Apparently the Rebel media is collapsing
So apparently Gavin is getting pissed off at Jews and Lauren Southren left when they started pushing anti-white propaganda.

Bumplock if you want because E-celeb shit but I thought that you guys should know that it's tumbling down.

Other urls found in this thread:

What's the source of that vocaroo?

Some thread on Halfchan

Gayvin McInsert hates white people so much he couldn't even utter the 14 words when pressed.

I hope it burns.


I feel there is some context missing here that invalidates the claim.

Wasn't he recently in Israel on some trip? Sounds like he's just joking around.


That's what happens when you try to unveil your pro-shitskin anti-white kike propaganda on a (supposed) right wing media outlet. And heaven forbid if that pisses off the only thing that brings eyeballs to your organization - Lauren Southern and her tits (with Mcinnes aside) got page hits far and above the other worthless characters.

Serves them right.


Now would be a really good time for someone with a Jewtube account to make some shitposts about the Balfour Declaration…

Of course he is, his life is a fucking joke.

They act like this and then are totally bewildered why people think they're arrogant assholes.

It was fucking hilarious watching him squirm when she challenged him to say it.

Hey, maybe this shitstorm will finally red pill him. We all started somewhere, and most of us to the left of Gavin, I would bet. Not holding my breath though.

Sage for far too many eceleb threads lately.

He hated Trump until he realized the youth were on his side. The only way he'd get redpilled is if the faggot hipsters he hangs out with started sieg heiling. He's just an aging fashion victim.


if I ever meet him on the street he'll be a fascist's victim.

This. That faggot Gavin has shoved a mic in his rectum just to prove how open he is to homosexuality and degeneracy in general. Obviously he is pro non white immigration as well having a non white wife.If he is changing his tune it is for his own self interest and not for the movement.

There's the context. Fuck this cuck.


It looks exactly like every inner city school I've ever had the misfortune of seeing.

Shit I totally forgot about that. Suppressed, really. Nevermind, he's beyond redemption.

Yeah that's about what I expected, fucking Zionist puppet.

Apparently the Rebel has been pushing Israel, whites not having kids, and directly arguing against white nationalism lately.

Are they trying to rebrand themselves or are they just sperging out?


They went full controlled opposition.
The easiest way to detect controlled opposition is the second they go "not the jews."

What do these kikes expect to happen when they're forcing people out of their homes and occupying the land?


They can't handle the leftist backlash they've been getting lately, this is likely a pathetic PR attempt.


There was some faggot on the TRSbog who claimed to be his friend, that's probably who he's talking about.

Is that really his chin?

Anyone feel like doing a quick recap of all the dead controlled opposition projects?

Daily Stormer
Red Ice Radio
Renegade Broadcasting
Rebel Media
various subreddits
anyone else able to add to the list? I haven't been following any of the e-celeb shit, but if anyone has then your input would be appreciate. please for the love of Kek be concise and don't spam infographs. names, dates and short form please.

Isn't that Sinead? The one who called out every single cuck out there, including Gavin, TRS, and Milo?


Sinead shills for flat earth, user. I don't even follow e-celebs but I know that much. At best she's disinfo.

Daily Stormer, Red Ice, and Renegade are all doing about the same. TRS is the only one that's dead, with Rebel Media (hopefully) following.

Thanks user. Did I leave anyone out?


asked a question about muh Palestinians

this Nazis=SJWs meme needs to fucking stop. The whole God damned horseshoe theory shit is the most annoying thing in the world, and I'll forever hold a grudge against that faggot PJW for circulating it

Since when do Nazis give a fuck about sandniggers?

What is Gavin thinking?


It'll never stop and it's the most annoying part about general right wingers. Almost makes me hate them more than the libtards who at least see them for what they really are. Your average right winger follows this liberal framework of WW2 and therefore everything is defined within the liberal narrative no matter how inaccurate.

Without us pushing them they'd continue to be losers until the day they die.

Flat Earth is retarded, but it's also an extremely popular "conspiracy theory", just like the crisis actor autism. The fact that Renegade embraced it shouldn't be surprising or suspicious, they've always come at things from a more conspiratorial angle.

Nigger she thinks the earth is flat. She's either retarded or disinfo.

Here's fucking proof the Earth is round

"Nazis" have always sympathized (at least publicly) with the Palestinians and talked about what Israel's doing to them. It's only these Aut-Right/TRS types who think we should either ignore the issue entirely or attack them.

I don't think it's about anything any political analyst have to say, it's just about 'Revolutionary Movements' per se.
Conservatives that don't have an ideology fight against any revolutionary movement, not in the sense of Neoreactionary, but reactionary but not in the modern sense of the word.
It's only my opinion though.

Did you even read my fucking post?

