Ghost in the Shell is Wacist

It looks like I can't watch this movie now. Too many white people.

Other urls found in this thread:


Ghost in the Shell is kike shit, this video is calling kikes racist, bot Slants and Kikes have got to go.

Let the ricenigger kike the kikes, who cares?

Yeah this is why. Not because they butchered the plot/premise and it's bound to be kike trash.

Learn to sage, this is a kike attempt to get bad goys to see their shit-flick since the SJW cucks wont go for it.

Hi Chaim

Every fucking time with you niggers, I swear to fucking Christ.
5/10 got me to reply.

OP is a faggot kike.

the original is not. the movie is. dumb faggot.

I believe he's referring to the hollywood movie although the jab at the nips is uncalled for


the hollywood movie is undoubtedly going to be kike trash. will not be seeing it.

I know what you meant, I'm just placating my autism you dingus. It's therapeutic and it's fun and I don't give a fuck.

muh triggers

They turned on the Germans still in their nation the second they heard Hitler shot himself.

There are no based non-whites

she bought a comic with this scene included, and the story is set in a multicultural shanghai, and the main character is a fucking robot, not a chink.

No necessarily. There are many published versions without these scenes

so why did she even pick up gits? just because it's drawn in mango style doesn't necessarily mean the major is asian

This is how she grew up craving Big White Cock and raising supreme gentlemen.

Look at the other vids by the chinky dyke who made this video.


The preferred nomenclature is Great White Dick.


Watching Jew shit in general is unacceptable, but watching shit based on anime is a cardinal sin. Live action is an obsolete, inferior genre. Making anime live action doesn't make it better or more serious, lifelike or impactful. The opposite is true. It's like taking gold and turning it into shit. Anime, books, manga, comics - all forms of fiction which do NOT utilize actual people are a purer kind of fiction, a superior form.

GiTS as a Hollywood movie is at best an insult to actual GiTS. Of course I won't watch it. Nobody should. Supporting meaningful media (in this case anime) means withdrawing support from the enemy, and the enemy is (((Hollywood))). Why would anyone want to watch pozzed GiTS anyway?

The propaganda machine has to die. Let's kill it together.

They should do the PSA again, except in the end have the movie poster feature a black chick. Get some real cognitive dissonance going.

The movie's fucking garbage anyway, canonically Makoto has a prosthetic Caucasian body.

The Jews think if they make Animu mangos that weebs will buy it. They forget at least in the west it is not the story itself but the ideas behind it which cause its fandom, such ideas cannot be found within mainstream western entertainment anymore. The Jews have been trying to eliminate all such traditionalist ideas from western culture to weaken the younger generations.

I'm sure China will buy it up though and they'll never know it was made by Japanese.

I agree. We have to stop the kikewashing.

Also notice that (((Hollywood))) is nothing than derivative works. Reboots of reboots and sequels of sequels. And capeshit.

Even in the 90s they ripped off anime big time (Matrix comes to mind first; a normie version of SEL) but then they could pretend that they're "creative" because anime hasn't exploded in popularity. Now they're scraping the bottom of their own barrel and trying to leech off the Japanese like they leeched off of western culture.

This will fail because as stated anime is supported and enjoyed for multiple reasons which are anathema to globalist bullshit.

Kill Hollywood. No more propaganda! No more "celebrities", bimbo whore "actresses" and grinning cocksucker "actors"!

On a semi-related note, I remember about 10 years ago there was a commercial in Hong Kong for some brand of whiskey or something, with a 3D Bruce Lee. I read an article about the amazing realism of the model by some kike where said kike mentioned that someday 3D would be so realistic as to enable Jew movie moguls to "resurrect" dead actors. The natural progression from that would be to move on to living actors. They think they can get rid of actors in live action movies altogether and keep the profits and propaganda without having to pay anybody for stunts or camera time. The Jew hates paying people to do work.

Sage for somewhat off topic.

That's hitting levels of judaism I haven't even thought possible.

Either way it must go. It baffles me that there's still people who even watch (((movies))) yet alone TV.

This is your fault. Just stop going to them.

