Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has described the Dutch as "Nazi remnants and fascists", as a diplomatic row grows over a cancelled rally in the Netherlands.'''
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has described the Dutch as "Nazi remnants and fascists", as a diplomatic row grows over a cancelled rally in the Netherlands.'''
Other urls found in this thread:
Germany here. Please make it happen. We're sick of these parasites shitting up everything.
Meanwhile imports more mudshits in EU
Please go fuck yourself with a koran
This is heading towards a very interesting direction.
Well, my granddad fought as a muh evil nazi in WW2. I'm fucking proud of it too.
Hang yourself Britshit
No Ahmed, he has no immunity. Diplomatic immunity is only enjoyed by head of states by convention. Accredited member of the diplomatic corps do enjoy immunity by international law.
So if a member of a foreign government visits without government invitation on his own, then he is just a private person.
Political activity, sovereign acts of foreign states abroad without invitation are universal considered unfriendly acts. They are a violation of sovereignty of the host country.
Erdogan is pretty based tbh, it's the EUrocrats that are being faggots here.
Kill yourself. Turks have no place in Europe.
European politicians are literally begging for these people to come to Europe, it's not like Erdogan is trying to roll his tanks into Vienna.
That pic
Found the roach.
Why aren't you going after the culprit? Capitalist Jews are the ones working for Islam to gain a foothold in Europe. In turn they offer you hasbarat Zionist right-wing kikes like Wilders, Le Pen, Farage and AfD so you can (((cure))) the problem.
None of you will ever guess my name
saging because my tirade is offtopic
not as long as cuckoldry stays in fashion
go back Yalınç
t. white minority in Rotterdam
We will show them one day how actual Nazis in charge act. Deport 1 million every week out of Europe back to turkey, we will be turkfree after 2 months.
You are in every single thread you smelly inbred shitskin. Kill yourself already filthy islamic pig
lol who the fuck wants to fly to turkey
Wie gaat er vanaaf kieken?
He was put there by Hillary, he only went against the CIA when they tried the coup.
Get out of my country turkerlaken
UPDATE: Turkish minister's convoy stopped outside Rotterdam by Dutch police
Turkroaches on sucide watch!
Here's your chance, Hans.
This estrogen really likes to call everyone a nazi. Hopefully he will meme it right.
Are they trying to shame the Dutch? What if the dutch are proud to be called Nazi and Fascists?
I really don't understand how can such a country be so uppity. Turkey is shit, and the longer Erdogan stays in power the more shit it will become. As a Croat I have no love for the Turk, that is true, but they were a normal or semi-normal secular country until this tard started to do his thing. With each year Turkey becomes more like early 90s Serbia - lots of hot air, jackasses with delusions and a total lack of self reflection.
What exactly is Erdogan's plan? A neo Ottoman empire cannot occur. Even if Turkey is technically a military force of some strength the Balkans would eat them up. And that's without Russia going full insecticide because orthodox Greece and Serbia. Simply put they can't do shit.
So what is he trying to do? What the FUCK is Erdogan thinking? He's making enemies everywhere and it's all for absolutely nothing tangible. I'm in fact reminded of that prophecy of that Greek monk who said Russia would obliterate Turkey and reclaim Carigrad (that's Konstantinople for you guys). The prophecy is about a full scale, proper genocide and Erdogan is apparently trying to make it come true.
This is North Korea tier international politics. Islam is a helluva drug. It reduces everything it touches to its basest, crudest form. It's a political religion unfit for Man.
This is fantastic PR.
Every Turk, Arab and jew must be killed. Their DNA is poison.
fixed, lucky you.
He is lashing out because Turkey is in a downward spiral on all fronts. He needs someone to blame and is therefore using this and other blockades of his ministers for propaganda.
Turkey will be a third world shit hole within 10 years
I'm conflicted about being glassed. on one hand we have utter hedonist fuckups who follow groupthink and on the other we have secular normies who are kinda nice people (sometimes).
how about a door to door crusade ?
t. Turk
My swiss paper 20min says, based nederland denied turkroach minister access to her own turkroach embassy in the nederlands. It's getting better from minute to minute. Gollum will explode
She is standing about 30 meters from the consulate, the police chief told her to take the shortest route back to Germany, if she will not comply there could be consequences
Turkey is chock full of semites.
These filthy roaches form a fifth column in every country they live. I bet that if Erdogan asks his supporters to riot in those countries, they wouldn't hesitate. I fucking hate these subhumans. In my city, the banded together in a certain area and every time a house is for sale there, they make Turks buy it up so noone else can open a shop there anymore if they're not a roach.
kill yourself
So we can potentially lose valuable White lifes?
A nuke it is
it is mongoloid-semitic-euro mix. fucked up.
What kang roach will get after this is this: "yes" in the referendum from most turks living abroad.
damn, she really looks like a fucking gollum. Notice how she waves the damn hand and pointing the finger? Fucking islamoshits everytiem they do this
Stream here
Turks are the bastard offsprings of southern europeans from the balkans and anatolia, arabs, iranian groups like kurds, semitic arabs and turkic/asiatic groups
Isn't Erdoroach Gollum?
Well, yes but it seems gollum genes go rampant in turdkey:
minister during the arrest, kek
Why are the Dutch suddenly not acting like cucks?
Will Geert win?
About half of our vacationers.
t. Drent vanuit het Gooi (goy?)
This is another, shorter term reason for multiculturalism.
Once a population is blended, it becomes much easier to install a crypto-kike as leader.
Geert firing off some banter.
Turkish minister has been arrested.
Nazi is a dirty word here nowadays. I don't know how many of us are really based. Jewish dogma seems to be ingrained with Dutch culture. I have built up quite the hate for people living in my heimat.
This has been drafted for spreading it on chans and 1.0 platforms
dis·sem·i·nate : spread or disperse (something, especially information) widely:
af·fect : have an effect on; make a difference to
We are at war. We are in a Culture war.
You are a soldier. Theses are our people and this is our world.
The enemy is trying to claim our lives and our world.
Their desire is to OWN US, OUR LIVES AND OUR MINDS.
ab·stract : existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence:
Your job is to DISSEMINATE and AFFECT.
This decntralized movement on the internet needs a kick in the ass to a localized setting. The biggest hurdle
that people have is meeting up because they fear the real nazi's will brand them as radical violent natzis.
We need to reach out to other chummers in the real space and spread our redpill signal. We need to try something
else besides comment posting on the net or smurfing the twitterdome and the various other slums of the internets.
Its time we use the curiosity of the everyday individual to entice them to redpill themselves.
I'm Talking about (YOU) creating NETWORKS in high traffic areas in cities and places of other high traffic.
