they will likely just be shot and end up one of the unsolved cases that tend to pile up around black communities. As niggers don't usually go to the po-lice there will be no record of the black pedo.

I'm hoping for the same with Hollywood.

How long have you had an attraction to children?

Most underrated post of the day.

Yeah bro, the classic argument. If you're so homophobic you must be a closet gay. ALL PEDOS MUST HANG! Quick trial —- death penalty.

Trouble is none of them know how to fight.

its a classic argument because its usually true. Pedos should hang. But once i start going out of my way to see pedos everywhere. And then start enlarging the definition of what a pedo is.. u most likely have a problem of projecting hatred against the thing your most scared of in your own life… as i am asuming your arnt a child thus arent scared of getting raped by a pedo.. it might be due to the fact you are scared by your own attraction to children… not that user and not saying is true in your case, but that type of psychology does hold true in many cases.

I'll one up you.. pedos have a mental disorder… along with fags and trannies.
How about all people with mental disorders should hang. Thats something i could get behind.


obviously that's the funny bit

here's a sick twisted fuck that needs catching

Wonder if there is a compiled list of names. There must be, or at least there will be since sex offeners always go on the public record.

That's the face of a man who knows that they can't make him un-fuck the kids.

I think the "pedos getting fucked up in prison" probably has more to do with the fact that they are probably less tough than your average prisoner, although I suppose even the worst of the worst want to think of themselves as better than somebody or perhaps even it is that criminals have been molested themselves in the past.

Yes don't allow people to see the consequences of their actions. The reason why our western culture is cunty is because life and death have been sanitized from us. It is time to bring back public executions.

This meme really needs to die. You faggots don't seem to get that just because they bleed, doesn't mean they're READY to breed! The younger a girl is, the more likely it is that she'll experience problems during labor combined with a high mortality rate of both mother and infant. Between 19-35 are the safest times to actually have a child. Before, and the risks of deformities and complications are higher with each year you go lower. After 35, the higher the risk of deformities combined with the strengthening of the case for eugenics.

Holy fuck, are you even trying? AnonDad didn't say anything even remotely like that! But nice strawman. The fact is, no one wants their 16yr. old daughter getting dicked by the first Chad that comes along. Especially since teenagers are stupid when it comes to making decisions; particularly ones that lack any concept of long-term! I'm honestly beginning to think non-Medfags need a remedial course on actual reproduction because telling your daughter to wait until she's at least twenty, and married, isn't the same as encouraging degeneracy. I can't even comprehend how you would get that from being against pedos.

No, it's kike mind-fuckery to muddy the waters through doubt. Hating and wanting to kill pedophiles doesn't automatically make you one. Most parents would outright murder the pedo caught molesting their child. Are you going to say every single one of them are secret pedos just trying to cover-up their own 'desires'? And since you haven't provided anything concrete to support your claim aside from, 'trust me, goyim.', I'm going to assume you're the one who is projecting here since you're so quick to point fingers!

Polite sage for off topic

Nigger I remember being 16. Nobody's a child at 16. Idiots? Sure. Children? No.

Are you new here? You actually believe that load that is would be some white male? When that county is off of 65, a major trucking route between Indianapolis and chicaco? Fucking nigger central migrating thru there on their jaunts to visit dem relatives. Louisville and Cincinnati are just down the road as well, and fuck if they are not infested up the ass with niggers. And have you forgotten it is now open season on whites? Even niggers know the areas in between cities are filled with whites and likely 'racist' trump supporters. But no, some dude going on a fucking walk is the killer cause hes white.

What, you want us to figure out whom killed some kids that their parents were too busy to fucking watch? WTF. Assuming it wasn't one of their fucking family memebers you gotta have more for us to go on than that bullshit poster faggot. This is sad, but not anything new.

holy shit that guy gt a pretty clean death at least… swordsman knew how to chop. He must have only listened to some Taylor swift or something… cause otherwise they would have hacked at him with a butterknife

You ever split a log without a splitting axe? Easier to chop a neck, by far. Everyone in that video was a fucking pussy. It's just that the ones who are even more shit at killing are even more gigantic pussies. I swear to god all we need is the political will and we'd kill every shitskin on the planet inside of a month.

This doesn't say he's a pedo, he is just old and wanted to get laid at the super bowl so he responded to a honeypot thinking it's a prostitute.

ya split plenty of wood and no it doesnt take much effort…ive also butchered sheep…which takes quite a bit more muscle. That was a light weight scimitar… and the neck was not over the block. while it doesn't take alot of strength the sword does need to be sharp and you best have some good follow through.
can agree they all a bunch of faggot Saracens
vid related.. shows what a Germanic would do to them with a simple steel bar if they weren't all cucked these days

You can't watch kids..You have to let them play or they become horrible people.