I haven't watched a movie since the late 90s. And I don't watch TV.

not kikewashing

Kikes ruined this movie. The anime fucking warned uss against rapefugees, degenerates, and told of the real power of future imageboards and weaponized autism. When this film flops, we blame the kike EVERYWHERE! Weebs worldwide will know that the kike ruined their experience.


Kikewashing should be a term. Putting GiTS aside, we could use it for pozzed entertainment. IE, taking something normal and traditional be it a book or an old movie and injecting it with liberal poison.

Live action ruins anime from the start. This is just another attempt to hijack it and pozz it for western normie audience. Thankfully people who watch anime don't watch movies or want to see anime as live action, because it ruins it.

I'm honestly more vexed by how fucking obviously out of shape ScarJo is in this role.

It's not aimed at actual weebs and other minority rabble but the general public. In other words they are encouraging cultural immigration. Kinda why modern anime lost its way and is increasingly turning into crap across the board: all the sexually frustrated misanthropes latched on and are bringing it down to their level. Soon it will be just another vessel for porn if it keeps going this way, much to the delight of those who want to destroy Japan from within.

Addendum: it definitely hurts us too, not just Japan.

Anime will be fine. Anime finds a way. We just gotta keep the hyennas at bay.

Kill yoruself

That's out of shape? She's obviously not muscled up, but she's a woman. And a kike, no less. Why would that be wanted?

You have an odd definition of "sissyfication", friend.

Because she's meant to be an incredibly athletic cyborg assassin, not a dumpy jewess?

The only way it would be saved is if Japan sent all the degenerate faggots to die in a war or something. Two birds with one stone if they can gain some territory.

Yeah we need to make anime great again like before the loser nerds infiltrated and anime's primary fanbase consisted of sexually fulfilled renaissance men.

The Major is supposed to be really fit.

Hollywood needs to go
they shit on anything they touch

Aw, such a cute try.

There's nothing wrong with fanservice, if that's your gripe. In fact the fanservice has been censored due to western influence, which we should fight against. Or are you one of those puritans?

hey gooks, now you know how it feels when our entire history is being changed to spic niggers and jews

As a chink, I'm not gonna watch this not because they put a kike in as the Major. Hell, I don't even care about white-washing in Hollywood movies as long as the movie is good.
I'm not fucking watching it because those fuckers completely butchered the plot, and turned it into another 'the guberment is evil and did something bad to you, so now you need to take revenge against them.'
This stupid fucking plot has been used numerous times already, and is nowhere similar to what GiTS is about.

Seriously, did those fuckers ever watched the original material?
It's not even that long, the first movie is only about an hour and 20 minutes.

Yeah, when I saw that part of the trailer, my first thought was, 'holyfuck, they let a pig play the Major?'
There's a shit ton of other actors that are in way better shape.

The kike is way past her prime anyways, which was in Iron Man 2.
That was the only time I found her attractive.

it might be, her name is major Kusanagi after all. The plot revolves around how nothing left of her is human except her brain and spinal cord so her "shell" can look like anything, even an aryan man, if she wanted.

it was destined to be shit anyway

AA missiles don't explode unless they impact the target or trigger their proximity fuses. Also, AA missiles are designed to be fast and small, it doesn't take a huge explosive payload to bring an aircraft down. Fuck you for posting this gay gook shit.

Probably not.

Even if they did it would still be a watered down version of the anime.


Being anti-anime is a clear sign that you don't belong here.

You have to go back, you filthy dog eater.

That kid is a hapa?
If I ever saw him, I would think he was just a regular chink.

Across the vastness of the web there is one certainty: anti-anime is anti-white. If you cannot understand why you don't belong here.

I'm assuming you're a shill or a troll. Probably a troll though.

They're boycotting for the wrong reasons, but honestly normies don't care about watching a good movie so fuck them.

seriously the whole "Huuuuurrr the gubment stole ur life and they are eeebil" is fucking retarded when Motoko WILLING works for Section 9 in the manga and anime and is actually paramount in taking out corrupt officials and giving order to an otherwise semi-corrupt government.

Fuck this movie.
Still gonna watch it and get mad though.


c'mon man, you're better than this

just torrent it when the dvd comes out


That's my intention, even if I gotta see a shitty rip I will.

