After Hitler

Discovery Channel documentary lets some redpills out and shows everything right after Hitler dies. It will make you rage but it links a lot of the memes we use together in rare detailed footage.

It also shows

Other urls found in this thread: occupation

Part 2
the rebuilding of Europe


Watch this and remember it the next time some kike complains about Jews be persecuted. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed

It shows all of it and the deportation of ethnic Germans in Eastern Europe and they end up in camps and lynched

I find it hard to watch its such a terrible ending to it all, depressing.


I didn't know they shaved and tortured women that still had hope for the reich after the war
They destroyed everything, tortured everyone, they killed half germans and the other half went into concentration camps, they liberated them and tortured them.
Fucking kikes man, my blood is boiling


This actually isn't bad for a normalfag production and is refreshingly sympathetic to German civilians.

I still get tired of hearing "muh jews muh jews" every five seconds though. Tens of millions of white Europeans were killed, and even if you believe the Holohoax lies, jews were less than 1% of the population in almost every European country. Their deaths were just a drop in the bucket.

De-Nazification was fucked up.

It's too painful to watch.

All those white men died so that niggers, Jews, muslims and other shit could grow fat. There is no blame on the Germans. They tried two times to slay the devil and they gave their best.

But the French, the British, the Russians and the Americans all died as well. Deluded, misguided, sacrificed to give birth to a putrid parody world of degeneracy and white genocide. They died for an evil cause, in fact the most evil cause in the history of the planet. I do not blame the soldiers one bit. My own grandfather was a partisan after all. But I hate evil, I hate it so much and with a fury that burns me from the inside. These manipulators, these Jews, globalists, Illuminati, I don't give a fuck what they call themselves - they must all burn for an eternity.

May God grant us victory and justice. All the deceivers must perish.

Look at them. Just look at those women and children, those boys and girls. All of them are beautiful. That is what was sacrificed, that is what is called evil to this very day! The knowledge that it was them who suffered and that I was not there to help them feels like a knife to the stomach.

Evil is real. Actual, theological evil. And evil won in 1945.

America owes the Germans a free kebab removal. They've already got the troops for it there.

No one wants your troops in their country Amerike.

Here's a youtube version for spreading to normalfags –

It's incredibly disturbing to see the American flag flying so proudly next to a hammer-and-sickle USSR one. I don't think most normies realize how intimate our relationship was with Stalin and communism because American schools pretty much present the invasion of Normandy as the most important battle of WWII and sweep these unsettling alliances under the rug. All of the social problems manifest in Germany right now are the result of these new "textbooks" written by Allies and the fact that tens of thousands of troops still occupy German soil to this day.


We have to win this time.

Every time I see post-WW2 Germany my hate for the jews grows ever stronger. Never will I forgive those parasites no matter what they say or do. Like that one image of user's grandfather feeling as if the world he lives is all wrong. occupation

Nobody asked you to like it. That part is optional.

Remember this. Burn this into your brain. I don't actually want violence. I'm no pacifist but I'd rather dedicate my life to creating than destroying.
But if there ever is a war, it's all in. There will be no turning back, no middle ground.
We win or die.

Those US forces are the reason the country is so passive. Shouldn't you be raping some boys right now, kike?

I find it amusing that at about 24 minutes in right after they talk about typhus they mention how the labor camp (((survivors))) were still dying of 'malnutrition' weeks after they were released, but they won't quite put the two together.

Them nazis sure were active in arts & crafts.


I feel your sentiment user but use some context clues.

Yes it really is
That realisation is what led me to God
If evil is real, then so is good, so is God

They probably did put it together, but I'm sure that wouldn't fly on talmudvision.

More normalfag fodder but complains about the usual.

Can't watch this history channel tier shit anymore. Whatever mechanism in me that used to tolerate it is broken for good. I could go the rest of my life without hearing the lies repeated ever again.

I know the feeling user.
A little oldfag perspective to contemplate, I can remember way back in the last century when cable tv was first getting its start. I thought cable would be totally worth the price just because you could get history, discovery, a&e, and natgeo if I had that to watch would be no reason to watch fucked up regular tv programs. Oh lordy was I ever wrong.



The concept of good and evil is man made. What we call God is only the incarnation of the concept of good.

