"One of these ideas is that India is a land of two races - the lighter- skinned Aryans and the darker-skinned Dravidians - and that the Dravidians were the original inhabitants of India whom the invading Aryans conquered and dominated. From this came the additional idea that much of what we call Hindu culture was in fact Dravidian, and later borrowed by Aryans who, however, never gave the Dravidians proper credit for it. This idea has been used to turn the people of south India against the people of north India, as if the southerners were a different race."
wu wuz da original pajeetz and shiet, dey stole our culcha
Brody Davis
Not just culcha mothefucka, you pirates stole our gold too.
The queen pirate bitch wears a crown stolen from pajeet lands. Fact, bitch.
Joseph Ortiz
The Kohinoor diamond originally belonged to the Mughals before it was taken by the Brits so… They're not complaining. Don't be such a handout grabber, Pajeet.
Angel Miller
Streetshitter detected
Christopher Thompson
What happened to Aishwarya Rai. She's from the South, no? You guys are such a good source of lulz.
Not that any of this 'source' crap matters. You are someone that relies on skin color for your self worth. That's pathetic. What's even more pathetic is your circumcised cock.
Secondly, Aryans from Persia took over India and improved the area.
Aryans are still found in small pockets, particularly in Kashmir, which you faggots shoot up daily so it's a bit hypocritical that you complain about your resources being stolen. They are also found in Afghanistan and Iran, although Wahhabi Sunni Islam ruined them.
Ancient Persian, Sanskrit and modern Croatian have a lot of similar words so this isn't a blog theory.
Daniel Morris
Didn't say the invasion was fantasy, dumbass. That's what Aryans do, right? Invade and steal shit.
Actually India went pretty downhill after that.
Chase Sullivan
pathetic no sage to let everyone see the human failure you are
Leo Rivera
haha, right… with your semi-functioning cock and shit stained ass. All you fuckers do is steal shit and claim superiority. Pathetic.
We have a word for them… Pirates!
Austin Garcia
Are cocks all you fags can think about?
Ryder Barnes
Speaking of shit, what's your open defecation stats these days?
David Scott
Good one. I think the source of your 'inferiority complex' is your damaged cock. I'm just trying to point out to the psychological source.
Nolan Carter
None. Most homes come with a hand shower (look it up)
How shitty is your ass these days, by the way? Can't imagine doing my dishes with just toilet paper.
Angel Brooks
wew lad you must have been pretty butthurt to come create this thread and project this much
Mason Bennett
As of today, there's neither Pure Aryans or Pure Dravidians in India. However, there are those with more Aryan genes than others.
Exemplified perfectly: Reds and Blues are no more, only several layers of mixing.
Lucas Ward
also talking about stealing, what are you doing using a computer? give it back to us you street shitter.
Joseph Moore
Know this Hindu Joke?
Hindus don't actually like cows. Cows walk around with shit on their asses and act like they own the place
Gabriel Mitchell
Talk to me when you aren't all just customer care for Jewish companies.
It is the wet dream of an Indian to work in IT for a foreign company. Either make India great again or STFU.
Josiah Rivera
Paid for it, cuck. Didn't your ancestors just go around and steal shit? That's why you enjoy your privileged life, well, at least what's left of it :)
Aiden Perez
haha, funny. Fuck tech. Google, Facebook and almost everything is Jewish run. Best of luck not working for the Jewish money, loser.
Grayson Nelson
I bet you're great at Java and C++ so you could work for Wipro
Jose Stewart
I meant below average.
Nathaniel Price
Just having fun. Giving you an alternate red-pill from time to time. You pirates get lost in the smell of your own farts too often. Reality check, cucks. You're a bunch of pirates with defunct penises.
Luke Thomas
I don't think so you seem pretty buttflustered
not a burger
Jack Walker
How's it feel knowing that the Taj Mahal wasn't made by actual Indians and is the most famous Indian monument there is?
Elijah Ramirez
Good one, Freud. Trust me on this one. I have the less shitty ass, at least.
