Anti-European Language

I am taking a class on European History and this month we are covering the Soviet Union. My professor just went out on a rampage claiming that Esperanto is a dumb idea, I do agree with her on that, since it was made by a Slavic Jew, but then she goes on to say that it's because it's too eurocentric.
She claims that it's a shame that Stalin reversed the Soviet Union's initial support and killed the leaders, but she says that any universal language should be based on the major languages. She even suggested created a conlang that mixed Chinese, Hindi, and English.

Then some SJW began to defend Esperanto and the professor dropped the subject.

Am I the only one that thinks that something like English is already the universal language? It is superior and more logical than anything else.

Other urls found in this thread:

English is hard for retards and shitskins.
That's why the Marxists want to destroy it

Do these people not even consider whether an idea is even remotely feasible before declaring their support for it? You're talking about mixing three languages that aren't only different, but are a part of three completely separate language groups and have three completely different writing systems. These are languages with completely different syntax. Languages that were formed by three completely different cultures belonging to three completely different culture groups. Add onto that the fact that the fact that mixing just two completely different languages will result in a language that neither group of people can understand well, and that mixing three will be much worse, and you have a recipe for an absolute clusterfuck of a language.

It's like these people completely bypass the "would this idea have even the remotest chance of working out?" step of logical thinking and go directly to the "it feels good, so it must be right!" stage.

English is arbitrary, it could have been German. Imagine a unified Aryan language based on Sanskrit and old Norse. My only worry is cultural marxists hijacking it and european people forgetting their roots which is linked to their languages.

In fact, I would argue that this is exactly Esperanto worked and survives into this day (as obscure as it may be). It is exactly because its source languages are European, and mostly Romance, that it was able to become a coherent communication system.

I would imagine that an actual mixture of Chinese, Swahili, and Arabic or whatever other combination would benefit no one. While something more Eurocentric would benefit a large enough group of people to kickstart such a project.

English is a "dirty" language, which has problems in that it developed organically one way, then got forced into being another way, then slapped together a bunch of stuff. It's less regimented than most other euro languages.

The only problems being it's still the best there is for what it does. Chinese as I understand it works differently in writing than speaking, and most similar languages do as well.

Creating a functional language from scratch isn't an organic process and it doesn't have a real chance of catching on without it's own "messy" modifications which defeat the point of the exercise.

That's to Euroasia-Centric, gotta incorperate African toungue-clicking.

Like how she added English just so she could learn it too.

These people don't know more than a single language, and if they do, it's probably a Latin-based language.

They are completely unaware that different languages have completely different features sets and completely novel approaches to sentence/'thought-structure' syntax.

t. pic related

English, ironically, has become a 'better' and more inclusive Esperanto than Esperanto has (or Latin for that matter, ofc).

There's hundreds, if not thousands of Asian, Arabic, and other-sourced, words in English that nobody seems to know aren't actually Latin or Germanic.


fuck off commie.
English is the international language of commerce, education, travel, and science.

Nobody wants to learn the language of autism

English is a shit lingua franca because it's culturally loaded, but then again, so is Esperanto. Esperanto is completely arbitrary and does not even uphold its internal logic.

The best option for an auxiliary language is probably some sort of Latin-based creation, like Latino sine flexione or Interlingua.

b a s e d

I'm not a fan of silent letters or multiple words with different meanings/spellings that sound the same, but otherwise English is okay.

That's true, but it's also very tolerant to error, which is important in a lingua franca since not all of it's speakers will be proficient in it's use.

But user, the longest work of fiction in the English language is a Super Smash Bros fanfiction. Doesn't that make English the language of autism by default? I don't think Chris-Chan speaks German. Just some food for thought.

The only reason why Esperanto survived while Ido and Interlingua died is because Esperantists refuse to reform their language. Someone will always find a flaw in the language and try to change the language. That leads to reform projects and constant splintering.

Imagine the perfectly made artificial language. Someone will find a flaw in it and convince others to use their energy elsewhere.

If Holla Forums were to have its own language, it would either.

1. Take over an existing conlang like Esperanto and red pill.
2. Create a new conlang or revive a dead conlang, like Folkspraak.