Information is not a crime.
Requirements: Purchase the hardware needed to create Pirateboxes with extended range.
Content: Redpill photos, memes, literature, chats where we can drop the pill.
go internet search PirateBox to understand what you can do and the concept of this.
Deployment: Everywhere that we can reach teenagers that are susceptible redpilling.
We either repill them or they fall prey to leftist in school and then college.
The time to reach our core structrure popuation is now.
Put one in you car when you park it in that busy town lot or garage or at the diner in a plastic
bag in the gutter of a building or at a public library. Future war is here and this is an rpg56k.
Immediate : RESEARCH Pirateboxing, develop the structure, Plant them EVERYWHERE. Use latex gloves.
goei is de oude naam.
Didn't know Roachistan was this progressive.
There's a whole roach infestation in the replies. Quite a lulz fest.
The minister is running her mouth now.
A Turkish citizen is an elected minister… What the actual fuck. There's no way to solve this other than actual physical removal with bloodshed.
Oh and if whites don't remove them first, then the mudslimes will do it to whites. So either way, there will be war.
She's a minister in Turdey, not the Netherlands. Still far too uppity.
Oooh ok.
I have already red pilled several mates, luckily it's not so much needed here, before they understand.
But we need to start waking the masses, many are already awake independent of us. Going to start on this now.,
Let it be so.
Download the Turkroach folder and start spreading on Twitter, Facebook etc..
You think the Germans even get a say in that? It's an EU decision, not a German one.
Turkish minister declared persona non grata, has been arrested by Dutch special forces and will be send back to Germany
Then the Germans should fight back. Fucking cowards, the lot of em.
All amis must hang
Those projections, Kek.
Does these roaches have selfreflection deleted out of their system?
It's never their fault or it's only OK if THEY do it/ benefit from it.
Fucking semites, every-single-time.
Totaler Krieg soon.
Seems CNN will be CNN even in roachland.
Prijs KEK
WW3 is really here, isn't it lads?
Minister Kaya schreeching like a ottoman whore removed from armored vehicle after DSI threatened her that her car would be towed back to Germany.
Why isn't this a sticky?
Guess only burgerstuff gets stickied.
I think we're at sticky status now
I've heard someone saying that a cop has been hurt and they are getting ready to charge the protesters. I have no way to confirm it though, so maybe assume it didn't happen.
Anywhere online to livestream?
Fucking youtube has NO livestreams of this yet
I'm only seeing random roach vids being strewn about on twitter
Are you a magician?
look at the times.
It is as the prophecy has foretold.
We will get our happening in the near future.
I've been looking at
The donmeh must be purged. I'm surprised the turks are going along with these kikes ruling over them. They donmeh orchestrated the Armenian genocide and it was the Muslim population of Turkey that got the blame.
here's a news stream from the /Neder/draag npo.nl
On second thought, pic related is better
In the middle of the protest
That isn't live, check mine.
What's happening in Brazil?
I fucking hate the fucking dutch. They control all this immigration stuff yet keep muds out of their "land" and have unelected officials boss around Europe. This is all while 99% of them are on phsycho-pharmaceutical and they tote them having a perfect culture made up of geniuses and no crime.
And you are either american or swedish i presume?
t. french fag
Reminder that this is what turkroaches do with europeans in their country.
hello erdogan
Their president(also a woman) got impeached too.
Women are going to cause WW3.
This could get intresting, with the protests and now this, tribalistic sandroaches showing their true colours more and more.
Noice fuel for othe coming elections, kek!
New stream. Old one got shoa'd.
hello dutch faggot
try somewhere south eastern
They do not have balls they are fucking over the rest of europe from their ivory tower.
hello turkish roach
The capitol of the EU is in Belgium, not the Netherlands you D&C shill.
you got to go back, roach. get your 'referendum' about giving your dictator more power somewhere else.
We need some roach spray here
Worse, ugly women. Let it all end.
stream from NPO1 journalist:
charges happening right now
Wrong link m8
oh yeah, that was the dead one. Srry.
but this one just died too.
live one
are they pushing for war????
Here's an idea
Pose as turks on social media, post the following:
Protestocu Hollandalı polis tarafından Rotterdam'da vuruldu #rotterdam
wo bleiben die rechtsradikalen Gabberschwadrone?
BREAKING; Police uses water cannons at rioters in #Rotterdam.
#LIVE #Netherlands #Turkey t.co
please, do this. i want to see these roaches to be exposed for what they are.
noice, finally
I better see some roaches get run over; this is fucking disgusting
Erdogan just called the Dutch "Nazis" and arrested their diplomats in Ankara. I'd say they are.
Here's a video of the Roach minister being moved to a new car. And a link to the radar tracking the helicopter moving the family to Germany.
I didn't knew their economy were THAT fucking bad, holy shit!
Forgot my link
Protestocu Hollandalı polis tarafından Rotterdam'da vuruldu #rotterdam
Protestocu Hollandalı polis tarafından Rotterdam'da vuruldu #rotterdam
Protestocu Hollandalı polis tarafından Rotterdam'da vuruldu #rotterdam
This real?
its even funnier that erdogan threatened with economic sanctions.
what fucking economy?
Here's another with some angry turks.
oh fug
My fucking sides cannot handle the thought of turkey imposing sanctions on anything
This video is 2 years old, but still good.
"Don't you dare talk like that, their genetics are precious and will help greatly when they mix in with the genotype of the white race!"
–an anti-white sicko
öllüm göllüm dür dür
these roach fucks are just having a blast chimping out, that's all
This video is great…Dutch anons laughing at turks getting water blasted
Unwanted 'people' digging their own graves… it's glorious
Looks like Shitlibs, feminists and roaches outing themselfs in a very short period of time from now.
Protestocu Hollandalı polis tarafından Rotterdam'da vuruldu #rotterdam
Protestocu Hollandalı polis tarafından Rotterdam'da vuruldu #rotterdam
Protestocu Hollandalı polis tarafından Rotterdam'da vuruldu #rotterdam
Leak how Hans got betrayed by (((CIA))) and (((others))), then Hans will rise. You expect too much from Hans at this point of history .
praise kek. any quality streams?
Is there any streams that have action?
The police didn't fuck around. The crowd has mostly dispersed.
‘Excellent decision’ to bar Turkish FM Cavusoglu from landing – Wilders rupt.ly
Rotterdam cops are pretty used to dealing with Roach infestations
just a start
So are we going to pretend Wilders isn't a zionist kike, now?
oh we've been doing that for awhile
Who is pretending he isn't ya fucking dickhead.
