(((Steven Spielberg))) & (((J.J. Abrams))) to Produce Syrian Refugee Drama


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Those noses

They don't realize how much this is going to blow up in their faces. I am sure both these retards are already thinking "Schindlers List" type guilt trip affect on the rest of humanity when this will just expose them and their previous tricks to the masses.

The huge right wing movement that has happened in the last 5 or so years is directly because of this "refugee" bullshit and people not wanting their women and children raped. Its a primal instinct you cannot get rid of. This movie will be the end of their careers much like Will "cleanse em" Smith ended his by opening his mouth too wide.

JJ Abrams is terrible, but his fans are worse. I happened to find myself somewhere sitting at the table next to him. The amount of grown men who groveled in front of him and would probably have sucked his dick if he asked was disgusting. I heard one faggot say "Oh Mr Abrams thank you for all that you have done." As if the stupid kike cured titty cancer or some shit.

Oy vey, don't you goyim just feel so sorry for these poor helpless refugees who have to go through so much to get to your countries?


George Lucas is redpilled AF. No wonder Star Wars got a double dose of enrichment after it was bought.

I do. We should have them go to countries all over the world to escape the terror the face now. Surely Israel will welcome such people with open arms.

Is Spielberg immortal?

Holy shit why haven't I seen this before. Hes literally calling out the jew for white slavery.

Maybe Americans will fall for this shit but how can Europeans? Don't they see with their own eyes that the "Refugees" that are in their countries aren't even Syrian?

They are literal hoards of niggers and people from every other country but Syria showing up at their borders and living in those containment camps.

Americans will fall for this kike narrative because we are dealing with a different immigration problem. Niggers from Africa dripped in small groups at a time and are dispersed around America thanks to Obongo. But most people here are completely unaware unless you were unlucky enough to have them dumped near you.

Spics are the main course when it comes to forced diversity. Most Americans don't deal with sudo-Syrian refugees and I'm willing to bet that most Americans don't even know a sandnigger in real life let alone live by groups of them. So it's easy to push this "muh syrians" narrative here in the USA when you make the story about a young attractive 19-yr old who just wants a shot to make a better life and fuck a nice American man like you. Why are we not letting these refugees in again? They are just like us!

What always bothered me about the Syrian refugee bleeding hearts is that not at any point do they ever ask why the fuck they are refugees in the first place.

I'm getting really sick of these kikes and their shenanigans.

No, but he injects so much newborn blood that he might as well be so long as he's got a supply.

Inb4 the streets of Aleppo are paved with Syrian rebel tombstones.

Will it be like a muzzie version of castaway?

Just more libtard fodder for hollywood ponces. WILL BOMB.

it's the end result of all the anti-Lucas conditioning that was pushed out for decades. literally anyone they deemed "the savior of Star Wars" would be worshiped like this no matter how shit their movies actually are.

All Star Wars movies are shit, so it's really not much of a departure.

White slavery is a euphemism for prostitution.

anakin was enslaved by the jew watto
his mother was raped to death by sandniggers
he was held back by the jedi council because of affirmative action
no wonder he went mental

That's strange. I didn't realize that Egypt was at war.

Look at that pic. I defy anyone to tell me those two don't know what each other's semen tastes like.

George also exposed normies to the idea that the Sith couldn't directly fight the Jedi and win so the Sith had to take over their government to destroy them. I remember when Revenge of the Sith came out and the MSM was pissing all over it and saying its terrible and too political etc.


Regardless of social engineering normal fags will not be entertained by some sandnegress and turdlets floating about waiting for white people to save them so they can parasitize their country.

Seems legit

Will normalfags be too braindead to work this out?

I bet the movie will either completely gloss over her coming from Egypt, or depict Egypt as a terribly unsafe place that's at war.

I thought it was because their pride got in the way?

Based on the fact that there's a FIFTH Michael Bay Transformers movie coming out, I'm inclined to believe the normals are just drawn to theaters by some sort of flocking instinct based on the smell of popcorn.

Not to defend normalfags, but I believe it's the chinks who make Transformers movies profitable. That's the reason for the increasing number of chinks in movies too.








Hey I would gas Steven but Nightmare Before Christmas is the shit.





Yes it is but he called them "White slavers".
Now who did he sell star wars to?

Same here user why would anyone have to flee Egypt when you can just study archeology and get a job studying the ancient pyramids there are 100's scattered all over Egypt.