The benefits of strategy 1 is that the grammar is already there for us, the political implication of taking over a leftist community would be a morale boost, and we would have a language with history which works.
The downside would be that Esperanto is indeed a Zionist creation and it was supported by the early Bolsheviks and later on by Anarchists in Spain.

2. This idea would allow for creative freedom from Holla Forums, the problem would be coordinating and agreeing as a community which language to go with and how it should look like. It may never happen. It would be easier if an individual did all the work himself. However then he would have to convince the rest of us while we all argued over its flaws.

And all through no merit of its own!

English used to be much better than it is now.

That's Hungarian, though.

You misspelled Italian

Does this person even understand how languages work ? How would the lettering system even work in such a language ? How would grammar and syntax work ? The entire idea of a English/Hindi/Cantonese language would be an abomination to the entire idea of language.


If someone wanted to make the linguistic equivalent of the Malboge programming language, that'd be about the way to do it.

Destroy English, you say?


Show this to your teacher an watch as she kvetches into a bumbling mess


Maybe we should learn Kurdish and fight for a white ethno-state in Syria, protecting our Kurdish brothers from the Arab and Turkic.

Words cannot explain my emotions.

kill yourself shill

latin-based languages are based


btw this is Esperanto.
It sounds like a weird dialect of Spanish.

Romance languages are not white enough.


Being invented by a Pole, I'm not sure why this is an issue.

Are other races so stupid that they need white people to create their own languages for them?

Basically the liberal mindset in a nutshell

I would support the latinization of English in terms of conjugation and scentence structure.

So words could be put in any order, as long as they have the correct suffix.

What would be important is to have a limited number of suffixes, one for each concept.

I may be biased by Russian.

It's a constructed language. They say it bears similarities to Finnish.

Other races constantly lech off from us. They stole our calendars, the metric system, and pretty much every modern technology.

And the inventor wasn't just a Pole. He was a kike. Historically the Jews are a tribe which work against the interest of the white man.

He means it's the language of assburgers, probably referring to krautchanners

Esperanto and Finnish are both agglutinative languages.
Esperanto may appear like Spanish at a quick glance, but the grammar is "unique" like Finnish or Hungarian. I am guessing the creator was inspired by Hungarian since it's closer to Poland.


Latin languages are meant to be spoken by immigrants and common folk. This is why both French and Esperanto fell, while English continues to thrive.

Almost bamboozled me there, schlomo.

The absolute dream would be reconstructing the true precursor language of Europoids from before the Younger Dryas. We'll know we've got it right when we start entering spiritual ecstasies and levitating shit. There have been various claims of people channeling the "light language" through past life regression or mediumship, but no one seems to be able to speak it properly at the least. I do somewhat wonder if the chatter attributed to sasquatches is a derivative of the same primordial language, especially when all of that is compared to the sound of the Australian aboriginal or other primitive tongues.

Honestly English is a simple language but it's too inconsistent with its verbal and written rules. It's basically a mongrel language. A more ideal one would have consistent rules like Romance languages but without the "holy shit why are there so many verb conjugations". Besides who cares if retards and subhumans can't learn it well, they can't even learn their own current languages properly.

the only languages that remind me of finnish are tolkien's elvish and turkic languages like kazakh, esperanto is more like an amaglation of romance languages with slavic grammar



That's the point. Foreigners shouldn't have to learn English. They should stay in their languages and worry about preserving their own heritage.

foreigners don't need to learn english as long as they stay foreigners

Indeed. America is an English speaking country, despite what others may want you to believe.

what about areas with certain cultural ties like louisiana or pennsylvania?

The thing about English is that it's very flexible with it's cases and declinations, and even though it technically has rigid grammar structure, the meaning gets across fairly well even if you fuck it all to hell.

Nothing has arbitrary gramatical gender, no real formal/informal, the verb doesn't change depending on if he/she/they are doing it, it doesn't really matter how exactly someone is doing it (I'm fucking looking at you, Russian). etc. etc.

I could ask "Where's he going, and what is he doing", and some mong could say "They go store, pencils get they", and the meaning is perfectly clear. I'd be angry that this fuck is in my country, but it's way more effective than me fucking up the same thing in French and getting a blank stare from a frog.

The control of linguistic coding has been a long-term goal of the (((left))). Esperanto was an early effort towards it but it had very little in the way of cultural underpinning in order to succeed.

