
Post ideology and kink(s) and/or fetish(es).

Other urls found in this thread:



didn't we do this already

several times

Yeah, now we're having another.


alot more than that. So much so that i know alot of ancoms like vore for some reason.

They just can't resist the pointless struggle to avoid being swallowed up by the state :^)

you literally cannot come up with a worst taste in things

you forgot
So yes, it can be and is worse.

ML;futa, watersports, femboys, petplay, chastity, nullification, humiliation, controlling the world economy, and the one that even I don't understand…
Hijab porn.

I'm not muslim.I don't believe women should have to be made modest. But something about burqas, Hijab and niqabs excites my dick like nothing else.

I don't get it either.

Market Socialist

planning on spending my entire next paycheck on Trap videos.

A masochist I see.

>cuddling, hand-holding, yaoi and shota.

I'd like to support her, she's nice to me on Twitter.

Paying for porn makes it hotter.

Shit thread

Phenomenology of Spirit
is at once one of the most obscure and
one of the most influential works of philosophy. Yet only members of
academic philosophical circles tend to be familiar with his earlier work,
The Difference between Fichte

s and Schelling

s System of Philosophy
to in the literature as the
). Hegel published that work
, at the age of thirty-one, at the very outset of his time at the
University of Jena. It has often been construed, not least of all by Fichte
himself, as a partisan defense of Hegel

s friend Schelling, who was
already teaching in Jena.
But Hegel also takes the opportunity to
indicate his own


from Schelling in the text.
And their
shared time in Jena saw the two thinkers grow even further apart.
Indeed, the position Hegel takes up in the Preface to the
involves a sharp critique of the Schellingian school. Although Hegel
expressly excludes Schelling himself from that critique,
the book has
been understood as a definitive repudiation of

or the structure, of subjectivity. And he simultaneously aligns himself
with Schelling in attempting to overcome the dualism between nature
and spirit.
There is, in truth, nothing that is not


extension, and sensibility are but implicit, unreflected forms of spirit. Yet
this does not represent a typical form of


(understood as the
opposite of


). Objects (things, events, states of affairs) are not
dependent on human consciousness

not even in the


sense advocated by Kant and Fichte, according to which the categories
and schemata in which humans comprehend the world can be traced
back to necessary, though unconscious, functions of the human mind.
For Hegel, the human mind rather participates in a universal


determines nature and culture alike. This logic is


in human
thinking itself and can be disclosed through spirit

s (i.e. human) action
and codified in the social realm. Cultural history is the process by
which human consciousness of the structure of reality becomes more
extensive and more differentiated. Of course, Hegel does not employ
the modern concept of


Actually, shit, I might be one of those guys that gets off on buying shit for women. I'm sure there's a word for that.

Oh boy, I better stop now while I'm ok.

The German concept
is notoriously difficult to translate. The term is sometimes
employed in contexts where an English speaker would say


For example, the
philosophical contemporary subfield

philosophy of mind

is known in Germany as the
Philosophie des Geistes
, which has led some (notably J. B. Baillie) to translate the title of

s work as the
Phenomenology of Mind
. However, this translation fails to account for
other prevalent uses of the term
which inform and color the German concept. The
history of culture is called
, the humanities (qua academic discipline) are
referred to as the
, while the

spirit of an age

is described as its
, and the Christian concept of the

Holy Spirit

finds expression as
der heilige Geist
not only pertains to the faculties and achievements of individuals, but com-
prises social structures and cultural products. Though the English term


has largely
fallen out of common currency and is reserved for quite specific contexts, we hope that
any awkwardness its use may arouse will serve to remind the reader of the unfamiliar
plasticity of the German concept. In this commentary, therefore,
is typically trans-
lated as


except in a few cases where the significance of the term is clearly
restricted to or primarily focused on what English-speakers would call


reading public.

Still today, as thinkers like Jürgen Habermas
or Francis Fukuyama illustrate, the
incites us to inter-
pret our time in both its historical origins and its possible future

s aim was to help the spirit of the age, as expressed in the
great upheavals during the epoch of Napoleon and Goethe, to come to


of itself. He therefore sought to provide a system
of categories equally capable of making sense of the development of
morality, art, the constitutional state, or the natural sciences. But Hegel
was no mere cultural critic concerned with interpreting the signs of
the times. Indeed, he aims to satisfy even the most stringent demands
of the critical philosophy as formulated by Kant and his followers. And
he aims to convince even the most rigorous philosophical skeptics by
employing their very own method in refuting them. The
aspires to be a radical (


) form of skepticism

through which skepticism undermines itself and establishes its opposite.

s name for this opposite was

absolute knowledge.

