
wrongthink.net is a twitter alternative dedicated to not censoring anything except the obvious illegalities. It was created by the admins of /baphomet/ so I feel its pretty trustworthy.

Other urls found in this thread:


sauce me

You want me to whois the site for you? what are you. .

I'll pass.

ill pass.



what the fuck

Yea, went there, and they want me to log in under existing personas.



any attempt at rounding-up anons to join any type of "new social network" is more than likely a CIA operation. Holla Forums isnt going to use your site. why would /baph/ use cloudflare first of all, and second, why would they allow logging in from your facebook/google/etc accounts? Its ba opsec because now CIA can link facebook/google/etc accounts to the wrongthink account. Im sorry but I feel this may be CIA. if wrong then i hope you the best with your site.

There are too many letters. Just imagine how hard it will be to type web site name on your iPhone

That would be like attempting to understand what it is to lust for cock.


This. Log on to find benji has now stolen your identity and is sending a bunch of fags to your house for an orgy.

Good goyim

Namefagging should be punishable by death. No exceptions ever.

This, social media is the worst kind of degeneracy.

Do you have a diaspora account, or are you running a hub?
Don't point at others.




>Registrant Email: [email protected]/* */


I don't get it?

Not to shill against this, but…

also, when media inevitably has a frothing rageshart about the new "neonazi twitter", normies will avoid it.

The best way to shill this place would be to post it on halfchan so that the edgy gradeschool trumpfanboys will start using it

Obvious honeypot.
And the guy running it is an obvious Kike, he wears the controlled opposition "National Action" skull mask to hide his Kike features, but the Groucho Marx eyebrows and beady eyes still scream "I am a Jew."

Nice try Holla Forums.
you lost

The nose knows, you can even see that beak getting squished down under the mask.
Fairly semetic features all around, would gas.

Trap chasing /britpol/ faggot, pls.

Do I have to post the infographic proving that NA was Jewish controlled opposition, or was their collaboration with other known Kosher shills like Sinead McCarthy really not enough for your pea brain to make the connection?

Holy shit, you're right.

There was a time when the only thing people knew about Sinead was that she made parody songs on youtube. But go ahead post your butthurt. You're mad that they told you traps are gay or rejected you for being a fat slob.

Do you go by "user" in real life, too?

Here is his twitter, fucking degenerate is pushing traps, which makes the projection of
pretty obvious, and again
Your trap obsession is leaking, you are a degenerate and a Kike.
He also has ties to the Like Aurenheimer (who helps Sinead push her flat earth/no nukes woo woo.)
Man, this just keeps getting more cringe worthy.


Anyone who isn't a Holla Forumsack is at risk of eventually turning against Holla Forums.

Why do you constantly retweet Black celebrities?
In fact, don't answer, even reading your posts makes me want to puke, you carry the miasma of Kike degeneracy and yes, you are "Bane Biddix", obvious from your obsession with traps.
Just fuck off and jump in a gas chamber already, no one wants you here or your shitty honeypot.

Yeah.. what's up with that?

I've actually introduced myself as Phony Name before IRL


Just how fucking new are you?



Sorry but that seems like a satiric tweet lol

Also I'm in a Discord server where that guy is a Admin, "Debate Fascism".

Wew it's the ass end of Chechenya. Same customs, similar people. I assume everyone knows better than to trust a chechen.

Yea, not becoming one with that botnet

It also has a yearly uptime of about 3%.

Other instances which can actually be used:

Here's a tweet of him without mask.

All cancer. I'd rather piss off normies on social media than use a hugbox

I kek'd.


Lots of mad TRSodomites huh? I just can't care to move into these places because most of the people I want to talk to aren't there or are more active somewhere else. The end.

That's a real complaint, I always see them talking about how it's down or that it 's just been fixed.

The TRSemite is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a shill, kike, faggot, retard, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a namefag and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

It's a shame, I'd love to have more Holla Forums instances, but wrongthink never really works. Ron tried to help them fixing it and had to give up. Even Jim switched to GNU/Smug.

Oh, I just checked, they don't seem to be using GNU Social anymore. I wonder if they still federate.


I mean people can choose not to login using fb/google/twitter/etc…
anyone that would know and understand that concern wouldn't login using fb, twitter or Google anyway


Top fucking wew

Isn't /baphomet/ the big "dox them and ruin their life" board? How is signing up for something created by those people in any way safe?


Is it part of gnuSocial or is it another shitty platform?

It basically looks like a "le edgy" twitter.

Just use gnuSocial then. Kind of a mixed bag of people but fun to shitpost on. I'm already on /a/'s server. Otherwise I could have had some motivation to set up a Holla Forums server.

I can't help but suspect that people crying about baph are shitter shattered TRShills.

They partnered with Encyclopedia Dramatica. Don't trust them. Their admins are mostly Jewish and strongly dislike us.

GNUSocial shill here. OP is fucking stupid. Wrongthink is just an instance of GNUSocial. GNUSocial uses OStatus which is why it has Facebook/Twitter/whatever integration. Don't use that shit. Just use Tor to create an account on another instance.

Exactly, which leaves me fucking clueless to why wrongthink uses cloudflare. Use social.guhnoo.org to find an instance that sounds the least shit.

It's like Twitter but infinitely smaller. There's basically three groups of people. Normal swedes who post about their families, gay trans communist furries who blocked everyone else (trolling material), and nazi animefags.

No. You make accounts which makes it pseudo-anonymous, and each post is sent to every other instance it connects to making everything basically permanent.

Twitter is centralized Saudi run botnet. Gab is centralized, full of tracking shit, and it's an echo chamber where you'll get banned for not being Voat-tier. Minds is full of tracking shit. Anybody can run a GNUSocial instance, so you can be as autistic as you want with no consequence. That's true freedom.

given the fact that no one in the thread gave it any investigation its kinda pointless to even clarify things. Holla Forums is too used to being told things so they'll all cry about shit they dont understand

There's so little information around GNUSocial, I don't blame them. But the people that actually look into it might be a good addition to the community. So it's worth a shot.


Still Jimpacted I see.

Shill harder.

one sentence…

doesn't Holla Forums unofficially have the shitposter.club for that?

Meh, /baph/ is fine.

I'm pretty sure moonman's a redditor. Good guy, but definitely not Holla Forums.

Hardly any Holla Forumsacks gave a shit about twitter until wikileaks and Trump got on it. You're targeting the wrong people for the initial audience. Get the platform to critical mass, then Holla Forumsacks go and trigger lefties who are unable to do anything about the endless triggering because it's run by /baph/oles.

Make a technology that normalfags want to use. Get normalfags on the service. When enough normalfags are using it, then troll them. You don't start a troll site and expect it to get big. That's putting the cart before the horse. Facebook started as "SUPER SERIAL COLLEGE KIDS ONLY." Twitter started as "lol text message everyone" Youtube started as "lol cat videos."

Appeal to normies first.


You can always try to trigger Stallman.