I remember in grade school we actually had an elective "holocaust" class. I also remember my teachers telling me stuff about how the "evil nazi scientists" were building inter-dimensional warplanes, teleportation devices, had talking dogs, could permanently change people's hair/eye color, were building fantastical structures, and so on, and so on.
And yet I was so guided in my way of thinking, through all of the lies and all of the social pressures, that kind of human progress had to be thrown away for the jews and for "world peace".
It's really shocking, just coming to terms with how beneficial hitler and natsoc was and how destructive jewry and communism is. It is plain as day and yet since the time little white children can form memories they are trained what to think.

American GI's acting like Niggers after ww2.

OOGA BOOGA. Where da Germin Wimminz at Muh big Freedumbz dik.

Remember they killed and raped an insane amount of innocent German people just for being Germans. That's communism for you, it's soulless and made by the jew to destroy the goyim.

Won't most army of conscripts act like that ?
No quality.

What has no quality?

The GI's or my post?

Germans surrendered en masse in WW2.

1,750,000 German POWs in WW2, which is almost half the number of KIA.

In war, the greatest shame is defeat. Today's Germany is the descendants of those cowards who refused to fight to the last breath. Those who are defeated have no right to complain, especially when they did not fight with everything they had. This is the will of Nature.

When you look out and see degeneracy, that exists because you are weak. Your ancestors were weak but especially you, right now, are weak. Shame, nothing but shame.

t. American

Conscripts, no matter where from. Send them away from home long enough and discipline gets really poor.

This was the reason for why the Whermact was the first to use sex dolls. Look it up.

Fuck off.

What right to life does a drowning man in the middle of the Pacific Ocean have? What claim to liberty the defeated nation? Answer me that before I kindly fuck off.

What claim of life did your mom have when she got raped by a kike that created you
Cheap bait dude

We are far worse off here in America as in Germany they at least have the excuse of being an occupied nation. Our ancestors not only fought for the jew they allowed our country to fall into the same pit of degeneracy the rest of the western world is in without protest. If you want to talk about weakness talk about the millions of men from the supposedly "greatest" generation swallowing the biggest lie of the century and going to war againt their own interests.

Asks the ((( burger ))).

Me too. Fuck international jews.

Learn to use torrent sites for fucks sake.. Its on TPB. You're on the internet, do searching instead of begging for spoonfeeding.

America would have never entered the war if it weren't for all the communists in our government.

Its the Jews fault, not white peoples. They were tricked, subverted, controlled. Complex psychology was researched and employed against us. White people didn't have much of a chance, their chance was people like Rockwell, which is why they killed him before he could become president.

Wat? The original had a blogspot url in it or am I retarded?

Naturally, the documentary focuses a lot on the ebul nazees, but this has a lot of soft redpills.
It's also a goldmine of uncommon war footage that would be very useful to any propaganda user.

Give me a break, White people were flying over Dresden and were throwing firebombs on children. It was their decision to obey the orders of the higher-ups and not check if is was congruent with their values or if it made any sense at all. They decided that it was okay.

Nobody wants you to develop a guilt complex, i.e. the sins of our forefathers, etc. (like it was forced onto the Germans with force).

But your ancestors were fucking morons and probably automatons without a soul. Who cares, accept it and move on. We don't need to talk about it again. But don't try to rationalize this shit and say it wasn't their fault…

Except you were imprisoned if you refused to conscript.

Jews took advantage of the institutions that were set up to defend whites, and perverted them to their own sadistic ends, as usual.

Rosenfeldt was a Jew.

I've read and listened to enough David Irving to get the sense that a lot of Brits, and likely Americans, felt ashamed of what they did. I mean when you're targeting civilian targets and you know this and then see the aftermath as the firestorms lit up an entire city in the dead of night, it's kind of hard to disassociate yourself from what you did.

It's something that has to be addressed and owned, but I don't think that day will ever come while that generation still lives. I often wonder how much of the "don't want to talk about it" is based in reality with combat vets. I've never completely felt that way, but maybe I just owned up to a shit war while others struggle to come to grips that they were tools at the least and cannon fodder at most.

Halfway through and my eyes are welled up. This is fucking rough, OP.


