That one nazbol on this board who says "I'm a leftist, I just hate niggers"


Other urls found in this thread:

I'm a nigger and I hate niggers

He is most likely autistic

praise kek

If you could be a leftist and hate faggots, then you you can be a leftist and hate niggers.
t. leftism pro

being a nigger is a choice tho.

Putting education on a nigger is like putting lipstick on a pig

FYI you actually can be a leftist and still be racist.


Daily reminder that to be a real revolutionary, you have to reject social liberalism

did he really trigger you that bad that you dedicate a thread to him?

But it isn't though. That's the problem with niggers, it's proven that they are biologically have lower IQ and higher agression. You realistically can't change that unless you go full eugenics and that would decimate the black population and would cost huge amounts of money and several generations. Better to throw them out and let them fuck around in Africa where they are with their own kind

Daily reminder all leftists should join the GNAA

No it isn't.

Please consider suicide

Yes look at any study on iq and race or the extreme warrior gene.

I don't getv why leftypol always defends niggers, spics, and other darkies. Your goals would be much more easily obtained if you worked with the white working class instead of pandering to other races which is a waste of effort and distances the white working class. Socdem only works with white or east Asians. Full socialism will never work with a mixed race society. Maybe one day other races will be developed enough but not anytime soon.

Daily reminder that racists are weak cowards.


the very first article I find disprove your claims, but never mind, I must be looking at "the evidence" from the "wrong angle"

This. OP is an underage reddit faggot

smh tbh fam

thats a whole different debate, freedom of choice.

i like to think that people have it.
sure some of us are born with different genetic material that will have an impact on our lives but we still have choice.

The trick is doing this without failing to realize that racial tensions just weaken working class resistance.

Oh cmon. Nigger is how you act, not how you look like. Some white people can act much worse than niggers so your argument is invalid.

the problem with understanding race today is that for people to feel good about themselves (i.e. hold socially acceptable views on race) they have to a) reject that race is even a factor in determining human intelligence/behavior and/or b) accept that culture is the only factor that determines the intelligence/behavior of members of a specific race. Obviously if you choose b) you also choose a), but not vice versa. Anyways, the point is that people don't even look at the nature vs. nurture spectrum anymore, instead they only focus on the extent that culture affects race behavior. In reality, I believe that culture does play a role in determining a human's intelligence/behavior, but so does genetics. If you disagree, feel free to keep enjoying your borderline personality disorder.

Race is not only skin deep, comrade. Niggers are niggers and therefore shall rule over the lands of Africa, but they should be kept out of Euroe and the Americas.

gas urself

The land is the property of the people. Africa is property of the African peoples. Europe is property of the European peoples. You get the drill. Each of these lands shall be ruled by their own people.

Shut up! Rafael Correa built a socdem state easily.

There is no "peoples", only the working class.

Stalin wasn't racist change your flag. You're a Nazbol and should promptly kill yourself.


But the working class is the people.
What if they want to live with people who look like them? What are you going to do about it?


Are you even trying, comrade?

Imagine Stalin standing in some conference room, suddenly changing the tone of his voice saying "Grinbaum" in a weird way and his cronies start chuckling because they're the only ones that are in on the joke.

Yes! Indeed I say hello to you fellow leftist!

I'll say they're making themselves a slave to an abstract.

It has not been conclusively linked to intelligence.

Material conditions*

No one has borderline personality disorder because they think material conditions are a large indicator of how an individual will develop. See the Flynn effect, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Antisemitism was punishable by death in the USSR faggot.

Which greatly contributed to its demise. Stalin did not manage to solve his own JQ.

Roland Boer doesn't want it to be true. He's a just a SocDem in disguise.

implying I didn't fuck'd ur mom fagget


Kill yourself faggot. You aren't a leftist.


See The Bell Curve. Feel free to cite arguments from the section titled Criticisms found on wikipedia.

I agree that material conditions are also important. I'm sure there is a whole list of other variables that also determine intelligence and behavior. I was trying to keep shit concise with the nature/nurture approach, and I would have filed it under nurture. I feel like you also believe race also determines these things, but are scared to accept it. I guess no widely accepted studies have been created, but how can they right now with all the ravial tension at the moment.

Also the Flynn effect is interesting, yet sounds suspect. For example, I believe test taking culture and literacy has grown since the 1930s, which is when the study started. This could very well be all that it measures.

u r a stupid kike


We're really enjoying the attention m8's. We're genuinely flattered.

fuck off Useful Idiot, nazi fuck.

A thoroughly discredit book, why would I care for it?

Less suspect than the Bell Curve.

Here's an example: second generation migrants generally do better than white kids acedcmially and poor white kids in Britain do WORSE than every other ethnic group.

I'm not interested in discussing race and IQ and I'll be hiding the rest of your post. Go back to Stormfront if you're going to bring nonsense like the Bell Curve onto the board.


Lol, hide my posts then faggot. You can't hide what you feel inside. I don't care if white kids of a certain culture/economic status don't do as well as certain migrants. In fact that just proves my point. You say you don't believe in racial differences but you keep proving yourself wrong. I don't even believe solely in race determining intelligence. You're right though, you probably don't have borderline personality disorder, you do have something much worse: pussy syndrome. Go ahead and hide faggioli

Based Stalinist telling it like it is.
Have a pepe and a turd position wojack.

Even the meme are retarded

Why are people even responding to deep cover Holla Forumslacks? Naz"bol" fuck off

Third Reich best Reich.

What stops a leftist from hating nigger again?

Everytime, now fuck of NazBol scum you belong on Holla Forums

now there's you, ya faggot. helping a comrade out by shitposting? or are ya feeling insecure after reading my posts too?

I fail to see the part where it's explained "why". Why does it fucking matter if they're different, better, or worse? What's wrong with you?

Specifically what does any of that have to do with geography and continental borders?