Such know-
ledge is supposed to be absolute both in its degree of certainty and in
its contents

an ambition that has elicited as much fascination as it
has incredulity and ridicule.

Absolute knowledge

naturally cannot help but come into
competition with religious cl
aims to certainty. Themes like




take up considerable space
in the
and Hegel ultimately wants to translate the
true core of religious history int
o philosophical concepts. Hegel's

Absolute knowledge

naturally cannot help but come into
competition with religious cl
aims to certainty. Themes like




take up considerable space
in the
and Hegel ultimately wants to translate the
true core of religious history int
o philosophical concepts. Hegel


attempts to


religion into philosophy, which are extensively
and systematically developed in his late Berlin lectures and writings,
have sparked embittered controversies and a schism within his own
followers. What he is concerned to do, as we see in the
is to effect a reconciliation between religion, science, and philosophy
and to resist the banal misunderstandings of religion popularized by a
shallow Enlightenment (see pp.

below). The
equally an attempt to show that the philosophical and scientific insights
of the modern age (from roughly the early seventeenth century to the
early nineteenth) actually confirm the religious belief that an absolute
(divine) wisdom reveals itself in the world.

Can you TLDR this for me?

Massive faggot
Reading Lacan

I have my own brand of communist but im with the local trots cuz fuck social-democrats and fuck having no party.

I indulge myself in all the current popular fetishes, ddlg, cucking stuff, spanking, paying girls is also hot as some mentioned before (money is a powerful aphrodisiac in our current society), femdom is cool, submissive girls are cool too. I guess I should try traps, it is the only popular thing im missing out.

It's the only worthwhile fetish, my boy.

Meant this
For this!!

I dunno pal, I like what I see and the concept, but when I see the dick I get put off. Like, what im supossed to want to do with it? I could ass fuck her but I dont want to see that penis and sure as hell I dont want to interact with it. What do you feel/fantasize about doing when you see it?

I fantasize about anal mostly, as for the dick, anything really, I guess that makes me bi in a way but I'm not attracted to regular males.

It's hard to explain, the concept of a trap makes everything 10x hotter and less gay.

You fuck their ass and it makes them cum through prostate stimulation. It's pretty much like fucking a guy's ass but they look like a grill.

If you're turned off to girls with dicks, that's something you can get over in time. I was the same way at first…..then I took the trap pill.

If you're going to keep posting her at least do nudes.

How bad

do you

want it?


I won't beg but wouldn't mind a look.

embarrassing thread

Will you "cringe" like all USA boys do? I swear they cringe and get embarassed by anything and anyone.




Femdom, femboys/traps, giantess, futa, shota, muscle girls, vore, monster girls, BDSM, watersports, and biting.

wew, you're cute. I miss my BF.

some of the very best ones in my wank bank

Flag Related

d e g e n e r a c y

So how many of you have tried your fetishes out?

v i r g i n i t y

Seriously, stop. This is Krillcen-tier.

just report him


turning those unbehaved wannabe aryans into obedient labor camp cumrags before their out of their teens

Vulgar marxism
Pic related

Non-sectarian fabianarchist christian commie secretly a post-left anarcho-nihilist entryist

Sadomasochism and traps. But I just want someone who will let me love them really.


Left-libertarian leanings, let's say I'm a democratic socialist.
Literally anything as long as I have a dominant position.

>cuckquean, impregnation, raceplay, beastiality, and monster girls

There's a shitload more but I'm not gonna bother with it

My fetishes involve guro so it will stay a fantasy. I envy people with vanilla kinks.

Middle eastern gfs are the best gfs nazibol. Trust me.

My last gf was very vanilla, but she was kinda masculine and violent and dominant so she hit me from time to time as a joke, not knowing it turns me on. I've flirted with traps but never found one IRL.

Fuck I've been drinking I'm going to regret this in the morning.

My last gf was a switch into cuckqueaning and while she'd like me to fuck other girls sometimes we'd dp a girl who was down or play with spanking and shit. Best sex I've ever had and I regret it falling apart. I'll never find another brown girl that kinky ever again.


I'm a pretty standard FALC-yearning leftist and I'm a gigantic furfag so that's that.


We post on this site don't we?

