How does that work? How is it that the jews have been so succesful in creating an unwashed army of subservient nose ringed slaves out of people who perversely think of themselves as 'rebels'. And why do those slaves attack the very people who would save them?

It is not until one realises that 'Marxist Socialism/Communism' and 'Supercapitalism' are the same. Socialism demands that…all of the economic and social functions of society are subservient to and controlled by the state. The 'state' is said to represent the people.

Supercapitalism demands that all of the social and economic functions of society are subservient to and controlled by…. the corporation.

When we realise that the state is nothing more than a corporation masquerading as a pseudo democratic government we realise that the 'evil capitalists' are indeed the socialists that their slaves think they are protesting against…. and then go on protest marches waving Communist/Marxist/Trotskyite banners. So the sheeple protest against the system, by waving banners, and joining organisations which support the system.

Socialism is the poison
masquerading as the cure.

Socialism creates a state monopoly dependant on people but funding the rich elite. The rich elite pretend they have the best interests of the people at heart. They never do. As the people begin to realise this the rich socialist elite have to become ever more oppressive in order to maintain power.

This is what is happening in our society today. Governments are controlled by the NWO elites and maintain a 'middle of the road' or 'right of centre' image when they are indeed far left. That way as liberty and economic prosperity deminish they can blame the 'right' (their image) for the disasters created by their Marxist politics. That way people, trusting their false perceptions, will never support or turn to the very people who would save them from the disaster of Marxist politics. Marxism gains an ever increasing influence and an ever strengthened position in government.

The way out of this is to show people that Marxist socialism and supercapitalism are one and the same. And that when they support left wing philosophy, they are supporting the same monopolistic tyranny they think they are against. Socialism is NOT power to the people. It IS power to the state, and the state is a corporation, which allows the people no liberty and trades their labour on the international market to the benefit only of the rich power elite. Marxist socialism is the poison masquerading as the cure.

As a Holla Forumsack, this knowledge is vital to understanding international jewry.

Here is a good video illustrating the almost identical nature of capitalisn and communism:

Read the entire article i cited in this post here:

Other urls found in this thread:

Indeed this is true. We must not let lolbergs and ANCAP kiddes gain hold on this board. Market cucks and freedumb cucks need to be kept in their place

Also as I posted in the last one of these threads here is a great source for PRIMARY DOCUMENTS on National Socialism written by National Socialists during the time of National Socialist Germany.

That's a super hero I would silently support.

Fuck no. Vote right, and hopefully some day we will have National Socialism again.
The system is a two-headed beast consisting of capitalism and communism. Capitalist jews have financed communism to power. Why do you think that is?

Absolutely saved. Libertarian opinions can merely be used as a snake in the literal sense, meaning you act as a libertarian in public, only to redpill people while wearing the mask of a "moderate" political view.

This mentality of the left is absolutely non-compatible with those who oppose both Jewish communism, its offshoots, and super capitalism, because in essence the two are both sides of the same coin. Many communists are driven by self hatred, hatred of their own people and nation. To them, the power structure is white, whites are the oppressors and whites are the ones who they believe run the corrupt and exploitative capitalist roadshow. They have been manipulated to believe this by other useful idiots who repeat the same narrative time and again, the narrative is to destroy white culture, destroy homogeneous white nations, support the implementation of impossible 'equality' both economically and culturally through communist ideas and then we will all apparently live happily ever after in this mythical economically free and diverse post racial communist utopia. The truth is that through these deconstructive ideas they advance the Jewish goals of destroying the hated and feared white Western gentile society. They will use an array of nonsensical explanations as to why they believe this isnt the case, but isn't that how brainwashing works? They fail to see the water for the waves, they are that blind to it, that it is virtually pointless in trying to explain it to them, they are already pre-conditioned to deny the obvious in every walk of life.

The oppression is there, the people are slaves of an elite but the answer to eradicating that is not through communism or its spawn cultural marxism. The answer lies in once and for all people understanding the truth and removing the chains of Jewish deception, and divide and conquer strategies that have thus far worked. If and when the masses finally understand that both communism and super capitalism are one and the same, then maybe they will also see that immigration and enforced multiculturalism, and the destruction of Western culture, are just new methods of achieving the same goal of jewish led globalisation and centralised globalised power through high finance and through anti nation ideologies such as communism. The biggest threat to the globalists are nationalists, and through communism in its modern day cultural marxist form they supress nationalist opposition to Jewish globalism and mass immigration. Its actually a very clever divide and conquer strategy, the 'rich' and 'powerful' creating an ideology and backing it fully to oppose the 'rich' and 'powerful' in order to weaken further a more perceived dangerous opposition, and to advance a group strategy. The difference being that today, it is not a communist revolution with the finger on the trigger based on oppressive economic arguments, but a revolution against the culture, the homogeneity and the morals and traditions of the West. The goal remains the same whilst the methods have changed, and that is why communism based on oppressive economic theory, has now been replaced by communism based on supposed oppressive cultural theory. The reason being that communist economic theory was a staggering failure, so how to continue with the same plan? Move the goal posts and reinvigorate a failed theory with another.