I don't think there is a more disgusting pathetic group of people then Turks. Maybe mexicans
nah, Mexicans aren't anywhere as bad as Turks
Mexicans are still Christians and the older ones are genuinely honorable shitskins
Even non racists hate Turks. There isn't an ethnicity alive today hated more than the Turks.
CA here, that is extremely untrue.
Fuck right off. And filtered, obviously.
"Non-racists" at least pretend to not hate niggers though.
can confirm, the dutch government is fully in the grasp of "anti-sexism", and still they gave a giant fucking middle finger to turkey. they are becoming even more hated than the Moroccans presently.
Thanks m8
Who cares about your psychotic problems, just fuck off, you LARPing loser.
Is this it lads? Are we actually witnessing the end of the EU?
Turkish hastags found!
Protestocu Hollandalı polis tarafından Rotterdam'da vuruldu
Protestocu Hollandalı polis tarafından Rotterdam'da vuruldu
Protestocu Hollandalı polis tarafından Rotterdam'da vuruldu
Jap, the pendulum is moving quite fast right now.
Anons, the WWII documents of the allies are all public now right? And if there is no evidence except from USSR the case is clear right?
They are also using #OccupyRotterdam
Also, the mayor of Rotterdam just said the Turkish consul general intentionally lied to police. This is huge because normally the consul general had diplomatic immunity. It's all going to come crumbling down now lads.
Disgusting roaches are filled with delusion.
Are you even aware? Aware of anything?
God bless Turkey you retarded bastards.
The problem is you cannot just nullify diplomatic immunity, he can only be declared persona non grata and deported back to the roach infested shit hole he came from
Semi-off-topic, but I just realized the movie Joe's Apartment has a trove of roach memes.
Still not stickied…
What the fuck else would you expect from a lying cockroach
I too live in CA, but norcal, I was raised on vineyards where I worked with them.
They hate illegals just as much, if not more, than we do. They came to America for self betterment, they aren't like who we're dealing with today hence
ultimately we are all responsible for what happens in our societies. Germans are hospitable and generous to these parasites and it encourages them. How much to do you want to bet user bitches on here and then doesn't treat them poorly when he encounters them in everyday life, rather he probably treats them like humans and says "please and thank you and goodday" to the turkroach running the corner store. Everyone not helping the solution is part of the problem. Do everything possible that is not illegal to make their life hell
sad but true. Mods are fucking lazy in terms of european happenings.
must be their
All burgers must hang
forgot to add where Erdogan's clan is outed as secretly Jewish
I hate them just as much as any illegal. The problem isn't ZOG laws you faggot. All of them come for money and resources but my country isn't a god damn shopping mall.
Please don't tease me like this. Did it really happen?
Turkey is the foreskin of judaism
jews have been parasiting in our homeland a long time
but some dutch are waking up. and others have been here all along
Wew, using the roaches' own weapons against them
Nobody gives a fuck about turks in turkey dude
Read the thread.
they're the exceptions, not the rule.
I'm applying NAXALT to both sides of this but still fully admit (as they would too) that most we deal with now are absolute shit.
besides, the original statement was "Mexicans might be worse than Turks", I'm just saying I'd rather deal with Mexicans than deal with Turks.
the roach fears the pupper
have all of you forgot that gypsies exist?
I haven't been so amused for weeks. Thanks user : )
Damn I jumped out of bed expecting a comfy thread.
Dutch police are fucking awesome.
sorry guys we don't have gypsies in Burgerland so I wouldn't know about them.
Warms the cockles of my heart.
There is a solution to that problem, Sam.
They're literally screaming ALLAHU AKBAR at the protest now….
Stream here looks ripe for happenings
Kek. Nice work, (and on short order too).
Yeah if by now you mean throughout the whole night
Police of Rotterdam training puppies to be police dogs lel
Didn't watch the roach streams until now. God I fucking hate roaches, worst part is my mother is on vacation there atm. Fuck that country
Thanks for link.
What did he mean by this?
Is that a threat? From Turkey?
It's actually from Syria general
Have a higher res gif
I can't fucking wait for Europe to be white again. This burger's willing to help you eurofags out.
the consequences will be made by the Netherlands, you filthy fucking roaches. they actually think they can leverage a western country.
You let your mother go to Saracen territory?
Oh user, you should have hidden her passport if necessary, I hope she remains safe. Tell her to stay in the hotel; they are liable to start killing Europeans at a moments notice. Tell her to rush home.
Staying in hotel in Alanya, relatively safe tourist majority area, thank god. I try to talk her out of it every time I'm there, she must have a death wish or some shit.
Thanks lad. I will gladly reciprocate when you fight the Californians or whatever as long as I am not in SA helping the Boers.
Hang yourself
fucking rage man. I would want to just pull a red army and flamethrower or run down these fuckers… but then everyone would feel sorry for the shitstains… this is actually for the best. The longer they show themselves for the barbarian horde that they are, the more Dutchmen will join us. Right before election couldnt be better.
And this Europoor is willing to help you out against the sandniggers and commies too.
Make sure you foward her plenty of news coverage of this event. It might get through.
Fuck yeah. First one to hang is
Turkroaches from germany are leaving in convoys towards Rotterdamn
Proofs please.
roach pogroms of berlin and amsterdam when?
Just need to change the filename to "Turkish Folk Music" or something.
i went to turkey last month… the strangest part was they all seemed pretty western and very polite and nice.. light skinned and no head rags on the womans..drank alot…. more like greeks than sand niggers… whatever the fuck we have in Europe that are calling themselves Turks are either lying or are the bottom of the barrel shit from urban poor areas mixed in with fucking gypsies… completely look and act different
I 2nd that. source please!
Streamer starts legging it. Truly European mans best friend.
man they ran like niggers
Just look at his posts itt. Obviously a buttmad turk.
Where in Turkey did you go?
What's crazy is I was just there on holiday in January, and I barely saw any shitskins. Had no clue it could get this bad.
Set some cars on fire!
Do something!
Get you a news source in a sec. 312 cars and 20 buses. The federal state of germany with the most turkroaches is next to netherlands it's a 2 hour drive.
This great news for the election in germany!
Praise KEK
You europeans need to learn to just hit the gas.
Mad man, you went their after the "coup". One must understand the demographics of Islamic nations.
They deleted that tweet shortly after…
They haven't done that since 1945
Wew, might be turn into a multi day habbening.
it's over, it seems
bedankt, user!
This is an invasion. I hope the Dutch military intervenes.