That they were. It was so full of vision and creativity and only people that experienced it all from the beginning or thereabouts can actually see the contrast. I think of Macross first since it lived in the 80s up to now and you can really see the decline when you compare what existed around the beginning to the tripe they are pushing today. Even the male leads are faggots these days.

Actually male leads tend to be jerkoffs for any that have them.

Go be a nigger somewhere else. It didn't need your shite "service" back then and it certainly doesn't today. The industry and communities alike are pockmarked by sexually frustrated misanthropes such as you on either side of the pond.

Anime always had things like nudity and all that (one of its charms is that it depicted violence and so on that you would only find in live action movies) but they weren't essential elements for your viewing and people didn't watch the stuff "for the girls." An anime or artist these days won't be very popular if they don't meet the expectations of life's losers whose life consists of masturbating to degenerate parodies their peers sell/provide for them. Where will it take them and this medium? The destruction of something that once was capable of depicting ideals reduced to Hollywood-tier trash and pornography.

Fuck you.

Why is that gook eating French cuisine?

Dubs absolutely confirm

Video VERY fuckin related.Turning anime into live action should literally be made blasphemous and very illegal in the new Reich.

Ooops, forgot video


French cuisine requires you to actually kill the animal before eating it.

Why would anyone even bother to make it live action there was nothing wrong with the original, which was only the second best of them to begin with.

dafuq is wrong with her body, she looks like a prostitute I fucked some years ago, I still have the pics

kek, if you love human society so much then why the fuck are you on Holla Forums?

They made a movie I regret watching about that:
The Congress (2013)

or kikedipping

that thing is long dead user
jesus christ, did you never take a class in biology during highschool?
the nervous system still functions after death for about 36 hours, hence why the body was moving after she poured lemon juice on it

fuck, i swear to god the election brought in some of the dumbest fuckers in the world to Holla Forums


Sure thing Wang.

The post you're replying to doesn't contain the video which you're referring to. For one, there isn't anyone pouring lemon juice.

Haven't you anons remembered that the 'boldChinks are buying up Hollywood faster than you can say eggroll.


After buying Legendary Entertainment they made the pro-China film The Great Wall


I didn't know a second JIDF existed to keep people from insulting nips

The little girl is a chink.

Who gives a shit that a frog is killed? You fags are so fucking sensitive.


I never understood the appeal of those kinds of animes. Don't get me wrong I love a good anime, but one about little girls in high school isn't my cup of tea. I mean what's the point? What's the story? High school drama?

Probably for lonely guys who never experienced anything in high school. By that I mean they were shut in autists and never socialized. Just my reckoning.

It's just waifu-baiting.
Nips are autistic enough that they are willing to spent large sums of money to be with their waifus, and the companies are just following where the money is.

anime is for japs you fucking loser.

I want to add that they weren't missing much.

Yeah I was gonna Nona add in my post that I went through high school, don't wanna do it again. I had girlfriends and did dumb shit, it's not what it's cracked up to be. Idealizing it is retarded.

How fucking delusional are these kikes? Movies affect people? hahaha. Maybe some chick cries at some romance shit for 5mins but… just fuck off. We really need to burn some theaters down.

If Japan had fallen first, would the Germans have been anymore forgiving of their failure.
The Italians turned on the Germans in their country the minute the Allies landed, nations often stab each other in the back, that is not unique to non-whites. Whites do it just as good. Or did Britain and the US not abandon Poland and Hungary to the Soviets after 1945?

I don't follow animu closely anymore (I'm a recovering weeb), but isn't there an FMA movie coming out with an all-jap cast?

Are we honestly expected to believe a guy with blonde hair/blue eyes named "Edward Elric" is canonically supposed to be asian and not white? Of course the jews and marxists who whine about white people in movies aren't truly concerned about "diversity", it's just a way to conceal their anti-white rhetoric. They'd be perfectly satisfied with an all-black or all-hispanic production.

Polite sage because I don't want to promote a shit jewish film.

It's mostly because highschool is such a happy time for the Japanese. After they graduate it's study 24/7 or die just to get a job where you have to work from like 7-7 Monday to Saturday and then spend the little free time you have sucking your bosses dick for a promotion.

ITT: Weebs and Goons dance their never ending dance of pure masturbation

Some of them actually try to develop themes and such, which produces a popular top layer of worthwhile shows and endless hollow imitations.