They should all speak English.
I am not against you speaking another language as a hobby, but the language you use in civil society, with strangers, at school, should be Standard American English.

Fuck off, retard. English verbs do indeed change for he/she/it. You obviously do not know what you're talking about.

ok them, give me an example, fuck-knuckle. Tell me how you would say that something is eating in the present tense, and give an example of a male doing it, a female doing it, and an unspecified sex doing it.

Are you this retarded?

Fucking kek

The point wasn't that the entire English language is devoid of declinations and conjugations, retard, just that it has far less than most and in most cases is far less complex, especially when it comes to third person, which can be a fucking mess in most other languages.

ITT chinese fags get butthurtaru that engrish class is hardaru

Words with the same spelling but different meanings don't sound the same when spoken because the emphasis is placed on a different syllable.
CON-tract(written agreement) vs con-TRACT(catch a deisese) for example

Pretty sure they forced russian on most of the soviet block regardless of what plans they had.

In general you're absolutely correct, but teeeeeechnically those two effectively mean the same thing. Saying you contract a disease is using contract in the same linguistic sense as undergoing an act of binding. The disease has bound itself to you.

Exactly what happened after Lenin died. Stalin was for Socialism in One Country.

English is easy as fuck

Yet Spics who live here for twenty years never seem to learn it.

English should cut out all non-Germanic words, learn Anglish or Anglo-Saxon.

they learn it in less than a year when they need it

Because spics are fucking stupid, user.

I know basic Old English. It's the purest written form of English. It's very similar to Modern Icelandic.

Some languages are just too difficult for everyone to learn. Let's pick an easy language, then dumb it down enough for the least-common-denominators to understand, for our universal communication system. Anything else is unfair for everyone.

Language is a thinking tool. It helps us to organize our thoughts. We think in language. An interesting experiment is to tour areas of Switzerland where German is spoken as opposed to French. The people there don't differ very much, but the language they use does. Such an experiment does show how important language is in organizing our societies.

However, some people are just too stupid to be able to pick on the specificities and nuances of more advanced languages. Whole groups of people will never be able to learn English, no matter how much they are taught. English is too complex for them. The common alternatives for global business, German, Japanese,and Chinese, are only for smart people. These languages are just too complex for the average IQ on Planet Earth. Spanish (and Esperanto) are pretty simple, but we need something even simpler. Maybe a simplified amalgam from Africa, Australia, and the Middle East?

user… I… I think you might actually be mentally challenged. You should get yourself tested.

Hint: I is not one of he/she/it

Sage for rather pointless thread.

Latin but create a standardized word order for retards. It's just that simple.

That's pretty much interlingua, except the vocabulary is taken from modern Romance languages instead of directly from Latin.

esperanto is a jewish invented new world order language. it's not tied to history or culture. it's perfect for their mongrel world future

Old English is more like a cross between Norse and West Germanic languages

Looks pretty interesting but writing patre instead of pater bothers me. 'er' makes more sense to me.

We really should start bringing archaic words back. English has become such a simplified and dumbed down language that it's not even funny.

And now you know why there are so many "universal languages" and why nobody speaks them.

English is not superior because it is not pronounced as it is written. Only languages, like Finnish, where what you read and see is how you pronounce it, are superior. Your spelling bees are a good example of this, of the idiocy of the language.

I still love English though.

We need english/language art classes to start reading shit like beowulf if we want to re-germanify the language

The only artificial languages that still exist and thrive after several generations are Esperanto and Modern Hebrew. Coincidence?

Indians already use English as their lingua franca because thay have 22 official languages, 150 widely spoken languages, and over 1600 languages in total, and they all hate each other and would be damned if they'd let that language in the province next door be the main one, so English wound up being the accepted default because they all hated English equally and it wouldn't be putting a local language above all the other local languages.

Instead the cultural marxists have children reading bullshit like House on Mango Street or The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.

Found the scandi

Hitler dubs will it.

I have to read a book called "Night" by some kike named Elie Wiesel. People really believed they shipped his yid ass all the way from fucking Transylvania to Auschwitz just to gas him personally.

I hate shit like night, number the stars and american tail that try to make kikes sympathetic and good boys who dindu nuffin

What in the fuck….