I prefer asians and latins myself. My favorite kind of women is those bronze qts in the medditteranean tbh

aw fuck you're such a qt user. I wish I could make you mine.

I can appreciate boys and girls, doms and subs. just not my crippling lonliness :(


>vore, furry, pone, facesitting, femdom, dickgirls, hyper, and i must scream, sadism, pica, deepthroat, rape, cock smothering. On the submissive side.

These are my kinks. I am not in the least attracted to dainty, princess-like girly women. But if she's too "manly" looking than I'm turned off.

It's a tough line to walk.

farthest I've ever gotten with a girl is some kissing and feeling…

Being a virgin is better than being a degenerate.
Less chance at catching STDs or having breakdowns during bad sex.

Become a wizard.

i don't know in what circles you're living but not everyone has fucking STDs

But the one time I groped that ass it felt so soft…

Virtually all people that are sexually active will be infected by HPV during their live. So yeah, pretty much everyone that is sexually active has STDs.

[citation needed]



fun fact, it is believed that a viral infection is involved with the appearance of viviparity. Life itself is STD


aka, cuckoldry

I just wanna be locked in a cock cage, treated like an object, and generally abused by a cute SJW girl; all for the heinous crime of being born male.

Is that really so much to ask?

is this t.Holla Forums?

tbh this sounds pretty hot either way. If I got pegged on reg I'd be down for it.

If by anything and anyone you mean yourself and a thread full of porn on a nominally political board, then you are correct. Are Holla Forums raiders the ones spamming lewdness everywhere? Are there already that many raiders?

The weekend was worse.

What's "t.Holla Forums"?

That first pic.. unf

He's saying it's a Holla Forums falseflag. Lurk more newfag.

Come on user, thats just having taste.

I WILL HAVE YOU KNOW that's a really good artist!

Anyway mainly vore with sprinkles of gentle femdom and /ss/ and some other stuff. I also like muscular guys but not dix

me 2


call it whatever you want but I want more. Holy shit

It's pretty hot, but the fact that my owner would be an SJW and look like your pic really sells it.

we really do need leftyvore. If only for the political vore jokes to be had



do you mind explaining what the stars on the chinese flag represent?

"the five stars and their relationship represent the unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China"

interesting, what people?


China is the big star.

Then you have Korea, Japan, Mongolia, and Vietnam.

Also, amputee porn

Oh Jesus Christ please stop

"In the original description of the flag by Zeng, the larger star symbolizes the Communist Party of China, and the four smaller stars that surround the big star symbolize the four social classes (the working class, the peasantry, the urban petite bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie) […]"

Femdom tomboys and short hair

stop being such a pussy and whining about your life. Try living mine, having regular episodes of depression about being lonely yet being virtually unable to develop a crush.

Chinas flag truly is disgusting

>t. polyp leftist degenerate cuck numale beta

I tend to attract libertarians for some reason.




Anarcha-Hoxhaist Queer Theorist
I have a fetish for workers control of the means of production.

Holla Forumsacks confirmed for normies

Wrong flag.


the proletariat are actually also pretty tasty

Also this weird power play thing which I don't think has a name, where one starts as pure submissive and the other as pure dominant, and then it reverses. Which is kinda leftist, thinking about it.

So a Spartacus fetish?


I guess. I wish it had a name like that so it'd be easier to find porn about it.


Afaik it doesn't have a name. A couple I know are into it though, if she's not dominating enough he starts dominating her. It's not planned or anything though.

Just made up the name. Would watch porn if they made it, but other than gangbangs porn is pretty vanilla.

Pic related

very ver very good taste familia

Somewhere between Islamig Gommunism and Anfem

Being whipped, choked, slapped, hair pulled, electrocuted, branded with a hot iron, pissed on, rape play, sensory deprivation, humiliation, exhibition, tattooed as property, group sex, k9, forced deepthroat, forced impreg, sometimes cuckquean stuff, being shared, mouth used as an ash tray, spanking with hand or paddle, light breath play, leash & collar, maybe needles if you know what you're doing, and piercings.

Oh, and I want these, but as a piercing.


my you certainly are degenerate


That comic made my dick diamonds

S-she seems n-nice

Body horror


Ntr where the girl is fucking some dude who is way bigger/tougher/etc than the male leade, male lead walks in and is devastated, girl realizes she's caught but shows no remorse, the guy cries and masturbates as he's crying while his girl torments him

Also, ntr in general and female humiliation, traps (real only), really really long penises

Thats a porn genre?

