Tapper: My son uses ‘fake news’ quip
Tfw your such a liberal cuck your own son become redpilled and calls you fake news
Tapper: My son uses ‘fake news’ quip
Tfw your such a liberal cuck your own son become redpilled and calls you fake news
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That shit at the bottom of the ticker in the OP pic, top fucking kek. Dems hate niggers more than almost anyone
Damn he's a kike? Not surprised
This is where he fucked up.
(((CNN))) doesn't even attempt to hide it.
The funniest thing is that they were the ones that started this fad, I can`t imagine how upset they must be behind the scenes.
holy shit, egregious.
To be upset would imply they have shame or some form of moral dignity. Neither is true. All they posess is seething contempt for wasps.
Don't you just love it when an enemy psyop really comes together? Kek.
Top fucking kek.
Kike complains about being called fake news, then immediately makes fake news. What a shock.
exactly. There is no fucking way they grilled obama about this shit as hard as they do/ did to trump. i was only a freshman in high school and remember all the liberal faggots cheering for obongo, meanwhile, i always fought of cuckoldry and couldn't understand how these people fell for his spell of disillusion. I mean, obama literally had the shortest poltical career before becoming president…he was a cumminity activist(paid protestor), then worked in the state senate for like 2 yrs then the fed senate for 2 years….that's it. he never accomplished anything other than being half black enough to get the nomination. Atleast trump built up billions of dollars from nothing, and unlike these tech fags, he built real tangible shit in real estate and was good at it and everyone knew he was good at it. But i digress, Fuck "we wuz King Nigger".
Well let me at least check your dubs. Nice work.
It's like when someone tries to beat you with a bat, but you disarm them and use the bat on them 10 times harder.
He jokes, but in his soul Trump owned him as hard as man can be owned.
I honestly don't know how they gave the go-ahead to such a brittle forced-meme. The first few times I had seen it I knew it was already over. It's the Lügenpresse calling others the lugenpresse - pure projection.
Oy vey, for a journalist that's as bad as being called a nigger!
Thank goodness he let himself off the hook like that. I was afraid the guilt of working for the jews was going to eat him alive.
They're not good at memes, dude.
Its amazing how stupid these people are. Did this guy really think that telling the world his son thinks hes a hack was a good thing?
The fake news meme was clearly cooked up before Hillary lost the election and they were planning on springing it on other news sources as a derogatory tactic when Trump lost. But, of course, Trump managed to win.
The reason I think they went ahead with it anyway even with a Trump win - a drooling moron would have known that it would be turned around on them - is because the term purposefully misdirects the attention away from the perpetrator of fake news and onto the phenomena itself. The correct term to use isn't "fake news", its lugenpresse. The problem isn't that the news is fake, the problem is that the press is lying.
This is correct. Hillary has been plotting to shut down Drudge for years. Remember how Drudge got famous…. Openly plotting it. Her anti-FA position has been known for quite a while. "Fake news" was going to be their psy-op meme to enable fucking with the First Amendment.
It's the jew's eternal victim complex. He wants you to feel bad for him, because in his persecutory delusions the Nazi frogs have made even his own son call him a nigger.
I have hope for the next generation.
Based on Jewgle Analitics, it was a preemptive attempt to discredit Pete's Gate
I agree with you, but I think for all intents and purposes it has evolved into the American equivalent of Lugenpresse. "You are fake news!" Places the problem squarely on the journalist's shoulders.
It begins.
The children are ours now.
Today, I will remind them.
Try again in American.
Go look yourself.
It was cooked up by the DN CIA, just like Conspiracy Theory
Kike brood is eating its genetic donors so it has a future. Weu, the neandrerkike was built to survive.
A pet rat is still a filthy fucking rat.
A bachelors in history……, wHat a pathetic faggot
He deserves worse tbh
Fuck off kike.
Stay triggered.
This is what those fuckers at CNN helped start. Now they have to sit there and take it as their own words are used against them.
First day without a handler?
I wish kikes had more distinct physical features so normies would see this stuff more easily.
They were pushing it hard before he won, shortly after he won they started going
I'd spare Stephen Miller from the gas honestly.
That's one of the few redeemable qualities even though they are hypocritical about it.
Blitzer literally worked for AIPAC before CNN.
top lel
a mighty nice montage. extra strength red pill there
Holy Shit that pics real!
The "fake news" forced meme was a direct response to Pizzagate.
Not surprised.
user you missed the better line
Pretty bad when fake news can't even keep their story straight within the same paragraph.
Even with the mortal coil forming a noose, they can't stop lying
maximum cuck
…and you just made the same mistake our ancestors did.
sparing even one of them.
Never forget the night he was Holocausted on live television
I'm imagining an anti-smoking PSA from the late 80s or early 90s
His kid's going to rebel when he's sixteen and go and start a news service that is factual and accurate just to spite his father.
that fucking nose