Zachary Harris
Don't care :)
Jeremiah Taylor
Kohinoor isn't yours either. Quit whining. :)
Caleb Stewart
How does it feel to know that your cock is unable to really feel? It wasn't your choice was it? You do enjoy fucking, right? What if you were only experiencing a fraction of the pleasure.
Sorry, pirate.
Elijah Jenkins
You indulge me, Bob :)
Joshua Brown
streetshitters shitposting on Holla Forums
good job. hope you die of the plague or some other medieval illness your people still can't treat.
Hudson Turner
dafuq. The number of Indian doctors is too damn high, cuck. Haven't you seen Harold and Kumar?
Charles Martinez
post a selfie I dare you. Only Aryans may post on this board
Levi Ortiz
She's Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. In 2007 she married Abhishek Bachchan, the son of Bollywood mega-star Amitabh Bachchan.
Video unrelated
Wyatt Campbell
You can't really use contemporary Hindu sources as backing because they are usually biased. It's like using afrocentric sources on Egypt. Don't be retarded.
Dominic Baker
Here you go :)
David Reed
well, you can't really use any 'source' for that matter. The guy with gun decides what's authoritative and what's not.
Evan Richardson
Lol. Good one. I am not responsible for that video.
Jack Bennett
M8 do you actually have any good books on the ancient Aryans?
I live near a large population of Indians. I've always been curious as to how India could go from a glorious light-skinned Aryan civilization with toilets and plumbing 2,500 years ago, to today filled with bug-eyed brown pajeets who literally shit everywhere.
Kevin Powell
Holy fuck you're dumb. You might have plenty of doctors but sadly they can't stop spreading diseases. Basic hygine would have cured most of these diseases centuries ago.
Here's a tip from an evil western pirate: don't shit in the hospital hallways and wash your hands before you perform surgery.
Cooper Reyes
I blame the Brits. I don't know about a glorious 'white' civilization though. They were well mannered enough to not require circumcision. That stuff is for animals, dude
Oliver Lee
M8 your country is still held together by 70 year old British infrastucture.. What the hell are you guys going to do when this finally fails? Build the bridges and canals out of poo?
Charles Allen
So it's true then Holla Forums has mudslime internet defense force I didn't believe it at first kek.
Mughals were a product of India and acquired that from Indian wealth somewhere in rajasthan.It's not a handout dear.
Cmon shooting up mudslimes in kashmir is a moral duty for the genocide of native Aryan Pandits of the past.
Kevin Wood
Holy fuck you're blind. I never suggested Harold and Kumar is a valid source of information.
Wash your ass well after you shit, Bob. That's what matters.
Matthew Foster
ok let me get this OP
Dominic Baker
Sure, like the white race isn't involved in any genocide. How else can you deal with defunct penises, and women who are more like men.
Tyler Cooper
Your languages are Indo-European. All your sacred texts are in Indo-European. You just said you don't deny the Aryan invasion theory… And India had plumbing and toilets 2,500 years ago, while today 40% of its inhabitants shit in the street..
Did brown pajeet streetshitters just magically forget how to use toilets?
Also, why does the sanskrit word for caste, "Varna", mean "color"?
Matthew Nguyen
It's a lot older than that. The ancient Brahmins had the power of the Word, as in they were the only people allowed to read or write. So whatever they wrote fit their agenda. It isn't all too different now, except that information is compartmentalized.
I'm not here to make a point, because you fuckers are racist. I'm just here to play :)
Jose Turner
Dude… get your facts right.
Puranas were in Dravidian and it isn't Indo-European. Have you ever read any of these books?
And as for varna: Aryan Brahmins were racist and they did just the same thing every fucking pirate does once they occupy a foreign land.
Liam Gomez
You seem to be acting as if we aren't proud of the fact that we can dominate and genocide you if we ever feel the need..
Also, statistically, indians have the smallest penises on Earth, I've even heard your women comment on this. I'm not sure why you're trying to attack from this angle.
I don't think Indians can actually be medically circumcised because they literally are too small..
Joseph Morgan
Don't force me to get my Indian memes folder from my other laptop.
