How To Unfuck The World

My suggestions to unfuck the world:

1. Promote critical thinking and the obligation to understand and hear out dissenting viewpoints. Teach people to put aside the outrage and emotional outbursts to really and properly look into anything.
2. Encourage people not to look at the youthful and beautiful people who are only 20 or so who are used to promote all kinds of vices, but rather, to look with respect and reverance to the elders who have retained their youth and beauty into very advanced age.
3. Create in others the desire to know and to improve; so that for the rest of their life they continue this inclination. There are too many slaves who only go through school or through life in general because they are forced to and not because of any love.

Out of just these three reforms would come a utopian society. The rest would all fall into place.

These three virtues will create a generation of Holla Forumsacks.

Do you know what "utopia" means, user?

A society that is functioning as God intended.

…but in your post-modernist mind, it probably means "unachievable".

(metaphorical statement btw, god doesn't intend anything, god's will is instantly manifest… but there ARE a set of laws to be observed if one wants to attain godly consciousness, unity with the divine, and that's what I mean)

Lurk two years before posting.

Why would you waste money on physical copies of those books? At least two of them are free in pdf form on /fringe/. The rest of them probably are too in different places.

You have to go back

I'm from /new/ faggot. I've been posting for 9 years in total now.

Some I got for free, others I got for magickal purposes, also there's one book (Practise of Magical Evocation) missing. It's like buying a pepe shirt, sure I could keep all my pepe's on my hard-drive, but I want to have physical copies of my favourite books.

The Physics of Transfigured Light does not exist in PDF form btw and can not be found anywhere on the internet at all.

The Peter Hurkos book was cheap and I remembered it being referenced in Collin Wilson - The Occult.

The Quran book I got free after being doxxed. le ebin trolling

The theology book I got for free as well.

The bottom three books are all trophies of sorts.

Was sent to me by Omran AlShamsi also only Robert Bruce could be characterized as New Age in there.


mfw hiding your nigger pic because I don't enjoy looking at niggers nearly as much as you do

I hate to tell you this, but you could have optimism, anyways godspeed user..

these ideas come only from whites and will work only with whites. so since you're white and now know this, it is impossible to unfuck the world by applying these ideas to non-whites.

Pragmatically, I'm just glad to have a world that exists. It doesn't have to be perfect.

Where's your face?

Yes I know this. Anyone that it can work on though will inevitably work towards Holla Forums ideals. Whether they're a sickly degenerate that then decides to voluntarily not breed, a mongrel who is pissed off at their racemixing parents, or a white who has the good sense to understand these things. Now that said; it's a waste of time to even reach out to mongrels and degenerates. If they happen to get redpilled or not is not our concern; they should stay out of the way of things. It's our own people, our fellow whites, who are the greatest concern. Once enough of our people embrace critical thinking, respect for elders (that deserve it), and the desire for knowledge and self-improvement the inevitable result is Holla Forumsacks.

This sentiment is in line with Vedic thought. The world doesn't need our help; we only help ourselves. Let that not however be an excuse for passivity or settling for the mediocre. Strive for a better world; a world without niggers and jews and chinks.

That's too complicated. It's a lot easier.

How to unfuck the world:

1. Butcher Kikes

That was not my point at all.
I mean we can iron out the details over time because it's still here.

You need a lot of critical thinkers questioning the kike deception before the butchering of kikes can come about.

Don't you understand?

Alternative is; pray for Trump to do the enlightened thing (butchering kikes) while the masses are too stupid and passive to do anything about it.

Oh was your point then "I'm happy with a world that exists, it doesn't have to be a utopia"?

Well my response is that an all-white world is a utopia by default.

4. Don't blog on Holla Forums.

Feminism, diversity and abortions aren't bad goy! You see how (((they))) can use this against us?

Last part doesn't make sense.


I'll agree that an all-white world would be a marked improvement over the state of things now, but since neither of us can just snap their fingers and make whole populations disappear, we're going to need more realistic short and medium term goals. Long term, sure, it's possible, but it's going to take six million 88d go move to get there.

A critical thinker would question those statements and verify the truth for themselves. A good goy would just swallow them on authority and social pressure alone.

Let me explain for you then. Just about anyone can do anything to themselves and look pretty good at about 20. However if you're 50 years old and look like you're 20, you're doing something right. There are 90 year olds I've encountered (in Nova Scotia) who played street hockey with young men every day, who did not have grey hairs, who were not on kike drugs, and who lived in a culture where you could reach a hundred and just die of old age instead of some other sickness brought on by degeneracy.

The last part is about self-motivation. Some people don't want to read books or study or exercise or do anything unless pushed to. As soon as they're not forced to do anything, they become a complete mess.

Probably some disease will wipe them out very soon (as well as many of our own). When this happens, the playing field will have been made much more even, and we'll be able to fix things easier.

Or maybe space nazis will show up with intergalactic gas chambers.
Is this a "what can we do NOW" thread, or a "fun imagination" thread? either is fine.