I kek'd pretty damn hard, especially since his profile pic makes him look like a total normalfag

I still don't hate them yet, but they fucking annoy me. It's like telling a child "Look right there." and then they pull a page out of the fucking Three Stooges and up-end the entire house looking for the thing your standing there pointing at and telling them to look at. I know so many of them can do so much better. They have enough sense to shy away from overtly Marxist beliefs, so SURELY they can make this one little step, right?

It's his brain on Israel.

Kill them all. That's our land.

Why don't you start with Jersey City or Dearborn?

She's just a loony, and honest pro-white woman, but a loon. She's an ally, tbh.

MIDF detected

True. One step at a time.

Long ways to go before we start thinking about a Crusade, lad.

I sometimes lie awake in bed imagining the end scene of Full Metal Jacket, but it being Dearborn in flames and it being Holla Forumsacks marching through the streets singing and shooting sandniggers.


Hmm.. nah.

Thanks for outing yourself, shill.

Both are subversive. I'd rather not deal with kebab or skypes.

It's like you're trying to prove my point.


No, she's rope fodder, and this e-celeb faggotry just received the anchored.

What am I shilling?

For what? If Sinead is rope fodder then literally everyone is rope fodder.

You're rope fodder for sure.

He's probably just some butthurt alt-kike faggot, i don't care for her but she rustles TRSodomite jimmies hard.

What the fuck has been going on with Rabbi Media in the past few days?

I have no issue with (((Ezra Levant's))) neocohen propaganda outlet crashing and burning, but this all seems to be happening pretty quickly, don't you think?

For having made a concerted effort to shill this board, like TRS, with flat earth garbage during the election and then utilizing it to derail threads.

If Ezra is working with officials from Israel this could be a sign up them being scared of something happening. Maybe Israel is about to pull something off risky for there country and they know Trump is neutral at best with them and scared of not being followed down a new path?

That shit died as soon as it started, stop censoring yourself friendo

Controlled opposition. Is being retarded part of your script too?

Controlled Opposition doesn't name the Jew and make documentaries about whites in South Africa. At worst she is eccentric, that's it.

Do you think Renegade is the only platform that's adopted the Flat-Earth bullshit? And I barely see it here, more threads get derailed by autists who try to connect Renegade and Sinead to everything.

It's like a cult of kike-worship. Ezra is literally sending his employees on trips to Israel to brainwash them.

They're not going there to do their work and write stories about Israel. They are being sent there to be indoctrinated.

They employees even know it. They are literally referring to it as a "brainwashing trip" behind closed doors. Their choice of words. Not mine.

There are no good jews.

user have you not been paying attention to the world? There's a massive full court press against Trump and most of the msm/controlled opposition media is in a fucking death spiral.
I wouldn't be surprised if controlled opposition media got their CIA funding pulled.





The reason you shouldn't care about them is because there's a bunch of them in our countries doing much of what they whine about happening over there. They're gigantic hypocrites and pieces of shit aside.

Get your news from me instead :)


Pure coincidence.

Supporting Palestinians who are fighting jews to stay in their own lands doesn't require supporting Muslims who the kikes ship into ours. You probably have autism.

She was on here for at least a week kvetching about some OC I made to trigger her into outing herself. It was actually easier to out her than it was to catch TRS. Guess what happened after the triggering? The "earth is flat check out these goytube videos" shit stopped.

the thing I don't understand about the flat earth conspiracy is radio telecommunications. If the earth were flat then you wouldn't need repeaters, towers on the top of mountains would have massively expanded range if the curvature of the earth didn't stop it. The maths behind long distance radio using the curvature of the earth and reflection off the atmosphere wouldn't be necessary. If you were on mt everest with a strong enough antenna you would be able to broadcast to everywhere on the planet. Not to mention air currents would take different paths, piloting would be completely different, orbiting wouldn't be possible so there goes satellites and space stations.

I'm on the fence about her, just because someone is wrong about one thing doesn't mean they're wrong about everything else. so far as I can tell and from personal experience it's easy to get carried away with conspiracies, plus it attracts schizos and borderlines. I do think flat earth stuff is a disinfo theory to discredit those who have actual truth, but if someone falls for it then that doesn't invalidate the things they've been right about. I generally just assume everyone is controlled op. that said, the best thing to do is to start local groups and just try to do what you can instead of worrying over e-celebs

the other side of the coin there is that you essentially have a null hypothesis where basically everyone you say is controlled op is controlled op. I will acknowledge tho that sinead could be similar to alex jonestein insofar as her purpose might not be aimed is misdirecting us but with dicrediting us to a wider audience, i.e. she says things that are insane as well as true in order to make normies think everything she says is untrue or insane. Just like AJ does touch on the truth occasionally his purpose as controlled op is to discredit actual opposition. personally I don't get that feeling from sinead but that is just my personal opinion

nigger what Trump is very pro israel

why are stop posting this in every thread? literally NOBODY is fooled by it, you silly brony.