I think it's still illegal to run over protestors in Europe.
rented a car and drove from istanbul all the way down the western coast for like week.. then back up through the middle… so probably the shitskins come from the east?.. i dunno it was beautiful idyllic seaside towns the whole way with some parts looking like the riviera… i was shocked as expected something like egypt. But i guess maybe the west still has some greek and byzantine genes and culture in there even they purged them all supposedly.? I dunno man quite a difference from these fucking saracen invaders on the livestream..
Surprised that fatass ran as much as he did
This stream is still full of action
Faggot your mom is in turkey right now getting fucked by hairy turkroaches. That same cunthole that you crawled out of is now being ravaged by Mehmet and his buddies. You really shouldn't be calling strangers on the internet niggers.
Found our first brave brick-thrower
Some general footage of roaches milling around and screeching.
Thanks lad.
Also, thread theme.
Turkey I got flats I can just go to there, as most have, it's popular….
Sam Hyde too!
hope he gets a lucky return in form of a 30 mike mike.
The clip is from Düsseldorf.
It was in the comment section of german newspaper. archive.is
Tanks in twelve minutes.
Sorry to rain on your parade, but the dutch don't have any tanks
Ben Garrison on it's way
Water cannons deployed. These cops aren’t fucking about, good!
Horses, doggos and cannons.
live ammo is missing, tho.
Turks are the most handsome muslims and Turkey is awesome as a place of Greek history and there are are Turkish people I like but they are not fucking European and they must stay out of Europe. Kikes brought them to Europe and it was wrong. We need to preserve the Nordic and Celtic races in Europe.
Geert isn't in office yet.
Germany stops convoi of diplomats at the german-dutch border. archive.is
Germany had a failed ISIS attack aswell: twitter.com
Plus several bomb threats at locations where they wanted to really for erdogan.
=Holland nazi, everything is nazi==
Shit's going down in Georgia too.
Show your hand, savages.
Them too… so
Make miklagarð great again then
That beard can't hide his weak chin.
is it over?
all big streams ended
DSI is ter plaatse (geweest).
The turksih minister has been deportet to germany.
Go savage turks, go wild. Show your pride.
Wake up germany, sleeping beauty.
God I knew the Dutch could find it in themselves
What the fuck? I've been staring at that image for days renaming kingdoms in CK2 for my Norse empire and someone posts it on Holla Forums.
sage for off topic
I think so. Half of them are unemployed so expect potential Sunday night rehabbing however.
Not sure if it's an arrest, but here's the webm.
English talking streamer here
periscope .tv/w/1YpKkdnOMwdGj
That's not how you break a link but thanks.
they are sons of lower class people (turko-trash) who came europe from rural areas in the middle & east to work in factories and sell kebab. you get more arab-kurd as you go to the east in turkey
Ta lad. What a mess, who will tidy it all up?
Fucking mongolen ook nog allah ackbar noemen.
This guy is arguing with trolls which is kinda funny if you speak dutch. He already went mad once and pressed the horn for several minutes.
Bedankt kerel
deus vult!
Gypsies just steal shit, they hardly possess the WEWUZ-ery and simian destructiveness of turkroaches.
Act of war tbh.
what deos hurren kinder mean?
The Turks, why do they HONK?
no arrest, just deported to germany.
roughly translated: children of whores.
Wat wil je daarmee zeggen?
German version of "You son a whore."
They honk when they're happy
They honk when they're sad
They honk cuz they're roaches
And roaches are buttmad
*broken roach German version
why do turks obsess over their shitty empire so much?
People joining in droves shooting ranches since the refugee crisis startet. Everyone is calm and trains.
das sind die falschen Farben
Ahhh they are to noisey. REMOVE!
those were the decoys, they send multiple envoys
Thanks, user.
Thats a nice Horse.
Ta lad.
Yes. Year of the Fire Cock solidifies the work of the Fire monkey as was written.
Isn't that illegal in The netherlands?
That was pretty great to watch
It's from the sage of Sigurd The (((Kikeralem)))/Jorsalsfarnetraveler
Basically he, we down there and on the way he sacked lit hundreds of towns and villages from besieged portugal to afrika and all but 1 med terr island, all mudshit and nigger owned.
So Sigurd, why do you have so much loot there?
Damnit you were supposed to s top this
Nah he was accused of doing the old thing, which he did. What you see is that when he is done killing and shit, he sails back to Miklagarð, there he sells all his ships to the Varangians/Stayers, and bought horses and rode home.
Read The Saga about Sigurd Jorsalsfarne/Jorsalsfar
It's part of heimskringla, a bit out
Breivik loved him
sorry… didn't see sage
They're no-good subhumans looking for a reason to feel powerful over whites, while knowing they're inferior.
Only for whites.
He also loved freemasonry.
Aren't there many people who will stand up for their race in the netherlands?
Yeah, I know where it's from, but I figured it wasn't translated to English so I just used the image like a pleb. Apparently it is translated though, so I'll start reading it.
Let's stay on topic I didn't see the sage there, saturday, late.
But I think he educated him self now, we can't write to him. But yeah you are right he was a kike puppet. But let's not slide here. I did a mistake there… last post
fucking ar*bized ottofags. pls deport their ass back to the shithole they belong.
not really. which also has a reinforcing effect, no one wants to stand up for a bunch of cucks, so everyone looks like cucks. cycle repeats.
Europeans aren't allowed to stand up for themselves because of muh six million
All I want is for berlin to be liberated from the turkerlaken
ok then one last post
yes they are translated, as books some
So heimskringla or Sigurd Jorsalsfarne saga(it's in there), he was a bad ass.
Check here fro free, they haven't got so much yet.
Here you go but last post now, zzzzz
one way to really troll turkroaches is to go accelerationism: call them kikes, whoremongers, ghilman/mamluk, western trash; etc, and say that ISIS(Dawla) will bleed them dry. Mention the nightclub shootings and bombings in the border; it really pisses them off
So i can assume Holla Forums has alot of dutch people but are the normies redpilled? or in the process of becoming redpilled after all this?
That's just depressing
turkey is split into 3 parts(with a smaller 4th). Turkish thrace is populated by traitor balkanites, the western part is greek, the eastern part is armenian, and the southeastern part is kurd
sorry wrong person
My granddad too, and he was TURK.
normies will now (finally..) see what we have seen (coming) for so long.
I can tell you I am Dutch. Native.
We like peace and order.
What we don't need is a new wave of turkish blackmail [turkey deal], browbeating, intimidation, namecalling [nazi/fashy], hostagetaking [DUTCH EMBASSY IN TURKEY SEALED OFF].
That being said: They were told to leave, nothing to see here - go home.
You cannot have some random minister of a foreign country exert influence over any national present in your country (however you feel about them being there at all is not relevant at this point anymore).
so Rijksoverheid.nl was finally doing what the dutch have been wanting to do all along.
