This man is currently the best Dad in all of comicdom. You cannot deny this.
Best Dad in comics
People are gonna deny it because he's black and/or the show sucks but they're wrong.
What i like most is in a age where most fathers are horrible people or just baseline retarded idiots we have a father who is smart, intelligent, and realistic. He raised two kids on his own and never gave up. He taught Barry how to be a good man and even influenced the son he didn't know he had.
Sadly we'll probably never see another character like him in comics or TV. Because feminist need to shit on everything.
Sure. Keep on eating that Jew crack.
This is some inverted No True Scotsman if I've ever seen one.
dude they show both black and whites as terrible fathers in TV and comics. the Cleveland show, most of the so-called black comedies. no father figure is safe from this bullshit.
I know you're right, i just have no idea exactly what you said.
Cosby 2.0
He didn't say they only portray blacks as good fathers, he said they only portray good fathers as black.
The same show also has his real dad trapped in prison be a great dad as well. He just doesn't get nearly as much screen time as Joe. And Ollie's paretns were shown to be bad people, but fantastically dedicated parents.
well i stand corrected then.
I thought he was so good of a dad that I waited for the writers to kill him off during season 1 for drama.
Who is he? All niggers look the same to me.
I seriously thought every episode of season 1 was going to be THE EPISODE they finally killed him off.
Joe West in The Flash CW TV show. The most supportive and awesome dad to ever exist.
But both of Barry's fathers were shown to be clever, loving and close to their child.
immersion ruined
What's this influx of Holla Forums fags shittiong on anything that doesn't fit their echochamber? In all the threads there is at least one or two shitting up for no reason
Holla Forumsfags are here because Holla Forums is such a shit-hole that they have to go to other boards to bitch about niggers and kikes.
If we're super lucky, whenever DC does their next universal reboot we'll see Joe West as Barry's dad in it, just like we did with Diggle. And just like with Diggle, we'll be sure to have him changed into a straight up "nigguh" shouting "Ay yo' HOL' UP"
…They do know about Stanley Lieber and Jacob Kurtzberg, right? Talk about walking into the wrong neighbourhood.
wtf i love kikes now
Yeah it makes me feel numb because here we always say if a character is well written no matter if it's a fag or a nig, it's a good character
im paraphrasing because we actually say "if you want to write a good nigger character, write a good character and then make it a nig"
It's just every thread have at least 1 or 2 Holla Forums fags trying to shit this place up and then revert as usual to calling kikes nigs or Holla Forums everyone they get in an argument look at the teen titans thread with cyborg
The only reason they portray him that way is because he's black. All white dads are now fat deadbeats, and black dads are heroic upstanding citizens.
It's not a sudden influx, Holla Forums in general has always been Holla Forums light. Doesn't also help the fact that Holla Forums is the breeding ground for faggot middle grounders and tumblr tards like you
And yet, back in the day, Holla Forums never came onto other boards shitting on any instance of black people in comics or video games. It used to be that they would express distaste for niggers, but do so intelligently instead of shouting "OH MY GOD FAKKING SHIT SKIN"
I highly doubt that, every board has always had people saying 'fuck shitskins', it's nothing new.
It's been this way for at least the last couple of years, user, and it doesn't help that Holla Forums's gone completely haywire ever since the election.
polite sage for off-topic
Here, take these. Use them on unwanted Holla Forums leakage.
Not this massively user. They usually didn't like it but kept themself silent for their clear shitposting. Back when they where challenged on argumenting before the split on why and what rather then complaining about jew or nigger and call you a Holla Forums or a cuck or a halfchanner or soyboi or the boogieman of the month if you tell them to fuck off
Case in point
The election didn't help because was already downhill from the split and that brought r/donal here which made them cross boarding and shit all this place up.
No, was also made from Holla Forums in fact are the 2 biggest board on here. The problem is that if you talk about vidya in Holla Forums you get banned for it, if you talk about Jews and nigger in Holla Forums they accept it as much as statutory rape
Eh, that's if I want to kill the thread making them sperg out…there isn't really much otherwise user
That's a goon term, that's commly spammed on Holla Forums
Its more or less some faggot from Holla Forums trying to stir shit, or some random shitposter trying too hard to fit in.
Just because Holla Forums is filled with uber sensitive faggots who cry and scream whenever somebody says a naughty word they don't like doesn't mean Holla Forums is. Try not being such a sensitive faggot. Besides, it's not like they're wrong, people in this thread are saying that the only reason he's portrayed positively is because he's black, and it's true.
It's clearly not true, if you watched the fucking show. Sorry that you have such a hardon for hating niggers you can't appreciate anything good in this world. Every single character that has a father-like status over Barry has been great, but Joe takes the cake because we get to see him every single episode.
So is anyone going to say who the fuck the guy in OPs picture is?
It's the Flash's adopted father on the tv show.
man i remember the Butlering so damn well. 4/co/ went apeshit with joy!
Then go back.
Hey Holla Forums
Hey Holla Forums
Reminder that both Truthseeker and Power Girl Autist were namefags from Holla Forums that made it their goal to shit up Holla Forums, sympathizing with them is like accepting the cancer that is killing you.
Hey Holla Forums