Progressive stack's a bitch ain't it.
LOL. These two need to take a coarse in subdivision fem… Er I mean intersectional feminism!
You're too privileged on the flavor of the week oppression totem pole, out ya go bitch.
This is what happens when you vote for "progress", ladies. This is the future you chose.
I can't wait to see muslim rapefugees take advantage of this law.
Shit, they probably already have.
requesting info on the guy who an heroed because he ran a men's shelter and the cunts shut him down
Now and then people ask how you redpill women. This is how.
One of the things that always gets me about the various SJW factions is how they're obviously keeping up a united front in public while simultaneously hating the shit out of each other in private. There's not an honest feminist on earth that would support two women being forced to room with a "walking rape factory" but they know if they don't stick up for the trannies, the trannies won't return the favor, later. So two women who got the shit beaten out of them just took two more stab-wounds to their faith in humanity by being offered up as sacrifices on the altar of progress.
Trudeau fucking kills me. "I am a feminist" my ass, Fidel Jr.! How do you justify this bullshit, you cunt?
Now that freedom of association is suddenly important, how about taking a look at
If a woman is capable of being redpilled, she'll get redpilled, but there are so many, many more who will prefer not to think about what's happening now and how much worse it's going to get.
I think redpill should be the new standard of attractiveness. Nearly any woman can have a makeover to physical attractiveness if she needs it, but it's a lot harder to change her mind.
murder should be made legal
There's another, more powerful way to redpill women. Spread memes like #WhiteGirlsFuckDogs and #WhiteGirlsSoUgly on black Twitter and other "woke" channels. Remember, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
Women are extremely sensitive to insults against their attractiveness and desireability, since it strikes at the heart of their biological fitness. The way to make a woman feel racial consciousness is to make her feel that she is being insulted _as a member of her race_ by members of another race.
The (((media))) has worked hard to ensure that white women don't think along these lines, but the woke as fuck Shaneequas on Twitter aren't intelligent enough to understand why. Get them riled up with some catchy hashtags and watch the fun begin.
the amount of women who can be redpilled rounds to zero. I've known 3 personally in my life, or at least that was what I thought based on their intelligence and how they saw reality. They could see reality, but they also knew where their bread was buttered. One works directly for ZOG, one makes a living lying for them, and another lies just for money.
We don't need to redpill women, we need them to submit or have incentives that otherwise get them in line.
women won't care what some sheboon at the bottom of the pecking order thinks of them, they'll just assume they're jealous. You have to have higher value to shame a woman.
in fairness, the """woman""" has probably been abused too
Anyone check the top comment on the mainstream Global News link?
My sides, even normies in Canada are getting sick of this shit.
As a Canadian, all I can say is: "good". Fuck it, women wanted to make us into Sweden? Good, you've gotten your wish. Enjoy it. Not worth saving anyway. I hope that being on the right side of history was worth it.
Can't make this shit up. Seems like my country, alright.
This is fucking excellent. Every time I see a story of women feeling wronged by a chimera or any other of Chaim's favorite golem I know we are that much closer to reclaiming women as a whole. They'll come back to us crying about "muh feelings" and we will tell them the conditions they must follow for us to care again
Now that is a burn.
There's a million ways that the shit CF puts out can backfire (not like he cares anyway since he's demoralized and anti-white.) Remember, white girls already hate themselves. Self-loathing is the cornerstone of all degeneracy, whether that be faggotry, pederasty, bestiality, or sluttiness. These people all have one thing in common; they hate their race. CF has no understanding of this because he's a spic and he rather shitpost on twitter with unfunny 9gag memes and complain about "muh whitey." I wonder when he'll just break, go full muslim and shoot up a white church, c'mon Crista Fernando, I'm waiting for ya.
It all comes full circle.
Be that as it may, why not kick the anthill and see what chaos ensues?
We may never know.
I'd sooner fuck Problem Glasses Skeletor.
First Nazi UFO and I am out of here.
Just think, if we let this lunacy continue, there will be 98% transgender shelters and transgenders will start getting kicked out to make way for whatever flavor of the month gender there is.
I think there was one and the owner killed himself because he was being pressured to shut it down by the state.
Too late.
I'd start one, myself, to rustle their shit if I could bear the company of humans.
Actually, it's not a bad idea, now that I think of it. Instead of everyone sitting around sipping tea and talking about their feelings, they're forced to chop wood and hunt until they're ripped enough (mentally as well as physically) to walk home and put their abusers in the ground shelters, instead. Meanwhile, Casteau could sit there listening to the endless bitching of entitled cunts.
Are you sure that's not a puke-o-whirl?
Another issue is just how many of the women in shelters aren't even victims of abuse or are from mutually abusive relationships. I forget who it was, but there was a woman often cited by MRAs that did a study and found about half of all women in Britain's women's shelters were from mutually violent relationships. Meaning a large chunk of all women you find in these shelters are just violent cunts.
Virtue signalling coming full circle.
Fick off defeatist kike.
You had one job user. We all KNOW what they actually mean when they say that.
And now the tables have turned. White women have been sent to the very bottom of the liberal totem pole. Maybe this will help them wake up.
If there is something tangible for those disaffected white women to latch to, these sort of situations definitely can be useful, if the men are strong.
Considering Western women defend rapists and murderers if they were a PoC, and even apologize if THEY are the ones raped, I dont think most women CAN be redpilled.
Don't waste time on tactics doomed to fail. We need more men to be redpilled to succeed though not all. We do not need any women to be redpilled. We only need them to have white kids, not tear up their families, and get them out of politics.
Yeah, my bad. That said, I'm sure that everyone here who isn't the newest of newfags knew that I wrote that with pure vitriol.
I know.
I wanted to the newfags to see that though. They need to understand what certain terms really mean.
Feminists getting fucked over by the mentally ill faggots they helped create, can't say I feel an ounce of pity.
Troll the shit out of feminists with this!!!
Umm… it's not the 50's homeboy. We're a minority now and you want to cut half of what we have left off? That would be fine, if not for the fact that, plenty of women have HIGH positions that once were only occupied by men. Yesterday someone posted a story about how White women are even more against mudslime immigration then White men. Don't be so narrow sighted. We get that you don't have a girlfriend and either, never have or the one broke your heart but try and grow up.
None of that implies we can't have women on our side but attempting to redpill them you is a waste of time and effort better spent on fellow men.
it was a WSJ blog behind a paywall written by a jewess.
fuck off cunt
Why the fuck is there a need for women shelters. Can't they just get married or something?
if they don't want to end up homeless they should act better
I forgot to add, that thread wasn't yesterday, it was Tuesday, they same day we had sineadesque shills. How much do you get paid to do this so regularly?
bahaha, I'm sure it is for anyone not in the centre. My first thought too.