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Do all anarchists have a flag fetish?

radtrads can't into anarchy
and don't act like Stirner's on your side faggot

Invert it but keep egoist anarchism in high tier.

Oh, and keep primmies in low tier as well.

Get out.

Let a dog bite you in the Dick OP

flags are for fags

Well, none of them are very aesthetically pleasing. I'm not sure what you tried with the teal+black and a white crown combination. Yellow and black, is far too stark, like some buzzing bee trying to sting you. Teal, black and a white circle? I don't understand. White and black, given the background color you chose it's just a black triangle… Orange and black, I could see how it could be pleasing in certain contexts but honestly I wouldn't wear it. Certainly not decorate my house in those colors.

Purple and black, it's a nice look, fairly pretentious but it can work on a walkway, in the proper fashion show. Green and black? No idea what you were thinking there. You need a certain kind of style of character, and gravitas like face to pull that shit off. Shock blue and black, again… I have no idea what you were thinking.

Red and black at least sort of works, not that dependant on the type of person. Most people could pull that shit off, and not look like a total retard. Grey and black, similarly, kind of… bit boring, though, depends on the style of attire and its form more than its base colors.

Pink and black? Shit. You gotta be a special kind of someone to wear that without looking like a retard.

tl;dr: Your art kind of sucks, and your eye for colors is just… weird.

I fixed your image OP


Make Anarcho-Hoxhaist!

lenin ruined russia

lenin saved russia

Stalin ruined russia

This. Stalin ruined communism. Lenin had his faults, but he was a committed revolutionary who greatly increased the standards of living in Russia and ratified one of the most libertarian (as in freedom, not as in right wing retardation) constitutions in history.

I hope you burn in the nuclear flames.

I really wish we lived in the Trotsky timeline.


The only one who could've brought socialism to the USSR was Lenin.

Well I'm okay with Lenin not having a stroke too. But Stalin was both psychotic and stupid, it's hard to see how Trotsky could be worse.

Good point, but if Trotsky hadn't killed off the black army in Ukraine they could've achieved socialism. And, although I'm not 100% sure, I've heard that Lenin wanted to leave the free territory alone.

"Anarcho" monarchism.
God tier.

"Anarcho" capitalism.
High Tier.

Damn it those are some pretty shitty choices and you should hang yourself.

top tier:

ancom, nihilism

high tier:

egoism, anfem

mid tier:


joke tier: all the other ones


Mutualism is a halloween religion.


I agree. Nothing wrong here.