The Last Guardian

Sony is still saying that The Last Guardian will be released this year.

Fucking how?

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This year? No way.
Maybe we'll get a release date during E3.

Won't believe it until I see it on the shelves.

I'm still convinved that they're using it as bait to sell more consoles.
It worked for PS3s, it worked for PS4s, it probably will work for PS 4.5.

They're going to announce it at the nect E3 and never release it (again), to save it and reannounce it for PS5.


Ain't no way. If it is coming out this year, it'll be in December at best.

Ico and SotC are also cinematic games.

This is literally what happened

They gave up
They just want to get it out ASAP so they can stop spending money on it.

No they're not.

user, having cutscenes doesn't make a game "cinematic"

No, but minimalist gameplay coupled with an emphasis on consistent and realistic visual design does. Oddworld also self-describes as cinematic. Cinematic doesn't mean Uncharted.

Episodic content, 60 bucks a piece.

I've been playing sotc and replaying ico.

It makes me doubt they could pull it off a 3rd time in this day and age.

Realistic? Naaah. Sotc and icons art style is subtle. I wouldn't call it realistic like I wouldn't call twilight princess realistic.

Ueda has said that the biggest inspiration for Ico was Another World, which is the most well-known cinematic platformer. And the things he took from that game and brought to Ico are all of the things that define the cinematic platformer genre. About the only outlier is that you don't take realistic fall damage in SotC.

no fucking lie i bought a ps3 because of The Last Guardian

I won't believe this game even truly exists until I'm at the start menu.

That's what they said about No Man's Sky :^)

Of the demo?

Three years later and there's still barely anything on it that I can't just play on my PS3.

I am cautious about this game. No game that has gone through the development hell this one has comes out good. However, I do want the game to be good and the guy in charge is still the same from the start.

What, goy, bloodborne isn't enough for you?
This game maybe coming out one day isn't enough for you?

If they haven't released it on PS3, why I would believe that they would release it on the PS4?

Imagine how the early adopters felt when then were told the project was jumping onto the next platform.

the SNES had more memorable exclusives in its first 6 months than any console has had the whole generation. it's pathetic.