I just realized this language is heavily biased towards northern hemisphere languages.
The khoisan tribesmen of southern Africa communicate through a series of clicking noises that have no translation into a written language. We should incorporate this language to give some representation from the global south.
In addition, this language still biases languages which are currently in use. This puts bias against dying or dead languages. Let's also ad some elements of the awabakal language of aboriginal Australians. There are only 9 living speakers of this language and so adding this language to our frankenstein language would prevent this dead language from going extinct.

How hard is Hungarian? My great grandparents were from Hungary and I'm considering applying for a dual citizenship down the line. That would mean gaining proficiency in the language too.

I just realized how to deal with the poo problem.

Let's find a language group of middle-size that are spoken by relatively wealthy people, and make poo propaganda campaigns to make this the single official language of the country.

Why do pajeets have so many languages? Can they not decide on a single indo-aryan language to speak?

The only Aryan language they should be learning is English.

extremely hard, while hungarian culture is a sort of south slavic thing, the language is much more finno-urgic than slavic, so it's up there with estonian and finnish as one of the hardest languages to learn

The dumb cunt obviously knows fuck all about language. How are you going to blend two languages like English and Chinese?

I am Slavic and think English is universal language. Something like Latin in the old days. If you can't learn it you're a degenerate.

Estas tre facila.

Not many left, that's what happens when you forget your ancestors teachings not to racemix, though I'm sure some villages still enforce it, much like in Europe to some extent.

Spanish speaking here
I always make fun of just how retarded english can sound some times
Seriusly, some of these are basically onomatopoeias, almost as if your language had been developed by 3 years olds

That said, i do agree that english is the perfect international language for many reasons

Tell your teacher that she is a retard for not choosing the most efficient language to teach all around the world

Aren't they just descendants of Alexander the Great?

I don't know if this is bait or not

No way
t. chink


Why can't we make Coptic the universal language?

you poor bastard, I'm glad I didn't fall for the college meme

Are you in the trades? Otherwise, your superior attitude is wholly unwarranted.

Are you a Spaniard or veritable white South American? Otherwise, fuck off.

Yes, and kikes will stop at nothing to subvert and destroy excellent things that they cannot create. Hence why jewpic related wrote a book on how "all languages are equal" and "pidgins, creoles, and patois are as valid as languages". 1/2

Thoughts influence language and language influences thought. This is why some (particularly African) languages are objectively inferior.

It really is a shame, because without Stalin and his buddies Germany would have won that war before it even started and Britain might have been forced to sign and armistice. Also it could have revealed just how insane the kikes were to America.

Also how exactly would you mix languages which don't even have the same conjugation and phonetic system? Oh right liberal logic, only muh feels matter. Also most non-western languages are shit and far less compatable with binary language or keyboard input. Look at the hoops the Japs have to jump through to operate their computers, even after 40 years of being at the top of the industry along with the USA they haven't simplified the input system.

Glyph languages are dumb, alphabetic are superior, that's just how it is.

No. The Aryan race spread throughout western & central eurasia long, long before that.

≥It is superior and more logical than anything else.

No it's not. It's just one language among others, kinda quick to learn the basics, but that's it. Like any one language, it fails to represent the diversity other languages have, making it a poor intermediary, it makes non native speakers hostile to it by default because they instinctively perceive it as a threat on their culture and a lack of respect.

The best course of action is to learn several languages, that's the only way you'll efficiently communicate with people. The use of English as a universal language was source of many mistakes, and fueled a lot of opposition to it: being inappropriate and rejected, it failed on the two points a universal language should be strong. I don't think there's any language out there fit to be a universal language, but English certainly failed the test. Don't take it's current use as any measure of success, it's just too late to go back.

Your teacher is a retard. Chinese doesn't work with English in the slightest. Those fuckers hiccup and it changes the meaning of a word. I'm not too familiar with Hindi. You can steal various words from other languages and make equivalents in English, but trying to mix in their grammar rules is fucking super retarded.

They need to speak English first and French/German second. The moment the US fully allows entire regions to only speak their own separate language is the day that balkanization occurs.