Drama ones are trash, but the comedic ones have some good moments.

It's like a fine wine that soothes the soul

My memory is sketchy but wasn't GitS Second Gig about a refugee crisis being manipulated by the Japanese government to fuck over the natives? Pretty spot on.

Her name is revealed to be a psuedonym and she no longer remembers her real identity. Also, she is explicitly NOT asian, neither originally nor is her current shell modeled on an asian bodytype.

She went to the wrong shop
The manga store was the next building over

The refugees are people from Southeast Asia who fled World War IV. The continent is completely devastated by nukes and they come to Japan in Germany rapevasion-level numbers. As the number of foreigners in Japan rises, the natives get more pissed off and the refugees become less and less grateful until they organize a resistance to try to establish their region as a separate country altogether.

The United States becomes a new entity called the American Empire. One episode shows a joint Japan-US-UK operation during an invasion of Mexico to annex the country.

Eventually the Japanese shadow government decides to call in the US Navy to hit the refugee stronghold with a nuke.



I could be wrong, but I think the government had basically taken in a bunch of refugees in a sort of "carbon credit" like system, but dumped them all in a slum and suppressed dissent from any side. It wasn't so much about fucking over the natives rather than just taking in toxic waste from the world wars without an actual plan. I think it's supposed to connect to the bits in the early part of the season with the "Japanese Miracle" nuclear scrubbers. That ties the whole thing back to Japan's position after WWII and how it took on a suicidal path through the Westernization that produced the economic Japanese Miracle. It's all about dealing properly with the aftermath of wars I guess.

you have to go back

Cozy as fuck


Funny thing is that Koreans would steamroll the nips in any sort of war without U.S. involvement.

Watching entertaining cute grils lead an entertaining highschool life. The problem is that animu has become so devoid of creativity that every genre now follows a rigid template. Your highschool slice of life animus are going to have the exact same characters and plots as every other, the same goes for mecha animu, fightan animu, etc. etc.

Modern animu are derivative copies of derivative copies of derivative copies and whatever originality it once had got lost somewhere along the way. Nips now simply pick a genre, tick off a list of checkboxes, and shit out a generic chinese cartoon with the least effort possible. You only really see a glimmer of quality anymore from industry oldtimers or when something from the 80's or 90's gets a new adaptation or remake(which happens increasingly often due to Hollyjew-tier creative bankruptcy).

tl;dr animu is pretty much dead and probably needs to be burned to the ground before it can get good again

Thanks, now I have to re-watch them for sure. I was probably too young to really appreciate the political subtext.

Are you sure about that?

I guess I don’t get it. Then again, I’ve lived alone for the last five years and don’t get much human contact, so what the fuck do I know about these things.


for what purpose


I'm a movie guy. Some people read, other people knit, and some folks play vidya. I watch movies. In my lifetime I've watched around 10,000 movies (saw my first movie at 5 years old and fell in love with the craft of film making). I go by a simple rule: every film gets its day in court.

So, yes, I will see Ghost in the Shell. It will get its day in court.

You can tell people who never actually watch anime by this line. They complain about the shit like Masamune-Kun without realizing that we live in a wonderful time where things like Rakugo and ACCA also get made. I mean holy shit, we get Uchouten Kazoku S2 next season. The industry entered a pretty dark stretch there, but anime is on the rebound rather than being dead.

wew lad, what are you even doing here?

I like movies. What are your hobbies, faggot? And don't lie. I'll know.

If you are a fan of the franchaise a white woman being the lead is actually a shit thing about the movie, although I'm more pissed about Scarlett being a slim body bitch rather than actually putting in some muscle.

Either way Holla Forums disscussing this is fucking retarded, neither the retarded SJWs at tumblr nor the stormfags of Holla Forums care about the movie aside of it's policitally correct or incorrect conotations, basically turning it into IT'S OKAY FOR HER TO BE WHITE vs IT'S NOT OKAY FOR HER TO BE WHITE, when that's not even the most outrageus thing about the movie for anyone that actually cares about GitS. In short, kill yourself if you think Motoko should be white and kill yourself if you think Tomoko being japanese means anything but actually making a correct adaptation.