Immigration has long been a Jewish method of undermining and destroying white Western civilisation, and Marxism being dominated and created by Jewish financiers, subversives and murderers is linked. More so in the modern era of cultural marxism were mass immigration is used to weaken white countries sense of cultural and ethnic identity, and ultimately to make Western countries minority white. Laws created to stop opposition to this were also created by and lobbied for by influential jewish groups. Mass immigration is a pivotal method of jewish deconstruction of white nations and is defended and backed by marxists. Again, capitalism is controlled by the same people who gave birth to marxist socialism. The former brought mass immigration to our shores, and the latter believes that mass immigration is great because the latters ultimate aim is the destruction of the homogeneity of the nation state and what they wrongly believe to be an oppressive white power structure. Any white non-jew involved is either very well paid to do the bidding of the jewish supremacists or is naively unaware of who really controls them. To blame white society for the evils of a few pawns in the globalists game is not only stupid but traitorous. The super capitalists use mass immigration into the West not only as cheap labor but as a means to an end. The end being the long term goal of weakening beyond repair the majority white countries for specifically Jewish globalist interests.

Karl Marx was Jewish, he was part of Jewish group strategy to destroy the white West. He has no place in white history other than to be remembered as somebody who set in motion the ideology that has killed many tens of millions of true whites and who sought the overthrow of nations through violent revolution and destruction of the family. Through the generations, Karl Marx and his Zionist inspired ideology has brainwashed millions of people who now believe themselves to be fighting the 'good fight' but all along, they have been helping the very same people they oppose.

"Globalisation is all about spreading the capitalism." This is incorrect.

Globalism is all about creeping towards centralisation of financial and political power in the hands of the few, the greedy and evil super capitalists who also pull the strings of the communists using them to create revolutionary attitudes to destroy the nation from within. When centralisation of global finance and political power happens then the marxists will have been duped yet again, and will have aided in the destruction of the only possibility of really stopping the madness. Only an homogenous, proud and loyal nation who cares not only about the nation but about its people could have stopped it by not allowing itself to have been infiltrated to such an extent. The super capitalists and communists would have been kicked out. Look at what is happening around the world to countries that resist the nwo onslaught. Marching around with communist banners chanting for an end to capitalism and the 'evil' white power structure achieves sweet f a and never has and never will do. So long as communism exists in the West so will the march of globalism. The two are used to advance each other. The totalitarian nature of communism being ushered in to Western nations stealthily, will eventually be used to keep the Jewish power structure in place with no opposition. No strong nations, no strong cultural and ethnic group able and willing to stand up. All that will be left are global regions of mixed races and cultures with no loyalty to the nation. Any uprisings will be dealt with by the United Nations ie the New world army/police force. The marxists are out on the street actually believing they are opposing globalism, but they aren't. The globalists may aswel have a broom up each and every marxists backside because they control you just the same.

There are marxists in all Western governments. Just because they may not describe themselves as such does not mean that they are not. I wonder if the term smoke and mirrors is familiar to them. Obama is a Marxist, and a puppet of Israel and globalism. They are all working towards the same aim. The left has been deceived into believing that communism/marxism and globalism are polar opposites when they are in fact two faces of the same beast. They will say whatever they believe you want and need to hear to mask their true intentions. It is an alliance of evil that has captured the minds of the left who have fell for it. The only people who have not fell for it are nationalists, is it any wonder that nationalism and nationalists are demonised as a matter of urgency every time they dare speak of the truth. If what nationalists say is of no significance then they sure do go to alot of trouble in trying to shut them up. And it isn't because of the creative and distorted history of nationalism, it is because nationalism is the only ideology that can stop Jewish globalism in its tracks.

When the workers are exploited and the super capitalists get rich, the workers are exploited not by a white power structure but by a Jewish power structure. CEO's may not be jewish in every case but they are merely pawns in the game. The CEO's are paid obscenely well by somebody, the corporations are owned by somebody, the banks are controlled at the very highest level by somebody. And they certainly aren't controlled by the people who are the public face and who take all the flack. Behind the scenes is the real power structure the unseen, the unspoken, those who are really at the top of the pyramid system. The pinnacle of evil lies not with the scapegoats who have sold their soul for wealth, but with those who have in their grips control of the monetary system, goverments, corporations, media, the police, the judiciary, the financial institutions. Globalisation is the trek towards a totalitarian nwo that is ruled with a communist style iron fist, and which is still controlled by the same people as it always was.

Just get rid of jews. An all white nation can make any system work.