Mughals were Persian. You can look up the average Kashmiri both Muslim and non Muslim to see their skin tone and Bone structure. There's mixing but the 6 foot plus stature and fair skin is found in non Hindus.
Other great examples of Aryan heritage can be seen in small pockets in many regions of the world all of which were non Hindu.
In fact, even the word Hindu was given to you by the Arabs which referred to them as such because they didn't pronounce Indus correctly. Indus valley was near Mesopotamia which comprises modern Iraq until North West India.
Levi Nelson
No, pajeet.
Luis Gomez
You are probably going to cite a BBC article based on a 'survey'. The white women that I've been with seem to have a lot of fun. I have to hold them back when they go down on me though. They're used to limp dicks.
Ryder Bennett
Seems like you guys are the ones obsessed with other people's cocks why else would you go about daily obsessed with something like BBC and cuckoldery man.
But we still like our women but as long as we stick to our women we shouldn't pose you white guys any problem.
Sebastian Mitchell
Didn't say that :) It's Indian
And no, you have nothing in common with those who designed Sanskrit.
Now get back to thinking about your broken penis, shit ass
Mason Long
Kalogynomia. It's a book by white men. Enjoy :)
Jacob King
Skin tone and genetics seem to be common enough. In fact, you don't have anything in common with the ones that invented Sanskrit.
Isaac Wilson
OP we know this. Also, poo in the loo
Brody Evans
You forget culture, but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? :)
It has nothing to do with biology cuck. Now go wash your ass.
Andrew Nelson
No I mean this has been a statistical reality since they've started measuring penis size worldwide.
This is even a mainstream understanding in the United States, I remember there used to be a show on Spike called "Manswers". They ran a segment on average penis sizes across the planet and India was unequivocally the smallest, coming in with an average erect penis length of less than 5.5 inches.
Tie this with the fact that you yourself are not tall, nor Aryan, and probably smell funny, there is simply no way any women was impressed with you outside of literally a down-syndrome tier white woman.
Though I should emphasize that no one here actually believes you..
Lucas Cox
Indians are stinking streetshitters, period. They also happen to be extremely bigoted and bleach themselves to a lighter color frequently. A case of being ugly both in and out.
Cameron Jones
Go poo somewhere Pajeet..
Anthony Campbell
Don't care. I'm just saying that they over-do oral sex. You don't just suck on a penis like it's dead. They're just used to limp dicks that are unable to feel.
Charles Bell
Thomas Hernandez
Hah, not really. You probably look like a nerd. I'm pretty sure every woman in your family would give me a rimjob in an Arby's restroom if I told them I knew Bono.
Gavin Garcia
Source your statistical reality 'they' started measuring.
I'm curious about the Japs
Liam Russell
Savage as fuck, currynigger. Cut me, I bleed.
Bentley Harris
Dravidians's religion was satanas the lord of war and domination. Also look at the maya culture. The race worshipping him ruled the world before aryans came.
Lincoln Gray
It's one of these threads.
Blake Scott
To address the MIDF comment, non Sunni Muslims >>>> any Hindu street shitter.
Such a shame about the oil boom in Saudi resulting in thousands of Wahhabi mosques all over the world. Skin tone matters above everything else. Morocco, Lebanon, Iran, Syria are being destroyed by non white Arabs and their Hindu tier Islam.
Adam Garcia
Yeah. they worshipped Shiva and all.
Michael King
I've seen some very white Jews though
Nathan Sanders
Pajeet just stop my dude its embarassing.
I'm going to be brutally honest with you now… I'm 6'3, 210 lbs, Aryan, dark blond with blue eyes. I'm 7.5 inches erect..
You'll never know what this feels like Pajeet. You'll never know what it's like to have beautiful women..
I almost want to pity you pajeet… But then I remember. Your race is just on this planet to serve us. To work tech support, and maybe copypasta code sometime for some corportation (if they can train you to shit in the bathroom..).
That's it pajeet. That's all you are, little Dravidian man..