Don't pretend you're that retarded, user.

Fuck you. Fuck those people. Masamune-kun is great.

going to the range, modifying my project car and taking it out to the mountains, martial arts, and shit posting here. I'm getting into lifting recently. I will admit to partaking in the vidya though.

Not who you're replying to but I like philosophy, fishing, and cars. Come at me faggot.

It must be terrible going through life being so ashamed of who you are that you have to lie on anonymous image boards.

I've been enjoying it personally, but you gotta admit the Masamune is annoyingly beta. And now he's getting cucked by a fat midget. It's becoming unbearable.

I'd say nice derail but this thread is pretty shit anyways.

You have all those hobbies and have time to shitpost here. Do you not have a job?

I'm a software engineer. I also work from home.

She's always been a pig-faced (sorry pigs) kikess.

Nice story

That's the point of his character, you dumbfuck. Masamune was never anything more than a gigabeta desperately trying to be an alpha Chad to enact his plan. Furthermore, he's not nearly as beta as 99.99% of all MC's. Even if it's all a charade, he actually does manly things all the time, like kissing Aki (or very nearly), kabedon'ing her, showing off his guns, directly refusing girls, and so on. All of his actions are alpha as HELL. It's only as the viewers who get a front-row seat to his inner thoughts that we can see how beta he really is.

I don't know man. I watch a fuckload of anime, and I can tell you this is a cut above the rest of the highschool romcom bullshit. A small cut, but even still.

Jews are nice tho

They make me less sad.

You're confused. Its "waste of time" not a "hobby".

damn I keep forgetting that shit fuck me

Okay, reported. Fucking kill yourself, retard.

You mean like in anime?

Criminally unchecked trips.

Nice to see degenerate brainwashing has turned you into a serial killer.
Gas yourself.

that scene is shit

You realize Gooks and Nips are two different things, right?

Who fucking cares?


Kikes stay away from my anime. It's the only thing you haven't turned to absolute shit with muh narrative.
I can't watch TV anymore, or Hollywood movies. Can't enjoy the trash and gaslighting.
Some days, just for a brief second, I wish I'd stayed in the Kosher Matrix, and just fucking enjoyed life a little.

Pic not related.

wtf is this?
just say racist

I could live with that.

Gooks are subhumans and Nips are a respectable people that is probably the second and last one worth a damn.

It took that girl a whole fucking day to learn to ride a bicycle without falling over. smh tbh

How about not watching the movie because it's made by (((Hollywood)))?


That Fist of the North Star live action atrocity I posted is what made me feel this law needs to be made. Live action is 100% of the time a downgrade and bastardization of the original material. There is literally nothing positive that can come of it.

I may not be hardcore into animu, but the shit I do like I do not want ruined by the evil works of the kike and other assorted normalfag trash.

You act like meat companies in The Americas don't do the same thing.

Paul Blart: Stand Alone Complex

Across the entire planet, white people are the only ones who care about nature and animals.

They really aren't.

This shit still hasn't come out yet. People have been talking about this crap for almost a year now and it still hasn't been released! Really not looking forward to having this shit thrown in my face from now on when ever I search for anything related to this series. though the series fanbase had already been turning into autistic normalfag cancer for years anyway

No, you shouldn't be watching this. In fact you should be sending copies of the anime film to everyone you know while encouraging them to stay well away from this movie.

The cheapness indicates this is a test case. (((They))) want to seize control of anime and manga, as it's the only popular media not currently pozzed to hell and back, and reframe it to fit the liberal narrative.

(((Hollywood))) needs to be repeatedly kicked in the balls - i.e. its wallet - every time it tries this until it finally gives up. Persuade everyone you can to stop supporting capeshit and kosher Star Wars too.

Paul Blart: RealDoll Factory Cop


Shit, forgot the video.

Section 9 are the bad guys, so it's OK if they're racist.

Top Kek I haven't seen movies or TV shows in ages, apart from the odd movie that I know isn't packed with propaganda(they surprisingly still exist).

I don't get it the video. She found something she liked then she bought it and loved it. I imagine she would have discovered the literally dozen of spinoffs by the original creator and the anime adaptions and tons of content.

