Did you know that the largest prison strike in U.S. history is now entering its third week?
Did you know that the largest prison strike in U.S. history is now entering its third week?
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Heh enjoy your
I forgot all about it. Good luck seeing this on the news.
It's good to see that this hasn't fallen apart gives me some hope
with that said I know this was originally in like 11 states has this spread at all yet to other prisons
Yeah it's fucked. Even things like the India strikes and the French protests I only saw on Twitter and stuff like that.
We need a better discipline in helping news of this stuff reach the average person's ears. And we need more of our own pages with popular content that can share it.
Damn straight. Isn't it great comrade?
I get so fucking depressed by this.
Massive fucking events == radio silence.
It's like we're living in Stalinist Russia.
The material conditions of 21st century late capitalist America are objectively worse than those of Stalinist Russia.
Meanwhile, MSM is reporting birthdays, shilling for various porkies, interviews with scam artists, bunk pop science, and various other appropriate uses for their 24/7 propaganda streaming directly into your skull.
Capitalism is much more efficient in propaganda than Stalin ever could hope to be. People don't realize, for instance, that advertisements are economic propaganda. Some people even like them. It's fucking scary.
I have a fake Facebook account so I can post a lot of stuff relating to local news or the big news places, or just generally poke fun at a lot of stuff.
I've been asking why they haven't been reporting on the prison strike or the dothead strike or the pipeline protest (aside from the one post about it they made saying about a hoax with a picture from Woodstock). It's amazing how much info they're keeping from us, but they'll happily put up "FEEL GOOD STORIES" where people go "THIS IS THE KIND OF NEWS I LIKE TO SEE!!!!" or when they put up "bad" stories people will say "I DON'T WANT TO SEE THIS I WANT GOOD NEWS!"
There was a death of a local firefighter here because of diving and people were saying "let this hero be at peace and let his family be at peace!" even though it was an ongoing investigation about if his equipment malfunctioned. Turned out it did, but people were still going "why would I want to know this bad stuff let them be at peace!!!" Apparently I called one of the family members an idiot because they were also saying no one needed to see this but I think it was important to know about the equipment and not something in the lake or something, you know?
Why are people so stupid
This, fuck all commercials. Even as a kid, when my friends would talk about commercials and actually get excited when certain ones played on TV it somehow deeply repulsed me.
people are sheep.
xkcd did counter signaling before it was cool
Commercials repulsed me as a kid too. Imagine my frustration when the public buses I used to get to school had these fucking LCD tvs with loud 24/7 commercials put up for me to enjoy for 3 years straight.
Fucking scum of the Earth, I swear.
This leads me to one recurring thought and my main problem with socialism:
Do the human race deserve a boot stomping on it for eternity?
I think I'll focus more on how I'm forced to work hard labor in the construction industry in NYC for ten dollars an hour tbh..
I love my mom to death but she watches a lot of television and will sometimes have me look at commercials. Of course, she doesn't really care about the commercials themselves and what they're selling but the last one she showed me was one with a CGI rabbit and I watched it and I admit it did look pretty realistic.
I don't know how to feel about that, honestly.
I don't know.
troll harder faggot
Prove it
To be fair its hard to get information from prisoners, and there has been an obvious media cover up,. Though there should still be more discussion on this. I wish I knew someone with connections to some kind of prisoner solidarity org.
2 spooky
Democracy Now did a good set of interviews the other day with a number of the people involved in these strikes and boycotts.
Apparently McDonald's, Whole Foods, and Starbucks have been implicated in prisoner labor before.
So much for egoism.