You either don't understand sarcasm or are pretending to be retarded.


You mean the pet play stuff where you(the sub I assume) acts like a dog? If so how do you feel about primal play?

Nice. My ex had the barbells only and those were really fun.

Not in the least…

So dog fucking then?

Isn't she though? Though I still want to send the artist a question asking how she feels about anarchists and if they're comrades.

Classical leninist like muke but i can read

That makes it sound dirty.

could it be?
A fellow leftist zoophile?

wait a moment, are you the 10/10 lebanese slut? can you post some photos?

You're twisted anfem

Is sounding dirty a bad thing?

Everything else on your list is hot as fuck though. You down with dp?

That makes it sound weird.

I am lebanese. Here is photos.


Most chicks fantasize about that.

Are you most chicks?

My ex liked it a lot, I enjoy it better than spitroasting tbh.

are you into findom?

In that sense.

I could take it or leave it I guess.

feels bad man

Ayy. Stallions be hot.

this is why /pol think we leftists are nu-males white knights, just treat that slut how she deserves.


that's cuckoldry to the extreme, and degenerate

How about double anal?

you are so fucking cucked you can't even realize how cucked you are

why did my post got Mickey'd??

lol who gives a shit what a bunch of retarded illiterate 14 year old trumpenproles think? I see literally no reason to cater to their retarded whims.

I'm more of a dolphin person tbh.

It will be a sad, sad day when we start caring that much about what Holla Forums thinks about us.

post some webms of you jerking off slut.

That seems kinda painful tbh.

Maximum spooked.

Word filter. It's for the jew "()" thing.

Only if you don't prep right. If the bottom has got a plug and some lube it's pretty easy to pull off, assuming you've had anal before and the tops know what they're doing.


i tried to save you comrades but you didn't listen

Well that's true of any anal tbh.

Why don't you go blow yourself up somewhere.

Not sure if trolling

name pls ._.

financial domination. saddest fetish ever tbh

Cant get much worse than that.


comrad habibti your flag is fucking stupid as shit. read marx

maledom is the most cucked fetish, actually. all the ""dominant"" guys i've met are fat, ugly and insecure about their masculinity. no, thanks.


Not ""triggered"" but stop lying to yourself. Trannies will never be women.

mind your own business

oh god its this thread again

anarcho syndicalist

* lesbians and some gays
* transgenderism/transsexualism (traps, futa, cuntboys, etc)
* compromised consent
* older experienced people (30s, 40s, 50s)
* natural/unkempt people (like greasy/messy hair, baggy eyes, unshaved ladies, etc)
* porn with heavy plot
* revolutionaries
* space rocks

psychoanalyze me, Holla Forums

You want to be raped by an older tranny with poor hygiene in a community theater.

i had a sneaking suspicion but seeing it put into words has really convinced me

thanks user


as for me

:- nondenominational leftist
:- futanari
:- shemales
:- tentacles
:- lesbians
:- incest
:- /ss/
:- bestiality/monsters
:- corruption
:- kemonomimi
:- bdsm
:- sado-masochist
:- loli
:- size difference
:- small dom/big sub
:- impregnation
:- lactation
:- elves

I would be normie as fuck if I wasn't only attracted to masculine men


Fixed that for ya.


oh, also "bois"

Good taste, user.


Market socialism
Pic related

literally why even be feminist if you're gonna be picky about whether somebody has an innie or an outie between their legs


Good taste user

it's not about genitals, don't simplify arguments to make them sound dumb.

Best taste.

The irony in this statement



Communist I guess? I support Die Linke and have some admiration for the DDR.

Living doll fantasies, where I am the doll who is owned and dressed up by a cute guy that I love and trust. I would then proceed to serve him as his pretty and innocent gf and would make sure that he was comfortable at all times while he would protect me. If I had to guess, I would say that I have this fantasy due to my ideas on traditional gender roles and my tendency to objectify my own body.

Also am into the idea of petplay, with pretty much the same scenario as above except with me being a cute neko instead of a doll.

Where's the irony in that statement?


so what, is it their y chromosomes? or maybe their bone structure? is it that they can't get pregnant?

gender is a social construct, fam

like i'm not even an sjw, that's literally just sociology 101, its the first question on the first 10 question quiz the professor gives you that's super easy because he wants to get good reviews at the end of the semester. how do you people not know this?


Traps, really tame BDSM and handholding

Egoist anarchism


Any jungle fever for Board Owner? I know he loves that shit.