What's with the cut to the asian guy looking at the poster?

user. Hollywood could very much do Jormungand justice. They might do even better than the original studio.

If it wasn't obvious already

user, stop. Asians are a race of humanoid insects. Gooks are like mosquitoes, nips are like less aggravating houseflies, but none of them are people.

why are you so edgy, user-kun?

t. a spic

Paco is just trying to deflect by LARPing hard as a proud white man

I think it's time for you to leave, tomodachi


Didn't Hitler said the Nips were honorary aryans?

He also allied with muslims for a little while, he made some mistakes.

Yeah, I always felt like whenever he talks about other races he's bootlicking for being his allies.

Fuck off kouhai, the eastern race is our only ally.

I don't think they see us as their ally though. I like animu as much as the next guy, but to them we're just whitu piggu who must go homu.

There's no such thing as honorary aryans. Not even if Hitler said so. Accepting the premise that non-whites are people is the first step on the (((slippery slope))) of miscegenation. It's also unnecessary. You don't have to think of nips as people to enjoy their antics.

Whites are the only ally of whites.

If this thread does anything productive, tell me: Which version of GITS should I be watching?

The original 1995 theatrical release.

The sequel is pretty good, but the 1995 original version (not the 2.0) is a masterpiece. The comics are pretty fun too but its two different beasts.

Also check out Jin-Roh by the same director (he wrote it anyway). Japanese fascist govt inspired by Nazis.

why would chinks care that a Jewess is playing a nip?

This guy gets it.


He's not wrong on this one though.


Those motherfuckers. I fucking hate these people.

You must be newfags, Chinese are well known ant-people with no souls.

I really don't like the casting of Scarlett Johansson in the movie either but that's just because I'm a huge GITS fan and Scarlett Johansson looks like an anemic twig of an out of shape super model rather than the built death machine Motoko should be.

She looks like a lumpy kike with terrible posture.

The fucks this GITS shit I keep seeing today?

Is it suppose to mean tits?

Ghost In The Shell

Fuck y♂️u

Well, gotta admit I identify with the video. I, too, only enjoy entertainment if the protagonist is the same race as me.

This shit keeps happening. Every time I start watching an anime a couple days later there is a thread about it.

its like youre on an anime image board

Kill yourself.

Don't be condescending faggots, just because chinese cartoons are not to your liking doesn't mean you have to be a self-absorbed dick toward the japs, at least the japs call out the jew, albeit subvertly, and are not subjected as much to jewry as the west.

She is not white. There is no white woman lead in this movie.

No one said she was white you dumb nigger. And that's not what this thread has been discussing.

The video posted in the OP is a kike-approved "PSA' video attacking a kike-made hollywood movie. They are basically coming full circle and eating their own tail here which is pretty funny. Second, we all know this movie is going to be shit but it has nothing to do with the lead being "white".

Multiple people have already said that they changed the plot to be more in line with the current psyop good goy narrative
See: &

t. Someone who knows the difference between a Jew and an actual white person and has never seen/read/whateverthefuck GiTS

Fucking disgraceful.


Reported. Just kill yourself.

They are already doing it user, very disgraceful to the memory of dead actors, not to mention image theft which should be considered worse than copyright infringement.

Hitler ate eggs, he was a vegetarian.

This is what SJW forget. Race is practically not an issue in GiTS because people can just put themselves in bodies of different races.

There's also a guy who is literally a robot box with legs

This girl isn't even Japanese

Just watch it and decide for yourself.

It's all personal taste. People talk about Evangelion all the time, but I never thought it was anything special

what counts as drama? also that vid was incredibly comfy

I remember coming home from school when I was younger and finding YYH and Rurouni Kenshin on Toonami and going "Holy crap, they make cartoons in Japan?" and "Wow, this show Big O and Gundam is cool! Fighting robots everywhere!" then as I got older, I started really appreciating the guys who score films and television series. It's been my dream for quite a while now to do that one day, if only for one project.

Noticed this too. She's a mainlander

Have some maturity. The movie will be great even if it "makes ya think"

While my "1984" senses are tingling, I'm imagining the huge potential for this. The possibilities are endless and the costs will be cut significantly.