Did it ever occur that the people living here (not the mass on tv) might be here to not be in erdoturkistan?
Although this article is the usual, snarky establishment propaganda it does show there are some people aware there's a problem.
Anti-immigrant anger threatens to remake the liberal Netherlands
You will never be white, roach.
Thanks for the update
Stay strong fellow swampman
This is a true story from Jr. High, Geo class.
teacher asks class, so here do we have the black ocean, can anyone tell us whit is called so?
Yes user? sight…..
Because all the niggers in Turkey is bathing there
Class explodes, teacher can't hold her mask….
user…. go to the principal
what about north?
I dont care about my color, moishe.
What we did to them:
What they did to us:
[casual mode:]
pic related : our mindset
Greek/Pontic Greek in Paphlagonia, Trebizond and small Georgian areas in Tao-Guria
Some pretty arrogant fuckers.
Anadolu Post: Turkish minister defiant facing threats by Dutch police
>Fatma Betul Sayan Kaya tells police she will not leave after authorities block her entrance to Turkish consulate
The Dutch government on Saturday canceled the flight permit for Turkish Foreign Minister's Mevlut Cavusoglu and blocked Kaya’s convoy from entering the Turkish consulate in Rotterdam.
It's a well know joke, several did this.
I said last post here
In the mi when people want to skip service there are like 6 milion variations of this
play stupid or degenerate
This one is common.
Take a warm choc on toilet duty
Wash it
Take figner, smear on, taste it
I do believe this is feces, Fenrik / Lt
user, you are dismissed
And the one when they pretend to shit them self.
*'o easy to skip today. Most regret it aftwards**
how come some turkroaches look white and others look mongoloid?
Because some managed to avoid the Turkish invaders while others weren't so lucky.
Circassians are muslims fro the caucases, that were expelled by russia in the 18th century
Same situation with EEUU & Argentina: no ONE race origin.
pic related
Because turk niggers borrowed white genes from Balkans, Caucasus and Ruthenian Steppe. This is a combination of Tatarnigger slave trade with Ottomans (where they took white children slaves sold by jews) and resettlement of convert cucks.
Some Turks claim Circassian heritage like how some burgers claim to be Pocahontas, but like in America its usually bullshit
t. circassian mountain nigger
Why do some Americans look European and some others look African ?
t. leaf
More roach butthurt, from the EU Minister.
Can't wait for the day these jews witness their offspring being murdered in front of them
Do your women enjoy getting turk-raped or something?
I should have known from his name.
You mean like these people? They are known as cajuns and live mostly in the SE United States around the Gulf Coast and are a mix of some African but mostly French and some Injun for good measure.
From Zerohedge:
Vageling peddling-fiction Mar 11, 2017 7:57 PM
She was arrested for trying starting up shit! More anti NL speach on our own soil because we don't say Go Full ErDOGan! Usually they are easy to go against hate crime. However she's a diplomat. And since Erdogan wanted to test us, he has his answer now. And you know we got support first. Meaning, as always in the EU, somebody has to be the bad guy. But it has been discussed. We arrested her and will escort her to Germany where she can return to Turkey (No idea why we didn't put her on the first flight directly, gues her plane is in Germany). Yes people! As sovereign nation WE HAVE THIS RIGHT!
We warned them! We don't want their psy-ops. This is not some recent thing. This has been going on for years. They want to lit the fuse. And her reactions proved we did the right thing.
What the fuck are talking about that was back in september of 2016. There president is Michel Temer
Swampfolk seem neat to me but I have never met one. Redpill me on them.
they wouldn't want to miss the moment when kanzler schulz declares germany a turkish tribute state
AS long as the Jew World Order and their goyim slaves in the US gov't andmilitary back the 'no fighting!' geopoltiical bullshit, nations can posture, but that's all they can do. Turkroach will be permitted to attack as long as he doesnt' attack NATO until the time is right.
Nice people, unfortunately because of their untermensh DNA they will be nothing more than humble swamp volk just scraping enough to get by from their activities on the bayou or working at the Dollar General.
They sound decent enough to me, nothing wrong with a simple life.
The irony.
Holland should just bring up the Armenian Holocaust and make a national day for it to spite them.
wtf are you talking about dude. cajuns have no african ancestry. GTFO with this anti southern shit.
there's a movie about it, Holland should just help with an ad campaign
The mulattos are creole, they're like the griqua in south africa but they are separate
erdogans father was laz georgian but he started denying it once he became a big shot in the AKP
for a minute I thought somebody dubbed the audio of those guys cheering for bike crashes
Get eastern Europeans… like Serbs, Russians, Romanians, Hungarians, sit back and enjoy.
this… in fact turkey is not so bad they cannot go back there and live, its not fucking pakistan… it also needs to be re-europized and purged of islam….. for that matter i dont want Bulgarians or even Spaniards in Holland either unless for tourism or special events… but especially not these fucking islamic roaches… honestly is way more about culture (lack of it) than anything else
holland is pretty germanic tho rather than nordic or celtic… celts maybe a long time ago… but true celts really are endangered these days. ..have some breton pride music
turks origin story is they came from central asia… same as the people in western china and the central stans… original turkey area people were white… mostly greek origin… then there has been the mixing coming from the semite horde in more recent centuries… Some got raped more than others it seems
GTFO with this anti southern shit.
You're probably not even from the south, whites and blacks have always had a kinship south of the mason-dixon line.
Are the riots still going on?
It's like 5AM there.
Nah. It is 6 in the morning know in Europe. Roaches got pretty much BTFO by Holland Police. But I guess they will be back this afternoon in every dutch city and probaly also in all mahjor german cities aswell.
Erdoroach will not let this one go easy, he also might release another Million of rapefugees since this could destabilize central Europe big time with Wilders and Le Pen getting elected over chimpouts an a new flood of muds coming in…
how'd crusaders not immediately die in all that armor in the middle of a desert
it's not enough right here right now under cover in jeans and a fucking t shirt without chain mail and a helmet
Edit: This could get real good because Holland is next to the germanic state of North Rhine Westfalia which is pretty much roachcentral in Europe. Word on Kikebook is that roaches are already organizing car convoys to aid their brother in Holland.
Also chimpouts in front of Netherland Embassys in Berlin can be expected. Roaches in Germany are 80% Erdogan controlled and he alreadyy threatened Merkel with riots should he or his ministers not be allowed to hold their rallys in Germany.
