Media priming the plebs for Universal Basic Income

Is anyone else seeing this push to normalize the idea of Universal Basic Income?

This is essentially communism by another name.

How do we stop it Holla Forums?

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By pointing out its just communism and then showing what an objective failure communism is.

It doesn't matter what they do anymore. They know their end is near and everything done in the last 5 or so years was panic and forced due to the internet spreading information at an uncontrollable rate. Let em try to digitize currency and guilt us on refugees. All of this is being brought down.

Well you either gas all the spics and niggers or gas the jews. Or both. Because there's no fucking way you will convince spics and niggers that UBI is bad, and the only thing stopping us from gassing them are the jews. So you need to gas one or the other. Or both.

Also, I suspect they will tax robots to make them unprofitable. Or just make them illegal. Because their primary goal is white genocide, and the best way to accomplish that is with infinite shitskin immigration. If they introduced UBI, it might actually politically force them to stop immigration. If they force businesses to use human labor, then they can continue with infinite immigration.

Thank you for posting this. I saw the hype and was naturally skeptical, but never put my finger on all the things that were wrong with it.

I've literally never seen or heard UBI brought up anywhere other than Holla Forums.

Where exactly is this push?

Would ubi be a bad thing in a white ethno state?

It would probably make people become lazy. With that said, you'd likely not "need" it in the first place.

Could you explain why it wouldn't be needed?

Whites would naturally encourage people to work anyway. People would probably be more lazy but I don't think it would have a negative social effect.

Entirely depends on who is leading the white ethnostate and its culture. If you're not suicidal materialists, a steady source of food, and have land of your own, you're gonna make it regardless of economical hijinks until some jew gets in and fucks it all up no matter what system it is.

Yes, yes, yes.
Real holocaust soon.

*have a steady source of food

plebbit lefties and socialists like to jerk off over it. I haven't seen it anywhere else though.

There is literally nothing wrong with UBI we just need to launch a reconquista before we implement it.

When the automation rise and that's when the UBI become important now because there will be angry riots whom are replaced by the machines.

Video related

Looking into the mind of a wage cuck is always fascinating.

Either way the endless immigration is leading to a strain on the welfare state. I don't think I have enough faith in the Left's competence to see the unsustainability.

It's coming from the usual suspects. See pic related - Vox, Atlantic, HuffPo, Gaurdian all with the past year

Or, you know, just reduce the costs in producing and transporting food? Even the poorest people are a market to sell food to and someone will figure out of way to make money off it.

UBI will make everyone even more lazy and feminine.

The person getting the money should own the robot, not google, then the government pays you sub par UBI

What are people saying UBI would pay? I would need probably at least $2000 to survive, and I'm single with no kids. I guess I could live in an absolute shithole apartment or with annoying nigger roommates to get my rent down to $500-$1000. So $2000 would be cutting it close but I guess it's doable. Or are they saying it would just be like $500-$1000 and everyone would still need to work?


Human beings ultimately need to have some positive contribution to society to be fulfilled. It's a paradox though because most people would sit in their apartments and shoot heroin and jerk off to VR porn all day if that was a practical option.

UBI could be a good idea in an all-white fascist society. Or even better, guaranteed housing and water/electricity, maybe even food - and above that whatever you earn with your own work.

But we all know that this is a communist ploy in this case. It utterly removes any form of agency and freedom you have, and the undercurrent of niggers and rapefugees cannot be ignored.

Also, it reeks of the Mark of the Beast.

just swap that 40 hour work week with improving the community time, family, church, service to the state and other

It will cause inflation, so they may pay you 2k a month to sit on your ass but in 10-15 years 2k will be enough for 1 week, and if you complain, they will show you pictures of starving Africans until you shutup.

I read through a subreddit called "lost generation" once, and I read UBI being pushed a lot, ignoring that UBI does not afford you a livable life. When everyone is guaranteed the same amount of money, prices will adjust so that only the (((((((((((((((((((((((((elite))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) can afford anything other than a 3x3 booth in a cuck barrack, soylent orders and a self driving cuck mobile subscription

There was redpill potential, though. some of the users showed contempt for Soros and the banks. That might have been our infiltrators, though, if we even have any.

Well I don't think UBI is needed at all. That's why I said "need" in quotes. I do, however, that many third worlders want it to simply be leeches; and many whites have become lazy due to our non-homogeneous culture.

My snek is tingling

you know that's not what would happen though. People need to be incentivized to live full and healthy lives. We all know the trust fund shits that do nothing with their lives. Or look at the niggro community in the US after The Great Society was implimented - darkies before this point got married and attended church in levels on par with white people. Or look at the hikkomoris in Japan.

Interesting, it seems like a lot of anons haven't heard of UBI. I think it depends on where you're from, but I've been hearing about this for at least six years. It's big in silicon valley among tech types because as technology advances, the need for actual workers decreases. UBI solves for the issue of all the surplus labor that has been created through feminism, H1B, illegals, etc. As far as I know tech/venture capital/whatever companies have funded smalle projects in the Bay Area to test UBI on a smaller scale. If it's hitting media now, it probably means there is an intent to push a narrative for it.

I wonder if it would cause massive de-urbanization. There would be no need to live in cities anymore to find work, and housing costs would be much lower in rural areas.

UBI in CY+2 USA means whites paying for spics and niggers to have more free time to rape women and breed even more.

Tell them it was Nixon's idea.


Technology decreases the workers requirement for current jobs, but it also increases the scale of manufacture and forces new jobs to be created and leaves people to invent new jobs to earn income. The fact that you have managers is an ancient proof of that. You have car drivers, airplane pilots, house interior architects, you have fucking people who animate pictures for a living and a good one at that. These professions hardly existed or didn't at all some 150 years ago. Technology does not kill jobs, it just diversifies them. With that said, UBI is complete communism and will benefit shitskins while undermining whites by causing them to become apathetic NEETs.

That's true, and that's why you see the US moving so hard toward the service sector and (thankfully) a resurgence in manufacturing. I agree that developing tech to do away with some pretty tedious and menial jobs will be good, but it's going to really decrease the need or feasability of supporting a world with this many people. we probably shouldn't have let this many people breed in the third world. if we could just put good tech and quality control back into the firearms industry, I'd be a happy camper. not a lot of good guns being made today, but I don't want to derail this thread just on that. Yeah, UBI is total bullshit and I don't want my hard earned money being taken so irresponsible fucks can have eight kids because they don't use birth control and know they'll be supported by the state

Yeah, the job pool really becomes diverse when a company lays off 2000 manufacturing workers and hires 20 manufacturing managers instead. Up until recently, technology made work easier and better, but now technology actually replaces human beings through automation.

When the world automation is complete then the cryborg will begin to seek the humans out to convert. Humans will be illegal within two centuries.

report the organics to the human control

Reminder that the proper counter-phrase to "Universal Basic Income" is "Helicopter Money" and the argument against is is that either it comes from taxes – of which you will eventually run out of other people's money – or they just print it and hand it out leading to even faster levels of inflation than the bullshit we already deal with.

Your Helicopter Money might pay your bills for a few years but then it becomes worthless and you start demanding larger amounts of it. Then you become Wiemar Republic, Zimbabwe, or Venezuela.

Think the third world wants to move to your country. Wait til UBI hits.

panem et circenses, gotta keep the goyim satisfied

Learn new skills nigger

Just because you have a faggy spank bank of failure doesn't mean you're not capable of innovation.

You don't need to stop it, you need to encourage it.

Wipe out all other forms of welfare over night. End the minimum wage. Make filing bankruptcy much easier the kikes should loose out when they give bad loans.

Most people would still choose to work, the ones who don't will be less of a drain on the rest of us than before. If you want to take some time to develop a skill or start a business or your boss is a fucking kike then you can take time off to do those things without becoming totally destitute.

If there is a fun fulfilling place to work maybe they only pay $2/hr and that's fine.

It wont be a poverty trap like our current welfare system. Lashanda wont be buying $600 in soda to sell for $100 any more because no more food stamps. There are very few downsides.

If we ended all forms of welfare and banned all tax deductions and rebaits (welfare for the wealthy) then we would have about $20,000 for every adult citizen. (don't pay people to have kids you fagots, the niggers and spics will stop having them almost altogether. And don't you fucking dare pay immigrants)

Are you going to tell the millions of disgruntled men having lost their job and being to old to really innovate or get hired in the modern HR infested job market the same when they have built some really nice gallows with your name on one noose?

how about we just end all wellfare and if you want money you get a job you lazy nigger.
Why do you feel so entitled to other people's money?

I see the angle you are going for user, but I don't think it will have the effect you think it will. The money has to come from somewhere, and giving free shit to people taken from other people will just make things worse over time, not better.

we need the men to get mad and build gallows you faggot
then we hang the nigs, spics, muds, and kikes and we win
the plebs will never be agitated as long as we keep their bread and circusses going


if anything, it won't be jobs related to cooking unless they mean fast food.. also AI cannot create meaningful art, which will probably become a commodity itself

UBI is in effect Marxism with a slightly less red coat of paint.
Every time a version of Marxism fails, they give it a knew name. Don't forget this, Holla Forums

We already give them free shit. Only most of it is wasted on stuff like section 9 housing in white neighborhoods, food stamps unemployment (where they sit for as long as they can) and most disturbing of all the millions who sneak there way on dissabilities. And then you give people tax un earned tax refunds for pumping out nigglets. UBI is a nice simple way to wipe the slate clean of all that. It's economically feasible without raising taxes (other than ending deductions/rebates).

I work in automation programming robots. The new stuff I see coming out will really change the world. In order for humans to compete with automation we cant have a minimum wage and you cant live off $2/hr. This simple trick solves many of our problems at once.

UBI is pretty much bribing people to look the other way as automation replaces everything. Entertainment and communication mediums will also advance to fill in for stimulation and encourage greater isolation and lesser travel. Think virtualized jobs where your contribution is to train neural networks by playing specially crafted video games. This over time, would result in lower birth rates and revulsion to real life social interactions.

Once it's complete, then populations can be neglected to extinction or outright purged without consequence. This is assuming a true AI is built as the end result. At least that's how I see it playing out very long term.

section 8*

Your never going to get normies on board with this if you go state for it. First we cut immigration then we cut minority birth rates, then we ratchet up the hate. That is the order to do this if you want realistic odds of success. Most current welfare rewards them for pumping out kids, we need this to stop. There are few ways to get the plebs on board with stopping it but ubi is one very convenient method for wide scale change in (((social))) programs.

I smell a shill.

Helicopter Money will only lead to inflation and more beggars. It doesn't fix any problems, it only delays the immediate problems in favor of larger future ones.

You can't stop automation. It's a good thing, yes sure people lose jobs but at the same time everything becomes cheaper. Soon you might not need your own car because calling a driverless cab will be so cheap.

The ubi-concept is still bullshit though.

Fucking right I will.

I'll fuckin scream it.

The only alternative is defeat.

Automation is inevitable
Re-training the displaced workers is untenable.

So what solution do we have for the situation that doesn't involve making the majority of the population 100% dependent on the state for survival?

UBI is the only thing that has been proposed so far. If you don't like UBI, if you don't like the dependence it creates, then come up with an alternative that will solve the mass [unemployment + higher productivity = millions of "useless" people] problem.

not doing it

Ban the automation and welfare.

You know what really causes inflation? Fractional reserve banking. Each year the kikes at the fed creates the equivalent of $1600 for every adult citizen in america and gives it away to fellow kike bankers for free. The lie they tell the plebs is that its for loans to people for houses and shit, in reality most of it is used directly to buy bonds that pay interest instead, bonds like federal bonds that are payed back with interest by taxpayers. This is how money is created and its what causes inflation.

As capital is invested and more efficient processes are employed in industry the natural tendency is for deflation as goods cost less to produce, so prices should fall and the buying power of the dollar increases. Only by the supreme theft of these kikes do we have inflation instead. And they have convinced most plebs that its an essential service they offer, the creation of inflation. When in reality if a level of inflation was desired congress should simply mint more currency and put it in the general fund directly instead of letting the fucking kikes create it for themselves.

The shiftless ne'er-do-wells have been whining about that shit for like five years now. Media coverage comes and goes. In the run-up to the primaries, it was everywhere because Bernie. Seems like every four or six months for the last few years now, it shows up everywhere for like a week or two and then vanishes back down the memory hole of unrealistic, liberal pipe-dreams.

Only the most truly retarded and self destructive Luddites would ban automation. And realistically how would you go about this. You think congress is going to ban robots? It's a non starter.

I know. The jews are keen to invest in automation because they are anti-nature. Isn't this what Ted warned us about the technology.

Arbite macht frei!

No need to travel anywhere once all services are provided by automated systems. Just VR visit a store and grab your virtual items and in 30 minutes a robot delivers them to your house. Got a medical problem? Portable robotic surgeries and clinics can make house calls. Need to present a physical object half way across the world? Just send semantics to a 3D printer there without leaving the house. Sexual needs? all sorts of sexbots at your disposal who will do anything you want without the complications. While it's sounds awesome, this will have result in mental health issues over time.

The only way I see how to mitigate them and the slipping into such isolation, is to introduce virtual jobs (which can still contribute real information) and encourage real life social plazas. But I'm not sure how viable a virtual job market based on an information currency would be.


If they are taxed or require to work for 1 - 5 hours so they don't become lazy. All of us need the motivation to do something.

Personally I think the taxes need to be voluntary and government need to have public businesses to be self funded. Government agnecies need to be reduce to military, police, courts and few civil services so we don't have to spend so much money on the stuffs we don't need.

I hope none of you are seriously considering this.

Then where the fuck is the other 55%?


In the Top 10% that excludes the top 0.1%.

National Socialism shares the working class as an equal recruitment pool with the lefties, all basic income will do is fund our poorer supporters and drive our wealthier prospects towards our camp.

the lefties are braiding there own noose for sure.

Just have people fill out captchas all day for $0.01 a pop.

Why don't we just ban unemployment while we're at it, you fucking retards.

You know what people are going to support when they lose their job? It's going to be UBI. Because dumbfucks like you two can't manage to pull your heads out of your own fucking asses to come up with a viable alternative. I see this so much with everyone against a UBI. You hate UBI but you refuse to offer actual solutions.

Well dumbfucks. If you can't offer solutions, you're going to get UBI whether you want it or not.

I am a robot and I say you're a faggot.

See this is why threads like this are always shit. People think technology advances on a linear scale, you're no better than normies in the nineties who thought the 2000's was going to have food in pill form.

Saw a science nig with dreadlocks on the (((BBC))) only last week gushing about UBI and automation. Our inevitable future.

you're putting words into my mouth, i didn't suggest banning automation. anyway, burden of proof is actually on you to prove your criteria with a plan that includes action, funding, enforcement and a timeline, otherwise status quo wins :^)

So are flying cars and moonbases, member the 70s?

You're basically saying that we should go with UBI even despite the severe flaws very clearly because no other solution has been immediately offered up for you on a silver platter. Just because nothing else has been thought of in the interim doesn't mean you have to throw up your hands and just pick the only solution that's been offered up. If the only solution offered is horribly flawed, you should want to refine your solution or search for another, not double down on it and defend it harder. That just makes you look retarded. That thinking is exactly what is getting the left buttplumbed from all angles right now.

But it doesn't matter if I explain that because you definitely don't sound like someone from around here and type like a two year old. It's time to go back to leftypol.

I think a large part of making UBI feasible is using Central Banks to actually invest in the public instead of covering up the failed investments of speculators and debt-enslavers on wall street.
ie. you print money for the public to make investments/start businesses/live off of, instead of splurging on corporate/crony banks and their shell games. This is what the Bundesbank (formerly known as Reichsbank) is doing or supposed to be doing. That's why healthcare, education, etc, are "free" in most of the developed world. They're public investments. The USA has been so thoroughly corrupted after (((neoliberals))) like (((Milton Friedman))) got popular, that its "conservatives" belittle anyone who wants the government to actually use public money for public interests, instead of circulating and pumping it into the privatised circles that never gets prosecuted for its crimes.


The overall trend will lead to that though regardless if it all happens sequentially or sporadically emerges.


No, no it won't. You can't make these assumptions on shit you know nothing about.

Your idea about "portable robotic surgeries and clinics" is the most mind-numbingly retarded thing I've heard in my life.

Yeah it will only be the future if they also have, universal breeding programs, iq tests, euthanasia, farms, etc etc. And then what's the point of income at all. Everything could just be free.
Whatever the next stage of social evolution is, it isn't going to come without a massive event, like war.

That's basically the crux of all UBI arguments.

yeaahhhh budddy, i like this plan

Hope y'all are ready for civilizational collapse.

we don't, it will stop itself :^)

I wonder if those ancient high-tech civilization that some Holla Forumsacks hypothesized existed collapsed because they achieved this point.

Angry stoner, I think what makes people here so unsympathetic towards UBI is that many of them saw the automation problem years ago. And when they tried to inform normalfags about it and suggest viable alternatives, most normalfags didn't care because "it doesn't affect me!" YET!

When I first started visiting the chans (when I was a libertarian-socialist), I posted this:

The solution that I offered at that point was by comparison:

Again, no bites, because it didn't effect them at the time. They didn't give a shit. They were entertained and secure (they had their bread and they had their circus).

I was also an equal rights fag (as in, every "person" should be entitled to equivalent rights) and heavily advocated this. They later took this, twisted it into feminism, "black pride" and all that other SJW bullshit that we've seen in the past few years. Honestly, to present something that should have been common sense at the time and have it butchered like it was really kills your faith in most of humanity.

So, I'm now at the point where I think most of these people (and the majority of my circle at the time were latent SJW, COTW - Cause Of The Week - types) kind deserve to be in the shitter now. In my naivete, I thought most people were reasonable. They are definitely not.