My guess is Rebel got enough of a following that they got the attention of the Lord Kikes. Thus they were invited to kiss their rings in exchange for their shekels. They learned it could all be theirs, but they had to first put those goyim in their place. Cue huge backlash and losing the trust of pretty much their entire audience who appreciated the anti-Muslim and anti liberal shit, but could see the hypocrisy of worshiping a Jewish ethnostate, but at the same time condemn a white one.

Fucking this.

t. alt-kike faggot

So get rid of them.

The problem occurs when e-celebs come here to negatively affect the board and derail threads, otherwise I don't care what they do while they beg for e-bucks and buttcoins on their socialmedia and, generally, let them be.

Last three days has been terrible for them in the subscriber count. Specially today.

Some good goys and some bad goys on Mcuck's twitter.

stop with the good/bad goy shit, it's kikespeak not to mention (((TRS))) is the main user of the phrase. there are enough words out there that we don't need to rely on words the kikes give us. useful idiots, cucks, normies, etc all sound better than good goy, and bad goy just sounds fucking retarded. pro whites maybe, or something in that vein. natsoc, redpilled, etc could work too. idk why hearing or seeing people use the word goy just gets under my skin, even if it's ironic it's still retarded.

Holla Forums has been saying shabbos goy for ages you newfag. It's the same as SWEDEN YES
Back to reddit, fam.

TRS uses "good goy" as a compliment, we do the exact opposite.

wasn't anchored when I opened the tab m8, and I saged bc it was a blogposty sperg rant

either way it's cringy as fuck, why use kike words outside of the very specific instances where they're warranted. it's a pet peeve of mine is all

"Good goy" and "shabbos goy" are fine, the rest are cancer.

Daily Stormer
Red Ice Radio
Renegade Broadcasting
Firestarter Media
Rebel Media
various subreddits

I just saw that Sinead was behind Firestarter, whatever that is.

If someone ever said that to me I'd tell them to knock it off. Why the fuck do I want to be referred to as goy, even ironically? That's some TRS tier cuckoldry.

Both of those are insults, you shouldn't want to be Both are insults, you shouldn't want to be called either.

Her shitty youtube channel, but there are a handful of autists on here who seem to think it's a monolithic shilling empire.

Pill me on the Balfour Delcaration.

t. I have I a youtube account

HWNDU should be on that list. Look at their board: >>>/hwndu/ it's full of racemixers and libshits trolling other libshits

Look at this godawful waste of quints. Time to stop posting and go to bed, nigger.

I have this problem and it has been the cause for much suicidal ideation.

For a while.

It was just Sinead herself, and one or two white knights. Before CTR, the shills fucking with the election era threads consisted of a handful of beaners in the beginning; some autistic Quebecois, a monarchist, Liz, Randlet supporters from cuckchan, and Cruz missiles. Also, most of those Trump-is-a-kike-please-wait-for-hitler OCs were created, and disseminated, by her, Sinead.

whats wrong with red ice anyway? they dont doge the jq

Yeah, you might as well shoot yourself in the tiny chin.

And the CIAnigger Dan Gabriel, forgot to add.

They advocated for non-white alliances apparently.

I'm talking about the faggots who claim everything is a "Firestarter Media" operation.

Not just "non-White alliances", alliances with jews–our primary enemy.

It reached a point where the different factions of shills, having gobbled up all the shitposted OC made by the different groups, were indistinguishable.

Holy shit. Lighten the fuck up you fucking sperg


It's relevant in every social media platform that immediately bans for even mentioning jews (read; all of them)
It's only silly, but entirely forgivable, on the chans and other various factions of our persuasion.
This argument has been presented at retards like yourself innumerable times yet you continue to stifle a working meme.
"Skype" allows you to talk critically about kikes online without being autobanned, pretty much ever, and everyone knows what you're talking about. Normies that don't know will google it.

There are no downsides to a tactical Language switch, and words only bear meaning because people perceive them to.
As an example, Kike literally means Circle. That's not a particularly scathing insult in any regard, but it is perceived to be so. "skype" retains that meaning through perception alone, without negative consequence.

TL;DR You're mentally deficient.

No he isn't. You're PRfagging cuckchan slime who needs to go back.

Jesus christ, were you dropped on your head as a child or something?

You need to consider suicide in the most painful way possible.

You forgot goons, /int*/ and other shitskins

And yet, my point about it being unbannable stands.
I never once said that, you lying cumrag.

You've completely ignored any of my arguments and resorted to simple ad-hominem attacks so far.
Not only that, but you've engaged in antiwhite D&C within the thread.

You have all the bearings of a shill.