Why would we use communism though? Its a less effective, more centralized version of capitalism.
Supercapitalism is also nothing to be supported, but to be attacked. This is also a way to get normie support, since they like muh the wealth gap narrative.
Even in all-white nations, i would say that capitalism can have bad effects. There are non-jewish big players in the global cabal like the Rockefellers. What makes you think that ALL whites are noble by default and will not be corrupted by money and power? Its in the jews nature to do so, but i think NatSoc is the better alternative to keep the power at the core of the nation.

Is Holla Forums raiding again?
You've got another 300 post thread about this where you were BTFO'd and you make another one?
Take your marxism and fuck off to Holla Forums.

Fuck off back to cuckchan, lolberg.

Get starved commie.

Whew lad.

3/10 made me reply

I agree but there's already a thread on this. sage

You tried, Holla Forums

Jew owned state is private property.

(((Rockefeller))) is a crypto Jew user. We had a thread on him awhile ago. Still your point is valid. Nat Soc is the best economic type.


The face of ignorance on Holla Forums.
I oppose communism, but supercapitalism in the form we have it today is very similar to it.
That is why capitalists financed communism to power.
Why would capitalists advocate for an ideology that could be threat to them?

Because the state is a corporation in communism, just like the corporations (and to an extent banks) have the power in capitalism.

Communism is a D&C operation by the jews to weaken states and centralize power. When the economic application of the ideology failed several times, they used its derivative called cultural marxism, to weaken a nation by destroying its culture.

Communists aren´t "rebels" that oppose the state, they are useful idiots. They are helping the goal of the jews to dissolve the nations borders and national spirit, to centralize the power in a one world government, that will be reminiscent of communism in its nature.


National socialism or die. Fucking cuckchanners that don´t understand this can leave.

what you fail to understand is that pretty much any political ideology could work somewhat ok in an all white society with a basic understanding of racial identity. Even capitalism, but it doesn't work when you through kikes shitskins and niggers into the mix for obvious reasons. Of course natsoc is the obvious choice, especially with all the non-whties in this world, but if it came down to it capitalism would work as intended if kikes didn't fuck everything up, and they do it mostly on purpose to spread communism.

Isn´t that arrogant as fuck?
Do you think no supercorporation that is worth billions or trillions of dollars will ever try to achieve political power when it is run by whites? And by political power i don´t mean lobbying to secure their profits, i mean corruption, persecuting an agenda to form the minds of the people, pulling strings to get representatives of their agenda elected, brainwashing the people (in case of Media corporations)?
Do you think whites are completely free of fault?
Of course, the system would be a lot better than with all the kikes doing exactly that, but why take the risk? What is said in the video applies for high-ranking officials in corporations just like it does for the leaders in a communist regime.

National Socialism is the way.


666 is a jewish invention that they used to villify Nero Augustus Caesar using their gematria. It's bullshit made up as a political scheme.

(checked) explain

What in the fuck is this shit?

Are you too stupid to understand that? Let me guess, you didn´t finish highschool?
Watch the video from the OP and read the article, moron.
Otherwise, this is your new home:

I just took a random pic from the redpill folder, i don´t believe in Satan.

Actually this thread is making a slightly different claim. This OP said "capitalism=socialism" where as the other threads OP said "capitalism=communism". They are both similar in that they make the claim "its not socialism! It's NATIONAL socialism"

This video explains the point very well. If you don´t believe me, you should at least believe Hitler.
What he is basically saying, is that the corporations in the western worlds hold all the political power, just like in communism, the state, which is essentially a corporation, since it decides about all the economic aspects of the country, holds all the power.

Get it in your head, ancaps and lolbertarians. Your ideology is corruptable and shitty, you are no better than lefties.
National Socialism is the only way.


stalin wasnt a jew. fix it.

duplicate thread


Funny thing is that he became actually quit anti-semitic dealing with all the kikes. Pissing of Stalin was the main reason the Soviet-Union turned on the kikes, separating the Party in a pro-kike and and anti-kike wing essentially killing it in the long run. Of course Stalin, as a Georgian, only became commie kingpin because the kikes wanted non-Russians in leading positions, so they could control the masses through ethnic animosity in the first place. [OUROBOROS INTENSIFIES]
Of course most of the kike rats jumped ship before shit really hit the fan.

Oh shit, you put 'super' before capitalism, totally different

fite me irl

Glad to see leftypol still keeps up their usual BS tactics. Go take your 'utopia' to china and collapse'em before WW3 starts and maybe you'll actually be useful to society for a change.

If I ever decide to bait you fags into reading your goddamn Hoppe like you should, I would start a thread like this

Are you dumb? This thread literally abolishes Communism you fucking faggot. Kys.