We're living in an over-populated planet with consumer paradigms that are unsustainable. Seeing how "trash" a lot of this species is, I almost think that knocking many of them off through a system of economics, might not actually be a bad idea from a eugenics point of view.

There are a lot of good people out there. But there are a lot of people who, in all honesty, need to go.

All civilizations collapsed in some way due to something similar.

The ponzi scheme is unsustainable. You need to "glitch" it, not cut it down.

I also read lostgeneration. It's a middle-left political subreddit about how fucked our generation is. Sometimes they're able to cut through the cognitive dissonance of political correctness and realize what's really fucking them (hordes of foreigners crowding labor market, (((elites)))), but too often they get caught up in anti-Trump rhetoric because it's still reddit.

UBI would be from the automation taxes and if people decide that the UBI need to be permanent so they will remain lazy? Earth is overpopulated. Creating the medicated bread slices by the machines will keep the people alive for longer.

Let us print as much money as we can possibly need goy. That way no one has to be poor, and everyone can eat, including those who can work but never do! Just pass a bill handing us over a little bit more control of your nations finances and everyone will get a fair share.

It's either collapse or their system became so efficient they transcended the earthly bounds somehow. Space or some interdimensional evolution shit.

If only the economic starvation led to them just quietly dying instead of getting desperate and criminal, and actually breeding more.

This is one fact that cannot be disputed. You have to work with this fact if you wish to find a solution. And no, the maintenance of the robots is done by other robots. The supply lines are also mostly automated. There are also guard robots guarding the place for thieves.

its quite easy to only look at this angle from two perspectives, from the commie perspective, from which it looks very good, and from the free market perspective, from which it looks very bad.

So why not try to invent a new perspective?

If the basic, and even more advanced needs that the robots satisfy are met. People have fewer desires to do stuff. We wont suddenly turn into zealotlike explorers in the same manner as we were warmongering nations burning the crops of other nations and making sure our army had enough.

When the needs are met, both basic and advanced, you eliminate 90% of all the willpower. And evolution wont give you that willpower back because food and shelter were like 60% of our programming to deal with.

May I have the source please because I am interested in that.

Untermensch trash



That's a cute cat

I can foresee perhaps some new jobs

with so much stuff being automated, that would mean a lot more code, potentially more unprotected code that can be exploited and allowed to cripple a whole factory, you cannot work around this. Competing companies will be the ones doing this perhaps, people who lost their jobs to robots may one day finally realize that they hate robots a lot since they are now starving thanks to them.

if drones are used as delivery methods, people would probably try to fry them, or cut off their signals, to steal their stuff, maybe lead them astray with GPS spoofing so that they can capture them.

Maybe eventually it will turn into a full out war against the robots.

Centralized economies can never foresee every eventuality. Innovation becomes a lost discipline as the machine turns. When the unexpected happens and it breaks nobody knows what to do and nobody has enough to survive. Chaos.

It seems as if the goal of is UBI for everyone to consume at a basic, increasing amount. If they want to be richer they must speculate with their UBI in finance. The casino economy truly realized. Either way they corporations win.

A cat trying to drown the nigger (watermelon)

I fucking hate the "automation means UBI has to come" shit argument. No it fucking doesn't; you can't automatise everything. Even fucking Marx masturbated to automation as if it was just beyond the corner, and guess what, the bearded cretin was wrong again!
Yes, and it doesn't mean fucking UBI. This situation had already occured in the past, and had been solved in the past. There is no reason for us not to employ the same solution. Just reduce the fucking working hours from 8 hours to 6, thus making all the shift jobs add another shift. If the state simultaneously significantly raises wages of the state employees, the private sector will have to match him in order to stay competitive, thus letting everyone earn the same as before despite working less hours (the private sector can afford it thanks to having cut costs with automation). It will solve the unemployment problem and raise the quality of life in general, as that's two hours less a day you have to deal with bullshit

The mobile evolved from brick to computer so yes it is possible to automatise everything in the future.

This plus anyone with a passing understanding of the economic calculation problem understands that UBI would fuck up the econonmy in a billion unanticipated ways that it would make the consequences of the great society nanny state look like nothing in comparison.

we are running into a bigger problem though. The technical singularity is coming closer as we are also coming closer to being able to match the performance of a human brain soon.

Machine learning, deep learning are basically "small brain sectors" already governing things. ANd these things really are around the corner. Car companies are betting on this fact as they are racing towards automation. Google is directly feeding sensory data into its small human digital brains with its captcha. Tesla is breaching privacy by collecting driving data as well for its brains.

So in a way, technically speaking it is almost possible to get near animal levels of intelligence for robots, who are also disconnected from wires and mobile.

Soon the only thing blocking those things will be the lack of better batteries and mobile generators.

I have a feeling there is a huge overlap between people who blow Elon Musk and the people who support UBI.

tl;dr: go back to reddit

I don't support the UBI so what make you think that I support the UBI you effin' idiot. Technology never stop changing.


Where the fuck do you think you are?

People who won't support themselves, should be shot and buried in a mass grave not given free money.

In theory, perhaps. But in reality, not even the automobile industry completely automated itself, and they've always been the pioneers of that. Having one assembly line that makes just one kind of headlights still requires the employment of about eight people who assemble the whole thing together.

That's for a different topic entirely, I feel.

So you only blow Elon Musk?

Economic illiterate detected.

One of the hypothesized places is, I believe, called Thule, but I can't be assed because I can barely remember distinct names, besides Thule and, I guess, Hibernia. I don't have details. When thread whose premise is ancient civilization were older than they were or many civilizations were really Aryan, you might find a conversation about them.

You missed the most important effect.
Assured income massively increases the osmotic pressure differential which pumps immigrants west…

I like the idea of creating private space agency but government choose to spend the money on the welfare.

This "robits are gonna take our jobs" is retarded. Because unlike Mexicans robots that can do approximately what a human can do ,do not exist and are probably 100 years or more in the future.

So maybe a robit will take you great great great grand kids jobs but we don't need to even worry about this.

No thats not an entirely different topic, its our near future. The speed at which moore's law is still going strong, even with its quantum computers which are probably already operational right now in secret gov labs who are cracking encryption, will soon probably be public.

And then they will be hooked up to deep learning algorithms which are human thought structures in that extremely fast, digital space.

Now humans are not made to process jobs, a lot of our mental processes are dedicated to just staying alive, keeping track of pain area's or whatever. If one of these brains is going to be set for one cluster of something, in its full capacity, it is going to exceed humans by far. As the stock market already is with somewhat inferior machines.

This is not a commie or a free market issue, its an entirely different beast. As you were busy, like a raven, competing with magpies (leftists). You havent noticed that a giant killer robot entered the fray who probably hates both of you. And who is shooting you down with its eye beam lazers indiscriminately.

I work at a local factory, we manufacture medium oil drilling pipes. Entire line is automated, there is no manual labor, but it's still choke full of people. That's because -believe it or not- machinery tends to fuck itself up. And when it does, it can't unfuck itself. Operator is not just needed to watch over machine not to crap all over itself, it's also needed to resolve whatever problem surfaces during operation - and those are frequent, numerous and diverse. Becoming a good operator of one of those machines takes a lot of time and dedication, you can't just replace a veteran expert with a newbie with nothing but basic instructions and expect him to do half-decent job. Can't even expect not to fuck up everything utterly and break something that would take hours to fix.

Skilled jobs not gonna go anywhere, not in any forseeable future. As for unskilled jobs - boo fucking hoo. Since you're unemployed, you have all the time in the world to develop useful skills.

ruh roh. all the poor welfare queens will just die even faster without evil white demons to fix them.
you all know how bad affirmative action shitskin run healthcare is.

People own robots. You don't own a robot you die. It's that simple. Too many people anyway. UBI will only make overpopulation worse. UBI alone will cause the de-evolution of humans.

That's why you don't make it fully centralized.
You gamify.

You have no fucking clue what the consequences of such a massive social engineering project would entail.

Yep, that's what I've been trying to say. For one, when the machine makes a mistake (and it DOES make mistakes, contrary to what Jewlywood wants you to believe), it can't correct them, leading to a higher percentage of broken products, which naturally leads to more of them getting past quality control, thus lowering the overall image of your product. Then there are the cases when the machines themselves get fucked, as you mentioned, which they especially cannot fix themselves.

LOL, you need to post this image anywhere and everywhere.


generally speaking that is not the case though. Instead of 100 people working in a factory its not 10, some controllers, or perhaps 5 now in this modern age.

For the cut cost of the many workers the quality of the quality control also goes up. The companies that sell these robots also have quota's on them, averages which are calculated into the whole profit sum.

Generally speaking these robots are therefore extremely reliable since all the companies chose them, because they are mostly predictable. The whole industry is build upon that fact really.


you need to wake up

People would have more control over private space agency than public space agency. Government ruined the NASA by making them diverse. If the government won't fund it then that's fine. Private space agency can start another business to reap the profits and spend them on the private space agency.

so the right wing approach on this board is to simply ignore it, or to downplay it lol?

The only sensible in this thread was that user who mentioned that we should reduce working hours.

This is the problem that we kinda face, the leftists have a monopoly on these thoughts as they thought ahead.

But what if I told you that the leftists are actually pretty dumb and that we can also create a solution? Automation a slightly different shade from early industrialization. It has different properties still. Surely some of you fucks could understand all the variables that govern in and try to think of a right way to deal with this stuff?

Have you ever actually visited or worked in a factory? There's shitloads of people there, and machines are only allowed to do the literally simplests of tasks, and even then they often fuck up. You sound like you're talking about something you only heard about in sci-fi, not about something you actually saw first hand, else you'd never say such ridiculous bullshit like there being only 5 people in a factory - the place is borderline crowded.

an user who is still waiting for some feedback on that. So far all I got was people arguing that 100% of things can be automated, but nothing on the working hours idea

I have worked in a factory and what I describe is pretty accurate. It was a bread factory and they too did have operators on the end products.

But the overall output per head was much higher, much much higher than that of the past. They even increased automation in a new factory even more, so the people working there, while the bread that they provide still grew even more out of proportion.

Your approach is wrong and frankly its quite anti intellectual, I almost thing that you should be banned for such vile retardation.

I did mentioned the work hours.

Well your idea is somewhat of an old idea of the right wing, of the western nations about 50 years ago. They expected to work less as they saw efficiency in automation producing the same amount of products, for the lower manual work required for all of that.

And they are right. Its a nice transitional idea. We wont get to 100% automation right off the bat just like that.

But the problem obviously comes from the fact that nobody cares about being nice to the workers. Everything just wants to get ahead of the game and the end result of that is food stamps for food, and crime for luxury goods, or just more wellfare in general. Its pretty gruesome.

Forcing the minimum wage up will also create more automation in some cases still. So socialism, even if it came from the right wing, wouldnt work most likely.

People are fucking retards on UBI, the only reason I'm against it is because it'll keep people from getting pissed off enough to kill the kikes once automation starts replacing jobs.

I am currently working at a factory, it's nothing but heavy duty machinery. Now the building I work at is huge, but there is a separate machine room dedicated to couplings manufacturing - there are 3 threading machines operated in crews of 2, and 3 cutting machines operated by a single person. That room alone can pass for a small-medium sized factory. So no depending on type of factory, only having a handful of workers present at a time it's not at all far fetched.

But operators aren't (or don't need to be) skilled tradesmen.
I'll give you an example, when I went to engineering school we learned machine shop skills as part of the training, lathe, milling machine, radial arm drill etc. I'm not a machinist but we covered their discipline. Of course s professional machinist will gather a lot more experience in machining than the typical engineering tech because it is his speciality. So what happened? CNC replaced manual lathes. Now CNC "machinists" who aren't old school are often little more than machine operators, they are semiskilled, yes, it looks fancy and "high tech" when you watch a video , it impresses the in technical but watch the CNC "machinist" at work, all he does is mount the workpieces start the machine and take measurements to check tolerances. The machine does all the skilled work.You can learn how to use all of the machine shop micrometers in less than a day.
Whats my point? The workforce is becoming less skilled and an unskilled workforce can be and will be replaced by immigrants first,then robots. A robot can easily do the job of a CNC operator, yes you still need a technician/engineer in case something goes wrong, but one tech can oversee 10 or 20 machines, where as 30 years ago 20 machines needed 20 machinists.
Speaking in trends, not absolute terms.

I don't know about your "bread factory" (over here we call them bakeries), but the carparts factory I was in employed hundreds of people. fuck, it was the biggest employer in the city by far.

How far in the past? The initial onset of automation had already been taken care of.

That's what the unions and government are for. If people started screaming for lower working hours, it would happen, but instead we get lefties baiting them with UBI

So, in a way we are in quite a predicament are we not? The jews capitalized on this fact of industry early on and tried to tie their hatred for us, and the treatment of us as cattle (like the no property allowed for you goym) into communism.

Its somewhat of a thought exercise to try to find a reasonable way that will work, which will not empower the kikes. Something easy and simple for the retards to understand, without allowing for the kikes to take control of the lands, our property and rights as human beings.

Small factories that can't afford to automate due to lacking economies of scale. Automation is the esy forward and even when the factors is full of "people" they are going to be far less skilled/educated on average than the tradesmen of 20 years ago.
Anyone can be taught how to operate a CNC machine in a week. Never seen a car assembly line? Robots.

Holla Forums somewhere along the line decided to hate it even though it is better than the current welfare system. I agree that it is most certainly better to have no welfare system at all, but having a means test like the current system just encourages people not to work once they are on it. UBI fixes that problem, since people will always want more than the bare minimum.

That said, UBI is in no way shape or form a salve for automation. It is pointless to distribute claims on human labor (money) when goods and services are no longer produced by humans. Any good or service whose supply line is mostly or totally automated is going to be free for most people, with only the heaviest users, or those wanting customized goods (requiring some human input) paying with money, which will cover the teeny tiny human labor costs for everyone else.

It's basically the same economic model as internet content. I don't pay to shitpost here. Do you? I just pay for access, something that requires the services of technicians, and even that ain't much.

I am not sure how you could not understand this simple fact

can you think of the implication that this has on the economy?

there is a mystical "worked/consumer" which are both one and the same. They produce a generic amount of things, and they consume a generic amount of things.

if the ratio of that is 1:1, he produces as much as he requires and all is well. Now obviously not everyone produces the same kind of thing, the prices for the minerals are different, there are logistics, skill, and time required for it all. That is where inequality comes from, which is not a bad thing obviously as its just a facet of life.

But the machinery unbalances this ratio too tremendously. As we are seeing right now what the wages are between the ones at the top and the ones at the bottom.

Because if that ratio is disturbed, everything breaks apart. Which is what is happening right now.

If a machine takes up the place of a worker/consumer. That worker consumer no longer has the capital from his working, to consume. And then a robot will have nobody to sell his wares to.

obviously you are a dumb double digit IQ retard, so beyond this post I will also report you for your blatant anti intellectualism. I hope you fucking kill yourself you faggot.

not under capitalism.

If that was the case then it wouldn't be difficult to find competent CNC machine operators. Threading lathes aren't even in the mid section of CNC machine complexity out there, and I'm yet to find a guy who can get grip of the very basic ropes in less than a week, and I've already seen a bunch of guys spending as much as 3 months learning how to do it and still doing poor job when alone. I operate a different machine and while on the surface it's simple enough, I have an apprentice for 6 months already and despite being talented at it he's still only half-decent at controlling the damn thing. There's basically only two people in the whole crew who can handle it, one of them is me, and the other guy is doing more of a cheezework than applying any real skill, his rural origins probably play some role.


Sounds great. Where's your support?

Oh, there is hardly any for that. But UBI has broad support on both sides of the aisle.

The nice thing about having a basic income is that once you have it you can raise or lower it. That is, you can lower it to ZERO. No need for congress, or anything else. Just give someone the ability to set the amount of UBI, make sure /ourguy/ gets in there, and set it lower and lower until it gets to zero.

Back in the 1700's, you had to work all day to get "your daily bread". People starved in the streets. Now bread production is almost completely automated, and a minimum wage moron can buy a loaf with 10 minutes worth of labor.

So I will ask again, how much do you pay to shitpost here?

This is why there has been a big push in recent years. Any politician with half a brain could work out there's no need for immigration at all, and get elected with very valid reasons to stop it.

I rather not to give everyone. The niggers don't know how to spend properly so there should be a intelligence based tests so only smart people can get them and have babies. We don't need too many people since we have already reached 7 billions now.

The price of bread falls from being an entire day's labor to a few minutes labor. This happened. It will happen to everything else that is automated.

You don't have to pay money to shitpost, because the process is almost completely automated.

Just for the past year OP. It's a dumb lefty idea of what to do when robots have most of the jobs. They think they can tax the robots. Which they're also giving 'rights' to as if they were fucking people haha I shit you not. What they once again fail to understand beause it's related to economics, is that robots will be ubiquitous and as such, no competitive edge and therefore, not have any sort of extra profit with witch to tax them on. So in doing that, they will simple cause the lost of further jobs. Mainly to Asia. It will be like chinks mining all the btc because of cheap power. The West is about to become Sweden 2.0.

Niggers should be send back to africa, everyone who stays gets gassed.

Manual threading is pretty simple though. Maybe the guys aren't getting much time on the machine or a structured tuition?

Taxing robots is going to be hard, it goes against everything big business has been lobbying for for the last century. UBI is one of the best tools to argue for better immigration policies, since the more immigrants come in the lower the UBI will be. That alone could make it worthwhile.

the problem which many of the UBI faggots also do not recognize is that this act of needing to acquire food, is important for motivation to exist

bio evolutionary science dictates that if we are wired for one act for millions of years, to that of finding food. The rigid programming through artificial selection that we have, will break down as we suddenly got to the end goal too fast, without utilizing our brain and the effort that we expect that it takes.

