Mississippi Universities to Lose Funding Over State Flag
Anons I have to tell you, I love the South.
Mississippi Universities to Lose Funding Over State Flag
Anons I have to tell you, I love the South.
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Oh, poor Jew. How else will you find your next buck to fuck your wife? Fuck these cucks. The fact that it was 57-56 instead of a landslide is a disgrace.
You're right he's basically saying he needs niggers for his sports teams.
>The House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jeff Smith, R-Columbus made a statement in which he said that the flag provision is likely to disappear from the final version of the bill in the next few weeks.
fuck off Jim
Liberal Nigger Filled Campuses BTFO
chris bell is a nigger not a jew
MS user here, our state got BLACKED post Hurricane Katrina as many niggers and liberals moved here to escape the flooding and buy cheap land.
We're still holding out because rampant teen pregnancy is managing to keep the white birthrates up, but there are still too many niggers.
hehehe, libshits are so stupid… :'^)
It's a disgrace, but not surprising. Mississippi has the highest Black demographic in the United States.
I'm sure their universities are littered with all kinds of radicalized Blacks, so the situation made the vote on the flag a little more contentious.
Yeah, Mississippi is full of niggers.
Ssh, don't tell them.
Just can't hide that Rebel pride.
t. Georgia
College sports are not important, but they're treated like the most important aspect of a university. At schools like Penn State, Ohio State, University of Miami (FL) and Texas, you would almost think that the school exists only to prop up the athletic department. It would be somewhat excusable if these football teams with their $3 million dollar per year coaches and 90% illiterate ghetto nigger rosters were used to bring in funding for the university as a whole, but at most of these schools the athletic department keeps every dime they make on top of receiving funding from the school itself. They're not even extracurricular programs or fitness programs because almost every single roster spot on every school team is from an athletic scholarship. The smarter ones might decide to major in something semi-useful like Business or Sports Medicine, but usually they just end up taking Nigger Studies and the university pays kids to take their tests and write their papers for them. Almost every campus rape that actually happens, and isn't a girl fucking a guy when she's drunk and regretting it the next day, is a nigger football player raping some white girl. In fact, nigger football players gang-raping white girls and getting no punishment is sickeningly common.
These monkeys get all this attention because they can run fast and catch a ball.
White people cannot continue to keep giving their money to Jew-run universities and their nigger sports teams. A lot of the fans don't even follow the teams of schools they attended. All the niggerball ratings over the last year have plummeted, but we need more. We need an absolute culture change in this regard.
I love our flag, hidden right in plain sight. Alot of southern flags were made with shit-eating grins.
Don't forget Texas m8. Texas' current flag is the exact same thing that was flying at every Confederate battle.
He's right you know. I think we need to start shaming people who like college sports. It's really easy too. No one should be acting like a faggot fan boy after they leave college anyway, and more disgraceful are massive faggots who rep schools they never even went to. If we can start shaming people into not liking college sports it could be the first domino into stopping niggerball
Who the fuck ever heard of a university in Mississippi anyway? What do they do, teach niggers how to fry chicken?
They exist because of their niggerball teams and subsidized Gender/Ethnic Studies (i.e. useless SJW indoctrination).
Short of Washington DC. I'm sure if we were to cleanse MS of that portion it would be a much better state.
t. mississippi Holla Forumsack
Pretty much what I suspected. Let them burn it down. In a few years after they are dead and gone, we can create real universities for people in Mississippi.
does this include community colleges? i go to icc atm. also which university is less cancerous between mississippi state and ole miss?
so fucking gay, I'm leaving this shithole
MSU definitely. They changed Colonel Reb to a black bear a few years back (no longer The Ol'Miss Rebels.). Also took down our state flag on campus and you can't fly a battle flag at games or on campus anymore. A bunch of libtard yankees started going to Ol 'Miss a few decades ago to study literature because it is where Faulkner was at and there are a bunch of really famous authers fromour state. Like Tennesse Williams, Eudora Welty and a bunch of other famous writers. So these idiots have moved to Okxford for "inspiration and to capture the essences of what made these writers works great. Thing they don't know is that without being born and raised in the culture and having generations of family here they will never understand what it means to be a Mississippian.
So they bring their idiot ideas in and ruin culture.
Maybe Southern Miss in Hattiesburg. I've heard good things about Mississippi College in Clinton.
What about seeing the battle flag at MSU or any other? I went to LSU and we have our own battle flag in LSU colors.
Why is Mississippi full of faggots?
wrong image
Thing about that is it was always an ol'Miss thing because they wear the Rebels. MSU has cowbells
I'm surprised all the nigs haven't complained about that. Despite there being a shitload of them in your state, they don't seem to have ruined your universities as much as other states. I know New Orleans is a lot cause, though.
because historically everyone already who was queer in town and nobody said shit about it except.. "please his mamma's heart" and queers were mainly just left alone to be themselves so long as they don't parade that shit nobody really cares.
Theyre doing that to Texas too user and it is fucking awful.
I don't speak confederate, what does this mean?
Its true though a lot of gays here. But a lot less of the faggot type and more like normal everyday guy you see at the gas station or at the grocery store. Flamers move the fuck out because people don't like that shit in their face here
That sucks. I've heard Austin, Dallas and Houston are worlds away from what they were when I was a kid 30 years ago. Friends of my in Colorado say its really gotten bad there over the last twenty years as well.
He means that nobody spoke up against in-the-closet fags because they didn't want to make their parents sad. You could expand the sentence to "Please, [if you reveal that he's gay], his mamma's heart [will be broken]."