Nigger that first one is how we got into this mess.

By forming a covert RWDS and taking out all the high ranking kikes. Why is no one doing this? Somebody has got to have the skills, gibs, the connections and the funz.

what happens when they don't do what you want them to?

Kek. Letting yourself be brainwashed =/= critical thinking while applying non-emotional rationality.

Anyone know any good books similar to The Secret Teachings of All Ages? That book was great because I could crack it open and read it for any length of time and learn something new from it. I really wish I could find another book like that.

OP is forgetting the fact that ignorance is bliss. We must find something more blissful then ignorance.


That's not what I meant. Having an obligation to hear out opposing viewpoints is what corrupted the education system. It's how all the marxist bullshit got in in the first place. Kill yourself.


How are you going to get national socialism in the heads of the people, if no one hears you out? You are nigger-tier retarded.
on yourself ASAP, since you will hang when the purge comes anyways. You are obviously a non-white or someone with heavily polluted genes. You are seriously fucking stupid.

You forgot to add the erasure of global jewry and hidden globalist cabals beforehand.


he was using the post he replied to's reaction image as a face

Why don't you just hang them if they don't? Why should you allow for dissent?

Because you have to get support to overthrow the heavily militarized governments of the modern age? Jesus Christ, do you think a few hundred thousand autist from Holla Forums will achieve anything without propaganda effort?

3/10, made me reply

Are you seriously this stupid that you think the same rights we afford ourselves should be extended to our enemies?

1. Have you see the state of universities today?

2. Not in this society. Youth and beauty are the end all be all of cunts existence.

3. Fuckers just want to get high and drunk.

REALLY? Because you can move to South Korea, Japan in that case. They all have that going on and are far from ideal.

Taking your place among your ancestors in Valhalla with your head held high

Are you seriously this stupid that you think we have any chance of success with the current mentality of the people? The media has built in a blockade in their minds that doesn´t permit them to oppose cultural marxism, otherwise they would think of themselves as intolerant or "literally Hitler".
Don´t you understand, that Holla Forums and redpilled people in general is a very small community?

Unless we change the minds of the people, our message will never be heard.
This thread is about achieving our goal, not about what we do when we won.
In that case, we of course need to get rid of all political enemies and opposing political parties just like Hitler did.
Once National Socialism is established, there is no better solution and people will mostly understand.

Really now? So critical thinking is why people don't question the holocaust? Why people don't take another look at history? Why people don't question wht they're told?

You're an idiot. Critical thinking is the ONLY reason we have any redpills around at all. It's because of critical thinking that Holla Forums exists; we all saw through the bullshit.

If everyone was a critical thinker, nobody would get swayed by jewish manipulation.

You don't force people to do anything. Instead, you plant ideas into their minds, and let the seeds sprout in time. Every person you subvert, you must do it in a way that they believe they thought it all up themselves. Some kind of brutish commandering nonsense will not work.

e.g. you don't tell people to "go to sleep", you say "You're going to have a good night's sleep" after creating some kind of association in their mind.

You've got to slip past the filters.

You maybe haven't figured out how to do this but it's not hard, it's just memetics and suggestion and the likes.

Those things do NOT come beforehand.

When people learn to think critically and have the desire of knowledge, they see the (((patterns))), and they then do that. Every person you meet in life, you should try to instill these values in them. Doing this will have an accumulative effect.

In a proper debate where everyone's sides can be heard fully, we WIN, because truth is on our side. You saying we have to censor is admitting in a way that you don't think this. Only the enemy has to rely on censorship; only a group whose propaganda is built upon a foundation of lies must shut down discussion. Every open and fair discussion we can ever have, feminists, jews, and all the rest are completely blown out of the water.

Yes - pure propaganda, pure brainwashing, 0 critical thinking. We need to counteract that by creating an environment where you can actually discuss shit without a hoarde of retarded leftists having a chimp out because you said the holocaust is not real or whites are undergoing demographic decline or the wage gap is bullshit.

Healthy youthful people are used to promote drugs, racemixing, and other vices. The society to regain its sense of reality must look at those old "veterans" (metaphore, I'm not talking about soldiers) of life who've made it into advanced age and are still healthy. They are true examples of how to live one's life, not some young 20-something that ends up dead from an overdose in 10 years.

Do you not get that you need to change their aspirations? That you need to cultivate and plant in them the desire for knowledge?

Korea does not have critical thinking. I think both Japanese and Koreans look at certain of their elders with respect though. As for self-motivation; not really, those fuckers need to be pushed, and are kept on track by their helicopter parents who force them to succeed in academia.

You have 0 reading comprehension and maybe are only fit to be cannon fodder and not part of the propaganda wing.

You get it. Bunch of tards in my thread not understanding how they themselves became Holla Forumsacks to begin with and not understanding that for others to become as they, they must possess the same essential qualities; and these must be instilled into every person we get the opportunity to do so, until there's an actual sizeable fighting force to go rope mode and carry out assassinations and the likes.