Lincoln Peterson
That's a master-race kid? lol
Ryder Allen
You haven't lurked for long, have you, genius?
Jack Barnes
Try harder. It's not working because, as i said, i think white women are terrible at sex. They're not very feminine.
And I bet I could get your mom to bend over. She's probably a fat whore though, so let's just stick to the hypothetical
Xavier Wood
that's nothing. this one is really bumping
Michael Robinson
well, look above… i think there's a scientific image featuring Indians. It's all skin tone.
It's all really classification, isn't it? Shit with no inherent meaning. Things used by cucks to feel better about themselves.
Michael Miller
And your mom probably just uses TP to wipe her ass. Ever wonder why white women spend a lot of time in the restroom before they actually 'let go'. That's a good thing though.
Aaron White
You can't be blamed for being wrong, Pajeet. It's not like you've ever had a chance to find out for yourself. It's not like you ever will, either.
Alexander Richardson
Lol pajeet nobody wants your 2 inch streetshitter cock.
Jordan Parker
Alright, it's night time pirate cucks.
I enjoyed conversation, all you 5'6 nerds with 4" cocks that aren't functional. Go read some more white trash propaganda to feel better about yourselves. Maybe some dumb racist whore might find that sexy. Best of luck, procreating.
Ryan Powell
It is working Pajeet, it is. Because deep down, you know all the poo-women in your family would have the greatest experience in their lives if they had the chance to fuck me. Better than anything your father or any other pajeet man could provide..
Whereas you also know that, quite frankly, everything you say is nonsense.
You're cucked pajeet, cucked by the white man. Your race always has been and it always will be. This is just the way of the universe, you poo and we conquer.
It's alright, the world just continues on as it always had. Now, go poo pajeet, if you haven't already.
Josiah Martin
Jackson Morris
Pajeet I'm actually 6'3, muscled, blond haired and blue eyed. I was not lying to you. You simply are projecting.
But alright, don't poo in the bed little man.
Robert Lewis
Get back to answering helpdesk calls, you fucking shit-smelling monkey.
Jeremiah Mitchell
Have you seen their tv commercials? Nothing but skin bleaching adverts.
Luke Anderson
Why do poos always assume we don't know what troubles poos have? Look, Rajendra, we know what it's like for you: Indian girls only want white guys, it makes you furious. It's a thing these days. Your parents blame you for not being married. You're a manlet, bigger hips than normal, bad posture, sunken chest, maybe some gyno. We know what it's like for poos, you faggots are everywhere in most cities.
No, that's not terribly scientific. Race is far more complex, and skin color is almost insignificant as a consideration. If you believed that meme, you're gullible af.
==WTF so Holla Forums is full of shitskins and niggers and these are the ones attacking other white nationalists like Richard Spencer and others while lusting over shitskin women,IMKAMFY what a mess you have done with this board==
If any whites are still left here come over to endchan.xyz I assure you nobody will get banned for criticizing Trump and no it's not an honeypot.
Anthony Howard
Christopher Brown
(checked) POO BTFO
Chase Flores
Italians and Americans are the main targets of D&C, you missed an opportunity,.
Noah Richardson
Benjamin Hernandez
Dravidians had no written languagr, and all modern white languages are direct descendants of sanskrit, and indo-european language. Pajeets are abo level iq, and had no civilization until whites came.
Cooper Phillips
Pajeet with the shitrifecta.
Austin Hughes
I don't even know what the fuck he meant to accomplish with that, but I respect his attempt to do whatever it was.
Ryan Clark
Shoot yourself. American whites have a distinct type. Germans aren't slavs, Italian Romans don't really exist anymore, and the French aren't anything in that picture.
Easton Watson
Oops, this was for:
accidentally replied to myself.
Chase Martin
Oh, well, my record is corrected then. I'll take your word for that. Pic unrelated. Shit, I totally didn't realize that. There is some admixture between Slavs and Nordics due to proximity and a history of warfare, but you're right: Germans aren't "Slavs"; Slavic is primarily a linguistic group, while German is a 300 year old nationality, not a race, or sub-race. I guess it's more appropriate to call Romans "Cisalpine Gauls", but they are more distinct than any other Gallic tribes, and Gauls were racially more of a mess of Nordic subtypes then a settled, distinct race anyway. No, they're not. But it is a meme, not a racial chart for a clinic or classroom. Don't be so autismo.