I think he was referring to him becoming a Knight at first.




Get thinking. If we can steal Shia's flag, we can make this movie hard for them to make.

We need a team on the case

North Americans also go to those fucking abortions in droves. I learned my lesson after the first one. I took my kid, and spent the next two hours in a rage as the robots I had come to see took a backseat to Michael Bay's male and female cum-dumpsters pretending to have a romantic relationship.

The best way to sabotage this is to let them release it. You really think this bullshit is going to change any minds?

Serves you right for abusing your child like that.

Oh they'll still release it, we can just run up their production costs, making the movie a flop before it is even released.

Hit the Jew where it hurts him most - his wallet



Chinks and street shitters account for about half the global box office with each movie. boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=transformers2.htm
The fact that half the income of these movies comes from Americans though doesn't bode well for the cultural future of this nation.


Look at their conception of heroism.

Imagine that exorbitant budget was put towards telling the story of the airfield fortress defenders that held - for years - and were stabbed in the back by the cease fire airstrike initiating a ISIS/Rebel assault. A wounded Syrian army soldier avoiding White Hats selectively treating - or executing - stragglers. Russian advisors and Syrian army having to mount relief counter attack wondering if nuclear Armageddon wasn't moments away in the skies above. All while Samantha Powers does her cymbal monkey routine in front of the UN security council, and 2016 election/wikileaks gears turning all the while.

But no, you get quality of life tourist/migrant female-Elian Gonzalez – SO BRAVE

Meh it will flop just like that DENIAL movie.
6 million in the hole was it right?Not even jews wanna watch that shit.


They should make a movie about that guy from /k/ that fought with Assad, I would watch that.
What happened to him anyway?

Most people won't even watch this.

I had no idea. I can assure you the action was never repeated.


His wallet is unlimited. That's the problem.

A lot of White slavery was conducted by the White British aristocracy. Ordinary men, women and children were snatched off the streets and sent to America.
Do not trust Likes and do not trust the aWhite upper class, they have deracinated themselves in favour of becoming as rich as possible, their only loyalties are to money andnpay, think Clintons for a good modern example.

That's not a very good metric because the Transformers movies are an expensive commercial to sell overpriced shitty branded goods to India and China now, it isn't for American consumption.

alternate title:


They always use plausible deniability when fucking over whites with affirmative action

Are these guys related?
Same face structure, identical height.
Even the problem glasses are the same jewish sort.
The only difference is the pedo smile of the father and the eternal smug of a spoiled bastard that landed all his movies due to unknown influences on his right.
I wouldn't be surprised due to the breeding habits of the Hollywood elite.

I think you may be on to something user

I noticed that too.
Just steriotypical Jews that look the same with their gay little Trotsky glasses.
Round glasses are ugly and look odd on square faces.

Yeah, its called being a fucking jew.

That has to be fake.

Been saying for awhile that this will start happening. I've also said that you're going to start seeing kebab men pushed more and more in porn; probably in Euro porn first since they obviously have more dealings with them in their countries.

Quads of truth. Someone get ARABED.com before its too late.

Daily reminder that ==ALL== of kikeberg's movies feature child endangerment, and that ET is a kike stand in for pedophilia.


No shit, Einstein.






What's the non-cucked version? I can only recall seeing the one that's posted.

That just about says it all, doesn't it?

Golems are synthetic.

cult-like militant religious fanatics from the inner circle of the galactic government, after they draw first blood in a failed coup-turned assassination attempt against a democratically elected leader in a vain effort to secure their jealous stranglehold on the politics of the Republic, and secure their unjust denominational hegemony on the force as a whole.
with a visible crime and drug epidemic into the secure heart of the Imperial galaxy.
>there are people on Holla Forums right now that refuse to recognize that Sheev did nothing wrong

b-b-but muh six gorillion alderanians!

Except actual terrorists

Whole thing's holocoaster-teir.

If John Oliver was there it would be like Slapshot.

Add Nu Stephen Colbert to the comparison. Also, their relation is called being a Jew.

Oy vey goyim the evil empire shocked my grandmother with a torture droid!

But with all that budget (((they))) could build a city for the refugees, fed them and give them jobs. Or adopt them. But they will make a movie for crying vaginas.

Seems the kikes are losing.

Meanwhile 1 in 1000 refugees in Sweden is a woman.