Oh shit, you didn´t read anything.
Are you 12? No wonder you can´t comprehend what this thread is about, antifag.

stalin didnt get there because he wasnt an ethnic russian. the whole ethnicity and race thing wasnt even a part of the game back then, partially because one of marxs works demanded that jews and other minorities abandon their culture and ways and integrate into society, so that the society can change as a whole in his whole commie process, without minorities and sects being an obstacle.

stalin got to power because he was a big time financier of lenin with his mafia in Tbilsi and other georgian cities. thats why he got honorary positions in the party eventough he didnt give much crap about ideology.
he was a gangster, not a politician or an idealist. and he got o power accordingly.
when lenin died he made his main competition "disappear" and gave the rest "an offer they cant refuse". literally.
the whole revolution had quite alot of gangs and warlords involved who wanted more power in a new regeime.
and when stalin "liberated" the oil refineries of the caucases (he personnaly even led an operation in blowing up one that belonged to the rothschilds) and defeated the white army in Tsaristin where he got powerful friends (like voroshilov), lenin didnt had to put him in the upper echelon of the revolution to avoid trouble.

ofcourse by the time stalin took power the cliques in london and paris were sweating bullets, so they let hitler rise to power as a counterweight to the red menace and counted on hitlr and staling killing eachothr off, with brits and french just backstabing germany when all its forces were in moscow.
but as you know, stalin and hitler had a pact signed for this exact reason, and pure coincidence, the brits and french declared war on germany the same moment.

stalin was later assasinated by his own jews later when he decided to remove all of them in the doctors plot, but by that time the cold war already started (stalin was always an enemy, but hitler was a blowback too cloe to home for (((them))) )

So? What is your point?

A soviet general claimed he was jewish and his former last name literally meant son of jew. Your description is also an oversimplification.

I take it english isn't your first language


You would get wrecked like Jamal wrecks your Mamas pussy every night. Fuck off, finish school first and read this thread again, maybe you will have an enlightening moment where you realize that your ideology is bullshit.

For the last time, "Capitalism" doesn't exist as it was only ever a strawman Mr Karl Marx used to support his Communist theory…

if i am able to produce a good, and someone buys it from me, why should any money in this transaction go to someone who isn't me or a customer.

To finance governing institutions, at least that is what is happening right now. You could fix that by making the government the landlords according to the guy from the yt video i linked, but after all National Socialism would be the best way.

but what if I want to own land?

am I not entitled to the sweat of my brow? if I can muster I capital, should I not be able to own land for myself?


Tons of slide threads being made right now. What are they trying to hide? Or is Holla Forums just throwing a hissyfit?

We're discussing economics, something tied closely to politics. Nothing wrong with that in my book.

Thanks for proving my point, weeb.

I don´t know what exactly the guy imagined, but maybe the government would be able to buy land from land-owners by force to make more room for the working class if needed. What isn´t needed can be sold.
Its probably just a theory with a lot of flaws. What has been proven to be a functioning system is, again, National Socialism.

The contents of the threads vastly differ, the other poster didn´t point out how cultural marxism derived from communism as a D&C tactic, when communism failed to be a prosporous system and didn´t provide this much content.

I didn´t find anything that could be worse all our focused attention at the moment and calling a poster who opposes communism Holla Forums is just really ignorant.

worth all our focused attention

My problem with the NatSoc economic policy is that it's only really been tested either during:

A. A massive weapons buildup


B. War

Which of course is going to make it seem like a good system because they need everyone who isn't fighting employed, and every factory needs to be going 100%. The problem is, Wartime "Prosperity" is anything but. During war things like meat and other luxury goods are obviously rationed due to their need to feed soldiers, support the war machine, etc., etc.

In Nazi Germany and in most National Socialist economic theory a big point tends to be the nationalization of businesses and, from what we've seen with things like British Rail, that tends not to work out very well.

Something such as import tariffs, or a land development tax that encourages people to develop any land they own to finance a "Night Watchman" Government would be a good compromise, but the way I see it is that some form of free market (especially in a laissez-faire environment) has always led to prosperity and that heavy government involvement might not be the best way to go in the long term.

oy vey not this thread again.

marx didn't invent communism the jacobins did and mikhail bachunin didn't help.

Why do you think was Germany fought with so much effort? Their system was the first attempt at a truly fair one, where the economic power lies in the hands of the people. Germany was prosporous before the war, they suffered greatly under the contract of versailles but managed to rise back to glory in a few years. Hitler was on the cover of the times magazine for his accomplishments.
In fact, when the war started, Germans were starving to death in the hundreds of thousands because the allies bombed supply lines. Their prosperity vanished a year into the war.

don't try to reason with shills see he's actually saying the capitalist-to-communist horseshoe that killed two threads is worth
give them the rope and these faggots hang themselves

Could you please elaborate on your statement, as I could just be misinterpreting this. Nazi Germany had a strong Central Government that was trying to nationalize as many businesses as possible. I don't see how nationalizing businesses into a less-than democratic system is placing it "back into the hands of the people."