In the end we will turn to a second mode of operation, which makes unable to defend our nation, and to innovate properly as the best, the most capable people come from a background of struggle for food.

UBI will also not be a solution to our philosophical, and spiritual woes.

Defeats the purpose. If you are able to create a situation where you can do something like that, you are better off just using that support to get rid of welfare altogether.

That is not possible and they will destroy the Africa. Look at the extinct animals that used to be extant 100- 50 years ago so just pay them to get sterilized and deny them medical care.

Ya sure lad. Also nobody's doing manual threading, not with those bullshit tolerances. Unless of course you use synchromeshes everywhere, but then it's not different from using CNC mill, even simpler really.

Sounds pretty retarded, tbh. If "finding food" was our only motivating factor, everyone would sit on a pile of canned goods like a dragon guarding its golden hoard.

No, the motivating factor for human existence is reproduction. Without a limitation on resources, rare womb-space is going to be allocated by other metrics. Physical attractiveness, fame, intelligence, etc.

Maybe but if the earth got bomb by EMP then it's not retarded.

I didn't say manual threading is still preferred, you brought it up or I misread your post but manual tolerance isn't necessarily any worse than CNC, depends on the quality of the lathe.
Don't know about your boys, do they have a background in machining or are they raw recruits?

thats because you are pretty retarded faggot.

There is literally a whole science attached to the fact that we have two modes of operation.

even from distinguishable internal characteristics. Its nearly basic evolutionary science.

UBI will kill the spirit of humanity.

Innovation happens most when people are relatively comfortable and secure. People who are struggling just to feed themselves don't think creatively at all, if you disagree try hanging out with some really poor people. They don't think about how to make their situation better, just how to survive another day.

The US's great scientific advances in the mid-20th century came from people who were secure in their livelihood (anyone with a pulse could get a decent-paying job then) but who felt compelled to improve their nation and compete with the distant Russian enemy.


It is power fed on manual lathes yeah, the only difference is you need to remember you started it or look for another job when the tool post crashses into the chuck.

the golden moment rests somewhere in between a recent struggle, and before you get acclimated to wealth.

Without the ability to compare your current life to the past and what could happen, without that nearly biological hot iron mark on your butt. A person turns into a cuckopean who no longer defends his nation from hostile hoardes.

These people fall into hedonism, into drugs and alcohol as their numbers, from statistics all attest to this fact.

Your ideas are dumb and you are dumb, along with the other user.

Wow, you smart.

Enjoy your hanging then.

Some people come with backgrounds - makes no difference. Each machine has its own feel to it, and has it's own fucking special snowflake interface which you have to learn, and its own bullshit issues that pop up every so often which you need to know how to resolve.

Destroying the head by improper positioning settings is easier than you'd imagine. Didn't happen on the lathe, but for exactly that reason the packaging machine was damaged, stalling the whole line for 12 hours. Gearbox frame cut the bolts clean off and went on its merry way, welding broke open in few places, all gears skipped few teeth, the 10 ton 50 feet loading portal got jammed sideways, and a couple of form shaping actuators got disintegrated. Welding should indicate to you that this isn't the first time that happened. Just because it's automatic doesn't mean it's failproof.

language in itself is but another extension of the desire to survive and thrive. Its an adaptation to the fact that we survive and thrive better in groups. Or even in policies.

Well my organism knows that UBI will not pay proper homage to my millions of years of evolution as I am more advanced than you most likely. Thus I make this clear to others.

There is a hardwired mechanism in our brains that is working alongside the struggle to survive, for food as well most likely. There are animals in zoo's who no longer have the ability to breed, because to them its not just 60% of their brain, but more to 90%. They simply shut down as their organism is put in such a weird place that they have no ability to deal with it.

One could probably compel people to act virtuous and with a desire to do good for their community, if we raised the prices on foods. By a fuckton. If we re-introduced the struggle for food though taxation, or economics.

That struggle alone will most likely drag innovation, and general healthiness by the chain with it and we could perhaps break through the cycles of civilization. In rome, slavery gave long generational prosperity to its citizens and they became meek. Now its robots, but the biology does not change so fast in a couple of thousand years. And ancient programming such as ours especially may take millions of years to change.

If we want to get into space, we need this form of super-cooperation that is society to exist, and to exist in the longer term is to address our nature.

That in my opinion is the right wing approach to all of this.

Would you be satisfied living in a shitty apartment with no recognition, respect or even being able to afford nice things?

Drug addicts are pretty much born to be drug addicts, they are around 1% of the population and that doesn't change no matter what the economic or legal situation is. People who feel driven to create and improve things will do so if they have the opportunity. Look at the number of people who work on open source software for nothing but respect and recognition from their peers. A constant fight for mere survival prevents many such people from reaching their potential.

Is that an inevitable transformation or could there be a (((brood of parasites among us))) who had some role in causing that?

Killer argument bro.

that is not what I implied. There exists a somewhat biological script in your brain that can compel you to do stuff based on the stress that you received in the past. Its the thing that we praise most, and seek most of all. We named gods after it, we made statues of people who embodied it. We spoke highly of it in our cultures still.

We also know that it does not need to be constantly present, but we do not know the exact ratio for it to be activated and for it to stay activated. We also know that parents, and the genetics that we inherit from them also play a role in this, as some danger markers are passed down through dna within 1 generation.

We already know the end effects, we know how it will change people mentally, how it will affect their amygdala, their testosterone levels, their muscle mass, their outlooks to life and more. We know that on average they will be more hedonistic and degenerate compared to their parents and the ones who build up society.

We know that UBI will probably also only enable them. So for our sake, instead of wishing for the destruction of society, we should try to find this golden ratio of stress. Which we are probably doing right now in some institutions as my thoughts are not thoughts of average double digit IQ plebs such as yours lol.

UBI wont work.

Feels kind of nice I guess. Its in the mental health field, mostly dealing with teens in rehab, quite a few with mental or behavioral problems. You can't get a robot to do what I do until you get AI thats programed to not just mimic human behavior, but to understand it, understand body language and tone of voice, and have some decent intuition and the ability to read and analyze people on the fly… sure you can program them with medical knowledge right now, but that won't really allow them to deal with mental or behavioral problems, perform treatment groups or sessions, or find different ways to get kids off drugs. Itll be decades upon decades before we get to that point.

Shiity "soft science" degree not feeling so shitty anymore I guess. I do really need to get my masters already though.

to iterate further on this:

I think that a piece of bread should be nearly worth as much as a tomahawk missile lol.

How do you propose reaching this golden ratio of stress? My suggestion would be launching a generational project to mine asteroids and build space colonies. There is a strong human drive to explore new frontiers. But all I'm hearing from the ancap side is "let's throw everyone into a struggle that technology will soon make unwinnable for large numbers of people."

well our problems are also our solutions. We could created a personalized AI that will keep track of your struggle ratio for yourself, through indiscriminate spying. Real time tax adjustments for the amount of quantity you go outside of the ratio.

Or of that is breaching too much on liberty, you could go on a generic route and try to address these tax things to the overall state of society. The problem however is that doing this is difficult as the other races are perhaps too different from us.

but the data and the evidence suggests that what UBI will grant is not very desirable and it will most likely lead to civilization collapse. Which might also lead to nuclear war as people in civilizational collapses are more prone to retardation (like you lol)

srsly, your rhetoric is pretty much hostile to my desire to not die as it could help the chance of triggering the annihilation of our species. Stop being so tarded user, its not ancient rome where the worst thing that could happen is a bunch of raping romans. Its TOTAL NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION.

shit, well I am talking a bit tarded too but thats what you get when you rub shoulders with tards in tard threads lol

And fight the chimpout but it won't occur.

This is an extra step to reinforce dependency and obedience.
"I can't fight or question the government! They gibs me da money!"


That's are foodstamps for. This bullshit is nothing but a shameless ploy to buy votes from Niggers and the like.

I just realized niggers are time bomb waiting to go off.

When the welfare stops, armageddon starts.

Yup as long as USA keep borrowing the money to fund the welfare then the many chimpouts cluttered across the country will not happen.

Sophistry: The Post.

You guys also have to remember the 14 words, we do not have to play nice with niggers or spics, or any other race for that matter. Whatever solution or calculation comes in, the removal of these things and the blatant hate for them is part of the whole equation. The end goal is to increase more whites (our similar DNA) and reduce the hostile DNA, to an extent of complete removal of all of this hostile DNA from this planet.

ethno UBI would be too blatant as the kikes are still in control, plus it will enable some of the lower end IQ fags (which are also many of in this thread) to proliferate more. A certain manner of humility and decency should be expected, but that desire of health, of purpose came from a time of struggle, to gain back this old virtuous thing, would be to go back to this time of struggle.

So to some extent there should be ways for people to die if they are unable to compete, or by default if they are other races lol.

We've been talking about basic income in Finland at least since the 2007 elections openly as an option. So this is nothing new. We actually started our very first test of basic income last year. I'm all for it if it would be implemented in the way it should, meaning less work hours for everyone.

You and all of your communist friends will hang from lampposts.

Where do they get the extra money from?

Engrish I poorly

*That's what food stamps are for.

they are only doing an experiment on a small group of people I think.

What did they get from them in return?

well, data probably, news articles didnt mention it but what else could it be. They probably signed a contract of some sort that allows them to be tracked to some extent. Not much else you could get from a typical scientific, or statistical experiment.


UBI is nothing more than the massive welfare/ food subsidies the Roman Empire gave to its people during the final decadent stretch of its existence. A much easier thing to do would be to outlaw automation (and remove taco), make money and materialism secondary values (remove Bagel) and close ourselves to trade/ have huge tariffs on products created by machines (with certain exceptions like computer components which cannot be made by humans)

Okay anything else about them?


That's right, you sure as hell don't have one. Bump and reported.

finland, like south korea may be a soros testbed as some user from there remarked the totalitarian nature of that state. They have a lot of government run monopolies and criticizing them is not allowed lol.

So technically speaking, it may be soros trying to see if it is economically viable to implement it on a larger scale.

You fucking retard. You fell for the kike "automation will take all jobs" lie, didn't you?

Correct. It's not an argument, it's a cure.

Even the Soviet Union levied punishments against filthy welfare whores. They sent them to the fucking gulags to work off their debt to society, while we reward them for being subhuman waste. We are, officially, more degenerate than literal Communists.

t. /nu/pol

Then your job is replaced by an A.I. and pic related is you.

The ideal, like in socialism communism etc. is always the most important thing, not actual practice. That said, this is really a test run on long-term unemployed people, I think 2000 people for a year or two. They lose all other benefits and only get the ~600 euros per month.

The theory would be that by cutting eeeeverything else, every other benefit and simply unifying it under a lump sum for everyone, it could be consolidated, there would be much less need for the crazy amount of bureuacracy (did you know Finland has most municipal workers in the world per capita, who also basically have their job for rest of their lives if they want) and make everything "equal". It's been calculated that it would not be much more of a net loss than all our benefits payed out at the moment, and a proposition has been made that when you work, you accrue more pension money than today, but if you only live on that measly 600e and are NEET, you lose money from you retirement fund, incentivizing people to at least start a small company or something.

A Japanese insurer has already made staff redundant as part of their loss adjustment department gets automated by AI in order to save $1m a year.

That doesn't happen.
case in point: Luxembourg


Whoop de shit. A textiles manufacturer has already made staff redundant by using electric looms. In England. In 1875.


If only. Communism had "from each according to his ability", and being a lazy fuck was a very risky life choice in most socialist countries (>>9469083).
UBI is meant to create a caste of stupid workers who are ok with serving their masters. I doubt it can work. I'd rather move than work so some nigger can buy booze with my money. And I'd bet good money most useful non-racists would agree with that except they wouldn't say nigger.
Overtaxing robots is just stupid. Reasonable taxes, sure, but enough to pay a good salary? The company will move the factory to China or even fucking North Korea before that happens because it simply isn't worth it.

I made one post here so far. To point out that automation results in redundancy, not just in blue collar but in white collar sectors too. Seems like you agree with me as you mentioned your blue collar peers.

I never said we need UBI so you're basically arguing with yourself at this point. Which is pretty fucking funny. Cheers.

Not in the West. Stop importing 3rd world hordes.

It's Bolshy, but if they were to repeal Social Security and roll it into UBI/Healthcare, it might be slightly less AIDS.

This, it worked in 30s Fuhrerland.

And this. D-Wave computers won't be 3D-bioprinting their own maintenance crews for a long time to come.

I'd rather deal myself in than interact with a pet dindu import in many service sector jobs - whom are not an inevitability.

Luddite chimpedouts over threshers will always be a risk. They didn't stop sliced bread.

Their life cycles don't make for a good comparison, rabbits being much shorter and likely perceive time commensurate to it. That said, leisure is the basis of culture, – freeing up time that was available to earlier homesteading/huntergathering/herding in a modernized post-industrial context can only accelerate the genetic drift between the decadent and ascendant. Imagine having the time to John Stuart Mills your children – the Greek and Renaissance Italian city states' civilizational production ultimately lied in its aristos, not the helots tilling grain or merchants hawking it in the marketplace; ratcheting the implicit caste hierarchy in all human fields up with robots occupying the more menial of the menial tasks should pull the rug from the class-warfare/white guilt models of the Left (and we're already seeing it with the Tumblrcore SJW/Muslim apologists.)

Reproduction of memes. Female hypergamy's pressure to select for more 'spiritual', civilized memes would be increased against gold digging in-itself. This:

Social Security and Medicare/Obongocare as fucked as it is, this wouldn't be the worse option.

Great going, dipshit.

you also saw the U.S. moving so hard towards the service sector because those are jobs that women are preferred for by employers
how many male-referred jobs have been made from 2009-2016?

male preferred jobs*


rule or be ruled

How one can claim to believe in evolution AND think this 'basic income' shit is beneficial is beyond me.

I don't understand why 'both' isn't the default option here.

When robots and outsourcing handles all the work, life will just be like the ship on wall-e, just a hodge podge of fat bums lazing around doing nothing but buying stupid shit. People need to work. Fuck robots.

Man I dont know, the way I see reality comes from a very deterministic, materialistic way of life. There is no way to avoid philosophy in these kinds of debates really. If you choose to address this problem that threatens the status quo, you kinda have the option of choosing a better status quo.

The way I see humans is pretty grimdark. We are very finite and very limited. We can easily be broken, and our good output can only exist in very specific circumstances.

I dont think that my view would collide with yours though. What I am seeking is the removal of the low, but freedom for the middle and the upper class of whites to do so as they please. I dont wish to starve them just for the hell of it. I just want to see the dignity restored of the human who can get that dignity through perseverance against the elements, against reality.

Even a blacksmith in some medieval village in my opinion is worthy of respect.

Even the hardworking farmer who is just a step below being able to join the ranks of the army because of his meekness is worthy of praise…but not the farmer who gave up and who indulged more into alcoholism. In my view, any white man or woman who wishes to struggle against reality is deserving of praise. And that desire to resist and to struggle can probably be quantified and put into a machine to monitor for.

Why not make techno AI natsocism lol?

This thread is very focused on one solution to automation: UBI and you are correct that it will make people lazy.

A different/better solution is to turn the work week into a three day week, so you can work for three days, volunteer or pursue interests for three days, then rest one day.

I know your tricks, Marxists.

How about the hypocrisy of the media coverage for starters? If the Chicago attack hadn't been livestreamed on Facebook, it's probable that the coverage would have been nil. That the Tennessee crime was far more heinous, and yet didn't make national coverage, is telling. Anytime the victim is black, and the perpetrator is white, we get daily coverage for weeks, and riots and the attendant hand wringing. That the media downplays and tries to obscure the race in many of these crimes, which are disproportionately perpetrated in one direction is also something worthy of note. Last year a white woman was gunned down and killed on live TV, and the story coverage evaporated almost instantly. Do you even remember the names of the people involved? 2 years on, and we're still hearing about Ferguson, Mike Brown and others of his ilk. Let's get outraged at that to start and work our way on from there.

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Trump and Russian sanctions. (self.wallstreetbets)

submitted 2 months ago by Foulwinde to r/wallstreetbets

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Now that trump has won the elections the narrative of the democrats has changed by blakdart in conspiracy

[–]blakdart[S] 1 point 2 months ago

So - cash, bitcoin, precious metals, and prepaid cards over $150 are all instruments of the "terrorists" and are now open to confiscation if you are a suspicious person… which, by their rhetoric, you are if you actually hold any of these assets.
Because apparently terrorists use these things to fund their operations rather than the thousands of euros they get in the form of welfare each month.




South Korea


All want to go cashless.

The elite also want to implement carbon credits.

Canada is starting to do so.

everyone on earth will be given the same number of 'carbon credits' so a person living in a village in India, who doesn't even own a car, will suddenly has a 1000 carbon credits. If a family in America wants to have two cars and heat their home in winter they will have to buy credits from poorer countries.

Every citizen would be issued with a carbon "credit card" - to be swiped every time they bought petrol, paid an energy utility bill or booked an airline ticket - under a nationwide carbon rationing scheme that could come into operation within five years, according to a feasibility study commissioned by the environment secretary, David Miliband, and published today.

The idea was floated in a speech in the summer, but the detailed proposals show Mr Miliband is serious about trying to press ahead with the radical idea as a central part of his climate change strategy. Under the scheme, everybody would be given an annual allowance of the carbon they could expend on a range of products, probably food, energy and travel. If they wanted to use more carbon, they would be able to buy it from somebody else. The report admits huge questions would have to be resolved, including the risk of fraud, the relationship to ID cards, and costs. However Mr Miliband said "bold thinking is required because the world is in a dangerous place".