Their identity isn't based on language as is in Europe. And it's a very diverse country geography wise. Think Africa but relatively smart people in the upper castes.
India's very pluralistic due to it's religion. Hinduism is polytheism where every local god is accepted. Jainism and Buddhism even more against violence.

t. a lazy burger that wasnt capable of learning even one foregein language so he just calls them illogical and stupid

we don't give a shit about niggers and retards, nor the opinion of marxists.

english is our language. the end.

- t. english is my second language.

Esperanto is a jewish made up language.

Made up so they could employ esperanto jewoo teachers and pay them goy sheckels.

that's what you get from a bunch of faggots who think that Joss Whedon is a master of progressive thinking.

They smoked weed and watched Firefly, then said "hurpa durpa" to themselves.

Do't be, it's shit. The really educated Pajeets from the upper castes all speak Sanskrit. That is truly the last pure language spoken in that subcontinent.
English should be taken loan words from respectable languages like Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit, not from bastardize tongues like French or Cherokee.

that is the most perfect comic.

This sounds like a Russkie trying to speak Italian. It's bizarrely European, except that it's missing Germanic and Celtic influences.

and you are paying thousands of dollars for this? can't you sue the school or something?

We don't need a universal language. Your teacher wasted your time.

Of course we do, and eventually we'll have one. How else do you expect the kikes to give orders to their worldwide plantation of coffee-colored serfs from their world capital in Jerusalem after they kill us off, which is their plan?

…. it is easy, probably the easiest to learn, since it has limited vocabulary, grammar….. But superior than anything else? fuck no. Greek still remains the superior euro language. If we bring ancient greek in, then everyone else just disappears.

The kikes already use English. The most degenerate literature, movies, media, and ideology ever thought out is being propagated in English. The Jews won. English is fundamentally a language for "The Enlightenment and Freedom". While any other threat is considered too Eurocentric or sexist, like Russian.

Modern Greeks are in no way related to Ancient Greeks. Modern Greeks are just Turks who speak a degenerate version of the ancient tongue.

this meme again… Even the modernized verison of greek is still superior to anything else europe has to offer, only comparable to latin.

spics don't even speak spanish well user

1. The purges were unfortunate for the overwhelmingly merchant state apparatus
2. Universal language – these fucks literally want to bring about the end times.

>>9471030 >>9471774 >>9473351 >>9475742 >>9476865

English is a shit language, it has no nuance. In Portuguese, you can immediately identify a nigger by written word alone.
Someone's education level is extremely EXTREMELY obvious just from listening to the way they speak. In English, the only difference is what "accent" they have or whatever. Other than that, a homeless guy sounds exactly like a college professor. That's fucking stupid.

The rules of pronunciation are fucking dogshit. English basically requires memorizing how every single word is supposed to be read. Meanwhile, in Portuguese, a "tá" is always a "tá", a "fi" is always a "fi" - well defined rules that make sense. A second-grader can look at a word they've never seen before and know exactly how to read it. In English, good fucking luck finding a second-grader that'll pronounce "thorough" right the first time.
Furthermore, a Portuguese second-grader can hear a new word and know exactly how it's written.
English is about MEMORIZATION, Latin-derived languages are about LOGICal rules. Big fucking difference my friends. It's the reason why anyone can learn how to speak fluent English (accents aside), but highly educated immigrants living in Portugal for DECADES still come across as obviously non-Portuguese.

English is really bland and dry. You can only write sentences in one way, with little variation possible. If you use "expensive" words you sound like a complete faggot. And, holy shit, "big words" is an actual expression that you should use (instead of "expensive"). It sounds like something a toddler would say. Do you see the problem yet?
It's extremely simple and easy to master, there's no possibility for nuance or subtlety or extra complexity. It's already simplified to the max.

Vocabulary-wise, English is a barren, underdeveloped language. Just look at how many French and German words it had to import to make up for its lack of vocabulary. And I'm not talking about made up German words like "schadenfreude", I'm talking about the gigantic list of everyday words that simply did not exist in the English language until they were imported.

it's restrictive in terms of expression
it's really easy to learn and really easy to master
the rules make no sense
Starting to have a different outlook on (((English))) yet?


God damn I'm fucking retarded

English is a shit language, it has no nuance. In Portuguese, you can immediately identify a nigger by written word alone.
Someone's education level is extremely EXTREMELY obvious just from listening to the way they speak. In English, the only difference is what "accent" they have or whatever. Other than that, a homeless guy sounds exactly like a college professor. That's fucking stupid.

