Swedish Femnazis start whining about Rapeniggers lol

They made their nigger bed, now they can sleep AND DIE IN IT.

Racewar this Summer, be ready Upoors.

Other urls found in this thread:


I can hardly wait. This summer will be even more monumental than the last.

Last year gave us Trump. What wonders does 2017 hold?

This girl is natsoc and has been for a while.
t. in the know

It could get very interesting this summer. There are tons of migrants just waiting for the weather to improve to make their trek.

Stop being such a flaming homosexual, do you know her or is she some e-celeb?

No Jews, get lost

she's an e-celeb from my town, she has published holocaust revisionism on her facebook back in 2014 already.


This doesn't mean she wasn't a feminist that has been redpilled though, just saying she has been natsoc for a while.

She german?

no, she is swedish.

Maybe you're the Jew.
Maybe everyone who does this is the Jew.

Proof that she is yid.

FYI you've been jewed, you're using their bullshit vocabulary, the truth about the holohoax isn't a revision.

This whole thread has been Jewed


Så jävla sant, sjukt många sådana videos, är faktiskt sjukt mycket rödpillat folk här i sydvästra Skåne.

Why did OP deceive us in this manner.

Report this thread just for that.

But femnazi is a normalfag slur for feminist, not nationalist women, you fucking kike.


Haha det ante mig.

När bygger ni muren runt Malmö?

Tänker mig att vi smäller en bomb istället, använder resterna till att göra cement och bygger en asstor parkeringsplats för folk som vill besöka stranden och ta tåg till Köpenhamn.

Äsch en mur bara så finns det väl granater nog därinne att jämnande av marken sköter sig självt, hehehe

Thanks for the source btw


ask me how I know this is a cuckchan created thread.

Your thread is shit and you 14 year old shitposters should feel embarrassed shitting up our image board. Faggots.

väv grabben
Tråden självdör snart ändå

This video is really nice, loads of swedish guys commenting and saying they started patrolling the streets with their friends to protect women lately. Comforting to see.


Vi borde göra det till en jagjag

This woman actually seems pretty based.
Once again, OP is a faggot.


Gold OP

I thought Swedish girls were supposed to be hot?

well this thread is ruined now

Fuck off American.

Nazi is not a perjorative you stupid reddit nigger.

sorry euro trash, she's not attractive.

Ok I take it back, I just saw her Youtube page and she actually is attractive. The camera she used in the OP fucks up her facial structure.

thx you removed my drunkard sh it

muh banns

Idiots. She's a regular social justice whore. And you all are being jewed by the CIA.

yournewswire. com/cia-meme-warfare/

can someone give a tl;dw?


She is so very true, noice to see
When will he step out of this mkultra, gommie subversion, kikes or wtf mindcontrol.

5$ have been deposited to your account.




We are the replacement plan for the CIA.

Just discovered this band about a month ago. They're bretty gud

whats the symbolism of moonmans hand sign there?

if I was muslim and desperate after watching this, I'd kill her, occupy her home, take possession of all she owned and incite my muslim brothers to do the same. have a nice day sweden

Is there a compilation of those refugee before/after photos? I've seen one where an insurgent was standing next to a fence full of heads, right beside a photo of him in al-Germanistan.

Extremely related.

getting real tired of this shit

women cant help they make poor decisions like children when not being led by men. Dont throw away your race and country by not defending them. Its not like jamal is going to be procecuted (much) in places like sweden and its not like a nigger-rape will make her wake up. If anything, defend white women at all costs just so jamal cant have his fun.


Not agreeing with the user you quoted, but he's not saying he can't defend them. He's saying the dumb sluts aren't worth defending. You see, some people think that unless things get bad enough before they get better, dumb sluts like this will look around in the aftermath, blink twice, and go back to pushing the same shit 5 years later. Kind of like a "the stove is hot when you turn the gas on, touch it and learn your lesson" way of thinking.

back to gaymar gate faggot

Feminists BTFO

that will only turn them on

Why the long face, honey?

What German election is she talking about.




Be very cautious about the nationalistic feminists that plays the angle of mudslims raping our women. Feminism and equality is not the answer to that, supporting ((current year)) shit that has nearly succesfully killed the relationships of white men and women is not something to support.

Qiuet frankly you're either a complete idiot, uneducated in politics or a shill if you believe this. Just because muslims don't belong here doesn't mean there's a binary solution to this and that ((modern society)) is the answer to it. The kikes wins this way.

Hey moron if you bothered to read thread you would see the woman in OP is known natsoc since many years. Good job shilling for the jews and trying to hate on a natsoc swedish woman for trying to influence people and redpill them.



Nazi was a term created by a kike as an insult.