The pre-war recovery that Germany had was under the Weimar Republic, but much like the US under FDR Germany was heavy in the grips of the Great Depression and was only really brought out of it by the war and was enacting state-welfare programs in addition to heavy economic controls to the point where they were levying fines of MILLIONS of Deustchmarks for BOOKKEEPING ERRORS.

From what I see, the only thing that was keeping, for example, the German steel industry alive under Hitler was that it was needed for tanks, and the government essentially had a blank check for this.

Are you fucking retarded? I said there are no threads at all which deserve all of our focused attention, including this one. Also this thread isn´t about horseshoe theory you dumb fuck. Please kill yourself, fucking weeb autist. You never learned a thing in your life and aren´t willing to do so when the material is right in front of you, which is why you are a failure and will never get anywhere.
You are the cancer to this board. If there are so many threads which are better than this one, why aren´t you in one?
I bet you haven´t even read anything i wrote here.

Again, kill yourself, you pathetic piece of shit. I would suffocate you with your cum-stained waifu pillow if i were in your room right now.

was meant for

Your problem is that you don't know wtf you are talking about (or you are a lying kike). Germany's economic recovery and rise to the greatest economy and standard of living was during the 1930s. There was no weapons build up. The German economy was not mobilized for war production until 1941, when they finally realized that the UK was never going to accept peace.

That Churchill quote is fake.

I misread. Not going to apologise to a massive faggot like yourself though. This is still a bullshit slide thread when there was another up already and you still think you're an internet tough guy

In the other thread I actually wrote out quite a bit on this topic, I'm sure you haven't read those. Maybe you shoud peruse that thread first instead of making inane comments in this one.

shills like to spread disinfo

Thanks for your input (((snopes))).

So they didn't need to build tanks or rifles during the buildup to march into the Rhineland?

I don't know what lie I am saying, it's well known that Germany had went through a period of military modernization and expansion under Hitler even before 1941. While it wasn't full mobilization, if you look at the stats at least 10% of the Third Reich's GNP was devoted to military spending.

Not shilling, but there that quote is fake. If you spread it to normies you'll just look like an ass because you have a made up quote.

So no, you haven´t read anything.



"Massive weapons buildup". At least stick with your lie Schlomo.

I don't see how I am lying. Re-fitting an entire army is what one would call massive, especially forming an entire new tank corps.

Wether he said it or not, its true. Germanys "crime" was to end jewish usury and expell / imprison kikes

I bet you would.

It wasn´t more than any country in the world spends on their army in peacetimes today.
Germany ended the influence of internationalist jewish capitalists by nationalizing their businesses with global connections and replacing the monetary system that was backed by values like gold with the value of the work of German men and women.
This is what i meant by placing the power back in the hands of the people.

I read what you wrote, but I'm not rearguing same thing in two threads, which is why duplicate threads need deleted.

this is all the proof I needed about your intentions

I just cited a source in that 10% of Germany's Gross National Product in 1935 was devoted to military spending.

While I support the gold standard, Nationalization and other German economic policies at the time only served to concentrate more wealth and control of the economy into the hands of the Government rather than the people.

Too bad that it isn´t proof for anything other than your paranoia and mental impairment, since this was a random image from my redpill folder.

Kys again. You aren´t worth the air white men with pure genes have to share with you, mongrel.

You can talk economics and I wouldn't dispute but
you're a liar as well

then a useful idiot, I don't really care about your intentions, only you shitting up the waters

the projection is strong

Wrong. Germany flourished through these policies. It was a step in the right direction. Ending the jewish usury meant more wealth for everyone, and the way to achieve this was through nationalization of international capitalist businesses.
They didn´t nationalize everything. It wasn´t communism. Only jewish businesses and businesses with known global connections to capitalist bankers with questionable aims.

Eh, I gave up a long time ago trying to get pol types to understand your message OP. Glad to see you still trying though. I don't think a white racially inclined person in the midst of so many non-whites with no inclination to get rid of them could ever accept anything other than capitalism to enslave and escape within their own society.

It's the defeatist acceptance that inclines a white racist to accept Jewish capitalism. The answer is white territory cleansed of non-whites and or enslave the non-whites legally as second class citizens, with socialism for the whites. That what NS did.

That's the only true economic theory worth anything.

No, you made a baseless claim. That's not citing a source you pathetic fucking heeb.

The statement is true, regardless if Churchill said it or not. I didn´t admit shit, and you can still kill yourself, mongrel. The fact that you even save anime pics tells us everything about your poor genes, that led to your existence as a rejected beta, which requires you to project your fantasies on artificial girls drawn by japanese men since real girls remind you of your inability to get such girls.

capitalism is a by product of freedom, capitalism is a term used to describe free associations to produce goods, e.g. a group of farmers working to outdue one another on food production will naturally produce more food, at least that is what it is supposed to be, crony capitalism is where only schlomos friends and families are allowed to produce and compete e.g. feudalism

Read a book for the first time in your life:

I don't get it. They just can't not sperg about anime. I wasn't really paying attention to this conversation, but it's EVERY TIME

The steel industry, the mining industry, and most of Germany's heavy industrial industry was Nationalized.