How is this not threatening an act of war, making the roaches literal invaders?
rolling for Netherlands removing kebab
not that anyone cares, but the HWNDU stream has been shut down. Shia was, once again, defeated by a bunch of basement dwelling nerd virgin nazi frog posters.
well done Satan. Now lets get this thing started!
Why exactly were the roaches chimping out?
Geert confirmed as antichrist
oh fug
Good goy. :^)
Hitler dubs confirm. Hitler fought against the communist Weimar Germany. Germans need to get their shit together and create the 4th Reich.
We have about 2 million Turkroaches here in Germania and Merkel cut a deal with Erdoroach to keep the "syrians" out of Europe. She is doing everything to not rise his anger.
If he would order his roaches to chimpout and/or release the rapefugees again towards central europe Merkel is done.
We have an election coming up in September - a sommer like 2015 AND roaches chimping out would be catastrophic for the administration. So they are getting on their knees and sucking of the Emir.
Geert Zeppelin
He looks like Jimmy Page
Its best if he wins but has to use the better party to get shit passed
d-d-double palindrome?!
its true isnt it?
Ladies and gentlemen, your supreme Chancellor of the (((United States of Earth))), Geert Wilders.
That's what the loose tabards are for. Also for making shitty low poundage saracen bows useless as their arrows push the fabric into the mail and get stuck without breaking the rings. Mail + linen = arrow trap.
This is going to escalate. Erdoboss only cares about his presidential system. The tensions will definitely influence the upcoming elections.
aren't we fighting /against/ globalism though?
isn't this entirely counter productive?
Hence the ((())).
Fucking turkshits. Is that a diversion from their local problems with the kurds, or are they trying to show power on the european scene?
if they are they're horribly deluded
this might work with the arabs but this just makes turkey look dumb, scared and weak in the eyes of all of Europe
Possibly, but turkroaches are dumb and erdogan controls all government media. Pretty sure in the turk media they were sending free money to the netherlands and the evil government stopped them, then repressed the poor rioting army of turkshits.
Just like how they lied here about the visit happening, when it was never going to happen. Turks are compulsive liars.
good explanation tbh
turks need to be erased
greek empire pushing the goatfuckers out of Anatolia when?
Are roaches literally autistic?
Why do they seem completely unable to comprehend when they are not wanted and when it's time to fuck off?
Turks and EU governments play “Good Cop - Bad Cop”
Treasonous European cuckservative and socialist governments play tough guy and patriots for their electorate. “You don't need to vote for the populists, xenophobe Neo-Nazis, goy guys. We will take care of your fears over Islamic take over”, signals the socialist Moroccan major of Rotterdam .
Erdogan plays protector of Turk for the Turkish colonists in Europe. “Vote AKP and I'll protect you from those Nazis around you. BTW Take citizenship of your host country, you will always stay Turkish.”
After the elections in NL, F and D
The EU wants to have this aliens, to destroy the European nations and peoples, that is what Peter Sutherland, Sarkozy and Blair open admitted, “mix them up and dump their face into multiculturalism”.
Empty posturing for Turkish electorate. Not going to happened since that would drive the Germans into the arms of AfD.
Multiply that with 3 or 4. TV admitted that there are 1,5 million Turks eligible to vote in Turkish referendum in Germany. That are just the Turkish-Turks over 18 and not those Turks who already took German passports but are still able to vote in Turkish elections because Turkey will reestablish their Turkish citizenship in secret. Erdogan explicitly told Turks in Europe to take the citizenship of their host countries and influence that countries politics in favour of Turkey.
German government admitted that in NRW, Germany's most populous state with 18 million, 30% of the population are Moslems, most of them Turks. You do the math.
They're mudslimes.
this is brilliant. can do.
mudshits every time
Holla Forums is a strictly anti-cuckservative board
go worship niggers somewhere else
I don't see the problem
why are you trying to change the subject of the thread, roach?
Take your pills, you psychotic, esoteric shutin LARPing neet faggot and stop spamming Holla Forums with your bullshit.
I dindu nuffin ya prick.
Don't bother, that KC-reject has been shitting up deutsch/pol/ for month with his pathetic trolling attempts, just filter him
Hur Breivik is that, Breivik is this.
He acted while you fucking losers were LARPing as degenerate pony fucking trannies on the chans.
Just kill yourself, you wimpy spider armed loser.
These Turks really want war.
Watch it, next he's going to post about muh based badass Israelis, kek
I'm seeing Turkroaches all over Geert's Twitter account calling for war and boasting about their population numbers.
The Dutch lost a perfect opportunity to reply "The Nazis might had committed genocides but at least they helped science and technology advance".
At least Israelis are killing muslim subhumans.
You don't like this, cause you are a swarthy dirty disgusting mudslime subhuman, dwelling in the German social welfare state, we know you are at least some 20% of Holla Forums, so without a prove of picture of yourself you are a disgusting islamic invader.
Kill yourself, Muhammad
Head on back to Breitbart, faggot. Don't bother replying, you're already filtered.
You called it.
Breivik is a freemason
Israel is the worst.
daily reminder that he's a jew
The muslim subhumans roaming this board LARPing as "white nationalists" don't like it when THEIR people get killed.
At least some 20% of Holla Forums is infected by this swarthy islamic subhumans, cause Holla Forums is acting like we "want to genocide the jews", which acts like a honey pot to subhuman muslims.
The 2 Turkish parties here need to be purged. DOST and DPS don't deserve their existence and since they're showing themselves as pro Turkish they'll never properly win. I just don't get what Turkey is doing. Their economy is in the shitter. Erdogan keeps fucking it over more and more. And yet they're expecting to return to muh glorious Ottoman rule. With what? How are they even going to feed all those people? It's not like a few hundred years ago, Turkey has a lot more people now that need to be cared for. He's just fucking his entire country over yet the idiots in it are allowing this to happen.
Israel is the only democracy in the middle east and it's a white ethnostate. They're literally national socialists! :^)
In all seriousness, the kikes can't even have a proper ethnostate because there are still a bunch of Palestinians they seem unable to exterminate. I wonder how Israelis like being jewed by the UN.
The shutin spergs and the disgusting muslims dwelling this board can't get over this fact, I know. It's ridiculous watching them dancing around this fact, it's hilarious.
More like mah euphoria. :^)
The fact that you had to say that just proofs my point.
This is why we should join forces with based jews against marxist jews who want to genocide us and our best ally Israel. :^|
Just LARP some more, you fucking spoiled western kiddo.
Proofs? 151 proof Rum? :^)
And we've had to endure this shit for almost 3 month now. Filter on sight.
Nice try Schlomo.
you're comparing shitskin chimpout with organised annihilation
You know the UN is controlled by the muslim majority there?!