Where the fuck do you think you are, you stupid redditnigger transplant?

implying that feminism is a Nazi concept and not a Jewish concept. Nice try Alex Jones.

häng dig SD CONNY


'Requesting any user to make a compilation video of Muslims sexually menacing women in Europe with this song. This could be excellent red-pilling material with trolling spiced. Shia LaBoeuf's flag was captured and we shouldn't lose the moment.

Fuck off shill. You really think that kind of bullshit is gonna fly here?

Don't call me moron before you know who you're talking to. I'm well aware of her "political standings", i'm also well aware of the recent rise of feminism within nationalistic ranks in Sweden. Basically due to the fact that they want to appease the women somehow.

Problem is that feminism is a kike agenda that works to destroy the white people, some women have yet to understand this.

Inane bullshit, apparently not parroting jew-BS on hating white women is feminism. Fuck off shill.

I wish upon them all the rapeniggers she and her mentally ill cunts let in.


Traitors do not get the luxury of defense from self-sacrificing men. Quite the opposite: they pay the price.

And you, white knight enabler cuck, shall join them in their justly deserved fate.

>>>Holla Forums

And they'd be totally correct in thinking that very thing.

Why is she a feminazi?
Because she tells the truth that sand niggers rape, pillage and demand to get special treatment?


CIA detected

A racewar.

I guess we reddit now.

Can't stop watching this video, sounds like music to my ears.

Dude, i'm trying to warn anons of the recent moves of crossing feminism with the nationalistic movements.

It's an ongoing thing that could turn into a problem. I'm not shilling against anyone really, i'm just another one of those nationalists that have been seeing this occurence and the morons within said movements buying it.

I always thought it was so fucking amazing that feminists in Sweden would hate their own men for manspreading while they let immigrants literally rape them


Lemme get this straight.

CIA fucks over Europe after the war with all sorts of operations such as GLADIOUS to create more socialists governments so Europe does not compete against American economic strength and somehow when these socialists all turn out to be communists retards in sheepsclothing who go on to say 'borders? shhiieeeettt who needs em' and created a one tinpot market they now want to prevent us from going full commietard.

Seriously…. Europe needs a revolution like what happened in 1776, give us some basic fucking rights against these tyranical socialist cancers. Give me some of that regime change mister Trump. Give me weapons so i can cull the cancer in these fucking lowlands!!!!!! I'm sick and tired of having to accept all this degeneracy. All the ppl i know who are now in their late 20's are absolutely fucking sick of our own government corruption, policies and overall retardation logic.


Yes, well, then you go on to say "gibs me dat". I think I'm starting to see your problem.

Nobody is going to give you anything. Take it for yourselves, friendo.


WITH FUCKING WHAT!? The second you speak up in this hell hole you get sent to court for discrimination, hate mongering or whatever the fuck they can pin you with, meanwhile communists are openly chanting about their shit polcies. i can't even get a firearm in this shithole of a country. Fuck you talking about 'go out and get it'. I would if i weren't stuck in a prison!

fuck sake!

The American Revolution wasn't just fought with guns. Study up on the Boston Tea Party. Also, some rather famous patriots took their stand from prison. Look at people like Patrick Henry and John Adams, who fought just as hard with their voices as they did with their arms.

Even Hitler started off by speaking (and, more importantly, listening) at beer halls and town gatherings. And I don't mean shitposting on Holla Forums. You have to go out there and do it. Revolution is dangerous. If you're afraid to speak, how can you be expected to fight?

This is Europe user, i'm not allowed to speak. I'm not afraid to speak, i regularly talk to people around me and local politicians. I fully grasp history and what it took the spark the revolt against the british empire for the Americans.

The issue is that we get suppressed and if you dare to speak up in video's or in some sort of public format that gets filmed the socialists/commies go full retard and demand prison time. Here in my country, time and time again the DOJ has been the one who actually does the charging on their own intent and it's not initiated by the public or politicians, it's fully infiltrated with leftism. I mean, fuck sake we had a communist who during the 1980s and 1990s was in South Africa on the radio promoting the killing of white people to black people. She was appointed as a commisioner of the council on foreign affairs. Does this not set of any alarm bells?

Just like early Americans weren't allowed to speak against the Crown. Yet, the Declaration of Independence was written anyway. All it takes is a group of people without fear to say "fuck this oppressive law" and stand up. Others will follow.

Then take up arms against your government if you don't like it. Group together and start assassinating politicians. Burn down government buildings. Sabotage infrastructure. Do something about it. Doing nothing will change nothing and you'll be suppressed forever more until you go extinct.

Somebody isnt /fit/

heh, nice taste you got there kiddo