Brought Up LOLocaust Denial In Class

Used the "I just want to understand the math" argument to raise doubt:

Sit down, inserted a little bit of doubt. Get called up after class. Get asked if I'm a LOLocaust denier. I say, ((("of course not"))) I wish someone would explain to me the math and physics of getting rid of that many bodies. Those Nazis (((sure we're evil.)))

I'm pretty much marginalized from conversations in class. My grade hasn't suffered because I (((tow the right line like a good goy.)))

The prof is still suspicious.

You are trying to claim to be some sort of NatSoc, yet at the same time you are not only paying jews to indoctrinate you while you hamfistedly try to convince them of something they don't care to listen to, but also bending over to them by "towing the line", all this while mistaking this board for your blog.
I think you should just kill yourself to be quite honest family

But he never claimed to be NatSoc?

Anways I think you did alright OP, you established reasonable doubt within your classmates without splerging and going full autism mode.

I'm not sperging out. Fuck you. Normalfags in the class need seeds of doubt. I bet they Jewgled that shit.

Some white nationalist you are, real prime aryan material user.

There were no human skin lampshades and that is proven recognized fact.

Good work OP, the seed you planted might grow into a tree of knowledge in the minds of those who listened. Ignore the chinese shills pretending to be WN, they are retarded and living in apartments the size of your dog's house.

nice job. subtly lay the seeds of truth.

This stuff makes me rage. I mean, pure and simple fury. It's like something out of an absurdist comedy.


Perfect execution, IMO, user. The Führer would be proud.

Disregard the first responder. You cannot reveal your true power level if you wish to be taken seriously.

Chaim please, get help seriously.

Should have said "I don't think I've denied anything, I just asked some questions…. but got no answers, and much vitriol. Its very strange…", but you did okay kid.

Went a little too far, but in general good. The physics and math questions are the best. Gas chambers don't have wooden doors.


I learned a really nice jew-jitsu trick while debating various bluepilled people. When they ask, "Are you a holocaust denier," or accuse you of being a holocaust denier, state that you are not and tell them that holocaust deniers are conspiritards that believe it never happened at all - in any sense of the word. I'll explain a bit more about how it works but first keep this part in mind: They do not know the difference nor meaning of the term holocaust denier/denial. This is the achilles heel to the term that you are striking. Here's why.

When they ask if or accuse you of that, you can say no and define the term -because they don't know the definition and it's a bullshit term anyway- as someone who thinks the event in any way, shape, or form ever took place. So in their heads they will immediately think that all along the media has warned them of a group of people who think the following: no death camps or camps for that matter, no deaths or deaths for that matter, no event ever happened. Yes you are taking advantage of their ignorance, but why play 100% Lawful Good and fair when it saves you a butt load of time and crucial topic discussion as well as play against the disinfo by torpedoing the term into nothingness immediately. We're playing a game where the conversation is rigged so if you still feel like playing tick-tack-toe and not 1488D chess, be my guest.

9 out of 10 times the person nods their heads and thinks, "Wow, so those conspiracy weirdos make it hard for people who just want the real truth on the matter." Usually I take a gambit and go for high stakes claim and followup with, "There's misinformation on all sides of the matter." This makes you sound like a more understanding person because it makes you appear impartial. You can go any direction from there but from then on this person will not immediately identify someone who questions the holocaust as a "denier" and the next time this topic comes up they won't need that step cleared and they will listen. Also guess what? The kikes set themselves up for this by making that phrase a meme, by using an improper word it automatically defines itself; i.e. the term directly implies that people who are holocaust deniers deny it ever happened. Even in kike semantics denier/denial was an unfit term, but they were too brash and quickly made that the word used in the meme. It's exploiting the system and cheating the game, but you're cheating the cheaters of society anyway so that's completely fair to me.

t. Someone who debates and untangles semantics and plays the jew's tactics against themselves all the time

This is pretty much how I was redpilled on the (((lolocaust))). Took a couple years but now that I look back the seed was planted early.

Nice work.
Keep planting verifiable doubt about their lies.