Kindly find a PVC pipe, stick it up your ass and funnel into it all the 10c coins you've earned for your amazing work.

Any other info on the various e-celebs? Evalion was connected with Sinead, right?
Also, is chimpire only an irc channel or did they have a website?

Daily Stormer
Red Ice Radio
Renegade Broadcasting
Firestarter Media
Rebel Media
various subreddits

No it doesn't, dipshit, the point of mentioning the articles is that they're onto your "clever" little PRcucking ruse.

You didn't need to dumbass, your PRcucking does that all by itself.

No, you're a dumbshit 15 year old who needs to lurk more or fellate a shotgun, your choice.

"No it doesn't, dipshit, the point of mentioning the articles is that they're onto your "clever" little PRcucking ruse."
"You didn't need to dumbass, your PRcucking does that all by itself."
"No, you're a dumbshit 15 year old who needs to lurk more or fellate a shotgun, your choice."

Yeah, you're a really fucking obvious shill. get the fuck out and get a real job, you numale cunt.

But of course you can't let it end here, can you?
Go on, throw out another round of vitriolic idiocy without directly addressing any point i've made.

I've directly attacked your PRcucking bullshit. For fuck's sake not even leftists are afraid to call out Zionists but here you are, defending your cowardice like a scared little cunt and refuse to call them out. You're a waste of sperm and eggs, slit your wrists.

Obviously targeted at you, coward.

Chimpire did still does? have website. I recall it being screencapped during the Evalion faggotry. The theory was they, Chimpire, were using Evalion to eventually shill their webpage, which was new at the time., it's down. They started on reddit, tried to go to vote, apparently had IRC but it looks like they closed up shop after the evalion debacle. Another one bites the dust.

Nice. Looks like it wasn't just a theory. The fucking morons thought they could shekel farm us.

The interesting thing is that Chimpire looks like a "Not the jews!" operation too.

This is an interesting observation. I've noticed that a lot of these "chimpxxx" webpages are like this. Definitely gatekeeper-style operations ment to contain the run-of-the-mill raycyst that hasn't been redpilled on the JQ, which there are many. Chimpout(dot)whatever is one that comes to mind–from the limited reconnaissance I conducted there some years back. Tons of JIDF activity, with the "look at these sexy Israeli soliders" every time jews are mentioned. I've even seen MIDF in these places as well.

Newfags, take note of what's happening here. It's an Alinskyite tactic where you force your opposition to hold to their principles in an absolute way.

(imply "they're all secret faggots" or "secretly pushing gay agenda")

When people inevitably disagree, you can keep pouring fuel on the fire - accuse them of being sodomites, "alt-kikes", whatever.

This is leftist infiltration 101 and it's how they take over groups both online and IRL - by driving away good people out with continual toxic bullshit and accusations.

Are you defending these Rebel kikes?

not perfect, but legit.
in it for the shekels, jew-friendly
tinfoil, but they mostly have good intentions
same as above
somewhere between lolberg LARP and honeypot
All of reddit is cancer

Best explanation of them I've ever seen

This old man is gonna die in an (((accident))), isn't he?

They're controlled opposition. when they saw the anti-kike rhetoric go outta control, they decided to (((shut it down))).

see above.

Astute observation, Checked.

I wonder what Holla Forums thinks of My Posting Career.

Everyone fucking uses it wrong anyway. Who goes in the middle of the shoe? "Compromised centrists."

Who actually fucked up the country?
Who yields to SJ pressure at the drop of a hat?
The farthest ends get along on these so-called "hateful positions" (in this case marxist and NS) because they all see the main problem's cause but call them different things (porkies/jews)
The best way I've found to fight the HS BS is to break out oodles of links on countries that Reagan, Bush (1 or 2), and Clinton (both of them) all fucked off on
Iraq, Libya, Nicaragua, Congo, etc.
Sucks to have to use feels over reels but most normies 40 and under have been royally fugged by uni education. Can't just tell'em "oh the CIA knocked over this and that 'democracy' and installed some insane mofos just like they did in the ME" gotta break out the "omg halp we're suff'rin'" pix.

There is only one question that matters:
Are you with us or against us?

Gavin took the red pill, lads.

the stormer is literally the biggest WN website on the internet and they've done practically nothing wrong other than some radtrad bullshit but it's pretty small

that alone should send up red flags

Idiot, he's asking what video it's from.

I thought this band was cool, but I guess they were sandnigger lovers.

A millionaire with a hot wife, kids, the type of guy everyone wants to hang with and the chillest job imaginable. How is his life a fucking joke?

He has also lost millions because of having the balls to share his views.

The guy is hilarious and usually has a fun twist on whatever topic he is talking about shit. Sure, you can't support everything he says, but hes an entertaining respectable guy.