I wonder when normies wake up…

I'm not a total oldfag, but old enough at 30 to have known holyjew movies that largely had white casts.

People twice as old as me probably remember stoic white alpha male characters in the movies they used to watch.

I don't dare to think 30 years ahead. Maybe things will transform into bollywood or maybe most main characters will be transexual niggers, who knows, vid related.

It'll be the biggest hit of the summer nobody will actually see.


by using their enemy's view of things to characterize them, naturally all the below average IQ faggots would side with the protagonists because they're conformists.



I notice this all the time: the outright contempt by liberals/cucks/Jews for whiteness, and most people don't even bat an eyelash. I even hear this same talk with """"based"""" (I can't believe that some people here actually refer to him as such) people like Bill Burr when they say things like "Wow, XYZ is/was so fucking white." and it's only ever said as an insult. If it's all women? Wow, beautiful! If it's all minorities? God, I fucking love diversity. This is important. If it's even 80% white? Ugh, why can't they just fuck off and go pay more taxes or something?

Wow, America is so white. We need to change this.


funny i didn't read teenager the first time

i blame Holla Forums

It's called incest. The Jews are so racist they'd rather be inbred than outbred 'cause muh DNA.

Yes, complete with genital mutilation via ice skate


Such as that new movie about the Great Wall. Holy fuck, I have not yet seen such a blatant attempt to get the Chinese market.

the kikery in that picture is off the fucking charts

He is almost single-handedly responsible for what all modern Americans think of WWII Germans. From Schindler's List to Saving Private Ryan to helping on Band of Brothers. The lies and distortions presented in these have pervaded the entire country's culture. These media also inspired years of WWII related video games like medal of honor and all the rest. He has been their latest propaganda master for a long time.

It's about negroes fucking white girls in their sand dune hut like the pretty princesses they are.

Han solo would be the white father that has to deal with his coal burning daughter fucking a negro.

Tom Hanks too. Can't stand that cunt.

Yeah, and it's kind of scary when people think something like Schindler's List is historically accurate. Everything they touch turns to abhorrent shit and I just hope enough people get sick of it all.

Let's hope. 4chan and Infinity chan are good spots to red pill yourself but they are not good enough. We need to depower those shills and stop them from siphoning more money from idiots to get away with their brainwashing.

I was surprised that The Great Wall movie was even made. I've not seen it, but it looked like it was supposed to be positive, which I figured would trigger the fuck out of cucks in the US who hate Trump.

Considering how badly Lost was ended and how the little shit managed to go straight to feature films, I wouldn't be the least surprised if he was Spielbergo's bastard son.

I wanted to add this webm because the guy is a bit older and seems like the bluepilled type, but recently even he has been compelled to express disgust at what's being forced into everything. Considering how the Jews push this stuff in people's faces more and more, and that most people simply don't belong on a board like this one, I think there's a better strategy than trying to educate normies on complicated subjects. Like Uncle Adolf said, you can't change people's mindsets on a broad scale using reason and an encyclopedia of facts, you have to manage them as they are: they respond to emotion and imagery and can be influenced through their passions.

Yes, normies want their entertainment, Jews want shekels and they work to get their messages embedded in the entertainment. They have an advantage by controlling the entertainment's production, but this can backfire on them as their messages are increasingly pervasive and it's easier to link them to that poison. Surely there will be lots of people going to the movie mentioned by OP just because going to a movie is something to do when you're bored or whatever. But up to what point does a normie want to pay money for the product that's put out? Kikery becoming more pervasive in entertainment can be seen as an advantage if the response is less demand for all the products affected – and this affects more people across a broader spectrum of interests, that makes more opportunities for us to affect the perceptions of normies in the places they naturally gravitate towards. That way you don't have to draw them towards information or a setting that they don't have a natural affinity for, and any potential redpilling wouldn't have to be forced or presented in a way that would turn them away. So basically, allow the kikes to force their shit in people's faces, then nudge the normies into throwing their shekels somewhere else and hopefully learning something from it. If this can be applied to the gaming industry I don't see why it couldn't be applied to other products. Hard for me to lay this out but I hope you get the idea.

I wonder how this will all unfold. May Kek guide us.

every fuck thing jewjew makes that has a good idea to start with he ruins within a season or so and has absolutely no direction or plot. he just relies on lights and actions and whoever his initial writers are. it almost is like they project their schizophrenia on the audience