Breaking: White Power Pro Trump Graffiti In Restroom

This isn't a bait thread anons, someone actually wrote this article. Wew.
White power pro-Trump graffiti spotted in PSU bathroom

Other urls found in this thread:

Get fucked Jared "They look hu'white to me" Taylor. kek

Checked and Top kek

Hale Hortler

Educations Sorry Failure


Backwards swastika. Obvious hoax.


Back to cuckchan with your shitty posts. Saged and reported.

That's clearly an indian tribe

I'm actually a little surprised, shitty graffiti is usually the last thing on a TRSodomite's mind when he's in a men's room.


Did Buddha get drunk?
no seriously (((guys))) this is pathetic

14/88 my fellow white brothers

It's hipster trash too hipster for Commiefornia, guaranteed false flag

Jawhale mien fuehar
Seig Hiel

Reported. This exposes a hoax done. Fuck off

Kikes wouldn't write "huwyte", it's a TRSodomite.

Thanks captain obvious


You got me, you little sneeki breeki.


It's an mp4 and it's on the thumbnail you tit.

Why is this news? This shit has happened millions of times across the entire world for the past several decades and it's news now because it happened at a college? Have these people ever been to a public restroom in their lives?

lmao, at least this time we know it's a master ruseman and not a false flag.

Too easy.

its okay user I got scared too tbh

Pic related is the author of this article.



Can someone do an edit of this pic with "hey artler" ? Replace the nickelodeon with whatever you want.

Back in the 90s I saw swastikas, Jesus crosses, badly-drawn dicks and inspiring messages like "FUK U" in bathrooms all over the place. I never thought anything of it and it never occurred to me that someone would make a big deal about some retarded shit in a toilet stall. I really hate this decade.


I know the person they're trying to impersonate kek,

I go to psu and started, along with another dude, a psu students for Trump group. My friend said white like that very often, so they knew he'd be implicated.

I saw actual niggers tagging buildings with swastikas all the time growing up. They didn't even go on to cry for shekels after, I think it was purely to be edgy.

It's like the liberal timeline was grown in a lab.

I thought it was a reference to the way David Duke pronounces "white", on account of being Southern….

You mean like this?

No just the logo itself, but this is good too.

I can only imagine that a woman accidentally went into a man's toilet. Perhaps it was some 'female to male' tranny?

Who'd of thought the age old art of shitter shit-posting would actually trigger someone? Good times.

Maybe we should drop red pills on shitter walls.


Get out, civnat scum.

Wait, when did Cascadia become "White Nationalist"? I thought they were the lefty version of the Northwest Front.

They are.

The idea of cascadia been appropriated to get attention by both seattle bug-chasers and harold's flock of dipshits.

Hey, fellow white supremacist neonazis! How about that Day for the Rope? Boy I love Milo Yiannopoulos. Forty Eight Eight!

let them keep chasing ghosts, memes, and bathroom graffiti.

yup, it's a rabbi



Leftists are just as racist as we are tbh, they just do mental gymnastics to pretend they aren't

Lurk more before posting please


They push for open-borders and the mass-importation of non-whites into white nations. I'll agree that jews and leftists are racist, it's just their racism is directed against white people with the goal of turning us into a minority in every country on earth. Leftists love their shitskins and can't get enough refugees.

What the fuck guys. Why is there so much space?
Why don't you just install glass panes? I would never be able to take a shit with that little privacy.

What I don't get is why they would try to save shekels by purchasing short panels and then add a 360-degree constipation handle. My guess is they were donated.

Wrote this on a wall in a music venue.

Two simultaneous threads appear on Holla Forums talking about pseudo-authentic 'alt-right' graffiti in public places. D&C shills hovering like flies around a dog's ass leap in the moment the turd drops.
I've also noticed an upspike in cuckchan-style baiting threads being posted today.

They embarrassing themselves in the quantum computer thread, combined with this rabbi shithouse poetry thread and the graffiti one, caused the resident CIAniggers to resort to cuck threads.

I wonder what his native language is?
At any rate.

Hurr Hatler!

Where were you even going with that post?

I saw something like that once at a DG concert and somebody wrote under it something along the lines of "Writing Facebook style political commentary on the wall of a hip-hop gig. So deep"

White power = jews in total control?

wow, it's almost as though the entire world is looking at the world through the jewish-filtered looking glass

"The jewish elite don;t fear Donald Trump, they love him, they support him, they own him"

Worth watching the entire video from the start, but it's timestamped for a clear and thorough list of all the elite neo-con globalist zionists in control right now.

The walls of Portland toilets is now news… whew, current year, what are you doing?

I was in my usual cruising bathroom and I saw this horrrrrible racist Trump graffiti, OY VEY!
I kvetched so hard that I could only service half my usual amount of restroom clientele.

Mate, that channel looks fucking Infowars-tier.

Except Alex Jones never exposes the kikes behind the curtain, whereas this video clearly does.

Every single jew named is a proven fact.
There is nothing Alex Jones tier, aside from all the kikes ITT denying the simple straight truth.

Surely, this is real.

This reminds me…

There will be no Trump dynasty.

Every one of his kids is married to a kike, barring Tiffany (who is dating one) and Barron (who is like 25 years from necessary age). Meaning?
Well, meaning this: None of Trump's children can be allowed to follow him. None.

>huwyte power
>backwards swastika
>heil trump
More like obvious shitpost. I kekked, but sage in favor of real news.

Every time you say "huwyte" you are pronouncing "ho-wite"

Meme responsibly.

If God Emperor chooses to step down in 2025, Barron would be almost 19. Pic related was the same age when he succeeded the assassinated Roman Trump.


Don't think about cunt so much


. 2 year lurking then post

or get filterban like ME :^)

Here ya go. Use it well.

Fun fact: You can organize all every white liberal in Detroit with a DG concert

t. someone who has seen it happen

Liberals like DG?
Their songs don't exactly seem Marxist-friendly.

checked and keked


By the Emperor. ==Shit is loud==

Checked and kek'd, OP.

Heli Hortler! 1844!

snapchat tier meme attached

I can 100% guarantee this is a hoax perpetrated by Antifa types. PSU is ultra-liberal. There's almost no Republican/conservative presence on campus except for one or two religious preachers who scream about Jesus in the park blocks.

Hoax. The jews can't draw the real swastika, it's a symbol for bad luck to them, they wouldn't dare.

More of this. Great to share with normies.