Levi Cox
btfo I guess. But even those Americans of predominant origin, surely are different than an English or Dutch in their respective countries.
Landon Jenkins
the living scat didn't even get to triple digits before it ran away crying
Jason Watson
John Hall
Of course, but not so much so in 200-300 years that anyone can really tell from a gel phoresis or something. It would take thousands of years of isolation to produce noticeable differences. Most white Americans are genetically indistinguishable from Europeans; that's how strong kin selection instincts are. That's why white flight exists; even the Irish tend to still live and breed within relative proximity to other Irish in North America. It's a strange phenomenon, literally an instinct.
Angel Long
But that is not true, the concept of caste came from the Aryans, in Dravidian places like the Malabar coast, the idea of a priestly caste was completely alien to them until the 2nd or 3rd Century AD
Aaron Smith
Joshua Hughes
Maybe some ingrained attraction can form. Like partial spinets of memory from your ancestors genetics that incline you towards preference for a certain phenotype. I don't know, maybe I'm just saying gibberish but I myself prefer a specific type of face on a woman.
Colton Sanders
Justin Sanchez
That's my fetish, tbh.
Jackson Hughes
streetshitters are almost non-existent in the south, to be honest.
Evan Anderson
He is saying that ancient Persians were superior to monkey looking Indian abos, no comment on modern politics or whatnot. How's that Muslim JIDF? Read a book, Buck.
Gavin Flores
Yes the Brits were not nice to you, and they are und erjewish control since ages. The Germans for example tried to develop their colonies. But whats wrong about invading lands and rule them as a superior culture? Your ancestors did the same or tried. White people could have killed every other race in the world 200-100 years ago and make it a world of whites.
Benjamin James
Grayson Harris
"Jews Are a Race, Genes Reveal" That image is great, now any time a leftard tells me that "race is a social construct" I can call them antisemitic.
Cooper Flores
Julian Allen
The Spanish guy is brown. To be white you actually have to be white.
Some gooks are whiter than this.
Oliver Sullivan
Happy white Asians lighter than BEANERS. Proud of swastikas and Buddha. NO FATS. 100+ IQ.
Opposing Christo-Hispanic untermensch is a matter of personal hygiene.
Bentley Peterson
I was hoping for some quality responses while I was in bed. But this is Beta-primate typical lame racist shit. Do you know why the male G-spot is in the butthole. Something you cucks should explore.
Banned from /pol! woo hoo! 'Aryan' whitetrash folks are so sensitive, unlike their penises
Morning cucks! I was hoping there would be a reply worthy of an alpha-white half-cock, but this shit is so lame. Do you guys know why the male G-spot is in your butthole. Perhaps that is something worthy of your time worth investigating
Nathan Russell
Samuel Harris
Cameron Carter
Wrong board, Wong.
Jace Howard
There was no Aryan invasion to destroy Indian civilization. That's a myth concocted by SJWs and self-hating dalits.
The oldest known Dravidian civilization was the Indus Valley. It collapsed and the people running it moved on to rural living. Aryans came centuries later.
There's no proof of who would be a "racial Aryan" or anything like that. The Aryan Invasion Theory at its core states that some "caucasoid" people introduced a new language, religious customs and the culture of the Vedas. The word Aryan in India itself always just meant "noble".
India became uncivilized due to Muslim invaders long before any British soldier ever laid eyes upon the country. Mughals were already looting the country before Brits kicked their shit in and did some looting of their own. Your schools and temples got wrecked by an Akhmed, not a Jerry.
Retard Indians believe fairy tales that absolve Muslims of their crimes and shift 100% of the blame onto the white man.
Andrew Cook
streetshitting is a byproduct of the caste system. It's a reflection of your own ugly indian nature, nothing else.