That was some great 88D chess, I'm proud of ya. The normies in class who still have some semblance of critical thinking will research what you said, while at the same time you pretended you still believe in the Holohoax by saying that you wonder how evil and twisted those nazis are that they must've used some super evil and twisted ways to gas and burn this many bodies at once.


Forgot to sage. Killing myself now


Back when I went to uni, some fat fedora argued with the professor about the Arab Spring being funded by the bankers to destabilize the Middle East. He got kicked out of class and probably got expelled because I never saw him after that. That's why I can't believe this.

That's one approach. You could also say 'of course I'm not a holocaust denier. There have been many holocausts throughout history.'

My favorite way is to trap someone so they can't weasel out of it and then give them the full brunt. I did this with my sister, my dad, my best friend, and my neighbor. Now all of them hate kikes.

Seed of doubt is a wonderful thing, You should never directly attack bluepill narrative because it makes them defensive and they will reject your position. If you "agree" with them while poking tiny holes in their logic, they will more likely start thinking about those logical fallacies and slowly redpill themselves through research. Basically using kikery to fight against kikery.

You know you're over the right target when you start catching flak…

You should have written down the calculations that back your cremation argument and read them out loudly. The classroom would have been so silent afterwards, you would have been able to hear a needle drop.

kys Moshe

This is great rhetoric practice. We need more posts like this.

whoa…. so do you have proof there we only 10 incinerators?

I'm curious now.. how many incinerators? how many jews apparently died in camp, how many years were they being held x 3 hours = ?



Heres your (((You))) first post kike

Moving the overton window, one baby step at a time. Good job, user.

you only have half a ball, op.
that is, assuming this is all true.
which it probably isn't.

This is impressive. You took the time to read the post and put up a decent shill reply. AND you got the first reply! (((They))) must pay you well, or at least more than the others. Right?

Remember, this is how you are supposed to run a death camp.


op did nothing wrong

Nice job denying her a chance to get up on her high horse. These people act like there will be a bank error in their favor if they keep the lie going. She should have applauded you challenging baseless assumptions. That's what school is for.

sounds like fun. keep hiding your overt power level and it will drive (((them))) crazy. If you want to go nuclear, accuse the professor of being a closet-nazi because they refuse to provide a factual argument to support the holohoax.

Subjects in school are meant to be analysed and debated, except this one. This one is meant to be swallowed whole.

Cremations are performed in a chamber where the temperature is raised to approx. 1600 degrees F. It takes roughly 2.25 hours to consume organic matter at that temperature.
Heat Energy (calories) = m * c * ΔT m = mass of human ( average: 80.7 kg
c = specific heat of human body ( 3470 J. kg-1 . K-1 )
ΔT = Change in tempature. ( cremation temp - room temp )
Room Temperature = 26 °C
1600 °F = 871°C
Therefore: H.E. = 80.7kg * 3470 J/kg*k * (871-26)
H.E. = 236,624.5 kcal
The typical cremation conducted in a modern crematory requires an average of 28 gallons of fuel (about the amount of fuel that can be held in an SUV gas tank). This translates in the release of approximately 540 pounds of carbons dioxide (CO2) Source.

I googled a few different sites, seems like ~540 lbs of CO2 is the magic number

one kg of bituminous coal (bituminous is cokeable) is ~7000 kcal (actually starts at 5k)
HE required per body is 236,624.5 kcal

34kg of coal per one body.
3168 bodies per day (to reach 6 million one needs to euthanize 2.2 humans per minute)

107712 kg per coal per day

one tonne of hard coal takes about 13 cubic meter of space
108 tonnes of coal per day = 1400 cubic meters of space

That's 1.4 cubic kilometers per day.
1.4 kilometers are almost 13 football fields long.
Have fun shoveling that coal.
FOR 5 years of regime.
1825 DAYS!
196574400 kg of coal in 5 years( 196574 tonnes of coal required overall.)

The only people genocided in this scheme are the german workers trying to feed
the furnaces.

Every ton of coke requires about 1.6tons of coking coal.
Not to mention the coal required to run the coking furnaces.

I know this is pasta but

As someone too busy right now, can anyone else verify the math of this?

Ah, right, I forgot to correct that. Doing that now.