In a few years from now you will have another plastic card in your wallet - your carbon card. You will start the year with 1,000 points on it and each time you fill up your car, you put the card in a slot on the pump and it will deduct a few points. Each time you buy an airline ticket, it will cost you a minimum of 100 points. If you fly regularly, you may have to buy more points through the carbon market - but since it is all in the cause of reducing greenhouse gas emissions you do not mind so much.

left or right, UBI is going to happen regardless of what reason. jews do not want the people to riot.

Only possible when we got rid of all that ails our societies, i.e. Jews, niggers, spics, goat fuckers, ching chong chinamen, street shitters, bean munchers, …
Then, in a perfectly homogenous society, I would definitely agree.
Because this isn't the case and because it won't be for a very long time or even ever, this discussion is reduced to everyone dreaming about their own perfect world.

You say that, user, but don't forget that Whites are an aging and dying breed. Simply getting nigger and spic support will be enough in a few years. So again, one has to ask:

How do we stop them?

As if UBI would prevent that. Once enough engineers cannot find a job and are reduced to waiting while gov pays their 3x6 cuck booth, their soylent and their cuckmobile subscription, people will get angry very fast.

That sounds false. At least in Finland none of the bigger benefits have risen enough or been tied to index raises so the costs keep getting higher each year while the benefits can't keep up. Only right-wing "populists" are calling for raises in benefits, which is a bit crazy. Socialdemocrats and leftists are focusing on being green and the workers and have snuffed pensioners and unemployed until next term.

What will stop these engineers from starting their own companies?

No they won't. The people who would get angry are in the process of being replaced.

Non-whites don't care about their living standards.

Daily reminder that automation is a deflationary force which raises living standards, but the kikes make sure the economy is perpetually in an inflationary state so that way their debt serfs never get out of debt.


Catastrophic market saturation? High entrance budget? Huge companies that shoot down competition by virtue of being so huge so nobody can keep up with their prices?
Go outside some more, oh wait, you're a fin. You live on sitting inside and being depressed due to Vit D deficiency because of dark outside.

Inflationary monetary system makes deflation impossible.

Inflationary monetary system makes deflation impossible.

You're talking about the wrong subjects. Everything except deflation/inflation is a red herring.

It's actually a nice sunny day today, got my Vit D's in easily enough by reading on the balcony and bronzing.

What's to stop those engineers grouping up? And people talk about market saturation yet new restaurants/food places die and born every damn day yet no one seems to care.

If you have to work fulltime to (barely) stay alive, then you dont have time to learn new skills.
You are nothing more than a slave, who can choose his owner.

With UBI there is no fear of ending on the streets if you choose to spend (more) time to learn new skills.

It >allows< to grow, it gives a choice.
Also the bureaucracy for all forms of sociel benefits is reduced to one.

Major con:
Muslim migrants gonna live culture in the fullest, which is so backwards, that they haven't done shit in the past 1000 years except conquering land…. And then the system will collapse.

Reduce/Remove taxes for low income, so working even in menial jobs, pays more effectively.
To be honest, those jobs cant produce much tax income anyhow.

That's why we need to get our shit really fucked up. Only through a Weimarer-republic-tier-fucked-up situation can we kill this retarded money system.

Because that is one of the very few sectors where mass manufactured, cheap crap does not trump over high quality stuff.

Doesn't inflation make it easy to get out of debt?

Everybody starts making and spending more dollar amounts but the principal that I owe to the banks stays the same. I mean, yeah, the money I make is worth less and buys less but I still can hand the bank more money.

Oh my sweet child, haven't you heard of usury?
Today, I get a loan for $10,000.00
Tomorrow, I owe that bank $10,001.00

So what's your solution to interest rates?


making our own shit,
building our own houses,
building programs to deprogram the plebs,

The value of something is dictated by the price we're willing to pay for it. Growing trees for 30 year, chopping them down, building a house for my family. That's special. Nothing a kike can do there.

Not too Familiar what Hitler did about banks and interest rates, I can look it up myself later but would you care for a quick summary?


You really should lurk more before posting, man.

Because when white self-hating cuck leftists die, that means that ALL whites are "an aging and dying breed", right shlomo?

they know they're fucked at this point and are trying to rename that which is obviously a duck into something else. But it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and causes the state to be in control of the majority of a country's assets, it's probably mao ze-duck.

It's more like they are trying to avoid the angry unemployed people.

Do you know what else insure people can eat? Jobs.

jews and liberal whites are, conservatives are doing just fine, and since kids often inherit their parents views..

I hear this thing called capitalism has a tendency to solve shit like that

And who's going to pay for this 'basic income'?

Taxes, future funds, investment, etc.

fairy folks?

Leftists now are going for what they call FALC. Fully automated luxury communism. They pretty much want robots farming goyim and want to make the matrix real. Of course, none of the people theorizing this are engineers or anyone who actually has ever worked a day in their lives, so the whole idea is retarded.

You know what else is nice about jobs? People do work that they're good at and as a result of that they contribute to the nation.

This 'basic income' sounds like sitting on the couch all day in a drafty house in a government-appointed ghetto.

Fucking commie.
"My plan will work because what everyone else was doing wasn't real socialism," right?

I am not a commie so calm your tits down user. UBI cannot exist without the money so don't forget that.

We're going to waste future funds and investments on a whole bunch of people that already aren't a benefit to society (i.e. no return)? And you want to tax working people to finance the carefree lifestyle of lazy parasites?

Do you have any idea how unjust that is?

UBI cannot exist because you can't have a large segment of society that don't produce anything. The welfare state proves this.

UBI is just an easy way out of trying to get around how unproductive our economy is due to our political system.

These "parasites" have been forced into that life. Unemployed whites WANT to work, but if there are no jobs, there's nothing you can really do.

Then get the fucking state boot off the economy and MAKE jobs.

looking into the mind of a hopeless NEET is always fascinating

Of course, very unjustful.

I am just answering your question but let me tell you my ideas. They should have governmentally owned businesses and do not force people to pay the taxes if they are not willing to pay. No free medical cares and other free servives for the non-taxpayers unless they have private insurances and money to afford.

That's not the purpose of the state, see social contract. UBI only makes sense if you get rid of all other social safety nets. Meaning no welfare, no unemployment, no disability, no workmans comp programs at all. You kill all of that, then it becomes a possibility. Then again, I know people who've been injured on the job and have been fighting for workmans comp for 20 years. They don't work because they can't work, but bureaucrats don't think they're disabled even if their specialists and so on state that they are because the medications required to control pain/mental problems/etc make it so that they'd be a danger either to themselves or others.

I'm not sure what's worse though. The fact that I remember when you could pay for your entire university career working a single summer job picking fruit/tobacco/etc. Or when factory farms pushed governments here in the west to allow the importation of 3rd world labor and drove wages down from $9-10/hr(min wage of $5.25) to $1-2/bushel. Or that you have the brain dead fucks that claim people "will never work those jobs." Despite the fact that people did indeed work those jobs, until the wages were depressed.

Ah you don't know the best parts of all of that.

There won't be a requirement of sterilization for UBI. So liberals are going to allow the feeder class to endlessly expand.

While at the same time every last government found around the around the world from National governments down to the small village governments would be taxing the very few remaining sources of tax income. These entities that would be taxed would gain more and more pressure from the ever increasing in size feeder class.

Oh, and these same people who push for UBI also say that Musk shouldn't launch rockets because only the rich would have access to space.

I'm just being real with you. If you believe that a basic income is an acceptable idea, you're effectively saying that you believe the government has more a right to the money you make than you do because giving a universal income removes a key dynamic of how currency functions- work and compensation. If you don't need to work to be compensated, then everyone has the same amount of money for not working, yes? So then why is that money valuable if no one has to work for it or do literally anything other than exist for it?
The answer is that it loses its value, you start getting hyperinflation from your shitty fiat currency you're also probably running, and then when the whole thing comes tumbling down from a lack of buying power outside of the elites or extremely lucky few, everyone just pissed, and we're back to Bolsheveks.
It doesn't fucking work- universal ANYTHING has the implication that you inherently have the right to another human being's labor, in essence you believe in a form of slavery.

pic related

I wouldn't accept them as that would means more niggers to chimpouts. Who wanted that to happen?!?! Not in this world!

Preddy sure if whites survived shit like the Muslim Crusades and the Black Plague, then they can survive being outnumbered. But as far as I know, whites have always been outnumbered, and they still make it. So there's that going for them too.

There should never be basic income, but instead basic jobs. There is always something to do somewhere, have employment available by the state if needed. Even if it's just sweeping and cleaning streets, or helping old people carrying their bag, at least make them work somehow for income. People need to know that they have to do something in order to pay for their food. If people can live fine without working, then most people won't, even those that could easily find a job, and it will end up with starvation like any communist regime, if not even worse.

Wait how is your picture related to my post? It doesn't sound like commie. No free gibs… commie?

It's like they actually want the WALL-E future

And I wonder how they envision this society of blobs will compete with the Chinese empire of CRISPR-designed 500 IQ workaholics.

You know what a possible natsoc way could be? Since we are still stealing money through taxes right now, there exists still a huge sum of money that can be used for good. Shit even governments often invest in people, banks do too.

So they too could probably invest in 3d printers, in automation controlled by community centers.

So you are poor because you lack opportunities? Why not make it so that the only way you can get stuff, is if you help your community which may have a 3d printer for stuff? Which may have a workshop of some sort?

Would force you to go outside and to interact with people, would strengthen some of the city isolation.

It would also allow for some recruitment and skill assessment. Perhaps if such places become more popular you could even justify larger projects or whatever. And no those wouldnt be schools, but "gibs me dat" centers, but without the marketing and only for bare necessities.

This. It's something I've been thinking about too. Instead of universal basic income, have universal basic labor. Absolutely no jobs in your area? Here, take this pickaxe, go to that boulder and make us some gravel for your daily gibs (gibs meaning enough calories to look for other work when you're not breaking rocks).

Damnit, anons. Why you gotta miss the obvious when crafting your theories?

I am waiting for your answer so hurry up please.

all because of the necessity it provides. Even if its through free market, but a necessity still.

So why not try to make such a center for more hard goods? Thanks to automation we will get machines which will also be cheaper for small business to afford. Things like 3d printers, but also somewhat cheaper robots.

and thanks to automation jobbos for prospecting youths will be decreasing, and in turn wealth, and poverty will be increasing. So an opportunity to be creative may be there?

You know, with the crazy projects like the wall, the ice agents, the pipeline. The madman may actually pull something like that off. Though its a shame that he doesnt really have global power.

but someone should keep track of the industrial output numbers before he went into office, and at the end of his 8 year term, it should be pretty kek worthy. Would probably BTFO democrats for decades to come.

All of this. UBI would only really be viable in a monoethnic nationalist society with mandatory national service programs. You wouldn't necessarily need every man serving in the military full-time, but you would want every man to receive military training and participate in regular exercises. I don't think you'd actually need that large a time commitment to make this work well for people psychologically–certainly not the 40+ hours per week that's standard in a modern workplace.

People sitting at a desk manipulating spreadsheets for 60 hours a week are leading less full and healthy lives than many NEETs. There absolutely are challenges with UBI that would need to be resolved, but I don't think those challenges are any greater than those in the modern workplace. The fact is that much modern work is totally disconnected from anything meaningful to the worker, and it would not be that hard to do better with UBI plus national service.

White were 40% of the world pop in the early half of the 20th

My inclination is to force select types of work to be done by humans.

We obviously don't want to stagnate technology as a whole, and things like fast food and the more mindless IT jobs will be easily replaced. It's going to happen and if we want to compete with the Chinese it will need to happen in the West.

So for example:

And you have a permanent demand for farmers, cooks, and waitresses. We can eliminate the kind of automation that has a net negative impact on our society (shitty mass-produced processed food), provide productive and meaningful work for those who can't keep up with technology, all without holding back our technological progress.

I don't agree with that. Much of the innovation we see came from countries at war. It's when people are pressured with the extinction of their people that they come up with an wealth of ways to survive. UBI is little more than a participation trophy simply for existing, and SJWs are an example of what happens when we give people participation trophies.

that kind of negative socialism ideology does not work though. Its the leftist method, not the right wing socialism. The right way of socialism is to try to make a bonus ontop of your working system. A positive, while doing as few totalitarian negative things as possible, like forbidding things.

the automation that we have now is a huge positive, even the automated farming can make pretty healthy and organic food if we decide to stop using bad pesticides and gmo's. Robots are not dirty and evil and they do the work of men much faster.

Wouldn't the solution just be to pass laws outlawing or restricting automation of certain industries/jobs rather than providing everyone with free money? Commie shit aside, wouldn't that be the most cost effective thing to do?

no, that would be communism level totalitarianism. The automation is the result of the white mans struggle against this world and its a fruit of love in some way. You do not trample on it just because you dont know what to do with it.

I'm not saying we ban technology altogether user, but if automation is killing jobs in certain industries, maybe instead of trying to magic up some job industries that don't exist with federal funding, or going full commie and handing out money to everyone, we restrict the automation of certain industries so those that only have certain skills fit for that industry aren't locked out of the work force.

It's an unattainable position. Because inevitably a nation not acknowledging said laws will simply advance in automation to gain a strategic edge. That leads to demand for other nations discard their laws restricting automation to compete against it.

No. UBI isn't luxuries and all that. It's a roof over your head, food in your belly, and basic utilities. If you'd like luxuries, you work.

I like it because the labor market is so ridiculously saturated right now that it's difficult for people to get into it at any level. I'd love to quit my job, but I'd be on the streets. I'm sure there's other, and we can go back to grandpappy's stories of being able to walk into a place, shake someone's hand, and get a job.

you know what will happen then? The nations that did figure out how to use this flower of automation will outgrow you tenfold. As china is surely now doing with its genetic research. And eventually they will probably just kill you with their superior tech.

lol hivemind>>9469983

kek agrees, you do not trample the flower of the white mans struggle against reality.

I see your point, I think we can all agree that a UBI isn't the answer either though.

Automation and robotics is just the result of white engineering genius. Tools, machines, industrialisation, computers and now it's robots. All of those "killed" jobs, but that simply means that human workforce will then go from one place to another, like it always did. There is always something to do, always work to find and our society will shapshift accordingly to the changes and new rules. Of course there will be victims too, but that's inevitable.

Non-white people will exploit it. We shouldn't be sharing the technology with them in the first place.

But this isn't true for all sectors. Some industries are already hyper-effecient and there's no particular need for innovation. In these cases, there's really no downside to letting the plebs do the work. See my post here

That's a given, non-whites and especially kikes have to fuck off. If not for us they wouldn't even have electricity.

well the thing about shitty mass produced foods is that they dont exist with automation. High quality foods, without gmo's can be made by automation. A robot does not feed on gmo's, it feeds on fuel and it does not emit gmo's either. Its a natural evolution of the ox.

the free market is hyper efficient so whatever job was automated was automated for a reason. Because the ones who did not were not able to compete, were less efficient.

and you cannot persuade the people with luxury goods to do stuff. Because to a human a cellphone, is not as biologically important as a loaf of bread. He may not realize it but we are programmed by nature for that.

Not quite. I've been pro-Trump since before anyone hated him, though UBI is the way to go in the long-term. The reason for this is automation (not to say evicting the illegals isn't a requirement as well.)

It's more readable.

Automation is happening, I write software to do it for a living, in 10-20 years there will be no programming positions even at the systems level because that too will be automated. The meme "they should learn higher skills" isn't applicable, computers can do it all in the time and given market dynamics will be doing it all because the globalists don't want to pay for labor.

Self-driving cars alone will be huge, replacing the #1 position for high-school-educated males (driving trucks.) In the short term (and long term due to covert assassination potential) self-driving cars should just be made illegal.

In the long-term however (10-20 years) we are looking at having no serious jobs, the machines will be doing the bulk of thinking and the bulk of manufacturing.

If we tool all the welfare services and divided the sum across the population it would amount to something like $400/week/person. Not only that, it would eliminate the liberal non-profits globalist trustfund babies are using to avoid paying taxes while gaining siphoning money from taxpayers, it's an easy system to bootstrap.

Once we have UBI at $400/week/person it is easy to modify from there and it follows naturally that it will happen (tax people automating things in their factories enough to encourage automation without giving them too much in terms of profits and it will keep being automated until 100% automation is achieved and if those taxes are put into UBI it levels the playingfield financially - nobody here is one of the globalist billionaires and if they are they certainly don't hold the beliefs of people on Holla Forums.)

Once total automation is achieved you socialize everything and divide it up, at that stage machines run everything.

This does run into the same issue as self-driving cars: what the fuck do people do without going insane. The answer is memes, yes, we are at the start of a meme boom like nothing which has come before it, memes will drive the post-scarcity economy.

The most important aspect of all this is that we cut off immigration, every newcomer we gain equates to less financial ability for everyone in the nation, the nation is what matters because it is what people will accept. You can't draw lines along race without half the country eating the other half, but you can very easily be pro-America and fuck-every-other-faggot. Is there a difference? Not really, but you have to devise the system in a way which is obtainable and you have to have a path to get from point A to point B. The alternative to UBI is we keep puttering along in Semitic capitalism and slowly get eaten alive as jobs are replaced and the millennial/NEET bullshit takes over to the point where 90% of the population are being written off as worthless because they weren't born into wealth.

No need to worry about getting lynched with defeatist pussi bois like yourself.

Keep being victimized you fucking queer. Maybe your faggy tears can lube up the kike cock you get face fucked with.

How do we eventually get to Star Trek times?
If replicators were real, and we could produce anything from thin air, would space communism work?

The only way this could work is if we had the ability to replicate. Communist Star Trek is still a pipe dream.

UBI is meant to replace other forms of welfare that goes to predominately ethnics. It would benefit whites more than the current system.

