Can the Irish as a people be considered white?

Can the Irish as a people be considered white?

And if so are they more white than say the Polish who are also of a lesser intellect to others in Europe

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most obvious D&C shill I've ever seen. Step it up sholmo

Not an argument

You mistook this place for cuckchan, Shlomo. Gas yourself.

Not an argument

Forgot to sage.

The Irish as a race aren't worth saving

Looks like the taigs are non-white after all

Even if it's a obvious D&C line, we should stop avoid discussing what define someone as "white".
Better sooner than later.

Nah, we should kill all you britkikes instead, at least the irish aren't a bunch of feminine faggots letting their culture be run over by mudslimes.


Pssssh everyone knows the only actual whites are Nordic, everyone else is basically just a pale Turk at the end of the day.

Nice D&C, Goldberg.

What? That doesn't make sense, lad.

Nice meme, goy.
And too bad all the British-owned parts of Ireland are much whiter than the Republican parts, have much better gun laws and general freedoms.



You're so right user

It's not like they fucking bent over backwards for the EU and mass immigration once the Troubles were ended

Based Marxists IRA amirrite lad?

None of those look Irish to me, lad, you can tell, just look at the beady Iberian eyes

Not Irish, whoops

Everyone knows Ulster is the only county worth saving.
Ireland was populated by ancient Spaniards and frogs, both of whom are white. Then they interbred with the Celts and we have the potatonigger of today.
A mutt, but white.

the whole Irish aren't white arguement is just something the filthy anglos say to compensate for their own horrid cucking, low birth rates, and drastic social decline when compared to former anglo colonies with high irish populations such as the US, Ireland (duh), Australia and Ulster
I'd take that over our kids being 60% homo

Nice meme

The Irish are truly a fucking disgusting race of mongrels
You're getting real sloppy, Schlomo.

They have the same DNA basically and have lived in the same region. Next you'll say that non-Scandinavians are all nonwhite also.

Watch Varg, how new are you to genetics?


I know this is a funposting thread but are you actually serious

It's less than 60% actually Miguel


No white nationalist thinks like this

Not really helping your case there fam

yeah, at least a society can be salvaged after a good purging, where mass faggotry means your people are just nothing more than a hedonistic debauched culture incapable of sustaining itself

Most Europeans aren't hwhite nationalists

Most Europeans are ethnic nationalists for their own race which isn't a blanket mystery meat of culturally and ethincally homogeneous sludge like yanks


You do realise that the US has a much, much higher gay population than the UK, right?

The US and Australia are much less white than Britain and have extremely fucked demographics.
Ulster isn't a 'former anglo colony' you utter mong, it's a country of the UK
And as I said before, the British owned areas of Ireland are in a much better position than the republican owned areas.
Not an argument tbh

Not an argument tbh

Nice meme, Hans

They would probably still smell better

Being a nigger in Ireland doesn't make one Irish what it makes one is being a nigger in Ireland

Russians too. I mean look at them, obvious niggers. Poles, Ukrainians, Serbs, and Czechs totes not white too. Only Ashkenazi Jews claiming to be white and maybe American very mixed whites are white tbh.

How's Mexico doing? And niggers fuck animals. LOL.

I'm not german autistic britroach, It's so easy to get you antifa /brit/roaches to sperg out and show your true antiwhite colors.

Fuck off for good already you poor d&c shill.

This isn't an argument on whether wogs in Ireland are classed as Irish, it's whether potatoniggers are white or not

No lad, I'm not imkikey, I'm too white to be him

Hi, Holla Forums

Bye, Holla Forums

Nice meme, lad

you can kill the niggers dipshit it's easy to weed them out if it comes to it fags are much more difficult as they are a threat that comes from within, I never thought I would have to argue that fags are a serious threat on Holla Forums honestly they are number two on my purge list after kikes as it should be for the rest of you unless you're greek in that case they can be number 3 behind Jews and Turkroaches

Smelly dumb britroach scum

Got a source for that, wog?


Niggers wish they were as civilized as beaners 3,000 years ago. Human sacrifice and all.


Illegal immigrants are birthed from within too.

You're the Human-Sacrifice Spic whose saying that Spics are better than the faggots. I'd say we throw both of you dumb niggers in the same ditch.

Yes and?


You only missed to say "based bomber Harris do it again" in this post.

Fuck off Shlomo. You're not wanted here faggot.

Nigger you just posted a picture of Harris above this post. Stop pretending to be retarded.

Everyday I wake up and thank God i'm not a Mexican though.

holy jej

fags like you live below the surface, degenerate and supplant our society like termites you are every bit as much of an enemy as spics and way more dangerous

Wew, not an argument, lad

I don't need to say it, lad, the krauts have assured their own destruction

What are you on about, lad? Are you assuming that there is only one poster on the entirety of Holla Forums that knows about Harris?


Sure you do, Juan

This is so laughably pathetic and see through, it's kind of cringey.

I live in Europe

lol britcucks this desperate

Go back to getting buttfucked by antifa Richard, you don't belong here


Wow this thread made me feel like I was back on 4/pol/ where the mods are absent and don't give a fuck at all.

Smelly dumb britroach scum
That's why they often use english like in the second picture.
Almost all are foreigners, mostly from your cucked island, it produces antiwhite scum at the highest rate.

So? Spics in Europe are still spics

Born in Europe and all my ancestors were

Stop engaging it.

why are you responding to a shill

I don't know where this meme comes from, about 87% of the Republic is native Irish (including people from Northern Ireland).

holy shit why are they're so many fags and shitskins on today?

People in NI aren't fucking Native Irish you idiot

"Irish people?
Ha! Those potato niggers are less white than Italians!
Italians? Those WOP are literally just niggers but with better resources.
But you know who are even bigger niggers?
Slavs. They're just paler skinned niggers. They sure as hell aren't white!
White Hispanics? They don't even exist!
Germans and northern Europeans? Those pussies sure as hell aren't white! They're way too weak to be white!
Middle Eastern whites?! Ha! They sure aren't white but you ,know who is?
The Jews.
Trust us goy."