Germany outlawed all unions and replaced it with the German Worker's Front, which was basically a government union.

I wouldn't call the years following 1935 "Flourishing" with a 40% tax on ALL business turnover (not just profit) by 1939. If you look at Herman Goring's 4 year plan and its results German citizens were already rationing by 1936.

Germany was spending almost twice what the USSR was spending from 1935-1939 in munitions alone.

I think it also has to do with the consumerist urges of the common joes. They want a new Iphone every year and therefore contribute to the hunt for growth which then leads to the employment of illegals and mass immigration of shitskins.
A stable level of wealth like in times of NS is something beyond their imagination.

So many lolberg faggots in this thread. 99% of Jews are Democrats and Left-Leaning. They're only right-wing for the sake of not being out-of-control of a narrative. They need to hijack both extremes and infest it with Jewish thought and labeling.

The only thing a Jew ever cares about is that there exists no movement which promote the good of a people which excludes them as a group. As a result, they must infiltrate every group and bog it down with double-spoken tripe.

Also, no one gives a fuck about what you think or whether someone is 'evil'. Present your ideas, not yourself. You're on an anonymous image board. You're a faggot if you name yourself as an argumentative response to an idea.

it was invented by this guy and you are deliberately muddying the waters when you could easily wield the truth, hence a disinfo shill. Go join renegayde, they like putting out fake shit as well.

stay bootyblasted

From this thread, it appears animu is being appropriated by shitskins along with libertardianism as a last 'olive branch'. Every shitskin was fine with libertaradianism dying. It's only with the threat of a real white nationalist uprising that they're suddenly 'woke' and anti-racist and all pro-liberty.. all to actually mean they're anti-white nationalism, and they see an opening in libertarianism to water down the immune system response of the white race to their own genocide.

I don´t mind posters who post anime and have a civil conversation, although i look down on them but faggot weebs who shit up the board need to be put in their place.

How can you live with yourself, pathetic little cunt?

True. If we established a National Socialist system, they would be second class citizens, which is why they oppose it and defend a corruptable system that leaves a lot of ratholes for the jew. Like that, they subconsciously defend their life and the advantages they have in western society, which they don´t deserve.

but he never did and you are still defending it, repeating falsehoods don't make them real unless you're gaslighting normies

it's easy when you don't have cognitive dissonance and aren't a subversive jew. Too bad about your mom or I would say try it sometime.

As you yourself said, these industries would have had a hard time to survive in peacetimes. By nationalizing them, they stay alive through government funding and are "on demand" the whole time.
If you look at the working class and compare their status with their status in the Weimar republic, you can clearly see that the unemplyoment rate was lowered substantially and the people were a lot wealthier than before. Who cares about the big capitalists? They were able to earn their money in high positions in the nationalized businesses as well.

How have you not ended yourself yet?


is Holla Forums ever going to stop pushing this? capitalism of any degree would be fine if we just got rid of all the kikes and niggers

The only other option is a revolution, which can only be achieved if we get enough support. Voting right would be a message to the public that the people aren´t satisfied, which would help to get the support of normies, even though it will likely not achieve anything besides that at the current state of the world.

1) someone claimed (citation needed)
2) dzhugashvili is georgian, it mean the kid from the mining settlement.

go read a book instead of shitposting.
start by young stalin or on the ourt of the red tsar

meme is common filth bullshit, spread your cancer elsewhere kike

This is actually a complete reversal. If you've managed to convince this board on any level that I'm a 'shill' for what I've said, you did do something quite impressive. It's a specialty of Jews to invert everything for their enemies. More likely, you're just here to be contrarian for the sake of making sure the narrative never organizes enough in a certain direction that it hurts you and your (((friends))). That, or you've become fully delusional in your anime-land, desperate to hold onto the virtue of your hedonistic escape into Japanese cartoons. You've taken to calling anyone against that a 'shill', like a Jew would, conflating their own in-group preference with that of the board at large and then asserting that enemies of your specific sect is an enemy of everyone's. Classic Jew behavior.

Ethnic National Socialism is still what's politically incorrect and it will remain so until there is an actual ethnic national socialist country. Coming here to spout libertarian garbage like it's 'politically incorrect' is disrespectful of the purpose for this board. Lolbergs are stupid D&C shills or actual kikes. I've see a literal Joeshua sticking his crater-ridden kike face into all ethno-nationalist circles. It's not compatible. Libertarianism is not compatible with ethno-nationalism.