Normalfags are called that for a reason. They follow norms without thinking about them much, no matter what they are. Normalfags will learn to love televised executions, RWDs, gassing kikes, kek, and all that good shit when we normalize it through sustained memeing. Stop caring about what normalfags think and make them conform to your expectations instead of vice versa, its the only thing they are good for.

Yup. Im seeing complete pleb normalfags talk about Holla Forums discussing about us being the heros of the internet.

Every media source that does anything to normalize pedophilia needs to be investigated and shut down. The only cure for pedophilia is found at the end of a rope

I had no idea Alex Jones had a cooler older brother

I've never called out spacing except to shitpost but what the fuck are you doing?

Uncle Ted's wilderness playtime adventure is the final redpill.

Jim here. See, I told you we had similarities

Probably a mobile user that didn't clear the comment field before posting.


That's my point.

When your daughter turns 16, I'm slipping my dick in her. Come after me, I'll kill you and fuck your corpse in the ass and feed it to Reza Aslan.

Awww, bitter that you won't get to attend? Don't feel down nigger, i'll tie you a noose personally!

I'm starting to wonder what's taking so damn long.

Want to have your daughter fuck random cucks in high school instead? What are you, gay?

All hail the God Emperor
I hope they get lit gassed

Society was much better when it was 25 year olds who were ready to provide picking their 16 year old wife so he could groom her to support him. how he needed.

He can't forget uncle Biden now, can he? CNN and Time Warner itself is full of pedos too.

Something ain't right here.



i was a fucking loser in HS. why the fuck would i put in the work to become successful only to be rewarded with a girl my own age (27)? no faggot i want to fuck marry a 16 year old like chad got to when he was in HS.

any other opinion is completely dysgenic. you are condemning latebloomers/geniuses/autismos (the good kind) to extinction by forcing them to have smaller families because of some retarded jewish-made pedo hysteria.

kek I love how even Trump is trying to suppress a laugh after he said that.

this user may sound harsh but he's definitely on to something

Found the libshit. It's literally the exact same argument structure.

Kill yourself on twitch, pedo.


Sounds like something Curt Doolittle would say.

We must bring hanging back.

have any of you fags ever read a book called invisible man?
there's this one part early on that most people completely gloss over where a nigger rapes his daughter, and it's heavily implied that it's common among the other niggers
a white guy finds out about it and freaks the fuck out, and the nigger protagonist gets in trouble basically for letting the white guy discover that niggers live like that.
the author is black by the way

If someone is executed in the name of the people, it is the duty of the people, as citizens, who will these fiends to death, to watch stoicly, trying to stifle their joyous laughter, until the nigger stops twitching. Amen, 'Merica, fuck yeah! Praise kek!

man fuck off wts

you really are a kike.

I don't think anyone should technically be considered an adult until about 25. There's a difference between being of age and being an adult.

Normalfags don't but degenerates need to.

Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed, am i right g-err, I mean fem!
How about those gyrating lo-err women on stage!

Just end it all already.


How about deprecated media?

"Don't be degenerate user. Just wait until we've expelled all non-whites and ended degeneracy permanently, then you can have a chance at finding a virgin wife your own age. It should only take a few decades, maybe a century. You can wait that long, right?" - Your average 8/pol/ agecuck

There is no such thing as a mature woman. Their minds are all tiny rafts of relative sanity surrounded on all sides by huge torrential seas of irrational emotions. The only thing you can hope as a man is that those emotions are positive, feminine, and productive, unlike most women nowadays.

It doesn't matter that my girlfriend isn't as smart or mature as me. She wouldn't be if she were my age either. She is cute, attentive to my needs, and still pure and uncorrupted by society. By dating her as an adult man, I can guide her into a healthy womanhood, steering her away from influences like dindu music that she isn't RP enough to understand the dangers of. As I help her navigate her formative years, she will form a psychological attachment to me in her mind that no relationship between two adults can emulate, setting the groundwork for a prosperous lifelong relationship where she does not have the constant urge to stray like most modern whores. I will be her rock that she could not imagine life without. By the time Trump's second term is beginning, she will be legally an adult woman, and we will begin thinking about getting married, having children, and starting our lives as a proper adult couple. When we are old and wrinkled, the patriarch and matriarch of a growing family tree that has produced decades of happy memories, the thought that our relationship shouldn't have happened because she was 4 years "too young" according to a law pushed by kike feminists, that she would have been better off abandoned to the black cock carousel, will seem like nothing more than a ridiculous joke.