It's a lesson to us, let there never be a greater mark on honor. Even if it was at the behest of the jews, there was something in the people in the planes that wanted what they were doing. A fault in our genes, where at a time when the shitskins no longer posed any real threat we turned on each other, and the jews used that to maximum effect. Never again.

Just listen to the way ZOGbots talk about the war, even if they have no souls it's still our blood flowing corrupted in their veins. Know this weakness and never allow yourself to succumb to it.


I know…


archive dot org/details/youtube-AFKnfgQCOqo

So in the tribunal, how did they manage to find people like the shrunken head collecting German lady and the intern working at the concentration camps. Does Holla Forums think they were plants, some outlier, or what?

I see that

is the same as

Good and evil are derived from biological imperative, a very real thing. Whether something is good or evil is a matter of perspective, surely, but it will always be a driver in human action. God and the devil, if you believe in such things, are only further derivatives of biologial imperitive. Maybe I didn't "get" your post, but it seems to me that you were putting down the importance of these concepts. In reality, they're right up there, if not of higher importance, than basic necessities such as food, water and shelter.

I don't disagree, most Americans and British are soulless materialistic golems eager to please their masters, with no higher ideals of their own but the current trend told them by the fourth and fifth estates.

However, those few who do think, they are tyrannized by this majority endorsement in Democratic lands, and terrorists, criminal thinkers, bad people, and in reality as the other user says, they would've been thrown in jail for not going to war. Today it is the same.

Do we not lose our jobs or get kicked out if college if we publicly out ourselves with such views as we espoused here? It is perhaps only a tenured professor or an independently wealthy person who can espoused such views publicly without worrying about ending up homeless and starving, hoping maybe to find some off the books work like illegal aliens because their name is attacked and criminalized on some ADL or SPLC page, and them and their hordes of well-founded trolls will pressure your employers and schools to ruin you.

I've had teachers in college who were Jew wise, after I got close enough to them they told me you'd become a target so fast if you were honest.

This isn't Hitler's day where those men could survive on welfare or a military pension or whatever. If you're an American in wwii or an American now, then you risked jail, today you risk your livelihood being ruined.

We are a slave minority ruled by a corrupt and rotten majority. It's hard to believe in ethnic supremacy when so many of our own are no better than football-watching facebook-dwelling trend-participating soulless niggers.

And considering women have the real power now of economic freedom and the vote, all is lost. Forget the non white hordes, our own women by and large are the most complicit and complacent cowards, who as all women do will bow to whoever has power, and power today is money, as we have no weapons that would let us subjugate the masses ala Spartan minorities subjugation helot majorities.

Yes I typed that on a phone on a toilet and want a medal for it. Don't pick on errors.

I can agree with that.
giving women the vote was the biggest mistake in the history of our civilization. most of them are frivolous naive children voting with their heart instead of their brain. pains me so much every time my gf opens her dumbfuck mouth about politics.

here's the thing
Men can be redpilled.
women can not. they can at best be "purple" pilled. the Lauren Southern types. yet they still do it because of getting attention. that's all these conservative women do it for. attention.

true conservative women shut the fuck up, see that the children are healthy, well fed and well educated. they should be largely responsible for the micro-world that is their home and have the duty to deliver strong, independent, compassionate yet ruthless members of the next generations.

yes they try to do a man's job, fail on every field, there is NO job that they on average do better than a man, not a single one. Mikke was right, women are smaller, weaker and less intelligent. neurology is very clear on this.
they fail, blame it on men, change the goal posts. now education serves girls and boys are treated like dysfunctional girls because somehow muh inclusion and equality means having 2 very different groups of people learn in the same way. that sort of shit.

they can't be counted upon except when something directly effects them or their children.
they don't have honour, integrity, self-respect unless it is socially expected of them. then they are able to simulate it. but they rarely actually possess these traits.


Thanks for confirming that this place has completely degraded into a fucking narcissistic circlejerk that might as well be a subreddit. Goddamn, you fatalistic cretins don't even have the guts to stand up for your beliefs because you're too busy imagining how much better you are than everyone else, while you're fucking blathering like an idiot on a chansite accomplishing nothing whatsoever yourself.

Get over how great you think you are and make great things happen. Nothing great is going to come of you mewing about how hard everyone else makes your life. You sound like a fucking nigger yourself talking like that.