Holla Forums says communism is just as good as capitalism, and therefore a good alternative. I say that communism was invented by capitalists to destroy nations with its derivative, cultural marxism, to achieve their centralized global power structure.
Capitalism in the form we have it today needs to be abolished. Its pure arrogance to say that there are zero whites that would abuse the corruptability of it. Jews are the main threat, but whites could abuse the system. Taking the risk would be retarded.

Capitalism and Communism are, by definition, the ignoring of ethnic tribalism. It's only white tribalism that Jews, once they got all the money, focus on.


and you think the system wont adapt to people voting a specific option?

Such edge. So redpilled. The system always wins so why bother??? Better to work within and let the Jew turn your daughters into whores and your sons into twinks.

If you vote, vote right. And you should. Do you want to deny that?
The more people actually vote right, the more people will be pulled to their side through peer pressure, which will eventually lead to a revolution if the will is there.

What I meant by that was specifically the Nationalized German Steel industry under Hitler. The unemployment rate was lower because there was a military draft and any available people were needed to keep the supplies coming.

How can people have been more wealthy with a 40% tax on all turnovers for non-nationalized businesses.

It's also important to remember that Marx advocated for free market globalism as a way to accelerate the global revolution.

Wrong. The draft started in 1935 and was done with great care of the economic life, which was well established and flourishing at that point.
The unemploymeant rate dropped from 6 million to 0,5 and wages increased by 20% until 1938. So the economy indeed flourished under Hitler. When the war started, it all went down the drain of course.

which book? which page? I want to use this.

typical tricks

speaking of which, so was his very first post, calling out cuckchan out of nowhere while posting a cuckchan sourced image originally from an /fringe/ christian occult site. This is no different then the way controlled op always pushes flat earth, nukes, etc.

no one cares

>saying 'read hoppe' and disagreeing with someone purporting to be natsoc who is spreading disinfo is disrespectful
you're hurting your own position more than I ever could

To make this clearer: The unemployment rate fell from 6 million to 2,2 million until 1935, when the draft started.

Take a knife and stick it in your throat.

I'm thinking this is why hillary wanted war with russia

Bump for truth.

oh look, that's a fact because someone said it

your first image itt came from this guy

do you have a single fact
to back these statements up

you're just throwing shit and hoping something sticks now, try harder goon

I misread the person I responded to with regards to voting, somewhat. But you're still a retard who thinks Jewish Capitalism, Libertardianism and Communism is anything but tools for infiltrating white ethnic tribalism.

Better stick with masturbating to anime, retard.
All you are doing is shitting up a thread advocating for national socialism, which every true Holla Forumsack embraces, with your bluepilled bullshit.

Good WebM proving how (((corporations))) hold most of the political power in western capitalism. In communism, the state is basically a corporation, controlling all economic aspects of the nation. So in essence, there is no big difference between capitalism and communism.

Its just a different stage along the natural progression of a capitalist society. Read the definition of Super Capitalism.


What are you implying? Are you bashing libertarianism?

If you want to say jews are a problem or britain fought the wrong people, you don't need to post fake quotes and spend 9 replies defending you "oh I just posted a random pic" while telling people to kill themselves for ever saving a cartoon reaction image.

This is called hypocrisy.

I never said that. Neither did churchill

I see you figured out redtexting since the other thread. Or does it still "not always work?"

This thread is a good example of why we need to have sovereign nationalist countries lol.

You being thick as fuck and derailing the thread without any contribution is why i told you to kill yourself, and i will not back down from that. You behave like a jew. The quote is completely irrelevant, but you dwell on it since i posted it while disregarding my actual post.
Prepared to be roped on the day we establish NS and eradicate the pests of the nation.

Sup Rick Wilson, are you lost?

Unlike Rick, i don´t think everyone on Holla Forums masturbates to anime, otherwise this place would lack a lot more quality. But this faggot obviously does.

Go home Rick.

I don´t have a problem with people who jack off to anime, but i notice a pattern. Posts by weebs often lack quality. If you are a decent poster, i don´t care what you jack off to, as long as its legal. Now fuck off.


To quote you:




fucking implying

this thread was bumplocked 2 hours ago

anyone want to pretend these people weren't shills now?

Kys cuck, this thread is 100% the truth and Hitler himself confirmed it. You didn´t provide one single argument to refute it. You can go back to your sewer.

I advise everyone to check this guys history of posts. You will see pure shit.

leave shill.

you cant just wait for shit to happen. the system adapted to such dynamic changes in eastern europe in the 90s, it is trying to adapt in the EU now, and will try to adapt to it in the future. you have to be more active and dynamic than an average 4 year term.

ok sure.

HWNDU was a mistake. I want cuckchan to fucking leave.

Finally someone tells the truth, capitalism is a meaningless buzzword.

And we don't defend any ideology but defending Whites.

are you retarded?
capitalism is a system. theres countless works on it and its possible alternate forms.
what would even lead you to saying that?