I know for sure that the coal values are "accurate" (as accurate as something that has a range of 5k-~8k can be)

I went with 7k because I figure German coal would be refined enough.

The body cremation formula I lifted off a jewgle search.

And by correct I mean leaving it out.
Everything else stays the same.

Hide your fucking power level, you damn autist. Are you fucking AlphaBlaster or something?

lel, i like you

what nigger?

No, AlphaBlaster was a legit faggot, while OP is less of a fag.

Only faggots or niggers hide their power levels
you're both

It's bad

But I guess it's okay to use as an approximation to prove a point.

First pic here on the other hand is just fucking bizarrely wrong I don't even know what it's trying to do

Found the firstposting kike.

OP, you're doing what the kikes pray and hope no one ever does; raise doubt at the institutions they use to indoctrinate.

Anyone at uni/college should be doing this. Raise doubt where there are holes and watch their house of cards blow over.

Scholars can (and do) say the War of the Roses didn't happen. Nobody gets mad.

Might want to keep asking. Lot's of nice things to ask :)

This is a fun question which prompted an interesting idea I just had. The media says that we must constantly remember the 6 million whereas ignores atrocities which were far larger in scope. Doesn't that imply that the 6 million Jewish lives are more valuable than lives of larger atrocities?

Just tell him his (((facts))) don't match reality :)

I guess that Friedman speech should slumber in the Congressional Library somewhere, just got to dig it up….

Topkek. I just speak out and inflate the numbers and stories to such a degree that everyone is like "Well, I don't think…"

…and then maybe ask the School why they are teaching Jewish lies? If that doesn't trigger the cunts, I don't know what will.

The Holodomor has been bumped down to 2-5 million according to kikepedia, although I thought the original count was close to 10 million.

If you sowed a seed of doubt in one other student it's a victory. It is obvious (to me) that we're gradually winning.

60 million.
60 million Christians, slaughtered by the Jews.

The will get their Armageddon alright. Jesus will gas them all.

You can also call any mortuary and ask them. Maybe not about coal, unless they know the history behind the business, but they can vouch for everything else. Back in my blue-pilled days, someone challenged me to call up some mortuaries and ask them how long it takes to burn a body, and I did. Called three of them before I finally accepted it.

God willing

This is what someone does for a living. A very poor paying living. I thought kikes were supposed to be shrewd and clever, you fucking suck

Listening to it on youtube. Many recordings. Interesting. Search "Benjamin Freedman's 1961 - Warns America About The Jews "

FFS 1,000m3 is NOT 1km3, 1,000,000,000m3 is 1km3.

Also the estimate for Auschwitz is 1 000 000 000 dead for 3 years (32 months… even if most weren't up until mid 1943…) and which is the current """serious""" estimate and immensely lower already than the original one).

That's 910 corpse per day (that were probably way lower than an 80kg average). 31t of coal per day.

403m3 of coal. So six 40′ container… of coal per day. It's doable fuel wise. (Doesn't sound like much but it's still a 180m², 2,591m high stack of coal… a bit under the amount of coal a liner used to take a Liverpool-NYC. Every single day. Doable but still fucking high).

What breaks the laws of physics are the crematories themselves. Because even with this low you're still at one human burned under two minutes.
So you need at the very least a 75 crematories (it's more) in use 24/7 (which is impossible) during 36 months (and not 32) and with great quality German oven that reduce corpses to ash in only 2h (instead of 2h15).

So yeah even in getting the lowest estimation as you can it's still impossible.

It's actually kind of sad you have to resort to basically being raped with lube in your country if you want to start a conversation about the reliability of holohax claims.
During holoclasses I just brought papers with facts and it was a breeze.
If they use buzzwords just say "This is about historicity and academic factuality. If the school makes a claim and tells us it's not just theory but a mathematically proven fact it must provide evidence. In class we label many observable phenomenons as theories because there is no tangible proof. In this class we question the very existence of major historical figures and even whole countries, but on these figures we are supposed to just listen and believe without investigating historicity?"
After this they are either crying in a corner or desperately trying to change subject, which is MUCH more effective on classmates than being a cowardly good goyim trying to be a smartass and unable to actually make an objective case for historicity.
But please go ahead with the self-fellating illusion that being a generic average middle guy type is somehow the pinnacle of dialectics.

