Are there a worse mockery of an European people than the Anglo? Never has there been such an anti-white movement to stop the unification of Europe as the British effort.
Are Anglos white?
Is OP a faggot?
/Britpol/ out
What are you kikes sliding today?
/d&c/ out
All anglos do is d&c other whites though, you can't cry when we turn our hate to you, you're basically honorary kikes.
What's with all the D&C today?
Is the JIDF doing performance reviews?
Yeah, they are white. The Irish are also white. They are close cousins genetically.
Is this really a question?
Explain how attacking anglos is d&c
The last 100 years of anglo history has been losing their empire in a desperate attempt to kneecap europe, starting 2 massive wars who killed more whites than anything in history
Those decisions were made by anglos, not kike puppeteers pulling their strings.
Saying stop attacking anglos its d&c is like saying stop attacking jews its d&c, it's bullshit, take responsibility for your country and peoples actions.
The Anglo stops at nothing to quench his thirst for Aryan blood.
Why should Anglos give a shit about EVROPEANS anyway?
Absolutely not. The eternal Anglo exists solely to D&C the huwhite race and mother Evropa. Praise Kek!
The Anglo menace must be stopped before the entire huwhite race falls victim to the tricks of the Anglo.
another d/c thread
England isn't even in continental Europe, bet they'd intrude themselves into the American continent within a heartbeat if they could. Truly sad, always behind and always following their past colony.
Why the fuck are people replying to this thread and not saging? This board is infected with cuckchan newfags. Sad! You people need to lurk a LOT more.
You cared enough to lose your entire empire :^)
Operative word "should". Not like I'd expect a continental/yank to be able to read anyway
The Anglo will not stop before every Aryan lies drained of blood. We must fight back, my huwhite brothers!
the only good anglo is a dead anglo
based IRA
Russian FalseFagOp thread, only they seem to like picking on the anglosphere, blaming us for the worlds woe's
they didn't start the wars because they were losing empire, ww1 begun the fall.
So you want us to attack white Brits instead of jews, eh Shlomo? You know that the King Kike Rothschild has been basically running the show in the UK for nearly 3 centuries? So even, if we were to blame the yiddish empire,(which I do for bringing America into ww1&2) It's still a Jewish conspiracy, you dumb fucking kike.
/brit/kike threads are nothing but kvetching about europe 24/7, you can't get over that you've waged 2 wars on germany and they still have more financial power than you.
The Anglo must be exterminated for the huwhite race to exist in harmony.
Heil der Drumpfenfuhrer!
The sins of the father are not the responsibility of the son, no matter how much the son benefits from them, you massive faggot.
I owe you nothing, the average white citizens of the United States and Britain owe you nothing. You want an apology? Dig up Churchill and Roosevelt, maybe you can get one out of them. I also enjoy how France never gets shit for Napoleon declaring war on most of Europe or the Romans waging war on the Germanic tribes, or literary any other times Europeans decided that one day they just didn't like each other and declared war. I.e Britain and France for most of their history. It is D&C because you are calling for the persecution of innocents while deflecting attention away from the jews.
They started WW1 because germany was going to build a railroad and become an economic powerhouse and they couldn't have it.
no arguments detected.
Laughing doesn't change reality just like it won't bring back your empire :^)
Anglos are the whitest of the whites, they were the first ones to push pro white adgendas in the new world with the one drop rule (unlike race mixing Spanish faggots)
They stopped slavery which helped to slow the growing populations of slaves that overtook places like Haiti.
The only really butthurt should be over the siding against Germany in ww2 because of the growing fear that Germans would overcome Europen mainland and destroy England's power in the process, so following the kikes made sense at the time.
Honestly no other nation has contributed half as much to the greatness of the white race as the anglosaxon.
Russians started world war 1 to protect there inferior slavicsphere from the austrians, which they then left for the anglo's to finish
haha, i didn't know the cia was THIS bad at memes
That's why the (((far right))) in britroachland supports and trumpets their kike puppet grandfathers because it was their last "victory" they tasted and are all civic cucks right? They really learned their lesson and certainty are not the same braindead pawns their fathers were :^)
Based Bomber Harris
Just like based trump, based geert, based le pen
Cuckchan shitting up the board, Holla Forums religious D&C, /britpol/ shit posting, and TRS trash like OP are destroying this board.
imkikey is destroying this board
Anglos are white as every ethnic european