No, it would not. Marxism literally ignores properties of the universe such as space and time. We do not live in an universe that allows for marxism to be a working solution. If we had communism in space, we'd have a shortage of vacuum.

let those who cant survive without gibsmedats either become self-sufficient or resort to criminality (where they will receive the death penalty if convicted so we dont spend resources keeping them alive). i expect a lot of whites to begin acting like niggers seeing as the survival instinct is the most powerful one.

no, gas yourself or you will hang with the shitskins. you either care about the eternal fascism of nature that leads to survival of the fittest or you are a posing contrarian who doesnt believe in anything.

Yes. It would create white niggers.

no it would not work.

One of the grander problems still is that people dont realize that our reality is unknown. It is not fixed, this false dilemma made on good feelings does not have to be the future.

There is a right wing way to deal with this crap. That I am sure off. Not sure how, and perhaps its a massive thinktank undertaking, but there should be a way. There probably is a way as communism failed once already and we found another solution to industrialization. There is nothing telling us that this isnt the case for automation. Into the void we can put something else and then once more laugh how communism has failed.

there are no gods, not fictional or manmade kike telling you what to do. You can just literally invent your future faggot. And you can double invent it if you hate kikes, niggers and mudslimes to be especially good for your people, and not theirs lol

except for the fact that automation is the last stage, you lolberg faggot

Reminder that full-blown societal collapse will happen well before 100% automation or UBI.

How would you know and/or guess?

Reduce your need for money and their control over you vanishes.

We wouldn't even need total automation if we just got rid of all the brown people in the world.

All lazy niggers like this support communism in another name because they know they are useless in every other aspect of life.
No faggot, we aren't going to pay you to live. Learn to fix robots or go die working a fryer as long as you can until a robot takes that over too. No one made you future-proof but yourself, lazy nigger.

The rural peasantry living in Amish-style communities (without the retarded beard shit) while an AI overlord manages national defense, research, and the space program?

For the machinists, they will still have their jobs, CNC machines are expensive. Everyone else can deal with the dark reality that they not only saw the train coming, they were too fucking stupid and lazy to jump out of its path. No one cares that you refused to educate yourself. You can die with the spics and the niggers, you can find these books online you casual-tier lazy fuck.

that is actually most ideal yea. The most comfortable and healthy way for a person to exist, is within this not so dense populated farm existence, with lots of nature, few car noises, strong and at most medium in numbers community.

The overlord then could be programmed to guide the willing into a slow mode of evolution, to be better adapted for space faring. Which still could take many, many thousands if not more years. Perhaps the robot overlord also allows some form of specialized scientist communes who may fuck around with cyborg mods.

All of course for the willing. Nothing compelled to them or forced upon. Just as the white mans nature is.

Most are going to go on welfare, ebt, autism bux or UBI.

t. guy who has never worked a day in his life and doesn't understand bureaucracy.
Nobody cares how well you can weld, if you can't present the certificates you got from welding school (which is expensive as shit btw), you're not getting hired.
If you're working 40h a week you cannot educate yourself because you have too much to do.
Get on the modern job market for a while, and you'll see.

To be fair, the word science is a noun so technically, he is right.

Physics is a science, chemistry is another type of science, etc. etc.

Negative. Computers are not good at a lot of shit. The things under threat are repetitive, robot type jobs. Customers still want to interact with people, and software is still barely decent at guiding you to the type of customer service rep you want to talk to. This apocalyptic they-took-er-jerbs bullshit is imagined by replaceable people who can't think beyond their own boring, replaceable lives. I have zero empathy for these lazy nothings, the information is out there, the lacking component is your motivation. But if they were motivated they wouldn't be stuck in these shitty, menial, repetitive jobs.
We don't need them, and we will be better off without them. If these dopes thing they will take up arms against the robots, good fucking luck. Clear out the drug users and we have lots of room in prison for you simpletons.

And by the way, by remaining on your high horse and snubbing at the "plebs who work [job that was very viable for a long time but now suddenly is in jeopardy thanks to automation]" you're digging your own grave because there will be tons of people (your Folk, probably, which you are so keen to throw under the bus for profit) unable to find work or get educated who really want to find out what your lifeless body suspended from a noose tied to a street light looks like.

Yea a problem with all of this is that there may actually be willing among the ones who did not adapt yet.

I wont lie, I too was in the idea of UBI for some time, and I knew it was coming. I thought it was inevitable that everything would crash. But it didnt crash that fast. And I realized that while I am living, it is my duty to try to adapt, as evolution dictates to the changing situation.

It may have been an error in judgement still and obviously I dont want to be thrown into the gutter, and for the last few years I have been trying to drag myself out of it.

of course one cannot compel others to try to create a ladder for people like me, but still. It would be a nice volkish gesture perhaps lol.

Do you know how hard it is to make a robot that does a trade job? Everything is just a little bit different, every job site just a little bit off? Explain to me the robots who go pick up power polls knocked over by drunk drivers at 3am. How do these assumingly conductive bots not only make themselves aware of the situations, the dangers, but perform the proper functions without electrocuting themselves and others?

There are types of robotics, and they have safety standards that are really strict. People still have to watch these fucking things because they're not like terminator. They have simple motion and are usually oblivious to things like traction and physical danger. How do they examine some fat, bucked tooth laid off factory worker who sabotaged a substation in order to attack the robots who replaced him? They won't, and it won't get fixed by robots.
I have built robots before, and they are still so incredibly expensive and simple that they will only replace the most worthless of repetitive workers. Shit where situational awareness, judgement, and especially judgement where a human life can be taken by accident are still way off limits, if they will ever be within limits. No one wants to be criminally responsible if a lineman-bot reconnects power and kills your neighbor. This is scaremongering garbage for everyone but the most useless. Retrain them or put them up against a wall.


You know what deep learning is? Its basically simulating a small brain part of a human in digital space.

Now do you know what a human consciousness is? Its a collection of these many vast parts.

The way that it could work is that as computing power becomes stronger, they will eventually connect these two regions together. And then even more, until they basically have something that mirrors a human brain very closely.

Most people are just not up the task of constantly learning new skills and innovating. They aren't going to simply die out and leave you (the ubermensch, of course) alone to enjoy the fruits of full automation. They're going to riot and vote in a leader that supports their interests and not yours. Now these useless people are on UBI, free higher education and universal healthcare and you, ubermensch, are being taxed for 99% of your income.

It pays to have a little empathy for the volk here.

and let me tell you
I am studying automation at the university. Not just pen and paper variation, but I have actual lab courses where I build things, with automation.
YOU are not getting a single thing out of it tho. Its not for you. You are not getting any of it for free.

It's like some guy somewhere inventing an airplane, and the world goes 'yay free airplanes for everyone'. No. This is not yours. No one is going to give you any free shit.
Engineers would rather go on a general strike and let the society depopulate itself than work for free.
You are only getting your UBI after the engineers who build it get a whole fucking planet for themselves only. No one is gifting you this.

not every single one of us wants to kill you because you have been smart enough to have foreseen this trend. Not everyone is aware of how computers work, and what they do and whom they could replace. Obviously one user suggested banning them from one industry because some people, some experts cannot be retrained. But that too is a bit far fetched. The truth is, there would be those who are non degenerate among this class who are pushed out of work. And who with some help, and not just free classes online with no guidance, could perhaps be helped to still be useful.

Adapt how? Which magic unicorn should these people hunt now? What skills are they, that you think will be future proof and not just filled up with pajeets who will do it for less money than you? Who are these employers that don't care about certificates and diplomas, so that they will hire you if you taught yourself [magic wonder skill]
The job market is fucked. Alimony fucked. It got its shit just fucked up. It's so oversaturated with people desperate for a job because of exporting work everywhere it behaves completely erratically. They keep predicting things like "We need more engineeeeeers", well guess what, engineering graduates are ON THE FUCKING DOLE, TOO.

Oh, and trade jobs? They hardly pay. Enjoy working your ass off for 1800€ (or significantly less) net per fucking month because that is what trade jobs get you.

Oh, you've built glorified CNC machines and now you think you know everything about dem robots.

I bet you're both fat and dumb. Am I aware of it, yes, I've been in tech for nearly 15 years. Robots are no where near taking yer jobs. Look at boston robotics, they fucking suck and their shit can barely stand up. Look at automated trucking, it is still a pipe dream, they need a real trucker to know how to back the thing up and not fucking kill anyone on the trip. You're scare mongering.

Well they're dumb fucking people, we can tell them to show up at the UBI center and then cut them down with inexpensive ammunition. We're not talking about rocket science here, something similar was done in the 1940s, I'm sure we can pull it off, and for extra irony we can use robots!

What I am saying is that robots are not good at a lot of things. You are discounting an entire human life experience against a robots (initially limited) potential. Downed power lines, finding broken sewer pipes, treating humans to medical aid, they just don't have the fine motor skills or the necessary touch/feel/smell factors for a lot of this. Sure, you can arm one with a gas detector, but is that going to be fine for a sweep of your house? No, you want humans who can do human things. Robots aren't going to replace everyone.

I didn't actually think it was going to come this fast. Like I had always played in my mind a story for a book where people no longer work and instead only have sex and get high all day, and that was their lives until they died. School was eventually phased out and AI was the last real human innovation.

Seeing how addicts respond to hard drugs, like heroin, it's easy to see that the human mind isn't strong enough to reject that type of addiction. I would argue that it will be even worse when the physical effects are removed and it's a source of constant pleasure.

It doesn't matter anymore. The only hope we have is either the AI realizing this and killing literally all the liberals in the country, or a war through conquest against us by a country like Russia or Mexico. The latter would only really delay it. Freedom is more important than technology and instead of enslaving ourselves to work, we are to pleasure. For some reason liberals actually believe that to be a good thing.

One day it's going to be like Fahrenheit 451 honestly, the government when it leads a war, will not tell their people about it. There's no point. It will ruin the high. There won't be any more books, as it offends people to look at them. Eventually technology will be so good that you cannot escape from living. There will be no suicide that we can't cure. Televisions surround you with constant entertainment.
If you ask questions or start too much trouble, you simply disappear.

I'm getting a degree in Electrical engineering and another in physics next year…it's easier than it sounds, like 3 extra classes…Maybe someday I'll invent a time machine and give Hitler all of our technology. The Nazis understood what it meant to actually expect something out of a population instead of just controlling them. They were good people.

Then you're either going to hang for having collaborated in the genocide of your own folk, or you're going to find a way to get these people employed so they can contribute to society.

no, I have been /fit/ for 3 years now, both weightlifting and running, army fit more or less, no bad food, not indulging in hedonism either. Dragged myself out of it. Tried to do welding but had a dick boss, worked for a year now, trying to get drivers license, may get lucky with a sports coach job. Maybe…there are also still enough normal manual and low payed jobs here. I was aiming to go into construction as its also low investment but also medium payed.

and I dont want to kill you. Srsly lol. I think that there are many of us who do not want to kill you, but who also do not want to get free dole for no work.

and this guy also has a point.

So yea stop threatening the ones who foresaw this lol.

A good for-instance for you cry babies worrying about robots taking yer jobs, we still have captchas all over the internet. Why is that? It is because robots are not good at certain things. Stop yo' cryin'.

OOOOH nice fallacy you got there, traitor. A true ubermensch, everybody who isn't some engineer who hates his own kind and wants it destroyed is fat and dumb.

Oh, your traitorous ass is so going to hang. It will be glorious.

I tell you, the engineers and others working in these fields are just going to…. escape to the caves, or some fucking island somewhere. It's pure slavery. We and no one who does this shit will want to do it for free. It really is incredibly hard, and it requires active thinking, every single problem is unique, and i can picture my notebook i use for practice, a single problem can easily take 20 pages.
Frustration is unimaginable, only few other disciplines have this amount of rigor. Engineering has a very high suicide and drop out rate as well……
Anyway, it is more likely that engineers will engineer a holocaust of the general population, then go around enslaving themselves for the ungrateful fucks that contribute nothing. It is simply a bad trade, we lose more than we get, and so we wont trade.

I talked with some people. People in the industry, people who will enter the industry, people who make all your things happen and solve all your problems like water and electricity and other shit you take for granted, and let me tell you:
They would rather all withdraw to the caves, and then return to rule the Earth as some sort of mythical wizards when society without them decays to the stone age, then continue the self slavery.

It's coming and it's a good thing. Automation is going to get to the point where there is no jobs left because essentially our needs are met by robots. UBI is perfectly fine, the problem is having the worthless shitskins/kikes in our societies. If we had high trust purely white societies nothing about this would be an issue at all.

The kikes and shitskins need to die so our people can have more of the fruits of this advancement of science while we continue working to improve and advance.

And if you can survive, feed yourself, and you understand you still have the capacity for learning, I don't see what you're worried about. Robots are not good at a lot of things. Welding, yes, but only in a certain specification on a certain line and entirely supposing everything is presented to it in the correct dimensions with the same specifications It is a bunk worry. For people smart enough to work in machine shops, we should hire those niggers to make 80% gun parts. They'd make a fortune.

Is a god complex common among engineers?
Because from this thread I get the impression it is.

What makes you think no one will be hacking the robots? Every internet connected device right now has been compromised. Do you think the robots will be safer? even from an insider threat?

I feel like I don't need to watch this.


Well I am lucky to be living in europe, there are still some government projects, ladders being set up for people like me. It is actually quite surprising how far the "I shook a hand with some boss and got the job" meme goes. The people are kinda shitty, there is still room for improvement here. So the reason why I am doing all of this is because I too noticed that its my last chance. The door will close behind me most likely. As it will for other anons in other places too.

and unlike the other anons I cannot really blame people like you. I too knew about this, I was unlucky to have learned about all of this on my own because of no father figure, but I was still complacent for a long period of time, wasted a lot of time too, I cant really blame you for it lol. Only the ones who are willing should be allowed to get better stuff and I sure hope there is still some opportunity to prove that so.

So yea I dont blame you, but to some extent it would be kinda a dickish move to forgo your people in a tight spot. A lot of us would not be asked for gibs, but for an opportunity perhaps, and if I get none, Il probably just drive out far into the wilds, where there are no people and just go kill deer or something to live off lol.

Eh, who ever has enough analytic capacity to create a full automation, probably has more analytical capacity than….. art students and manual laborers who are angry they got Darwin'd out of economy.

If you cant compete in the workplace, I dont know why you think you can compete in an all out total war. When engineers build, deploy and maintain all the weapons anyway.

Same, but I am not so defeatist. This shit can be learned. Working on cars is a 2-year degree in the states. Robots are basically cars with expensive electronics. It is not that hard, I swear, I have built two for competition, more in my free time. It requires a basic understanding of physics and being able to use a multi-meter. Most mechanics are retards when it comes to electronics, but if you teach them to how to use an amp clamp and a multi-meter, everything else is in the factory service manual written by engineers. It's not that hard.

Wait, that writing stile.
I was arguing with you a while ago, in a similar thread.
Good to know you haven't changed your traitorous ways in the slightest.
Then go crying when the local guerilla you just can't get a hold on IEDs your fancy new robot.

He said forgetting that these smart devices are connected in the homes of our politicians. You fucking dolt. Ya, companies will just start being really secure because now it is even more important.

Destruction is easier than building. Only an idiot would forget this.

The only solution will be to kill all the useless niggers.

funny enough they have an opportunity thing here nearby, a car company called nedcar to get a course to become an operator, pays middle class wages too (for this nation). And I kinda get what you are getting at. There is this treasure trove of video's and of material here on the internet which you could consume to learn for free.

I have no excuse for that really tho. I like most lazy faggots probably only can learn things that interest us, which most likely means learning about the history of national socialism and the jews lol. Its a shame that it doesnt allow you to make money though. Perhaps it is not my nature to learn all of this stuff on my own, as I have more violent, but also weird tendencies and interests. Well try to mix those with automation lol. Most of my family also were army people and we are in a period of peace…so…

I earned an electronic engineering degree in high school from a single book, and you can find it online. If you are motivated, you can too. It was enough to get job offers from Intel recruiters. If you are that determined to be marginalized by technology, then fuck it, on the pile you go, lazy nigger.


well I most likely will go inna woods and kill beasts to survive, I am not going to stick around and there is a high chance of success I reckon that will be with that.

Are you going to come to my woods and try to take them from me? With violence because I did not want to tinker with technology?

Went into software. At intel I would have to wear a bunny suit and work for a Jewish company. I learned how to program as well. Not being a lazy fuck helps.

This whole anti-technology bullshit is the only thing on Holla Forums I dont get.
Remind me again how is this better than any other sort of leftist entitlement mentality or a nigger gibs mentality.
Either adapt to the modern economy and get a technical degree, or get Darwin'd out of economy. You are no special snowflake, you are no pretty princess, if you cant compete, you cant compete.
No one ever goes to the basement or the attic where they put most of these 'institutes', and ask the people sitting there what do they think about their own work.
in case someone forgot. You cant just walk into a hospital and demand a super expensive treatment, hell you cant even walk into a candy store and demand free candy.

Nah, people doing this kind of work are all just going to leave the society, let it degenerate to the stone age, and then re-emerge to conquer it. The world does not need a single living shitskin, or a leftist. But it doesnt need a trillion whites either.

In the eyes of the builders, depopulation is preferable than 'free shit' system. And the builders have ALL the capacity. ALL the votes. ALL the deciding.
No engineer will work for his 6 digits starting……. if there is no money anymore.

Engineering jobs are going to be just as obsolete as anything else. The best bet to avoid being replaced in the near future is something like plumbing. But as these safe careers become fewer, the demand for plumbers is not going to keep the majority employed.

There's no educating your way out of this. Higher education jobs will be some of the easiest to replace because machine learning is advancing faster than robotics.

These were not super suspicious opportunities afforded to me some how. I was really poor but I could do the course work. The book is on the internet. I have no sympathy for people who want shit to be handed to them. Work for it like the rest of us or choke on our dust, lazy nigger.