Buzzword spout by the queers that means anything from "you are a meanie that doesn't like to share!" to private property.



thats just an oversimplified and stupid interpretation of it you retard.
just as one interpretation of communism is
"they wanna take my money and property and give it to everyone",
and an interpretation of religion would be
"there is a guy in the sky that watches and controls everything but cant control what we do so we go to a burning place underground"

youre a retard that doesent understand the most basic terms and rethorics, so you then try to fit everything into your retarded and limited narrative.

It's literally what it is, moron.

And like I give a fuck about countless works by some lolberg kikes talking about their lunacies.


You're so stupid you can't even tell what I'm saying and now is projecting.

I was talking about how CAPITALISM is just a boogeyman based on something shallow that communists use to push for their bullshit.

that's the only interpretation of communism

The other thread had definitions of capitalism talking about private property as the basis, and there were still spergs ignoring it and saying capitalism is just jews stealing everything. They are mutually exclusive definitions.

You're so stupid you can't even tell what I'm saying and now is projecting.

I was talking about how -insert ideology/system here- is just a boogeyman based on something shallow that -inser opposing group here- use to push for their bullshit.


There is no definition of communism I can think of that is not about taking your shit and redistributing it.

That's a separate issue, people can steal in any system with property, but the basis of capitalism (ownership of private property) is antithetical to that theft. So defining the system as theft is false.

Now I certainly agree what we have now is a system made to be exploited by jews but it has little to do with capitalism, this was all gone over in the other thread.

first try at the first result on google sais a community with common resources and etc like communes.
just because you dont like something you dont ignore it if you want to beat it

as is calling the said two hypotheses mutualy exclusive

By arguing that their theft is justified, they are denying the basis for private property itself, control by it's owner, while wanting the benefits of such control for themselves. Do you see the contradiction in thinking there?

That was you projecting, imbecile, I was talking about capitalism, not NatSoc or whatever the fuck.

noone ever said it is.
a whole bunch of systems and ideologies arent justified or legitimate.
who ever said that its justified

i was saturising you and your retarded rethoric.
go cry in a corner if you cant provide an argument

I just scrolled up, nice to see the disinfo shill got found out in some other thread.

If 'capitalism' is the stereotype of OP, or US' current system, of course they justify theft. They do it daily now. They try to justify it, while claiming to be a system that respects private property. One contradicts the other.

I am saying there are logical economic and political positions, and when jews/thieves claim to be supporting said system while evidence proves the opposite, the enemy isn't the system but the jews.

not the same thing.
ou cant take an apple, say it because youre hungry and have it. if you tried to justifiy it its not yet justifiet/legitimised.
just because someone sais some shit it wont make it true
the whole problem here, discussed troughout the thread, is the corruptability of systems, not their legitimacy.

if you throw out all the bad apples almost any system will work. even if it means throwing out almost everyone

You're arguing an irrelevant point. I don't mean they succeed with their justifications, but that it contradicts the system.

A person who espouses a system and contradicts it by his actions proves his hypocrisy. People are judging capitalism on the hypocrites who are fundamentally opposed to it. That's fine if you want to define capitalism that way as long as you admit you are defining it with the same stereotypes as marx.

But this doesn't mean you can just remove 'the bad apples' and any system will work. Communism is filled with hypocrites as well who contradict their system by taking as much property under their control as possible, but removing them does not magically make communism functional. The attempt to make communism functional results in a nonstop bloodbath, and it still doesn't work.

Communism can be made functional, but only in a primitive society divorced from anything that can be made property beside the people themselves.

morals, laws and practical application of them in a system are not the same thing.
you have contradictions in all systems.

Im not defining any system based on its stereotypical image.
I always aim to completely separate the theory of a system and the practical application, experiments and success of it.
thats where people stop thinking and start arguing whose system is better etc.

as you put the example of communism fowards its the same as capitalism and anything else.
its one thing in theory but a different thing in practice.

just like in theory where someone sais an apple will fall to th ground below, but then in practice the apple is either picked by someone, falls somewhere else because of the wind, etc, all because of the factors the author of the theory did not take into account.

thats the general flaw with politics in theory and practice. there is just too many factors and specific circumstances you have to take into account to make it work. and even a slight change can change your happyville utopia into a GTA DOOM crossover

If politics in theory AND practice don't work, why are you here?

Your "satire" had nothing to do with my actual argument.

Your are an idiot.

dont toss everything in the same pot.
some systems and philosophies work better in the conditions id like to see them applied to than others.
you can also revision and combine different aspects of them to come up with the satisfactory results.

im not on pol to circlejerk on what system is better, im here because of three things

the whole reason i got into this debate here is because i hate the narrow perspective on things of some people. and obviously an argument is the best way to fix it, hoping it wont degrade to shitposting or circlejerking

ofcourse it had. youre cherrypicking specific systems and ideologies and categorising them based on your biased narrative without any considersation

It hadn't because I was only talking about capitalism you functional illiterate retard.