The rules of pronunciation are fucking dogshit. English basically requires memorizing how every single word is supposed to be read. Meanwhile, in Portuguese, a "tá" is always a "tá", a "fi" is always a "fi" - well defined rules that make sense. A second-grader can look at a word they've never seen before and know exactly how to read it. In English, good fucking luck finding a second-grader that'll pronounce "thorough" right the first time.
Furthermore, a Portuguese second-grader can hear a new word and know exactly how it's written.
English is about MEMORIZATION, Latin-derived languages are about LOGICal rules. Big fucking difference my friends. It's the reason why anyone can learn how to speak fluent English (accents aside), but highly educated immigrants living in Portugal for DECADES still come across as obviously non-Portuguese.

English is really bland and dry. You can only write sentences in one way, with little variation possible. If you use "expensive" words you sound like a complete faggot. And, holy shit, "big words" is an actual expression that you should use (instead of "expensive"). It sounds like something a toddler would say. Do you see the problem yet?
It's extremely simple and easy to master, there's no possibility for nuance or subtlety or extra complexity. It's already simplified to the max.

Vocabulary-wise, English is a barren, underdeveloped language. Just look at how many French and German words it had to import to make up for its lack of vocabulary. And I'm not talking about made up German words like "schadenfreude", I'm talking about the gigantic list of everyday words that simply did not exist in the English language until they were imported.

it's restrictive in terms of expression
it's really easy to learn and really easy to master
the rules make no sense
Starting to have a different outlook on (((English))) yet?


fuck off spic.
You talk broken Spanish yet have the audacity to criticize English.

hey retard
in english you can tell if someones stupid just by listening to them or watching how they type

must be why americans needed non-english speaking people to give them the technology to reach the moon.

No one ever gave us anything, we took it. And made them learn English while they were at it.

We had a thread like this many months ago. Some even suggested we use a language invented by Tolkien. But in the end, we were all too lazy and nothing came from it

This is why English is an international business language. Stay mad Diego.

english is one of the easiest languages to learn, it works well
as a bulgarian, i'm still having trouble learning russian, even though at least half the words are nearly identical
artificial languages are more or less pointless, but they're still fun to try and learn. example being klingon, shit only has like 3000 official words or so, but making a sentance in that is fairly fun. other than that, there's no point in learning it though, since hardly anyone can speak it
just stick to english, and maybe russian or jap/spanish/german

Learn Euskara if you have the balls for it

German is great, probably some ISIS invader shitskin sommeli who's trying to Invade Germany and can't speak German.

you can always try to learn somalian :^)
sadly google translator broke it and now ooga booga doesn't work anymore

sure you did. they volunteraly came to american checkpoints because they wanted to keep doing their job and getting a fat paycheck instead of being POWs and trialed.
you also didnt make them learn english. there were translators everywhere and the only reason they did learn english was so they could keep their fat paycheck and use it within the US without bothering with translators.

stop giving yourself credit for bullshit, its pathetic



Yep your retaded

Britain, moreso.

Britain barely took Jews out of camps, and it was no secret that the UK was targeting/poaching German industry.

Essentially - the Americans would put you infront of a court, then hang you, the Russians would just hang you, and the British would basically mug you and then hire you.

You type like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

this is a serious discussion only board

t. kc expat

such an excellent argument. now fuck off and do your homework you underage shitposter.


You barbarians are freaking pathetic.

the complexity and structure of a language shapes intelligence, the way we think and how emotions are formed/expressed. It's a neurobiological fact.

That being said, english is THE easiest language on the planet. There are studies which correlate the dumb behavior of burgers and britbongs with their simplistic language. Whereas 'un-emotional' languages like German are sharp, precise, complex and support discipline in thinking and oppose short chimpouts of emotions. If a German is on a rant, it sounds like a scientific magnus opus compared to the average english science paper.

My primary Language is Danish. I learned German and Russian. I catch myself that my thought process is very different depending on the language I am thinking/writing in.

English is perfect for shitposting, but If i want to express more difficult correlations, it's almost impossible to do so, because almost 50% of the words in German/Russian/Danish don't exist in english.