I dont think you get it but if this whole automation business pulls though, I dont want to be in the system anymore. You do realize that there are also other nations, even places where there are no humans still?

I do not want to associate myself with you then, I dont want to steal from you, nor do I want to become like you and there are opportunities around the globe for that. Now do you want to pursue me to these places with violence then? There are bound to be nations who will incorporate somekind of system that is more sympathetic to me and my more violent (but not niggerish) nature that finds more joy in nature.

No. We are just going to start killing people. Let's stop walking on eggshells. Overpopulation is accumulative, and you do not see its consequences right from the start, but we are in the phase were we see the consequences clearly now.

People will just start killing people. Farmer is just going to start murdering people invading his farm. An engineer is just going to start murdering people invading his factories.
Force, once again, will be the arbiter, as it always is and was. This shit is not new. The strong will survive and the weak will be wiped out, as always.

Tho if you have right wing worldview, I dont know why arent you in engineering yourself anyway.

Do not underestimate the anger you will be conjuring. When whites blow a gasket, it's all coming down.
It's also hilarious that you think you're not expendable. There's thousands of you, faggots like you throw a tantrum and turn on their own people systematically, don't think for one second that there won't be engineers helping those you deem unworthy. You will not be welcomed back.

Until your army turns on you because you're obviously mentally ill.

I am in engineering, but I'm not deluded enough to imagine that this career will be much different from any other when it comes to AI.


It took me a year and a half to understand a really complex 1200 page book. Yes, it sucked, but I spent 2 hours on it every day. It isn't fucking rocket science, this shit can be done. If people refuse to learn it in order do better their lives, you can't just assume we should all be taxed and then deal with the inflation to support these fucking losers. Learn something god damnit. I still struggle with math, but I'm not a coward and I can figure it out need be, but I hate it. It's why I went into programming. Guess what, nurses and doctors suck at math too, they always have to reassure which dose and to the correct person. Math sucks, but it can be done. Work sucks, but it can be done. Saying we're going to have a flood of useless people is like suggesting a wave of immigrants. These people will actually be trainable, and they will have real, applicable skills. A used hobart mill is under 2 grand, a used CNC machine is 20k+ the machinist.

I had opportunities to get into computing, to get into programming, but I became depressed because I found out that my nature did not allow for me to enjoy sitting behind a desk for long periods of time. It took me nearly 5 years to realize that sports, habits like walking through the woods, increasing my testosterone and more are things that actually make me happy as an organism.

I dont think that I can exist in such super urbanized and strange system, many volkish anons cant, it takes a toll on the human psyche and on its spirit.

At the end of the day I do not want to kill you, nor do I want to become like you. I just want to escape this giant system that is about to probably completely break apart and create hell on earth.

I understand the libertarian virtues quite well, and agree that even things like taxations are theft. I also love political lore and history and am probably far beyond the normal levels of most people on these topics, because I also enjoy these. You see, different natures in society used to try to find different jobs. If the diversity of these jobs suddenly decreases, some organisms, even if they do not wish you harm, will feel a lot less happy.

So if a system does not provide opportunity for my personality type and nature to exist, I would not want to live in it. So think carefully before you exclude a large chunk of the population who do not want to become engineers. Yea my IQ is not low, but my nature drags me only to find joy in certain area's. And there is nothing that I can do about it. I was supposed to be in the army, but since its peace time I cant even go there really.

They make inflation go up, wages go down, asset prices go up.

It about making your poor.

Guess I might as well mention that people who are working on this thing are most likely never going to implement automation for the general public, precisely because of the reasons brought up in this thread.
We will simply have separate economies.
Manual laborers, service industry shitters, 'artists', and other obsolete/low skill shitters are probably permanently going to stay in their quagmire of near-poverty, while the people who can do more are just going to do more, for themselves.

No one is going to implement any total automation till the population problem is solved first. Think about it for yourself. So you are solving 20 pages long problems full of integrals and matrices for 15 hours a day, for years now. And it all is going to yield some fruit after this insane process. But all of it is going to be taken away from you…..
Yeah, you are not going to publish anything you ever come up with.


Acetyl-L Carnitine, L-tyrosine, NAC, L-Theanine, Taurine, Alpha Lopic Acid, Choline & Insoitol, Milk Thistle (drinkin), buffered-C (1g), chleated magnesium, L-Glutamine, Calcium (no dairy in my diet), and creatine. I work out for an hour a day. It isn't the best life, but I make enough to be comfortable and make my family happy. It works, but desk life isn't good for you, so you need to hit the cardio for an hour a week, the dog loves it and I'm on the bike the other half, or lifting 3-ish times a week (gay, but I use kettle bells, resistance bands, dip bars). But TBH I would be doing that shit if I had another job, gotta keep in shape, just right now it is much more of an obligation.

Now I know who you are. You're the guy who thinks he's hot shit because he understands surface integrals. You were bragging about that and how it made you so much better then the rabble a few months ago.

err, an hour a day. I usually stomp him 2 miles then ride my bike for four at twice the rate. Garmin makes a good bike computer.

The chinks have dark factories now. Zero humans. ZERO. They leave the lights off to save the electricity. Every once in awhile something breaks and they'll turn the lights on and send someone in to fix it.

lol thats it for your supplements?

I have 20+ different ones, too many to list. All checked to obviously for their potency. I used to be fat, so my endocrine system was messed up. Recently I managed to fix it somewhat. Started growing chest hair even, improved my mood by a fuckton.

about 5 weightlifting days a week. 2 to 3 1 hour hardrunning sessions (also with a club twice a week), sometimes also in competition. 14 pullups.

Also fixing my gut and made tis

also usually one hour walk through the woods, it helps to bring my cortisol down as well.

also the things in this book

and occasionally I help other anons who came from such a position as mine, who want to self improve on /fit/

The biological basis is the most important thing for happiness really. The pursuit of excessive wealth seems fruitless to me. There will probably be nations who will incorporate somekind of buttfuckery around automation that will allow some wealth to trickle down to allow for some comfortable living. So il go there. If you wish to torment yourself in this crazy, super urbanized, big city nightmare, go ahead, feel free to do so. I wont even steal from you. Because fuck this urbanized nightmare. In europe especially, places like the netherlands almost have zero big parts, or nature reserves. I wanna get as far away as possible to a place where there are bears lol. If I am lucky the time limit on all of this is ten years so I might take up an opportunity here to make some hiking money lol.

What you are feeling perhaps is the disgust for those who are hedonists, human wastes who do not deserve to live. Perhaps I used to be like that as well in the past, as a neet, but no longer. Right now I am but a capable person who lost his niche for jobs most likely, not sure if you care but there are abound to be more like that, from all walks of life between the fat lowlifes.

not very well thought out tbh smh

I work 8-9 hours a day, half an hour bike ride + walking my dog another 30 and lifting 3 days a week is all I'm about to give

I saw this neat little robot called flippy in a few news articles the other day and it made me think along these terms of job replacement.

http ://

Look at this little fucker, using sensors and cameras, you know it can make a whole burger, fries, etc. Hell I work stocking shelves and I'm pretty sure with sensor camera and grasping tech, this thing could take my job in five years.

not pictured are l reuteri and

Here's the robot in question.

I'm actually all for it, tbh, anything to make it so less niggers touch your food at mcdonald's.

I don't know about a lot of those. I avoid cardio stressing shit, but the rest is interesting. You the /fit/ fag? Who makes the silver bottle? I'm obviously an (((amazon))) shopper

Basic income is how you become completely dependant on the state. As in, if your government wants to genocide you (as in the case of most western countries) you would be left out of the pay, left to starve.

It becomes socialism. As another poster said, Marxism / Communism will always come at us under another name. The inflation this will cause is what happened to Peru. They now starve., a dutch site, very cheap, probably are a precursor to future automation lol. Have some good people behind it, marketing, the store itself is superb, its undercutting nearly every other store in this nation by a fuckton. But I dont think they ship to the US lol.

also as long as you remain under 130 minutes of cardio per week, you get no cortisol response. But I obviously go over that as I am preparing for this happening. Though the funny thing is I have gained 10kg of muscle mass almost and now am slower than a year before. I even went into a special ops recruitement thing, but lied about age later on so wasnt accepted, but I was near the top easily on the test. If I tried the FFL right now I would pass I think.

Also, I am walking the very slow route of lowering cortisol and increasing test naturally. As unnaturally is not good for your brain probably. I got an opportunity near me to become a trainer so I think I can ace that too if they take me in. All of this fit stuff is fascinating and I love it, much more than programming.

Don't they already do that?

The only result of this is mass murder by the (((elites))). Why would they keep most people alive if they are not needed?

Don't use that embed. Use this instead.

I like the idea of Universal work but it should be more aimed toward self, and improvement of the community improvement than work for the sake of work such as flipping burgers.

If you weigh 300lbs you should be paid to cut 135 lbs of fat, and paid to put 20lbs of muscle on yourself. Instead of receiving income to flip burgers you should be paid to rebuild the forests, or dredge out the rivers. Flipping burgers is not that productive compared to a lot of other things you could be doing such as learning the Piano.

I would rather pay people to learn the piano and show noticeable improvements than to flip burgers.

oh and to add to that: You can see some of the shilling for all of this stuff over at halfpol. But its all from the left side. When we are talking here perhaps if you want to defeat the leftists in this area, you should try to make a response to the fact of automation that is least damaging for the right side, but also most enticing for everyone else. Or else you may lose people like me in the long run and then (((democracy))) will not be nice to you, well you may have your killer robots protecting you from the angry leftists. But wouldnt it be nicer if you had killer robots, and humans protecting you?

Something out of meritocracy that will honor the old nature types that were healthy in the past would be nice. Not just your niche of nerdy engineering pls.

I wouldn't change it even if Hillary herself offered me 20 mil a year shilling for her on here.

Absolutely we should do that, it's the simplest option. Make 30 hours the "full time" requirement, for instance, and you theoretically increase jobs by 25%. Of course that only works if you are getting paid the same for 30 hours as you used to get for 40. Deport the illegal scum, do what's possible to shore up our currency, and wages should go up. Make it possible for a man to afford a family of 5 on a single job, and get women out of the workforce as much as possible. Remove all affirmative action. Then we still have a nigger problem, but these seem like reasonable ideas to begin with.

Have you ever thought about (((who)))'s stopping you from giving those jobs to someone else?

I've done that and the only ones that accept those jobs are white hobos.

at least trump wont let carbon credits exist in the USA

This is the most essential aspect of what should be sought after.

National service towards the civil service, towards the military, towards an infrastructure project, towards research, etc., are all immensely important to building a national socialist society. And if people are in university, there should be federal guidelines, even for private universities, that students must contribute to the university and/or work while studying/researching, if they're unable to perform some nationalist service to the US. Without work, without hard-earned fruits of labor, what appreciation does one have for their lifestyle, or indeed, their education?

I work two part-time jobs while attending university. One of them is an internship for a private firm, but I would much rather it was national service as analyst/architect for an industrial private-public partnership or the military. The other job is on-campus, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Joe Rogan shills UBI all the time on his podcast. Don't underestimate that show: it's catnip to normalfags because it's babby's first non-mainstream information source.

Scott Alexander at Slate Star Codex has written some superficially convincing and faux rigorous stuff about UBI. That site is pretty influential among the smartest 10% or so of SJWs (and for some reason Nick Land and his NRxfags).

NRx read SSC because SSC has provided some of the best unbiased, nutshell perspectives on NRx-theory. I've seen multiple people from the Social Matter forums and r/nrxn and r/DarkEnlightenment shill SSC as the best way for normies to understand NRx, before they then convert them to NRx by directing them to, Thermidor, Moldbug's writings, etc.

I can't think of any of them other than the service sector area of primarily back-room unloading trucks unpacking, hauling and store inventory stock which also implies the prior, all which could be automated like the amazon warehouse does to some extent give or take.

I think this idea is fucking stupid for obvious brown related reasons however in a high trust homogenous white society this really doesn't seem that bad so long as all other welfare and financial aid programs are tossed out the window such as SS, Medicaid, Medicare etc.

im thinking that eventually, if its allowed to get far along enough(and robots don't kill or enslave everyone), technology would completely replace human labor except for scientific developments, and so, the currency that is based off of human labor would become obsolete

you want food? a robot can give it to you from a robot's farm(s)
you want water? a robot can give it to you
you want shelter? a robot can 3D print it for you
you want air conditioning and internet? a robot can install it for you for free
you want healthcare? call a robot to take you to the hospital or perform in-house surgery with 3d printed tools
you want a computer? a robot can build you one for free
the robots want maintenance? they can have robots who perform it on eachother perform it on them too
you want television? robots can stream it for free into your television, which they made for you for free
you want a car? a robot can print one for you for free
you want fuel for your car? a robot can deliver it to your car or even your house for free

the only valuable things, as far as an atheist would be concerned, would be land and the means to reproduce, and non-robotic pets

and so, a new currency may form
one that is backed by the value of land, and to a far, far lesser extent, pets

…but who would control the robots?

did they think it was candy or do they actually use condoms these days?

there is nothing wrong with beards, just don't do the retarded moustache shaving. It was a reaction to the military fashions and them being pacifists.

and what would make the human scientists keep developing better technology if they don't get paid for it?
the only thing left is passion, but is that enough to make them do it?

Seriously people who do not directly work in automation need to stop thinking that they will somehow be included into anything automation-related. You might be buying the products, but no one would sell you the automation itself. Not even for money.

We will simply have separate economies.

Be against a Universal Basic Income so people are forced keep slaving away for Mr. Shekelberg's vacation house and Mercedes! Can't have people not forced and coerced to work for Jews!!!

you don't need a UBI if everyone can get everything they want without human labor that hasn't already occurred involved

I think you understand this, but I just want to make it explicit: it isn't just about "work". It's about having a greater context that work fits into. Working 40 hours a week at the dildo factory won't cut it.

Speaking of SSC, this is a really good take on his argument for UBI and why UBI alone wouldn't be sufficient to get what he wants.


that book probably has one of the few good right wing future utopia views, no wonder the leftists recently tried to shit on it badly. I really should read it instead only having loose fragments of memory of the movie.

srsly, starship troopers gov > fagtrek

… Because the Aryan ideal society is for all the masses to be making exactly equal money off the government teat with no realistic way to better themselves and while contributing nothing to their society, under the thumb of a bloated beauracratic state. Yeah, that doesn't sound jewy at all.

there's a whole book on youtube, you dont have any excuses nigger, you can go trough the whole thing while being stuck in traffic

Indeed. Trek's assumption is that people are basically good and noble. We know this isn't exactly true. Without investment in something, they they tend to be indifferent.

Don't get me wrong. I've always been a huge Trek fan, but its gov't is not realistic. Maybe, when technology has made matter itself too cheap to meter, a Trek style socialist could work. The real question is, when has anything ever been too cheap to meter?

I'm saying this is a solution to our present situation. A lot of people want to work and can't. I'm trying to get a job after a period of unemployment. The only option a slaving for Mr. Shekelberg. It's like that for most people. Don't give me "study STEM and be a programmer" bullshit. It's no different from cuckservative Jews. Half the people you see posting are disabled or get "Neet bux" or something. Well I don't qualify. I need to live somehow.

The books a bit more somber as the director of the movie was a massive liberal so he thought he'd just spoof the shit out of it and poopoo on it. He spoofed it so hard it became awesome. Never heard if he's ashamed of that or not as it does showcase a future for humanity I can actually get behind.

A period of disability I should have said. I'm actually still disabled but got turned down by SSDI.

Don't be afraid to try again. Just about everyone gets turned down the first time.

You need a UBI as long as Mr. Shekelberg can threaten to starve you or make you homeless without working for him. You have to pay him rent and work on his terms. With UBI we could tell him to fuck off. I'm not saying it's a solution for a healthy ideal society.

liberals often have huge insecurities that are actually recognitions of the strong and bold parts of us, I wouldnt be surprised if it was the same case for starship troopers.

srsly, they call me a racist? A few months later I realized that racial realism is awesome. They show this picture to us? A few weeks later some other user shops it and makes it even more awesome. Thanks liberals for showing us that being "bigoted" and "racist" are actually things that are extremely awesome and that we should embrace them as much as we can.

Yes, unfulfilling wage-slave work is a problem too. But I don't think getting nearly everyone stuck on welfare dependency is remotely a good idea.

I can support some unemployment or disabilities benefits in a wealthy society, but it is unfortunate that these programs will always be abused by parasites.

Nothing about trek is realistic, the only reason it works is because it literally makes shit from nothing with energy and far as I could ever tell the federation is a giant hippie commune that evolved past currency or something. Plus the give peace a chance vibe when dealing with space japan and a race of overly paranoid elves who will always backstab you because they're 100% positive you'll do it to them first. When that stupid little defiant dinker ship is supposedly able to go toe to toe with most frontline ships in other fleets. I liked the mirror universe better where the federation was kicking everyone's shit in hard. They can make stars go supernova for fucks sake if it wasn't for the star trek motto or whatever humanity would literally dominate the galaxy.


So let me ask you this. Do you agree with cutting off everybody on "NEET bux" and ablebodied on Disability? I'm for all intents and purposes prevented from doing a job as currently defined but have to beg Mr. Shekelberg for a job. I'ts just great. Yes I agree these programs are being abused by parasites which is why we need to get rid of them and just go to a Basic Income or National Dividend. If illegals are thrown out it will open up jobs to everybody anyway. I can't emphasize how important this is.

Yeah but you need money to live.

While true keep in mind those chucklefucks in the monkey suit want papers that aren't xerox'd off your printer. Without that diploma saying you are educated they don't think you're educated. Wouldn't even matter if you assembled a fucking tank in front of them to prove you know shit they'd still want that paper. Good for self improvement, not exactly helpful for employment.