Any jungle fever for Board Owner? I know he loves that shit.



Let me save us both a post and give you your finishing words:

Can anyone ban all anarcho-feminists ?

there's a market socialist trap in there


you still aren't welcome tumblr

Fuck as someone who loves pet play you are my ultimate fantasy

no dysphoria and not transitioning? queer.
dysphoria and transitioning? trans.

those not real

Individualist anarchism
BDSM, skinny girls with abs, futa


Nobody cares. If it's triggering you that much, nothing prevents you from going back to whatever torture chamber you crawled out from under.

this board now disgusts me on multiple levels.

Nowadays I'm becoming some kind of egoist or insurrection dude or and my fetish is cuteness and hugs



My fetish is inviting criminal refugees from africa and shitfuckistan to rape and murder young women as well as children then justify it as 'their culture'

Hey AnarchaFeminist Poster.
How's it been?
It's been a while since I've seen you




actually, anything where I get to possibly hurt someone physically or mentally. :^)

Rebel pls you know you're a masochist ;^)

This thread is a freudian gold mine

None but self theory, i am special haha! The Unique one!

Rape,Blowjobs,crosdressing and armor/gear.

shoot me plz

switch tbh, but yeah I'm also a masochist.

likes being called dumb probably


mine nigga.
Just finished feral, was actually pretty shit ngl. He's trying way too hard to be Debord…

Posting in a datamining thread.
>crossdressing, uniforms, sadism (bondage, beating, blood play), pegging and role-reversal, holding hands and cuddling

aw shit mah comrade


Read Lacan.

Why is Wolfi shit? Could you explain into detail Rebel-san? Did you skim it or actually looked deeper into it? Did you read Logic of Submission yet? Trying to hard to be X isnt an argument if X is great in itself tho.

Get in IRC you slut~


Anarchist here.
I have a lot of different fetishes, the most recent is an outfit one, pic related.
I heard that female horse rider can reach orgasm while riding and I find it to be really hot.

yeah but they're pants look so fucking stupid



As a Christian I only have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of reproduction.

This pic explains it all

Good one, user.

Fucking top tier kinks mate. Apart from the blood play


Mom-son, brother-sister, aunt-nephew incest. Helpppppppppp

I just said he tries too hard to be Debord. Also falls into the same traps as Kneechucks and Foreheadman

how sad for you.


I agree
My only disagreement is that gender in it's specific content is definitely socially constructed there is no objective reason pink is a girl color or blue a boy color for example


There is no objective reason to care about any objective reasons.

yes and?
seriously that doesn't address anything I said

It addresses that saying that something doesn't have an "objective reason" is not really an argument.

pearls before swine

It is the context I put it you retard
my argument is that there should be no obsession with a fixed idea of gender and what makes it up
it shouldn't be taken as fact that women just are naturally attracted to pink more then men
there isn't an objective reason for such a thing to be true within our biology or otherwise


kink: icepicks

There are some deepwired reasons for why people prefer certain colors, there's a near universal preference for blue over yellow for example. We like certain colors for the mood, symbolism and associations they possess. Pink is preferable for women because it captures the mood of softness that comes with femininity as they are the primary caregivers.

Pink might look really well on you, but you'll miss out on a whole lot of our humanity by falling into the "that's not objective!" trap.

Except it was a masculine color before too you mongoloid literally the assignment of colors to genders has changed all the time in history. In fact pink as the 'girl color' is only a recent manufacturing out of the consumer society.
the fuck are you even saying? I can still aesthetically enjoy pink I just don't assign it a specific gender to be attached to

anarcho babies with leninist daddies

Are you referring to 18th century clothing?

That wouldn't refute my claim, as it was popular back then exactly because it expressed a feminine softness.

You can indeed enjoy wearing pink lingerie and have a mental blockade to the deeper levels of our psychology and how it relates to our being.

This is some high-school dropout level pseudoscience.

Colors are not recognized as meaningful universally. For instance the color black in most western cultures is symbolic of evil, death, and such, while white takes the opposite role as the color of life, sanctity, purity, etc. Meanwhile, other eastern cultures take the opposite viewpoint, with white as death and black as life. Furthermore, this is only reflected as such in contemporary analysis; white death and black life can be seen even in the indigenous tribal cultures of the americas.

explain why colors have completely different meaning across cultures even today let alone in the past?

They are and it runs pretty deep. Red draws more attention than green and blue, which is a left-over from the time we developed an ability to see the color red to be able to spot fruits.