This is how it's been done in every place that has had actual genocide happen like Serbia, Soviet Russia, etc.

mfw never went to school or highschool or university
mfw will never understand what causes normies to be so irrational non-critical thinkers
mfw will never understand what kind of dynamic is going on that they can be so retarded
mfw first exposure to holocaust denial and I just listened attentively, no emotional reaction, and wasn't particularly interested one way or another
mfw eventually I learned more and more because it kept being posted about on /new/ and I became redpilled on jews

Prior to /new/ I thought of jews as a kind of weird/ugly religious minority of no consequence.

After /new/ I realized were corrupted to the core of their being and also hold positions of authority all throughout society and use that power to spread their inherent corruption.

This is a good way to subtly redpill normies. Even though much of the class got triggered, there was probably at least 1 person listening who was at least intrigued by the discussion. OP managed to calmly question the validity of the professor's assertions while not offering a direct alternative. If OP had asserted that the holocaust did not happen, then the professor would be asking OP for proof, and OP would be on the back foot. Instead, OP pretty much took the calm attitude of, "You need to prove this to me."

In scenarios like this, its best NOT to take any hard stand for holocaust denial. Just be skeptical of what the other person is telling you without really stating a position of your own. This way, the professor, or the leftist, looks like a try-hard while you offer nothing for the leftist to attack. Act like you have not really made a decision on the matter while poking holes in the leftist's arguments. Feign them by saying, "I don't get it" but subtly imply it is because the leftist is bad at explaining it.

Normies don't like being told what to believe in, especially if they are initially against it. They feel manipulated. But when someone discovers something on their own, they feel like they came to the conclusions themselves, and feel smart. this is why you just leave them breadcrumbs and make them doubt leftist without shoving the alternative in their faces.

Having a simple fallback position of "I just want to see the math" is great. You can always go back to this position is the conversation goes off the rails. Any time the leftist tries to strawman or ad hominem, just repeat, "I just want to see the math." This basically resets the conversation. It is effectively your statement of position and should be like your home base in an argument, easy to return to, stupidly simple, involves no numbers or details, and sounds reasonable to normies.

Worse that's how the Germans actually did it too… For example the massive executions that happened in soviet major cities as anti-partisan action because the NKVD had a tactic consisting of rigging to blow the various Communist party, official buildings administration, etc…. When the germans took the city they naturally seized a lot of those those to install their own command posts. Then NKVD soldiers disguised as civilians and still in the city blew them up. As a result the troops, with part of their leadership gone and a serious axe to grind did round up a lot of "undesirable elements" and just drove them to a quiet place and shot them.

The most famous example of that is Baby Yar massacre (which is possibly exaggerated but certainly did happen) but there was several others occasion.
The Wermacht (not even the SS) did have an SOP against partizan actions of rounding up locals and shoot them for example (which was standard at the time… the french and brits in their colonies will actually continue to do that up until the 60's…), it happened on the West front too (by Ostfront troops mostly, which had taken up the habit) it's not just communist propaganda, like every myth it's based on something that did happened.

Yeah, that's Chaim alright … or Berenice.

this is the "I'm not really a racist" tactic that hasn't worked since the holocaust was conceived. Pointing out problems with the narrative will absolutely make some question it, but there is no magic counter to the wrongthink! thought-bubble that pops up over most heads. It certainly won't keep you from being called a denier by anyone fully indoctrinated.

if he meant the (((bankers))) he was surprisingly reasonable for a fat fedora

Most 'conspiracy theories' I really don't know much about, but if there is one thing that makes you skeptical of the official story, point it out. Or use the biggest one if you are more knowledgeable. This worked on me (simple crematory math is a good one) and is the only thing that I have tried that has worked on others unless you can find absolute proof. Which isn't going to happen on any of the big stuff. Your math fallback if properly executed is a sly demand for logic which people rarely have in arguments

13+ years of daily leftist indoctrination will soon change that.