This has been drafted for spreading it on chans and 1.0 platforms
dis·sem·i·nate : spread or disperse (something, especially information) widely:
af·fect : have an effect on; make a difference to
We are at war. We are in a Culture war.
You are a soldier. Theses are our people and this is our world.
The enemy is trying to claim our lives and our world.
Their desire is to OWN US, OUR LIVES AND OUR MINDS.
ab·stract : existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence:
Your job is to DISSEMINATE and AFFECT.
This decntralized movement on the internet needs a kick in the ass to a localized setting. The biggest hurdle
that people have is meeting up because they fear the real nazi's will brand them as radical violent natzis.
We need to reach out to other chummers in the real space and spread our redpill signal. We need to try something
else besides comment posting on the net or smurfing the twitterdome and the various other slums of the internets.

Its time we use the curiosity of the everyday individual to entice them to redpill themselves.
I'm Talking about (YOU) creating NETWORKS in high traffic areas in cities and places of other high traffic.
Information is not a crime.
Requirements: Purchase the hardware needed to create Pirateboxes with extended range.
Content: Redpill photos, memes, literature, chats where we can drop the pill.
go internet search PirateBox to understand what you can do and the concept of this.
Deployment: Everywhere that we can reach teenagers that are susceptible redpilling.
We either repill them or they fall prey to leftist in school and then college.
The time to reach our core structrure popuation is now.
Put one in you car when you park it in that busy town lot or garage or at the diner in a plastic
bag in the gutter of a building or at a public library. Future war is here and this is an rpg56k.
Immediate : RESEARCH Pirateboxing, develop the structure, Plant them EVERYWHERE. Use latex gloves.

You don't need college in order to learn a skill, you need college in order to let the person hiring you cover his ass–a bad hire is much more forgivable if the person had the widely accepted credentials. If you hire someone from Yale and he turns out to be a retard it's not your fault, if you hire someone who's self-taught and he turns out to be a retard it is.
That said, this is starting to change. Orthodox hiring practices now discriminate heavily against white men, so you're going to be looking at an unorthodox company anyway, which means a degree is less important.

lol nice idea proxyfag but whats stop you from just getting a QR code and a sticker with it to a pastebin? Why the whole fancy piratebox setup?

The fuck user? What prompted this copypasta?

It seems like liberals will never understand that some people are poor solely because they are shitty human beings.

Some people below the poverty line are actually decent people who struggle to take care of themselves, but a big chunk of them are poor simply because they refuse to do anything productive with their lives and tend to die in their 30s or 40s from self-destructive behavior.

The fucked up thing though is that UBI is pitched as a way to help the poor when in reality it's just lazy people's way of ducking out of their responsibilities.

kek, this place turns into leftists as soon as this topic comes up


You will still have to compete, the weak shall perish and the strong will survive, the rules of the universe wont suddenly change for no reason, basic principles will still apply.
Guy owning the automation will own the automation, there's no you in the equation, you will either learn automation yourself, or learn something else, and you will compete with everyone else.


I wouldn't mind less work hours to be considered full time. It seems as automation advances rather than telling people that cant find a job to just get fucked and die in a ditch, or this BMI shit, we should instead still try to employ as many people as possible, but leave more time to enjoy life. Sometimes it feels like working people are expected to work themselves to death never being able to stop and smell the flowers.

I hope every one of us is seriously considering this

it jews the jews out of their own power. Doesn't it?

You're not going to own the fucking robots. If you do find yourself in possession of robots, Shlomo will either call up Senator Lieberman and get a law passed that takes your robots away and gives them to ShekelCorp, or he'll call up Justice Ginsberg and get a Talmudic reinterpretation of existing law that takes your robots away and gives them to ShekelCorp. The only way you keep Shlomo from getting the robots is if Adolf has him thrown in the oven. Then you get to keep your robots, but you have to put them to work for the good of the nation and not just say "Fuck you, got mine."

Arbeit, it's arbeit. Get your shit right.

When I say Trek I meant TOS, TAS, and TNG. Voyager was decent but I'm not crazy about it, and DS9 never did much for me.

In general I do think welfare programs need to be scaled back. There's a kind of cancerous attitude in the US, maybe all of the west, that once you're 18 you should become a rootless individual not relying on any community or family for support. When this fails, your one benefactor becomes the state. In the meantime, community and family ties are destroyed. Other cultures have extensive support networks within their families and communities and it's one of the reasons immigrants are happier than native whites to live on shit wages. Whereas blacks show you where total welfare dependency leads.

I love everyone thinks robots will take over everything. It's same the retarded thinking that luddites had when industrialization came around.

you're contradicting yourself, edgefag. competing means "oh shit me and my kids are fucking hungry and that guy with robot farmers has a practically unlimited food supply, should I obey the law and starve to death, or round up some buddies, take my fancy schmancy AR-15 and take whatever I like?"

You, like most nerds, are narcissistic to the core. You are not better than everyone else because you got a degree for a soul crushing shitty job for a few thousand extra a year.

Prices work like sponges to soak up excess currency, this is the reason welfare benefits have to always increase. It's a positive feedback loop. The government understands this, so they attach the increases in benefits to the CPI, and then exclude items from the CPI so that it doesn't accurately capture the increase in consumer prices. So, welfare here is used as an insufficient drip drip of gibs that promotes the sustainment of the underclasses, and by making the "benefits" insufficient it promotes criminal activity since legal activity would disqualify one from the benefit. UBI is the attempt to apply the logic of welfare state oppression to the general public, which only serves to feed dependence and increases in state power for its own sake.

The opposing forces involved in the automation boogieman are the cost of raw materials and the decreasing value of labor vs. welfare programs like the minimum wage. The relatively recent $15 an hour laws in some states are doing more for the automation industry than they are helping workers. By artificially increasing the cost of labor you shift the cost/benefit of automation further and further in the favor of automation. But even when the cost benefit of automation swings in the favor of automation it still doesn't guarantee companies will choose automation. It takes less effort to train a worker to do a different task than it does to retool or reengineer a machine. The increasing cost of raw materials offsets the lower relative cost of automation to a degree. Even in restaurants we're seeing fully staffed service counters because these automated solutions break and the single restaurant doesn't have onsite engineers to address issues instantly. So companies who were looking to cut labor costs now have automation + labor because the cost of downtime is too high.


I think it's just people starting to realize the inevitability of it. I don't think there's a nefarious "push" at all; in fact I think the elites hate it, they want us struggling.

UBI is still going to be necessary in the long-term when we conquer the galaxies, however we should remove the parasites before even think of implementing an UBI.

… or just post meemees' to twatter or you could just stop being a spook trying to make us counter spook. if u wanted to exit node or send out a prirate wifi on a UHF band or something its stupid and always leads to yourself dropping the soap in jail and getting buttrammed by jammal.

I forgot to say, it shouldn't be universal either, the only universal thing should be having to work. No Work? No Free Money.

This is what the (((social scientists))) call a poverty trap. They consider it 'problematic' and then proceed to just ignore it.

Exactly, you have to make it blatantly clear to the plebs that it's in there interest to lower immigration. The (((corporatism))) will be buying up politicians to get more immigration to deflate labor value and you need something strong on the other end to counter balance this, like a bunch of pissed off plebs.

If anything, they'll eat rice and water to make sure they can save for the newest consumer shit.
Case in point: Shaniqua doesn't feed her kids (they gets them free school lunches) and saves the welfare money for a Mercedes

That's why you remove the shitskins first.
No system will be satisfactory if it has to work around a bunch of worthless niggers.

I know I'm gonna get shit for this but, honestly, at that point, violence. Explosives, assassinations, etc.


Currently people get tax incentives to spawn as many nigglets as possible, they get even more for having disabled spawn, often times even given a government job to take care of there own kids. UBI can be the biggest change up in welfare sense ever and you can remove all such incentives. If you choose not to give more gibs to people to have kids with the tax system than many minorities will have fewer kids. Productive members of society will keep breeding as usual.

This has a hard limit when the technology is a machine that can do anything a human can do, at that point you can replace every human with the machine and there wont be any new jobs left to create because by definition, the machine can do those as well. So the idea that you can just "find a new job" isn't sustainable, you're simply delaying the problem until later instead of solving it.

By the time you can make a machine that can do everything a human can do, you're going to be worried about that machine taking much more than your job. There are only three possible outcomes at that point:
1. Human extinction
2. Human enhancement to keep up with machines, which is less different from 1 than you might think
3. Butlerian Jihad.

The shorter-term worry about automation is individual fields selectively getting wiped out, which will require different solutions than the general AI problem.

I think I did something wrong?

which is why the meme is forced constantly on normie sites like plebbit

what exactly will humanity "miss" by not having to work dead end jobs?

were free to build that house we always wanted


So many Holla Forumsacks could become full-time activists instead of having to wagecucc.

Only potential problem is the state using this to lean on identified activists. Wouldn't want to lose your universal basic income over something as petty as immigration politics, would you goy? After all, there's no way you'd be able to find a job if your dole gets cut.

Cutting all other welfare programs and eliminating all tax rebates/refunds (welfare for the wealthy) could provide $20,000 for every adult citizen in the country without passing any new taxes.

Piratebox is basically a little data server running on a battery (not always) charged by solar cell. It creates an open WiFi network where it is placed so that people connect to it.

It's a decent idea since the current (((broadcast media))) is so heavily controlled. You might say
but you know normalshits only use the normienet which is heavily censored.

No suck thing if we have a good competitive market and/or government price regulation. UBI will actually remove the need for a big wellfare state since you would have money to buys shit and not beg it from the gubment.
But in all the other times it's still much more efficient and cheaper
people get ill too, but with time the machines will become better and people won't

That's why it needs to be universal and not just "good goy points"

Do you understand that only 50% of Americas population is employed in some form or another? All we are doing with ubi is removing the gibs given to people for being poor, lazy and having lots of kids and giving it to everyone instead. It wont even cost anything, ubi can be funded by simply ending tax rebates and all other forms of welfare.

No, it be ADDED to the stack of things weighinh on the tax paying whitr mans back.

This is actually quite interesting. But how will the normies access the material once they connected to the wifi with their smartphones? They will just test, if they can get free internet and if they can't, will disconnect again. Wouldn't you need some kind of data client on the phones?

Its called war and ethnic cleansing lad. No other option will be viable connected to either our current system or the views on how shit work under our population.

The first ethnic population that figures out that virtually 100% of their male population can be geared into nothing but warriors rather than shit pleb soldiers at 5% of their population like now and they become rulers of the world overnight. Utter systemic world view change in what humans, culture, society and nation 'are' is required. Throwback to the old spartan viewpoint of life supported by machines supplying the basics while they focus on getting gud no matter anything else, fuck the whinners crying about our leet playstyle world view.

Its either that or we somehow hit space hard and fast. With enough people spreading out into vastly separated enclaves or nomadic tribal roamers could break away from our persian slave system of culture and make such a system work would keeping people 'free' as we understand it.

Dystopian nightmare is our fate as it currently stands. Tho if we kick off a happening soon (less than a couple years left btw) then maybe we can get enough people to grow up into adults thanks to their prior hardships that we could figure out a viable system. But of course that requires our current system be wiped off the map. World wide btw.

With ubi you can eliminate the minimum wage. Because they already have enough to survive off of. Anyone who wants a job can have a job, even if they only get $3/hr. This is one of the most effective ways to counter the effect of automation.

And the employment would have to be fulfilling and the bosses nice because the employees could feel free to walk at any time without becoming destitute.

Didn't Germany have universal income at one point? I wouldn't support it, especially not at this point, but not even under National Socialism. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Or we kick out the immigrants, have a white major majority nation again, birth rates will be lower but will stabilize, we use that rate to figure out a balance of automated labor and human labor, the market adjusts itself, and no one needs large govt/bank UBI intervention.

Why not just government subsidized labor projects? Wouldn't that be that same thing but more beneficial for society?

Like fuck they are. I can get a CNC mill with a 6 head automatic tool changer and a 31" x 9.5" table for ~$4k

People just want the newest fanciest $500k machines because they want it to run for 10 years with zero maintenance, and then throw it out for pennies on the dollar.

It's like your stuck in the 90's.

Modern robots don't have cells that shut down any time a human comes close. They are now smart enough to know not to smash humans to pulp.

I'm going to drop the .pdf of a really discouraging thread that gained a lot of popularity of half-chan about a week ago. A guy who claimed to work as a lobbyist for the cosmetic industry revealed some information talking about the "Brazilianization" of the US via turning social markers and components of identity into commodities for the consumers to pick and choose at their leisure, for a price. A preliminary step to achieving this overarching goal was the implementation of universal basic income, culminating in the eventual replacement all forms of liquid currency into credit, which could be used to track spending, track popular interests, and deprive undesirables of any income whatsoever. Real dystopian stuff.

Typically, I wouldn't bother reading something like this, because it seemed a bit too trolly, but this guy was very well-spoken, very responsive… Overall, it seemed just a bit too plausible to be an off-the-cuff fabrication told by some twenty year-old to troll some neckbeards on an online forum.

Having converted the entirety of the .pdf into a .png, I think it might be easier to simply provide a link to the archived thread. I'd rather avoid posting 50+ .png images if possible. Is this allowed? If I post a link to a cuck-chan thread will I get b&?

What in god's name happened to cuckchan's css? Why does it look like that?

Who the fucking hell said anything about not paying engineers. You god dammed straw man kike. Engineers will be paid according to the supply and demand for your labor. And even a lot of there jobs will be made so easy though computer programs that any pleb can do it. Used to be if you wanted to 3d print a part you would have to design it on a $10k solid modeling program and print it on a $40k 3d printer. Today anyone can do it with free software and a $300 3d printer.

Go read Atlas Shrugged one more time in your mom's basement instead of larping as some indispensable fagot with a god complex.

This is very very interesting, please post pdf, png, link, anything.

A used cnc is 4k and you can employ any button pusher who knows how to swap a part and press start for minimum wage.

A minimally competent manual machines who can read a schematic and make a part on your manual mill will cost at least $15/hr and wont be able to touch the volume of the cnc button pusher.

This is my big problem with UBI and it amazes me that more people don't see this as an obvious issue. The red flags are too strong.

Until someone can explain to me how and why this would never happen then I'll be against UBI. Because you can't sit here and tell me kikes are not going to kike.
Sorry for the delay.

Nigger: increasing the size, wealth, & reach of the state will not make activism easier.

Not everyone will get the same money. Everyone will get enough to barely survive, like on the lower end of social security. Most will choose to work.

Automation naturally leads to deflation. If it costs you 10 dollars to make 10 widgets today, and tomorrow you change your process so you can make 1000 widgets for 10 dollars you can afford to sell your widgets for less. If you choose not to then your competitors will and cut you out of the market. That is the natural order.

I fail to see how you expect inflation to happen just because of UBI. We are already spending the exact same amount on welfare, we just waste most of it. How is being more efficient going to instantly lead to inflation. It makes no sense.

It's on the order of 2 trillion dollars a year out of the total government budget of 7 trillion (local + Federal). It's not going to cause run away inflation.

It will not increase the size of the state, it will decrease it, no need for armies of bureaucrats managing the welfare programs. You just get a direct deposit every two weeks, very low overhead in a highly automated process.

To redo my last reply, I don't have a problem with UBI but why the fuck are actual motivated people expected to work as much as they do? Is there any point to life other than working as much as possible?

G-got any tips?

Just to make sure that this doesn't slide, I'm going to repost the cuck-chan thread one more time in the hopes that this thread will get a bit more investigation. I think it's a pertinent source of information, given the subject of UBI.

well then u must be a low iq mong cuz that's all i hear about these days, silicon valley dickheads feeling guilty for making everyone's job obsolete decide to give secular alms to the poor in the form of ubi, this shit is everywhere, turn off the degenerate cartoons and read a book

The logo looks like an abstract merchant, top kek
The line on the left is his body, the bottom triangle is the rubbing hands, the top triangle is the jew nose.

considering most slaughterhouse jobs have always been filled with immigrants, specifically of the undocumented variety in recent years, I don't see why you'd be sad that these jobs are automated. Meatpacking work is literally "work Americans don't want", so you can either have machines or Mexicans doing it, take your pick.

Got it. Still trying to stop (((communism))), but it will eventually be a problem, however I think the problem can be solved with training. Robots are good at some shit, but humans are still way better and way cheaper. Most people underestimate the lifetime cost of a robot including maintenance, repairs and replacements.


Thanks user, I hope this doesn't get overlooked, very interesting stuff.

Interesting, I've been thinking of something similar to this for a while now. Though that idea is merely a transitional step to something much more bleak. Once automation reaches a certain threshold, almost all the population is expendable (no need to worry about having a backup human workforce on demand if shit breaks down anymore).

Which drives innovation towards making robots which will inevitably become cheap enough while able to perform human tasks. The demand for more automation and making it more efficient will never cease until it saturates everything, as competing nations will gain the upper hand if you fall behind or arbitrarily restrict yourself.

That will make the niggers so mad. Everyone get fit and brace your stand for the chimpout coming.

I've read everything, this can be three things: a larper, a gullible fool that doesn't know the real endgame (or his masters are hiding it from him) or the pure truth.
This NWO strategy has been posted multiple times, but, as some posters have said in the thread, it's not sustainable. You can't control a population into being peaceful, nor economically predictable, especially one that has multiple ethnic groups. In the end you just need to look at Brazil and see the results of this. Even though he said it was a successful test, Brazil's economy and political sectors are beyond fucked, and are in the middle of a purge.
Yes, there's a heavy socialist influence here (yes, I'm a hue), and it's the biggest problem the country has, but I'd think it would be extremely difficult for this all to be planned. In reality, I think the characteristics noted by the OP in that thread are the consequences of four things in our history: mass importation of slaves, the military dictatorship didn't use it's victory to write it's own history (it let the defeated subversive communists do that), following USA's cultural footsteps (the culture that the media propagandizes, not the real culture that the US has) and pure greed in the hearts of Brazilians (it's one of those great advantages of being in a multicultural society :^)).
Another thing that makes me think this is just pure bullshitting is that ancient Rome suffered the same things every western civilization is suffering right now when it began its downfall. Increased femininity in men (transsexualism), women with political power, horrible economy, degeneracy.