And yet you're all taking that joke so seriously now, imagining yourselves the protectors of a moral propriety that you don't even understand. The only degenerates in this situation are you.

Hard mode: If you want to respond to my post negatively, only do so if you have a white wife/girlfriend that is either a virgin or was (yes, oral, handjobs, and all other varieties of slutty shit count) when you met her. I will appreciate the silence.

He held the gun against the bone, didn't he?

My wife and I grew up together, thus we just can't live without eachother. You didn't even miss your chance. The perfect breeding age range is 18-30.

If you want to help society, kill the pedos, then help the young men to become men, that helps much more and makes way for an even higher birthrate.

And i'm fucking serious, you cunts looking to get laid by a 16 year old. Stop it, you're fucking worthless. Just go off yourselves and live stream the shit. I want to watch.

reviews of one of the pedo hotels that got busted, some spooky shit

As-salamu alaykum

Sure, and that's why I'm not getting my 14 year old girlfriend pregnant. But you can't breed a girl unless you've already courted her and made her into a suitable lifelong companion and mother, which means that the perfect age for dating is necessarily below the perfect breeding age. Hence you just proved my point.

We didn't all grow up with the benefit of your perfect anime "childhood friend turned into wife" fantasy on our side user. Agecucking is just a lucky few trying to kike the rest of us into accepting Tyrone's leftovers. Fall for it at your own peril anons.

So I'm supposed to cuck myself by helping them get something that I'm also required to withhold from myself? And then what? Retire in my mid-20s as a eunuch? Marry some washed up post-wall whore with a sexual history as long as the US government's budget?

This is why agecucking truly is cucking. It is the exact same logic as letting in a bunch of refugees in to fuck your women, except instead of refugees it's "appropriately-aged" men (most of whom won't be white, guaranteed).

Take what you get, and live with it you lazy bastard. You should have taken your chance.

u r talk like retrded beener shrink
Fuck off with your Freudian bullshit Juan-Schlomo Enriquestein

I already have done both you stupid agecuck faggot, and now I have a beautiful young girlfriend to show for it. That's why I don't care what you say, and you can do nothing but stew on anonymous imageboards about "da evuhl pedoz!" over it. Your problem is that your truly do have a kike mindset. Just like the kikes expect the white race to fuck off and die without a fight, you agecucks expect the same from men who, for whatever reason (probably modern kike societal manipulation), didn't get the chance claim their birthright of a healthy relationship with a virgin female at the same age as your average Chad. We're still here though, we're not giving up, and most of us will succeed and end up with happier lifelong relationships than you (and Chad early bloomers) as a result. You can pretend you're the good guys all you want. I don't give a shit. Intelligent men have rejected and will continue to reject your agecuck propaganda. You're fighting a losing battle against male instinct like the degenerate that you are.

And now some 14 year-old boy will have to wait until he's older and prey on younger girls.

Unless you'd like to tell him that if he blows himself up, Allah will give him 72 virgins. Maybe he'd even kill other young boys, which would mean more birthright for you.

Yeah, he can wait his turn, just like I did. That's life. As a horny young punk, he probably wouldn't appreciate what he has anyway and just pump her and dump her, ruining her for life. It wouldn't be the first time it's happened.

Very original

You call him a shill then suggest you know what over 300m want… the autism is strong in this one. Take a poll fuckface. It will do you good to get out of your mom's basement. As for imagining you know what people need… let's hope you get hit by a truck while on your neighbourhood adventure.

What's complete bullshit is your existence. It's not backpage and you'd know that if you read but you didn't. You should already be familiar with the several dozen cases the past two months but you're a moron. So lurk and think before opening your piehole again.

One of the big reasons pedos get rekt in prison is that a high percentage of habitual criminals were molested. They see shanking a Chester as payback.

Here's a mock-up of the end result.

Sage for offtopic

My grandpa married my grandma when she was 16 and he was 30, my dad married my mom when he was 29 and she was 18. Grandparents stayed married until they died and had four children. My parents are still married and have three children, if its good enough for my dad and grandpa its good enough for me. This whole notion that you have to marry someone super close to you in age is bullshit as far as I'm concerned.

fucking kikes god damn it
its fucking both, literally, objectively, every which fucking way