McCarthy was not only right, but it was worse that he could have imagined.

It does seem to be a thorny problem with the women. They are inherently deficient in objective thinking. Attractive women get so much attention they can almost never be conversed with. But we need them. We can't start a revolution without women for our men.

Domestic laws make the most direct and effective methods of persuasion more difficult to use. This puts almost all especially attractive women out of reach (>=cute). They will lose patience with you and find some one else and your means to hold her attention are limited. If you upset her enough she has a 'right' to bring the 'justice' system down on you regardless of any evidence or lack of. The judges know their business well (well, not sure most of them are smart enough to be conscious of it, but they know to enact the doctrine). They are just trawling for dissidents while grinding down the nobodies, trying to step lightly as they delve deeper into the household

So from this rumination, I would say start attacking the institutions that support the corruption of femininity and use the resulting slack in the system to raid the breeding stock
Basically hit and run warfare against the lower authorities. Make the barely trained police too afraid to do their job to specification. We all have seen how that ends for them.
There is literally nothing they can do about any of this except try to discourage you from doing it. Once there are several people operating under similar ideals making similar reprisals, frequently enough that the media cannot suppress their existence, the grip of the internationalists on middle america will slip, giving us the chance to align our people under open leadership

Trust in authority is dwindling, and to compensate people are being transitioned to a dehumanization program of symbolic stimulation that overrides their thought. Every moment we delay results in more damned souls. It will come back to bite us even if we succeed.

i tried to post this here but of course the (((mods))) found a reason to shadow-delete it every time:

The simple truth is that until we take back our women our revolution, whatever it may turn out to be, will never get off the ground.

Many of the women that we know in our lives today in many ways seem very different from the ideal.

From the deeps of time:
Since the beginning of humanity women have had to watch over and care for others constantly, and so they became inherently selfless, living to help others before themselves.
Because they were so close to all the needs and wants of their people, they developed the instinct to trust them absolutely and a very deep and true understanding of their people was taken for granted, not only in their minds but in their instincts; in their genetics.
And so it went for a very long time; the care and understanding of women maintained and sustained communities ranging in size from isolated families to large tribes.
But while women tended the home, men traveled far and wide, and all the while the world shrank, and there came slavery, civilization, industry, and the global empire.

This vast change may be summed up to one critical point: freedom was ended. The vast majority of humanity was disrupted and kept in stasis to serve a few masters.

Because masters/employers want the women they control as workers first and as mothers second, they were relieved of many long-standing responsibilities to their people by the 'modernization' of society.
Industry provided substitutes for their love: ready-to-eat food, child care, school, and so on.

But being based in genetics rather than habit, their instincts remained.
Without the traditional complementary habits, the instinctual traits of selflessness that were so precious to the livelihood of their people became discouraged, unused, and hollow, and so selflessness turned to nothing but self-unawareness: The instinct to implicitly trust their social sphere was left intact to be turned to purposes other than what made it to begin with.

Now consider the addition of 'the media' to the common social sphere, being everywhere at all times, with all of its inherent falsehoods and general lack of objectivity. Consider how the media interacts with the feminine instinct to believe and trust their social sphere absolutely.

The truth is that the women are turned to madness, acting completely against their nature.

Their nurturing instincts are used to nurture the interests of the upper classes as handed down from the media rather than those of their own people that they see and interact with every day, even their own children.
Instead of being warm with compassion they are cold with judgements calculated from the information they are brainwashed with.

So it is that women are the primary tool of the upper classes to control us all, because men will do anything for their women. So it is that love is turned against us and the very foundation of our existence is betrayed.

The answer was no


I think of it often too

I cannot even bare to watch this stuff anymore. The absolute audacity the Jews have to somehow claim they were the primary victims is astounding considering they created the whole war. The amount of suffering and terror people went through is almost unimaginable now and forgotten by most.

I often am reminded of the Goebels quote about how humanity will be reduced to a dull and primitive state if they lost the war. It's even worse they even they could have possibly imagined. The dysegenics. The dumbing down and poisoning of humanity. The mass deception. The destruction of all beauty in art and architecture. The destruction of the natural envrionment. The destruction of the family and social order.