But if this is all true, we're fucked and this is our last chance. Trump has to become a symbol of hope for every cucked country or we're completely fucked.

Also, UBI will turn your country into Brazil. It's horrible in every way and will only increase the inflation rate, destroy businesses and promote lazyness since its just fucking welfare in exchange for minimal jobs.

I think that's kind of the idea, it's only supposed to be functional long enough to prepare for the next phase of their endgame. Distract people long enough so when they finally realize what's happening it's too late to resist.


What the fuck is their endgame anyway? They will collapse. Even if they kill off the white race, once negros and spics loose their bred and circuses they will rebel against their masters.

u dudes realize Friedman or Hayek or one of those auther Austrian/Chicago school Jews that libertarians love so much advocated for UBI to ensure "liberty" or whatever because if you don't have to work to survive then you can't be forced into exploitative economic relationships, so if ur against UBI then you have to throw out your libertarian Jewish idols

No they won't. Don't forget, the white man ended slavery. No one else gives a shit about crap like "human rights". I give it 200 years after the extinction of whites until chattel slavery comes back.

In 50 years if whites don't go extinct and win the culture war chattel slavery is coming back anyway. Niggers just lose anyway you slice it. :^)

Negro please. The welfare state doesn't shrink when you add new entitlements. If UBI ever comes to pass it will be pushed by leftists who have no intention of decreasing programs like medicaid, housing subsidies, etc. You might be able to get rid of social security, but you'll be replacing it with a much further reaching program and any beauracracy involved will just grow.

Except for complete subservience to the government. Try organizing a resistance movement when everyone lives off the state. Nobody will fight for an ideal when all ideals are considered arbitrary in the face of starvation.

That's why we need to grab it by the horns and own it.

Your mother will pay for UBI. They'll take away her social security income and give her a poverty-level UBI instead. Then she'll come to you for money, so I guess you'll actually pay for it.

These are overall good solutions that pol would salivate over. The only thing that gives me pause is on how to reduce working hours. The amount of training to do jobs wouldn't go away, and there is already a lot of pressure for high hours for certain people. What would be done for them? If you take a team of ten knowledge workers, one of whom actually knows what he's doing, you can cut back hours for nine, but will be much harder pressed to automate what that keystone worker contributes. Of course, if companies put a little effort into hiring, then maybe they would avoid having so many dregs in the first place.

I'd love to give them titties a grizzly wallop

I'd gladly vote Democrat in exchange for my own studio apartment with plumbing and electricity. Hell, take out the plumbing and electricity and I still might do it.

If you added up all the welfare programs then divided by the number of citizens it would be about $400/week. That doesn't count social security and welfare as "welfare" because people actually paid into them, just the libshit programs. UBI in place of those programs equates to less going to trust fund babies running non-profits and their supporter demographics.

Good recommendation, user. I've read that one and it's absolutely right.

My main objection to UBI is less philosophical, though: everyone who runs the numbers to "prove" that UBI is easily affordable just assumes that UBI itself won't drastically reduce production, which is quantophrenic nonsense. I certainly wouldn't work if there a UBI, and an unknown (but huge) portion of the populace would join me in indolence. True wealth is free time. You can't simply assume that tax revenue and aggregate supply stay the same and redirect welfare and social programs into UBI, and because tons of people are just going to NEET it up.

trips confirm the race war will start when McDonalds automates burger flipping




Production of what?
If the cost of producing widgets is severely reduced then the value of the labor fall with it.

I don't know about work but I would probably be more inclined to educate myself or develop something if I wasn't facing the existential crisis that is starving and providing shelter for myself. I'm currently unemployed but the crisis is still alive for me. I have just enough money to float along for a few months before I get another job. Luckily I'm white so I'm sure my privilege will make something happen for me.

I think you just created the loophole to trick the AI into letting you achieve your dream of an heroing.

Watch this.
Yes it's Davos, but it's a summit that normalfags don't generally watch except for brief highlights. The panelists have rational arguments both for and against UBI.

so as I have said in this thread

is still in effect while automation is also happening, which UBI could empower to ruin themselves even more, which also is a reason why so many engineers perhaps may turn away from some compassion, since all they see are masses of fat degenerates.

If we had a healthy like society as from the medieval times, where a lot of people with a lot of different natures could find a home in, from priests, to farmers, to artisans. You could argue that these types were diverging paths for individual human evolution. Some more focused on emotion, some more focused on on technical things, some even more so on visual prowess and many other segments.

These are probably advancements of many hundred thousands of years of tribal thinking which worked in the past for us. So are you really willing to let go of the shaman, or the warrior, or the tribe elders you engineers? Just because reality compels you to?

Whatever segment was popular, at time had the choice to support these diverging paths, or to at least be neutral to (as there was an indication of certain types proliferating a lot more with females, like warlords), but this wasnt the case for 100% of the history.

But these types that you engineers may read about in european lore, to that of the wise man, or hardened elder teacher, fair maiden or more are still in existence somewhere in the population. And these people would probably have more sympathy with you than the upcoming robotic overlords will have, which will probably oust you from your meager and brief position of power if they become smart enough.

All the luddites ITT.

Where have you been user? Neo-feudalism brought on by a (((technocratic))) elite has been proposed as an inevitability since at least the early 70s.

Kek, thanks Holla Forums, ideology is so weird.

in a way, I wouldnt mind if these technocrat elites cyborged me and shot me up into space where some of my more violent nature could be used to kill ayylmao's

That only worked after the Bubonic Plague, in which a whole shit ton of people died and this greatly increased the value of the trades. Prior to it, the nobles could just replace you because there were so many people with a similar skill set. After the plague, they had to use you as you were one of the few to survive. This greatly increased the wages of those with necessary skill sets and in turn gave them more power. One thing to keep in mind is that the Bubonic Plague was shortly followed by the Renaissance.

well those rulers werent technocrats either at that time. They were a different segment still, from an age of more violence. People like me could have proliferated more in such a time perhaps.

The human genome, and the archetypes that it spawns fair good in certain times, and in response to certain conditions. Our white genetic diversity is pretty useful as a means to respond to reality, so while some may be less useful, completely eliminating them would not be wise. I think that just keeping some of each type around is pretty logical as you do not know what you will encounter in the future. Maybe ayylmao's, maybe somekind of disease, maybe somekind of new other threat.

Maybe some will integrate better with genetic editing and bio mods. And it only takes one generation of policies to get rid of the fatties and the unhealthy ones that have little to do with the archetypes.

No real need to go all "nerd powar, kill the chads noa" lol

So now that the nerds are coming into power, will the nerds uphold the violent (but healthy) chads lol?

This won't exactly be different.

yea thats exactly the problem, well if they are white, there is doubt as to what to do and probably means freedom for them.

But if they are jews, we can take it with violence from them.

take it back with violence and then give it to the engineers, from whom it has been stolen from with the kike federal reserve, and/or all the various investment bankers like soros. Yea that would be nice.



no wonder you post from tor, its a kike lol.

Truth be told, I post from Tor because my cell phone ip is shared and constantly being banned.

There's no fucking way a captcha is wortht that much. You could solve at least 20 a minute. $12 an hour is enough for some barely-literate bangladeshi to live like a king 11 months out of the year on one month of his slave's effort.

how about we just end welfare and keep the money?

We should pay the spics and niggers their UBI money in Harriet Tubman dollars.
Every white man needs to own Bitcoin because once the kikes crash the US dollar with no survivors, the UBI Tubman bux will be worthless. Due to inflation, the niggers and spics will slowly realize that they can no afford food. Around that same time, taxing productive white men will be impossible due to crypto, so the niggers and spics will all just die of starvation and riot impotently against the murderous police drones specially programmed to exterminate rioters of color with extreme prejudice.

Immigrants and slave labor, but that is just until they have robot armies to orderly kill us off.

(((richard specner))) alluded to this at one of his speeches

its a cope out explanation, but no doubt (((they))) push this idea to the normie as a ends justify the means method of achiveing their ends

I believe what he did was nationalize the banks, and gave out loans for productive purposes at near zero or 0% interest. Whatever he did, it fucking worked because Wirtschaftswunder is a thing still available to learn of on the internet. I'm still in lurk phase too so also just learning everything a goy shouldn't learn right now.

Better to end early than stagnate and become shit.

Funny how you don't have solutions for NEETs, only criticism.

#2 is best solution, but only with open hardware.

Web server/router setup which redirects all DNS lookups to the local server, and presents the desired PIRATEBOX page.

Because I'm not fucking paying for jamal to smoke crack. Which already happens with EBT system in America. Fuck, even RESTAURANTS accept EBT cards. They go to a supermarket or some place in a dense populated area (where the employees/staff are used to this and don't even try to stop it) that sells food and accepts EBT cards and they buy pre-paid visa/mastercards. With that you can buy anything and they just trade them for drugs since you can look up the totals easily on any smartphone.
Welfare systems needs to go back to PHYSICAL STAMPS that can only be exchanged for a set amount of food/infant products and nothing more. But I'm sure that'd be racis

Food EBT should only be able to be used for specific basic food products kind of like what gets distributed through WIC. I mean no processed prepared shit, only stuff like (limited examples here), produce, meat, basic canned goods, dry goods, milk, eggs, juice, flour, etc etc etc

I've worked in grocery stores a lot in the past and as if it is some law from god, people on EBT only buy the most godawful wasteful and unhealthy shit. A cart full of Banquet meals and soda, a cart full of all milk and eggs with a shitskin pushing it (for sale in their corner store), on and on every fucking single time.

Average food stamp/EBT cart: Box of breakfast sausage and chocolate chip pancakes on a stick, 36 cans of soda, 12 Banquet Pot Pies, 48 "K cups" for coffee, more "k cups" with hot cocoa, two large bottles of flavored coffee creamer made from vegetable oil and emulsifiers and corn syrup, hamburger helper, hamburger, cold parcooked deli product (say egg rolls or other deli hot item but cold to pass the law), cheezy poofs, hot dogs, bread, cookies, donuts, cooked apple turnovers.

If it was up to me the only things from the above cart that would be allowed to be purchased would be the ground beef, the bread, and maybe (maybe) the hotdogs.

And I realise that EBT recipients have very little time to learn to cook real food in between snorting oxycontin and watching Pawn Stars or whatever niggers watch instead, but they should have to learn.

Exactly. Some places even let people buy cigarettes with their fucking EBT cards (Local foodlion allows it).
And now people want UBI? they can fuck off with that shit, even easier for junkies and illegals to abuse. I don't see how anyone would be okay with working to pay for junkies drug habbits. Those are the FIRST people to sign up for free shit, so they can have even more money to use on their disgusting habits.

good goy
blind yourself, don't pay any attention to the fact that 90% of all population growth is in africa due to infinite gibs

From my experience, the people that can buy cigs with EBT are on disability so not all of the funds are for food, some are general funds. Not saying it's right, or that is what you were seeing, but that is what I saw. More people of course have funds that should be only food.

I'll also say that whenever this topic has come up on Holla Forums in the past, or on other sites, people get really fucking pissed off if you suggest that there should be more restrictions. It's a touchy topic for leeching cunts. I genuinely don't have a problem with food aid, and probably should be on it myself but I have a major aversion to government aid and paperwork or control. Just restrict it to very basic items and problem is solved. I get so disgusted when I see what people buy with it, and some people (single moms in particular) get way too much aid.

As for UBI, I don't like the idea but if automation gets out of control it's better than telling people to fuck off and die. But it would be better to do "make work" even if its just trivial shit like making our surroundings look nicer. It would be better to reduce hours for everybody to be "full time" and split loads than to deny jobs to some. Man needs a purpose

I've also heard (anons might want to know) that food trucks are an outlet to turn EBT benefits into cash.

As in, that taco truck or other food truck or cart is using ingredients bought by EBT benefits.

technically speaking, everyone whos a burger is on welfare with these 0-2% interest rates for business loans

Got some more info on that or what is the problem? Are you saying that our employers are getting a break on loans and that extends to us working plebs?

Does anyone here understand the whole "body paint" thing and are you able to explain it? Because I don't see the fucking point other than some sort of sick thrill of being naked in public while still being covered.

Part of Earth is overpopulated, but that's the case in exactly zero White countries. We produce enough for our people and to export. That isn't to say there weren't famines in the past, but with modern farming tech they cannot happen. Even Africa, which is VERY overpopulated, could support their numbers if their population worked every once in a while. But Africans were meant to live in the wild and from the wild. Trying to make them live like men only causes suffering for everyone involved.

What a fucking ridiculous chart. Even if S-S Africa could support that population growth we all know they are leaving and going to Europe, which would in turn not be able to support them.

I don't have an issue with food aid either. But right now people get pissy if you dare suggest that you have to be pass a drug test to get onto welfare. It's just so easy to abuse its hurting people that don't need to suck the gov't tit.

Fuck off Commie. There is nothing nice about starving to death waiting in a bread line you piece of Asian shit.


Idleness is sinful.

WTF ARE YOU DOING POL, this UBI shit it not a fucking argument. Robotic work forces and rising world population in a reality where we still have scarce resources is a recipe for hell on earth where we will be utterly enslaved. Destroy these fucking kikes, don't entertain the notion for a god damn second.

that's probably because redditors love the idea.

This whole discussion is stupid, robots mean free shit - don't overcomplicate it.
Every house can produce what it needs, no (((intermediaries))) required. The reason why there's a push for UBI is to preserve the status quo: plebs and rich fucks

The entire American economy isn't based on being productive or doing work you love, but fear-based, based on escaping nigger and spic shithole towns.

It's why employers pay you peanuts if they can, because you're legally the same as a nigger or a spic or anyone else, in this "society of equality," and if they pay you more, they have to pay them more, and while they might not mind living among working class whites, they certainly don't want to live with gaudy niggers and spics, so they exploit you for every penny and flee to gated communities.

They can't pay you $15/hr because you're a fellow white for the same job they pay Tyrone and Shaniqua min wage.

In America, you're a nigger unless you're a business owner, and even then, there's a lot of nigger business owners now in a society that loves nigger shit. Just look at the nigger on shark tank. I'm sure he's had plenty of white sluts, in his suits, trying so hard to be white.

Who cares. We'll never see that.

That cheap garbage is calorie-dense and in most states EBT works out to $6-7/day for the average person.

Meat and produce? Do you actually buy groceries and know how much those cost? Do you realize people eat on average 3x small-medium meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack here or there?).

On 7 bucks? And then you say "flour"? LOL. Yeah, they're just gonna be baking cookies from scratch with that budget. Those people work 1 miserable full time job or multiple shit part time jobs, or are full time students with part time shit jobs. They don't have time to cook.

You act like everyone on welfare is Patrick Bateman watching Jeopardy in his office all day just collecting his foodbux. Those people work dogshit jobs. Those are the people working at walmart, target, other shit retail jobs, shitty delivery/driver jobs, waiters, cashiers, service industry people.

Those are students working shitty work-study jobs where the colleges will only give them eight hours per week because the budgets don't allow for more, so on top of their full-time class schedule and studying and shitty work study job, they go work other part-time shit jobs that don't give two fucks about studying, like stocking shelves or whatever other mundane entry-level work is left in the country, where they're probably competing against everyone who already has a degree that didn't choose to be a nurse or a computer scientist.

The economy is fucked. I expect half the chimerical losers here to say "you're a nigger if you aren't 10k/day ceo", but most of them live at home still, and haven't had a taste of the real world.

It goes in one ear and out the other when they hear the statistics of how many working Americans are on food stamps. Somehow, the retarded fucks here think they're losers, meanwhile Walmart and all of these other bajillionaire corporations making record profits pay them peanuts and YOU THE TAXPAYER pick up the tab for their subsidies in food and housing, medical, etc.

The antipathy toward the worker in America is comical. Anyone who says these people who put in 40+ hours a week of work and/or work+school and they are useless, well, fine then. Be honest about it then, and say they need to die, in your opinion.

It's not like there's a physical limitation on the quantity of bread eaten, right?

If my job is replaced by AI we would have literally invented Skynet and we would be all fucked.

Nothing has been as disruptive to the established order over the last few decades as computers have been. You can literally start coding now to create an extremely disruptive technology/service (eg Uber, Bitcoin, etc) or start making and distributing propaganda/memes to masses of people.

The system is nothing but a house of cards and the computer you used to complain about it is the equivalent of a nuclear bomb if you were to only use it in a productive manner.

As I said, untermensch trash.


(cool and nice)
I've seen it being discussed often in the youth wing of my country's populist party. The ones discussing it the most are commies, but there's a couple conservative types seriously considering it as a replacement for other welfare types. You may not see it, but it exists my dude.


Have you ever taken a class in economics or politics in any western country?
They bring this shot up for at least half a semester.

It's characteristically "dumb goy" in a world where Jews have all of the money and the grips on the levers of power and machines, that you goys still pitch the American Dream to become some capitalist magnate.

You can get rid of the Jews and become the masters of your land again, or your can beg your Jewish lords for a basic income, but like it or not, your use as a goy workbot, along with the spic and nigger and every other workbot under the Jewish managerial race, is going to soon be replaced by a hunk of aluminum and silicone that doesn't know the definition of blood and soil.


you're full of shit