Isn't Danish the ugliest and most irrelevant dialect in Scandinavia? You are just projecting your insecurities and obviously jealous of the big dog in town. English is the most logical, functional, and beautiful language. This is why we dominate the world. This is why you think in English. Dream in English.

bait doesn't work so well in english.

Found the sandnigger.


Attitudinal adjustment incoming, no doubt, up with which you shall not put… to no avail.

It's more that you haven't mastered English so you can't yet express the concept in English. The fact that English often lacks specific words to express a concept can be a good thing, in that it allows more flexibility to describe nuance/context in the concept by cobbling together a sentence to explain it. English borrows to cover gaps in its ability to concisely express, but lacking a single word to cover a complex concept is often a strength of English because it allows more context and implication.

For example, in English you don't need to say you are overcome with "schadenfreude". You can say "I feel smug pleasure that this person failed because I think they have a gay haircut" thus expressing the same thing but with added context to allow for examination. Of course, many Germans will claim that "schadenfreude" means something more than that, but that is just an example of how having a word cover a complex concept leads to divorcing from the complexities of the concept. A German might end up thinking he feels schadenfreude for no reason at all, never understanding his own bias.

As an italian i completely agree with this post, English is piss easy and a totally memory based language, with retard proof rules and low deph of meaning.

No wonder it has become the international trading language.

Indeed. And with its mongrel history, it's also a immune to any cultural revivalist efforts that could lead to inconvenient surges of nationalism. A perfect language for good goys.

That's really not true. The post you are replying to is also wrong. I can always spot a non-native English speaker in conversation, whether they have been speaking for decades or not. Because they get confused and struggle to understand implication and context of different styles of grammar and word-choice. Everything one would assume is a flaw in English (confusing tenses, etc.) is actually a tool that can be used to bring fourth expressive depth if you understand how.

Also, the class system in English-speaking countries leads to people deliberately refusing to use the full expressive range of English because they don't want to sound "snobby" and such things. You have to look past hollywood-English to understand the depths of the language.

Everything these third worlders and Europoors know about the Anglosphere they learn from the Jewish media. I can't blame them for thinking less of American culture when it's the kikes that want to present a certain image of our society.

The languages of major powers have always been the most dominant ones.
Since the US is a super-power the influence of which extends to every corner of the world, it is no surprise that English is a "world" language.

When the US fades away, so too will English in its current state and another will take its spot.
Anyone defending or propagating the idea of a universal language ought to be hanged on the spot.

im from eastern europe you liberal underage burger shit.
give a counterargument, if youre too retarded to do that then stop shitposting.

Irrelevant region, irrelevant language. This is why you're speaking a real language instead of your Slavic tribe-speak.

peterson does not appear to be recovering, nor mentally adjusting well to his recent social-(((justice))) driven ostracization. he is still quite shattered and not reconstructing himself.

separately from his person, this was also painful to watch due to his lecture content. much of academia is very schizophrenic; mis-attributing, mis-associating, mis-ranking, mis-sequencing, and mathematically mis-modeling extensive swaths of history. the parts of history jpeterson references are not only no exception, but particularly more prone to deliberate confabulation - a fact jpeterson cites and repeats several times. and yet he still accepts entire buckets of sand from it as components for his arguments, while being more selectively aware at other times.

in addition jpeterson cites math, number, and work models, applying them with inconsistent comprehension on top of (or perhaps in facilitation of) that same schizophrenia-riddled history. one moment he's giving the implication of 'all are just numbers' and 'inexplicable' (accepts stochastic fallacy, but uses it for 'all numbers are equal'), at another moment he shows understanding to some degree that equality is bullshit by correctly stating things like gaussian distribution is a bad model (rejects equalist fallacy). it's as if he doesn't actually understand numbers, criticizes correctly that many do not understand numbers, forgets to apply this to data (zero sanity checking), and opts to cite/use a thing that looks like it fits his personal case and run with it. but he's suppose to be teaching a lecture, not giving a blogpost.