She's not Japanese. In America there is a notion that different Asians see themselves as the same people. These Japs and Chinks don't believe that. They can even tell the difference from each other by looks alone.

That chink girl needs to stop appropriating Japanese culture.

nice catch. so is this Kikes vs Kikes?

In Africa, niggers can differentiate between different sorts of niggers by looks alone.

Does that mean they aren't all niggers?

fuck that looks video-gamey as fuck

I like the part where the radar guided AAA battery cant hit the massive cargo plane because of the infrared dazzlers and the gunner is too retarded to make manual corrections. As for the gun, yes the AN-12 is a heavy lifter cargo plane with a carrying capacity of 44,000 pounds. Though I don't know if the recoil from the gun would do the airframe any good. That being said its a tough old soviet bird so I wouldn't think it would do any catastrophic damage.

go back to cuckchan faggot

Im still scarred from watching the beginning of the fist of the North Star abomination live action travesty.

Seriously what faggot thought that was even remotely a good idea. Then to top it off, they took a great idea, ripped it apart, then made Ken a kebab, Lynn a gook, and so on. Fuck Im pissed


Can someone explain to me how this body is "obviously" jewish? From my understanding of jewish females, it's that their bodies basically have no femininity. There are no curves. Sarah Silverstein is what comes to mind if you've seen her nudes. Her body is basically a rectangle. Scar Jo actually seems to have hips here though and her bosom is sufficient. What am I not seeing?


Its the frumpy and lumpy nature of her figure.

She seems fine, but like others have said, the Major is supposed to be fit as fuck.

Yeah, I don't know what you mean. Can you show me an example of a body you think is slim (low body fat and low muscle but still clearly feminine with hips and ass and whatnot) and then an image of a body you consider "frumpy"?

No, the Chinese are insect people. Nips are ok by me.

Personally, I think she looks good, but the character she is playing has a very fit body. AS in, there is no soft spots, she is very well defined.

Im still bummed Scarlett Johannson is a kikess

Kikes will burn for real this time, they memed their own destruction


Niggers are Black American. There are no niggers in Africa.


They're all niggers you fucking idiot.


Yes it is, you burger lardass. In civilized world that is considered a fat pig.

They're drowning in degeneracy and dysfunction to the point their birth rates are fucked. Grorius Nippon's heyday was truly grorius but these days it's in severe decline. Maybe they'll start making great cartoons and vidya again once properly irradiated, but who knows. Most importantly, however:


I don't mind them existing, they belong to an older civilization that I, and I respect that. They just can't live in my country.

My sentiments exactly. They're non-white subhumans but they're non-white subhumans who get to live. Far away. This "hurr durr japs are the exception, muh honorary aryans" bullshit is sickening and probably kosher. The retards spouting that meme need to realize japs would never consider whites to be honolary nihonjin.

Idk about that friendo, 99% of waifus dreamed up by Japs are Aryan.


Most waifus look Aryan but are fullblooded or half blooded japs. They realize they're monstrously ugly on average and covet white piggu's beauty, just like every non-white race does. Fuck, the best looking japs are the whitest looking japs and they don't even try to hide it.

What they don't covert, however, is white piggu itself.

I fucking hate namefags more. Gas yourself already.

You retard, they do that to appeal to their main market, western autists like everyone on the chans




Scarjo is loosely jewish, though. Her grandmother was of jewish extraction, apparently.

Lol, delusional Japanese have convinced themselves that they look like this.

Lel, this is kek-worthy.

There are a lot of edgy children on this board who try to act tough.

Mongoloids are nigger-tier when it comes to empathy.

She's white and is just flaunting some loose jewish ancestry.

Nips and chinks want to be white so bad.

F.Y.I If you're on this board and can't immediately tell the difference between slavs, nords and anglos within five seconds. Then you need to get the fuck out!

i unironically hope to be like pic related some day. this pic makes me smile and laugh. user: I really, really, really like this image.


It's not about anime or shit like that you cunts, nor is there really a big difference between the two.

Both groups delight in the suffering of others and lack moral empathy.
The chinks might be worse, but the nips can be just as bad.
The only difference is the average chinaman lives in total filth and has no fucks to give where as the japs have more wealth and less need to stab puppies in the eyes for fun.

Though a lot of them still do it.