No, then why don't you eduacte yourself on the UN instead of brabbling bullshit about da jews?!
Just educate yourself
And you want to "gas all jews", like the little children / muslims you are.
It's fucking ridiculous. Just LARP some more, faggots.
Nebelspalter, 1956.
oh we're serious
and we're from all walks of life in every country on Earth from the poorest NEET in Croatia to the son of the President of the United States
and we all agree on just a few mutual points
and one of those is the agreement the world would be a better place if every jew on Earth moved to israel
and then we glassed the entire fucking region with nuclear fire until its is nothing but hot glass and ash
So you are a poor muslim "getting slaughtered", cause you were throwing rocks and bombing israeli busses, by da evil Jooooss?
Poor mussi you, how could have that happenend?
You pathetic losers.
oh the kebab will burn our war with them is only finished when mohammeds remains are pulled out of their tomb ground up and fed to a sty of swine
you're about 10 years out of date JIDF
Hello JIDF. Sure is (1) and change proxies in here, isn't it?
No, you don't, you're LARPing as hard as possible, to let it look to outstanders that you have here some "consensus" but it's nothing but hot air.
And also teenagers trying to come of as hardcore and edgy as possible. Nothing more.
Oh so you are a muslim subhuman LARPing on Holla Forums as a "white nationalist"?
Every real westerner would nuke the muslims, and not the Jews.
I can smell your stinking muslim subhuman behaviour through my screen.
Hey man, a world without kikes would be a pretty swell world you know. I'd be free to remove all the kebab and the overabundance of niggers in Africa you've caused with all that foreign aid directed by your hands.
This guy is a IP-swichting Antifa-faggot that LARPs as one of us do deliver some D&C-shilling and that is constantly trying to push that the jews aren't what they are. Maybe because his mom is getting banged by a Rabbi and he has to deal with this weird feelings towards this by acting like the kikes are our greatest allies or just because he is getting a paycheck to do by being an Antifag.
Ignore that cunt or filter him. We are dealing with his bullshit for months now he is either a hobbyless NEET or an actual paid shill, which does a horrible job then. We even had a fucking conference with the right-wing board on krautchan about him where he also gets constantly banned for being so fucking gay. kek
Ignore/Filter and move along.
Except if you enjoy horrible shilling as a form of comedy.
Wir finden deine Posts immer. überall. du kleiner jüdischer Schwanzlutscher du.
I wonder who is behind this post.
Why not both, Rechtscuck?
Hi there, eternal (1)
Try harder, you NEET faggot.
Being 24/7 online stalking other posters is the definition of NEET posting, you fucking 89 IQ subhuman.
Na immerhin hast du ETWAS in deinem Leben geleistet, und nicht nur den ganzen Tag lang Scheißdreck (Esomist,Lügen über die Juden, usw..) geschwurbelt, du kannst stolz auf dich sein.
Try harder, you NEET faggot.
Being 24/7 online stalking other posters is the definition of NEET posting, you fucking 89 IQ subhuman.
Na immerhin hast du ETWAS in deinem Leben geleistet, und nicht nur den ganzen Tag lang Scheißdreck (Esomist,Lügen über die Juden, usw..) geschwurbelt, du kannst stolz auf dich sein.
Juden können nichts tun.
Don't you filthy subhuman dare quote Milosevic or even try to compare what proto-isis did on Kosovo to you retarded semites.
holy shit you guys we actually found that D&C-Antifag kek
This isn't you territory goon. Go slurp away on some foreskins, the fresh jew-larvas need their dick-herpes you know!
you're cringy
your existence induces cringe
for your own sake if you've got any fucking dignity left
go to a chemist an all night one
buy dextromorphan hydro-bromide, ibuprofen, paracetamol and codeine if you can]
grind the pills into powder, mix it with the syrup until it becomes a paste
mix it with tap water and drink it all
The genocide of muslims in Euope is coming. Just a question of time.
What are you shutin spergs / muslim subhumans gonna do then?
join in?
I know a board called Holla Forums, there are some 60% of LARPing underaged kiddos trying to come of as try hard "Nazis"
That's what I call cringey.
Some random delusional female roach screaming about how they're being genocided.
Who opened the gates of hell in Europe?
Shutin weakling spergs and literally 89 IQ "humans" joining in the Genocide.
10/10 top kek
Muslim subhumans joining in on the genocide of muslims subhumans.
Doesn't makes sense.
not everyone on here is a National Socialist tbh lad
eat shit and die kike as soon as society collapses im literally eating you
I know a guy called faggot , he is one of the few LARPing underaged kiddos trying to come of as try hard "Nazis" while actually fucking traps with his mothers money.
LARP some harder, you weak city dwelling loser faggot nu male.
I live on the country side, come at me, you pathetic loser.
I hope you understand because all know you can't see past your nose for the fact when your shitskinned colored sword decided to get either break loose and goes after you or is genocided as you've stated there won't be anything for you to defend yourself with considering that which you use as a shield is starting to wake the fuck up in regards to what you do.
Enjoy your time while you can you nasty little semite, the Holocaust sure as fuck didn't happen but it should have.
You are the ones LARPing as "national socialists" not me, you fucking 89 IQ subhuman.
tell me where
right now
i will hunt you down and eat you
I'm starting to think Turks might be worse than Jews at this point.
If you see anyone using :
You know it's a shill, remember it.
They are one and the same, newfag
Fuck off you kike. You both are horrible and need to be gone. You and your obvious derailing doesnt work.
look up the Donmeh
literally one and the same
Shut the fuck up.
That's what I call cringey.
Don't you feel embarrassed everytime you write such things.
Just read a history book and educate yourself, try hard.
You can't tell this goy what to do Goldstein.
Hello leftykike.
You don't even got a freaking driving licence, cause you're a registered mentally ill person, which aren't allowed to drive cars in Germany.
So just LARP some harder, you fucking freak show.
You might ask yourself Holla Forums is he really that dumb?
Yes he is.
And he will keep being that stupid no matter what evidence contrary to his beliefs you will show him.
8/pol/ meet Rechtscuck. Enjoy!
This one is good too
you fucking sub 140 IQ human
Now stop being a retarded edgelord, and go live with fatma in turkey
I have a drivers licence
you live in Germany?
easy can be there in a week
where abouts in Germany?
ill find you, ill kill you and ill eat you
grass fed kike
all the estrogen in you will make the meat taste sweet
Du weißt dass das Quatsch ist, oder? Weder gibt es ein Verzeichnis für alle Menschen mit psychischen Krankheiten, noch dürfen die alle kein Auto fahren.