Basically we know there are gays in town and living around but they sure as shit know it isn't something you flaunt like in northern and western cities.
I love Mississippi its changing a lot but its always been very libertarian in social aspects. But that seems too be going out of fashion. We are still better off than most of the country in many ways but with all this SJW shit going on its changing.
Great way to put it
Oh God, don't get me started on NO. Outside the French Quarter and Metairie, it's Detroit tier and that's being nice.
Also meant to say "bless his mama's heart." but the explanation you got was accurate.
Ah, makes sense.
And now the niggers want everything read out loud before they vote because they're too fucking lazy to read shit before they vote on it.
Most of that stems from traditional man women relationships. You don't go around talking to much about who you are crushing on but instead quietly make a move. If it doesn't work it doesn't work and no body has to feel embarrassed. These traditions are dying (or dead) quick though. Unless you go to church. And church down here is more of a social club anyway. Where groups with like ideas get together to "listen to preacher" but to a greater extent find others of like mind and living.
That's because they can't read.
Something that is dispersing from American culture. That being the traditions communities had. Thankfully in Mississippi we have always lived with a large culture completely different from us whites. So I think again we stand better here in our traditions more than most of the states. Huge reason is blacks in our state, rightly claim and have given to use a musical culture uniquely their on. So both of our groups in the state have a pride we really cherish and in most ways want to encourage. Which ends up uniting us in weird and non political ways but still unites where it matters. At home.
That's how church/community worked when I was growing up in PA too. I guess they call it Pennsyltuckey for a reason.
Though we still do have plenty of Niggers here. And I mean that in both white and black populations. A nigger is a nigger no matter the color they are.
Im all for more niggers protesting evil America and getting normalfag sportscucks to realize professional major sports are cancer to the culture of the country.
These niggers in colleges are nothing but trash that are allowed on campus because they can run fast jump high and catch. Monkeys can do that too.Literal monkeys. Niggers do not belong in higher education in any capacity.
Anytime I hear of an increased level in rapes at an university, I immediately think higher nigger attendance likely correlates to that.
Nice digits, except normalfags aren't waking up fast enough.
As an oldfag38 I'm actually surprised how fast they are, in a way. They're forced to question. Like GG, their hobby is being infested. Remember that.
The sentiment that sports has been somehow 'ruined' by big money corporations has been around for a while now. There is a nostalgic yearning for the 'good 'ol days'. This is the same atmosphere that led up to Gamergate. Considering that the normies haven't batted an eyelash at some pretty obscene scandals though means it will take something phenomenal to crack this beehive off the branch though.
Well anecdotes by themselves aren't very reassuring.
The reason I used GG as an example is because most gamers honestly didnt give a fuck politically beyond surface level shit. Football fans are not really that different at the core level.
Encouraging the niggerdom of football will definitely have a positive effect long term. Nothing redpills like niggers ruining things.
Kikes try to infest GGfags safe space. GGfags would totally be neutral to left if left unmolested, yet the hubris of the kike makes them think they can expand before the time to do so. It backfires HARD. Many previously unaware people began to become aware. Their solitude with their joys in life was disturbed.
Believe me, it can and will happen to footballcucks.
Doesn't get closer. Mississippi needs to clean house.
I like how the only objection they can articulate is that it might mean fewer, SAVAGE NEGRO BEASTS coming there for sport ball hahahaha.
This. In a year or two it will go the other way.
We'll still suck at football anyway. Ole Miss can't even play in a bowl game this season.
I don't know MS user. This state was infested from the start.
Checked. I'm so thankful I never ended up in that hell of the internetz. You're doing god's work for going there user.
I do love the south. Thankful for being here, despite one of the most destructive and uneducated populations being located here.
American empire when?
I had a buddy tell me that outside of Philly, Pittsburgh and the other urban areas, Pennsylvania is basically "Arkansas with snow".
He also said the same thing about upstate NY, (except Syracuse and maybe Buffalo), and huge tracts of NJ. Very "old-school rural" outside of the pozzed-to-death major cities. Would not have expected that.
those colleges always send back debt-burdened libtard assholes who try to convert our youth in the public schools. most successful people i see go for community college or go into some kind of trade.
PA is one giant forest on low altitude mountains. The whole damn state really. Some spots of open fields here and there of course, but the vast majority of the state is mountain woods. Same goes for most of NY.
Why is Ireland's old flag there?
Wrong ^ White southerners watch college niggerball religiously in the south and are subsidized by all the money made at niggerball events.
sure, it's racism
Time to boogie on down to some southern rock.
the south really is cuckd
It's a start.
The fact that Mississippi is the only state left with the Southern Cross on it's flag is a disgrace. These fucking niggers are changing flags, tearing down statues, and replacing Confederate heroes with more dumb niggers. 12% of the population is literally destroying the US's history, present, and future. I'm really fucking sick of how cucked this fucking country is. I used to love traveling around and seeing history. Since the SJW / PC bullshit has banned everything that isn't applauding niggers and beaners, I just stay at home and get angry.
Did Jim post this?
And in the process destroyed what made these writers great. Fucking typical.
Attaching your ego to a nigger sports team is cucked. It's that simple. Go achieve something on your own and stop watching niggers play a children's game for money.
Mississippi has the most
flag in the union. It sticks out loud and proud among all others
The way you cucks constantly shill for niggers and throw your women at them is disgusting
What the fuck are you going on about? Down here dating niggers is generally frowned upon. If anyone's the culprit it's the West Coast
Florida is more based on the Spanish Cross
The Republic of Texas flag was the way it was way before it even seceded