Because of their associations.

this isn't the same thing as purple meaning nobility or green meaning greed and it isn't an interpretation of the color in that case it's a visceral reaction.

And why would there be no connection between the two?

because you can take your visceral reaction and run with it with whatever interpretation you want

You can indeed do that, right here, right now. Just like I can interpretate a loud cry as a means of saying goodnight. That doesn't mean the interpretations have no connection between the reaction.

sure but the reaction and interpretation aren't the same thing
not to mention the interpretation can still be anything

Then it should logically follow that there should be a randomness to interpretation of sound and color. There isn't.

except there is? Interpretations aren't consistent across cultures or time

When and where did police officers ever wear pink?

dunno but it probably happened
some have worn black or green or red or a whole host of other colors though


strongly recommend you to pratice that fetish of yours more often

I'm not sure what I expected. Y'all have fun, I guess.

I like what I like, dont judge me.

There are plenty of doms itt


wow ur fetishes are just as disgusting as your ideology.

Thanks, doc!


Real fucking spooky, kiddo.

And what the fuck "masculine" quality does blue even signify? Dig deep in that pop evo-psych degree,my dude.


>i just want a qt twink/femboy to cuddle and bully and spank and call names tbh

du ma

I knew all ya feminists are subs.

He's talking about how once in western societies, pink was a 'boys' color because of its similarity to red, which evokes blood, alertness, action, while blue was a 'girls' color because it evokes the blue sky and the open sea, symbols of calmness and tranquility. The only color which I think could reasonably be claimed to have a smattering of universality in symbology would be pure red: we have an evolved reaction to the sight of it, in our history this probably took the form of blood.



Dump all you have.


of course


Is it cucking when you like to invite people to have sex with you and your patner, both men and women?

Because that's my number one fetish. I want a relationship where we call people to join us. Because I've been in threesomes before and it's great, and I've been in relationships before and I don't really want to fuck that person after a few months. So it's a good way to balance shit out.

-left-wing market anarchism

-femdom, making sweet love in the missionary position and loli I guess

No, that's an orgy.

Cuckold is about suspension of power from 1 of the 3 "or more" participants, The sexual power distribution of the cuckold relationship is unequal and hierarchical

polygamy relationships are 3 "or more" fucking with horizontal power structure with no one subjecting the other 2"or more"

polygamy is communist
Cuckoldry is capitalist

No. It's cuckolding/cuckqueaning when you enjoy being humiliated by watching your partner fuck someone else, with humiliation being the key component to arousal. You're just talking about group sex.


If gender is a social construct, then what's the point in transitioning?



Got this post screenshot for future use
You opened my eyes to the truth comrade

This thread is embarrassing and you should all feel bad tbh.

because trans people have physical dysphoria and are genuinely uncomfortable with their bodies to the point of genuine distress and mental anguish. Transitioning is literally the only decent treatment they have aside from pray the gay away tier retardation.

You mean polyamory fam.

Bloodplay, masochism, bondage, DDlg.


Forgot this.

My boyfriend sent me this earlier :3 I love him so~


Forgot this:
Also, I always like being dominated and never the other way around.

this applies to the whole board!



that is a nice fucking BBC

both of you need to get raped

kek, Holla Forumsyp mad the girl he liked got a new boyfriend

go back to Holla Forums

People can find cuckholdry either arousing or disgusting, i couldn't care less, what i find funny however, is the hypocrysy. Kinda like thoses Morrocans fundies having an affair…

holy fuck leftists are retarded. Someone posted the webm on some dead board I visited and I decided to toss it up on Holla Forums. I never figured you faggots would actually descend into a conversation on cuckolding. Makes sense given that Stirner himself was a cuck.

From "Max Stirner - His Life and His Works" By Mackay

moral of the story: throw leftists into ovens at all times. Holla Forums out


Fuck, I keep forgetting shit.

no reason to lie buddy, we all know you saved that bbc so you could fap to it later

Kek, girlfriends are a spook, Holla Forums

friendly reminder, cuckhold


Fuck it. Gonna put it all in one post.

Analyze me, Freud!

You want to be gangbanged by trannies of varying ethnicity and turned into a tranny through a months long series of hazing and domination.

You're also likely fat.

But I'm not into gangbanging or anything that isn't affectionate…

Replace gangbang with "used as an affectionate fuck toy" and "loving grooming" instead of hazing.




you are twice the cancer, congrats

It was just a prank bro.