And here I present you a member of the illiterate Nu-Holla Forums kiddos, nothing more than stupid ass kids from Holla Forums trying to be edgy.
What has Holla Forums become?!
Hey, you wanna know something? I've got that on many a stickers amongst others whom many a people put in places because its funny to see kikes squirm. Go kvetch somewhere else about wire coat hangers.
Doesn't make sense.
Read the thread before posting, you stupid Nu/pol/ faggot kiddo.
Why are you responding to IT?
Fuck off shill.
I do read books, using "read a book and educate urself" as an argument is fucking idiotic, you give the arguments and the facts thats you debate you kike.
Read what I post you nigger.
Sure, just LARP some more, faggot.
What will your mother do, when you leave the house and take her car?
I think she will call the police, and you will end up in closed mental hospital AGAIN.
We german's really have no say in this, turkish people are already not very welcome in most places like clubs or restaurants.
The thing is all of our politicians are evil and do basically the same. No matter who we vote for they are all pro immigrants. The current party in Germany is already a conservative religious one.
Also they are right now selling our highways to private companies and a few months ago they made a new law that requiriere companies to hire women if both genders apply for it and even if the men are better qualified. And nobody asked for this, they women and men are against this but they still do it.
There is no democracy in Germany, they don't represent us. We vote for dictators that do what they want.
You are so fucking 89 IQ, you just showed that you are a one of these psychotic mentally ills, who roam the chans in growing numbers.
Just kill yourself
I want to kill your kind
so badly
all the time every fucking day I want to decorate my rusted shitbox car with the rotting heads of your kind
you are the phlegm of history
Kill yourself, subhuman shit. You will never be white.
You don't sound quite literate, I don't believe you read books, watching youtube videos is what 90% of you kids do here on Holla Forums, and then calling yourself " jew wise".
Just kill yourself
Just LARP some more, or post a picture of your white hand with timestamp, I think you are a stinking muslim subhuman leaching off my precious welfare monies which I paid into the fucking system.
So you are on welfare.
I fucking KNEW it.
Welfare dwelling subhumans wanting to gas the Jews, history is a ever repeating cycle.
Just educate yourself, you faggot.
Don't really care for you - go back to turkey
not that i care about the shit flinging, and user may very well be LARPin away… but i am not
I am a very quiet professional person in a normal job. I know of other in real life. When the time comes we will not hesitate to send every single last Jew Muslim and nigger into the oven. We are not loud about out hatred, we dont have skin heads and tattoos, but just like the Germans of the past war, we will wholeheartedly participate in your fucking removal from this planet. Believe it or not, we exists. Just think about it next time your in a group of white people acting like a shitskin fool waving your fucking turkroach or jew flag. When the time comes … 75 percent of us will be happy to exterminate you.
Nu/pol/ is so fucking stupid, and they are proud of it.
Sure, just LARP some more.
Nice projecting
think what you like.. Larp Larp Larp… but i guarantee next time your in a group of white people on the train or in a meeting… not that you work faggot .. your gonna be wondering which of them is thinking exactly like me.
I have to go to work tomorrow, I have a distinct thought that you will wake up at 13.00 tomorrow and start shitposting on Holla Forums, just like you do every day.
Dude, I'm a white GERMAN person. A real one.
Not some mongrel from the US, or some other mixed shit.
So on Holla Forums I'm the fucking Führer!
Or do you stop with your LARPing bullshit right there?!
jst stop replying to the kike, he is derailing
no faggot… on Holla Forums your a fucking traitor…
agreed… sorry
The only meeting that matter it's the one with women, kiddo.
Doesn't make sense.
Im a huwhite GERMAN, so I'm in the highest ranks of Holla Forums.
Just kill yourself you halfbreed shitskin trying to deflect your own shitty skin on bringing Holla Forums to gas da poor Jews.
Troughout history, Turkey's genetic makeup was akin to the Ancient Greeks and Ancient Italians - then came the Brown Islamics, then came the Altaic Asians.
But today's Turkey still have some pockets of White people, they are usually like that in the High Society as well, rich people.
If you want to know how Ancient Turks were, look for the Bulgarians of today, or people of North Italy.
I do. Sand niggers own
The evil Jew has won, you let him take over this thread, you weak wimps.
Could you just shut the fuck up already Rechtscuck?
Nobody even reads your shitposts anywhere on the Internet and your D&C shilling is just sad to watch.
1.We all know your're an actual Antifag-Shill
2.You even confirmed it yourself you dumbass
3.You're just talking to yourself after your first post with a new ID because everyone reports and filters you
There is a reason why every fucking board you post on bans you after a while as well as there is a reason why the jews got kicked out of every country but you are way to dense to ever reflect on what that reason could be.
I'm 5 mins away from calling the German propagandaministry and tell tham what a horrible fucking job you are doing!
We have certain standards on this board damnit! Even for Shills!
Your nose is showing, rabbi.
Turkroach, please, you're fighting on the wrong side.
You are the jew
t. Turkroach
No, you don't.
You are literally 89 IQ, you don't get shit, nothing, u don't understand anything, you are stupid.
Nigger tier stupid.
Not some funny tier stupidity, no, you are a really DUMB person.
You don't belong to the chans, you are simply too stupid to get chans.
You mean to assist the turkroaches.
I woke up today to learn that the roach flag has replaced the goldmember flag at the Dutch embassy in roachland
This thread has to be bumped for my rage
Roaches were gearing up to invade Manbij before the marines stepped in.
How precious, he's actually running away now while throwing an ad hominem and declaring himself the victor.
Seriously, Chaim?
And here's the (((goon))) getting triggered by smug chinese cartoons.
We have a textbook case here.
Any definite proof that Erdogan is a crypto?
As far as I've heard it's already been replaced with a Dutch flag again, though I don't have any concrete proof of that.
>>>Holla Forums
No, they admitted that only 1 mio. people in NRW have turkish ancestors.
Literally the Napoleon of our time.
Hello (1)
That gun is a masterpiece.
I am sorry, polite sage
You are not Germany, and you are not German. You merely claim to be.
Any "German" that does not understand the ideal of the Overman, is not a German. Life is struggle, and if you do not struggle, if you are not the pillar of your ideals, then you are nothing.
As an anglo I advise this for germans. Get a community together, tight knit and unofficial, for germans by germans, branch it out slowly and work to save as many germans as you can. It won't be good if none of you guys remain my friend. So save as many of the good as you can. Numbers are good but only if all are faithful and further DO NOT do anything illegal with this community. We needn't hand the media more weaponry to hit us with.
You can rationalize it anyway you want, but you will witness the death of liberalism and multi-cultism soon enough, Whites will build it with their own hands.