Managing Rage

Hey Holla Forums, I get really mad at games. Like insanely mad. I scream, throw shit, punch the wall, etc. Is this abnormal for a guy in his late 20s? I feel like most people yell and whatnot but I probably take it to an unnecessary extreme. Any advice/thoughts?

self harm

You need Jesus in your life.

Stop being a fag. I used to be like that too. Then I stopped being a fag. It's not that hard really.

Try channeling your impotent rage into something else, like exercise.

Nothing takes the rage out of me like some good old fashioned self-inflicted pain. If you're getting too destructive try some scratching, but not enough to bleed too much

I seriously did go through a phase where I would punch myself in the head 3 to 4 times when I would lose/get a Game Over screen. Finally grew out of that, but I still rage pretty hard.

>Try channeling your impotent rage into something else, like exercise. masturbation

Don't hold yourself to an impossible standard. It's fine to get mad at video games and yell at them. Gameplay is something that should provoke frustration if you're trying to get better but having trouble succeeding.

But you really shouldn't be punching walls or throwing a lot of shit. I don't think there's any cure-all method for managing rage, you just need to figure out what works for you.

Have you tried not being a nigger?

Pretty abnormal to me, stick a boulder in your ass and roll off a cliff you fucking autismo

lol what?

Do you have a history of violent outbursts from other things, or just from games?


Just in games, I'm pretty mellow IRL. Though the fact that I'm a 5'8 manlet might have something to do with it.

Punch yourself in the face repeatedly for being such a retard that gets mad at videogames.
Don't go as high as the cheekbone or you'll get a black eye.
If you have a beard, it will cover the livids and swallen jaw.
Try it once and I promise the next time you feel like raging, you'll just close the game instead and go do something else.

You'll stop punching yourself when you stop being a little bitch that throws hissy fits and gain some control over your emotions.

If you start getting mad, just take a break. Yelling at a game is the limit of rage, and even then it's pretty weird if it's single player.

While I don't go apeshit with screaming and shit like OP, I myself am in the same boat with getting frustrated (Namely over failing)

Help appreciated

This is bad. I get buttfrustrated, but I don't punch or break my own shit.

No it's not, and the first thing you need to understand about expressing anger in those ways is that they're self-reinforcing mechanisms.

You get mad, you rage, you find catharsis.

As stupid as it is to say- you really need to try and catch yourself growing frustrated, then separate from the thing causing it until you can learn to handle your anger internally.

Not normal*

I've found that as I got older, I've become more impatient with difficult games. It all has to do with feeling I'm wasting valuable time being stuck one one little section when I have work to worry about the next day and I still have a huge backlog I want to go through.

I don't go ape like the OP, but I can see how someone would still rage in their late 20's and over.

If you get mad at sucking at game of all things, i suggest you stop playing games. Abandon society, then live the peaceful life as a hermit user.

Or just keep punching yourself in the head, its bound to make yourself feel better.

Eh, true, but over video games?

A man in his 20's gets violent over more important things I'd hope.

If your rage entails anything more than some expletives, then you need help. I recommend doubling your daily masturbation regimen.

You could always try getting better at the game you're playing, or lower the difficulty.

So 10 times per day instead of five?

You could be bipolar user.

I am bipolar and occasionally I'll get raged as fuck at video games. Basically just something you'll need to learn to get control of, or, just start punching softer thing than the wall. It sounds silly but better to beat the shit out of a pillow or something of the like than damage your shit.

Anyway, I feel you user. I suggest not playing anything with RNG bullshit.

Do you drink when you play? I am generally pretty sane and able to handle frustration, but there have been a few times where I had just a little bit too much to drink and I ended up destroying hundreds of dollars of electronics.

Other than that, my guess is that we tie too much of our self esteem to our vidya skill. Either find something else you can be proud of, or try harder so you can win. No wait, don't do the second one. You're almost 30, don't waste your time trying to compete with teenagers.

It is at this point in life that most people transition to single player genres that you can play at your own pace and not give a fuck about how other people play them. I used to make fun of these people (ok, I still laugh at bitter manchildren that get angry when children beat their asses), but honestly it's the only sane way to look at this problem. You're a fucking adult, you should be investing that kind of energy into something useful.

Having gone through genuine hardship tends to temper your… temper.

OP, you have to be over the age of 18 to post here.
I refuse to believe a 20 something year old man would damage his own property over video games.


A problem shared is a problem halved.

Its abnormal for anyone at any age. Seek anger management courses.