And knowing that even as dark as the modern world has become, we are on the brink of something far, far worse. And I can't help but feel that humanity deserves it for their ignorance and selfishness. I hope I live to see all the good people of the world unite and raise arms against this evil. I get the feeling it would be the last war for a long, long time, regardless of the victor.

Well at the very least we're doing more to fight back than any time past WW2.

And we're winning.

the issue with these boards is it all can be just a good story. I've seen many good writers on these board.
fake or not, still a great story

its fake, but yet it is true


I was in that thread and the video he is talking about is Die Flut Kommt.

post video?


Dank u, Kameraad

This, I can't find a good 1080p x265 torrent, if anyone can share it here I'd (and a lot of people I believe) would appreciate it.



Always gets me.


Part 2 is worthless, just a bunch of cold war crap.

Part 1 was pretty sad though. I remember reading about the mass suicides in Germany after WWII. Can't blame them. Everyone who killed themselves had the same standards of a Cato the Younger. Better to off yourself than let your enemy off your soul daily in complete and hopeless subjugation.

What were they living for? The women especially? With all of the men gone in POW camps or dead, what were the women even sticking around for? The entire highlight of their life for the next few years was the possibility of willingly sucking off an American or British GI for food rations, or unwillingly getting raped by soviet mongoloids.

I hate to say it but I can only respect those that offed themselves or stepped in front of a bullet. Those who survived spent their days hauling pails of water, being dominated in their face by invaders, and getting fucked by them.

And this documentary, like all the rest, spins it as if those German women were happy dancing with the American GI's, happy to shack up with them and get some dick and a candy bar.

Whatever. I'm glad America and the rest of Europe is falling. They deserve it. You can say GI Joe and Tommy and whatever were mislead by Jewish masters, but whatever, they were just as complicit. They knew they were dropping bombs on Europe, and if that didn't make them sick, then what's there to say about them?

And we know it didn't, because we saw all of these celebrating Americans and British soldiers so happy they won. WON WHAT?!

TOO BAD THEY CAN'T SEE CLIPS OF BLACKED! Too bad they can't see their granddaughters fucking niggers to pay their student loans!

Nice theory but make it simpler.

Women evolved to be highly cohesive and malleable to group opinions. So long as society was organized organically this worked to build in-group loyalty and consensus. After mass media poisoned the social-meme well women went crazy. They can be easily tricked by manipulating their perception of what is normal and socially acceptable.

Without a strong clearly defined in-group with a clearly defined ethic women will be un-anchored and at the whim of our enemies propoganda.

Our spirit will endure. All those who race-mix now are just shed genetic dead-weight. In the end the pure whites who remain will be stronger then ever.

I went through the same thing researching pizzagate and freemasons. I realized Lucifer is real and the best way to fight evil is to be on the opposite side with Jesus. I started going to church for the first time in my life.

We're fighting the same fight as our people have from the begining of time. In the first sermons I listened to a demon possessed slave girl (mk ultra monarch protoype) followed Paul around and Jesus summoned Cyrus (like he summoned Kek in our time.)

bump for shaved Aryan women abused by the Jew

t.typical aut-rightist and cuckservative

Missed this part. They actually can. WW2 was only 77 years ago, so many vets havent become neurotic yet. And since nigger porn started way earlier, it is safe to assume the complicit scum did get a taste of the fruits they help cultivated.
Hell, the forced busing should have been enough to make them "not wanting to talk about the war" lel.

You reap what you sow. The U.S. birthed itself an Empire in the history books and like all others it'll fall just the same. Every nation that took part has gotten equally fucked for a pointless war. It's only by more mentally capable men that the former Communist nations came out on top realizing the failures of this hyper liberal marxist crap wasn't going to sustain itself.

This time we fight as brothers.


How much more stabbing in the back can they do

This fight ain't over yet.

But if god is real, then he created the universe, and thus created evil.

Sad, and deep, and true.


If you look at the multicultural agenda objectively, it's rather obvious that it is trying to destroy everything that white people built and stood for.

I can only hope that the goings on in Europe and America today disillusion people enough that they beging to stop and think before blindly trusting what people tell them. People need to learn that asking "why?" isn't something that they should leave to others. If they did, this whole thing would fall apart.


Best music video
