Newfags won't respond to every other shill thread and bump it endlessly, because we have one magnificent compost heap right here.
Newfags won't respond to every other shill thread and bump it endlessly, because we have one magnificent compost heap right here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Redirect all shill threads here, and then report and block them.
Bump for effort, but the replies on those threads are mostly astroturfers. Even cuckchanners should by now know not to bump
The only reason I created this thread is because I notice a significant number of newfags bumping shill threads, thinking this is 4chan/pol/.
Having rules isn't enough, because nobody reads them. So why not an ultimate bait thread that pulls in all of them, and lets everyone else not have to read a bunch of trash each morning?
If you genuinely consider these issues to be of supreme importance, by all means, post here. However, if the thing you believe breaks the white race into categories and conspires to eradicate one category, you are diverting your attention from far bigger issues.
Holla Forums is made for talking about the bigger issues.
Those are a raid, yeah. We recently had a bunch of
But if we have a thread to redirect to, they wouldn't gain any steam even at the beginning of a raid, because newfags won't respond and bump the thread.
Thanks for the bump.
It's just /brit/cucks raiding, you can see the posts on their board.
Delete that caliphate shithole already
Newfag >>>/polmeta/
nice slide thread
why not turn this information into an image and spread it every D&C thread
White people are going away. We have no race left in us. We are decadent.
We must ally with the Asians and create an imperium or perish. Imagine it! The creativity and empathy of the West, mixed with the insect-like work ethic of the Asians. Western individuality, but tempered by Asian collectivism.
It would be an empire to span the ages.
The Anglo bathes in Aryan blood. They must be slaughtered for the greater good of MOTHER EVROPA!
Your memes are CIA tier /brit/cucks
Wow, a board that references the title of this thread that newfags wouldn't know about.
How much it helps to stop Holla Forums from being slid.
Kill yourself you chink lover
At the highschool time of day, normal Holla Forums users are working. Newfags, who are largely v&, are capable of responding to shit threads and shitting up the catalogue before someone reasonable comes home and posts a picture.
It's the alternative to QTTDTOT, where newfags can get their wangst out and learn to lurk more.
I'm proposing a thread like this be made and stickied, so that newfags are baited in.
Never tbh
Imperium or death
Stop this user we can tell this board is now full of spics and mudslimes,any normal Holla Forumsacks wither left or were banned by the mods for being reasonable.
Yeah but there's nowhere unifying to go.
/polmeta/ has a list of exhodoos Holla Forums boards, but they don't have the sheer momentum of this one.
No comment about the blackpilled end brethren, they can never hold the true spirit of Holla Forums. The ideology of blackpill and waiting to die goes against National Socialism.
I've talked to a few old channers here and on that one kek thread, but when your society is overrun by people who want to think like you, you establish dominance, not run away and let the momentum peter out.
There's a good thing happening here, under the shit, and I for one am for directing the herd to victory.
while culling the unworthy
Some newfags are redpilled whites, and there's no reason to abandon them.
To avoid doublebumping, an important question that we should really consider is how to remove that one mod who we all know is as much of a Holla Forumsak as Hitler was African. There's gotta be a way.
Impossible, the board is compromised
This has been drafted for spreading it on chans and 1.0 platforms
dis·sem·i·nate : spread or disperse (something, especially information) widely:
af·fect : have an effect on; make a difference to
We are at war. We are in a Culture war.
You are a soldier. Theses are our people and this is our world.
The enemy is trying to claim our lives and our world.
Their desire is to OWN US, OUR LIVES AND OUR MINDS.
ab·stract : existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence:
Your job is to DISSEMINATE and AFFECT.
This decntralized movement on the internet needs a kick in the ass to a localized setting. The biggest hurdle
that people have is meeting up because they fear the real nazi's will brand them as radical violent natzis.
We need to reach out to other chummers in the real space and spread our redpill signal. We need to try something
else besides comment posting on the net or smurfing the twitterdome and the various other slums of the internets.
Its time we use the curiosity of the everyday individual to entice them to redpill themselves.
I'm Talking about (YOU) creating NETWORKS in high traffic areas in cities and places of other high traffic.
Information is not a crime.
Requirements: Purchase the hardware needed to create Pirateboxes with extended range.
Content: Redpill photos, memes, literature, chats where we can drop the pill.
go internet search PirateBox to understand what you can do and the concept of this.
Deployment: Everywhere that we can reach teenagers that are susceptible redpilling.
We either repill them or they fall prey to leftist in school and then college.
The time to reach our core structrure popuation is now.
Put one in you car when you park it in that busy town lot or garage or at the diner in a plastic
bag in the gutter of a building or at a public library. Future war is here and this is an rpg56k.
Immediate : RESEARCH Pirateboxing, develop the structure, Plant them EVERYWHERE. Use latex gloves.
How do we take the momentum and filter it from the garbage? A true exodus has yet to happen for the same reason a true 6gorrillion has yet to happen.
This system/board has some good things going on, so a significant number of true-spirited but little-energy-to-spend-on-this people accept it how it is. These are also the people who compose the momentum, as little energy to /meta/stisize directly correlates to lots of energy spend on promoting the movement.
I like the idea, but speaking in terms of teenagers, non-corporate tech is the domain of anarchists, and a very limited target audience.
The average middle class white kid has unlimited/semiunlimited data and is trained to not enter unsecure networks.
And will probably leave the piratebox as soon as they find it doesn't update their instagram.
You faggots need to work harder at triggering them. Gore and smug anime isn't doing the job anymore. They're developing resistance, like penicillin resistant bacteria.
Every word you type must be a triggering word.
let me tell you where you fucked up fam.
This should be permanently stickied. This is starting to feel like 4pol just before the great exodus.
you forgot the part where anime is not welcome here.
all the oldfags fucking hate animes.
been hearing that since 2014 tbh fam.
the old /baph/oles taught me everything I know, and I've been trying to teach the new breed of faggots on our board before my card is pulled. It takes time though. All these newfags though, they're lazy, they come in demanding we pull off the impossible feats while shitting up the threads. I remember we used to have dox threads that every person posting would be helping out, now it's one or two people and a hundred idiots spamming it up.
Need to start teaching newfags that nobody is going to do everything for them. And at some point the oldfags are going to be gone; whether from the feds kicking down our doors and seizing our equipment or something else.
I suppose I could sell those on my website.
There was ONE AUTIST. ONE, SINGLE, FUCKING, AUTIST that had a problem with anime. Literally nobody else gives a shit.
If you're that one autist I'm going to tell you what I told you 3 fucking years ago.
Except that brazil is a big bowl of everything, all the way from eurocucks to niggers from africa, its a big mix, brazil has no specific race and if you want to give it a shot, you can say that its half portuguese and half nigger.
gas yourself oriental cuck.
your ID says it all tbh fam.
Its an all out coordinated shilling. Even the halfchan mods are taking notice at long last just how bad it is.
I made a real long post here a while ago and immediately got "Sage Report Fuck Off Autist," presumably by a shill, because who the fuck sorts the catalog by new?
Not sure if it even makes sense, but I was hoping someone would see value and run with it. It's pretty much a way to identify and analyze the behavior of low-effort/shill posters and adopt simple guidelines to elevate board content through effort and productive behavior.
nice try but i'm coming to pick you up.
await please.
For future use, bugged me there was no niggers.
is this what you're talking about?