side note: in math, accepting randomness is accepting 'all things being equal'. that is, all of this these {X} are made of the same class. but none of what he uses for his application is 'just equal'. he hints comprehension of this suits, and blindly ignores comprehension of when it doesn't. needless to say, the race lineages of man are finite (rather, not infinite), each having an internal attainment distribution, of which is simply not relevant when looking at disjoint - by definition separate - races. if i superimpose the attainment of all the niggers of the world with the attainments of all the whites in the world –and– then weight them by population size, i will arrive at what looks like a distribution. this is not a distribution, it is a construction.

taking just one example of this, his use of the post first revolution farmers numbers with pareto distribution math to prove various elements of how personalities emerge by the state. (1) first, this was actually to prove that in any 'society' there are a few who are mightier than the all the dependent rest-of-society, so the many should shut up and fuck off, which is his –personal– sjw-persecution case bleeding through the seems of his lecture and causing dis-focus. (2) second, the farmers who were high productive were mostly christains in race and religion, not jews. the other farmers who made up the 'majority' in his application were the failed bolsheviks and useful idiots who fucking led and carried the revolution (not farmers, by definition, failed at farming, why call them farmers damn it?). mixing all together to prove a pareto distribution is ignorant and artificial. (3) third, the thesis drive to "personalities that emerged from this are" discussion is a failure to understand what actually happened. the second russian revolution was a repeat of the first, whereby the best-in-class had their shit stolen again, along with alot of other sub-jews too, all by the same arch-type/centralist bolsheviks jews. while this state-driven lunacy certainly would make despondent individuals, who would be more likely to kill each other when prompted to (such as the sjw's attacking jpeterson), this is a bit of a tangential reach. the first russian revolution was a degenerate/jewish insurgency, the second revolution is better described as a degenerate/jewish civil war done the jewish way – both sucked in all, getting all non-productive races to steal, so the bolsheviks could steal too. but throughout the entire period, certain people not-of-the-productive were –always– prone to violence. particularly the violence the state selected, not generated, and prone from the very beginning. to jump into the middle of a story because it has similar persecution in it that you want to use is the close same thing that the sjw's do (jumping into a story that has any perceived persecution in it), just a chapter or two ahead and slightly less insane.

i think this is all just wishful thinking on his part. and he needs more time to unwind. good fortune to him moving forward.

English is nice, however being a living language is easily susceptible to subversion.

Latin or Ancient Greek would really be for the best as an Inter-European tongue, being dead languages with extensive documentation, the both of which requiring at least a grain of thought to learn. The rest of the world can speak whatever they like with each other, why should we care what they speak.

So it should be English :^)

Of course not

Go home Pajeet

pic related

Isn't Soros a proponent/speaker of Esperanto?

It looks like it.
Soros is an Esperanto verb in the future tense, meaning "will soar".
He wanted to hide his Jewish name, Schartz.

English is much easier than Spanish, but lots of shitskins speak that. Spanish conservatively retains much of the Latin conjugation system, which means you have to memorize a massive set of table for every single verb, instead of just 3 or 4 forms.

Not only that, the vowel quality is entirely different.
'cahn-tract' vs 'cuhn-tract'.


Kana is easy to type on keyboards, and IME is used to convert to kanji. Not really a big deal with modern technology, but it was fucked before.

Glyph language has it's advantage in that you always understand the morphemic composition of a word as long as you know the characters, but in English, Latin or Greek based terms look like gibberish. If you see a complex Latin or Greek derived term, say in a medical or scientific context, and you aren't an expert, you won't automatically have an idea of what it means. Also, Some cases of non-phonetic English spelling can be as arbitrary to remember as learning glyphs anyway.

Asian fever is a degenerate illness facing white men.

did i make you cry?
my language family predates your bastardised peasant tribe raped by vikings by centuries.
try harder crybaby

What about the Aussies? They don't care about the way they talk. The Aussie accent is almost same across the entire Australia unlike the USA. They loved to shitpost in a weird way.

French probably has more exceptions to its rules than actual rules. That language is a clusterfuck, let's not kid ourselves here.

I've found that English speakers often overestimate their competence in a foreign language. When they describe themselves as "fluent" or "bilingual" they are almost never either.

English is really easy, I've learned it mostly from watching Schwarzenegger films with subtitles when I was young.

t.Someone whose mother tounge is described as Latin on steroids

I don't know what to make of this other than the fact that your metaphorical expression seems to also come from Schwarzenegger films.